Nmbrs API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Nmbrs API as part of the HRIS category
Delete employee hours
: delete_employee_hoursOperation
: writeEntities
: error, hour component, employeeSummary
: The Delete employee hours API allows you to delete specific hour components for an employee using their unique identifiers. The request requires the employeeId and hourComponentId as path parameters, and an Authorization header with a Bearer token for OAuth 2.0 authentication. The X-Subscription-Key header is optional. The API returns a 204 No Content status on success. In case of errors, it returns detailed error information including the type, HTTP status, code, title, detail, and documentation URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete employee wagecomponent
: delete_employee_wagecomponentOperation
: writeEntities
: wage component, employeeSummary
: The 'Delete employee wagecomponent' API allows you to delete a specific wage component associated with an employee. The API requires the 'employeeId' and 'wagecomponentId' as path parameters, both of which are UUIDs and mandatory. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header, which is generated upon subscribing to a product on developer.nmbrs.com. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an 'Authorization' header with a Bearer token. The response can vary based on the outcome: a 204 status code indicates successful deletion with no content returned, while error responses include detailed error information such as type, HTTP status, code, title, detail, and documentation URL. Common error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get addresses history
: get_addresses_historyOperation
: readEntities
: address, company, employeeSummary
: The 'Get addresses history' API retrieves the address history of all employees within a specified company. The API requires a companyId as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as pageNumber, pageSize, and createdFrom to filter the results. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their respective address histories. Each address entry contains details such as addressId, type, street, city, and creation date. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring appropriate scopes for access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get an employee
: get_an_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: manager, department, employeeSummary
: The 'Get an employee' API retrieves detailed information about a specific employee using their unique employee ID. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authorization and optionally accepts a subscription key. The endpoint is accessed via a GET request to the specified URL with the employee ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize' for pagination. The response includes pagination details and an array of employee data, which contains personal information, contact details, manager information, department, function, and address details. The API is designed to provide the latest entry for the current period of the company.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Bank Accounts History
: get_bank_accounts_historyOperation
: readEntities
: bank account, company, employeeSummary
: The Get Bank Accounts History API retrieves the bank account history for all employees of a specified company. The API requires the company ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters for pagination (pageNumber and pageSize) and filtering by creation date (createdFrom). The request must include an 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their respective bank account histories. Each bank account entry includes details such as IBAN, account type, and creation date. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring appropriate scopes for accessing bank account information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get company cost centers
: get_company_cost_centersOperation
: readEntities
: cost center, companySummary
: This API retrieves the cost centers available in a specified company. It requires the 'companyId' as a path parameter, which is a unique identifier for the company. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. Optional query parameters 'pageSize' and 'pageNumber' can be used to paginate the results. The response includes pagination details and a list of cost centers, each with an ID, code, and description. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an authorization token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get company cost units
: get_company_cost_unitsOperation
: readEntities
: cost unit, companySummary
: The 'Get company cost units' API retrieves the cost units associated with a specific company identified by the 'companyId' path parameter. The request requires an optional 'X-Subscription-Key' header for subscription verification. It supports pagination through 'pageSize' and 'pageNumber' query parameters, which are optional. The response includes pagination details and an array of cost unit objects, each containing 'costUnitId', 'code', and 'description'. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security and returns various HTTP status codes for different error scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Company Current Period
: get_company_current_periodOperation
: readEntities
: error, period, companySummary
: The 'Get Company Current Period' API retrieves the current period of a specified company. This information is crucial for determining the correct period to use in hour components. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authorization and optionally a subscription key. The request must include the 'companyId' as a path parameter, which uniquely identifies the company. The response includes pagination details and an array of data objects, each containing the current period, period type, and display period of the company. The API handles various error responses, including authentication errors, invalid requests, and server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Company Hour Codes
: get_company_hour_codesOperation
: readEntities
: hour code, company, employeeSummary
: The Get Company Hour Codes API retrieves a list of hour codes available for a specified company. These hour codes can be used to insert hour components at the employee level, such as bonuses. The API requires a companyId as a path parameter, which is a unique identifier for the company. Optional query parameters include pageNumber and pageSize to control pagination. The request must include an X-Subscription-Key header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and an array of hour codes, each with a code and description. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring appropriate scopes for access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Company List
