Zoho People API Integration Vol.2
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Zoho People API as part of the HRIS category
Add Post Learning Activity - Online Test
: post_add_post_learning_activity_online_testOperation
: writeEntities
: learner, test, courseSummary
: This API is used to create an online test as a part of post-learning activities in a Learning Management System (LMS). The API requires a course ID as a path parameter and an onlineTestData JSON object as a query parameter. The onlineTestData object includes mandatory fields such as name, durationFor, duration, maximumAttemptsAllowed, and questionsPerPage, along with optional fields like passPercentage, shuffleQuestions, showMarksToLearner, description, isMandatory, lockUntil, gradeCategoryId, and resources. The API returns a response with details about the created online test, including a preview URL, test status, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Pre Learning Activity - Online Test
: post_add_pre_learning_activity_online_testOperation
: writeEntities
: online test, course, pre learning activitySummary
: This API is used to create an online test as a pre-learning activity for a specified course. The request requires an OAuth token for authorization and the course ID as a path parameter. The online test details are provided as a JSON object in the query parameters, including mandatory fields such as 'name', 'durationFor', 'maximumAttemptsAllowed', and 'questionsPerPage'. Optional fields include 'duration', 'passPercentage', 'shuffleQuestions', and others. The response returns a success message along with details of the created online test, including a preview URL, test ID, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Adding Projects API
: post_adding_projectsOperation
: writeEntities
: project, client, departmentSummary
: The Adding Projects API is used to add new projects to the Zoho People system. It requires the formLinkName to be specified as P_TimesheetJobsList and the inputType to be either 'xml' or 'json'. The inputData parameter contains the project details in the specified format. The API requires an Authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The response includes a message indicating the success of the operation, a result array with a success message, the URI of the API call, and a status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Attendance Bulk Import API
: post_attendance_bulk_importOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, attendanceSummary
: The Attendance Bulk Import API allows for the bulk import of employee check-in and check-out details. This API is designed to integrate with attendance terminals to map user IDs of employees. The request requires an OAuth token for authorization and accepts a JSON array of employee attendance data as a query parameter. The date and time format must be specified in the request body. The API has a threshold limit of 10 requests per minute, with a lock period of 5 minutes. The response will indicate whether the import was successful or if there was an error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Attendance Check-in and Check-out API
: post_attendance_check_in_and_check_outOperation
: writeEntities
: The Attendance Check-in and Check-out API is used to capture the check-in and check-out entries of individual employees. It updates the attendance status in the web portal for every check-in and check-out. The API requires a Zoho OAuth token for authorization and accepts query parameters such as dateFormat, checkIn, checkOut, empId, emailId, and mapId. At least one of empId, emailId, or mapId must be provided to map the entry of an employee. The API returns a response indicating the success or failure of the attendance recording. It is ideal for minimal entries, with a threshold limit of 100 requests per minute and a lock period of 5 minutes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Assignment API
: post_create_assignmentOperation
: writeEntities
: module, assignment, courseSummary
: The Create Assignment API allows users to create assignments within a module of a course or batch in the LMS. The API requires a POST request to the specified URL with the courseId and moduleId as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The assignment details are provided as a JSON object in the query parameters under 'assignmentData'. Mandatory fields include 'name', 'maximumMarks', and 'submissionType'. The response includes details of the created assignment, such as assignmentId, assignMark, and assignmentName, along with a success message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Batch API
: post_create_batchOperation
: writeEntities
: location, batch, courseSummary
: The Create Batch API is used to create a new batch in the Learning Management System (LMS). It requires a POST request to the specified URL with the courseId and batchId as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The batchData query parameter is a JSON object containing mandatory fields such as name, startDate, endDate, minimumCapacity, and maximumCapacity, along with optional fields like locations, allowWaitlisting, cancelBatchWhenMinimumCapacityIsNotMet, waitingTimeForCancellation, and waitingTimeUnitForCancellation. The response includes a code, a batch object with details like start and end dates, batchId, capacities, and publish status, and a message indicating success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Batch Scheduler API
: post_create_batch_schedulerOperation
: writeEntities
: batch scheduler, location, courseSummary
