Paycor API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Paycor API as part of the HRIS category
Create Employee
: create_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: The Create Employee API allows for the immediate hiring of a new employee and associated Person in Paycor's system. This operation cannot be undone or reversed. After creating an employee, it is recommended to wait sixty seconds before using the employeeId to call other endpoints. The API requires an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The request body must include the employee's LegalEntityId, FirstName, LastName, HireDate, Status, PaygroupDescription, DepartmentCode, and PrimaryAddress. Optional fields include EmployeeNumber, AlternateEmployeeNumber, Prefix, MiddleName, Suffix, HomeEmail, WorkEmail, Phones, SocialSecurityNumber, BirthDate, Gender, Ethnicity, MaritalStatus, WorkLocation, JobTitle, ReHireDate, Flsa, Type, ManagerEmpId, Veteran, and Disability. The response includes a 201 status with a ResourceUrl object, or error responses with 404 or 500 status codes providing details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Post Time Off Requests By Legal Entity Id
: create_leave_requestOperation
: writeEntities
: This API endpoint allows users to post time off requests for employees by specifying the legal entity ID. The request requires a path parameter 'legalEntityId' which is the ID of the legal entity. The request body must include an array of time off requests, each containing 'EmployeeId', 'TimeOffTypeId', 'Status', 'Comment', and 'Days'. The 'Days' field is an array of objects specifying the date, start time, end time, hours, and whether the time off is partial. The API supports authorization via 'Access-Token' or 'Apim-Subscription-Key'. The response can be a 202 status with a resource URL, or error responses with 404 or 500 status codes providing correlation IDs and error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Employee Schedule
: delete_employee_scheduleOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, scheduleSummary
: The Delete Employee Schedule API allows you to delete a specific employee's schedule by providing the employee ID and schedule ID as path parameters. The API requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. Upon successful deletion, a 204 status code is returned with no content. If the schedule is not found, a 404 status code is returned with a detailed error message. In case of server errors, a 500 status code is returned with a correlation ID and error details to assist in troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Scheduling Shift by ShiftId and LegalEntityId
: delete_scheduling_shift_by_shiftid_and_legalentityidOperation
: writeEntities
: legal entity, error, shiftSummary
: This API endpoint allows the deletion of a scheduling shift by specifying the Shift ID and Legal Entity ID. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameters include 'legalEntityId' which is an integer representing the Legal Entity ID, and 'shiftId' which is a GUID representing the Shift ID to be deleted. The API returns a 204 status code for successful deletion with no content. In case of errors, it returns a JSON object with a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source providing information about the error. Possible error responses include 400 (Bad Request), 401 (Unauthorized), 404 (Not Found), and 500 (Internal Server Error).Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Work Location By Work Location ID And Legal Entity ID
: delete_work_location_by_work_location_id_and_legal_entity_idOperation
: writeEntities
: work location, legal entitySummary
: This API deletes a work location by its ID and the associated legal entity ID. It requires path parameters 'legalEntityId' and 'workLocationId' to specify the legal entity and work location to be deleted. The API supports authorization through either an 'Access-Token' or 'Apim-Subscription-Key'. On successful deletion, it returns a 200 status code with a resource URL. If the work location is not found, it returns a 404 error with details. A 500 error is returned for server-side issues, both errors include a correlation ID for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Compensation Details
: get_all_compensation_information_for_an_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: The 'Get Employee Compensation Details' API retrieves comprehensive compensation details for a specific employee identified by the employeeId path parameter. It combines the earnings and payrate information of the employee. Authorization is required via either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The API supports optional query parameters, including 'include' to specify additional data and 'continuationToken' for pagination. The response includes metadata indicating if more results are available, a continuation token for additional records, and lists of earnings and payrate records. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Job Titles by Tenant ID
: get_all_job_titles_by_tenant_idOperation
: readEntities
: tenant, legal entity, job titleSummary
: This API retrieves all job titles configured at a tenant level using the tenant ID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API accepts a required path parameter 'tenantId' and an optional query parameter 'continuationToken' for pagination. The response includes a list of job titles with details such as JobTitleId, JobTitle, JobCode, JobCategory, and Tenant information. It also indicates if more results are available and provides a continuation token and URL for additional records. Error responses include a 404 or 500 status with details about the error and a correlation ID for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get an ATS Account Job for ATS Account Id
: get_ats_account_job_for_ats_account_idOperation
: readEntities
: recruiter, manager, jobSummary
: This API retrieves an ATS account job for a specified ATS account ID. It requires path parameters including legalEntityId, atsAccountId, and atsJobId. Optional query parameters allow for additional data inclusion such as Hiring Managers, Recruiters, Team Members, and Executives. The response includes detailed job information such as job ID, title, description, status, openings, priority, confidentiality, and posting details. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with a correlation ID and error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a list of ATS Account jobs for ATS Account Id
: get_ats_account_jobsOperation
: readEntities
: job, legal entity, ATS department, ATS accountSummary
: This API retrieves a list of ATS Account jobs for a specified ATS Account ID. It requires the legalEntityId and atsAccountId as path parameters. Optional query parameters include 'include' to specify additional data, 'postedToCareers' to filter jobs posted to the careers page, 'status' to filter by job status, and 'continuationToken' for pagination. The response includes a list of job records, a continuation token for additional results, and a URL for further requests. Error responses include a 404 for validation errors and a 500 for server errors, each providing a correlation ID and error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a list of ATS Accounts for Legal Entity
: get_ats_accounts_for_legal_entityOperation
: readEntities
: ats account, legal entity, continuation tokenSummary
: This API retrieves a list of ATS (Applicant Tracking System) accounts associated with a specific legal entity identified by the legalEntityId. The request requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The legalEntityId is a required path parameter, while the continuationToken is an optional query parameter used for pagination. The response includes a list of ATS accounts, a boolean indicating if more results are available, and a continuation token for fetching additional records. In case of errors, the API returns detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
GET an ATS Candidate by Legal Entity ID, Ats Account ID, ATS Job ID and ATS Candidate ID
: get_ats_candidate_by_legal_entity_id_ats_account_id_ats_job_id_and_ats_candidate_idOperation
: readEntities
: candidate, city, account, alt phone, postal code, address2, address1, state, country, email, mobile phone, job, alt emailSummary
: This API retrieves an ATS Candidate by specifying the Legal Entity ID, ATS Account ID, ATS Job ID, and ATS Candidate ID. It requires path parameters for legalEntityId, atsAccountId, atsJobId, and atsCandidateId, all of which are mandatory. The API can be authorized using either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key. Upon a successful request (HTTP 200), it returns detailed information about the candidate, including their ID, job ID, account ID, email, name, hiring stages, contact information, address, and creation details. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Direct Deposits by EmployeeID
: get_bank_accounts_for_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: This API retrieves the direct deposit information for a specific employee identified by the employeeId. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The employeeId is a required path parameter, while a continuationToken can be optionally provided as a query parameter to fetch additional records. The API returns a list of direct deposit records, including details such as account type, masked account number, routing number, bank name, frequency, and more. If there are more results available, a continuation token and an additional results URL are provided. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status code with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a list of Certification Organizations for a Legal Entity
: get_certification_organizations_for_legal_entityOperation
: readEntities
: certification organization, record, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves a list of Certification Organizations associated with a specified Legal Entity. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include a continuationToken for paginated results. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key headers. The response includes a list of certification organizations, a continuation token for additional results, and a URL for further requests. Error responses include detailed information for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a list of Certifications for a Legal Entity
: get_certifications_for_legal_entityOperation
: readEntities
: certification, tenant certification, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves a list of certifications for a specified legal entity. It requires the legal entity ID as a path parameter and optionally accepts a continuation token as a query parameter for paginated results. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key headers. The response includes a list of certifications, a continuation token for additional results, and a URL for further records if available. Error responses include detailed information for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity for an Employee
: get_company_of_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: The 'Get Legal Entity for an Employee' API retrieves the legal entity information associated with a specific employee using their unique EmployeeID. The API requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The employeeId is a required path parameter, while the query parameters include 'include' and 'emailType', which are optional. The 'include' parameter allows additional data such as EmploymentDates, Position, Status, and WorkLocation to be included in the response. The 'emailType' parameter specifies whether to return the Work or Home email address. The API returns a detailed employee object on a successful 200 response, including fields like Id, FirstName, LastName, and LegalEntity details such as Id, Name, FederalId, Type, and IsLost status. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 response with a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Deductions by EmployeeID
: get_deductions_for_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: This API retrieves the deductions for a specific employee identified by the employeeId. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API accepts path parameters for the employeeId, and optional query parameters include 'include' to specify additional data and 'continuationToken' for pagination. The response includes a collection of employee deductions, with details such as deduction code, description, type, frequency, and amount data. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Download Employee Pay Stub Document
: get_download_employee_pay_stub_documentOperation
: readEntities
: employee, pay stub, documentSummary
: This API allows users to download an employee's pay stub document. It requires the employee's ID and the document ID as path parameters. The request can be authorized using either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key. The API returns a downloadable pay stub document in an octet-stream format if successful (HTTP 200). In case of errors, it returns a JSON object with a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source fields for troubleshooting. Errors include HTTP 404 for validation errors and HTTP 500 for server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Accruals by EmployeeID
: get_employee_accruals_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: employee, balance, time off accrualSummary
