Workable API Integration

These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Workable API as part of the ATS category

Create Comment with Attachment on Candidate's Timeline

  • ID: add_attachment_to_application
  • Operation: write
  • Entities:
  • Summary: This API creates a attachment for an application using comments API.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Candidate Events

  • ID: candidate_events
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: candidate, event, job
  • Summary: The Candidate Events API is triggered when an event related to a candidate occurs. It provides detailed information about the candidate, including personal details, education, experience, and social profiles. The API accepts a payload containing candidate data, event type, and event metadata. The response includes the same data structure, confirming the event details. This API is useful for tracking candidate progress and managing recruitment workflows.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Unsubscribe from an Event

  • ID: delete_unsubscribe_from_event
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: event, subscription
  • Summary: This API endpoint allows users to unsubscribe from an event by deleting a subscription. It requires the 'r_candidates' or 'r_employees' scope and is accessible with all token types. The endpoint is used to delete obsolete subscriptions, especially for third-party integrations. The request must include the account subdomain and the ID of the webhook subscription as path parameters. The request headers must include 'Content-Type', 'Authorization', and 'Accept'. A successful request returns a 200 status code with an empty body. If the authorization fails, a 401 status code with an error message is returned. If the subscription is not found, a 404 status code with an error message is returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account Departments

  • ID: get_account_departments
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: department, account, employee management
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of departments associated with your account. It requires the 'r_account' scope, which can be enabled through the Integrations section in the Settings menu. The endpoint is accessible for accounts with Employee Management features enabled. The request must include a Bearer token in the Authorization header and the account subdomain as a path parameter. The response returns a list of departments, each with an 'id', 'name', 'parent_id', and 'archived' status. If the request is unauthorized, a 401 status code with an error message is returned. If the endpoint is not found, a 404 status code with an error message is returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account Details

  • ID: get_account_details
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: account
  • Summary: The Get Account Details API retrieves information about a specific account using the subdomain as a path parameter. It requires an authorization bearer token with the 'r_jobs' scope. The response includes details such as the account's unique ID, name, subdomain, description, summary, and website URL. If the request is unauthorized or the account is not found, appropriate error messages are returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account Employee Fields

  • ID: get_account_employee_fields
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: subdomain, account, employee field
  • Summary: The 'Get Account Employee Fields' API endpoint retrieves a collection of employee fields defined for a specific account. It requires the 'r_account' scope for access, which can be enabled through the Integrations section in the Settings menu. The endpoint requires a subdomain as a path parameter and optionally accepts a member_id as a query parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes a list of employee fields, each with details such as id, label, type, and access levels for editing, approving, and viewing. The fields can be of various types, including text, dropdown, and composite, with options for dropdown fields and subfields for composite fields. The API returns a 200 status code on success, with possible error responses including 401 for unauthorized access and 404 for not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account Employees

  • ID: get_account_employees
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: department, employee, division
  • Summary: The Get Account Employees API retrieves a collection of employees associated with a specific account. It requires the 'r_employees' scope for access, which can be enabled through the Integrations section in the Settings menu. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}', where 'subdomain' is a required path parameter. The API supports several optional query parameters, including 'limit', 'offset', 'query', 'order_by', and 'member_id', to filter and paginate the results. The response includes a total count of employees and a list of employee objects, each containing details such as id, firstname, lastname, email, start_date, state, employee_number, avatar, phone, address, job_title, manager_id, department_id, template_id, division_id, candidate_id, roles, legal_entity_id, work_schedule_id, and work_email. The API returns a 401 status code if not authorized and a 404 status code if the resource is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account External Recruiters

  • ID: get_account_external_recruiters
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: recruiter, account, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of external recruiters associated with a specific job in your account. It requires a valid Bearer token for authorization and the job's shortcode as a path parameter. The response includes a list of recruiters, each with an ID, name, and email address. If the request is unauthorized or the job is not found, an error message is returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account Jobs Collection

  • ID: get_account_jobs_collection
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: location, department, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of jobs associated with your account from Workable. It requires the 'r_jobs' scope and is accessible with all token types. The endpoint supports various query parameters to filter the jobs based on state, creation date, update date, and more. The response includes an array of job objects, each containing details such as job ID, title, department, location, and salary. The response also includes paging information to navigate through multiple pages of results.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account Legal Entities

  • ID: get_account_legal_entities
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: location, legal entity, site
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of legal entities associated with your account. It requires the 'r_account' scope, which can be enabled through the Integrations section in the Settings menu. The endpoint is accessible only for accounts with Employee Management features enabled. The request must include a Bearer token for authorization and specify the account subdomain as a path parameter. The response includes an array of legal entities, each with details such as id, name, legal_name, type, parent_id, and display_name. The API returns a 200 status code with the list of entities on success, a 401 status code if not authorized, and a 404 status code if the resource is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account Members

  • ID: get_account_members
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: role, account, member
  • Summary: The Get Account Members API retrieves a collection of members associated with your account. It requires the 'r_jobs' scope and can be accessed using account or user tokens. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}'. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and a Content-Type header set to 'application/json'. Optional query parameters include 'limit', 'since_id', 'max_id', 'role', and 'shortcode' to filter the results. The response includes a list of members with details such as 'id', 'name', 'headline', 'email', 'role', and 'hris_role'. Possible roles include 'admin', 'simple', and 'reviewer', while hris roles include 'hris_admin' and 'hris_employee'. The API returns a 200 status code on success, and error messages for 401 (Not authorized) and 404 (Not found) status codes.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account Members for a Job

