ADP Run API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for ADP Run API as part of the HRIS category
Delete Deduction Configuration
: delete_deduction_configurationOperation
: writeEntities
: payroll, deduction configuration, deductionSummary
: This API deletes a single deduction configuration identified by the 'deduction-configurations-id' path parameter. It requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with a bearer token. The request must include the 'Authorization' and 'Content-Type' headers. An optional query parameter 'asOfDate' can be provided to specify indicative data as of a certain effective date. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a confirmation message with a request status of 'success'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Applicant Onboard Event Metadata
: get_applicant_onboard_event_metadataOperation
: readEntities
: applicant, job offer, personSummary
: The Get Applicant Onboard Event Metadata API retrieves metadata related to the onboarding event of an applicant. It requires a roleCode header to specify the user's role, an Authorization header for OAuth 2.0 token, and optionally accepts an Accept-Language header and a $filter query parameter for filtering results. The response includes metadata about the applicant, such as personal details, communication methods, and job offer terms. The response headers include Cache-Control, ETag, and Content-Type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Applicant Onboard Metadata
: get_applicant_onboard_metadataOperation
: readEntities
: onboarding process, applicant, metadataSummary
: The Get Applicant Onboard Metadata API returns metadata information about the applicant onboarding process. It requires an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token for authentication. The API accepts an optional header 'ADP-Acting-SessionID' for scenarios where actions are performed on behalf of another user. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'sm_transactionid', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', along with a body containing metadata information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Applicant Onboarding Details
: get_applicant_onboarding_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: applicant, session, onboardingSummary
: This API retrieves the onboarding details of a specific applicant using their unique applicant ID. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token for authentication. Optionally, an ADP-Acting-SessionID can be provided for 'Act-As' and 'On-Behalf-Of' scenarios. The response includes the status, start date, and end date of the applicant's onboarding process.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Applicant Onboarding Metadata
: get_applicant_onboarding_metadataOperation
: readEntities
: onboarding process, applicant, metadataSummary
: The Get Applicant Onboarding Metadata API retrieves metadata information related to the onboarding process of a specific applicant. It requires the applicant's ID as a path parameter and uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. The API accepts an optional header 'ADP-Acting-SessionID' for scenarios where actions are performed on behalf of another user. The response includes metadata details in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Deduction Configuration Details
: get_deduction_configuration_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: retirement deduction configuration, deduction code, deduction configurationSummary
: This API retrieves the details of a specific deduction configuration identified by the 'deduction-configurations-id' path parameter. It requires an Oauth 2.0 token for authorization and accepts requests with 'application/json' content type. An optional query parameter 'asOfDate' can be provided to get indicative data as of a specific effective date. The response includes details such as deduction code, category, arrears indicator, configuration tags, and retirement deduction configuration.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Deduction Configurations
: get_deduction_configurationsOperation
: readEntities
: deduction category, retirement deduction configuration, deduction configurationSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all available deduction configurations that the requester is authorized to view. It uses the GET method and requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with a bearer token. The request can include optional query parameters such as 'asOfDate' for indicative data as of a specific date, '$skip' to specify the number of pages to skip, '$top' to specify the number of records to fetch, and '$select' to specify the select projection. The response includes a list of deduction configurations, each with details such as deduction code, category, arrears indicator, configuration tags, and retirement deduction configuration.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Deduction Configurations Meta
: get_deduction_configurations_metaOperation
: readEntities
: deduction category, retirement deduction configuration, deduction configurationSummary
: The Get Deduction Configurations Meta API endpoint provides metadata about deduction configurations in the payroll system. It is accessed via a GET request to the /payroll/v3/deduction-configurations/meta URL. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token for authentication and accepts 'application/json' as the content type. The response includes a detailed JSON object containing various optional fields related to deduction configurations, such as deduction codes, categories, arrears indicators, configuration tags, deduction values, and retirement deduction configurations. Each field is described with its data type and optional status, providing comprehensive metadata for deduction configurations.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Enterprise Report Templates
: get_enterprise_report_templatesOperation
: readEntities
: enterprise report, report management, report templateSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all available enterprise report templates that the requester is authorized to view. It requires an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token for authentication and accepts requests with the 'application/json' content type. The response includes details about each report template, such as the report name, template ID, description, type, class, category, runtime settings, and meta tags. The runtime settings include parameters like start and end date times, date range, and filters. Meta tags provide additional information like display order, visibility, and available formats (e.g., PDF, XLSX).Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Event Metadata for Organization Identity Address Change
: get_event_metadata_for_organization_identity_address_changeOperation
: readEntities
: organization address, organization identity, event metadataSummary
: This API retrieves metadata for events related to organization identity address changes. It requires a roleCode header to specify the user's role, an Authorization header for OAuth 2.0 token, and optionally an Accept-Language header for language preferences. The API supports an optional $filter query parameter for filtering results. The response includes metadata about the event, such as service category code, event name code, and detailed information about organization identity and address transformations.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Event Metadata for Payroll Pay Data Input
: get_event_metadata_for_payroll_pay_data_inputOperation
: readEntities
: earning input, payee pay input, payroll dataSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves metadata for payroll pay data input events. It requires a roleCode header to specify the user's role, such as employee, manager, or administrator. An optional Authorization header can be included for OAuth 2.0 token authentication. The API supports an optional $filter query parameter for filtering results. The response includes detailed metadata about payroll group codes, payee pay inputs, and payroll profile pay inputs, including earning codes, rate codes, and pay allocations.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Event Metadata for Worker Pay Distribution Change