: This API retrieves the time-off accrual balances for a specific employee identified by their employee ID. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The employeeId is a required path parameter, while the continuationToken is an optional query parameter used to fetch additional records. The API returns a collection of employee accrual balances, including details such as employee name, number, and various time-off balances. The response indicates if more results are available and provides a continuation token and URL for fetching additional data. In case of errors, the API returns detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Accruals by Legal Entity ID
: get_employee_accruals_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, legal entity, timeoff accrualSummary
: This API retrieves employee time-off accrual balances for a specified legal entity ID. It requires a legalEntityId as a path parameter and optionally accepts a continuationToken as a query parameter to fetch additional records. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key headers. The response includes details about whether more results are available, a continuation token for further requests, and a list of employee balance records. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee by EmployeeID
: get_employee_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: direct deposits, employee, earnings, deductions, pay rates, work location, status data, taxes, person, department, legal entity, email, positionSummary
: The 'Get Employee by EmployeeID' API retrieves detailed information about an employee using their unique EmployeeID. The API requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The employeeId is a required path parameter, while the query parameters include 'include' and 'emailType', which are optional. The 'include' parameter allows additional data such as EmploymentDates, Position, Status, and WorkLocation to be included in the response. The 'emailType' parameter specifies whether to return the Work or Home email address. The API returns a detailed employee object on a successful 200 response, including fields like Id, EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Email, EmploymentDateData, PositionData, and more. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 response with a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a list of Employee Certifications for an employee
: get_employee_certificationsOperation
: readEntities
: certification, employee, notesSummary
: This API retrieves a list of certifications for a specified employee. It requires the employee's ID as a path parameter. Optionally, an access token or subscription key can be provided in the headers for authorization. A continuation token can be used as a query parameter to fetch additional records if available. The response includes a list of certifications with details such as certification ID, name, number, organization, and dates. In case of errors, a 404 or 500 status code is returned with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Custom Fields by EmployeeID
: get_employee_custom_fields_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: employee, legal entity, custom fieldSummary
: This API retrieves custom fields for a specific employee identified by the employeeId path parameter. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API supports pagination through the continuationToken query parameter. The response includes a list of custom fields with details such as CustomFieldId, LegalEntityId, FieldName, DataType, Value, and more. If there are more results, HasMoreResults will be true, and a ContinuationToken will be provided for subsequent requests. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status with details about the error, including a CorrelationId for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Deduction by EmployeeID and EmployeeDeductionID
: get_employee_deduction_by_employeeid_and_employeedeductionidOperation
: readEntities
: employee, legal entity deduction, employee deductionSummary
: This API retrieves an employee's deduction details based on the provided EmployeeID and EmployeeDeductionID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameters include 'employeeId' and 'employeeDeductionId', both of which are required. An optional query parameter 'include' can be used to specify additional data to include in the response, such as 'All' or 'AmountData'. The response includes detailed information about the employee deduction, such as its unique ID, code, description, type, frequency, and more. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status code with a detailed error message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Deductions by EmployeeID
: get_employee_deductions_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: deduction, employee, amount dataSummary
: This API retrieves the deductions for a specific employee identified by the employeeId. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API accepts path parameters for the employeeId, and optional query parameters include 'include' to specify additional data and 'continuationToken' for pagination. The response includes a collection of employee deductions, with details such as deduction code, description, type, frequency, and amount data. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees By TenantID
: get_employee_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: The Get Employees By TenantID API retrieves a collection of employees associated with a specific tenant ID. It requires a tenantId as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as statusFilter, employeeNumber, lastName, departmentCode, workLocationName, jobCode, and continuationToken to filter the results. The API returns a response with a list of employees and additional metadata if successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee by EmployeeID
: get_employee_details_by_employee_identifierOperation
: readEntities
: The 'Get Employee by EmployeeID' API retrieves detailed information about an employee using their unique EmployeeID. The API requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The employeeId is a required path parameter, while the query parameters include 'include' and 'emailType', which are optional. The 'include' parameter allows additional data such as EmploymentDates, Position, Status, and WorkLocation to be included in the response. The 'emailType' parameter specifies whether to return the Work or Home email address. The API returns a detailed employee object on a successful 200 response, including fields like Id, EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Email, EmploymentDateData, PositionData, and more. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 response with a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Direct Deposit by EmployeeID and DirectDepositID
: get_employee_direct_deposit_by_employeeid_and_directdepositidOperation
: readEntities
: direct deposit, bank account, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the direct deposit information for a specific employee based on the provided employee ID and direct deposit ID. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameters include 'employeeId' and 'directDepositId', both of which are required. The response includes detailed information about the direct deposit such as account type, masked account number, routing number, bank name, frequency, deduction code, direct deposit type, on-hold status, amount, rate, and employee resource reference. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Direct Deposits by EmployeeID
: get_employee_direct_deposits_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: direct deposit, employee, bankSummary
: This API retrieves the direct deposit information for a specific employee identified by the employeeId. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The employeeId is a required path parameter, while a continuationToken can be optionally provided as a query parameter to fetch additional records. The API returns a list of direct deposit records, including details such as account type, masked account number, routing number, bank name, frequency, and more. If there are more results available, a continuation token and an additional results URL are provided. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status code with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Earning by EmployeeID and EmployeeEarningID
: get_employee_earning_by_employeeid_and_employeeearningidOperation
: readEntities
: employee earning, employee, legal entity earningSummary
: This API retrieves the earning details of an employee based on the provided EmployeeID and EmployeeEarningID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameters include 'employeeId' and 'employeeEarningId', both of which are required. An optional query parameter 'include' can be used to specify additional data to be included in the response, such as 'All' or 'AmountData'. The response includes detailed information about the employee's earning, such as Id, Code, Description, Type, Frequency, SequenceNumber, IncludeInPay, OnHold status, EffectiveStartDate, EffectiveEndDate, AmountData, Employee, and LegalEntityEarning. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status code with a detailed error message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Earnings by EmployeeID
: get_employee_earnings_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: employee, earning, amount dataSummary
: This API retrieves the earnings information of an employee based on the provided employee ID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameter 'employeeId' is mandatory. Optional query parameters include 'include' to specify additional data and 'continuationToken' for pagination. The response includes a collection of employee earnings records, with metadata indicating if more results are available. In case of errors, a 404 or 500 status code is returned with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Hour Error Logs by Legal Entity Id and Tracking Id
: get_employee_hour_error_logs_by_legal_entity_id_and_tracking_idOperation
: readEntities
: legal entity, tracking id, hour error logSummary
: This API retrieves the employee hour error logs for a specific legal entity and tracking ID. It requires the legalEntityId and trackingId as path parameters. Optionally, a continuationToken can be provided as a query parameter for paginated results. The API returns a 200 response with details of the hour error logs, including whether more results are available, a continuation token for additional records, and a list of error records. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 response with a correlation ID, error title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee HSA Direct Deposits by EmployeeID
: get_employee_hsa_direct_deposits_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: direct deposit, employee, HSA accountSummary
: This API retrieves the HSA Direct Deposits for a specific employee identified by the employeeId. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The employeeId is a required path parameter, while a continuationToken can be optionally provided as a query parameter to fetch the next set of results. The API returns a list of direct deposit records, including details such as account type, bank name, and deposit amount. If there are more results, a continuation token and URL are provided. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee I9 Verification by EmployeeID
: get_employee_i9_verification_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: I9 verification, employee, documentSummary
: This API retrieves the I9 verification details for a specific employee identified by their employee ID. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API accepts a path parameter 'employeeId' which is mandatory, and an optional query parameter 'include' to specify additional data to be included in the response. The response includes detailed information about the employee's citizenship, work eligibility, visa details, and document lists (List A, B, C). In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View Employee Pay Items by Legal Entity ID
: get_employee_pay_items_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, legal entity, pay itemSummary
: This API retrieves employee pay items for a specified legal entity within a given date range. The request requires a legalEntityId as a path parameter and startDate and endDate as query parameters. The date range cannot exceed 30 days. Optional headers for authorization include Access-Token and Apim-Subscription-Key. The response includes a list of pay items, a continuation token for additional results, and a URL for further requests if more results are available. Error responses include a 404 for validation errors and a 500 for server errors, each providing a correlation ID and detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Pay Schedule by EmployeeID
: get_employee_pay_schedule_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: pay schedule, employee, pay periodSummary
: The 'Get Employee Pay Schedule by EmployeeID' API retrieves upcoming pay schedules for a specified employee, including upcoming check dates. Users can specify the exact period start and end dates to look up specific pay period dates or leave them blank to view upcoming schedules. The API requires an employee ID as a path parameter and accepts optional query parameters such as period start and end dates, a continuation token for pagination, and an 'include' parameter to request additional data like 'AdditionalRuns'. The response includes a collection of pay schedules, a continuation token for additional results, and a URL for further data retrieval. Error responses include detailed information for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Pay Stubs by EmployeeID
: get_employee_pay_stubs_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: deduction, employee, pay stub, legal entitySummary