  • ID: get_account_members_for_a_job
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: member, job, hiring team
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of account members associated with a specific job, identified by its shortcode. It requires an authorization bearer token with the 'r_jobs' scope. The endpoint returns details about each member, including their ID, name, headline, email, role, and collaboration role within the hiring team. The roles are defined at the account level and include admin, simple, recruiter, and reviewer. The collaboration roles are specific to the job and include admin, recruiting_admin, hiring_manager, simple, reviewer, and recruiter. The API returns a 200 status code with member details on success, a 401 status code if not authorized, and a 404 status code if the job is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account Requisitions

  • ID: get_account_requisitions
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: department, job, requisition
  • Summary: The Get Account Requisitions API retrieves a collection of requisitions associated with your account. It requires the 'r_requisitions' scope and is accessible with all token types. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}'. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token. Optional query parameters allow filtering by requisition state, job ID, plan date range, and more. The response includes an array of requisitions, each with detailed information such as job, department, location, hiring manager, salary range, and more. The response also includes paging information if there are more results than the specified limit. The API returns a 200 status code on success, with possible error responses including 401 (Not authorized) and 404 (Not found).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account Work Schedules

  • ID: get_account_work_schedules
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: work day, work schedule, break interval
  • Summary: The Get Account Work Schedules API endpoint retrieves a collection of work schedules associated with a specific account. It requires the 'r_account' scope for authorization, which can be enabled through the Integrations section in the Settings menu. The endpoint is accessed via a GET request to 'https://{subdomain}', where 'subdomain' is a required path parameter representing the account subdomain. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and an 'accept' header specifying 'application/json'. The response is a JSON array of work schedule objects, each containing an 'id', 'name', 'status', 'work_days', 'week_starts_on', and 'work_hours'. The 'work_days' field is an array detailing the work hours and intervals for each day of the week. The API returns a 200 status code with the work schedules on success, a 401 status code if not authorized, and a 404 status code if the resource is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Account's Custom Attributes

  • ID: get_accounts_custom_attributes
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: choice, custom attribute, translation
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of custom attributes associated with an account. It requires the 'r_jobs' scope and is accessible with all token types. The endpoint URL is 'https://{subdomain}', where 'subdomain' is a required path parameter representing the account's subdomain. The request must include an 'Authorization' header with a Bearer token and a 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response includes an array of custom attributes, each with details such as 'id', 'type', 'enabled', 'label', 'hint', and for multiple_choice types, 'choices' with 'id', 'body', 'hint', and 'translations'. Possible response status codes include 200 (success), 401 (not authorized), and 404 (not found).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get All Accessible Accounts

  • ID: get_all_accessible_accounts
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: account
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of all accounts that the authenticated user has access to. It requires the 'r_jobs' scope and is accessible with all token types. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and a Content-Type header set to 'application/json'. The response includes a list of accounts, each with details such as id, name, subdomain, description, summary, and website URL. If the request is unauthorized, a 401 status code with an error message is returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Job Candidates Collection

  • ID: get_all_job_applications
  • Operation: read
  • Entities:
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of job candidates from the Workable platform. It requires the 'r_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The endpoint supports various query parameters to filter candidates by email, job shortcode, stage, and more. The response includes an array of candidates with detailed information such as name, email, job title, and stage. Paging information is also provided to navigate through large sets of results. The default limit for results is 50, but it can be adjusted up to a maximum of 100 per page.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

API Rate Limiting Information

  • ID: get_api_rate_limiting_information
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: response, request, client
  • Summary: This API provides information about rate limiting for clients accessing the API. Rate limits are applied based on the type of token used (account, OAuth 2.0, or partner) and are measured in 10-second intervals. The API returns HTTP 429 responses when rate limits are exceeded. Response headers include 'X-Rate-Limit-Limit', 'X-Rate-Limit-Remaining', and 'X-Rate-Limit-Reset' to help clients manage their request rates. Legacy partners can use the 'X-WORKABLE-CLIENT-ID' header to access increased limits. Contact for client ID information.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Application Form Details for a Job

  • ID: get_application_form_details_for_a_job
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: question, application form, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves the application form details for a specified job using the job's shortcode. It requires a Bearer token for authorization and the 'r_jobs' scope. The endpoint returns a JSON object containing two arrays: 'form_fields' and 'questions'. The 'form_fields' array includes details about each form field, such as key, label, type, and whether it is required. The 'questions' array includes details about each question, such as id, body, type, and whether an answer is required. This API is useful for building dynamic application forms that adhere to the rules defined in the Job Editor's 'Application Form' tab.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Candidate Activity Stream

  • ID: get_candidate_activity_stream
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: candidate, activity, member
  • Summary: This API retrieves the activity stream of a specified candidate from the Workable platform. It requires the 'r_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{id}/activities'. The request must include the 'Authorization' header with a Bearer token and the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. Path parameters include 'subdomain' for the account subdomain and 'id' for the candidate's ID. Optional query parameters include 'limit' to specify the number of activities per page, 'since_id' to return results with an ID greater than or equal to the specified ID, and 'max_id' to return results with an ID less than or equal to the specified ID. The response is a JSON array of activities, each containing details such as 'action', 'stage_name', 'created_at', 'member', 'body', and 'rating'. Possible response status codes include 200 (success), 401 (not authorized), and 404 (not found).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Candidate Details