: get_event_metadata_for_worker_pay_distribution_changeOperation
: readEntities
: worker, pay distribution, event metadataSummary
: This API endpoint returns event metadata for worker pay distribution changes. It uses the GET method and requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with client id and client secret. The API accepts optional headers such as 'sm_transactionid' and 'ADP-Acting-SessionID', and an optional query parameter '$filter' for specifying filter criteria. The response includes headers like 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body containing metadata about the event context and transforms related to pay distribution changes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get List of Available Workers
: get_list_of_available_workersOperation
: readEntities
: worker, mobile user account, transactionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all available workers that the requester is authorized to view. It uses the GET method and accepts optional query parameters such as $filter, $select, $count, $skip, and $top to refine the results. The request can include a SiteMinder transaction ID in the headers if the request is initiated from an external service consumer authenticated by SMS. The response includes headers like ADP-Acting-Session-Expires, Cache-Control, sm_transactionid, ETag, and Content-Type, and the body contains the list of workers, each with details such as associateOID, workerID, person details, workerDates, workerStatus, businessCommunication, customFieldGroup, and workAssignments.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Organization Details
: get_organization_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: payroll, organization, addressSummary
: The Retrieve Organization Details API allows users to fetch details of multiple organizations based on specified criteria using OData query parameters. The API endpoint is '/core/v2/organizations' and it uses the GET method. It requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with a bearer token. The API accepts optional query parameters such as $filter, $expand, and $select to refine the search criteria. The response includes detailed information about organizations, including their names, government registrations, addresses, contacts, billing arrangements, payroll profiles, and industry classifications.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Organization Identities
: get_organization_identitiesOperation
: readEntities
: communication, address, organization identitySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all available organization identities that the requester is authorized to view. It requires the 'roleCode' header to specify the role of the user, which can be employee, manager, practitioner, administrator, or supervisor. The 'Authorization' header is also required to provide the client's authorization token. Optionally, a '$filter' query parameter can be used to specify filter criteria. The response includes headers such as 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and the body contains details of organization identities including names, communication details, addresses, and organization OID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pay Data Input List
: get_pay_data_input_listOperation
: readEntities
: pay data input, payroll group, earning inputSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all available pay data inputs that the requester is authorized to view. It requires the 'roleCode' and 'Authorization' headers, where 'roleCode' specifies the role of the user (e.g., employee, manager) and 'Authorization' provides the OAuth 2.0 token. Optional query parameters include '$count' to return the total number of resources, '$filter' for filtering criteria, '$top' to limit the number of results, and '$skip' to specify the starting point. The response includes headers like 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and the body contains an array of pay data input entries with details such as 'associateOID', 'workerID', 'payPeriodStartDate', 'payPeriodEndDate', and 'payrollProfilePayInputs'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pay Distributions for a Worker
: get_pay_distributions_for_a_workerOperation
: readEntities
: worker, pay distribution, distribution instructionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all available pay distributions for a specified worker. It requires the worker's unique identifier (aoid) as a path parameter. The API supports filtering by status (active, inactive, all) and can retrieve distributions as of a specific date using query parameters. Headers may include a SiteMinder transaction ID and an ADP-Acting-SessionID for session management. The response includes detailed pay distribution information, such as requested start date, distribution instructions, and financial account details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pay Statement Details
: get_pay_statement_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: worker, pay statement, payrollSummary
: This API retrieves the details of a specific pay statement for a worker. It requires the 'aoid' (Associate OID) and 'pay-statement-id' as path parameters. The 'roleCode' header is mandatory and specifies the role of the user making the request, with possible values including employee, manager, practitioner, administrator, and supervisor. An optional 'Authorization' header can be included for OAuth 2.0 token authentication. The response includes detailed information about the pay statement, such as pay date, pay period, net and gross pay amounts, earnings, deductions, direct deposits, and more. The response headers provide metadata about the response, including caching directives and content type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pay Statement Image Details
: get_pay_statement_image_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: image, pay statement, workerSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific pay statement as an image. It requires the 'aoid', 'pay-statement-id', 'image-id', and 'image-extension' as path parameters. The 'roleCode' header is mandatory and specifies the role of the user making the request. Optional headers include 'Accept' for specifying acceptable media types and 'Authorization' for providing the client's authorization token. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and the body contains the binary content of the pay statement image.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Payroll Instructions for General Deduction
: get_payroll_instructions_for_general_deductionOperation
: readEntities
: general deduction, payroll instruction, garnishmentSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the list of all available payroll instructions for general deductions that the requester is authorized to view. It requires the 'roleCode' header to specify the user's role, such as employee or manager, and the 'aoid' path parameter to identify the associate. An optional 'Authorization' header can be included for client authorization, and an optional '$filter' query parameter can be used to filter results. The response includes headers like 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and the body contains detailed payroll instructions, including general deduction and garnishment instructions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Payroll Output Details
