UKG Ready API Integration Vol.2

These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for UKG Ready API as part of the HRIS category

Get Pay Calculation Profiles

  • ID: get_pay_calculation_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, pay calculation profile, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Pay Calculation Profiles' API returns a list of Pay Calculation Profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profiles, each with an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Categories

  • ID: get_pay_categories
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: timesheet, pay category, company
  • Summary: The Get Pay Categories API returns a list of defined pay categories in a specified company. It requires the company ID as a path parameter and additional query parameters including the date of the timesheet, the timesheet owner ID, and the type of record to assign the pay category to. The response includes an array of items, each containing an ID, name, code, and description of the pay category.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Grades

  • ID: get_pay_grades
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, pay grade, company
  • Summary: The Get Pay Grades API returns a list of pay grades for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of pay grade objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status for successful requests, while 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable are possible error responses.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Information

  • ID: get_pay_information
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: pay information, employee, company
  • Summary: The Get Pay Information API retrieves the pay information of an employee. It requires two path parameters: 'cid' for the company identifier and 'aid' for the account identifier. The API checks for access rights based on the security profile in the company settings. The response includes detailed pay information such as job details, eligibility for benefits, payroll classification, and more. The API returns various HTTP status codes including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Period

  • ID: get_pay_period
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: employee, pay period, company
  • Summary: The Get Pay Period API allows the caller to retrieve a specific pay period by its ID. It requires two path parameters: 'cid', which is the company identifier, and 'pay_period_id', which is the identifier for the pay period. The response includes details about the pay period such as the pay period profile, EIN details, total employees, locked employees, available employees, and various dates related to the pay period. The response is returned in JSON format and includes fields like 'start_date', 'end_date', 'pay_date', 'submit_date', and 'process_date'. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return errors such as 400 Bad Request, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of validation errors, security errors, or service unavailability, respectively.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Period Profiles

  • ID: get_pay_period_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: pay period profile, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Pay Period Profiles' API returns a list of Pay Period Profiles for a specified company. It requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable errors under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Periods

  • ID: get_pay_periods
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: pay period, company
  • Summary: The Get Pay Periods API allows the caller to retrieve a list of pay periods for a specified company, identified by the company ID (cid) in the path parameters. The response includes details about each pay period, such as the pay period profile ID, EIN details, total employees, locked employees, available employees, start and end dates, pay date, submit date, process date, and whether the period is locked. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return 400 Bad Request, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Prep Profiles

  • ID: get_pay_prep_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Pay Prep Profiles API retrieves a list of Pay Prep Profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, with potential error responses including 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Statement

  • ID: get_pay_statement
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: pay statement, employee, company
  • Summary: The Get Pay Statement API retrieves detailed information about an employee's pay statement. It requires the company ID (cid), payroll ID, and pay statement ID as path parameters. The response includes details such as employee account ID, pay date, status, type, pay period start and end dates, deductions, earnings, messages, and payments. The API returns various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Statement Types

  • ID: get_pay_statement_types
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: pay statement type, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Pay Statement Types' API endpoint is used to fetch a list of supported pay statement types for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of items, each containing an 'id' and a 'display_name' representing different pay statement types. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, while 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable are possible error responses.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Statements

  • ID: get_pay_statements
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: payroll, pay statement, company
  • Summary: The Get Pay Statements API retrieves information about all payroll pay statements for a specified company and payroll. It requires two path parameters: 'cid' which is the company identifier and 'id' which is the payroll identifier. The response includes an array of pay statements, each containing details such as employee account ID, pay date, status, type, pay period start and end dates, and a self-link. The API returns various HTTP status codes including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Pay Types

  • ID: get_pay_types
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: pay type, company
  • Summary: The Get Pay Types API endpoint is used to fetch a list of pay types for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of pay types, each with an 'id', 'name', and 'external_id'. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Payroll

  • ID: get_payroll
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: payroll, company
  • Summary: The Get Payroll API retrieves detailed information about a specific payroll for a company. It requires two path parameters: 'cid', which is the company identifier, and 'id', which is the payroll identifier. The response includes details such as the payroll's name, pay date, type, status, and whether it is billable. The API returns various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Payroll Batch Types

  • ID: get_payroll_batch_types
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: payroll batch type, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Payroll Batch Types' API endpoint is used to fetch a list of supported payroll batch types for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of items, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'active' status. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Payroll Export Formats

  • ID: get_payroll_export_formats
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: payroll, pay period, company
  • Summary: The Get Payroll Export Formats API allows the caller to retrieve a list of available payroll export formats for a specified pay period. The export format is necessary for the Export Payroll API to define the layout of the resulting Payroll Interface File. The response includes basic information about each format and details of any user prompts configured. Values for each user prompt must be specified at runtime when calling the Export Payroll API. The user must have permission to run pay-prep and requires at least one of the following subsystems: PR or TLM. The API requires two path parameters: 'cid' (company identifier) and 'pay_period_id' (pay period identifier). The response includes a list of payroll export formats, each with an ID, name, file type, format type, and optional user prompts.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Payroll Export Status

  • ID: get_payroll_export_status
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: payroll export, pay period, company
  • Summary: The Get Payroll Export Status API allows the caller to retrieve the status of a payroll export job. It requires the company ID (cid), pay period ID (pay_period_id), and job ID (job_id) as path parameters. The response includes the job's status, total processes, completed successes, completed errors, last modified timestamp, and a temporary download link if the export is completed. The download link is valid for 10 minutes and contains an encrypted authentication token for secure access. The API returns various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 403 for security errors, 404 if not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Payroll Types

  • ID: get_payroll_types
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: payroll type, company
  • Summary: The Get Payroll Types API endpoint is used to fetch a list of supported payroll types for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response returns a list of payroll types, each with an 'id' and 'display_name'. The API can return various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Payrolls

  • ID: get_payrolls
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: type, payroll, company
  • Summary: The Get Payrolls API endpoint is used to fetch a list of payrolls for a specified company. The endpoint requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of payroll objects, each containing details such as id, name, pay_date, start_date, end_date, type, status, ein, and billable status. The type and ein are objects with their own properties. The response also includes a '_links' object with a 'self' link for each payroll.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Paystatement Population

  • ID: get_paystatement_population
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: paystatement, profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Paystatement Population API returns a list of paystatement population profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable errors under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Performance Review

  • ID: get_performance_review
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, performance review, company
  • Summary: The Get Performance Review API returns a list of Performance Review Profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Points Profiles

  • ID: get_points_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, point, company
  • Summary: The Get Points Profiles API returns a list of Points profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of profile items, each with an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Position