: The Create Batch Scheduler API is used to create a new batch scheduler in the Learning Management System (LMS). It requires a POST request to the specified URL with the course ID as a path parameter and batch scheduler data as a query parameter. The batch scheduler data includes mandatory fields such as batch name, start date, end date, frequency, frequency unit, minimum capacity, and maximum capacity. Optional fields include batch name suffix, locations, offset, days of the week, and more. The response includes details of the created batch scheduler, such as the scheduler ID, batch name, frequency, and other configuration details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Course API
: post_create_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: permission setting, course, categorySummary
: The Create Course API is used to create new courses in the Learning Management System (LMS). It requires a POST request to the endpoint 'https://people.zoho.com/api/v1/courses' with a query parameter 'courseData' containing details about the course such as name, type, description, duration, course code, course admins, categories, and permission settings. The request must include an 'Authorization' header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The response includes details about the created course, such as its ID, URL, type, description, and various permissions and settings related to the course.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Files API
: post_create_filesOperation
: writeEntities
: file, course, moduleSummary
: The Create Files API allows users to create files within modules of courses or batches in the LMS. It supports both self-paced and blended learning courses. The API requires an OAuth token for authorization and accepts various parameters in the query string, including file name, file content, duration, description, and flags for mandatory status, intro file status, downloadability, and lock date. The response includes details of the created file, such as its name, description, duration, and various flags indicating its status and permissions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Link API
: post_create_linkOperation
: writeEntities
: module, course, linkSummary
: The Create Link API is used to create a link within the modules of courses or batches in the LMS. It supports both self-paced and blended learning courses. The API requires an OAuth token for authorization and accepts parameters such as courseId, moduleId, and optionally batchId for blended courses. The linkData query parameter is mandatory and includes details like name, embedURL, description, isMandatory, lockUntil, and resources. The API returns a response with the created link's details, including its ID, name, URL, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Modules API
: post_create_modulesOperation
: writeEntities
: module, batch, courseSummary
: The Create Modules API allows users to create modules within courses or batches in the LMS. It supports both self-paced and blended learning courses. The API requires an OAuth token for authorization and accepts parameters such as module name, duration, description, lock type, and lock until date. The response includes details of the created module, such as its duration, lock status, name, description, lock type, and module ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Offline Test API
: post_create_offline_testOperation
: writeEntities
: module, course, offline testSummary
: The Create Offline Test API is used to create an offline test within a module of a course or batch in the LMS. It supports both self-paced and blended learning courses. The API requires a POST request to the specified URL with the necessary authorization header. The request parameters include the course ID, module ID, and optionally the batch ID for blended courses. The offline test data must be provided as a JSON object in the query parameters, including mandatory fields such as name, marks, and duration, and optional fields like description, isMandatory, lockUntil, gradeCategoryId, and resources. The response includes a success message and details of the created offline test, such as total learners count, description, resources, duration, and test ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Online Test API
: post_create_online_testOperation
: writeEntities
: module, online test, courseSummary
: The Create Online Test API allows users to create an online test within a specific module of a course or batch in the LMS. The API requires a POST request to the specified URL with the courseId and moduleId as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The onlineTestData query parameter is mandatory and must contain details such as the test name, duration, maximum attempts allowed, and other test settings. The response includes a success message and details about the created online test, including a preview URL, test ID, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Session API
: post_create_sessionOperation
: writeEntities
: module, trainer, sessionSummary
: The Create Session API is used to create sessions within modules of a batch in the Learning Management System (LMS). The API requires a POST request to the specified URL with the courseId, batchId, and moduleId as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The sessionData query parameter is a JSON object containing mandatory fields such as name, trainerErecno, type, date, startTime, and endTime, along with optional fields like description, roomId, lockUntil, and gradeCategoryId. The response includes a code, session details such as sessionName, sessionEndTime, sessionStartTime, description, sessionId, roomId, and other session-related information, along with a success message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Customize Leave Balance API
: post_customize_leave_balanceOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, leave type, leave balanceSummary