: get_payroll_output_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: payroll output, payrollSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves payroll output details for a given payroll output ID. It requires the 'roleCode' header to specify the role of the user making the request, which can be one of the following: employee, manager, practitioner, administrator, or supervisor. The 'Authorization' header is optional and is used to provide the client's authorization token. The 'output-id' path parameter is required to specify the payroll output ID. The response includes the payroll output details in the 'payrollOutputs' object.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Payroll Output Meta
: get_payroll_output_metaOperation
: readEntities
: payroll output, role, authorizationSummary
: The Get Payroll Output Meta API returns metadata information related to payroll outputs. It requires a roleCode header to specify the user's role, which can be employee, manager, practitioner, administrator, or supervisor. An optional Authorization header can be included to provide the client's authorization token. Additionally, an optional $filter query parameter can be used to limit the payroll outputs returned. The response includes a meta object containing metadata information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Report Package Execution Content
: get_report_package_execution_contentOperation
: readEntities
: export, execution, report packageSummary
: This API retrieves the file content of an execution for a report package based on the provided report-package-id, execution-id, and export-id. It requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with a bearer token and accepts 'application/json' as the content type. The response includes the content produced by the execution of the report package. In case of a bad request, it returns a detailed error message with a confirmation message ID, creation date, request receipt date, protocol status code, and process messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Pay Statements for a Worker
: get_retrieve_pay_statements_for_a_workerOperation
: readEntities
: worker, pay statement, payrollSummary
: This API retrieves all pay statements available for a specific worker identified by the Associate OID (aoid). The request requires a roleCode header indicating the user's role, such as employee or manager, and optionally an Authorization header for OAuth 2.0 token. The aoid is a required path parameter, and the numberoflastpaydates is an optional query parameter to limit the number of pay statements returned. The response includes details such as pay date, net and gross pay amounts, total hours worked, and URIs for pay details and statement images.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Worker Details
: get_worker_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: worker, person, work assignmentSummary
: The Get Worker Details API retrieves detailed information about a worker using their Associate OID. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token and accepts requests in JSON format. The path parameter 'aoid' is required to specify the Associate OID. Optional query parameters include '$select' for specifying selection criteria and 'ADP-Acting-SessionID' for session identification. The request header may include 'sm_transactionid' for SiteMinder transaction identification. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'sm_transactionid', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type'. The response body contains detailed worker information, including personal details, communication methods, work assignments, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Worker General Deduction Instruction Change Metadata
: get_worker_general_deduction_instruction_change_metadataOperation
: readEntities
: worker, event metadata, general deduction instructionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves metadata for worker general deduction instruction changes. It requires a roleCode header to specify the user's role, which can be employee, manager, practitioner, administrator, or supervisor. An optional Authorization header can be included for OAuth 2.0 token authentication. The API supports an optional $filter query parameter for specifying filter criteria. The response includes metadata about the event context and transforms, detailing various aspects of payroll instructions and deduction codes, rates, and goals.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Worker General Deduction Instruction Event Metadata
: get_worker_general_deduction_instruction_event_metadataOperation
: readEntities
: worker, deduction instruction, event metadataSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves event metadata for worker general deduction instructions. It requires a roleCode header to specify the user's role, which can be employee, manager, practitioner, administrator, or supervisor. An optional Authorization header can be included for OAuth 2.0 token authentication. The API also supports an optional $filter query parameter for specifying filter criteria. The response includes metadata about the event, such as worker details, payroll instructions, and deduction codes, along with response headers like Cache-Control, ETag, and Content-Type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Worker Pay Distribution Metadata
: get_worker_pay_distribution_metadataOperation
: readEntities
: worker, instruction, pay distributionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves metadata for a worker's pay distributions. It requires the worker's unique identifier (aoid) as a path parameter. Optional headers include 'sm_transactionid' for SiteMinder transaction ID and 'ADP-Acting-SessionID' for session management in 'Act-As' scenarios. The API supports an optional OData $filter query parameter to specify filter criteria. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', and 'ETag', and a body containing metadata about pay distributions, including distribution instructions, financial account details, and distribution amounts.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Worker Specific Meta
: get_worker_specific_metaOperation
: readEntities
: meta, profile, workerSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves worker-specific meta information using the GET method. The request requires the 'aoid' path parameter, which is the Associate OID. Optional query parameters include '$filter' for specifying filter criteria and 'ADP-Acting-SessionID'. The request header may include 'sm_transactionid' for SiteMinder transaction ID. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'sm_transactionid', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type'. The response body contains a 'meta' object with worker-specific meta data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Deduction Configurations
: post_add_deduction_configurationsOperation
: writeEntities
: retirement deduction configuration, deduction code, deduction configurationSummary
: This API allows adding or updating a list of deduction configurations in the payroll system. The request requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with a bearer token and must be in JSON format. The body of the request includes an array of deduction configurations, each containing details such as deduction code, category code, and optional configurations like retirement deduction settings and configuration tags. The response indicates the success or failure of the operation, with potential warning messages if certain conditions are not met or if the data is unchanged.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Pay Data Input Information
: post_add_pay_data_input_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: pay data input, payroll group, employeeSummary
: The Add Pay Data Input Information API allows users to add pay data input information for payroll processing. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/payroll/v1/pay-data-input.add' with a JSON body containing event data. The request headers must include a 'roleCode' indicating the user's role, and optionally an 'Authorization' token. The body must include details such as payroll group code, associate OID, pay period dates, and pay inputs including earning codes, rate codes, number of hours, and rate values. The response includes event details, pay data input information, and status codes. Successful requests return a 200 status code with the added pay data input information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Personal Email for Worker