  • ID: get_position
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, position, company
  • Summary: The Get Position API retrieves the details of a specific position within a company, identified by the company ID (cid) and position ID (positionId). The API endpoint is accessed via a GET request to the specified URL. The path parameters 'cid' and 'positionId' are required to identify the company and position respectively. The response includes detailed information about the position, such as position ID, name, title, payroll code, currency details, and various profiles associated with the position. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, with a detailed JSON object containing all the position details. In case of errors, it may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, or 503 Service Unavailable, depending on the issue encountered.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Position Assignments Changed

  • ID: get_position_assignments_changed
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: position assignment, assignee, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Position Assignments Changed' API retrieves information about position assignments that have been created, modified, or deleted within a specified timeframe for a given company. The API requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The response includes detailed information about each assignment, such as assignment ID, position details, assignee information, compensation details, and more. The response status can be 'CREATED', 'MODIFIED', or 'DELETED'. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Positions

  • ID: get_positions
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, position, company
  • Summary: The Get Positions API returns information about all active and effective positions as of a specified date, or today if no date is provided. It allows consumers to specify the details they want for each position, with basic details returned by default. The API requires a path parameter 'cid' to specify the company, which can be referenced by company id, unique id, or short name. The response includes a list of positions with detailed attributes, budgets, reporting positions, job details, and various profiles. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, with possible error responses including 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Premium Shifts

  • ID: get_premium_shifts
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: premium, shift, company
  • Summary: The Get Premium Shifts API returns a list of defined shift premiums for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of shift premium objects, each containing an 'id', 'name', 'code', and 'description'. The response schema also includes a '_total_count' field indicating the total number of items.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Process Records Status

  • ID: get_process_records_status
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: process record, pay period, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Process Records Status' API allows the caller to retrieve the processing status of the 'Process Records' business step. It requires the path parameters 'cid' (company identifier), 'pay_period_id' (pay period identifier), and 'job_id' (job identifier) to be specified. The response includes the status of the process, a summary of results, the total number of processes, and the number of successful and erroneous completions. The response status can be one of 'NONE', 'NEW', 'RUNNING', 'DONE', 'FAILED', or 'CANCELED'. Possible HTTP response codes include 200 (OK), 403 (Forbidden), 404 (Not Found), and 503 (Service Unavailable).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Project Information

  • ID: get_project_information
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: project, employee, company
  • Summary: The Get Project Information API endpoint returns detailed information about a specific project within a company. The project management functionality must be enabled in the company. The API requires two path parameters: 'cid', which is the company identifier, and 'projectId', which is the project identifier. The response includes various details about the project such as its name, business purpose, percent completion, description, start and end dates, cost center list ID, budget amount, status, employees, managers, and associated EIN details. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return errors such as 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, or 503 Service Unavailable under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Project Metrics

  • ID: get_project_metrics
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: metric, project, company
  • Summary: The Get Project Metrics API endpoint returns information related to the project metrics. It requires the project management functionality to be enabled in the company. The API takes two path parameters: 'cid', which is the company identifier, and 'projectId', which is the project identifier. The response includes details such as the project name, budget logged, remaining budget, total budget amount, remaining days, and currency code. The API returns various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource does not exist, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get PTO Request

  • ID: get_pto_request
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: pto request, employee, company
  • Summary: The Get PTO Request API endpoint provides information about a single time off request for an employee within a company. It requires two path parameters: 'cid', which is the company identifier, and 'rid', which is the time off request id. The response includes details about the employee, the time off request, and additional PTO details such as request state, requested time, and approval information. The response is returned in JSON format with a status of 200 OK.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get PTO Request Notes

  • ID: get_pto_request_notes
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: pto request, note, company
  • Summary: The Get PTO Request Notes API retrieves all notes associated with a time off request for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid' to identify the company and a query parameter 'note_thread_id' to specify the note thread. The response includes an array of notes, each containing an ID, text, creation timestamp, and creator details. The API returns a 200 OK response on success or a 400 Bad Request if invalid query parameters are provided.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Questionnaire

  • ID: get_questionnaire
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: questionnaire, benefit enrollment, job requisition
  • Summary: The Get Questionnaire API endpoint is used to fetch questionnaires related to Job Requisition, Benefit Enrollment, Recruitment Evaluation, or Peer Feedback for a specific company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of questionnaire items, each with an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, and may return 404 Not Found if the questionnaire object is not found, 403 Forbidden for security errors, or 400 Bad Request for validation errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Rate Schedules

  • ID: get_rate_schedules
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: rate schedule, rate table, company
  • Summary: The Get Rate Schedules API retrieves all rate schedules data of a specified rate table for a company. It requires two path parameters: 'cid' (the company identifier, which can be a company id, unique id, or short name) and 'tid' (the rate table id). The API returns a detailed list of rate schedules, including information such as rate table details, rate items, usage, and various records related to time entry, payroll, and counters. The response includes a comprehensive schema detailing each rate schedule's properties, such as id, line, type, description, and associated records. The API handles various response codes, including 200 for success, 404 if the rate table is not found, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Rate Table

  • ID: get_rate_table
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: rate table, owner, company
  • Summary: The Get Rate Table API endpoint is used to fetch details of a rate table by its ID. This API requires the 'Rates' functionality to be enabled for the company. The request must include the company ID (cid) and the rate table ID (tid) as path parameters. The response includes detailed information about the rate table, such as its name, description, currency, owner details, and links for further actions. The API returns various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Rate Tables

  • ID: get_rate_tables
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: currency, rate table, company
  • Summary: The Get Rate Tables API retrieves all rate tables, both company and personal, configured within a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of rate tables with details such as id, name, description, currency, and links for actions like edit, reapply rates, and download. The response also includes metadata about the total count of rate tables and links for self and create actions. The API returns various HTTP status codes including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Reason Codes

  • ID: get_reason_codes
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: timesheet, reason code, company
  • Summary: The Get Reason Codes API retrieves a list of defined reason codes for a specified company. The request requires the company ID as a path parameter, and the date, owner ID, and type as query parameters. The response returns a list of reason codes, each with an ID and display name.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Recent Punches

  • ID: get_recent_punches
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: punch, employee, company
  • Summary: The Get Recent Punches API retrieves a list of the last N punches for a specified employee within a company. The API requires two path parameters: 'cid' for the company identifier and 'aid' for the account identifier. The response includes an array of punch objects, each containing a timestamp, type, and optionally cost centers. The punch type can be one of several predefined values such as PUNCH_IN, PUNCH_OUT, CHANGE_CCS, etc. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, with potential error responses including 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Referrals