  • ID: get_candidate_details
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: candidate, account, job
  • Summary: The Get Candidate Details API retrieves detailed information about a specific candidate using their unique ID. It requires a Bearer token for authorization and the candidate's ID as a path parameter. The API returns a comprehensive JSON object containing the candidate's personal information, job details, education and experience entries, skills, social profiles, and more. The response includes fields such as name, email, phone, address, job title, and location, among others. The API is accessible with all token types and requires the 'r_candidates' scope.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Candidate Offer Details

  • ID: get_candidate_offer_details
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: document, candidate, offer
  • Summary: The Get Candidate Offer Details API retrieves the offer-related data for a specified candidate. It requires the 'r_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{id}/offer', where 'subdomain' is the account subdomain and 'id' is the candidate's ID. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes details such as the candidate's ID and name, the offer creation date, document variables, related documents, and the state of the offer. Document variables provide additional details like salary, job responsibilities, and other notes. The documents array contains URLs to offer-related documents.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Collection of Events

  • ID: get_collection_of_events
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: candidate, event, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of events from the specified subdomain in Workable. It requires the 'r_jobs' scope and can be accessed using account or user tokens. The request must include a Bearer token for authorization. The subdomain is a required path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'type', 'limit', 'since_id', 'max_id', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'candidate_id', 'shortcode', 'member_id', 'context', and 'include_cancelled'. The response includes a list of events, each with details such as id, title, description, type, start and end times, cancellation status, associated job, members, candidate, and conference details. Possible response status codes are 200 (success), 401 (not authorized), and 404 (not found).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Custom Attributes for a Specific Job

  • ID: get_custom_attributes_for_a_specific_job
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: choice, custom attribute, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of custom attributes relevant to a specific job identified by its shortcode. The request requires a Bearer token for authorization and the job's shortcode as a path parameter. The response includes an array of custom attributes, each with details such as id, type, label, hint, and choices for multiple_choice types. The API returns a 200 status code with the custom attributes on success, and error messages with status codes 401 or 404 for unauthorized or not found errors, respectively.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Departments of Public Jobs for a Specified Account

  • ID: get_departments_of_public_jobs_for_a_specified_account
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: public job, department, account
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of departments for the public jobs of a specified account. The request requires a path parameter 'subdomain' which is the account subdomain. The response includes a list of departments, each containing the department's name, the number of public jobs in that department, and a URL. If the account is not found, a 404 status code is returned with an error message.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Employee Information

  • ID: get_employee_information
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: department, employee, legal entity
  • Summary: The Get Employee Information API retrieves all relevant information for a specific employee using their unique ID. It requires the 'r_employees' scope and can be accessed with user access tokens or account level tokens with the 'member_id' query parameter. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{id}'. The request must include the 'Authorization' header with a Bearer token and the 'accept' header set to 'application/json'. The path parameters include 'subdomain' and 'id', both required. The optional query parameter 'member_id' is required for account tokens. The response provides a comprehensive overview of the employee's profile, including personal details, professional details, and other attributes. The response structure varies based on the permissions associated with the token used. HR admins can view all information, while regular members or managers may see limited data. The API response includes fields such as 'id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'preferred_name', 'employee_number', 'status', 'country', 'address', 'gender', 'birthdate', 'marital_status_group', 'phone_group', 'work_email', 'personal_email', 'chat_group', 'social_group', 'job_title', 'hire_date', 'start_date', 'legal_entity', 'department', 'reports_to', 'direct_reports', 'employment_group', 'work_schedule', 'salary_group', 'bank_details_group', 'social_security_number_group', 'national_identification_number_group', 'social_insurance_number_group', 'tax_identification_number_group', 'nationality', 'citizenship', 'passport_group', 'visa_group', 'education_group', 'work_experience_group', 'skills', 'language', 'contact_group', and 'custom_fields'.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Employee Uploaded Documents

  • ID: get_employee_uploaded_documents
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: document, employee
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of documents uploaded for a specific employee. It requires a GET request to the URL 'https://{subdomain}{id}/documents' with the necessary authorization header. The path parameters include 'subdomain' and 'id' for the account subdomain and employee ID, respectively. An optional query parameter 'member_id' is required for account tokens. The response includes a total count of documents and an array of document details such as 'id', 'filename', 'filepath', 'filesize', and 'created_by'. The API requires the 'r_employees' scope, which can be enabled through the Integrations section in the Settings menu.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Event Details

  • ID: get_event_details
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: candidate, event, job
  • Summary: The Get Event Details API retrieves information about a specific event identified by its ID. It requires the 'r_jobs' scope and can be accessed using account or user tokens. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{id}', where 'subdomain' is the account subdomain and 'id' is the event ID. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes details such as the event's ID, title, description, type, start and end times, associated job details, participating members, candidate information, and conference details if applicable. Possible response status codes include 200 (success), 401 (not authorized), and 404 (not found).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Job Activity Stream

  • ID: get_job_activity_stream
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: candidate, activity, job
  • Summary: The Get Job Activity Stream API retrieves the activity stream of a specified job using its shortcode. It requires the 'r_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{shortcode}/activities'. The request must include a Bearer token in the Authorization header. The 'shortcode' path parameter is required to specify the job. Optional query parameters include 'limit' to specify the number of activities per page, 'since_id' to filter activities with an ID greater than or equal to the specified ID, and 'max_id' to filter activities with an ID less than or equal to the specified ID. The response includes an array of activities, each containing details such as action, stage name, creation timestamp, candidate information, member information, and activity body. Possible response status codes include 200 (success), 401 (not authorized), and 404 (not found).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Job Candidates Collection