: post_add_personal_email_for_workerOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, communication, emailSummary
: This API allows a worker to add a personal email address to their profile. The request requires a roleCode header indicating the role of the user (e.g., employee, manager, etc.) and optionally an Accept-Language header to specify the preferred language for the response. The request body must include the worker's associateOID and the email details such as emailUri, nameCode, and itemID. The response includes headers like ADP-Acting-Session-Expires, Cache-Control, ETag, and Content-Type, and a body that confirms the addition of the email with details such as emailUri, nameCode, itemID, and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Personal Mobile Telephone for Worker
: post_add_personal_mobile_telephone_for_workerOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, communicationSummary
: This API allows a worker to add a personal mobile telephone number. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/'. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the role of the user (e.g., employee, manager, etc.) and can optionally include an 'Accept-Language' header to specify the preferred language for the response. The request body must contain an 'events' array with details about the worker's mobile communication information, including the 'nameCode' and 'formattedNumber'. The response will include headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body containing the status of the event and details of the added mobile communication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Worker's Additional Remuneration
: post_add_worker_additional_remunerationOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, remuneration, work assignmentSummary
: This API is used to add additional remuneration for a worker, such as bonuses or commissions. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/'. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the user's role, and optionally an 'Authorization' token and 'Accept-Language' header. The body of the request should contain event details including the worker's associateOID, event status, effective date, and details of the additional remuneration. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the event's status and additional remuneration details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Worker Business Communication Landline Event Notification
: post_add_worker_business_communication_landline_event_notificationOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, communicationSummary
: This API is used to communicate the occurrence of an event related to adding a worker's business communication landline. It requires headers such as ADP-MessageID and roleCode, and optionally Authorization and Accept-Language. The request body contains event details including worker's associateOID, landline dial number, and extension. The response includes headers like ADP-Acting-Session-Expires and Cache-Control, and a body with event details such as eventID, creationDateTime, and originator's associateOID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Worker Business Email
: post_add_worker_business_emailOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, business communication, emailSummary
: This API allows a worker to add a business email. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/'. The request must include the 'roleCode' header, which specifies the role of the user (e.g., employee, manager, practitioner, administrator, supervisor). Optional headers include 'Authorization' for the OAuth 2.0 token and 'Accept-Language' for specifying acceptable response languages. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type'. The response body contains details about the event, including the worker's email URI, event status code, event ID, service category code, event name code, creation date and time, record date and time, and the originator's associate OID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Worker Personal Landline
: post_add_worker_personal_landlineOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, communication, landlineSummary
: This API allows a worker to add a personal landline number. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/worker.personal-communication.landline.add' with a JSON body containing the worker's landline details, including country dialing code, dial number, and formatted number. The request must include a 'roleCode' header specifying the user's role, and optionally an 'Accept-Language' header. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the event status and landline information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Applicant Onboard API
: post_applicant_onboardOperation
: writeEntities
: applicant, event, job offerSummary
: The Applicant Onboard API is used to initiate the onboarding process for an applicant. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/staffing/v1/applicant.onboard' with a JSON body containing event details such as service category, event name, originator, actor, and data related to the applicant and job offer. The request headers must include 'roleCode' to specify the user's role, and optionally 'Accept-Language' and 'Authorization'. The response includes event status, effective date, applicant details, and job offer information. The API supports OAuth 2.0 for authorization and requires a client ID and secret.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Applicant Onboarding
: post_applicant_onboardingOperation
: writeEntities
: applicant onboarding, applicant, job offerSummary
: The Applicant Onboarding API is used to onboard applicants by submitting their personal, job offer, and tax profile information. The API accepts a POST request with a JSON body containing details such as service category code, event name code, originator and actor associate OIDs, job requisition and offer item IDs, event reason and status codes, effective date, and applicant personal details including gender, government IDs, legal and preferred names, address, communication details, and birth date. The job offer details include expected start date, compensation, worker type, work level, standard hours, and home work location. The response includes a confirmation of the onboarding process with details of the applicant and job offer, and an ETag header for entity tagging.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Home Work Location of Work Assignment
: post_change_home_work_locationOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, home work location, work assignmentSummary
: This API changes the home work location of a work assignment. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/'. The request must include a 'roleCode' header specifying the role of the user, and optionally an 'Authorization' header for the client's authorization token and an 'Accept-Language' header for the preferred response language. The request body must contain an 'events' array with details about the service category, event name, actor, and data including the worker's associate OID, event status, effective date, and new home work location. The response includes headers like 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body with details about the event, including the updated home work location and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker's Additional Remuneration
: post_change_worker_additional_remunerationOperation
: writeEntities
: compensationSummary