: The 'Get Employee Pay Stubs by EmployeeID' API retrieves pay stub information for a specific employee identified by their employee ID. The API requires either a check date, process date, or planner ID as a query parameter to filter the pay stubs. Additional data can be included in the response by specifying options such as GrossAmount, NetAmount, Earnings, Taxes, and Deductions. The API supports pagination through a continuation token. The response includes details about the pay stubs, such as gross and net amounts, earnings, taxes, and deductions. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with correlation IDs for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Pay Stubs by Legal Entity ID
: get_employee_pay_stubs_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, pay stub, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves employee pay stubs for a specified legal entity ID. It requires either a check date, process date, or planner ID as a query parameter. The API supports optional query parameters to include additional data such as gross amount, net amount, earnings, taxes, and deductions. The response includes a collection of pay stubs with detailed information based on the include parameter. The API also supports pagination through a continuation token. In case of errors, it returns appropriate error messages with correlation IDs for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Pay Stubs Document Link by EmployeeID
: get_employee_pay_stubs_document_linkOperation
: readEntities
: document link, pay stub, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the document link for employee pay stubs based on the provided EmployeeID and date range. It requires the employeeId as a path parameter and startDate and endDate as query parameters. Optional query parameter continuationToken can be used for pagination. The API returns a JSON response with details about the pay stubs, including a continuation token for additional results if available. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Pay Stubs YTD by EmployeeID
: get_employee_pay_stubs_ytd_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: employee, earnings, deductions, pay stub, taxes, legal entitySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the Year-To-Date (YTD) pay stubs for a specific employee identified by their employee ID. The request requires the 'toCheckDate' query parameter to specify the latest check date for the YTD data. Optional query parameters allow the inclusion of additional data such as earnings, taxes, and deductions. The response includes detailed information about the employee's earnings, deductions, and taxes, as well as resource references for the employee and legal entity. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. Error responses include detailed error information and a correlation ID for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Pay Stubs YTD by Legal Entity ID
: get_employee_pay_stubs_ytd_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, pay stub, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves the Year-To-Date (YTD) pay stubs for employees by a specified legal entity ID. The request requires a legal entity ID as a path parameter and a check date as a query parameter to specify the latest pay stub date for YTD data. Optional query parameters include 'include' to specify additional data such as earnings, taxes, and deductions, and 'continuationToken' for pagination. The response includes details about whether more results are available, a continuation token for additional requests, and a list of pay stub records. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee PayItem Request Error Logs by Legal Entity Id and Tracking Id
: get_employee_payitem_request_error_logsOperation
: readEntities
: legal entity, error log, pay itemSummary
: This API retrieves the PayItem request error logs for a specific Legal Entity and Tracking ID. It requires the legalEntityId and trackingId as path parameters. Optionally, a continuationToken can be provided as a query parameter for paginated results. The API returns a 200 response with details of the error logs, including whether more results are available, a continuation token for additional records, and a list of error records. In case of errors, a 404 or 500 response is returned with a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Payrates by EmployeeID
: get_employee_payrates_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: employee, payrate, recordSummary
: The 'Get Employee Payrates by EmployeeID' API retrieves the payrates for a specific employee identified by the employeeId path parameter. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API supports an optional query parameter, continuationToken, to fetch the next set of payrates if available. The response includes details such as whether more results are available, a continuation token for additional records, and a list of payrate records. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Schedules by EmployeeID
: get_employee_schedules_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: employee, schedule, shiftSummary
: This API retrieves the schedules of an employee based on their EmployeeID and specified date range. The request requires the employeeId as a path parameter and optionally accepts startDate and endDate as query parameters to filter the records. The response includes a collection of employee schedules, detailing the date, employee ID, legal entity ID, and schedule information such as shift details and total hours worked. The API requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. It returns a 200 status with schedule data, a 404 status for validation errors, and a 500 status for server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Schedules by Legal Entity ID
: get_employee_schedules_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, employee schedule, legal entity, shiftSummary
: This API retrieves employee schedules for a specified legal entity ID within a given date range. The request requires a legalEntityId as a path parameter and optionally accepts startDate, endDate, and continuationToken as query parameters. The response includes a collection of employee schedules, continuation tokens for pagination, and additional result URLs if more data is available. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key headers. The response can return a 200 status with schedule data, a 404 status for not found errors, or a 500 status for server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Taxes by EmployeeID
: get_employee_taxes_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: employee, tax credit, taxSummary
: The 'Get Employee Taxes by EmployeeID' API retrieves a collection of employee taxes based on the provided EmployeeID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API accepts a required path parameter 'employeeId' which is the ID of the employee. Optional query parameters include 'include' to specify additional data options such as 'All' or 'TaxCredits', and 'continuationToken' to fetch the next set of results. The API returns a 200 response with details about the employee taxes, including whether more results are available, a continuation token for additional records, and a list of tax records. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 response with a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Time Off Requests by EmployeeId
: get_employee_time_off_requests_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: time off request, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the time off requests for a specific employee identified by the employeeId. It requires the employeeId as a path parameter and startDate and endDate as query parameters to filter the records. The date range should not exceed 90 days and should not be more than a year ago. The API supports pagination through a continuationToken query parameter. The response includes a list of time off requests with details such as total hours, status, and dates. In case of errors, it returns appropriate error messages with correlation IDs for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Time Off Requests by Legal Entity Id
: get_employee_time_off_requests_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: time off type, legal entity, employee time off requestSummary
: This API retrieves employee time off requests for a specific legal entity identified by the legalEntityId path parameter. The request requires a startDate and endDate as query parameters to filter the records within a date range, which must not exceed 90 days and should not be more than one year ago. Optional headers for authorization include Access-Token and Apim-Subscription-Key. The response includes a collection of time off requests, with details such as employee ID, time off type, status, and specific days of time off. If there are more results, a continuation token and additional results URL are provided. Error responses include 404 and 500 status codes with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Timeoff Request by Legal Entity Id And Timeoff Request Id
: get_employee_timeoff_request_by_legal_entity_id_and_timeoff_request_idOperation
: readEntities
: time off request, employee, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves an employee's timeoff request by the legal entity ID and timeoff request ID. It requires path parameters 'legalEntityId' and 'timeoffRequestId' to specify the legal entity and the specific timeoff request. The API supports authorization through either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key. The response includes details such as the benefit code, total hours, days, status, and employee identifiers. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with a correlation ID and error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Timeoff Request Error Logs by Legal Entity Id and Tracking Id
: get_employee_timeoff_request_error_logsOperation
: readEntities
: time off request, employee, legal entity, error logSummary
: This API retrieves the error logs for employee timeoff requests by Legal Entity ID and Tracking ID. It requires path parameters 'legalEntityId' and 'trackingId' to specify the legal entity and the specific timeoff request. Optional query parameter 'continuationToken' can be used for pagination. The API returns a 200 response with details of the error logs, including tracking ID, timeoff request details, and error details. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 response with correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees by Legal Entity ID
: get_employees_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, department, legal entity, email, workLocationSummary
: The 'Get Employees by Legal Entity ID' API allows users to retrieve employee details for a specific legal entity. The API requires a legalEntityId as a path parameter and supports various query parameters to filter and include additional data such as employment dates, position, status, and work location. The response includes employee records with details like name, email, employment data, position data, status data, and work location. The API supports pagination through a continuation token. It returns a 200 status code with employee records, a 404 status code for validation errors, and a 500 status code for server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees By TenantID
: get_employees_by_tenantidOperation
: readEntities
: employee, employment status, tenantSummary
: The Get Employees By TenantID API retrieves a collection of employees associated with a specific tenant ID. It requires a tenantId as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as statusFilter, employeeNumber, lastName, departmentCode, workLocationName, jobCode, and continuationToken to filter the results. The API returns a response with a list of employees and additional metadata if successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employees in the Onboarding State
: get_employees_in_onboarding_stateOperation
: readEntities
: onboarding employee, employee, legal entitySummary
: This API endpoint allows partners to retrieve a list of employees who are currently in the onboarding state for a specified legal entity. The request requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter. Optionally, an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key can be provided in the headers for authorization. A continuationToken can be used as a query parameter to fetch the next set of records. The response includes a paged list of onboarding employees, with details such as employee ID, name, email, hire date, and onboarding progress. If there are more records to fetch, a continuation token and additional results URL are provided. In case of errors, a 404 or 500 status code is returned with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Filing Status by Tax Code
: get_filing_status_by_tax_codeOperation
: readEntities
: tax, legal entity, filing statusSummary
: The 'Get Filing Status by Tax Code' API allows users to view the filing status associated with a specific tax code. The API requires a path parameter 'taxCode' which is mandatory and can be obtained via the 'Get Legal Entity Taxes by Legal Entity ID' API. The API supports authorization through either an 'Access-Token' or an 'Apim-Subscription-Key'. Upon a successful request (HTTP 200), the API returns the filing status code and its description. In case of errors, the API returns detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error for troubleshooting purposes. Error responses include HTTP 404 for validation errors and HTTP 500 for server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Forecasting Data by Legal Entity Id
: get_forecasting_data_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: forecasting, legal entity, schedule groupSummary
