HRCloud API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for HRCloud API as part of the HRIS category
Delete Employee Attachment
: delete_employee_attachmentOperation
: The Delete Employee Attachment API allows you to delete a specific attachment from an employee's record. It requires the employee's unique identifier (employeeId) and the attachment's unique identifier (attachmentId) as path parameters. The API does not require any request body or query parameters. Upon successful deletion, it returns a 200 OK status.Input Fields
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Retrieve Bonus History
: get_bonus_historyOperation
: The Retrieve Bonus History API allows users to fetch a history of changes for bonuses. It is a GET request to the endpoint ''. The API does not require any headers, path parameters, query parameters, or request body. The response includes a status code of 200 OK and a body containing an array of bonus records. Each record includes details such as the bonus ID, amount, approval status, effective date, and associated employee information. Employee details include name, address, contact information, and employment status.Input Fields
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GET departments
: get_departmentsOperation
: The GET departments API retrieves a list of departments from the HR Cloud system. It does not require any input parameters, headers, or body content. The response includes an array of department objects, each containing an Id, xDepartmentCode, xDepartmentName, and xRecordStatus. The API returns a 200 OK status upon successful retrieval of the department list.Input Fields
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GET divisions
: get_divisionsOperation
: The GET divisions API retrieves a list of divisions from the HR Cloud system. It does not require any input parameters, headers, or body content. The response is a JSON array containing objects with details about each division, including the division's unique identifier (Id), code (xDivisionCode), name (xDivisionName), and record status (xRecordStatus). The response is returned with a status of 200 OK and a Content-Type of application/json.Input Fields
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Download All Employee Forms
: get_download_all_employee_formsOperation
: This API endpoint allows the user to download all forms associated with a specific employee. The request requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter. The response is a file stream in zip format containing all the forms belonging to the specified employee. The content type of the response is 'application/zip'.Input Fields
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GET Employee
: get_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: The GET Employee API retrieves a list of employees from the HR Cloud system. It requires an Authorization header with a Basic token. The response includes a list of employee objects, each containing detailed information such as the employee's ID, address, bonus, contact details, department, division, employment status, and more. The response is returned with a status code of 200 OK, indicating a successful retrieval of employee data.Input Fields
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Download Employee Attachment
: get_employee_attachment_downloadOperation
: This API endpoint allows the user to download a specific attachment from an employee's records. The request requires the employee's unique identifier (employeeId) and the attachment's unique identifier (attachmentId) as path parameters. The response returns a file stream content of the attachment, with the Content-Type header indicating the MIME type of the file.Input Fields
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GET employee attachment download all
: get_employee_attachment_download_allOperation
: The GET employee attachment download all API allows users to download all attachments associated with a specific employee. The request requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter. The response is a file stream in zip format containing all files belonging to the specified employee. The response header includes the content type, which is 'application/zip'.Input Fields
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GET employee attachment download multiple
: get_employee_attachment_download_multipleOperation
: This API endpoint allows downloading multiple attachments for a specific employee. The request requires the employee's unique identifier (employeeId) and a comma-separated list of attachment IDs to be specified in the path parameters. The response is a file stream in zip format containing the requested attachments. The content type of the response is 'application/zip'.Input Fields
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Retrieve Employee Attachments
: get_employee_attachmentsOperation
: readEntities
: This API retrieves a list of attachments associated with a specific employee. The request requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter and a Basic Authorization header. The response includes an array of attachment objects, each containing details such as the attachment ID, creator information, creation timestamp, related entity details, resource details, and the attachment title. The API does not require any query parameters or request body.Input Fields
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Retrieve Employee Forms
: get_employee_formsOperation
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of forms associated with a specific employee. The request requires the employee's unique identifier as a path parameter. The response returns an array of form objects, each containing details such as FormType, FormId, FormName, RecordStatus, IsLocked status, CreatedBy, CreatedOn, UpdatedBy, and UpdatedOn timestamps.Input Fields
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GET employee forms download single or multiple
: get_employee_forms_download_single_or_multipleOperation
: This API allows downloading single or multiple forms from an employee. The request requires the employee's unique identifier and the type and ID of the form(s) to be downloaded. The response is a file stream in zip format containing the requested forms. The API endpoint supports downloading one or two forms at a time by specifying their types and IDs in the path parameters.Input Fields
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Get Employment Status Change Details
: get_employment_status_change_detailsOperation