  • ID: get_referrals
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: resource, referral, company
  • Summary: The Get Referrals API endpoint is used to fetch a list of supported referrals for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of referral items, each containing an 'id', 'code', and 'name'. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Refresh Token

  • ID: get_refresh_token
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: token, employee, authentication
  • Summary: The Get Refresh Token API allows clients to obtain a newly generated token by sending a GET request to the specified endpoint. A valid authentication token must be included in the request headers under 'Authorization'. The response will include a new token, its time to live (ttl), and the units for the ttl. If the authentication token is invalid, a login error will be returned. Possible responses include 200 OK for successful login, 401 Unauthorized if authentication is required, and 403 Forbidden if the refresh token is forbidden due to reasons such as the employee being locked, terminated, or deleted.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Attendance

  • ID: get_regularized_attendance
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: attendance
  • Summary: The Get Attendance API retrieves attendance data for a specific employee. It requires two path parameters: 'cid' for the company ID and 'aid' for the account ID. The response includes the employee's attendance status, the last start time, the last punch action type, and associated cost centers. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, with possible error responses including 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, and 503 Service Unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Reports

  • ID: get_reports
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: report, user, company
  • Summary: The Get Reports API retrieves a list of available reports. The response format is determined by the 'Accept' header, which is required. Query parameters can be used to specify a client company by providing 'company', 'company:shortname', 'company:id', or 'company:external_id'. If no query parameters are provided, the service returns reports for the current user. The response includes a list of report IDs. Possible responses include 200 OK, 400 Bad Request for invalid or missing parameters, and 500 Internal Server Error for server issues.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Retirement Plan Profiles

  • ID: get_retirement_plan_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: retirement plan profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Retirement Plan Profiles API returns a list of retirement plan profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable errors under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Role Profiles

  • ID: get_role_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: role profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Role Profiles API returns a list of role profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of role profiles, each with an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Schedule

  • ID: get_schedule
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: schedule, time zone, company
  • Summary: The Get Schedule API retrieves a schedule by its ID. It requires the Advanced Scheduler (SCHEDULE) Subsystem to be enabled in the company setup. The API endpoint requires two path parameters: 'cid', which is the company identifier, and 'schedule_id', which is the schedule identifier. The response includes detailed information about the schedule, such as its ID, settings ID, name, start and end dates, status, time zone, and associated cost centers. The response also includes links for further actions like self, delete, and unpost. The API returns various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Schedule Settings

  • ID: get_schedule_settings
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: time zone, schedule setting, company
  • Summary: The Get Schedule Settings API retrieves the list of schedule settings required to create a schedule in the system. It requires the Advanced Scheduler (SCHEDULE) Subsystem to be enabled in the company setup. The API takes a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of settings, each with details such as id, name, cycle length, time zone, scheduled cost centers, and cost centers trees. The response may also include user messages and errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Scheduled Deductions

  • ID: get_scheduled_deductions
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: deduction, account, company
  • Summary: The Get Scheduled Deductions API retrieves all account deductions available within a specified company. The API requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of account deductions with details such as deduction type, account information, currency, active dates, calculation methods, payroll frequency, and settings for child support and garnishments. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 400 Bad Request, or 403 Forbidden for errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Scheduled Earnings

  • ID: get_scheduled_earnings
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: employee, earning, company
  • Summary: The Get Scheduled Earnings API returns a list of scheduled earnings filtered by the specified company ID. The company ID is a required path parameter and can be referenced via company ID, unique ID, or short name. The API responds with a list of earnings, each containing details such as earning ID, name, code, sequence, active dates, amount, frequency, currency, and employee information. The response includes a detailed schema of the earnings with properties like calculation method, frequency type, and employee details. The API supports standard HTTP response codes including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 400 for bad requests, and 403 for forbidden access due to insufficient rights.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Scheduler

  • ID: get_scheduler
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: cost center, schedule, company
  • Summary: The Get Scheduler API retrieves a list of schedules for a specified company. The company is identified by a path parameter 'cid', which is required. The API also requires two query parameters, 'from' and 'to', which define the date range for the schedules. The response includes a list of schedules with details such as schedule ID, settings ID, name, start and end dates, status, time zone, and associated cost centers. The response also includes links for further actions on the schedules. The API requires the Advanced Scheduler subsystem to be enabled in the company setup.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Scheduler Profiles

  • ID: get_scheduler_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: scheduler profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Scheduler Profiles API returns a list of scheduler profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of scheduler profiles, each with an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Schedules

  • ID: get_schedules
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: schedule, employee, company
  • Summary: The Get Schedules API fetches schedule items for a single user within a specified date range, which must not exceed 31 days. The company ID is specified as a path parameter, and the employee can be identified using various query parameters such as system ID, external ID, or username. The API returns a detailed schedule for the specified user, including shift details, cost centers, job information, and working status. The response includes a list of schedules with attributes like date, shift number, type name, start and end times, total hours, and more. The API supports only companies with TLM functionality and returns various HTTP status codes based on the request's validity and server status.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Security Profiles

  • ID: get_security_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: security profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Security Profiles API returns a list of security profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of security profiles, each with an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Service Account

  • ID: get_service_account
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: service account, security profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Service Account API endpoint is used to fetch a service account by its ID. It requires two path parameters: 'cid', which is the company identifier and can be a company id, unique id, or short name, and 'id', which is the service account id. The API returns a JSON object containing details about the service account, including username, external id, locked status, security profile, service type, login permissions, company group ids, edit permissions, and account group ids. The possible responses include 200 OK for a successful request, 401 Unauthorized if the user is not authorized, 403 Forbidden if the user has no access, 404 Not Found if the resource does not exist, and 503 Service Unavailable if the call limit is exceeded.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Service Accounts

  • ID: get_service_accounts
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: service account, security profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Service Accounts API retrieves all service accounts available within a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of service accounts, each with details such as account ID, username, external ID, lock status, security profile, service type, login permissions, company group IDs, edit permissions, and account group IDs. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Shift

  • ID: get_shift
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: shift, schedule, company
  • Summary: The Get Shift API retrieves a specific shift by its ID. It requires the Advanced Scheduler (SCHEDULE) Subsystem to be enabled in the company setup. The API endpoint requires three path parameters: 'cid' (the company identifier), 'schedule_id' (the schedule identifier), and 'shift_id' (the shift identifier). The response includes detailed information about the shift, such as its type, start and end times, associated cost centers, skills, day type, shift premium, and more. The API returns various HTTP status codes, including 200 for a successful request, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Shifts