: The Customize Leave Balance API allows updating the leave balance of specific leave types for a particular employee. The API requires an OAuth token for authorization and is accessible only to admins. The request URL includes the employee record number as a path parameter. The request body must contain 'balanceData', which is a JSON object detailing the leave type IDs, the new balance, the date, and the reason for the update. The 'dataFormat' parameter specifies the date format used in 'balanceData'. The API returns a message indicating the success of the operation. Error codes are provided for various failure scenarios, such as invalid employee ID, incorrect date format, or unauthorized access. The API has a threshold limit of 30 requests per minute with a lock period of 5 minutes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Disable Course API
: post_disable_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: comment, courseSummary
: The Disable Course API is used to disable a course in the LMS. It requires a POST request to the specified URL with the courseId as a path parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. Optionally, a comment can be provided in the request body to specify the reason for disabling the course. The response includes a code and message indicating the success of the operation, along with the courseId of the disabled course.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Enable Course API
: post_enable_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: training, comment, courseSummary
: The Enable Course API is used to enable courses in the LMS. It requires a POST request to the specified URL with the courseId as a path parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The API can optionally take a comment in the request body to specify an enable comment. The response includes a code, message, and the courseId of the enabled course. The API requires the scope ZOHOPEOPLE.training.ALL for complete access or ZOHOPEOPLE.training.CREATE for creation access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Enable or Disable Announcements API
: post_enable_or_disable_announcementsOperation
: writeEntities
: announcementSummary
: The Enable or Disable Announcements API allows users to enable or disable an announcement by providing the announcement ID. The API requires an OAuth token for authorization. If the announcement is currently enabled, providing the ID will disable it, and vice versa. The API has a threshold limit of 20 requests per minute with a lock period of 5 minutes. The response includes a status code and message indicating success or failure, with additional result data if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Enroll Learner To Batch API
: post_enroll_learner_to_batchOperation
: writeEntities
: learner, batch, courseSummary
: The Enroll Learner To Batch API is used to enroll learners into a specific batch within a course in the LMS. The API requires the course ID and batch ID as path parameters, and a list of employee record numbers (erecnosList) as a query parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The response includes a code indicating success or failure, a list of learners with their enrollment status, and a message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Enroll Learner To Course API
: post_enroll_learner_to_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: enrollment, learner, courseSummary
: The Enroll Learner To Course API is used to enroll learners into a specified course in the LMS. The API requires the course ID and a list of employee record numbers (erecnosList) as query parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The response includes a status code, a list of learners with their enrollment details, and a success message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Favourite Course API
: post_favourite_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: favorite, courseSummary
: The Favourite Course API is used to mark a course as favourite in the Learning Management System (LMS). The API requires a POST request to the endpoint 'https://people.zoho.com/api/v1/courses//favorite', where '' is the ID of the course to be marked as favourite. The request must include an 'Authorization' header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The API supports two scopes: 'ZOHOPEOPLE.training.ALL' for complete access and 'ZOHOPEOPLE.training.CREATE' for creating data. Upon successful marking of a course as favourite, the API returns a response with a code '200', a message 'success', and the 'courseId' of the course that was marked.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Mark Attendance API
: post_mark_attendanceOperation
: writeEntities
: module, batch, courseSummary
: The Mark Attendance API is used to mark attendance for a specific session in a Learning Management System (LMS). It requires the course ID, batch ID, module ID, session ID, learner's erecno, and attendance status as input parameters. The API uses a POST method and requires an Authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The response includes a status code and a message indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Mark Batch As Complete API
: post_mark_batch_as_completeOperation
: writeEntities
: batch, courseSummary
: The Mark Batch As Complete API is used to mark a specific batch as completed in the Learning Management System (LMS). The API requires the course ID and batch ID as path parameters, and an authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The API supports two scopes: ZOHOPEOPLE.training.ALL for complete access and ZOHOPEOPLE.training.CREATE for creating data. Upon successful completion, the API returns a response with a code, message, and the batch ID that was marked as complete.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Mark Batch As Incomplete API
: post_mark_batch_as_incompleteOperation
: writeEntities
: batch, training, courseSummary