: This API retrieves the details for a specific employment status change using the provided employment ID. The request is made using the GET method to the endpoint '/xEmploymentStatusHistory/:employmentid'. The path parameter 'employmentid' is required and specifies the unique identifier for the employment status change. The response includes details such as the approval status, effective date, and employee information including name, address, and contact details.Input Fields
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Retrieve Employment Status History
: get_employment_status_historyOperation
: The Retrieve Employment Status History API allows clients to fetch a history of changes made to employment statuses. This API does not require any input parameters and returns a list of employment status changes. Each change includes details such as the approval status, effective date, and associated employee information. The response includes comprehensive employee details like name, address, email, and employment status details such as type and record status.Input Fields
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Retrieve a list of locations
: get_locationOperation
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of locations. It is accessed via a GET request to the URL ''. The API does not require any headers, path parameters, query parameters, or request body. The response is a JSON array containing objects with details about each location, including 'Id', 'xDescription', 'xLocationCode', 'xLocationName', and 'xRecordStatus'. The HTTP status code for a successful response is '200 OK'.Input Fields
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Get one attachment of an employee
: get_one_attachment_of_an_employeeOperation
: This API retrieves a specific attachment of an employee using the employee's unique identifier and the attachment's unique identifier. The request is made using the GET method to the endpoint ''. The path parameters 'employeeId' and 'attachmentId' are required to specify which employee's attachment is being requested. The response includes details about the attachment such as its ID, name, type, size, and a URL to access the attachment.Input Fields
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Get One Bonus
: get_one_bonusOperation
: The 'Get One Bonus' API retrieves the details of a specific bonus using the provided bonus ID. The request is made using the GET method to the endpoint '', where ':bonusid' is the path parameter representing the unique identifier of the bonus. The response includes details such as the bonus ID, amount, currency, approval status, effective date, and associated employee information including address, city, and date of birth.Input Fields
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Get one form of an employee
: get_one_form_of_an_employeeOperation
: This API retrieves a specific form of an employee using the employee's unique identifier, the form type, and the form ID. The request is made using the GET method to the endpoint ''. The path parameters include 'employeeId', 'formType', and 'formId', all of which are required. The response returns an array containing details of the form such as 'FormType', 'FormId', 'FormName', 'RecordStatus', 'IsLocked', 'CreatedBy', 'CreatedOn', 'UpdatedBy', and 'UpdatedOn'.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
GET one position history
: get_one_position_historyOperation
: The 'GET one position history' API retrieves the details of a specific change in position using the specified position ID. The request requires the 'positionid' as a path parameter, which is the unique identifier of the position history to be retrieved. The response includes details such as the approval status, department information, effective date, and employee details associated with the position change. The department and employee details include identifiers, names, and other relevant information. The API returns a JSON array containing the position history details.Input Fields
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Get One Rehire
: get_one_rehireOperation
: The 'Get One Rehire' API retrieves the details for a specific rehire using the provided rehire ID. The request is made using the GET method to the endpoint '', where ':rehireid' is the path parameter representing the unique ID of the rehire. The response includes details such as the rehire ID, approval status, department information, effective date, and employee details. The department and employee details include object names, self-links, IDs, and other relevant information.Input Fields
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Get One Salary
: get_one_salaryOperation
: The 'Get One Salary' API retrieves the details for a specific change in salary using the specified salary ID. The request is made using the GET method to the endpoint '', where ':salaryid' is a path parameter representing the unique identifier for the salary change. The response includes details such as the approval status, effective date, and employee information related to the salary change.Input Fields
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GET position
: get_positionOperation
: The GET position API retrieves a list of positions from the HR cloud system. It does not require any input parameters and returns an array of position objects. Each position object includes details such as the unique identifier (Id), position code (xPositionCode), position title (xPositionTitle), and record status (xRecordStatus). The API responds with a status code of 200 OK upon successful retrieval.Input Fields
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GET position history
: get_position_historyOperation
: The GET position history API retrieves a history of changes for positions. It does not require any input parameters in the request. The response includes a list of position history entries, each containing details such as the approval status, department information, effective date, employee details, location, position information, and other relevant data. The response is returned with a status code of 200 OK.Input Fields
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Retrieve Rehire History
: get_rehire_historyOperation
: The Retrieve Rehire History API allows users to fetch a history of rehire records. It is a GET request to the endpoint ''. The API does not require any input parameters in the headers, path, query, or body. The response is a JSON array containing objects with detailed information about each rehire record, including the employee's department, position, location, and personal details such as name, email, and address. The response also includes metadata like approval status, effective date, and record status.Input Fields
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Retrieve Applicants
: get_retrieve_applicantsOperation