  • ID: get_job_candidates_collection
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: candidate, stage, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of job candidates from the Workable platform. It requires the 'r_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The endpoint supports various query parameters to filter candidates by email, job shortcode, stage, and more. The response includes an array of candidates with detailed information such as name, email, job title, and stage. Paging information is also provided to navigate through large sets of results. The default limit for results is 50, but it can be adjusted up to a maximum of 100 per page. The 'next_page_url' query parameter can be used to specify the URL for the next page of results, aiding in pagination.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Job Details

  • ID: get_job_details
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: location, department, job
  • Summary: The Get Job Details API retrieves detailed information about a specific job using its shortcode. It requires an authorization bearer token with the 'r_jobs' scope. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{shortcode}', where 'shortcode' is a required path parameter representing the job's unique code. The response includes comprehensive job details such as the job's title, state, department, location, description, requirements, benefits, employment type, industry, function, experience, education, keywords, and salary information. The API returns a JSON object with all these details, and it can respond with error messages if the request is unauthorized or if the job is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Job Questions

  • ID: get_job_questions
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: question, field, job
  • Summary: The Get Job Questions API retrieves a list of questions associated with a specific job identified by its shortcode. This API requires the 'r_jobs' scope and is accessible with all token types. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and a Content-Type header set to 'application/json'. The endpoint returns a JSON array of questions, each containing details such as the question's ID, body, type, and whether it is required. Additional fields may include choices for dropdown or multiple choice questions, supported file types, and maximum file size for file upload questions. The API can return a 401 status code if not authorized or a 404 status code if the job is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

List Subscriptions

  • ID: get_list_subscriptions
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: stage, job, subscription
  • Summary: The List Subscriptions API endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of their subscriptions associated with a specific subdomain. The request requires a Bearer token for authorization and the subdomain as a path parameter. The response includes a list of subscriptions with details such as subscription ID, target URL, validity, creation date, stage slug, and job shortcode. If the request is unauthorized or the subdomain is not found, an error message is returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

List Time Off Categories

  • ID: get_list_time_off_categories
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: scope, time off category, account
  • Summary: The List Time Off Categories API endpoint retrieves all time off categories configured for a specific account. It requires the 'r_timeoff' scope, which can be enabled through the Integrations section in the Settings menu. The endpoint requires a Bearer token for authorization and the account subdomain as a path parameter. The response includes a collection of time off categories, each with a unique identifier, name, type (either 'paid' or 'unpaid'), and a description. Possible response status codes include 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, and 404 if the resource is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Offer Details

  • ID: get_offer_details
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: document, candidate, offer
  • Summary: The Get Offer Details API retrieves detailed information about a specific offer using its ID. The API requires a GET request to the endpoint https://{subdomain}{id} with a Bearer token for authorization. The path parameter 'id' is required to specify the offer ID. The response includes details such as candidate information, offer creation date, document variables, related documents, and the state of the offer. The API returns a JSON object with requisition details, including job, department, location, hiring manager, salary range, employment type, and approval groups. In case of errors, it returns appropriate error messages such as 'Not authorized' or 'Not found'.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Candidate Offer Details

  • ID: get_offers_associated_with_an_application
  • Operation: read
  • Entities:
  • Summary: The Get Candidate Offer Details API retrieves the offer-related data for a specified candidate. It requires the 'r_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{id}/offer', where 'subdomain' is the account subdomain and 'id' is the candidate's ID. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes details such as the candidate's ID and name, the offer creation date, document variables, related documents, and the state of the offer. Document variables provide additional details like salary, job responsibilities, and other notes. The documents array contains URLs to offer-related documents.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Public Job Locations for Account

  • ID: get_public_job_locations_for_account
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: location, account, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of locations where public jobs are available for a specified account. The request requires a path parameter 'subdomain' which is the account's subdomain. The response includes a list of locations, each with a 2-letter country code, the name of the country, the count of public jobs in that country, and a URL for location-specific jobs. If the account is not found, a 404 status code is returned with an error message.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Public Jobs for an Account

  • ID: get_public_jobs_for_an_account
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: department, account, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of public jobs for a specified account on Workable. The endpoint requires a path parameter 'subdomain' which is the account's subdomain. An optional query parameter 'details' can be included to fetch job descriptions. The response includes the account's name, description, and a list of public jobs. Each job contains detailed information such as title, code, location, department, telecommuting status, publication date, URLs, description, employment type, industry, function, experience, and education requirements. A 404 status code is returned if the account is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Combined Members and External Recruiters for a Job

  • ID: get_recruiters_assigned_to_a_job
  • Operation: read
  • Entities:
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a combined list of account members and external recruiters associated with a specific job, identified by its shortcode. It requires an authorization bearer token and the job's shortcode as a path parameter. The response includes details about each member, such as their ID, name, headline, email, role, and collaboration role within the hiring team, as well as a list of external recruiters with their ID, name, and email address. If the request is unauthorized or the job is not found, an error message is returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Recruitment Pipeline Stages