: This API retrieves forecasting data for a specific legal entity identified by the legalEntityId. It requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The API accepts path parameters for the legal entity ID and query parameters for the start and end dates to filter the forecasting data. An optional continuationToken can be used for pagination. The response includes a list of records with transaction dates, values, and schedule group names, along with metadata for pagination. Error responses include detailed information for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get General Ledger by Legal Entity ID
: get_general_ledger_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, department, legal entity, general ledgerSummary
: This API retrieves the General Ledger by a specified Legal Entity ID. It requires a legalEntityId as a path parameter. The API supports optional query parameters such as plannerId, reportType, include, and continuationToken. The reportType can be 'Regular' or 'Setup', where 'Regular' returns all data and 'Setup' returns limited data. The API requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The response includes a paged list of General Ledger items, with a continuation token for additional results if available. Error responses include a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get General Ledger Job Costing by Legal Entity ID
: get_general_ledger_job_costing_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, legal entity, job costingSummary
: This API retrieves the General Ledger Job Costing details for a specified legal entity ID. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter and plannerId as a query parameter. Optional query parameters include 'include' to specify additional data like EmployeeData, and 'continuationToken' to paginate through results. The response includes a paged list of Job Costing items with details such as LegalEntityId, CheckDate, DepartmentDescription, and more. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Identification Details
: get_identification_details_of_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: This API retrieves comprehensive identification details for a specific employee identified by their employee ID. It combines the I9 verification details and personal information associated with the employee. The API requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameter 'employeeId' is mandatory, and an optional query parameter 'include' can specify additional data to be included in the response, such as document numbers, demographic data, benefits, military information, social media, addresses, employee assignments, emergency contacts, social security number, phones, and email. The response includes detailed information about the employee's citizenship, work eligibility, visa details, document lists (List A, B, C), and personal details like names, social security number, contact information, and more. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
GET Identifying Employee Data by Legal Entity Id
: get_identifying_employee_data_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves identifying employee data for a specified legal entity by its ID. It requires a path parameter 'legalEntityId' which is mandatory. Optional query parameters include 'include' to filter employees by status (Active or Inactive) and 'continuationToken' for pagination. The API supports authorization via 'Access-Token' or 'Apim-Subscription-Key'. On success (HTTP 200), it returns a list of employee records with details such as first name, last name, social security number, employee ID, employee number, birth date, and status. It also indicates if more results are available and provides a continuation token for further requests. In case of errors, it returns HTTP 404 or 500 with details about the error, including a correlation ID for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Job Titles by Legal Entity ID
: get_job_titles_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: tenant, legal entity, job titleSummary
: This API retrieves job titles configured at a tenant level for a specified legal entity ID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The legalEntityId is a required path parameter, while a continuationToken can be optionally provided as a query parameter to fetch additional results. The API returns a list of job titles along with metadata such as whether more results are available and a continuation token for further requests. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including a correlation ID for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Labor Categories by Legal Entity ID
: get_labor_categories_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: legal entity, job category, labor categorySummary
: This API retrieves labor categories (also known as job categories) for a specified legal entity ID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The legalEntityId is a required path parameter, while the continuationToken is an optional query parameter used for pagination. The API returns a list of labor category records, and the response includes information on whether more results are available, a continuation token for additional records, and a URL for further results. In case of errors, the API returns detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Labor Code By Legal Entity ID
: get_labor_code_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: labor code, legal entity, job codeSummary
: The 'Get Labor Code By Legal Entity ID' API returns a list of all Labor Code items for a specified legal entity. The labor code is considered inactive if its effective start date is after the current date or if its effective end date is before the current date. This API requires either the Job Costing or Workforce Management Service and allows viewing labor codes by legal entity ID. The request requires a legalEntityId as a path parameter and optionally a continuationToken as a query parameter for pagination. The response includes a list of labor codes with details such as LaborCodeId, LaborCategoryId, LegalEntityId, LaborCodeName, Description, Code, EffectiveStartDate, and EffectiveEndDate. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Time Off Requests by EmployeeId
: get_leave_requestsOperation
: readEntities
: This API retrieves the time off requests for a specific employee identified by the employeeId. It requires the employeeId as a path parameter and startDate and endDate as query parameters to filter the records. The date range should not exceed 90 days and should not be more than a year ago. The API supports pagination through a continuationToken query parameter. The response includes a list of time off requests with details such as total hours, status, and dates. In case of errors, it returns appropriate error messages with correlation IDs for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entities/Tenants for the User Logged In
: get_legal_entities_tenants_for_user_logged_inOperation
: readEntities
: tenant, legal entity, userSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of Legal Entities and Tenants that the logged-in user has access to. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The response includes a list of legal entities and tenants in a JSON format. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status code with a detailed error message, correlation ID, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Activity Types by Legal Entity ID
: get_legal_entity_activity_types_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: activity type, legal entity, continuation tokenSummary
: This API retrieves a collection of Activity Types for a specified Legal Entity ID. It requires a path parameter 'legalEntityId' which is mandatory. Optional query parameter 'continuationToken' can be used to fetch additional records. The API supports authorization through 'Access-Token' or 'Apim-Subscription-Key' headers. On success, it returns a list of activity types with details like Id, Name, Color, Type, and IsCustom. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity by Legal Entity ID
: get_legal_entity_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: business name, legal entity, addressSummary
: The 'Get Legal Entity by Legal Entity ID' API retrieves the basic information of a legal entity using its ID, which is synonymous with Paycor's ClientID. The API requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameter 'legalEntityId' is mandatory and specifies the ID of the legal entity to be retrieved. An optional query parameter 'include' can be used to specify additional data to be included in the response, such as 'All' or 'BusinessNames'. The API returns a 200 response with detailed information about the legal entity, including its ID, name, federal ID, type, and associated resources like tenant, employees, and taxes. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 response with a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Deductions by Legal Entity ID
: get_legal_entity_deductions_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: deduction, response, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves the deductions for a specified legal entity by its ID. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The legalEntityId is a required path parameter, while a continuationToken can be optionally provided as a query parameter to fetch additional results. The API returns a list of deductions, including tenant-level deductions, and indicates if more results are available. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including a correlation ID for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Department by Legal Entity ID and Department ID
: get_legal_entity_department_by_legal_entity_id_and_department_idOperation
: readEntities
: work location, department, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves a Legal Entity Department by using the provided Legal Entity ID and Department ID. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameters include 'legalEntityId' which is an integer representing the ID of the Legal Entity, and 'departmentId' which is a GUID representing the ID of the Department. The response includes details about the department such as its unique ID, code, description, parent ID, level, payroll ID, payroll description, work location ID, and work location name. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Departments by Legal Entity ID
: get_legal_entity_departments_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: department, legal entity, payrollSummary
: This API retrieves the departments associated with a specific legal entity ID. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter and optionally accepts a continuationToken as a query parameter to paginate results. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key headers. On success (HTTP 200), it returns a list of departments with details such as department ID, code, description, and work location. If there are more results, it provides a continuation token and URL for additional records. Errors are returned with HTTP 404 or 500 status codes, providing a correlation ID, title, detail, and source for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Earnings by Legal Entity ID
: get_legal_entity_earnings_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: record, legal entity, earningSummary
: This API retrieves the earnings of a legal entity by its ID. It requires a path parameter 'legalEntityId' which is mandatory. Optional query parameter 'continuationToken' can be used to fetch additional records. The API supports authorization through 'Access-Token' or 'Apim-Subscription-Key' headers. The response includes details about whether more results are available, a continuation token for fetching more data, and a list of earnings records. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Employees Time Card Punches by Legal Entity ID
: get_legal_entity_employees_time_card_punchesOperation
: readEntities
: employee, hourAmount, time card, legal entity, departmentCodeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves time card punches for employees of a specific legal entity from Paycor's Perform Time system. It requires the legal entity ID as a path parameter and optionally accepts start and end dates as query parameters to filter the records. The API supports pagination through a continuation token. The response includes a collection of employee time card records, and indicates if more results are available. The endpoint requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API returns a 200 status with the records, or a 404/500 status with error details if something goes wrong.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Employees Time Card Punches by Employee ID
: get_legal_entity_employees_time_card_punches_by_employee_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, legal entity, time cardSummary
: This API retrieves time card punches for a specific employee from Paycor's Perform Time system. It requires the employee ID as a path parameter and optionally accepts startDate, endDate, and continuationToken as query parameters. The API returns a collection of time card records, including details such as punch in/out times, hours worked, department information, and estimated gross pay. The response also indicates if more results are available and provides a continuation token for retrieving additional records. The API requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. It is important to note that the start and end dates must not be more than one year ago, the start date must not be in the future, and the date range cannot exceed 90 days. The API is only available to clients with the Perform Time Service.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Pay Data by Legal Entity ID