: The Retrieve Applicants API allows users to fetch a list of applicants from the HR Cloud system. This API does not require any input parameters and returns a list of applicants with details such as their ID, status, application date, email, name, job details, and resume information. The response includes the applicant's status, job title, and other relevant information. The API returns a 200 OK status upon successful retrieval of the data.Input Fields
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Retrieve Salary History
: get_salary_historyOperation
: The Retrieve Salary History API allows users to fetch a history of salary changes for employees. It is a GET request to the endpoint ''. The API does not require any headers, path parameters, query parameters, or request body. The response includes a status code of 200 OK and a body containing an array of salary change records. Each record includes details such as the unique identifier, approval status, effective date, employee details (including name, address, email, etc.), salary amount, and the timestamp of the last update.Input Fields
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Retrieve Single Applicant
: get_single_applicantOperation
: The Retrieve Single Applicant API allows you to fetch details of a specific applicant using their unique applicant ID. The endpoint requires the applicant ID as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the applicant such as their name, email, status, and timestamps of application and last update. The applicant status is further detailed with its own unique ID, title, and type. This API is useful for retrieving comprehensive information about a single applicant from the HR Cloud system.Input Fields
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GET single department
: get_single_departmentOperation
: This API retrieves a single department using the specified department ID. The request requires the department ID as a path parameter. The response includes details of the department such as its ID, code, name, and record status. This API is useful for obtaining detailed information about a specific department. To get a list of department IDs, you can use the GET /xDepartments endpoint.Input Fields
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GET single division
: get_single_divisionOperation
: The GET single division API retrieves a single location using the specified location ID. The request requires the location ID as a path parameter. The response includes details about the location such as its ID, description, location code, location name, and record status. The location ID is a required parameter in the path, and the response returns a JSON object with the location details.Input Fields
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GET single employee
: get_single_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: The GET single employee API retrieves the details of a single employee using their unique identifier. The request requires the 'employeeId' as a path parameter and an 'Authorization' header for authentication. The response includes detailed information about the employee such as their address, bonus, contact information, city, country, date of birth, and department details. The department details include the department code, name, and record status.Input Fields
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GET single position
: get_single_positionOperation
: The GET single position API retrieves a single position using the specified position ID. The request requires the position ID as a path parameter. The response includes details about the position such as its unique identifier (Id), description (xDescription), position code (xPositionCode), position title (xPositionTitle), and record status (xRecordStatus). The position ID can be obtained from the list of positions using the GET /xPosition endpoint.Input Fields
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GET single task
: get_single_taskOperation
: The GET single task API retrieves a specific task using the provided task ID. The request requires the task ID as a path parameter. The response includes the task details such as the task ID, name, status, creation timestamp, and last update timestamp. This API is useful for obtaining detailed information about a specific task.Input Fields
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Retrieve a list of tasks
: get_tasksOperation
: The 'Retrieve a list of tasks' API allows users to fetch a list of tasks from the system. It is a GET request to the endpoint ''. The API does not require any headers, path parameters, query parameters, or request body. The response includes a status code of 200 OK and a JSON body containing details of each task such as 'Id', 'xApplicationLookup', 'xApprovalStatus', 'xAssigneeName', 'xComment', 'xCompletedBy', 'xCreatedBy', 'xCreatedOn', 'xDueDate', 'xEmployeeGroupLookup', 'xIsAssignedToMe', 'xRecordStatus', 'xRelatedEntityDetailsLookup', 'xStatus', 'xStatusText', 'xSubject', 'xType', 'xUpdatedBy', and 'xUpdatedOn'. Each field provides specific information about the task, such as its unique identifier, application details, approval status, assignee name, comments, creation and update details, and more.Input Fields
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Create a Division
: post_create_a_divisionOperation
: This API endpoint is used to create a new division in the system. It requires three parameters in the request body: 'xDivisionCode', which is an alpha-numeric code for the division, 'xDivisionName', which is the name of the division, and 'xRecordStatus', which indicates whether the division is active or inactive. All these parameters are required. Upon successful creation, the API returns a status code of 200.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Create a history of rehires
: post_create_a_history_of_rehiresOperation
: This API endpoint is used to create a history of rehires or initiate the rehiring step for an employee. It requires several parameters including department ID, employee ID, effective date, employee unique number, location ID, and position ID. Optional parameters include division ID, employment type ID, manager ID, salary details, and flags for starting the onboarding process and sending activation emails. The response includes details about the rehire action, such as the action type, approval status, department, division, effective date, employee details, employment type, location, manager, position, record status, salary, and flags for sending activation emails and starting the onboarding process.Input Fields
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Create a Plain Task
: post_create_a_plain_taskOperation