: This API is used to change a worker's additional remuneration, such as bonuses or commissions. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/'. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the user's role, and optionally 'Accept-Language' and 'Authorization' headers. The request body should contain event details, including the worker's associateOID, event status, effective date, and details of the additional remuneration to be changed. The response includes headers like 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the event's outcome, including the updated remuneration details and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker's Base Remuneration
: post_change_worker_base_remunerationOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, base remuneration, work assignmentSummary
: This API endpoint is used to change a worker's base remuneration. It requires a POST request to the specified URL with a JSON body containing event details. The request headers must include a roleCode indicating the user's role, and optionally Accept-Language and Authorization headers. The body must include event data specifying the worker's associateOID, the effective date and time of the change, and the new remuneration details. The response includes headers such as ADP-Acting-Session-Expires, Cache-Control, ETag, and Content-Type, and a body containing the updated remuneration details and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker's Birth Date
: post_change_worker_birth_dateOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, birth dateSummary
: This API allows for changing a worker's birth date. It requires a POST request to the endpoint /events/hr/v1/worker.birth-date.change with a JSON body containing the new birth date and the worker's associateOID. The request headers must include a roleCode indicating the user's role, and optionally an Authorization token and Accept-Language. The response includes headers such as ADP-Acting-Session-Expires, Cache-Control, ETag, and Content-Type, and a body confirming the change with details of the event, including the updated birth date, event status, and identifiers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Business Email
: post_change_worker_business_emailOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, business communication, emailSummary
: This API allows a worker to change their business email address. It requires a POST request to the endpoint /events/hr/v1/ with a JSON body containing event details. The request headers must include a roleCode indicating the user's role, and optionally an Authorization token and Accept-Language preference. The response includes headers such as ADP-Acting-Session-Expires, Cache-Control, ETag, and Content-Type, and a body detailing the updated email information and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Ethnicity
: post_change_worker_ethnicityOperation
: writeEntities
: ethnicity, change, workerSummary
: The Change Worker Ethnicity API allows for updating the ethnicity information of a worker. It requires a POST request to the endpoint /events/hr/v1/worker.ethnicity.change with a JSON body containing event details such as service category code, event name code, actor's associate OID, and the new ethnicity information. Optional headers include ADP-Acting-SessionID and sm_transactionid. The response includes headers like ADP-Acting-Session-Expires, Cache-Control, and others, along with a body detailing the updated ethnicity information and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker General Deduction Instruction
: post_change_worker_general_deduction_instructionOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, deduction, payroll instructionSummary
: The Change Worker General Deduction Instruction API allows users to modify the general deduction instructions for a worker's payroll. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '' with a JSON body containing event details. The request headers must include a 'roleCode' indicating the user's role (e.g., employee, manager) and optionally an 'Authorization' token. The body must specify the worker's associate OID, deduction code, rate, and goal limit. The API responds with event details, including the event ID, status, and updated deduction information. Possible response status codes include 200 for success, 400 for invalid deduction rate or code, and 404 for invalid worker OID or deduction setup.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Government ID
: post_change_worker_government_idOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, government id, eventSummary
: The Change Worker Government ID API allows for updating a worker's government ID. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/worker.government-id.change' with an OAuth 2.0 token for authorization. The request body must include the worker's associateOID and the new government ID value. The response includes the updated government ID details, event status, and metadata about the event.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker's Legal Name
: post_change_worker_legal_nameOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, legal name, eventSummary
: This API allows a worker to change their legal name in a given context. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/' with a JSON body containing event details such as service category code, event name code, actor's associate OID, and the new legal name details. Optional headers include 'ADP-Acting-SessionID' and 'sm_transactionid'. The response includes headers like 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', and 'ETag', and a body with the updated legal name details and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Original Hire Date
: post_change_worker_original_hire_dateOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, dateSummary
: The Change Worker Original Hire Date API allows clients to change the original hire date of a worker. It requires a POST request to the endpoint /events/hr/v1/worker.worker-original-hire-date.change with headers including roleCode, Accept-Language, and Authorization. The request body must contain event details such as serviceCategoryCode, eventNameCode, actor, and data including eventContext and transform details. The response includes the updated worker dates, event status, and other event metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Pay Distribution
: post_change_worker_pay_distributionOperation
: writeEntities
: payroll agreement, pay distribution, workerSummary
: The Change Worker Pay Distribution API allows a worker to change how their pay is distributed for a given payroll agreement. The API accepts a POST request with a JSON payload that specifies the worker's associateOID and the new pay distribution instructions. The request headers may include optional parameters such as sm_transactionid and ADP-Acting-SessionID. The response includes headers like ADP-Acting-Session-Expires and Cache-Control, and a body that confirms the updated pay distribution details. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with client id and client secret.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Personal Email
: post_change_worker_personal_emailOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, communication, emailSummary
: This API allows a worker to change their personal email address. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/' with a JSON body containing the worker's associateOID and the new email details. The request must include a 'roleCode' header specifying the user's role, and optionally an 'Accept-Language' header. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the updated email information and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Personal Landline
: post_change_worker_personal_landlineOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, communicationSummary
: This API allows a worker to change their personal landline number. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/worker.personal-communication.landline.change' with a JSON body containing the new landline details. The request headers must include a 'roleCode' indicating the user's role, and optionally an 'Authorization' token and 'Accept-Language'. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the updated landline information and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Personal Mobile Telephone