: The Mark Batch As Incomplete API is used to mark a specific batch as incomplete within the Learning Management System (LMS) provided by Zoho. The API requires a POST request to the specified URL with the courseId and batchId as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token and a Scope header indicating the level of access, either ZOHOPEOPLE.training.ALL for complete access or ZOHOPEOPLE.training.CREATE for creation access only. Upon successful execution, the API returns a response indicating the status and a message confirming the batch has been marked as incomplete.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Pause/Resume Timer API
: post_pause_resume_timerOperation
: writeEntities
: timer, time log, responseSummary
: The Pause/Resume Timer API allows users to pause or resume an existing timer by specifying the timelog ID and the desired action ('start' or 'stop'). The API requires an OAuth token for authentication. It returns a success message if the operation is successful, or an error message with a code if it fails. The API has a threshold limit of 20 requests per minute and a lock period of 5 minutes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Publish Batch API
: post_publish_batchOperation
: writeEntities
: user, batch, courseSummary
: The Publish Batch API is used to publish a batch in the Learning Management System (LMS). It requires the course ID and batch ID as path parameters and an authorization token in the header. The API can optionally notify applicable users by setting the 'notifyApplicableUsers' parameter in the request body. The response includes a status code, the batch ID, the status of the batch, and a success message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Publish Course API
: post_publish_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: user, training, courseSummary
: The Publish Course API is used to publish courses in the Learning Management System (LMS). It requires a POST request to the endpoint with the course ID in the path. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. An optional body parameter 'notifyApplicableUsers' can be set to true or false to notify users. The response includes a code, the course ID, its status, and a success message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Reopen Onboarding API
: post_reopen_onboardingOperation
: writeEntities
: candidate, onboardingSummary
: The Reopen Onboarding API is used to reopen the onboarding process for a candidate in the Zoho People system. The API requires an authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The request can include either the candidate's email or candidate ID in the body to identify the candidate whose onboarding needs to be reopened. The API has a threshold limit of 30 requests per minute, with a lock period of 5 minutes before consecutive requests can be made. A successful response returns a message indicating success, a response code of 7000, and the candidate ID. In case of failure, an error message and code 7033 are returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Suggest Course API
: post_suggest_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, courseSummary
: The Suggest Course API is used to suggest a course in the LMS. It requires a POST request to the endpoint with the courseId as a path parameter and a list of employee erecnos as a query parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The API returns a response with a code, message, the list of suggested employee erecnos, and the courseId.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Trigger Onboarding API
: post_trigger_onboardingOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, candidateSummary
: The Trigger Onboarding API is used to initiate the onboarding process for an existing candidate or employee in the Zoho People system. The API requires an OAuth token for authorization, which should be included in the request headers. The request body must contain the 'userId', which is the record ID of the candidate or employee for whom the onboarding is to be triggered. The API has a threshold limit of 30 requests per minute, with a lock period of 5 minutes before consecutive requests can be made. Upon successful execution, the API returns a response message indicating success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Unenroll Learner From Batch API
: post_unenroll_learner_from_batchOperation
: writeEntities
: learner, batch, courseSummary
: The Unenroll Learner From Batch API allows you to unenroll a learner from a specific batch in the LMS. It requires the course ID and batch ID as path parameters, and a list of employee erec numbers as a query parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The response includes a status code, a list of learners with their unenrollment status, and a success message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Unenroll Learner From Course API
: post_unenroll_learner_from_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: enrollment status, learner, courseSummary
: The Unenroll Learner From Course API is used to unenroll a learner from a specified course in the LMS. The API requires the course ID and a list of employee record numbers (erecnosList) as query parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The response includes a code indicating success or failure, a list of learners with their unenrollment status, and a message indicating the result of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Unfavourite Course API
: post_unfavourite_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: course, favouriteSummary
: The Unfavourite Course API is used to unmark a course as a favourite in the Learning Management System (LMS). It requires a POST request to the specified URL with the course ID as a path parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The API supports two scopes: ZOHOPEOPLE.training.ALL for complete access and ZOHOPEOPLE.training.CREATE for creating data. Upon successful execution, the API returns a response with a code, message, and the course ID that was unfavourited.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Unpublish Batch API