: get_legal_entity_pay_data_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, pay data, legal entitySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the pay data for a specific legal entity identified by the legalEntityId. It allows filtering by employeeId, check date range, process date, or plannerId. The endpoint requires exactly one filtering parameter to be passed. The response includes details such as whether more results are available, a continuation token for additional results, and a list of records with employee and paystub details. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Pay Schedule by Legal Entity ID and Paygroup ID
: get_legal_entity_pay_schedule_by_legal_entity_id_and_paygroup_idOperation
: readEntities
: pay group, legal entity, pay scheduleSummary
: This API retrieves the schedule of regularly-scheduled payruns for a given Paygroup and date range within a Legal Entity. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter and payGroupId, asOfDate, and untilDate as query parameters. The API returns a collection of payrun period dates and additional metadata such as continuation tokens for pagination. The response includes details about whether more results are available and provides a URL for fetching additional records. Error responses include a correlation ID and detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Status Reason Values
: get_legal_entity_status_reason_valuesOperation
: readEntities
: status reason, legal entity, status categorySummary
: This API retrieves the status reason values for a specified legal entity and status category. The request requires path parameters 'legalEntityId' and 'statusCategory', where 'legalEntityId' is the ID of the legal entity and 'statusCategory' is the category of status reasons, which can be 'TerminationReason', 'LeaveReason', or 'ReturnReason'. The response includes a collection of status reasons with their unique identifiers, status categories, and values. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status code with detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Taxes by Legal Entity ID
: get_legal_entity_taxes_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: tax, legal entity, legal entity taxSummary
: This API retrieves the taxes associated with a specific Legal Entity ID. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter, which is synonymous with Paycor's ClientID. Optionally, a continuationToken can be provided as a query parameter to fetch the next set of results. The API returns a collection of taxes, including details such as TaxCode, Description, Type, and more. The response also indicates if more results are available and provides a continuation token and URL for additional results. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Time Off Types
: get_legal_entity_time_off_typesOperation
: readEntities
: time off type, record, legal entitySummary
: The 'Get Legal Entity Time Off Types' API retrieves a collection of time off types for a specified legal entity. It requires the 'legalEntityId' as a path parameter to identify the legal entity. Optional headers include 'Access-Token' and 'Apim-Subscription-Key' for authorization. An optional query parameter 'continuationToken' can be used to fetch the next set of results. The API returns a 200 response with details of time off types, including whether more results are available, a continuation token for additional records, and a list of time off type records. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 response with a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pay Groups by Legal Entity ID
: get_pay_groups_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: pay group, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves the Pay Groups associated with a specific Legal Entity ID. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter and optionally accepts a continuationToken as a query parameter to fetch additional results. The API supports authorization through either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key. The response includes details about whether more results are available, a continuation token for further requests, and a list of pay group records. In case of errors, it returns detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
GET Payroll Processing Data by Legal Entity
: get_payroll_processing_data_by_legal_entityOperation
: readEntities
: pay group, pay period, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves payroll processing data for a specified legal entity. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter and fromCheckDate as a query parameter. Optional query parameters include toCheckDate and continuationToken. The API returns a collection of pay periods for the specified legal entity. The response includes information on whether more results are available, a continuation token for additional records, and a list of records with details such as PlannerId, CheckDate, ProcessDate, PeriodStartDate, PeriodEndDate, and PayGroup. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status with details about the error, including a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Person by EmployeeID
: get_person_by_employeeidOperation
: readEntities
: employee, contact, personSummary
: The 'Get Person by EmployeeID' API retrieves detailed information about a person associated with a given EmployeeID. It requires an EmployeeID as a path parameter and optionally accepts an 'include' query parameter to specify additional data to be included in the response, such as demographic, benefit, military, social media, addresses, employee assignments, emergency contact, social security number, phones, and email. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key headers. On success, it returns a comprehensive JSON object containing the person's details, including identifiers, names, social security number, contact information, and more. In case of errors, it provides detailed error messages with correlation IDs for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Person By TenantID And PersonID
: get_person_by_tenantid_and_personidOperation
: readEntities
: emergency contact, address, phone, person, tenant, email, responseSummary
: The 'Get Person By TenantID And PersonID' API retrieves detailed information about a person based on the provided TenantID and PersonID. It requires both TenantID and PersonID as path parameters. The API supports optional query parameters to include additional data such as Demographic, Benefit, Military, SocialMedia, Addresses, EmployeeAssignments, EmergencyContact, SocialSecurityNumber, Phones, and Email. The response includes detailed person information, with fields populated based on the 'include' parameter. The API returns a 200 status code with person details, a 404 status code if the person is not found, and a 500 status code for server errors. Authorization can be provided via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Persons by Legal Entity ID
: get_persons_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: person, employee assignment, legal entitySummary
: The 'Get Persons by Legal Entity ID' API retrieves a collection of Person objects associated with a specified Legal Entity ID. The API requires a path parameter 'legalEntityId' which is mandatory. Optional query parameters include 'include' to specify additional data to retrieve and 'continuationToken' for pagination. The API supports authorization via 'Access-Token' or 'Apim-Subscription-Key' headers. The response includes person details based on the 'include' parameter, excluding Emergency Contact data. The API returns a 200 status with person records, a 404 status for validation errors, and a 500 status for server errors. The response includes metadata such as 'HasMoreResults', 'ContinuationToken', and 'AdditionalResultsUrl' for handling large datasets.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Persons By TenantID
: get_persons_by_tenantidOperation
: readEntities
: person list, person, tenantSummary
: The Get Persons By TenantID API retrieves a list of persons associated with a specific tenant ID. It requires a tenantId as a path parameter and optionally accepts a continuationToken as a query parameter to paginate through results. The API supports authorization through either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key. The response includes a collection of PersonList objects, indicating whether more results are available, and provides a continuation token and URL for additional results. In case of errors, it returns detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Punch Error Logs by Legal Entity Id and Tracking Id
: get_punch_error_logs_by_legal_entity_id_and_tracking_idOperation
: readEntities
: tracking ID, legal entity, punch error logSummary
: This API retrieves Punch Error logs for a specific Legal Entity and Tracking ID. It requires path parameters 'legalEntityId' and 'trackingId' to identify the specific logs. Optional query parameter 'continuationToken' can be used for pagination. The API returns a 200 response with details of the error logs, including whether more results are available and a continuation token for additional records. In case of errors, it returns 404 or 500 responses with correlation IDs and error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Schedules by EmployeeID
: get_regularized_attendanceOperation
: readEntities
: This API retrieves the schedules of an employee based on their EmployeeID and specified date range. The request requires the employeeId as a path parameter and optionally accepts startDate and endDate as query parameters to filter the records. The response includes a collection of employee schedules, detailing the date, employee ID, legal entity ID, and schedule information such as shift details and total hours worked. The API requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. It returns a 200 status with schedule data, a 404 status for validation errors, and a 500 status for server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Schedules Groups for Legal Entity
: get_schedules_groups_for_legal_entityOperation
: readEntities
: legal entity, schedule groupSummary
: The 'Get Schedules Groups for Legal Entity' API retrieves a collection of schedule groups for a specified legal entity. It requires the 'legalEntityId' as a path parameter to identify the legal entity. Optionally, a 'continuationToken' can be provided as a query parameter to fetch the next set of results. The API supports authorization through either an 'Access-Token' or 'Apim-Subscription-Key'. The response includes details about whether more results are available, a continuation token for further requests, and a list of schedule group records. In case of errors, the API returns detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Scheduling Jobs by LegalEntityID
: get_scheduling_jobs_by_legalentityidOperation
: readEntities
: legal entity, scheduling jobSummary
: The 'Get Scheduling Jobs by LegalEntityID' API retrieves scheduling jobs associated with a specific legal entity. It requires a legalEntityId as a path parameter and optionally accepts a continuationToken as a query parameter for pagination. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key headers. The response includes a list of scheduling jobs, a continuation token for additional results, and a URL for further requests if more results are available. In case of errors, it returns detailed error information including a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Scheduling Shift by Shift Id and Legal Entity Id
: get_scheduling_shift_by_shift_id_and_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, legal entity, scheduling shiftSummary
: This API retrieves the scheduling shift details by providing the Shift ID and Legal Entity ID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameters include 'legalEntityId' which is an integer representing the ID of the Legal Entity, and 'shiftId' which is a GUID representing the ID of the Shift. The response includes detailed information about the shift such as Employee details, Scheduling Job details, Schedule Group details, and other shift-related information. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with a detailed error message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Scheduling Shifts by Legal Entity Id
: get_scheduling_shifts_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: readEntities
: employee, department, legal entity, scheduling shiftSummary
: This API retrieves scheduling shifts for a specific legal entity identified by the legalEntityId. It requires the startDate and endDate as query parameters to specify the scheduling period. The API supports pagination through the continuationToken query parameter. The response includes a list of scheduling shifts with details such as employee information, scheduling job, schedule group, and shift timings. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with correlation IDs for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Subscribed Services for Legal Entity
: get_subscribed_services_for_legal_entityOperation
: readEntities
: subscription, legal entity, serviceSummary
: This API retrieves a list of subscribed services for a specified Legal Entity. The request requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter, which is synonymous with Paycor's ClientID. The API supports authorization through either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key. The response includes a list of services that the Legal Entity has activated, such as TimeService, PerformTime, and others. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status code with detailed error information, including a CorrelationId for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Tax Fields by Tax Code
: get_tax_fields_by_tax_codeOperation