: get_company_listOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, debtor, companySummary
: The Get Company List API retrieves a list of companies that the user has access to. It requires an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token for authorization and an X-Subscription-Key header. The API supports pagination through the optional query parameters 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize'. The response includes pagination details and a list of companies, each with a unique companyId, number, name, and debtorId. The API handles various error responses, including 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get company list by debtor
: get_company_list_by_debtorOperation
: readEntities
: debtor, companySummary
: This API retrieves a list of companies associated with a specific debtor. The request requires the debtor's unique identifier as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize' to control pagination. The 'X-Subscription-Key' header is optional. The response includes pagination details and a list of companies, each with a unique identifier, number, name, and associated debtor ID. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an authorization token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Company Wage Models
: get_company_wage_modelsOperation
: readEntities
: wage code, company, wage modelSummary
: The 'Get Company Wage Models' API retrieves the wage models for a specified company within a given period. It requires the 'companyId' as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'pageNumber', 'pageSize', 'period', and 'year'. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and requires an 'X-Subscription-Key' in the headers. The response includes pagination details and a list of wage models, each containing wage codes with attributes like 'wageCodeId', 'code', 'description', and 'continuityType'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Contracts History
: get_contracts_historyOperation
: readEntities
: contract, company, employeeSummary
: The Get Contracts History API retrieves the contract history for all employees of a specified company. It requires the companyId as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as pageNumber, pageSize, createdFrom, and employeeId for filtering results. The request must include the X-Subscription-Key header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their respective contract histories, including contract details such as contractId, startDate, trialPeriod, endDate, indefinite status, writtenContract status, hoursPerWeek, and createdAt date.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get cost centers history
: get_cost_centers_historyOperation
: readEntities
: cost center, company, employeeSummary
: The 'Get cost centers history' API retrieves the cost center history for all employees of a specified company. The API requires the 'companyId' as a path parameter, which is a unique identifier for the company. Optional query parameters include 'pageNumber', 'pageSize', 'createdFrom', and 'employeeId' to filter and paginate the results. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their respective cost center histories. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring appropriate scopes for access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Country Codes
: get_country_codesOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, error, countrySummary
: The Get Country Codes API retrieves a list of all countries according to the ISO standard. It requires an 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication, which is generated upon subscribing to a product on developer.nmbrs.com. The API supports pagination through optional query parameters 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize', with defaults set to 1 and 20 respectively. The response includes pagination details and an array of country data, each containing an ISO code and description. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring authorization via a bearer token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Debtor Info
: get_debtor_infoOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, debtor, addressSummary
: The Get Debtor Info API retrieves information about debtors. It requires an 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The API supports pagination through 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize' query parameters. The response includes pagination details and an array of debtor data, each containing debtor and address information. The API handles various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorized access, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get debtor list
: get_debtor_listOperation
: readEntities
: debtor, company, errorSummary
: The 'Get debtor list' API retrieves a list of debtors that the user has access to. In business environments, typically only one debtor is present. The API requires an optional 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication, and supports optional query parameters 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize' to paginate the results. The response includes pagination details and a list of debtor objects, each containing a unique debtor ID, number, and name. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an authorization token. Possible error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Departments
: get_departmentsOperation
: readEntities
: department, manager, debtorSummary
: The Get Departments API retrieves a list of all departments associated with a specific debtor. It requires the debtor's unique identifier (debtorId) as a path parameter. The API supports pagination through optional query parameters pageNumber and pageSize, with defaults set to 1 and 20, respectively. The request must include an X-Subscription-Key header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of departments, each with its ID, code, description, creation date, and associated managers. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an authorization token in the request headers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get document content
: get_document_contentOperation
: readEntities
: error, document, taskSummary