  • ID: get_shifts
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: shift, schedule, company
  • Summary: The Get Shifts API retrieves a list of shifts within a specified schedule for a company. The Advanced Scheduler (SCHEDULE) Subsystem must be enabled in the company setup. The API requires two path parameters: 'cid', which is the company identifier, and 'schedule_id', which is the schedule identifier. The response includes detailed information about each shift, such as shift ID, account details, date, type, shift start and end times, cost centers, skills, shift premiums, and more. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, with potential error responses including 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Skills

  • ID: get_skills
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: skill, company
  • Summary: The Get Skills API endpoint is used to fetch a list of defined skills within a company. It requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of skill objects, each containing an 'id', 'name', 'category', and 'schedulable' status. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Snapshots

  • ID: get_snapshots
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: snapshot, pay period, company
  • Summary: The Get Snapshots API allows the caller to retrieve the list of available snapshots for a specified pay period. The snapshots can be used in the Export Payroll API to define the data that should be included in the resulting Payroll interface file. The API requires two path parameters: 'cid', which is the company identifier, and 'pay_period_id', which is the identifier for the pay period. The response includes a list of snapshots, each containing an 'id', 'created_by' information with 'account_id' and 'display_name', and 'created_at' timestamp. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, 403 Forbidden in case of security errors, and 503 Service Unavailable if the service is unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Succession Profiles

  • ID: get_succession_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: succession profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Succession Profiles API returns a list of succession profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get System Account

  • ID: get_system_account
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, account, company
  • Summary: The Get System Account API retrieves the core system account record containing detailed information about the account. It requires the 'REST API RESOURCES' security profile items in combination with 'manager permissions'. The API endpoint requires two path parameters: 'cid' (company id or unique id or short name) and 'aid' (account id or external id). The response includes detailed account information such as username, name, email, phone numbers, address, and profiles. The API returns various HTTP status codes including 200 (OK), 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Forbidden), 404 (Not Found), and 503 (Service Unavailable).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get System Accounts

  • ID: get_system_accounts
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: system account, user, company
  • Summary: The Get System Accounts API returns basic information about the system accounts a user has permissions to view. It requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of system accounts with details such as id, username, first name, and last name. The API considers only the 'REST API RESOURCES' security profile items. Possible responses include 200 OK, 404 Not Found, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get System Forms for a Company

  • ID: get_system_forms_for_a_company
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: system, form, company
  • Summary: The 'Get System Forms for a Company' API endpoint retrieves a list of system forms associated with a specified company for a given period. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of forms, each with details such as form ID, name, type, creation date, creator information, and a download link. The API handles various response codes, including 200 for success, 400 for invalid requests, 403 for security violations, 404 for not found errors, 401 for unauthorized access, and 503 for service unavailability due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Tax Codes

  • ID: get_tax_codes
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: tax code, response, company
  • Summary: The Get Tax Codes API endpoint is used to fetch a list of supported tax codes for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of tax codes, each with details such as id, code, name, abbreviation, and external id. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Tax Information

  • ID: get_tax_information
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: employee, tax information, company
  • Summary: The Get Tax Information API retrieves the tax information of an employee for a specified company. It requires the company ID (cid) and account ID (aid) as path parameters. The API checks for access rights based on the security profile in the company settings. The response includes details such as employee tax type, pension box type, FEIN, DBA company name, and third-party sick pay reporting. The API returns various HTTP status codes to indicate success or specific errors, such as 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Tax Information for Employee

  • ID: get_taxes_for_employee
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: taxes
  • Summary: The Get Tax Information for Employee API retrieves the tax information of an employee for a specified company. It requires the company ID (cid) and account ID (aid) as path parameters. The API checks for access rights based on the security profile in the company settings. The response includes details such as employee tax type, pension box type, FEIN, DBA company name, and third-party sick pay reporting. The API returns various HTTP status codes to indicate success or specific errors, such as 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Termination Reason

  • ID: get_termination_reason
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: termination reason, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Termination Reason' API endpoint is used to fetch a list of termination reasons within a company. It requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier and must be provided in the request. The API returns a list of termination reasons, each with an id, display name, code, description, and a boolean indicating if the reason is rehireable. The response is a JSON object containing an array of termination reason objects. Possible response codes include 200 for a successful request, 401 if the user is unauthorized, 403 if access is forbidden, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Time Entries

  • ID: get_time_entries
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: time entry, employee, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Time Entries' API allows users to fetch existing time entries for a specified company within a given date range, with a maximum range of 31 days. The API requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The response includes detailed time entry data, even if some data is not displayed on the UI due to settings. The response schema includes information about employees, time entries, and various attributes such as start and end times, total time, approval status, and more. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, with other possible responses including 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Time Entry Notes

  • ID: get_time_entry_notes
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: time entry, note, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Time Entry Notes' API endpoint allows users to retrieve notes associated with specific time entries for a given company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier, and a query parameter 'time_entry_ids' which is a comma-separated list of time entry IDs. The response includes an array of time entry notes, each containing an 'id', 'text', and 'time_entry_id'. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, a 403 Forbidden status if the user lacks access, and a 503 Service Unavailable status if the call limit is exceeded.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Time Off Planning Profiles

  • ID: get_time_off_planning_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: time off planning profile, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Time Off Planning Profiles' API retrieves a list of Time Off Planning Profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, while 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable are possible error responses.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Timesheet Profiles

  • ID: get_timesheet_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: timesheet profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Timesheet Profiles API retrieves a list of timesheet profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of timesheet profiles, each with an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Timesheets for a Given Employee

  • ID: get_timesheets
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: timesheets
  • Summary: The Get Timesheets API endpoint allows users to search for timesheets for a single employee. To access personal timesheets, the user must have the 'Access Personal Timesheets' permission. The API requires the company ID (cid) and account ID (aid) as path parameters. Additionally, one of the query parameters (date, current, previous, next) is mandatory to fulfill the request. The response includes a list of timesheets with details such as the timesheet ID, employee account ID, start and end dates, state, and editability. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Timesheets

  • ID: get_timesheets_for_given_employee
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: timesheet, employee, company
  • Summary: The Get Timesheets API endpoint allows users to search for timesheets for a single employee. To access personal timesheets, the user must have the 'Access Personal Timesheets' permission. The API requires the company ID (cid) and account ID (aid) as path parameters. Additionally, one of the query parameters (date, current, previous, next) is mandatory to fulfill the request. The response includes a list of timesheets with details such as the timesheet ID, employee account ID, start and end dates, state, and editability. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Timezones