: This API endpoint allows the creation of a plain task. It requires several parameters including applicationCode, title, relatedToEmployeeIds, assigneeType, assignedEmployeeGroupId, taskType, and fixedDueDate. Optional parameters include description, isOptionalToComplete, isRequiredSignature, relativeDueDate, and hierarchyLevel. The response returns a status code of 200 OK upon successful creation of the task.Input Fields
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Create an Applicant
: post_create_applicantOperation
: This API endpoint is used to create a new applicant. It requires the applicant's first name, last name, email, and an existing applicant status ID as mandatory fields. Optionally, a phone number can be provided in the format ({countryISOCode} {phoneCountryCode} {number}). Upon successful creation, the API returns the ID assigned to the applicant.Input Fields
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Create a Department
: post_create_departmentOperation
: This API endpoint is used to create a new department in the system. It requires the department's alpha-numeric code (xDepartmentCode), name (xDepartmentName), and record status (xRecordStatus) as input parameters. All these parameters are mandatory. Upon successful creation, the API returns a status of 200 OK.Input Fields
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Create an employee
: post_create_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: This API is used to create a new employee record in the system. It requires several mandatory fields such as first name, last name, full name, email, unique employee number, record status, start date, and associated lookup data like department ID, employment status ID, location ID, and position ID. Optional fields include address details, phone numbers, date of birth, education level, ethnicity, gender, and more. The response returns a status indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
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Create Employee with Mapping Parameters
: post_create_employee_with_mapping_parametersOperation
: This API endpoint allows the creation of an employee with optional mapping parameters. The mapping parameters follow the convention {lookupFieldName} to {targetEntityLookupFieldName}. The request body includes various fields such as xAddress1, xCity, xEmail, xFirstName, xFullName, xLastName, xPersonalEmail, xRecordStatus, xStartDate, xState, xZipCode, xEmployeeNumber, xEmploymentStatusLookup, xManagerLookup, xLocationLookup, xPositionLookup, and xDepartmentLookup. The response returns a status code of 200 OK upon successful creation of the employee.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Create Employment Status History
: post_create_employment_status_historyOperation
: This API endpoint allows the creation of a new employment status history for an employee or changing the employment status of an employee. It requires the employment status ID, employee ID, and the effective date as mandatory fields. The approval status is optional and defaults to 'Pending' if not provided. The response includes details of the employment status history created, including the approval status, effective date, and associated employee and employment status details.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Create a Position
: post_create_positionOperation
: This API is used to create a new position in the system. It requires the following parameters in the request body: 'xPositionCode' which is an alpha-numeric code of the position, 'xPositionTitle' which is the title of the position, and 'xRecordStatus' which indicates whether the position is active or inactive. An optional parameter 'xDescription' can also be included to provide a description for the position. Upon successful creation, the API returns a status code of 200.Input Fields
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Create Employee Attachment
: post_employee_attachmentOperation
: writeEntities
: This API endpoint allows the creation of an attachment for a specific employee. The request must be made using the POST method to the URL '', where ':employeeId' is the unique identifier of the employee. The request headers must include 'Content-Type' set to 'multipart/form-data' and an 'Authorization' header with Basic Authorization. The request body should be in 'multipart/form-data' format. Upon successful creation of the attachment, the API returns a 200 OK status with an empty response body.Input Fields
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Upload Employee Picture
: post_employee_pictureOperation
: writeEntities
: This API endpoint allows for uploading a picture for an employee. The request must be made using the POST method to the specified URL, with the request body containing the picture file in 'multipart/form-data' format. The response returns the resource IDs for the small, medium, and original versions of the uploaded picture.Input Fields
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Create a location
: post_locationOperation
: This API is used to create a new location in the system. It requires the following parameters in the request body: 'xLocationCode' (an alpha-numeric code for the location), 'xLocationName' (the name of the location), and 'xRecordStatus' (indicating whether the location is active or inactive). The 'xDescription' parameter is optional and can be used to provide additional details about the location. Upon successful creation, the API returns a response containing the 'Id' of the newly created location, along with the details provided in the request.Input Fields
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Post XApplicant Resource
: post_xapplicant_resourceOperation
: The Post XApplicant Resource API allows users to upload a resource, such as a resume or cover letter, which are parameters when creating an applicant. The request must be made with the 'multipart/form-data' content type and include a file in the body. Upon successful upload, the API returns a 200 OK status with a JSON response containing the resource ID of the uploaded file.Input Fields
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PUT division upsert
: put_division_upsertOperation
: The PUT division upsert API allows updating a division using the specified ID and parameters. If a division with the given ID does not exist, it is created. The request requires a JSON array containing objects with the fields 'Id', 'xDivisionCode', 'xDivisionName', and 'xRecordStatus'. The response returns a status code of 200 OK upon successful update or creation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Details
: put_employee_detailsOperation
: The Update Employee Details API allows you to update an employee's information using their unique ID and specified parameters. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint with query parameters for mapping fields. The request body should include the employee ID and the fields to be updated, such as manager email and department code. The response returns a status indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