: The 'Get document content' API allows users to retrieve the content of a document using a task ID. The request requires an 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication and a 'taskId' path parameter, which is a UUID representing the document task ID. The response can be a binary stream of the document content (HTTP 200), a message indicating the document is being processed (HTTP 202), or various error messages with HTTP status codes such as 400, 401, 403, 404, 429, 500, 502, and 503, each providing detailed error information and a link to the documentation for further assistance.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee List
: get_employee_listOperation
: readEntities
: company, employeeSummary
: The Get Employee List API retrieves a list of all employees from a specified company. It returns the current period data of each employee, which is useful for mapping the available employees. The API requires a companyId as a path parameter, and optionally accepts query parameters such as pageNumber, pageSize, and employeeType to filter the results. The response includes pagination details and an array of employee data, each containing basic information like employeeId, employeeNumber, firstName, lastName, and employeeType. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security and requires an X-Subscription-Key header for authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Payslip Per Period
: get_employee_payslip_per_periodOperation
: readEntities
: period, payslip, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the payslip of an employee for a specified period and year. The request requires the employee's unique identifier (employeeId) as a path parameter, and optionally the period and year as query parameters. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response returns a taskId which is a unique identifier for the task. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an authorization token. Possible error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees Departments History
: get_employees_departments_historyOperation
: readEntities
: department, company, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the department history for all employees of a specified company. It requires the company ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters for pagination (pageNumber, pageSize), filtering by creation date (createdFrom), and filtering by a specific employee ID (employeeId). The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their department histories. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees Extra Fields
: get_employees_extra_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: extra field, company, employeeSummary
: The 'Get Employees Extra Fields' API retrieves additional fields for employees within a specified company. It requires the 'companyId' as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'pageNumber', 'pageSize', and 'extraFieldType' to filter the results. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security and requires an 'X-Subscription-Key' header. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their extra fields. Possible error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees Functions History
: get_employees_functions_historyOperation
: readEntities
: function, company, employeeSummary
: The 'Get Employees Functions History' API retrieves the mutation history of functions for all employees within a specified company. The API requires a valid 'companyId' as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'pageNumber', 'pageSize', 'createdFrom', and 'employeeId' for filtering results. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their function histories. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an authorization token. Possible error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees History
: get_employees_historyOperation
: readEntities
: personal info, company, employeeSummary
: The Get Employees History API retrieves detailed information about all employees of a specified company, including historical changes. The API requires a companyId as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as pageNumber, pageSize, and createdFrom to filter and paginate the results. The request must include an X-Subscription-Key header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and an array of employee data, each containing personal, birth, contact, and partner information, as well as historical records.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees Managers History
: get_employees_managers_historyOperation
: readEntities
: manager, company, employeeSummary
: The 'Get Employees Managers History' API retrieves the mutation history of managers for all employees within a specified company. The API requires a companyId as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as pageNumber, pageSize, createdFrom, and employeeId to filter the results. The request must include an 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their respective managers' history, including managerId, firstName, lastName, email, and createdAt date. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring appropriate scopes for accessing employee information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees Private Information History
: get_employees_private_information_historyOperation
: readEntities
: private information, company, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the private information history of all employees in a specified company. The endpoint requires the companyId as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include pageNumber, pageSize, and createdFrom to filter and paginate the results. The request must include the X-Subscription-Key header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and an array of employee private information histories, including BSN and creation date. The API supports OAuth 2.0 for security.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees User Accounts
: get_employees_user_accountsOperation
: readEntities
: user account, company, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves user accounts of employees for a specified company. It requires the 'companyId' as a path parameter, which is a unique identifier for the company. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. Optional query parameters 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize' can be used to paginate the results. The response includes pagination details and an array of employee user accounts, each containing details such as 'employeeId', 'userAccountId', 'userAccountType', 'email', 'name', 'debtorId', 'tenantId', and 'language'. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an authorization token in the request headers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employments History