  • ID: get_timezones
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: timezone, company
  • Summary: The Get Timezones API endpoint is used to fetch a list of defined timezones for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of timezones, each with details such as id, name, display name, java name, joda time zone, offset, and daylight saving time (dst) status. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get To-Do Items

  • ID: get_to_do_items
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: employee, to-do item, company
  • Summary: The 'Get To-Do Items' API endpoint returns a list of to-do items for a specific employee within a company. The to-do items are sorted by date in descending order. The API requires two path parameters: 'cid' (company identifier) and 'aid' (account identifier), both of which are required. The response includes an array of items, each with details such as 'id', 'type', 'created_at', 'linked_account', and 'props'. The API can return various HTTP status codes, including 200 (OK), 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Forbidden), and 503 (Service Unavailable).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Total Compensation

  • ID: get_total_compensation
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: employee, compensation, company
  • Summary: The Get Total Compensation API retrieves the total compensation details for a specific employee identified by the account ID (aid) within a company identified by the company ID (cid). The compensation amount represents the total compensation per hour. The API requires two path parameters: 'cid' for the company and 'aid' for the employee account. The response includes an array of total compensations, each with details such as account ID, amount, currency, and the effective date. The API returns various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Training And Certifications

  • ID: get_training_and_certifications
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: training, certification, employee
  • Summary: The 'Get Training And Certifications' API retrieves the training and certifications information for a specific employee within a company. It requires the company ID (cid) and account ID (aid) as path parameters. The API checks for access rights based on the security profile in the company settings. The response includes an array of training courses with details such as course name, description, schedulability, completion date, expiration date, and expiration status. The API returns various HTTP status codes including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the resource is not found, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Training Profiles

  • ID: get_training_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, training profile, company
  • Summary: The Get Training Profiles API retrieves a list of training profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of training profiles, each with an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable in case of errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Ts Auto Population Profiles

  • ID: get_ts_auto_population_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Ts Auto Population Profiles' API returns a list of TS Auto Population Profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API can return various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Unions

  • ID: get_unions
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: union, company
  • Summary: The Get Unions API allows retrieval of active unions associated with a specific company. The company is identified by the 'cid' path parameter, which is required and can be a company id, unique id, or short name. The API returns a list of unions in the response body, each with an id, name, and optional description. The response can include status codes such as 200 (Ok), 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Forbidden), and 503 (Service Unavailable).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Vca Report Dialogs Settings

  • ID: get_vca_report_dialogs_settings
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: employee, dialog setting, company
  • Summary: The Get Vca Report Dialogs Settings API returns the employee VCA configuration for report dialog in notifications. This API requires the 'Report Dialogs In Notifications' functionality to be enabled in the company. It uses the GET method and requires two path parameters: 'cid' (company id or unique id or short name) and 'aid' (account id or external id). The response includes a JSON object with 'enabled' (boolean), 'text' (string), 'phone' (string), and 'email' (string) fields. Possible response codes include 200 (OK), 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Forbidden), 404 (Not Found), and 503 (Service Unavailable).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Vehicle Assignment

  • ID: get_vehicle_assignment
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: employee, vehicle assignment, vehicle
  • Summary: The Get Vehicle Assignment API endpoint is used to fetch a specific vehicle assignment by its ID. It requires two path parameters: 'cid', which is the company identifier, and 'id', which is the vehicle assignment ID. The response includes detailed information about the vehicle assignment, such as the employee details, vehicle details, and various dates related to the assignment. The response also includes links for self, edit, delete, notes, add_note, documents, and add_document. The API returns different status codes such as 200 for success, 404 if the vehicle assignment is not found, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Vehicle Assignments

  • ID: get_vehicle_assignments
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: vehicle, assignment, company
  • Summary: The Get Vehicle Assignments API endpoint returns a list of all vehicle assignments for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company ID or unique identifier. The response includes a list of vehicle assignments with details such as assignment ID, issue date, scheduled return date, status, and vehicle information. The response also includes links for self, edit, delete, notes, add_note, documents, and add_document. The API returns various HTTP status codes including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 for service unavailable due to call limit exceeded.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Vehicles

  • ID: get_vehicles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: vehicle, company
  • Summary: The Get Vehicles API endpoint is used to fetch a list of all vehicles within a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of vehicles with details such as vehicle ID, name, license state, license plate, and status. The status can be one of several values including 'IN_SERVICE', 'LOST', 'DAMAGED', etc. The response also includes a total count of vehicles. Possible response codes include 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Vendors

  • ID: get_vendors
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: vendor, company
  • Summary: The Get Vendors API endpoint is used to fetch a list of active vendors for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of vendor items, each with an 'id' and 'name'. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized if the user is not authorized, 403 Forbidden if the user has no access to the resource, or 503 Service Unavailable if the call limit is exceeded.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Work Schedule Profiles

  • ID: get_work_schedule_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: profile, work schedule, company
  • Summary: The Get Work Schedule Profiles API returns a list of work schedule profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable errors under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Workday Breakdown Profiles

  • ID: get_workday_breakdown_profiles
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: workday breakdown profile, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Workday Breakdown Profiles' API retrieves a list of Workday Breakdown Profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API returns a 200 OK status on success, while 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable are possible error responses.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Worker Types

  • ID: get_worker_types
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: subsystem, worker type, company
  • Summary: The Get Worker Types API endpoint is used to fetch a list of worker types for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of worker types, each with an 'id', 'external_id', 'name', and 'type'. The 'type' can be one of several predefined values such as 'NONE', 'CONTINGENT_WORKER', 'CONTRACT_WORKER', 'EMPLOYEE', 'CONTRACTOR', or 'TEMPORARY_WORKER'. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Workers Comp Codes

  • ID: get_workers_comp_codes
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: worker comp code, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Workers Comp Codes' API endpoint is used to fetch a list of active workers compensation codes for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes a list of items, each containing details such as name, external_id, code, id, state, description, and country. The API returns a 200 OK response on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Get Working Time Regulation

  • ID: get_working_time_regulation
  • Operation: read
  • Entities: working time regulation profile, company
  • Summary: The 'Get Working Time Regulation' API returns a list of Working Time Regulation Profiles for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid', which is the company identifier. The response includes an array of profile objects, each containing an 'id', 'display_name', and 'description'. The API responds with a 200 OK status on success, and may return 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable under certain conditions.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Access Policy Profiles