: readEntities
: employee, tax, legal entitySummary
: The 'Get Tax Fields by Tax Code' API endpoint allows users to retrieve the fields expected for PUT/POST Employee Taxes by providing a specific Tax Code. The endpoint requires a path parameter 'taxCode' which is mandatory. It supports authorization through either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key. The response includes various fields indicating whether certain tax-related fields are required, such as Filing Status, Adjust Withholding, and others. The response also includes effective start and end dates for withholding. In case of errors, the API returns detailed error messages with correlation IDs for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Tenant by TenantID
: get_tenant_by_tenantidOperation
: readEntities
: tenant, legal entitySummary
: This API retrieves tenant information based on the provided TenantID. It requires either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameter 'tenantId' is mandatory and must be an integer within the range of 1 to 2147483647. The API returns a 200 response with tenant details including Id, Name, and LegalEntities URL if successful. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 response with a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Tenant Work Locations by TenantID
: get_tenant_work_locations_by_tenantidOperation
: readEntities
: tenant, work location, addressSummary
: This API retrieves the work locations configured at a tenant level using the TenantID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The tenantId is a required path parameter, while a continuationToken can be optionally provided as a query parameter to fetch the next set of work locations. The response includes a boolean indicating if more results are available, a continuation token for additional records, a URL for additional results, and a list of work location records. In case of errors, a 404 or 500 status code is returned with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Legal Entity Employees Time Card Punches by Legal Entity ID
: get_timesheetsOperation
: readEntities
: This API endpoint retrieves time card punches for employees of a specific legal entity from Paycor's Perform Time system. It requires the legal entity ID as a path parameter and optionally accepts start and end dates as query parameters to filter the records. The API supports pagination through a continuation token. The response includes a collection of employee time card records, and indicates if more results are available. The endpoint requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API returns a 200 status with the records, or a 404/500 status with error details if something goes wrong.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Taxes by EmployeeID
: get_w4_details_of_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: The 'Get Employee Taxes by EmployeeID' API retrieves a collection of employee taxes based on the provided EmployeeID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API accepts a required path parameter 'employeeId' which is the ID of the employee. Optional query parameters include 'include' to specify additional data options such as 'All' or 'TaxCredits', and 'continuationToken' to fetch the next set of results. The API returns a 200 response with details about the employee taxes, including whether more results are available, a continuation token for additional records, and a list of tax records. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 response with a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Work Location for a Legal Entity By Legal Entity ID and Work Location ID
: get_work_location_for_legal_entity_by_legal_entity_id_and_work_location_idOperation
: readEntities
: work location, legal entity, addressSummary
: This API retrieves a work location for a specific legal entity using the legal entity ID and work location ID. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameters include 'legalEntityId' and 'workLocationId', both of which are required. The response includes details about the work location such as its ID, name, addresses, phone numbers, location number, store ID, and FMLA eligibility. In case of errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with a correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a list of Work Locations for a Legal Entity
: get_work_locations_for_legal_entityOperation
: readEntities
: work location, legal entity, addressSummary
: This API retrieves a list of work locations for a specified legal entity. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter. Optional headers include Access-Token and Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The API supports pagination through the continuationToken query parameter. The response includes a list of work locations with details such as addresses and phone numbers. If there are more results, HasMoreResults will be true, and a ContinuationToken will be provided for subsequent requests. In case of errors, a 404 or 500 status code is returned with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Work Sites for Legal Entity
: get_work_sites_for_legal_entityOperation
: readEntities
: legal entity, error, work siteSummary
: The 'Get Work Sites for Legal Entity' API retrieves a list of work sites associated with a specified legal entity. It requires the 'legalEntityId' as a path parameter to identify the legal entity. Optional headers for authorization include 'Access-Token' and 'Apim-Subscription-Key'. An optional query parameter 'continuationToken' can be used to paginate results. The API returns a list of work sites with details such as name, address, and phone number. If there are more results, 'HasMoreResults' will be true, and a 'ContinuationToken' will be provided for subsequent requests. In case of errors, the API returns a 404 or 500 status with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Personal Data
: patch_update_employee_personal_dataOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, personal data, errorSummary
: This API endpoint updates an employee's personal data. It requires an employee ID as a path parameter and accepts various personal details in the request body, such as first name, last name, middle name, prefix, suffix, social security number, birth date, gender, veteran status, disability status, marital status, and ethnicity. The request can be authorized using either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key. On success, it returns a ResourceUrl object. If the employee is not found, a 404 error is returned with details about the error. A 500 error indicates a server-side issue, with details provided in the response.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Deduction to Employee
: post_add_deduction_to_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: deduction, employee, paycheckSummary
: The 'Add Deduction to Employee' API allows you to add a deduction to a specific employee by providing the employee ID and deduction details. The API requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter 'employeeId' is required to specify the employee. The request body must include a unique deduction code, and can optionally include details such as whether the deduction is on hold, the frequency of deduction, inclusion in pay, and amount data. The response can be a 201 status with a resource URL, or error responses with status 404 or 500, providing correlation IDs and error details for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Earning to Employee
: post_add_earning_to_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: amount, earning, employeeSummary
: The 'Add Earning to Employee' API allows you to add an earning entry for a specific employee. It requires the employee ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body containing details about the earning, such as the code, frequency, sequence number, inclusion in pay, on-hold status, and amount data. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. Upon successful creation, it returns a 201 status with a resource URL. Errors such as 404 and 500 provide detailed information for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Employee Certification
: post_add_employee_certificationOperation
: writeEntities
: certification, error, employeeSummary
: The Add Employee Certification API allows you to add a certification to an employee's record. It requires an employee ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body with details about the certification, such as the effective date, expiration date, certification name, number, organization name, and notes. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. On success, it returns a 200 status with a resource URL. If the employee ID is not found, it returns a 404 error with details. A 500 error is returned for server issues, both with correlation IDs for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Employee Direct Deposits by EmployeeID
: post_add_employee_direct_deposits_by_employeeidOperation
: writeEntities
: direct deposit, bank account, employeeSummary
: This API allows you to add direct deposit details for an employee identified by their employeeId. It requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter employeeId is required. The request body must include AccountType, Frequency, and OnHold as required fields, with optional fields such as AccountNumber, RoutingNumber, DeductionCode, DirectDepositType, Amount, and Rate. The response can be a 200 status with a ResourceUrl object, a 404 status with error details, or a 500 status with error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Employee Hours And Earnings To Paygrid
: post_add_employee_hours_and_earnings_to_paygridOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, hours, payroll, earningSummary
: This API allows the user to add employee hours and earnings to Paygrid for a specified legal entity. The request requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The legalEntityId is a required path parameter. The request can include optional query parameters replaceData and appendData to control data replacement behavior. The body of the request must include IntegrationVendor, ProcessId, and a list of ImportEmployees with their respective earnings details. The response can be a successful operation with no content (200), or it can return error details with a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source in case of validation errors (404) or server errors (500).Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Employee HSA Direct Deposits by EmployeeID
: post_add_employee_hsa_direct_depositsOperation
: writeEntities
: deduction, employee, HSA account, direct depositSummary
: This API allows you to add HSA (Health Savings Account) direct deposits for an employee identified by their employee ID. The request requires authorization via an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter 'employeeId' is required to specify the employee. The request body must include 'AccountType', 'Frequency', 'DeductionCode', and 'OnHold' as required fields, with optional fields 'AccountNumber', 'RoutingNumber', 'Amount', and 'Rate'. The response will return a 200 status with a ResourceUrl object if successful, or a 404/500 status with error details if there is an issue.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Labor Code to Legal Entity
: post_add_labor_code_to_legal_entityOperation
: writeEntities
: labor code, legal entity, labor categorySummary
: This API creates a new labor code related to a Legal Entity in Paycor's system. It requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter 'legalEntityId' is required to specify the Legal Entity. The request body must include 'LaborCategoryId', 'LaborCodeName', and 'Code', with optional 'Description', 'EffectiveStartDate', and 'EffectiveEndDate'. A successful response returns a 201 status with a ResourceUrl object. Errors may return 404 or 500 status with details for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Payrate to Employee
: post_add_payrate_to_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, payrate, sequence numberSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to add a new payrate to an employee in Paycor's system. It requires the employee ID as a path parameter and a JSON body containing details such as the effective start and end dates, sequence number, pay rate, annual pay rate, description, type, reason, and notes. The operation is irreversible. The response includes a resource URL upon success (HTTP 201), or error details in case of validation errors (HTTP 404) or server errors (HTTP 500).Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Schedule to Employee
: post_add_schedule_to_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, department, scheduleSummary
: The 'Add Schedule to Employee' API allows you to create a work schedule for a specific employee. You must provide the employee's ID as a path parameter. The request body requires the start and end date-time for the schedule, and optionally, you can specify the minutes before and after the shift for clock-in and clock-out, a label for the shift, and the department ID. The API returns a 201 status with a resource URL upon successful creation, or error details with a 404 or 500 status if there are issues.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Tax by Employee ID
: post_add_tax_by_employee_idOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, tax, exemptionSummary