: get_employments_historyOperation
: readEntities
: employment, company, employeeSummary
: The 'Get Employments History' API retrieves the employment history of all employees within a specified company. The API requires a 'companyId' as a path parameter, which is a unique identifier for the company. Optional query parameters include 'pageNumber', 'pageSize', 'createdFrom', 'employeeId', and 'changedFrom' to filter and paginate the results. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and an array of employment records for each employee, detailing employment IDs, creation dates, start and end dates, seniority dates, and reasons for contract termination. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring appropriate scopes for accessing employment data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get End Contract Reasons
: get_end_contract_reasonsOperation
: readEntities
: contract, error, reasonSummary
: The 'Get End Contract Reasons' API retrieves the available end of contract reasons for a specified year. The API requires a path parameter 'Year' to specify the year for which the data is requested. Optional query parameters 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize' can be used to paginate the results. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and an array of end contract reasons, each with a 'code' and 'reason'. The API supports OAuth 2.0 for security and returns various HTTP status codes to indicate success or specific errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Extra Field Settings
: get_extra_field_settingsOperation
: readEntities
: extra field setting, companySummary
: The 'Get Extra Field Settings' API retrieves the extra field settings for a specified company. It requires the 'companyId' as a path parameter, which is a unique identifier for the company. The API supports optional query parameters such as 'pageNumber', 'pageSize', and 'createdFrom' to paginate and filter the results. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and an array of extra fields, each with an ID, name, and type. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring appropriate scopes for access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get fixed hours per employee
: get_fixed_hours_per_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: hour component, payslip, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the fixed hour components of a specified employee. The fixed hours are applied to the period they are added into and continue until the specified end year and end period. The API requires the 'employeeId' as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'year', 'period', 'pageNumber', 'pageSize', and 'createdFrom' to filter the results. The response includes pagination details and a list of fixed hour components, each with details like 'hourComponentId', 'hourCode', 'hourCodeDescription', 'hours', 'comment', 'endYear', 'endPeriod', and 'createdAt'. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security and requires an 'X-Subscription-Key' in the headers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Fixed Wage Components
: get_fixed_wage_componentsOperation
: readEntities
: fixed wage component, company, employeeSummary
: The 'Get Fixed Wage Components' API retrieves fixed wage components for all employees of a specified company for a given period. The API requires a company ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as pageNumber, pageSize, createdFrom, employeeId, period, and year to filter the results. The request must include an 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their respective fixed wage components. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring appropriate scopes for access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get fixed worked days per employee
: get_fixed_worked_days_per_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, fixed day, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the fixed worked days for a specific employee identified by the employeeId. It requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authorization and optionally accepts a subscription key. The API endpoint is https://api.nmbrsapp.com/api/employees/{employeeId}/fixeddays. The request can include query parameters such as year, period, pageNumber, and pageSize to filter and paginate the results. The response includes pagination details and an array of data objects containing the number of days worked, days for wage components per day, end period, and end year.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get functions
: get_functionsOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, debtor, functionSummary
: The 'Get functions' API retrieves a list of all functions associated with a specific debtor. It requires the debtor's unique identifier as a path parameter. The API supports pagination through optional query parameters 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize'. The request must include an 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of functions, each with a unique identifier, code, and description. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an authorization token in the request headers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Managers
: get_managersOperation
: readEntities
: department, manager, debtorSummary
: The 'Get Managers' API retrieves a list of all managers associated with a specific debtor. The API requires the debtor's unique identifier (debtorId) as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include pageNumber and pageSize to control pagination. The request must include an 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of manager objects, each containing information such as managerId, name, gender, department, function, and contact details. The API supports OAuth 2.0 for security and returns various HTTP status codes for different error scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Managers User Accounts
: get_managers_user_accountsOperation
: readEntities