  • ID: get_recruitment_pipeline_stages
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: stage, recruitment pipeline, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of recruitment pipeline stages for a specific job identified by its shortcode. It requires an authorization bearer token with the 'r_jobs' scope. The response includes details of each stage such as its unique slug, name, type, and position in the pipeline. Possible response status codes include 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, and 404 if the job is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Requisition Details

  • ID: get_requisition_details
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: department, job, requisition
  • Summary: The Get Requisition Details API retrieves detailed information about a specific requisition identified by its code. It requires a Bearer token for authorization and returns a comprehensive JSON object containing details such as job information, department, location, hiring manager, owner, salary range, employment type, and more. The API also provides information on requisition attributes and approval groups. The response includes the requisition's state, reason, and other relevant details. In case of errors, it returns appropriate error messages.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Candidate Stage Details

  • ID: get_the_current_stage_of_an_application
  • Operation: read
  • Entities:
  • Summary: The Get Candidate Stage Details API retrieves the stage details of a candidate by first fetching the candidate's current stage using their unique ID and then retrieving the corresponding stage details from the recruitment pipeline of the job associated with the candidate. It requires a Bearer token for authorization and the candidate's ID as a path parameter. The response includes the stage's unique slug, name, type, and position in the pipeline. This API combines the functionalities of fetching candidate details and recruitment pipeline stages to provide the specific stage object of the candidate.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Time Off Balances

  • ID: get_time_off_balances
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: time off category, employee, time off balance
  • Summary: The Get Time Off Balances API endpoint retrieves a collection of time off balances for all time off categories for a specific employee. It requires the 'r_timeoff' scope, which can be enabled through the Integrations section in the Settings menu. The endpoint requires a Bearer token for authorization and accepts an optional 'employee_id' query parameter if an account level token is used. The response includes details such as available units, units carried over, units used, and whether the category has unlimited time off, along with category ID, tracking unit, name, and description.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Time Off Requests

  • ID: get_time_off_requests
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: employee, category, time off request
  • Summary: The Get Time Off Requests API endpoint retrieves a collection of time off requests for a specified account subdomain. It requires the 'r_timeoff' scope for authorization, which can be enabled through the Integrations section in the Settings menu. The endpoint requires a Bearer token for authorization and accepts query parameters such as 'from_date', 'to_date', 'category_ids', 'states', and 'employee_id' to filter the results. The response includes details of each time off request, such as the request ID, date range, state, total days requested, and category name. The API returns a 200 status code with the requests data on success, and error messages with status codes 401 or 404 for unauthorized or not found errors, respectively.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Workable API Access for Recruiting Data Management

  • ID: get_workable_api_access
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: candidate, employee, job
  • Summary: The Workable API provides access to recruiting data, allowing users to extract information about their account, hiring members, pipeline stages, jobs, scheduled events, and job or candidate activities. It also enables managing candidates by fetching, creating, updating, and executing various actions on them. Additionally, it allows managing employees by listing, getting information, creating, and updating employee records and documents. The API does not support CORS and uses different resource IDs for non-disclosure reasons.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Assessments & Video Interviews API

  • ID: integrate_assessments_video_interviews
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: assessment provider, video interview provider, background check provider
  • Summary: The Assessments & Video Interviews API allows Assessment Providers, Video Interview Providers, and Background Check Providers to integrate their services with Workable. This API enables providers to inject assessments, video interviews, and background check results directly into a candidate's timeline on Workable. The API requires an Authorization header with a bearer token for authentication and a Content-Type header. The request body must include the candidate's unique identifier, the type of assessment or interview, the provider's name, and optionally, the results of the assessment or interview. The response includes the status and a message indicating the success or failure of the integration.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Integrate with Workable via Merge

  • ID: integrate_with_workable_via_merge
  • Operation: read, write
  • Entities: integration, data model, customer
  • Summary: The 'Integrate with Workable via Merge' API allows developers to seamlessly integrate their applications with Workable using Merge's Unified API for Applicant Tracking Systems. This API provides a standardized data model to facilitate data exchange between your product and various platforms, including HRIS/Payroll, ATS, Accounting, CRM, and more. Merge handles the integration process end-to-end, offering tools for data sync control, webhook configuration, and issue resolution. Key features include easy onboarding through Merge Link, continuous real-time data syncing, bi-directional data flow, and access to custom fields. Developers can manage integrations using a comprehensive suite of tools provided by Merge. To get started, sign up for a free account or schedule a demo to explore how Merge can support your integration needs.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Partner Token Integration for Workable API

  • ID: partner_token_integration_for_workable_api
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: partner token, integration, permission
  • Summary: The Partner Token Integration for Workable API allows third-party providers to access specific endpoints using a Partner Token. This token is used for authorization and is associated with specific scopes determined during integration development. To use this API, the request must include headers for Content-Type, Authorization with the Partner Token, and X-WORKABLE-CLIENT-ID with the Client ID (UID). The API endpoint retrieves jobs filtered by their state, such as 'published'. The response includes a list of job objects with details like job ID, title, and state.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Approve Offer

  • ID: patch_approve_offer
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, offer, requisition
  • Summary: The Approve Offer API allows users to approve an offer that is in a compatible state. This API requires the 'w_offers' scope and is accessible only with user tokens. The endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{id}/approve' and uses the PATCH method. The request must include the 'Authorization' header with a Bearer token and the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The 'id' path parameter is required to specify the offer to be approved. The response includes a JSON representation of the offer, detailing requisitions, job information, department, location, hiring manager, owner, salary range, employment type, requisition attributes, and approval groups. Possible error responses include 'Not authorized' (401) and 'Not found' (404).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Approve Requisition