: The 'Add Tax by Employee ID' API allows you to add tax information for a specific employee identified by their employee ID. The API requires authorization through either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter 'employeeId' is required to specify the employee. The request body must include the 'LegalEntityTaxId', 'ReciprocityType', and 'WithholdingEffectiveStartDate' as required fields, among other optional fields such as 'FilingStatus', 'BlockDate', and 'NonResidentAlien'. The response can be a 201 status with a resource URL, or error responses with 404 or 500 status codes providing details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Work Location By Legal Entity ID
: post_add_work_location_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: writeEntities
: work location, legal entity, addressSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of a new work location for a specified legal entity ID. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter and accepts optional query parameters and headers for authorization. The request body must include the name of the work location and its addresses, with optional fields for store ID, FMLA eligibility, and phone numbers. The response can be a 201 status with a resource URL, or error responses with 404 or 500 status codes providing correlation IDs and error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Departments by Legal Entity Id
: post_create_departments_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: writeEntities
: work location, department, legal entitySummary
: This API creates a new department for a specified legal entity. It requires the legal entity ID as a path parameter and a JSON body containing the department code, parent ID, description, and work location ID. The API requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. Upon successful creation, it returns a 201 status with a resource URL. If there are validation errors, it returns a 404 or 500 status with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Employee
: post_create_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, department code, home email, work email, department, legal entitySummary
: The Create Employee API allows for the immediate hiring of a new employee and associated Person in Paycor's system. This operation cannot be undone or reversed. After creating an employee, it is recommended to wait sixty seconds before using the employeeId to call other endpoints. The API requires an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The request body must include the employee's LegalEntityId, FirstName, LastName, HireDate, Status, PaygroupDescription, DepartmentCode, and PrimaryAddress. Optional fields include EmployeeNumber, AlternateEmployeeNumber, Prefix, MiddleName, Suffix, HomeEmail, WorkEmail, Phones, SocialSecurityNumber, BirthDate, Gender, Ethnicity, MaritalStatus, WorkLocation, JobTitle, ReHireDate, Flsa, Type, ManagerEmpId, Veteran, and Disability. The response includes a 201 status with a ResourceUrl object, or error responses with 404 or 500 status codes providing details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Employee Onboarding
: post_create_employee_onboardingOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, department, legal entitySummary
: The Create Employee Onboarding API allows partners to add a new employee entry for pending hire. It requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The request body must include details such as LegalEntityId, FirstName, LastName, and HomeEmailAddress, among other optional fields like PreferredName, CountryCode, and JobTitle. The API responds with a 201 status code and a ResourceUrl object upon successful creation, or with error details in case of a 404 or 500 status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Hours for Employee(s) under Legal Entity
: post_create_hours_for_employeesOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, department, legal entitySummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of hours for employees under a specified legal entity. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter and accepts a JSON array in the request body containing details such as EmployeeId, DepartmentId, LegalEntityEarningId, StartDateTime, Total hours, ActivityTypeId, and optional fields like ApplyAllPolicies, Note, and LaborCodes. The response can be a 202 status with a ResourceUrl object, or error responses with 404 or 500 status codes providing CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Pay Items for Employee under Legal Entity
: post_create_pay_items_for_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, legal entity, pay itemSummary
: This API allows the creation of Pay Items for employees under a specified legal entity. It requires the legalEntityId as a path parameter and accepts a JSON array in the request body containing details such as EmployeeId, LegalEntityEarningId, Amount, DepartmentId, Note, LaborCodes, and Date. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key headers. Upon successful creation, it returns a 201 status with a ResourceUrl object. Errors are returned with 404 or 500 status codes, providing details for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Punches for Employee(s) under Legal Entity
: post_create_punches_for_employeesOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, legal entity, punchSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of punches for employees under a specified legal entity. It requires the legal entity ID as a path parameter and a JSON array in the request body containing details such as EmployeeId, DepartmentId, PunchDateTime, PunchStatusType, ActivityTypeId, IsTransfer, Note, and LaborCodes. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. On success, it returns a 202 status with a ResourceUrl object. Errors are returned with 404 or 500 status codes, providing details for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Post Emergency Contact by EmployeeID
: post_emergency_contact_by_employeeidOperation
: writeEntities
: phone, emergency contact, employeeSummary
: This API allows the creation of an emergency contact for a specific employee identified by employeeId. It requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter employeeId is required. The request body must include the first and last name of the emergency contact, and at least one of Home Phone, Work Phone, or Mobile Phone must be specified. The API returns a 201 status with a ResourceUrl object on success, a 404 status with error details if the employee is not found, and a 500 status for server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Post Forecasting Data by Legal Entity Id
: post_forecasting_data_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: writeEntities
: legal entity, resource reference, forecasting dataSummary
: This API allows users to post forecasting data for a specific legal entity by its ID. The request requires a path parameter 'legalEntityId' which is the ID of the legal entity. The request body can contain up to 5000 objects, each with 'TransactionDate', 'Value', and 'ScheduleGroupId'. The API requires either an 'Access-Token' or 'Apim-Subscription-Key' for authorization. On success, it returns a 201 status with a 'ResourceUrl' object. If the legal entity is not found, a 404 error is returned with details. A 500 error indicates a server issue, also with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Import Payroll Hours to Employee
: post_import_payroll_hours_to_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, department, payroll hourSummary
: The 'Import Payroll Hours to Employee' API allows you to add payroll hours for a specific employee identified by the employeeId path parameter. The request requires an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The request body must include details such as IntegrationVendor, ProcessId, EmployeeNumber, DepartmentCode, and TimeCardData, which is a list of earning rates and hours. Optional fields include AppId, LegalEntityId, and JobCode. The API returns a 200 status code for successful operations, while 404 and 500 status codes indicate errors with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Mock Event Notification API
: post_mock_event_notificationOperation
: writeEntities
: tenant, event, legal entitySummary
: The Mock Event Notification API allows clients to trigger mock events in Paycor's system. It requires an application ID, notification URL, notification secret, event type, and tenant ID. Depending on the event type, it may also require an item ID or legal entity ID. The API returns a 201 response with details of the event triggered, or error responses with details of any issues encountered.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Post Paycor Scheduling Shifts by Legal Entity Id
: post_paycor_scheduling_shifts_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, legal entity, scheduling shiftSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of scheduling shifts for a specified legal entity. The request requires a path parameter 'legalEntityId' which is the ID of the legal entity for which the shifts are to be created. The request body must include 'IgnoreWarnings' to specify if warnings should be ignored and a list of 'Shifts' detailing each shift to be created. The response will return a 201 status with a list of created shifts, or errors with status 404 or 500 if there are validation issues or server errors, respectively.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Post Time Off Requests By Legal Entity Id
: post_time_off_requests_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: writeEntities
: time off request, employee, legal entitySummary
: This API endpoint allows users to post time off requests for employees by specifying the legal entity ID. The request requires a path parameter 'legalEntityId' which is the ID of the legal entity. The request body must include an array of time off requests, each containing 'EmployeeId', 'TimeOffTypeId', 'Status', 'Comment', and 'Days'. The 'Days' field is an array of objects specifying the date, start time, end time, hours, and whether the time off is partial. The API supports authorization via 'Access-Token' or 'Apim-Subscription-Key'. The response can be a 202 status with a resource URL, or error responses with 404 or 500 status codes providing correlation IDs and error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Punches for Employee(s) under Legal Entity
: punch_in_attendanceOperation
: writeEntities
: This API endpoint allows the creation of punches for employees under a specified legal entity. It requires the legal entity ID as a path parameter and a JSON array in the request body containing details such as EmployeeId, DepartmentId, PunchDateTime, PunchStatusType, ActivityTypeId, IsTransfer, Note, and LaborCodes. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. On success, it returns a 202 status with a ResourceUrl object. Errors are returned with 404 or 500 status codes, providing details for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Custom Field by EmployeeID
: put_update_custom_field_by_employeeidOperation
: writeEntities
: resource, employee, custom fieldSummary
: The 'Update Custom Field by EmployeeID' API allows updating custom fields for a specific employee identified by their employee ID. The API requires authorization via an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter 'employeeId' is required to specify the employee. The request body must include the 'CustomFieldId' and 'Value' to update the custom field. The response can be a 200 status with a ResourceUrl object indicating success, or a 404/500 status with error details including a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Certification
: put_update_employee_certificationOperation
: writeEntities
: certification, resource reference, employeeSummary
: The Update Employee Certification API allows you to update the certification details of a specific employee. It requires the employee's ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body containing the certification number, employee certification ID, effective date, expiration date, and notes. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. On success, it returns a resource reference for employee certifications. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including correlation ID, title, detail, and source of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Contact Information
: put_update_employee_contact_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, contact, addressSummary
: The Update Employee Contact Information API allows for the immediate update of an employee's contact information in Paycor's system. It requires an employeeId as a path parameter and accepts an optional request body containing the employee's home email, work email, phone numbers, and primary address. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key headers. On success, it returns a 201 status with a ResourceUrl object. Errors are indicated by 404 or 500 status codes, providing a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Deduction by EmployeeID
: put_update_employee_deduction_by_employeeidOperation
: writeEntities
: deduction, amount, employeeSummary
: The Update Employee Deduction by EmployeeID API allows updating the deduction details for a specific employee identified by employeeId. It requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter employeeId is required. The request body must include the Id of the deduction, and optionally IncludeInPay, Frequency, OnHold, and AmountData. The response can be a 200 with a ResourceUrl object, a 404 with error details, or a 500 with error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Direct Deposits by EmployeeID
: put_update_employee_direct_deposits_by_employeeidOperation
: writeEntities
: direct deposit, bank account, employeeSummary