: manager, debtor, user accountSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the user accounts of managers associated with a specific debtor. The request requires the debtorId as a path parameter, which is a unique identifier for the debtor. Optional query parameters include pageNumber and pageSize, which control pagination of the results. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of manager user accounts, each with details such as managerId, userAccountId, userAccountType, email, name, debtorId, tenantId, and language. The API supports OAuth 2.0 for security.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Salaries History
: get_salaries_historyOperation
: readEntities
: salary, company, employeeSummary
: The Get Salaries History API retrieves the salary history of all employees within a specified company. The API requires the companyId as a path parameter to identify the company. Optional query parameters include pageNumber, pageSize, createdFrom, and employeeId to filter and paginate the results. The request must include the X-Subscription-Key header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their respective salary records, including salaryId, startDate, type, value, and creation date. The API supports OAuth 2.0 for secure access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get salary table versions
: get_salary_table_versionsOperation
: readEntities
: salary table, scale, stepSummary
: The 'Get salary table versions' API retrieves the versions and values of a specific salary table within a scale and step. It requires the 'salaryTableId' as a path parameter and accepts optional query parameters such as 'pageNumber', 'pageSize', 'scaleId', 'stepId', and 'periodType'. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security. The response includes pagination details and data about the salary table, including its ID, code, name, scale, step, and versions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Schedules History
: get_schedules_historyOperation
: readEntities
: schedule, company, employeeSummary
: The Get Schedules History API retrieves the schedule history for all employees of a specified company. The API requires the companyId as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as pageNumber, pageSize, createdFrom, and employeeId to filter the results. The request must include the X-Subscription-Key header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their respective schedules, including schedule ID, start date, part-time percentage, weekly hours, and creation date. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring appropriate scopes for accessing employment data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Subscription Info
: get_subscription_infoOperation
: readEntities
: tier, subscription, statusSummary
: The Get Subscription Info API retrieves details about a specific subscription, including its status and the tier purchased. It requires the subscription name as a path parameter and optionally accepts page number and page size as query parameters for pagination. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The response includes pagination details and an array of subscription data, which contains user ID, subscription status, pricing tier details, and item name. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an authorization token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get User Information
: get_user_informationOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, error, userSummary
: The Get User Information API retrieves user details from the system. It requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with a bearer token. The request can include optional query parameters 'pageNumber' and 'pageSize' to paginate the results. The response includes pagination details and an array of user data, each containing fields like name, email, language, debtorId, and userId. The API handles various HTTP status codes for errors, including 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 for not found, 429 for too many requests, 500 for internal server errors, 502 for bad gateway, and 503 for service unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Variable Hours Per Employee
: get_variable_hours_per_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, hour component, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the variable hour components of a specified employee. The variable hours are only applicable for the period they are added into. The request requires an employee ID as a path parameter and optionally accepts query parameters such as year, period, pageNumber, pageSize, and createdFrom to filter the results. The response includes pagination details and a list of variable hour components, each with details like hourComponentId, hourCode, hourCodeDescription, hours, comment, and createdAt. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and requires an 'X-Subscription-Key' header.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Variable Wage Components
: get_variable_wage_componentsOperation
: readEntities
: variable wage component, company, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves variable wage components for all employees within a specified company and period. The request requires a company ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as page number, page size, created from date, employee ID, period, and year. The response includes pagination details and a list of employees with their respective variable wage components. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security and requires an 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Variable Worked Days Per Employee
: get_variable_worked_days_per_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: variable day, pagination, employeeSummary
: The 'Get Variable Worked Days Per Employee' API retrieves the variable worked days for a specific employee identified by the employeeId. It requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and optionally accepts a subscription key. The API endpoint includes the employeeId as a path parameter. Query parameters include year and period for specifying the time frame, and pagination options such as pageNumber and pageSize. The response includes pagination details and an array of data objects, each containing the number of days worked and days for wage components per day.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Employee
: post_create_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: personal information, company, employeeSummary