  • ID: patch_approve_requisition
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: department, job, requisition
  • Summary: The Approve Requisition API allows users to approve a requisition that is in a compatible state. This API requires the 'w_requisitions' scope and is accessible with user tokens only. The endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{code}/approve' and uses the PATCH method. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and a Content-Type header set to 'application/json'. The path parameter 'code' is required and specifies the code of the requisition to be approved. Upon successful approval, the API returns a full requisition JSON object containing details such as job, department, location, hiring manager, owner, plan date, salary range, employment type, reason, state, requisition attributes, and approval groups. Possible response status codes include 200 (success), 401 (not authorized), and 404 (not found).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Partially Update a Candidate

  • ID: patch_partially_update_a_candidate
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, account, job
  • Summary: The 'Partially Update a Candidate' API allows users to update specific fields of a candidate's profile in the Workable system. This API requires the 'w_candidates' scope and can be accessed with all token types. The endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}'. Users can update fields such as firstname, lastname, email, headline, summary, address, phone, cover letter, resume, image, education entries, experience entries, skills, tags, and social profiles. The request must include the candidate's ID in the path parameters and a bearer token in the headers for authorization. The response includes the updated candidate information, including their ID, name, headline, account details, job details, stage, and other profile information. The API supports updating the candidate's resume and image either via a URL or by encoding the file in base64. The API also allows updating education and experience entries, which will replace existing entries with the provided data. Social profiles can also be updated, and any pre-existing entries not included in the request will be deleted.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Reject a Requisition

  • ID: patch_reject_a_requisition
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: department, job, requisition
  • Summary: The 'Reject a Requisition' API allows users to reject a requisition that is in a compatible state. This API requires the 'w_requisitions' scope and is accessible with user tokens only. The endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{code}/reject' and uses the PATCH method. The request must include a Bearer token for authorization and the requisition code as a path parameter. An optional rejection reason can be provided in the request body. Upon successful rejection, the API returns the full requisition JSON object, which includes details such as job, department, location, hiring manager, owner, plan date, salary range, employment type, reason, state, requisition attributes, and approval groups. If the request fails, an error message is returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Reject an Offer

  • ID: patch_reject_an_offer
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: document, candidate, offer
  • Summary: The 'Reject an Offer' API allows users to reject an offer that is in a compatible state. It requires the 'w_offers' scope and is accessible only with user tokens. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{id}/reject' and uses the PATCH method. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and a Content-Type header set to 'application/json'. The path parameter 'id' is required to specify the offer ID. The request body can optionally include a 'rejection_reason'. The response returns a JSON representation of the offer, including details such as candidate information, offer state, document variables, and related documents. Possible response status codes include 200 (success), 401 (not authorized), and 404 (not found).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Update Custom Attribute Value for Candidate

  • ID: patch_update_custom_attribute_value
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, custom attribute, question
  • Summary: This API endpoint allows updating a custom attribute value for a candidate in the Workable system. It requires the 'r_jobs' scope and is accessible with all token types. The endpoint URL is structured with a subdomain and candidate ID as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token, and the Content-Type and Accept headers set to 'application/json'. The request body varies based on the type of custom attribute being updated, such as boolean, short text, free text, numeric, file (base64 or URL), date, dropdown, or multiple choice. The response includes detailed candidate information if successful, or an error message if unauthorized or not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Update Existing Employee

  • ID: patch_update_existing_employee
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: custom field, employee, tax identification number
  • Summary: This API endpoint allows updating an existing employee's details in the Workable system. It requires the 'w_employees' scope for authorization. The endpoint is accessed via a PATCH request to the URL 'https://{subdomain}{id}', where 'subdomain' is the account's subdomain and 'id' is the employee's ID. The request must include a Bearer token in the Authorization header and accept 'application/json'. The body of the request can update fields such as 'firstname', 'tax_identification_number_group', and custom fields like '1195b'. The response includes the updated employee details, or an error message if the request is unauthorized (401) or the employee is not found (404).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Update Requisition

  • ID: patch_update_requisition
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: department, job, requisition
  • Summary: The Update Requisition API allows users to update an existing requisition in the Workable system. This API requires a PATCH request to the endpoint https://{subdomain}{id} with the necessary authorization header. The path parameters include the subdomain and the requisition ID. The request body can include various fields such as owner_id, hiring_manager_id, location details, employment type, experience, salary details, reason, notes, plan date, and custom attributes. The response returns the full requisition JSON object, including details like job, department, location, hiring manager, owner, salary range, employment type, reason, state, requisition attributes, and approval groups. The API requires the 'w_requisitions' scope and is accessible with user tokens only.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Copy Candidate to Another Job

  • ID: post_copy_candidate_to_another_job
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, stage, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint allows you to copy a candidate to another job within the Workable platform. It requires a POST request to the specified URL with the candidate's ID and the target job's shortcode. The request must include a Bearer token for authorization. The body of the request should contain the member ID performing the action, the target job shortcode, and optionally the target stage. Upon success, it returns the ID and URL of the newly created candidate. If the request fails, it returns an error message.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Create Background Check Request