: post_change_worker_personal_mobile_telephoneOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, mobile, communicationSummary
: This API allows a worker to change their personal mobile telephone number. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/' with a JSON body containing the new mobile number details. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the user's role, and optionally an 'Accept-Language' header. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the updated mobile number and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Rehire Date
: post_change_worker_rehire_dateOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, rehire dateSummary
: The Change Worker Rehire Date API allows clients to update the rehire date of a worker. It requires a POST request to the endpoint /events/hr/v1/worker.worker-rehire-date.change with a JSON body containing event details. The request headers must include a roleCode indicating the user's role, and optionally an Authorization token and Accept-Language preference. The request body should specify the service category, event name, actor's associate OID, and the new rehire and adjusted service dates. The response includes the updated worker dates and event status, along with metadata such as event ID and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker's Standard Hours
: post_change_worker_standard_hoursOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, standard hour, work assignmentSummary
: This API changes a worker's number of standard hours. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/'. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the role of the user (e.g., employee, manager, etc.). An optional 'Authorization' header can be included for client authorization, and an 'Accept-Language' header can specify the preferred language for the response. The request body must contain an 'events' array with details about the worker and the new standard hours. The response includes headers such as 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body with details about the updated standard hours and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Termination Date
: post_change_worker_termination_dateOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, termination date, worker dateSummary
: The Change Worker Termination Date API allows users to change the termination date of a worker. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/worker.worker-termination-date.change' with a JSON body containing event details. The request headers must include 'roleCode' to specify the user's role, and optionally 'Authorization' for the client's token and 'Accept-Language' for language preferences. The request body must include event details such as service category code, event name code, actor's associate OID, and data including event context and transformation details like effective date and worker dates. The response returns the updated worker dates and event status code, along with event metadata such as event ID, creation date, and originator's associate OID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Complete Applicant Onboarding
: post_complete_applicant_onboardingOperation
: writeEntities
: applicant personal profile, applicant onboarding, applicant worker profileSummary
: The Complete Applicant Onboarding API is used to finalize the onboarding process for an applicant. It requires a POST request to the endpoint /hcm/v2/applicants/{applicant-id}/onboarding.complete with an OAuth 2.0 token for authorization. The request body must include detailed information about the applicant's personal profile, worker profile, and payroll profile. Optional headers include the ADP-Acting-SessionID for acting session scenarios. The response includes an ETag header and a confirmation message in the body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Enterprise Report Packages
: post_create_enterprise_report_packagesOperation
: writeEntities
: runtime setting, report template, report packageSummary
: The Create Enterprise Report Packages API allows users to create one or more report packages containing a set of associated report templates. The API endpoint is '/hcm/v2/enterprise-report-packages' and it uses the POST method. The request must include an OAuth 2.0 token for authorization and the content type must be 'application/json'. The request body should contain details about the enterprise report packages, including the package name, report templates, and runtime settings. The response will include a confirmation message with the status of the request and any resource messages. Possible response status codes include 201 (Created), 400 (Bad Request), and 500 (Internal Server Error).Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Event Notification for Report Package Execution Completion
: post_event_notification_for_report_package_execution_completionOperation
: writeEntities
: event notification, report package, executionSummary
: This API is used to notify the completion of a report package execution in the HCM system. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/event-notifications/hcm/v2/report-package.execution.complete' with a JSON body containing details about the event such as '_eventID', '_eventNameCode', '_canonicalUri', '_eventStatusCode', '_transactionDateTime', '_actor', and '_data'. The request must include an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token in the Authorization header and specify 'application/json' as the Content-Type. Upon successful notification, the API responds with a 202 Accepted status code, indicating that the event notification has been accepted for processing.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Hire a Worker
: post_hire_a_workerOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, person, work assignmentSummary
: The 'Hire a Worker' API allows clients to hire a worker by providing necessary worker details. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/worker.hire' with a JSON body containing worker information such as personal details, communication methods, legal address, government IDs, and work assignments. The request headers must include 'roleCode' to specify the user's role, and optionally 'Authorization', 'Accept-Language', 'ADP-Consumer-ApplicationID', and 'ADP-Context-ExpressionID'. The response includes the worker's associate OID, personal details, and status of the event. Successful requests return a status code of 200, while errors such as invalid data or already registered employees return a 400 status code with detailed error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Organization Identity Address Change
: post_organization_identity_address_changeOperation
: writeEntities
: event, address, organizationSummary
: The Organization Identity Address Change API allows users to update the address details of an organization identity. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/core/v1/organization-identities.address.change' with a JSON body containing the organization details. The request headers must include 'roleCode' to specify the user's role, and optionally 'Accept-Language' and 'Authorization'. The response includes event details such as event ID, status, and timestamps, along with a confirmation message that may contain warnings or important notices.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Rehire Worker
: post_rehire_workerOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, roleSummary