: The Create Employee API allows you to create a new employee in a specified company. The API requires a companyId as a path parameter and uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. The request body includes detailed personal information about the employee, such as basic info, birth info, contact info, partner info, and additional employee info. The response returns the newly created employeeId, which can be used for further operations on the employee. The API handles various error responses, including invalid requests, authentication errors, and server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create employee address
: post_create_employee_addressOperation
: writeEntities
: address, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to update the address of a specific employee by creating a new address entry in Nmbrs. The request requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter and a JSON body containing the address details such as type, street, city, and country ISO code. The request headers must include an 'X-Subscription-Key'. The response returns the newly created address identifier. The API supports OAuth 2.0 for security.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Employee Bank Account
: post_create_employee_bank_accountOperation
: writeEntities
: error, bank account, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of a new bank account for a specific employee. It requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter and an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token for authentication. The request body must include the IBAN of the bank account, and optionally other details such as the account number, description, city, name, and type of the bank account. The response will return a unique bank account ID upon successful creation. Error responses include detailed information about the error type, HTTP status, and guidance for resolution.Input Fields
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Create employee contract
: post_create_employee_contractOperation
: writeEntities
: contract, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of a new contract for a specific employee. It requires the employee's unique identifier (employeeId) as a path parameter. The request must include headers with an X-Subscription-Key for authentication. The body of the request should contain details about the contract, including the start date, trial period, end date, whether the contract is indefinite, if there is a written contract, and the number of hours per week. The response will return a contractId upon successful creation. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security and can return various error codes such as 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorized access, and others.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Create Employee Salary
: post_create_employee_salaryOperation
: writeEntities
: salary, salary table, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to update the salary of a specific employee by creating a new salary entry in Nmbrs. The request requires a path parameter 'employeeId' which is a unique identifier for the employee. The request body must include 'startDate' which is the start date of the salary, and optionally 'type', 'value', and 'salaryTable' details. The 'salaryTable' can include 'salaryTableId', 'scaleId', 'stepId', and 'increaseStep' details. The request headers must include 'X-Subscription-Key'. The response returns a 'salaryId' which is the identifier for the salary history. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security.Input Fields
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Create employee schedule
: post_create_employee_scheduleOperation
: writeEntities
: schedule, error, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to update the schedule of a specific employee by creating a new schedule entry in Nmbrs. The request requires the employee's unique identifier (employeeId) as a path parameter. The request body must include the start date of the schedule and optionally the hours per week and detailed hours for each day of two weeks. The request headers must include the 'X-Subscription-Key'. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security. Upon successful creation, the API returns a scheduleId. Possible error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Employment
: post_create_employmentOperation
: writeEntities
: employment, error, employeeSummary
: The Create Employment API allows you to create a new employment record for a specified employee. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint with the employee's unique identifier in the path parameter. The request must include a 'startDate' in the body, which is mandatory, and an optional 'seniorityDate'. The 'X-Subscription-Key' header is required for authentication. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 status code with the 'employmentId' in the response body. Error responses include 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 for not found, 429 for too many requests, and 500 for internal server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Fixed Hours
: post_create_fixed_hoursOperation
: writeEntities
: period, hour component, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of fixed hours for an employee. The fixed hours components are applied to the period they are created and to further periods until the specified end year and end period. The request requires an employee ID as a path parameter and includes a body with details such as hour code, hours, optional comments, end year, end period, and period details. The response returns the created hour component ID. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and requires a subscription key in the headers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Fixed Wage Component
: post_create_fixed_wage_componentOperation
: writeEntities
: wage component, cost center, employeeSummary
: This API creates a new fixed wage component for a specific employee. It requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter. The request body must include the wage component code and value, and may optionally include additional details such as end year, end period, comments, cost center ID, cost unit ID, period details, and unprotected mode. The request headers should include an X-Subscription-Key. The API responds with the unique identifier of the created fixed wage component. Possible error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create fixed worked days
: post_create_fixed_worked_daysOperation
: writeEntities