  • ID: post_create_background_check_request
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, package, background check provider
  • Summary: This API endpoint allows Workable to create a background check request for a candidate by sending a POST request to the Background Check Provider. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token, and a JSON body containing the package ID, job title, callback URL, candidate information, and optional preferences. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 status with a background check ID. The callback URL is used by the Background Check Provider to publish the results once the background check is completed.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Create Candidate Assessment

  • ID: post_create_candidate_assessment
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: assessment, candidate, test
  • Summary: The Create Candidate Assessment API allows Workable to create an assessment for a candidate by sending a POST request to the Assessments Provider. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token, and a JSON body containing the test ID, job title, callback URL, and candidate information. The Assessments Provider responds with a 201 status and an assessment ID. This ID can be used to track the assessment status and results. The API facilitates the integration between Workable and the Assessments Provider, enabling seamless candidate assessment management.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Create Candidate for a Specific Job

  • ID: post_create_candidate_for_specific_job
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, education entry, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint allows you to create a candidate for a specific job in Workable. It is useful for integrating custom application forms, migrating existing candidates, or integrating with other systems. The API requires a POST request to the specified URL with a JSON body containing candidate details such as name, email, headline, summary, and more. You can also include additional information like education, experience, skills, social profiles, and a resume. The 'sourced' flag determines if the candidate is considered as uploaded or applied. The response includes the status of the creation and details of the created candidate.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Create Candidate in Talent Pool

  • ID: post_create_candidate_in_talent_pool
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: talent pool, candidate, job
  • Summary: This API endpoint allows you to create a candidate in the specified talent pool stage within your Workable account. It supports creating candidates with detailed information including name, email, headline, summary, address, phone, cover letter, education, experience, skills, social profiles, and more. You can also specify if the candidate is sourced or applied, which affects whether they receive a 'thank you for applying' email. The API supports posting resumes either via a URL or encoded in base64. Additionally, you can mark candidates as disqualified and provide a reason if EOCC is enabled. The response includes the status of the request and details of the created candidate, including their profile URL and other metadata.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Create Candidate Rating

  • ID: post_create_candidate_rating
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, rating, member
  • Summary: This API creates a rating for a candidate. It requires the 'w_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The endpoint requires a subdomain and candidate ID as path parameters. The request body must include the member ID of the person performing the rating, and optionally a comment and score. The API returns a 201 status code on success, a 401 status code if unauthorized, and a 404 status code if the candidate is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Create Comment on Candidate's Timeline

  • ID: post_create_comment_on_candidate_timeline
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, comment, attachment
  • Summary: This API creates a comment on a candidate's timeline in the Workable system. It requires the 'w_candidates' or 'w_comments' scope and is accessible with all token types. The request must include the candidate's ID and the account subdomain in the path parameters. The body of the request should contain the member ID and a comment object, which includes the comment text, policy for visibility, and optionally an attachment. The response will be empty on success, or contain an error message if the request fails.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Create Employee

  • ID: post_create_employee
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: department, employee, legal entity
  • Summary: The Create Employee API allows you to create a new employee for your account using the POST method. The endpoint requires the 'w_employees' scope, which can be enabled through the Integrations section in the Settings menu. The request must include a Bearer token for authorization and the 'accept' header set to 'application/json'. The path parameter 'subdomain' is required to specify the account subdomain. An optional query parameter 'member_id' can be included, which can be retrieved from the GET /members endpoint. The request body must include the 'state' and 'employee' fields, where 'state' indicates the employee's state (either 'draft' or 'published'), and 'employee' contains detailed information about the employee, such as personal details, contact information, job details, and more. The response will return the employee's ID, name, email, start date, state, and other relevant details. Possible response status codes include 201 for successful creation, 401 for unauthorized access, and 404 if the resource is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Create Interview Invitation

  • ID: post_create_interview_invitation
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, interview, template
  • Summary: This API endpoint allows Workable to create an interview invitation for a candidate using a Video Interview Provider. The POST request is sent to the /interviews endpoint with a payload containing the interview template ID, job details, callback URL, candidate information, and optional preferences. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication. Upon successful creation, the API responds with a 201 status and an interview ID. The callback URL is used by the Video Interview Provider to publish interview results back to Workable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Create New Time Off Request

  • ID: post_create_new_time_off_request
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: category, time off request, user
  • Summary: This API endpoint allows users to create a new time off request. It requires a user-level token with the 'w_timeoff' scope for authorization. The request body must include the category_id, from_date, and to_date as required fields. Optional fields include half_days, which is an array of objects specifying half days, and a note with a maximum of 140 characters. The response will include details of the created time off request, such as the id, dates, state, and category name. If the request is unauthorized or the endpoint is not found, appropriate error messages will be returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Create Requisition

  • ID: post_create_requisition
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: department, job, requisition
  • Summary: The Create Requisition API allows users to create a new requisition in the system. It requires a POST request to the specified endpoint with the necessary authorization header. The request must include the subdomain as a path parameter and a JSON body containing details such as the requisition code, owner ID, hiring manager ID, job title, and plan date. Optional fields include job ID, department ID, location details, employment type, experience, salary range, and custom attributes. The response returns a JSON object with the requisition details, including job, department, location, hiring manager, owner, salary range, employment type, reason, state, requisition attributes, and approval groups. The API requires the 'w_requisitions' scope and is accessible with user tokens only.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Disqualify a Candidate