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PUT employee param upsert
: put_employee_param_upsertOperation
: The PUT employee param upsert API allows updating an employee using the specified ID or field and parameters. If the employee with the given ID is not found, a new employee is created. The API accepts query parameters for mapping fields and a request body containing employee details such as 'Id', 'xManagerLookup' with 'xEmail', and 'xDepartmentLookup' with 'xDepartmentCode'. The response returns a status code of 200 OK upon successful update or creation.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
PUT employee picture
: put_employee_pictureOperation
: The PUT employee picture API allows updating an employee's picture using the specified employee ID and resource IDs for different picture sizes. The request body must include the employeeId, smallResourceId, mediumResourceId, and originalResourceId, all of which are mandatory. The API returns a status code of 200 OK upon successful update.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
PUT employee upsert
: put_employee_upsertOperation
: The PUT employee upsert API allows updating an employee's information using their ID or another specified field. The request must include the employee ID and can include other fields to update, such as the personal email. The API endpoint is ''. The response returns a status of 200 OK if the update is successful. No specific response body is provided.Input Fields
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PUT location
: put_locationOperation
: The PUT location API updates a location using the specified ID and parameters. If a location with the given ID does not exist, it is created. The request body must include the 'Id' of the location and can optionally include 'xDescription' to update the location's description. The response returns an array of location objects, each containing details such as 'Id', 'xLocationName', 'xLocationCode', 'xDescription', 'xRecordStatus', and 'responseStatus' indicating the success or failure of the operation.Input Fields
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PUT position upsert
: put_position_upsertOperation
: The PUT position upsert API allows updating a position using the specified ID and parameters. If a position with the given ID does not exist, it is created. The request requires a JSON body with an array containing objects that have 'Id' and 'xPositionTitle' fields. The response returns a status indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Update Applicant
: put_update_applicantOperation
: The Update Applicant API allows you to update an applicant's details using their ID. You must specify the applicant's ID and provide new values for one or more fields, such as the applicant's status lookup. The request is made to the endpoint '' using the PUT method. The request body should be a JSON array containing objects with the applicant's ID and the fields to be updated. The response will return a status of 200 OK if the update is successful.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Update Department
: put_update_departmentOperation
: The Update Department API allows users to update the details of a department by specifying its unique ID. The request must include the department ID in the body, and optionally, new values for the department name and code. The API responds with a status code indicating the success of the operation and a message detailing the result.Input Fields
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Update Division
: put_update_divisionOperation
: The Update Division API allows you to update a division using the specified ID and parameters. You must provide the unique identifier of the division in the request body, along with any other fields you wish to update, such as xDivisionCode, xDivisionName, and xRecordStatus. The request must include authorization headers. The response will indicate the success of the operation with a status code and message.Input Fields
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Update Employee
: put_update_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: The Update Employee API allows you to update an employee's details using their unique ID. You must provide the employee's ID and any fields you wish to update, such as address, phone number, department, and more. The request must include authorization headers with a valid basic authorization token. Upon successful update, the API returns a status of 'OK'.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Update Location
: put_update_locationOperation
: The Update Location API allows users to update a location using a specified ID or a field in the method, such as xLocationCode, to identify the record. If the location with the specified ID does not exist, it is created. The request can include an existing ID in the payload, which cannot be changed, and one or more parameters with new values, such as xDescription. The response returns the updated location details, including Id, xLocationName, xLocationCode, xDescription, xRecordStatus, and a responseStatus indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
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Update or Create a Department
: put_update_or_create_a_departmentOperation
: This API allows you to update or create a department using the specified ID or other fields. You must provide the department's unique identifier, name, and code in the request body. The API will return a status of 200 OK upon successful update or creation of the department.Input Fields
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Update Position
: put_update_positionOperation
: The Update Position API allows you to update a position using the specified ID. You must provide the ID of the position you want to update in the request body. Optionally, you can provide new values for the position's fields, such as 'xPositionTitle'. The request must include a 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response will return a status indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
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Upsert Applicant
: put_upsert_applicantOperation
: The Upsert Applicant API allows you to update an existing applicant using their ID or create a new applicant if the ID does not exist. The request must include the applicant's ID and status lookup ID in the body. The API responds with a status indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
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Updated 3 months ago