: fixed worked day, period, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of fixed worked days for a specific employee identified by the employeeId path parameter. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and a subscription key in the headers. The body of the request must include the number of days, optional details about wage components per day, the end period and year, and period details including the year, period, and unprotected mode. The response can return various HTTP status codes indicating success or different types of errors, such as invalid request, authentication errors, or throttling errors, with detailed error messages and documentation URLs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Variable Hours
: post_create_variable_hoursOperation
: writeEntities
: variable hour, hour component, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of variable hours for an employee. The variable hours are applied only for the period they are added into. The request requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter. The request body must include the hour code and the number of hours to be registered. Optional fields include a comment, cost center ID, cost unit ID, and period details. The period details can specify the year and period, and whether unprotected mode is enabled. The response returns the created hour component ID. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Variable Wage Component
: post_create_variable_wage_componentOperation
: writeEntities
: wage component, cost center, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of a variable wage component for a specific employee. The request requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter. The request body must include the wage component code and value, and may optionally include a comment, cost center ID, cost unit ID, period details (year and period), and a flag for unprotected mode. The response returns the ID of the created variable wage component. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security and requires an X-Subscription-Key header for authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create variable worked days
: post_create_variable_worked_daysOperation
: writeEntities
: period, day, employeeSummary
: The 'Create variable worked days' API allows you to add variable days for an employee for a specific period. The API endpoint requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter. The request body must include the number of days, optional days for wage components per day, and period details such as year and period. The 'unprotectedMode' flag should be set to true when making changes in the past. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security and requires an 'X-Subscription-Key' header. The response can include various error codes such as 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorized access, and 500 for internal server errors, each with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Bank Account
: put_update_employee_bank_accountOperation
: writeEntities
: bank account, employeeSummary
: This API updates an existing employee's bank account information. The endpoint requires the employee's unique identifier (employeeId) as a path parameter. The request must include a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token in the Authorization header and a subscription key in the X-Subscription-Key header. The request body should contain the bankAccountId and any other fields to be updated, such as number, description, IBAN, city, name, and countryCode. The response returns the updated bankAccountId if successful. Possible error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Contract
: put_update_employee_contractOperation
: writeEntities
: contract, authorization, employeeSummary
: The Update Employee Contract API allows you to update an existing contract for a specific employee. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint https://api.nmbrsapp.com/api/employees/{employeeId}/contract, where {employeeId} is the unique identifier of the employee. The request must include the 'X-Subscription-Key' header for authentication. The body of the request should contain the contract details such as 'contractId', 'trialPeriod', 'endDate', 'indefinite', 'writtenContract', and 'hoursPerWeek'. The 'indefinite' field is required. The response will include the 'employeeContractId' of the updated contract. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, and various error responses are defined for different HTTP status codes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update employee cost center
: put_update_employee_cost_centerOperation
: writeEntities
: period, cost center, employeeSummary
: The 'Update employee cost center' API allows updating the cost center details of a specific employee identified by 'employeeId'. The request requires OAuth 2.0 authentication and includes headers such as 'X-Subscription-Key', 'Authorization', 'Accept', and 'Content-Type'. The path parameter 'employeeId' is required and must be a UUID. The request body includes 'employeeId', 'employeeCostCenters', and 'period' details. The response can return various HTTP status codes, including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 for not found, 429 for too many requests, 500 for internal server error, and 502 for bad gateway. The response body provides detailed error information if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Department
: put_update_employee_departmentOperation
: writeEntities
: period detail, department, employeeSummary
: The Update Employee Department API allows you to update the department of a specific employee. Each employee can have only one department at a time. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint https://api.nmbrsapp.com/api/employees/{employeeId}/department with the employeeId as a path parameter. The request must include headers for 'X-Subscription-Key', 'Authorization' (Bearer token for OAuth 2.0), and 'Content-Type'. The body of the request should contain the 'departmentId' and 'periodDetails' (year and period). The response returns the 'employeeDepartmentId' as a UUID. Possible error responses include 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update employee fixed hours
: put_update_employee_fixed_hoursOperation
: writeEntities
: period, hour component, employeeSummary