: post_unpublish_batchOperation
: writeEntities
: batch, courseSummary
: The Unpublish Batch API is used to unpublish a specific batch within a course in the LMS. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint with the courseId and batchId specified in the URL path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The API responds with a JSON object containing a response code, a message indicating success, and the ID of the batch that was unpublished. The API requires either the ZOHOPEOPLE.training.ALL or ZOHOPEOPLE.training.CREATE scope for authorization.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Unpublish Course API
: post_unpublish_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: scope, authorization, courseSummary
: The Unpublish Course API is used to unpublish a course in the LMS. It requires a POST request to the endpoint with the course ID specified in the path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The API responds with a JSON object containing a response code, a message indicating success, and the ID of the course that was unpublished.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Assignment Marks API
: post_update_assignment_marksOperation
: writeEntities
: module, assignment, courseSummary
: The Update Assignment Marks API is used to update the marks of a learner's assignment in the LMS. It requires the course ID, module ID, assignment ID, learner's Erecno, and the marks to be updated as query parameters. The API uses a POST method and requires an Authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The response returns a status code and message indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Record API
: post_update_employee_recordOperation
: writeEntities
: The Update Employee Record API is used to modify the field values of a specified employee record in Zoho People. The API requires the formLinkName and inputType as path parameters, and inputData and recordId as query parameters. The inputData can be provided in either XML or JSON format. The API requires an Authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The response includes the primary key ID of the updated record, a message indicating the update status, the URI of the API endpoint, and a status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Offline Test Marks API
: post_update_offline_test_marksOperation
: writeEntities
: module, course, offline testSummary
: The Update Offline Test Marks API allows users to update the marks of an offline test for a specific learner in the Learning Management System (LMS). The API requires the course ID, module ID, and offline test ID as path parameters, and the learner's Erecno and the marks to be updated as query parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The API supports two types of courses: Self Paced and Blended Learning, with different URL structures. Upon successful execution, the API returns a response with a code and status indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Record API
: post_update_recordOperation
: writeEntities
: The Update Record API is used to modify the field values of a specified record in Zoho People. The API requires inputData and recordId as query parameters. The API requires an Authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The response includes the primary key ID of the updated record, a message indicating the update status, the URI of the API endpoint, and a status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Publish Job Schedule API
: publish_job_scheduleOperation
: writeEntities
: user, job schedule, dateSummary
: The Publish Job Schedule API is used to publish job schedules for specified users within a given date range. The API requires an authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The query parameters include 'user' to specify the user (ERECNO, Email-ID, Employee-ID, or 'all'), 'fromDate' to specify the start date, and 'toDate' to specify the end date for publishing job schedules. The API returns a success message if the job schedules are published successfully, or an error message with an error code if there is an issue. The API has a threshold limit of 20 requests per minute and a lock period of 5 minutes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Attendance Check-in and Check-out API
: punch_in_attendanceOperation
: writeEntities
: The Attendance Check-in and Check-out API is used to capture the check-in and check-out entries of individual employees. It updates the attendance status in the web portal for every check-in and check-out. The API requires a Zoho OAuth token for authorization and accepts query parameters such as dateFormat, checkIn, checkOut, empId, emailId, and mapId. At least one of empId, emailId, or mapId must be provided to map the entry of an employee. The API returns a response indicating the success or failure of the attendance recording. It is ideal for minimal entries, with a threshold limit of 100 requests per minute and a lock period of 5 minutes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Trainer API
: put_add_trainerOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, authorization, trainerSummary
: The Add Trainer API is used to add a new trainer in the LMS. It requires a PUT request to the specified URL with a mandatory query parameter 'erecnosList', which is a JSON array of employee record numbers. The request must include an 'Authorization' header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The API returns a response containing details of the added trainers, including their erecno, display name, employee ID, display picture URL, and trainer ID. The response also includes a code and message indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Share Course API
: put_share_courseOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, courseSummary