: The Rehire Worker API allows for the rehiring of a worker. It requires a POST request to the /events/hr/v1/worker.rehire endpoint with a JSON body containing event details. The request headers must include a roleCode indicating the user's role, and may optionally include Accept-Language, Authorization, ADP-Consumer-ApplicationID, and ADP-Context-ExpressionID headers. The request body must specify the serviceCategoryCode, eventNameCode, actor's associateOID, and event data including the worker's associateOID, event status, effective date, and worker dates. The response includes the event's creation date, status, worker dates, event ID, and originator details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove Personal Mobile Telephone for Worker
: post_remove_personal_mobile_telephone_for_workerOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, communicationSummary
: This API allows a worker to remove their personal mobile telephone information. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/'. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the role of the user (e.g., employee, manager, etc.) and can optionally include an 'Accept-Language' header to specify the preferred language for the response. The request body should contain details about the worker's mobile communication to be removed, including country dialing code, dial number, and formatted number. The response will confirm the removal of the mobile telephone and include headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type'. The response body will provide details of the event, including the status code 'complete', event ID, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove Worker's Additional Remuneration
: post_remove_worker_additional_remunerationOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, additional remuneration, work assignmentSummary
: This API is used to remove a worker's additional remuneration, such as bonuses or commissions. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/'. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the user's role, and optionally 'Accept-Language' and 'Authorization' headers. The request body should contain event details, including the worker's associateOID, event status, effective date, and remuneration details. The response includes headers like 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the event's outcome, including the updated remuneration details and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove Worker Business Communication Email Notification
: post_remove_worker_business_communication_email_notificationOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, business communicationSummary
: This API is used to notify the removal of a worker's business communication email. It requires a POST request to the specified endpoint with headers including ADP-MessageID and roleCode, and optionally Authorization and Accept-Language. The request body must contain event details including the worker's associateOID and the emailUri to be removed. The response includes headers such as ADP-Acting-Session-Expires, Cache-Control, ETag, and Content-Type, and a body detailing the event status and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove Worker Business Communication Landline Event Notification
: post_remove_worker_business_communication_landline_event_notificationOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, business communication, landlineSummary
: This API is used to notify the occurrence of an event related to the removal of a worker's business communication landline. It requires headers such as ADP-MessageID and roleCode, and optionally Authorization and Accept-Language. The request body contains event details including worker's associateOID, landline dial number, and extension. The response includes headers like ADP-Acting-Session-Expires and Cache-Control, and a body with event details such as eventID, serviceCategoryCode, and eventStatusCode.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove Worker Personal Email
: post_remove_worker_personal_emailOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, communication, emailSummary
: This API allows a worker to remove a personal email from their profile. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/' with a JSON body containing the worker's associateOID and the emailUri to be removed. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the role of the user (e.g., employee, manager, etc.). An optional 'Accept-Language' header can specify the preferred language for the response. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body confirming the removal of the email.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove Worker Personal Landline
: post_remove_worker_personal_landlineOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, communication, landlineSummary
: This API allows a worker to remove their personal landline. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/worker.personal-communication.landline.remove' with a JSON body containing the worker's landline details and associate OID. The request headers must include a 'roleCode' indicating the user's role, and optionally an 'Accept-Language' header. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the status of the event and the removed landline information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove Worker's Additional Remuneration
: post_remove_workers_additional_remunerationOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, additional remuneration, work assignmentSummary
: This API removes a worker's additional remuneration, such as bonuses or commissions. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/'. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the user's role, and optionally 'Authorization' and 'Accept-Language' headers. The body of the request should contain event details, including the worker's associateOID and the remuneration details to be removed. The response includes headers like 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the event's outcome, including the worker's ID and the status of the event.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Replace Pay Data Input Information
: post_replace_pay_data_input_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: pay data input, payee pay input, payrollSummary
: The Replace Pay Data Input Information API allows users to replace pay data input information for payroll processing. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/payroll/v1/pay-data-input.replace' with a JSON body containing event data. The request headers must include 'roleCode' to specify the user's role and optionally 'Authorization' for access. The body should contain details about the pay data input, including item ID, associate OID, pay period dates, and pay inputs. The response includes event details, pay data input information, and status codes. The API supports OAuth 2.0 authentication and requires specific client credentials.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Start Worker General Deduction Instruction
: post_start_worker_general_deduction_instructionOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, deduction instruction, payrollSummary
: The Start Worker General Deduction Instruction API is used to initiate a general deduction instruction for a worker. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/payroll/v2/worker-general-deduction-instruction.start'. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the user's role, and optionally an 'Authorization' header for client authorization. The request body should contain event data specifying the deduction code, rate, and goal limit amount. The response includes event details such as event ID, status, and deduction information. The API supports OAuth 2.0 authentication and requires a client ID and secret.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Stop Worker General Deduction Instruction
: post_stop_worker_general_deduction_instructionOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, payroll instruction, general deduction instructionSummary