  • ID: post_access_policy_profiles
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: access policy profile, company
  • Summary: The Post Access Policy Profiles API allows the creation of a new access policy profile for a specified company. The user must have permission to add access policies. The API requires the company ID as a path parameter and a JSON body containing the access profile details, including ID, name, description, active status, mobile access allowance, and a list of access options with their respective details. The API responds with a 201 status code upon successful creation, or appropriate error codes such as 400 for validation errors, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Account Groups

  • ID: post_account_groups
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: manager, account group, company
  • Summary: The Post Account Groups API allows the creation of a new regular account group for a specified company. The API requires the company ID as a path parameter. The request body must include the name of the account group, a description, a list of members with their account IDs, and a list of managers with their account IDs, active periods, and permissions. The API responds with a 201 Created status if successful, or error statuses such as 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable if there are issues with authorization, access, or call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Accrual Balances Update

  • ID: post_accrual_balances_update
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: accrual balance, employee, company
  • Summary: The Post Accrual Balances Update API allows updating employee accrual balances for a specified company. The API requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The request body must include an array of accrual balances with details such as company short name, employee username, time off type, as of date, updated to date, hours, and external accrued, taken, and carry over hours. The response indicates the success or failure of the operation with a status code such as 201 Created for success, or error codes like 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable for various failure scenarios.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Actions on Schedule

  • ID: post_actions_on_schedule
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: schedule, action, company
  • Summary: The Post Actions on Schedule API executes an action on a given schedule. It requires the Advanced Scheduler (SCHEDULE) Subsystem to be enabled in the company setup. The API takes path parameters including 'cid' (company identifier), 'schedule_id' (schedule identifier), and 'action_id' (action to perform, such as 'post' or 'unpost'). The response can be a 204 No Content if the action is performed successfully, or various error codes such as 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 406 Not Acceptable, and 500 Internal Server Error depending on the situation.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Additional Compensation

  • ID: post_additional_compensation
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: employee, compensation, company
  • Summary: The Post Additional Compensation API creates an additional compensation record for an employee. It requires the company ID (cid) and account ID (aid) as path parameters. The request body must include details such as the compensation ID, account ID, type ID, currency, effective date, change date, period, active status, value, and a self-link. The API responds with a 201 Created status if successful, or error statuses such as 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable if there are issues with authorization, access, or call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post All Data Export

  • ID: post_all_data_export
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: user, data export, company
  • Summary: The 'Post All Data Export' API endpoint allows users to create a data export for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid' to identify the company. The request headers must include 'Accept' with a value of 'application/json'. The request body must include details such as 'name', 'format', 'type_id', 'data_records', and 'file_name_pattern'. The response will indicate success with a 201 status code if the data export is created successfully, or provide error codes such as 404 for company not found, 400 for request validation errors, and 500 for internal server errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Applicants

  • ID: post_applicants
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: education, applicant, company
  • Summary: The Post Applicants API allows for the creation of a new applicant within a specified company. The API requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The request body includes detailed information about the applicant such as account details, address, phone numbers, demographics, salary requirements, education, skills, work experiences, professional references, job categories, and custom fields. The API responds with various status codes indicating the result of the operation, including 201 for successful creation, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 for service unavailability due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Asset Assignments

  • ID: post_asset_assignments
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: employee, asset assignment, company
  • Summary: The Post Asset Assignments API endpoint is used to create a new asset assignment for a company. It requires the company to be referenced via a company ID, unique ID, or short name. The request body must include details about whether the asset is personal, the asset type ID, and the employee's account ID. The API returns a 201 status code if the asset assignment is successfully created. If the user is unauthorized, a 401 status code is returned. A 403 status code is returned if the user has no access to the resource. If the call limit is exceeded, a 503 status code is returned, and the X-CallLimit-TimeToWait header specifies the duration to wait before making subsequent calls.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Batch Upload

  • ID: post_batch_upload
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: job setting, cost center, contact
  • Summary: The Post Batch Upload API allows the creation of new cost centers within an existing cost center tree. The parent node of a cost center can be specified using various fields of the parent_cc reference object, such as tree_index, id, and external_id. If only tree_index is specified, the new cost center will be created under the root node. If both id and external_id are specified, external_id will be ignored, and the search will be done with id. The API requires the TLM, HR, Scheduler subsystem to be enabled in the company setup, and the user must have Cost Center Definitions add permission. The API takes a path parameter 'cid' to identify the company and a request body containing the details of the cost centers to be created. The response includes the status of each item in the payload, with possible errors detailed in the response schema.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cancel Closing

  • ID: post_cancel_closing
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The 'Post Cancel Closing' API cancels the closing of specified payrolls for a company. It requires the company ID as a path parameter and a list of payroll IDs in the request body. The response includes job details and user messages indicating the status and any issues encountered during the process.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cancel Delete Sync Time

  • ID: post_cancel_delete_sync_time
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The 'Post Cancel Delete Sync Time' API cancels the delete sync time action on specified payrolls for a given company. The API requires the company ID as a path parameter and a list of payroll IDs in the request body. The response includes job details and user messages indicating the status and any issues encountered during processing.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cancel Finalize Payroll

  • ID: post_cancel_finalize_payroll
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The Post Cancel Finalize Payroll API allows users to cancel the finalize action on specified payrolls for a given company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The request body must include an array of payroll IDs under the 'ids' key. The response includes a list of jobs with their statuses and any user messages indicating the result of the operation.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cancel Initiate

  • ID: post_cancel_initiate
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The Post Cancel Initiate API allows users to cancel the initiation of specified payrolls for a company. The API requires the company ID as a path parameter and a list of payroll IDs in the request body to specify which payrolls to cancel. The response includes job details with their status and any user messages indicating the result of the cancellation process.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cancel Recalculate

  • ID: post_cancel_recalculate
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The Post Cancel Recalculate API cancels the recalculation of payrolls for a specified company. The API requires the company ID as a path parameter and a list of payroll IDs in the request body to identify which payroll recalculations to cancel. The response includes the status of the cancellation jobs and any user messages indicating the success or failure of the operation.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cancel Reopen Payroll

  • ID: post_cancel_reopen_payroll
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, company
  • Summary: The Post Cancel Reopen Payroll API cancels the reopen action on specified payrolls for a given company. It requires the company ID as a path parameter and a list of payroll IDs in the request body. The response includes job details and user messages indicating the status and any issues encountered during processing.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cancel Rollback Payroll

  • ID: post_cancel_rollback_payroll
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The Post Cancel Rollback Payroll API cancels the rollback action on specified payrolls for a given company. The API requires the company ID as a path parameter and a list of payroll IDs in the request body. It returns a response containing job details and user messages indicating the status and any issues encountered during the process.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cancel Sync Time