: The Share Course API allows users to share a course with specified employees in the LMS. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint with the course ID in the path and a list of employee record numbers (erecnosList) as a query parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a valid Zoho OAuth token. The response includes details of the shared users, such as their erecno, display name, employee ID, email ID, and display picture URL, along with a response code and message indicating success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Start Timer API
: start_timer_apiOperation
: writeEntities
: timer, time log, jobSummary
: The Start Timer API is used to initiate a new timer for a specified job and user in the Zoho People Time Tracker. The API requires mandatory query parameters such as 'user', 'jobId', 'workDate', 'billingStatus', and 'timer'. The 'user' parameter can be an ERECNO, Email-ID, or Employee-ID. The 'jobId' specifies the job for which the timer is started, and 'workDate' is the date for the timelog. The 'billingStatus' indicates whether the time is billable or not, and 'timer' must be set to 'start'. Optional parameters include 'dateFormat', 'projectId', 'description', and 'workItem'. The API returns a response with a 'timeLogId' upon successful creation of a timelog. Error codes and messages are provided for various failure scenarios, such as missing parameters or permission issues. The API has a threshold limit of 20 requests per minute, with a lock period of 5 minutes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Candidate API
: update_candidate_apiOperation
: writeEntities
: field, candidate, recordSummary
: The Update Candidate API is used to modify the field values of a specific candidate in the Zoho People system. The API requires an OAuth token for authentication, which should be included in the request headers. The request URL includes query parameters 'inputData', a JSON string specifying the fields to be updated, and 'recordId', the ID of the candidate record to be modified. The API allows up to 30 requests per minute, with a lock period of 5 minutes between consecutive requests. Upon successful update, the API returns a response containing the primary key ID of the updated record, a success message, the URI of the API endpoint, and a status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Record API
: update_employee_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: The Update Employee Record API is used to modify the field values of a specified employee record in Zoho People. The API requires the formLinkName and inputType as path parameters, and inputData and recordId as query parameters. The inputData can be provided in either XML or JSON format. The API requires an Authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The response includes the primary key ID of the updated record, a message indicating the update status, the URI of the API endpoint, and a status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Employee Shift Mapping API
: update_employee_shift_mappingOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, shiftSummary
: The Employee Shift Mapping API is used to map employees to their respective shifts. By using this API, you can associate an employee, identified by their employee ID, to a particular shift. The mapping is done based on the specified 'From' and 'To' dates. The API requires an authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The query parameters include the employee ID, shift name, from date, to date, and an optional date format. The response includes the status and a message indicating the result of the operation. The API has a threshold limit of 60 requests per minute and a lock period of 5 minutes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Record API
: update_leave_requestOperation
: writeEntities
: The Update Record API is used to modify the field values of a specified record in Zoho People. The API requires inputData and recordId as query parameters. The API requires an Authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The response includes the primary key ID of the updated record, a message indicating the update status, the URI of the API endpoint, and a status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Record API
: update_record_apiOperation
: writeEntities
: form, field, recordSummary
: The Update Record API is used to modify the field values of a specified record in Zoho People. The API requires the formLinkName and inputType as path parameters, and inputData and recordId as query parameters. The inputData can be provided in either XML or JSON format. The API requires an Authorization header with a Zoho OAuth token. The response includes the primary key ID of the updated record, a message indicating the update status, the URI of the API endpoint, and a status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add and Upload File to Employee Profile
: upload_document_of_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: This API allows for adding and uploading a file to an employee's profile in one request. It requires an OAuth token for authentication and takes various parameters such as file name, description, type, confidentiality, and employee ID. The response includes the file ID, a message, the URI of the API endpoint, and the status of the response.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Upload File API
: upload_file_apiOperation
: writeEntities
: fileSummary
: The Upload File API allows users to upload a file to the Zoho People platform. The API requires two query parameters: 'authtoken', which is the authentication token, and 'uploadfile', which specifies the file to be uploaded. Upon successful upload, the API returns a response containing a message, the file path where the file is stored, the file name, a status code, and the URI of the API endpoint.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated 3 months ago