: The Stop Worker General Deduction Instruction API is used to stop a worker's general deduction instruction. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/payroll/v2/worker-general-deduction-instruction.stop' with a JSON body containing event details. The request headers must include a 'roleCode' indicating the user's role, and optionally an 'Authorization' token. The request body must specify the worker's associateOID and the deduction code. The API responds with event details, including the event ID, status, and deduction information. The response headers include cache control, ETag, and content type information. The API handles various error scenarios, such as missing or invalid deduction codes, and returns appropriate status codes and messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Terminate Worker Involuntarily
: post_terminate_worker_involuntarilyOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, authorizationSummary
: The 'Terminate Worker Involuntarily' API is used to terminate a worker's employment involuntarily. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '' with headers including 'roleCode', 'ADP-Context-ExpressionID', 'Accept-Language', 'ADP-Consumer-ApplicationID', and 'Authorization'. The request body must contain event details such as 'serviceCategoryCode', 'eventNameCode', 'originator', 'actor', and 'data' which includes 'eventContext' and 'transform' information. The response returns the termination details including 'workerID', 'terminationDate', 'workerStatus', and 'eventStatusCode'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Worker Business Communication Landline Change Event Notification
: post_worker_business_communication_landline_change_event_notificationOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, communicationSummary
: The Worker Business Communication Landline Change Event Notification API communicates the occurrence of an event related to changes in a worker's business communication landline. It requires headers such as ADP-MessageID and roleCode, with optional headers like Authorization and Accept-Language. The request body includes details about the event, such as the worker's associateOID and the new landline details. The response includes headers like ADP-Acting-Session-Expires and Cache-Control, and a body detailing the event's status and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Worker Custom Field Code Change
: post_worker_custom_field_code_changeOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, custom fieldSummary
: The Worker Custom Field Code Change API allows a worker to change a custom field that is a code. It requires a POST request to the endpoint /events/hr/v1/worker.custom-field.code.change with an OAuth 2.0 token for authorization. The request body must include details about the event, such as the worker's associateOID, the event status code, and the custom field code value and name. The response includes the updated custom field details, event status, and metadata such as eventID, creationDateTime, and originator information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Worker Gender Change Event
: post_worker_gender_change_eventOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, gender change, eventSummary
: The Worker Gender Change Event API allows for the updating of a worker's gender information. It requires a POST request to the /events/hr/v1/worker.gender.change endpoint with a JSON body containing event details. The request headers must include a roleCode indicating the user's role, and optionally Accept-Language and Authorization headers. The request body must include the worker's associateOID and the new gender code. The response includes headers such as ADP-Acting-Session-Expires, Cache-Control, ETag, and Content-Type, and a body detailing the updated gender information and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Worker Legal Address Change
: post_worker_legal_address_changeOperation
: writeEntities
: worker, event, addressSummary
: The Worker Legal Address Change API allows for updating the legal address of a worker. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/' with a JSON body containing the worker's new address details. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the user's role, and optionally an 'Accept-Language' header for language preferences. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the updated address and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change or Replace a Report Package
: put_change_or_replace_report_packageOperation
: writeEntities
: runtime setting, report template, report packageSummary
: This API allows you to change or replace a report package which contains a set of report templates. The request requires a valid OAuth 2.0 token and the content type must be 'application/json'. The path parameter 'report-package-id' is required to identify the specific report package to be updated. The request body must include details of the enterprise report packages, including the report package name, report templates, and runtime settings. The response will confirm the status of the request and provide a resource ID if successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Modify Applicant Onboarding
: put_modify_applicant_onboardingOperation
: writeEntities
: applicant, onboarding, profileSummary
: The Modify Applicant Onboarding API allows you to update the onboarding details of an applicant. It requires a PUT request to the endpoint /hcm/v2/applicants/{applicant-id}/onboarding with the applicant-id as a path parameter. The request body must include detailed information about the applicant's personal profile, worker profile, payroll profile, and tax profile. Optional headers include ADP-Acting-SessionID for session management. The response includes a confirmation message with a request status and optional resource ID. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and requires client id/client secret for access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker's Remuneration
: update_compensation_information_for_an_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: compensation, base remuneration, additional remunerationSummary
: This API is used to change a worker's remuneration, including both base and additional remuneration such as bonuses or commissions. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/'. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the user's role, and optionally 'Accept-Language' and 'Authorization' headers. The request body should contain event details, including the worker's associateOID, event status, effective date, and details of the remuneration to be changed. The response includes headers like 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the event's outcome, including the updated remuneration details and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Employee Location Details
: update_employee_locationOperation
: writeEntities
: location, addressSummary
: The Change Employee Location Details API allows for updating either the legal or home work location details of an employee based on user input. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/worker.location.change' with a JSON body containing the address type ('legal' or 'home') and the new address details. The request must include a 'roleCode' header indicating the user's role, and optionally 'Authorization' and 'Accept-Language' headers. The response includes headers such as 'ADP-Acting-Session-Expires', 'Cache-Control', 'ETag', and 'Content-Type', and a body detailing the updated address and event status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Worker Government ID
: update_identification_detailOperation
: writeEntities
: Identification, National IdSummary
: The Change Worker Government ID API allows for updating a worker's government ID. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/events/hr/v1/worker.government-id.change' with an OAuth 2.0 token for authorization. The request body must include the worker's associateOID and the new government ID value. The response includes the updated government ID details, event status, and metadata about the event.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated 3 months ago