  • ID: post_cancel_sync_time
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The Post Cancel Sync Time API allows users to cancel the sync time on specified payrolls for a given company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier, and a request body containing 'ids', an array of payroll IDs to cancel. The response includes a list of jobs with their statuses and any user messages indicating the result of the operation.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cases for Leave of Absence

  • ID: post_cases_for_leave_of_absence
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: leave of absence case, employee, company
  • Summary: This API endpoint is used to create a new leave of absence case for a company. The company must have leave of absence functionality enabled. The API requires a path parameter 'cid' to specify the company. The request body includes details about the employee, reason for leave, start and estimated end dates, case number, status, categories, leave time, entries, time off categories, and time off entries. The response will indicate whether the case was created successfully or if there were any authorization or access issues.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Clear Error Messages

  • ID: post_clear_error_messages
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: message, payroll, company
  • Summary: The 'Post Clear Error Messages' API is used to clear error messages for specified payrolls within a company. The API requires the company ID as a path parameter and a request body containing the list of payroll IDs, a boolean indicating whether to synchronize time action, and the status range from which to clear messages. Upon successful execution, it returns a message indicating that the clear messages action was successfully finished. If there is a validation error, a 400 Bad Request response is returned.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Close Payrolls

  • ID: post_close_payrolls
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The Post Close Payrolls API performs the closing process on specified payrolls for a company. It requires the company ID as a path parameter and a list of payroll IDs in the request body. The response includes job details and user messages indicating the status and any issues encountered during the process.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Collection

  • ID: post_collection
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: shift, schedule, company
  • Summary: The Post Collection API is used to perform a bulk operation to create multiple shifts within a specified schedule for a company. The API requires the Advanced Scheduler (SCHEDULE) Subsystem to be enabled in the company setup. It accepts path parameters 'cid' for the company identifier and 'schedule_id' for the schedule identifier. The request body includes details of the shifts to be created, such as shift ID, account information, date, type, start and end times, cost centers, skills, shift premiums, and average rates. The API returns a 200 Ok response if all shifts are successfully created, with other status codes indicating various errors such as insufficient permissions, schedule not found, unsupported media type, payload size too large, or internal server errors.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Contacts

  • ID: post_contacts
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: contact, employee, company
  • Summary: The Post Contacts API endpoint is used to create employee contacts for a specified company. The endpoint requires a path parameter 'cid' to identify the company. The request body includes detailed information about the contact, such as personal details, phone numbers, email, national identification numbers, and other attributes. The API supports backward compatibility with fields like 'bsn', 'social_insurance', 'social_security', and 'national_insurance', but prefers the use of 'national_id_numbers'. The response indicates the success or failure of the contact creation, with status codes 201 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 for service unavailability due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Contracts

  • ID: post_contracts
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: employee, contract, company
  • Summary: The Post Contracts API endpoint is used to create employee contracts for a specified company. The endpoint requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The request body must include an array of contract objects, each containing details such as employee account ID, working hours, working days, start and end dates, and other contract-specific information. The API validates the input, ensuring constraints like days per week not exceeding 7, and returns a response indicating the success or failure of each contract creation. The response includes an array of items, each with an index, status, and optionally an ID or error details.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cost Center Jobs

  • ID: post_cost_center_jobs
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: employee, cost center job, company
  • Summary: The Post Cost Center Jobs API endpoint allows users to create a new Cost Center Job within a specified company. The user must have the necessary permissions and at least one of the HR subsystems to use this endpoint. The API requires a path parameter 'cid' to identify the company. The request body must include detailed information about the job, such as job category, name, description, and various other attributes related to the job's classification, compensation, and skills. The API responds with a 201 status code if the job is created successfully, or with error codes 401, 403, or 503 in case of authorization issues or service unavailability.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Cost Center Lists

  • ID: post_cost_center_lists
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: cost center, list, company
  • Summary: The Post Cost Center Lists API endpoint allows the creation of a list that includes all cost centers in the list for a specified company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid' to specify the company, and a request body containing 'name', 'tree_index', and an array of 'cost_centers' with their respective 'id'. The response will indicate success with a 201 status code or provide error messages for unauthorized access (401), forbidden access (403), or service unavailability (503) due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Counter Adjustment Notes

  • ID: post_counter_adjustment_notes
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: counter adjustment note, counter adjustment, company
  • Summary: The 'Post Counter Adjustment Notes' API allows users to post notes related to counter adjustments for a specific company identified by the 'cid' path parameter. The request body must include an array of 'counter_adjustment_notes', each containing a 'counter_adjustment_id' and 'text'. The API responds with a list of notes indicating the status of each note posting, including an 'index', 'status', and 'note_id'. Possible response statuses include 200 OK, 201 Created, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, and 503 Service Unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Counter Adjustments

  • ID: post_counter_adjustments
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: employee, counter adjustment, company
  • Summary: The Post Counter Adjustments API allows the creation of a counter adjustment for a specific employee within a company. It requires the company ID (cid) and account ID (aid) as path parameters. The request body must include the record date, counter ID, cost centers, value, reset flag, and reason code. The response returns the details of the created counter adjustment, including its ID, record date, counter details, cost centers, value, reset status, and reason code. Possible responses include 200 OK for success, 400 Bad Request for validation errors, 403 Forbidden for security issues, and 500 Internal Server Error for server issues.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Create Intuit W2 File

  • ID: post_create_intuit_w2_file
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: tax filing, file, company
  • Summary: The 'Post Create Intuit W2 File' API is used to create a file of W2 information to send to Intuit. It requires the PR subsystem. The API endpoint is 'https://HOSTNAME/ta/rest/v2/companies/{cid}/taxes/years/{year}/actions/create-intuit-file' and it uses the POST method. The path parameters include 'cid', which is a required string representing the company ID or unique identifier, and 'year', which is a required integer representing the four-digit year. Upon successful request, the API returns a '202 Accepted' response indicating that the action was accepted and a job was started.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Delete Multiple Documents

  • ID: post_delete_multiple_documents
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: document, module, company
  • Summary: The 'Post Delete Multiple Documents' API endpoint allows for the deletion of one or more documents associated with a company. The endpoint requires a list of document IDs to be provided in the request body. The company is identified by a path parameter 'cid', which can be the company ID, unique ID, or short name. The API is intended for companies with the 'Integrated Document Storage' marketplace product. If documents are linked to a module, the user must have access to that module to delete the documents. The response includes the status of each document deletion attempt, with possible statuses being 'OK' or 'FAILURE'. The response also includes user messages indicating the success or failure of each deletion attempt. The API returns various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 400 for bad requests, 404 if the resource is not found, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 if the service is unavailable due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Delete Sync Time

  • ID: post_delete_sync_time
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: time, payroll, company
  • Summary: The 'Post Delete Sync Time' API is used to delete sync time on specified payrolls for a company. The API requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The request body should include 'payroll_ids' and 'pay_period_ids', both arrays of numbers. The response includes a list of jobs with their statuses and user messages indicating the result of the operation.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Deliver

  • ID: post_deliver
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The Post Deliver API performs the delivery process on specified payrolls if they are closed. It requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier and a request body containing 'ids', an array of payroll IDs to be delivered. The response includes a list of jobs with their statuses and user messages indicating the processing actions for each payroll.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Direct Deposits

  • ID: post_direct_deposits
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: calculation method, direct deposit account, company
  • Summary: This API endpoint is used to create a new direct deposit account for a company. The endpoint is deprecated as of April 13, 2023, but will continue to function according to the deprecation policy. The request requires a path parameter 'cid' to specify the company. The request body must include details such as the account name, description, type, active dates, employee account ID, and bank account details. Depending on the calculation method, either 'amount' or 'percentage' may be required. The response will indicate success with a 201 Created status or provide error statuses such as 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 503 Service Unavailable.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Document Storage

  • ID: post_document_storage
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: document, metadata, company
  • Summary: The Post Document Storage API is used to create metadata for a document as part of a two-phase document upload process. This endpoint handles the metadata creation phase, providing a link to the document resource upon success. It is available for companies with the 'Integrated Document Storage' marketplace product. The API requires a company ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body with details about the document, including type, file name, display name, document type, description, and optional attributes. The response indicates the success or failure of the metadata creation, with appropriate HTTP status codes.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Employees

  • ID: post_employees
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: manager, employee, company
  • Summary: The Post Employees API allows the creation of a new employee record. It requires a company ID as a path parameter and accepts a detailed JSON body containing employee information such as name, address, phone numbers, and other personal details. The API does not consider certain fields like 'Id', 'Status', 'Terminated', and 'Links' in the request body. It performs validation only on system fields like 'Firstname'. The response includes various status codes indicating the result of the operation, such as 201 for successful creation, 400 for validation errors, and 403 for security issues.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Execute Accrual Balances

  • ID: post_execute_accrual_balances
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, pay period, company
  • Summary: The Post Execute Accrual Balances API performs the execute accrual balances process on specified payrolls, payroll, or pay period. It requires a path parameter 'cid' to specify the company and a request body containing 'ids', which is a list of payroll IDs to execute accrual balances on. The response includes a 'task_id' indicating the task created for the execution and 'user_messages' providing information about the process with severity levels.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Execute Accruals

  • ID: post_execute_accruals
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, accrual, company
  • Summary: The Post Execute Accruals API performs the execute accruals process on specified payrolls for a given company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier and a request body containing 'ids', an array of payroll IDs to execute accruals on. Upon successful execution, the API returns a message indicating the successful creation of the execute accruals job.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Export Payroll

  • ID: post_export_payroll
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, pay period, company
  • Summary: The Post Export Payroll API allows the caller to trigger the generation of the payroll interface file. This process is asynchronous, and a successful call returns a job ID that can be used to retrieve the status. The API requires path parameters 'cid' (company ID) and 'pay_period_id' (pay period ID). The request body can include details of the snapshot to export, export format ID, type of records to export, a flag indicating if only payroll employees should be exported, and user prompts. The response includes a job ID if the export job is successfully created.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post External Pay Statements

  • ID: post_external_pay_statements
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: document metadata, pay statement, company
  • Summary: The Post External Pay Statements API allows users to upload their pay statements. This is a two-phase process where users first create the pay statement and document metadata, and then get a link to upload the pay statement content. The API is available for companies with the 'Import External Pay History' functionality enabled. The request requires a path parameter 'cid' to specify the company, and a request body containing details such as employee account ID, file name, pay date, total gross pay, and other pay-related information. The API responds with various status codes indicating the result of the operation, such as 201 for successful creation, 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, and 503 for service unavailability due to call limits.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Finalize And Deliver

  • ID: post_finalize_and_deliver
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The Post Finalize And Deliver API performs the finalize and delivery process on specified payrolls if they are closed. It requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The request body must include an array of payroll IDs under 'ids'. The response includes a list of jobs with their statuses and user messages indicating the result of the operation, including any errors or warnings.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Finalize Payrolls

  • ID: post_finalize_payrolls
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: payroll, job, company
  • Summary: The Post Finalize Payrolls API performs the finalize process on specified payrolls if they are closed. It requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The request body must include an array of payroll IDs to finalize. The response includes job details and user messages indicating the status and any issues encountered during the process.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Forward Mailbox Items

  • ID: post_forward_mailbox_items
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: mailbox item, notification, company
  • Summary: The Post Forward Mailbox Items API endpoint forwards specified mailbox items for a given company. The request requires a path parameter 'cid' which is the company identifier. The request body must include an array of 'ids' representing the mailbox item IDs to be forwarded. The response returns a list of processing results for each item, indicating success ('OK') or failure ('FAILURE') with error details if applicable. Possible response codes include 200 (OK), 403 (Forbidden), and 503 (Service Unavailable).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Hcm Application Details Widget

  • ID: post_hcm_application_details_widget
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: widget, hcm application detail, company
  • Summary: The Post Hcm Application Details Widget API enables the HCM Application Details Widget for a specified company. It requires the company ID as a path parameter. The request body must include the HCM application details configuration, such as enabling decimal rounding, allowing special characters, and other settings. The API responds with a status indicating the success or failure of the operation, including messages for successful configuration, unauthorized access, or service unavailability.
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post Hcm System Details Widget

  • ID: post_hcm_system_details_widget
  • Operation: write
  • Entities: configuration, system, widget
  • Summary: The Post Hcm System Details Widget API enables the Dimensions HCM System Details Widget for a specified company. It requires a company ID as a path parameter and a system configuration object in the request body, which includes server URL, API key, tenant ID, username, password, client ID, client secret, and a flag for Dimensions HCM mode. The API returns a response indicating the success or failure of the operation, with possible HTTP status codes including 200 (OK), 201 (Created), 400 (Bad Request), 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Forbidden), and 503 (Service Unavailable).
  • Input Fields: Input Fields
  • Output Fields: Output Fields

Post History