: This API updates the fixed hours component for a specified employee. The request requires the employee's unique identifier (employeeId) as a path parameter. The request body must include the hourComponentId, which is mandatory, and can optionally include hourCode, hours, costCenterId, costUnitId, comment, endYear, endPeriod, and periodDetails. The periodDetails object can specify the year and period, and whether unprotectedMode is enabled. The request must include the X-Subscription-Key header for authentication. The response returns the updated hourComponentId. Possible error responses include 400 for invalid requests, 401 for authentication errors, 403 for forbidden access, 404 for not found resources, 429 for too many requests, 500 for internal server errors, 502 for bad gateway, and 503 for service unavailability.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Fixed Wage Component
: put_update_employee_fixed_wage_componentOperation
: writeEntities
: fixed wage component, cost center, employeeSummary
: This API updates the fixed wage component for a specific employee. It requires the employee's unique identifier (employeeId) as a path parameter and a subscription key in the headers. The request body must include the fixedWageComponentId and can optionally include other details such as code, value, endYear, endPeriod, comment, costCenterId, costUnitId, and periodDetails. The periodDetails object can specify the year and period, and whether unprotectedMode is enabled. The response returns the updated fixedWageComponentId. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security, requiring an authorization token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Function
: put_update_employee_functionOperation
: writeEntities
: period detail, function, employeeSummary
: The Update Employee Function API allows updating the function of a specific employee. Each employee can have only one function at a time. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint with the employee's unique identifier in the path. The request body must include the functionId and periodDetails, which consist of the year and period. The request headers must include the X-Subscription-Key. The response returns the updated employeeFunctionId. The API supports OAuth 2.0 for security. Possible error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Manager
: put_update_employee_managerOperation
: writeEntities
: manager, organization structure, employeeSummary
: The Update Employee Manager API allows updating the manager of a specific employee. Each employee can have only one manager at a time. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with the authorization code flow. The request must include the employee's unique identifier in the path parameters and the manager's unique identifier in the request body. Additionally, period details such as year and period must be provided. The response returns the unique identifier for the employee-manager relationship. The API handles various error responses, including authentication errors, unauthorized access, resource not found, and throttling errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Personal Info
: put_update_employee_personal_infoOperation
: writeEntities
: error, information, employeeSummary
: The Update Employee Personal Info API allows updating the personal information of an employee, including basic, birth, and contact details. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint with the employee's unique ID in the path. The request must include headers for authorization and content type, and optionally a subscription key. The body of the request should contain the employee's basic information, birth information, contact information, partner information, and period details. The response returns a personalInfoId upon successful update. Error responses include various HTTP status codes with detailed error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Social Security Number
: put_update_employee_social_security_numberOperation
: writeEntities
: error, social security number, employeeSummary
: This API allows updating an employee's social security number. It requires the employee's unique identifier (employeeId) as a path parameter and the new social security number in the request body. The request must include an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token for authentication. The response will include a unique identifier for the personal info record if successful. Error responses include detailed information about the error, including HTTP status, error code, and a description.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update employee variable hours
: put_update_employee_variable_hoursOperation
: writeEntities
: period detail, hour component, employeeSummary
: The 'Update employee variable hours' API allows updating the variable hours for a specific employee identified by 'employeeId'. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication and uses the PUT method. The request includes headers such as 'X-Subscription-Key', 'Authorization', 'Accept', and 'Content-Type'. The path parameter 'employeeId' is required and must be a UUID. The request body includes details about the hour component such as 'hourComponentId', 'hourCode', 'hours', 'costCenterId', 'costUnitId', 'comment', and 'periodDetails'. The 'periodDetails' object includes 'year', 'period', and 'unprotectedMode'. The response returns the updated 'hourComponentId'. Possible error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Variable Wage Component
: put_update_employee_variable_wage_componentOperation
: writeEntities
: period detail, wage component, employeeSummary
: This API updates the variable wage component for a specific employee. It requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter. The request body must include the variable wage component ID and can optionally include other details such as code, value, comment, cost center ID, cost unit ID, and period details. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for security and requires an authorization token. The response returns the updated variable wage component ID. Possible error responses include invalid request errors, authentication errors, and throttling errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employment
: put_update_employmentOperation
: writeEntities
: employment, employee, dateSummary
: The Update Employment API allows updating the seniority date, end of service date, and reason for an employee's employment object. It requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with a bearer token. The request must include the employee's unique identifier in the path, and the employment details in the body. The response returns the updated employment ID. Possible error responses include authentication errors, unauthorized access, resource not found, and server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated 3 months ago