: This API allows updating the direct deposit information for an employee identified by their employeeId. The request requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter employeeId is required. The request body must include the Id of the direct deposit, AccountType, AccountNumber, RoutingNumber, Frequency, and OnHold status. Optional fields include DirectDepositType, Amount, and Rate. The response can be a 200 status with a ResourceUrl object, or error responses with 404 or 500 status codes providing details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Earning
: put_update_employee_earningOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, earning, paycheckSummary
: The Update Employee Earning API allows you to update the earnings of a specific employee identified by the employeeId path parameter. The request requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The request body must include the unique identifier of the employee earning (Id), a descriptive earning code (Code), the pay frequency (Frequency), and other details such as SequenceNumber, IncludeInPay, OnHold, and AmountData. The response can be a successful update with a ResourceUrl or errors with details in case of 404 or 500 status codes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee HSA Direct Deposits by EmployeeID
: put_update_employee_hsa_direct_depositsOperation
: writeEntities
: direct deposit, employee, account number, hsa account, routing numberSummary
: This API allows updating the HSA Direct Deposit information for a specific employee identified by their employeeId. The request requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter employeeId is required to specify the employee. The request body must include details such as Id, AccountType, AccountNumber, RoutingNumber, Frequency, OnHold, and optionally Amount and Rate. The response can be a 200 status with a ResourceUrl object, or error responses with 404 or 500 status codes providing details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Paygroup
: put_update_employee_paygroupOperation
: writeEntities
: resource, employee, paygroupSummary
: The 'Update Employee Paygroup' API endpoint updates an employee's paygroup. It requires authorization via either an Access-Token or an Apim-Subscription-Key. The endpoint requires a path parameter 'employeeId' which is the ID of the employee whose paygroup is to be updated. Optionally, a query parameter 'payGroupId' can be provided to specify the ID of the Paygroup. On success, it returns a 201 status code with a ResourceUrl object containing the resource ID and URL. If the employee ID is not found, a 404 error is returned with details about the error. A 500 error indicates a server error with similar error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Payrate by EmployeeID
: put_update_employee_payrate_by_employeeidOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, payrate, errorSummary
: This API allows updating an employee's pay rate by specifying the employee ID and pay rate ID. It requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The request includes path parameters for employeeId and payrateId, and a JSON body with details such as EffectiveStartDate, SequenceNumber, PayRate, AnnualPayRate, Description, Type, Reason, and Notes. The response can be a 200 with a ResourceUrl object, or errors 404 and 500 with details about the error, including a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Position and Status
: put_update_employee_position_and_statusOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, status, positionSummary
: This API endpoint updates an employee's status and position information. It requires the employee's ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body with details such as EmploymentStatus, RehireDate, EmploymentType, WorkLocation, and optionally JobTitle, Flsa, ManagerId, and DepartmentId. The API returns a 201 status with a ResourceUrl object upon successful update, or error details with a 404 or 500 status if there are validation errors or server issues.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Position Data
: put_update_employee_position_dataOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, department, positionSummary
: This API endpoint updates an employee's position information. It requires either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key for authorization. The path parameter 'employeeId' is required to specify the employee whose position is being updated. The request body must include 'EmploymentType' and 'WorkLocation', while 'JobTitle', 'Flsa', 'ManagerId', and 'DepartmentId' are optional. The response can be a 201 status with a ResourceUrl object, a 404 status with error details, or a 500 status with error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Status Data
: put_update_employee_status_dataOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, employee statusSummary
: This API endpoint updates an employee's status information. It requires the employee ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body with details such as EffectiveDate, EmployeeStatus, EmployeeStatusReasonId, EligibleForRehire, IsVoluntaryByEmployee, and Notes. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. On success, it returns a 201 status with a ResourceUrl object. Errors are returned with 404 or 500 status codes, providing details for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update existing Shift by Shift Id and Legal Entity Id
: put_update_existing_shift_by_shift_id_and_legal_entity_idOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, legal entity, shiftSummary
: This API updates an existing shift by its Shift ID and Legal Entity ID. It requires path parameters for the legal entity and shift IDs. The request body must include details such as whether to ignore warnings, if the shift is published, and other shift details like title, employee ID, schedule group ID, job ID, start and end times, notes, department ID, work site ID, activity type ID, breaks, and labor codes. The response can be a successful update with a resource URL, or errors with correlation IDs and detailed messages for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update I9 Verification by EmployeeID
: put_update_i9_verification_by_employeeidOperation
: writeEntities
: I9 verification, employee, work visaSummary
: This API endpoint allows updating the I9 Verification details for a specific employee identified by their employeeId. The request requires authorization through either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter 'employeeId' is mandatory. The request body includes various fields such as CitizenOfCountry, WorkEligibility, WorkVisaType, and others, which provide detailed information about the employee's work eligibility and documentation. The response can be a success (200) with a ResourceUrl object, or errors (404, 500) with details about the error, including a CorrelationId for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Labor Code
: put_update_labor_codeOperation
: writeEntities
: labor code, legal entitySummary
: The Update Labor Code API allows users to update a specified labor code in Paycor's system. It requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The API takes a path parameter 'legalEntityId' which is the ID of the Legal Entity for which the labor code is being updated. The request body must include 'LaborCodeId' and can optionally include 'LaborCodeName', 'Description', 'Code', 'EffectiveStartDate', and 'EffectiveEndDate'. On success, it returns a 200 response with a ResourceUrl object. If the labor code is not found, a 404 error is returned with details. A 500 error indicates a server issue, also with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Legal Entity Department by Legal Entity ID
: put_update_legal_entity_department_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: writeEntities
: work location, department, legal entitySummary
: This API updates an existing department for a specified legal entity by its ID. It requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter 'legalEntityId' is required to identify the legal entity. The request body must include 'DepartmentId', 'Code', 'ParentId', 'Description', and 'WorkLocationId', all of which are required fields. The response for a successful update (201) includes information about additional results and records. Error responses (404 and 500) provide a correlation ID and details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Tax by Employee ID
: put_update_tax_by_employee_idOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, tax, exemptionSummary
: The Update Tax by Employee ID API allows updating the tax information for a specific employee identified by the employeeId path parameter. The request requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The request body must include the unique identifiers for the employee tax and legal entity tax, along with optional fields such as ReciprocityType, FilingStatus, and various other tax-related details. The response can be a successful update with a resource URL, or an error with details in case of validation issues or server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Work Location By Legal Entity ID
: put_update_work_location_by_legal_entity_idOperation
: writeEntities
: work location, legal entity, addressSummary
: The 'Update Work Location By Legal Entity ID' API allows users to update the work location details for a specific legal entity identified by 'legalEntityId'. The request requires a unique 'Id' for the work location and can include optional details such as addresses, phone numbers, time zone, FMLA eligibility, and default status. The API responds with a resource reference URL upon successful update (HTTP 201), or error details in case of validation errors (HTTP 404) or server errors (HTTP 500).Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Status Data
: terminate_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: This API endpoint updates an employee's status information. It requires the employee ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body with details such as EffectiveDate, EmployeeStatus, EmployeeStatusReasonId, EligibleForRehire, IsVoluntaryByEmployee, and Notes. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. On success, it returns a 201 status with a ResourceUrl object. Errors are returned with 404 or 500 status codes, providing details for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Compensation
: update_compensation_information_for_an_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: The Update Employee Compensation API allows you to update both the earnings and pay rate of a specific employee identified by the employeeId path parameter. The request requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The request body must include details for both earning and pay rate updates. For earnings, it includes the unique identifier (Id), a descriptive earning code (Code), the pay frequency (Frequency), and other details such as SequenceNumber, IncludeInPay, OnHold, and AmountData. For pay rate, it includes payrateId, EffectiveStartDate, SequenceNumber, PayRate, AnnualPayRate, Description, Type, Reason, and Notes. The response can be a successful update with a ResourceUrl or errors with details in case of 404 or 500 status codes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Deduction by EmployeeID
: update_deductionOperation
: writeEntities
: The Update Employee Deduction by EmployeeID API allows updating the deduction details for a specific employee identified by employeeId. It requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter employeeId is required. The request body must include the Id of the deduction, and optionally IncludeInPay, Frequency, OnHold, and AmountData. The response can be a 200 with a ResourceUrl object, a 404 with error details, or a 500 with error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Data
: update_employee_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: The Update Employee Data API allows for the comprehensive update of an employee's contact, position, status, and personal data in Paycor's system. It requires an employeeId as a path parameter and accepts a detailed request body containing the employee's contact information, employment status, and personal details. The API supports authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key headers. On success, it returns a ResourceUrl object. Errors are indicated by 404 or 500 status codes, providing a CorrelationId, Title, Detail, and Source for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update I9 Verification by EmployeeID
: update_identification_detailOperation
: writeEntities
: This API endpoint allows updating the I9 Verification details for a specific employee identified by their employeeId. The request requires authorization through either an Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The path parameter 'employeeId' is mandatory. The request body includes various fields such as CitizenOfCountry, WorkEligibility, WorkVisaType, and others, which provide detailed information about the employee's work eligibility and documentation. The response can be a success (200) with a ResourceUrl object, or errors (404, 500) with details about the error, including a CorrelationId for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Tax by Employee ID
: update_w4_details_of_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: The Update Tax by Employee ID API allows updating the tax information for a specific employee identified by the employeeId path parameter. The request requires authorization via Access-Token or Apim-Subscription-Key. The request body must include the unique identifiers for the employee tax and legal entity tax, along with optional fields such as ReciprocityType, FilingStatus, and various other tax-related details. The response can be a successful update with a resource URL, or an error with details in case of validation issues or server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated 3 months ago