  • ID: post_disqualify_candidate
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: disqualification_reason, candidate, member
  • Summary: This API disqualifies a candidate using the POST method. It requires the 'w_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{id}/disqualify'. The request must include the Authorization header with a Bearer token, and the Content-Type and Accept headers set to 'application/json'. The path parameters include 'subdomain' for the account subdomain and 'id' for the candidate's id. The body must include 'member_id', the id of the member performing the disqualification, and optionally 'disqualification_reason'. The response can be a 200 status code with an empty body for success, a 401 status code with an error message for unauthorized access, or a 404 status code with an error message if the candidate is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Employee Events Notification API

  • ID: post_employee_events_notification
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: spi client, event, employee
  • Summary: The Employee Events Notification API is used to notify an SPI Client about various employee-related events such as creation, update, onboarding completion, and publication. When an event occurs, the Workable SPI sends a notification to the SPI Client with relevant employee data. The API requires a POST request with headers for content type and authorization. The request body includes details about the employee and the event type. The response indicates the success or failure of the event processing.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Move Candidate to Another Stage

  • ID: post_move_candidate_to_another_stage
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, stage, requisition
  • Summary: This API endpoint allows moving a candidate to another stage in the hiring process. It requires the 'w_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{id}/move' and uses the POST method. The request optionally includes the target_stage to move the candidate to. If the hiring plan is enabled and the candidate is being moved to the 'hired' stage, additional requisition information may be required. The response will be empty on success, or contain an error message if the request fails.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Relocate Candidate to Another Job

  • ID: post_relocate_candidate_to_another_job
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, job, member
  • Summary: This API endpoint relocates a candidate to another job within the Workable platform. It requires the 'w_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The request must include the subdomain and candidate ID as path parameters, and the member ID, target job shortcode, and optionally the target stage in the request body. The response will include the new candidate's ID and URL if successful, or an error message if not.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Revert Candidate's Disqualification

  • ID: post_revert_candidate_disqualification
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, disqualification, member
  • Summary: This API reverts a candidate's disqualification in the Workable system. It requires the 'w_candidates' scope and is accessible with all token types. The request must include the account subdomain and candidate's id as path parameters, and the member_id of the person performing the action in the request body. The request headers must include 'Content-Type' as 'application/json', 'Authorization' with a Bearer token, and 'Accept' as 'application/json'. A successful request returns a 201 status code with no content. If the request is unauthorized, a 401 status code with an error message is returned. If the candidate is not found, a 404 status code with an error message is returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Subscribe to an Event

  • ID: post_subscribe_to_an_event
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: event, employee, subscription
  • Summary: This API allows you to subscribe to specific events in the Workable system by registering your service with a target URL. The request requires a Bearer token for authorization and includes a subdomain path parameter. The body of the request must specify a target URL and an event type, with optional arguments for further filtering. The response will include the subscription ID if successful, or an error message if not.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Upload Employee Documents

  • ID: post_upload_employee_documents
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: document, employee, account
  • Summary: The 'Upload Employee Documents' API allows users to upload a list of documents for a specific employee using the POST method. The endpoint requires the 'w_employees' scope and is accessed via the URL 'https://{subdomain}{id}/documents'. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and an 'accept' header specifying the response format. Path parameters 'subdomain' and 'id' are required to specify the account and employee. The request body must contain a list of documents, each with a 'url' and 'name'. The API returns information about the account, including 'id', 'name', 'subdomain', 'description', 'summary', and 'website_url'. Possible responses include a 201 status code for success, 401 for unauthorized access, and 404 if the resource is not found.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Webhook Subscriptions for Candidates & Employees

  • ID: post_webhook_subscriptions_candidates_employees
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, employee, subscription
  • Summary: The Webhook Subscriptions API allows you to subscribe to various candidate and employee events in Workable. By using the subscriptions endpoint, you can register your endpoint to receive notifications when specific events are triggered. You can filter candidate-related events by job and/or stage. When an event is triggered, Workable will POST a notification to the registered endpoint with the associated resource details. The API supports events such as candidate creation, candidate movement, employee creation, employee updates, employee publication, and onboarding completion. The requests from Workable are signed using HMAC SHA256, and the signature is included in the X-Workable-Signature header. A successful subscription creation will return a 201 status code.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Workable OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow

  • ID: post_workable_oauth_2_0_authorization_code_flow
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: access token, token, authorization code
  • Summary: The Workable OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow allows official partners to obtain an access token to access Workable API endpoints. The process involves redirecting the user to Workable's authorization page, obtaining an authorization code, and exchanging it for an access token using a POST request to the /oauth/token endpoint. The request requires the client_id, client_secret, authorization code, and redirect_uri. The response includes an access token, token type, expiration time, refresh token, and scope. This access token can then be used to make authorized API requests on behalf of the user.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Update Candidate's Tags

  • ID: put_update_candidates_tags
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: candidate, tag
  • Summary: This API updates the tags of a candidate in the Workable system. It requires the 'w_candidates' scope and can be accessed with all token types. The API endpoint is 'https://{subdomain}{id}/tags'. The request must include the 'Content-Type', 'Authorization', and 'Accept' headers. The 'subdomain' and 'id' are required path parameters. The request body must contain a 'tags' array, which will replace the candidate's current tags. If the array is empty, all tags will be removed. A successful request returns a 202 status code with the updated tags. If unauthorized, a 401 status code with an error message is returned. If the candidate is not found, a 404 status code with an error message is returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields