Zendesk Ticketing API Integration Vol.2
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Zendesk Ticketing API as part of the TICKETING category
Show Organization's Related Information
: get_organization_related_informationOperation
: readEntities
: user, organization, ticketSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves related information for a specific organization identified by the organization_id. It is accessible to agents and requires authentication. The request must include the organization_id as a path parameter. The response includes the count of tickets and users related to the organization.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Organization Subscription
: get_organization_subscriptionOperation
: readEntities
: organization subscription, organization, userSummary
: The 'Show Organization Subscription' API endpoint retrieves details of a specific organization subscription using its ID. It is accessible to agents and end users, with end users only able to view subscriptions they created. The request requires the 'organization_subscription_id' as a path parameter and basic authentication headers. The response includes details such as the creation date, subscription ID, organization ID, and user ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Profile by Identifier
: get_profile_by_identifierOperation
: readEntities
: agent, profile, identifierSummary
: The 'Get Profile by Identifier' API allows agents to retrieve a user profile based on a specific identifier query. The identifier must be provided in the query parameters and follows the format source:type:identifier_type:identifier_value. The API returns a detailed profile of the user, including attributes like membership, identifiers such as email and phone number, and timestamps for creation and last update. If the identifier is invalid or the profile is not found, appropriate error messages are returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Profile by Profile ID
: get_profile_by_profile_idOperation
: readEntities
: agent, user profile, identifierSummary
: The 'Get Profile by Profile ID' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve a user profile using a specific Sunshine profile ID. The request requires the 'profile_id' as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the profile, such as membership attributes, identifiers like email and phone number, and timestamps for creation and last update. If the profile is not found, a 404 status is returned. In case of a client error, a 400 status with error details is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Profiles by User ID
: get_profiles_by_user_idOperation
: readEntities
: agent, profile, userSummary
: The 'Get Profiles by User ID' API retrieves the profiles of a specified Zendesk user. It requires the user ID as a path parameter and uses basic authentication with an email address and API token. The response includes a list of profiles associated with the user, each containing details such as membership attributes, identifiers (email, external ID, phone number), name, source, type, and timestamps for creation and updates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Reason for Satisfaction Rating
: get_reason_for_satisfaction_ratingOperation
: readEntities
: satisfaction reason, satisfaction rating, adminSummary
: The 'Show Reason for Satisfaction Rating' API endpoint retrieves the reason for a specific satisfaction rating based on the provided satisfaction_reason_id. This API is accessible to Admins and requires authentication via a basic auth token. The request must include the satisfaction_reason_id as a path parameter. The response includes details about the satisfaction reason, such as its creation date, ID, raw value, reason code, last update date, URL, and descriptive value.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Renew Current Session
: get_renew_current_sessionOperation
: readEntities
: agent, session, userSummary
: The 'Renew Current Session' API endpoint allows Admins, Agents, and End users to renew their current session by obtaining a new authenticity token. This is a GET request to the '/api/v2/users/me/session/renew' endpoint. The request requires basic authentication using an email address and API token. The response includes a new authenticity token in the JSON body, which can be used for subsequent authenticated requests.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Requirements Install Status
: get_requirements_install_statusOperation
: readEntities
: app, requirement, jobSummary
: The 'Get Requirements Install Status' API endpoint allows administrators to check the status of an app installation job's requirements. The endpoint requires a 'job_id' as a path parameter, which is the ID of the job. The response includes details such as the job's ID, URL for status updates, total tasks, progress, status, message, and installation ID. The status can be 'queued', 'working', 'failed', 'completed', or 'killed'. If the status is 'completed', the installation is successful. If 'failed', the message will provide the reason. This endpoint is useful for tracking the progress and completion of app installations with requirements.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Routing Attribute Definitions
: get_routing_attribute_definitionsOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, routing attribute, condition definitionSummary
: The 'List Routing Attribute Definitions' API endpoint allows administrators to retrieve the condition definitions that can be configured to apply attributes to a ticket. This API requires basic authentication using an email address and API token. The response includes a list of conditions that can be applied to tickets, categorized into 'conditions_all' and 'conditions_any'. Each condition includes a 'subject' and a 'title'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Satisfaction Rating
: get_satisfaction_ratingOperation
: readEntities
: user, ticket, satisfaction ratingSummary
: The 'Show Satisfaction Rating' API endpoint retrieves a specific satisfaction rating by its ID. This endpoint is accessible to admins and requires authentication via email and API token. The request must include the 'satisfaction_rating_id' as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the assignee ID, comment, creation date, group ID, requester ID, score, ticket ID, update date, and the URL of the satisfaction rating.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Automations
: get_search_automationsOperation
: readEntities
: automation, permission, app installationSummary
: The Search Automations API allows agents to search for automations based on a query string that matches the title of the automation. It supports offset pagination and allows sideloading of additional information such as app installations, permissions, and usage statistics. The API accepts query parameters to filter active or inactive automations, include specific sideloads, and sort the results by various criteria. The response includes a list of automations with details such as ID, title, active status, and timestamps for creation and last update.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Macros
: get_search_macrosOperation
: readEntities
: macro, permission, categorySummary
: The Search Macros API allows agents to search for macros using a query string. It supports offset pagination and can filter results based on access, activity status, category, group, and viewability. The API also supports sideloading additional information such as app installations, categories, permissions, and usage statistics. The response includes a count of macros found and details of each macro, including actions, status, description, ID, position, restrictions, and title.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Organizations
: get_search_organizationsOperation
: readEntities
: organization, permission, roleSummary
: The Search Organizations API allows users to search for organizations by their external_id or name. The search is case insensitive and requires an exact match. The API is accessible to admins and agents with specific permissions. The query parameters include 'external_id' and 'name', both of which are optional. The response includes a count of organizations found, pagination information, and an array of organization objects with details such as creation date, domain names, external ID, group ID, name, notes, custom fields, shared comments and tickets status, tags, last update date, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Requests
: get_search_requestsOperation
: readEntities
: organization, request, statusSummary
: The Search Requests API allows end users to search for requests using a query string. The API supports various query parameters such as 'query' for the search string, 'organization_id' to filter by organization, 'cc_id' to filter by CC ID, and 'status' to filter by request status. The API uses offset pagination and returns up to 1,000 results per query, with a maximum of 100 results per page. The response includes an array of search results with details such as request ID, subject, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Tags
: get_search_tagsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, tagSummary
: The Search Tags API allows agents to retrieve an array of registered and recent tag names that start with the characters specified in the 'name' query parameter. The 'name' parameter is optional but must contain at least 2 characters if provided. The API uses offset pagination and requires basic authentication with an email address and API token. The response includes a list of matching tag names in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Ticket Triggers
: get_search_ticket_triggersOperation
: readEntities
: agent, permission, triggerSummary
: The Search Ticket Triggers API allows agents to search for ticket triggers using a query string. It supports offset pagination and allows filtering by active status, attributes, and sideloads. The API returns a list of triggers matching the query, including details such as actions, conditions, creation and update timestamps, and descriptions. Optional query parameters include 'active', 'filter', 'include', 'sort', 'sort_by', and 'sort_order'. The response includes the count of triggers found and pagination details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Users
: get_search_usersOperation
: readEntities
: agent, user, parameterSummary
: The Search Users API allows agents to search for users based on specific criteria. It supports offset pagination and returns up to 100 records per page, with a maximum of 10,000 records per query. The API accepts query parameters such as 'external_id' and 'query'. The 'external_id' parameter only accepts IDs, while the 'query' parameter supports Zendesk search syntax for more advanced searches, allowing partial or full values of user properties like name, email, notes, or phone. The response includes an array of user objects, each containing the user's ID, name, and optional notes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Views
: get_search_viewsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, view, app installationSummary
: The Search Views API allows agents to search for views based on various query parameters. The API supports offset pagination and allows sideloading of app installations and permissions. The main query parameter is 'query', which is required and used to find views with matching titles. Optional parameters include 'access', 'active', 'group_id', 'include', 'sort_by', and 'sort_order'. The response includes a count of views, pagination links, and a list of view objects with details such as title, description, and active status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Sharing Agreements
: get_sharing_agreementsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, sharing agreementSummary
: The 'List Sharing Agreements' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve a list of sharing agreements. The request requires basic authentication using an email address and API token. The response includes a list of sharing agreements, each with details such as creation date, ID, name, partner name, status, type, last update date, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show a Brand
: get_show_a_brandOperation
: readEntities
: logo, thumbnail, brandSummary
: The 'Show a Brand' API endpoint allows users to retrieve details of a specific brand associated with their account. This API is accessible to Admins and Agents. The request requires a path parameter 'brand_id', which is the unique identifier of the brand. The response includes detailed information about the brand, such as its active status, URL, creation date, default status, help center state, host mapping, logo details, name, signature template, subdomain, associated ticket form IDs, and the last update date. The response is returned in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show a Sharing Agreement
: get_show_a_sharing_agreementOperation
: readEntities
: agent, sharing agreement, accountSummary
: The 'Show a Sharing Agreement' API endpoint retrieves a specific sharing agreement for your account using the sharing agreement ID. It requires authentication via basic auth using an email address and API token. The request must include the 'sharing_agreement_id' as a path parameter. The response includes details of the sharing agreement such as its creation date, ID, name, partner name, remote subdomain, status, type, last update date, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Account Settings
: get_show_account_settingsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, setting, accountSummary
: The 'Show Account Settings' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve the current settings available for their Zendesk account. This is a GET request to the '/api/v2/account/settings' endpoint. The request requires basic authentication using an email address and API token. The response includes a comprehensive list of settings categorized under active features, agents, API, apps, billing, branding, brands, CDN, chat, cross-sell, email, analytics, groups, limits, localization, metrics, onboarding, routing, rules, side conversations, statistics, ticket forms, tickets, Twitter, user, and voice. Each category contains specific settings with boolean or string values indicating their current state or configuration.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Activity
: get_show_activityOperation
: readEntities
: user, ticket, activitySummary
: The Show Activity API endpoint allows agents to retrieve details of a specific activity by its ID. The request requires the 'activity_id' as a path parameter, which is mandatory. The response includes detailed information about the activity, such as the actor's details, the object and target of the activity, and the user involved. The response is structured in a JSON format, providing comprehensive data about the activity, including timestamps, user roles, and other relevant metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show App Installation
: get_show_app_installationOperation
: readEntities
: agent, setting, app installationSummary
: The Show App Installation API retrieves information about a specified app installation, including its settings and status. It requires the app_installation_id as a path parameter, which is mandatory. The API returns details such as the app ID, creation date, enabled status, and various settings related to the app. The response includes information about the app's plan, product, and any restrictions or pending installations. This API is accessible to agents and provides a comprehensive overview of the app installation's current state.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Attachment
: get_show_attachmentOperation
: readEntities
: agent, comment, attachmentSummary
: The 'Show Attachment' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve details of a specific attachment using its ID. The attachment_id is a required path parameter that identifies the attachment. The API requires basic authentication using an email address and API token. The response includes details such as the content type, URL, file name, size, and API URL of the attachment.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Attribute
: get_show_attributeOperation
: readEntities
: attribute, adminSummary
: The 'Show Attribute' API endpoint allows administrators to retrieve details of a specific skill-based routing attribute by its ID. The request requires the 'attribute_id' as a path parameter, which is mandatory. The response includes the attribute's creation and update timestamps, its unique ID, name, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Attribute Value
: get_show_attribute_valueOperation
: readEntities
: attribute, valueSummary
: The 'Show Attribute Value' API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific skill-based routing attribute value. It requires two path parameters: 'attribute_id' and 'attribute_value_id', both of which are mandatory. The response includes details such as the creation and update timestamps, the ID, name, and URL of the attribute value. This API is accessible to admins.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Audit
: get_show_auditOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, auditSummary
: The Show Audit API retrieves the details of a specific audit for a given ticket. It requires the ticket ID and the ticket audit ID as path parameters. The API is accessible to agents and returns the audit details including the audit ID, ticket ID, creation date, and a list of events associated with the audit. The response is in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Audit Log
: get_show_audit_logOperation
: readEntities
: user, audit log, accountSummary
: The 'Show Audit Log' API retrieves a specific audit log entry by its ID. It is accessible to admins on accounts with audit-log access. The request requires the 'audit_log_id' as a path parameter and basic authentication using an email and API token in the headers. The response includes details of the audit log such as the action performed, actor details, change description, creation timestamp, and related source information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Automation
: get_show_automationOperation
: readEntities
: agent, automation, parameterSummary
: The 'Show Automation' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve details of a specific automation by its ID. The request requires a path parameter 'automation_id' which is the ID of the automation to be retrieved. The response includes details of the automation such as its ID, title, and active status. Authentication is required via a basic authentication token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Changes to Ticket
: get_show_changes_to_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, macroSummary
: The 'Show Changes to Ticket' API endpoint allows agents to view the changes a macro would make to a ticket without actually applying those changes. This is useful for previewing the impact of a macro before updating a ticket. The API requires the macro ID as a path parameter and uses basic authentication with an email and API token. The response includes only the ticket fields that would be changed by the macro, such as the assignee ID, comment details, field values, and group ID. This information can be used in a subsequent API call to update the ticket.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Client
: get_show_clientOperation
: readEntities
: OAuth client, adminSummary
: The Show Client API retrieves details of a specific OAuth client identified by the 'oauth_client_id' path parameter. It requires admin privileges and uses basic authentication with an email address and API token. The response includes detailed information about the client, such as company name, creation and update timestamps, description, identifier, name, redirect URIs, secret, and associated user ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Current Locale
: get_show_current_localeOperation
: readEntities
: user, localeSummary
: The 'Show Current Locale' API endpoint retrieves the locale information of the user making the request. It does not require any locale ID as an argument. The request must include an Authorization header with a basic authentication token. The response includes details about the user's locale such as the creation date, ID, locale code, name, last update date, and URL. This endpoint is accessible to anyone with the appropriate credentials.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Custom Role
: get_show_custom_roleOperation
: readEntities
: agent, permission, custom roleSummary
: The 'Show Custom Role' API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific custom agent role in Zendesk. It is available for accounts on the Enterprise plan or above and can be accessed by administrators or agents with the manage_roles permission. The API requires the 'custom_role_id' as a path parameter to identify the custom role. The response includes detailed configuration settings of the custom role, such as ticket access, chat access, and various management permissions, along with metadata like creation and update timestamps, role description, and team member count.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Deleted User
: get_show_deleted_userOperation
: readEntities
: agent, organization, userSummary
: The 'Show Deleted User' API endpoint retrieves information about users who have been deleted but not permanently removed. It is accessible to agents and requires the 'deleted_user_id' as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the user's active status, creation date, email, ID, locale, name, organization ID, phone number, role, time zone, and the URL of the user.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Dynamic Content Item
: get_show_dynamic_content_itemOperation
: readEntities
: dynamic content, variant, localeSummary
: The Show Dynamic Content Item API allows Admins and Agents to retrieve details of a specific dynamic content item by its ID. The API requires the 'dynamic_content_item_id' as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the creation date, default locale ID, name, placeholder, and a list of variants with their respective details like content, locale ID, and URLs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Group
: get_show_groupOperation
: readEntities
: groupSummary
: The Show Group API endpoint retrieves details of a specific group identified by the group_id. It is accessible to Admins and Agents. The request requires basic authentication using an email and API token. The group_id is a required path parameter that specifies the ID of the group to be retrieved. The response includes details about the group such as its creation date, ID, public status, name, and last update date.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Group SLA Policy
: get_show_group_sla_policyOperation
: readEntities
: group SLA policy, group, prioritySummary
: The 'Show Group SLA Policy' API retrieves the details of a specific Group SLA policy identified by the 'group_sla_policy_id' path parameter. This API is accessible to admins and requires the 'Content-Type' header to be set to 'application/json'. The response includes details such as the description, filter criteria, policy metrics, position, title, and URL of the SLA policy.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Holiday
: get_show_holidayOperation
: readEntities
: agent, holiday, scheduleSummary
: The 'Show Holiday' API retrieves details of a specific holiday within a schedule. It requires the 'schedule_id' as a mandatory path parameter and 'holiday_id' as an optional path parameter. The API is accessible to agents and requires basic authentication. The response includes details such as the holiday's name, start date, end date, and ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Identity
: get_show_identityOperation
: readEntities
: identity, userSummary
: The Show Identity API retrieves the identity details of a specific user identity for a given user. It supports two endpoints: one for agents and another for verified end users. The API requires the user_id and user_identity_id as path parameters. The response includes details such as the identity's creation date, type, and verification status. The API is accessible to agents and verified end users, with end users limited to viewing email or phone number identities.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Locale
: get_show_localeOperation
: readEntities
: localeSummary
: The Show Locale API retrieves information about a specific locale identified by the locale_id. The locale_id is a required path parameter and can be the ID or the BCP-47 code of the locale, such as es-419, en-us, or pr-br. The API returns details about the locale, including its creation date, unique identifier, locale code, name, last update date, and URL. This API is accessible to anyone.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Location
: get_show_locationOperation
: readEntities
: app, location, adminSummary
: The Show Location API retrieves details of a specific app location identified by the app_location_id. This API is accessible to Admins and requires authentication via a basic auth token. The request must include the app_location_id as a path parameter. The response includes details about the location such as the host application, location ID, and name.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Macro
: get_show_macroOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, macroSummary
: The 'Show Macro' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve details of a specific macro by its ID. The request requires the 'macro_id' as a path parameter, which is mandatory. The response includes details about the macro such as its actions, active status, description, ID, position, restrictions, and title.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Macro Attachment
: get_show_macro_attachmentOperation
: readEntities
: agent, macro attachmentSummary
: The 'Show Macro Attachment' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve the properties of a specified macro attachment by its ID. The request requires the 'attachment_id' as a path parameter, which is mandatory. The response includes details about the macro attachment such as its content type, content URL, creation date, filename, ID, and size.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Macro Replica
: get_show_macro_replicaOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, macroSummary
: The 'Show Macro Replica' API endpoint returns an unpersisted macro representation derived from a ticket or macro. It requires either a 'macro_id' or 'ticket_id' as query parameters, with 'macro_id' taking precedence if both are provided. The response includes details of the macro such as its actions, status, description, ID, position, restrictions, and title. This endpoint is accessible to agents and requires basic authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Many Dynamic Content Items
: get_show_many_dynamic_content_itemsOperation
: readEntities
: dynamic content, variant, itemSummary
: The 'Show Many Dynamic Content Items' API allows Admins and Agents to retrieve multiple dynamic content items from Zendesk. The API uses a GET method and requires the endpoint '/api/v2/dynamic_content/items/show_many'. Users can optionally provide 'identifiers' as a query parameter to specify which dynamic content items to retrieve. The response includes details about each item, such as creation date, default locale ID, name, and variants, which contain information like content, locale ID, and URLs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Many Job Statuses
: get_show_many_job_statusesOperation
: readEntities
: agent, job statusSummary
: The 'Show Many Job Statuses' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve the statuses of multiple jobs by providing a comma-separated list of job status IDs as a query parameter. The request requires basic authentication and the 'ids' query parameter is mandatory. The response includes a list of job statuses, each with an ID and status, in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Many Organizations
: get_show_many_organizationsOperation
: readEntities
: organization, external id, idSummary
: The 'Show Many Organizations' API endpoint allows users to retrieve details of multiple organizations by providing a comma-separated list of organization ids or external ids. This endpoint is accessible to Admins and Agents. The API accepts two optional query parameters: 'external_ids' and 'ids', which are strings representing lists of external ids and organization ids, respectively. The response includes the count of organizations, pagination details, and an array of organization objects, each containing information such as creation date, details, domain names, external id, group id, name, notes, custom fields, shared comments and tickets status, tags, last update date, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Many Ticket Form Statuses
: get_show_many_ticket_form_statusesOperation
: readEntities
: agent, admin, ticket form statusSummary
: The 'Show Many Ticket Form Statuses' API endpoint allows admins and agents to fetch multiple ticket form statuses by providing a comma-separated list of ticket form status IDs as a query parameter. The request requires basic authentication and returns a JSON response containing an array of ticket form statuses, each with a custom status ID, a unique identifier, and a ticket form ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Many Ticket Forms
: get_show_many_ticket_formsOperation
: readEntities
: end user, ticket form, brandSummary
: The 'Show Many Ticket Forms' API endpoint allows users to retrieve multiple ticket forms by specifying their IDs in a comma-separated list. The endpoint accepts several optional query parameters such as 'active', 'associated_to_brand', 'end_user_visible', and 'fallback_to_default' to filter the results based on the ticket form's status, brand association, visibility to end users, and default status. The required 'ids' parameter specifies the ticket form IDs to be retrieved. The response includes details of the ticket forms such as their ID, name, active status, and visibility to end users.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Many Users
: get_show_many_usersOperation
: readEntities
: agent, userSummary
: The 'Show Many Users' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve information about multiple users by providing a comma-separated list of up to 100 user ids or external ids as query parameters. The API returns a list of user objects, each containing the user's ID and name. The 'ids' and 'external_ids' query parameters are optional, and the response includes a list of users matching the provided identifiers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Membership
: get_show_membershipOperation
: readEntities
: user, organization, organization membershipSummary
: The Show Membership API retrieves details of a specific organization membership using the membership ID. It requires the 'organization_membership_id' as a path parameter and uses basic authentication via headers. The response includes details such as the creation date, whether it's the default membership, and associated organization and user IDs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Multiple Tickets
: get_show_multiple_ticketsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, custom fieldSummary
: The 'Show Multiple Tickets' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve multiple ticket records by providing a comma-separated list of ticket IDs as a query parameter. The endpoint supports retrieving up to 100 ticket records in a single request. The response includes detailed information about each ticket, such as the assignee, collaborators, creation date, custom fields, description, priority, status, and more. This API is useful for agents who need to manage and view multiple tickets simultaneously.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Organization
: get_show_organizationOperation
: readEntities
: agent, organization, adminSummary
: The Show Organization API retrieves details of a specific organization identified by the organization_id. It is accessible to Admins and Agents. The request requires a path parameter 'organization_id' which is the ID of the organization to be fetched. The response includes detailed information about the organization such as its creation date, details, domain names, group ID, name, notes, custom fields, shared comments and tickets status, tags, last update date, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Organization Field
: get_show_organization_fieldOperation
: readEntities
: agent, organization fieldSummary
: The 'Show Organization Field' API retrieves details of a specific organization field using its ID or key. It is accessible to agents and requires the 'organization_field_id' as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the field's active status, creation and update timestamps, description, ID, key, position, raw description and title, validation regex, title, type, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Organization Merge
: get_show_organization_mergeOperation
: readEntities
: organization, admin, merge operationSummary
: The 'Show Organization Merge' API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific organization merge operation. It is accessed via a GET request to '/api/v2/organization_merges/{organization_merge_id}', where 'organization_merge_id' is a required path parameter representing the ID of the organization merge. This endpoint is useful for obtaining the status and outcome of a merge that was previously initiated, providing information such as the winning and losing organization IDs, the status of the merge, and the associated URLs. The response includes details about the merge, such as the 'id', 'loser_id', 'status', 'url', and 'winner_id'. This endpoint is allowed for Admins and can be used to determine if a merge is still in progress, has completed successfully, or has encountered an error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Request Details
: get_show_request_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: user, requestSummary
: The Show Request Details API retrieves the details of a specific request identified by the request_id. It requires the request_id as a path parameter and uses basic authentication with an email address and API token. The response includes the request's ID, status, subject, description, and timestamps for creation and last update. This API is accessible to end users and supports sideloading of users to include email CCs for the request.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Resource Collection
: get_show_resource_collectionOperation
: readEntities
: resource, resource collection, triggerSummary
: The 'Show Resource Collection' API retrieves details for a specified resource collection. It is accessible to Admins and requires the 'resource_collection_id' as a path parameter. The API uses basic authentication with an email address and API token. The response includes the creation and update timestamps, the ID of the resource collection, and a list of resources with their details such as deletion status, identifier, resource ID, and type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Results Count
: get_show_results_countOperation
: readEntities
: query, itemSummary
: The 'Show Results Count' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve the number of items that match a specified search query. This is a GET request to the '/api/v2/search/count' endpoint with a required query parameter 'query' that specifies the search criteria. The response returns a JSON object containing the 'count' field, which indicates the number of items matching the query. This API is useful for determining the volume of search results without retrieving the actual items.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Schedule
: get_show_scheduleOperation
: readEntities
: agent, business hour, scheduleSummary
: The Show Schedule API retrieves the details of a specific business hours schedule by its ID. It requires the 'schedule_id' as a path parameter and uses basic authentication via headers. The response includes the schedule's creation and update timestamps, name, time zone, and intervals of operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Self
: get_show_selfOperation
: readEntities
: user, authenticity tokenSummary
: The 'Show Self' API endpoint allows anonymous users to retrieve their own user information and an authenticity token from the Zendesk system. The request is made using the GET method to the '/api/v2/users/me' endpoint. The request can include an optional 'X-CSRF-Token' header to prevent CSRF attacks. The response includes user details such as ID, name, email, creation date, and last update date, along with an authenticity token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Session
: get_show_sessionOperation
: readEntities
: user, sessionSummary
: The Show Session API retrieves details of a specific session for a user. It requires the user_id and session_id as path parameters. The API is accessible to Admins, Agents, and End users. The response includes details such as the session's authentication time, last seen time, session ID, URL, and user ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Side Conversation
: get_show_side_conversationOperation
: readEntities
: agent, side conversation, ticketSummary
: The 'Show Side Conversation' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve details of a specific side conversation associated with a ticket. The API requires the 'ticket_id' and 'side_conversation_id' as path parameters. The response includes details of the side conversation, and if it is a child ticket, the 'external_ids' object will contain the 'targetTicketId' property with the child ticket's id.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show SLA Policy
: get_show_sla_policyOperation
: readEntities
: sla policy, admin, accountSummary
: The Show SLA Policy API retrieves the details of a specific SLA policy identified by the 'sla_policy_id'. This API is available for accounts on the Support Professional or Suite Growth plan or above and is allowed for Admins. The request requires the 'sla_policy_id' as a path parameter and the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response includes details of the SLA policy such as its description, filter criteria, policy metrics, position, title, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Support Address
: get_show_support_addressOperation
: readEntities
: agent, recipient address, support addressSummary
: The 'Show Support Address' API endpoint retrieves details of a specific support address identified by the 'support_address_id' path parameter. This API is accessible to Admins and Agents. The request requires basic authentication via headers. The response includes details such as brand ID, CNAME status, creation and update timestamps, default status, email, forwarding status, ID, name, and SPF status of the recipient address.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Suspended Ticket
: get_show_suspended_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: agent, attachment, suspended ticketSummary
: The 'Show Suspended Ticket' API allows admins and agents with appropriate permissions to retrieve details of a suspended ticket by its ID. The API requires a path parameter 'id' which is the ID of the suspended ticket. The response includes detailed information about the suspended ticket such as author details, cause of suspension, content, creation and update timestamps, and the channel through which the ticket was created. This API is accessible to admins and agents with specific roles on Enterprise plans and unrestricted agents on other plans.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Target
: get_show_targetOperation
: readEntities
: agent, targetSummary
: The 'Show Target' API retrieves details of a specific target identified by the 'target_id'. It is accessible to agents and requires the 'target_id' as a path parameter. The response includes details such as whether the target is active, its creation date, ID, title, and type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Target Failure
: get_show_target_failureOperation
: readEntities
: target failure, target, failureSummary
: The 'Show Target Failure' API endpoint retrieves details of a specific target failure identified by the 'target_failure_id'. This API is accessible to Admins and requires authentication via a basic auth token. The request must include the 'target_failure_id' as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the raw request and response, the HTTP status code, and the target name.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Ticket
: get_show_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, commentSummary
: The Show Ticket API endpoint allows agents to retrieve various properties of a specific ticket identified by its ticket_id. The API does not return ticket comments. To access comments, the List Comments API should be used. The request requires a valid ticket_id as a path parameter and basic authentication headers. The response includes detailed information about the ticket such as assignee_id, collaborator_ids, creation date, custom fields, description, priority, status, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Ticket After Changes
: get_show_ticket_after_changesOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, macroSummary
: The 'Show Ticket After Changes' API endpoint allows agents to view the full ticket object as it would appear after applying a specified macro. This endpoint does not actually modify the ticket but simulates the changes. It requires the 'macro_id' and 'ticket_id' as path parameters, both of which are mandatory. The response includes details such as the assignee ID, comments, fields, and group ID of the ticket after the macro application.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Ticket Field
: get_show_ticket_fieldOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket field, userSummary
: The Show Ticket Field API retrieves details of a specific ticket field identified by the ticket_field_id. It supports optional sideloading of the creator information if the 'creator' query parameter is set to true. The API requires authentication via a basic token. The response includes detailed information about the ticket field, such as its active status, description, type, and visibility settings.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Ticket Field Option
: get_show_ticket_field_optionOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket field, ticket field optionSummary
: The 'Show Ticket Field Option' API retrieves details of a specific ticket field option in Zendesk. It requires two path parameters: 'ticket_field_id' and 'ticket_field_option_id', both of which are integers and mandatory. The API returns a JSON object containing details of the custom field option, including its ID, name, position, raw name, URL, and value. This API is accessible to agents.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Ticket Form
: get_show_ticket_formOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket form, adminSummary
: The Show Ticket Form API endpoint allows Admins, Agents, and End Users to retrieve details of a specific ticket form by its ID. The request requires a path parameter 'ticket_form_id' which is the ID of the ticket form to be retrieved. The response includes details of the ticket form such as its ID, name, and active status. The API uses basic authentication with an email address and API token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Ticket Metrics
: get_show_ticket_metricsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, ticket metricSummary
: The 'Show Ticket Metrics' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve specific metrics for a given ticket metric ID. The API uses a GET method and requires the 'ticket_metric_id' as a path parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a basic authentication token. The response includes the ticket metric details such as 'id', 'ticket_id', 'created_at', and 'updated_at'. The API supports cursor and offset pagination, returning a maximum of 100 records per page.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Token
: get_show_tokenOperation
: readEntities
: user, token, clientSummary
: The Show Token API retrieves the properties of a specified OAuth token. It requires the token ID as a path parameter. For security reasons, only the first 10 characters of the access token are returned. The API can be accessed by Admins, Agents, and End Users. The response includes details such as client ID, creation and expiration dates, scopes, and user ID associated with the token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show User
: get_show_userOperation
: readEntities
: agent, userSummary
: The Show User API retrieves details of a specific user by their user ID. It is accessible to agents and requires the user_id as a path parameter. The response includes the user's ID and name.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show User Field
: get_show_user_fieldOperation
: readEntities
: field, userSummary
: The 'Show User Field' API endpoint retrieves details of a specific user field identified by the 'user_field_id'. It is accessible to agents and requires the 'user_field_id' as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the user field such as its active status, creation and update timestamps, description, key, position, title, type, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show a User Field Option
: get_show_user_field_optionOperation
: readEntities
: option, user fieldSummary
: The 'Show a User Field Option' API endpoint retrieves details of a specific user field option in Zendesk. It requires the 'user_field_id' and 'user_field_option_id' as path parameters, both of which are mandatory. The response includes details such as the ID, name, position, raw name, URL, and value of the custom field option.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Variant
: get_show_variantOperation
: readEntities
: variant, dynamic content itemSummary
: The Show Variant API retrieves a specific variant of a dynamic content item. It requires the dynamic_content_item_id and dynammic_content_variant_id as path parameters. The API is accessible to Admins and Agents. The response includes details about the variant such as its active status, content, creation and update timestamps, default status, locale ID, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show View
: get_show_viewOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, viewSummary
: The 'Show View' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve details of a specific view by its ID. The request requires a path parameter 'view_id' which is the ID of the view to be retrieved. The request must include an Authorization header for authentication. The response includes details about the view such as its active status, conditions, description, execution details, ID, position, restrictions, and title.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Workspace
: get_show_workspaceOperation
: readEntities
: macro, condition, workspaceSummary
: The Show Workspace API retrieves details of a specific workspace identified by the workspace_id. This API is accessible to Admins and requires the workspace_id as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the workspace such as its activation status, associated apps, conditions, creation and update timestamps, description, macros, position, ticket form ID, title, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Sources by Target
: get_sources_by_targetOperation
: readEntities
: source object, target object, relationship fieldSummary
: The 'Get Sources by Target' API endpoint retrieves a list of source objects whose values are populated with the ID of a related target object. This is useful for identifying which source objects are associated with a particular target object through a specified lookup relationship field. The API requires path parameters including 'field_id', 'source_type', 'target_id', and 'target_type' to specify the relationship field and the target object. The response includes a list of users or other source objects that are linked to the target object through the specified relationship field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Supported Filter Definition Items
: get_supported_filter_definition_itemsOperation
: readEntities
: filter definition, account, policySummary
: The 'Retrieve Supported Filter Definition Items' API endpoint allows admins on the Support Professional or Suite Growth plan or above to retrieve supported filter definition items for SLA policies. The request is made using a GET method to the endpoint '/api/v2/slas/policies/definitions'. The request requires headers for 'Content-Type' set to 'application/json' and 'Authorization' using basic authentication with an email and API token. The response returns a JSON object containing 'definitions' with 'all' and 'any' filter groups, each containing details about the filter group, operators, target, title, value, and values list.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Suspended Tickets
: get_suspended_ticketsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, role, suspended ticketSummary
: The 'List Suspended Tickets' API endpoint allows admins and agents with appropriate permissions to retrieve a list of suspended tickets. The API supports sorting by fields such as 'author_email', 'cause', 'created_at', or 'subject' and can be ordered in ascending or descending order. The request requires basic authentication using an email address and API token. The response includes detailed information about each suspended ticket, including author details, cause of suspension, content, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Ticket Attribute Values
: get_ticket_attribute_valuesOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, attributeSummary
: The 'List Ticket Attribute Values' API endpoint allows agents and admins to retrieve a list of attribute values associated with a specific ticket. The request requires the 'ticket_id' as a path parameter, which is mandatory. The API uses basic authentication with an email and API token. The response includes a list of attribute values, each containing details such as 'attribute_id', 'created_at', 'id', 'name', and 'updated_at'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Ticket Field Options
: get_ticket_field_optionsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, option, ticket fieldSummary
: The 'List Ticket Field Options' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve a list of custom ticket field options for a specified drop-down ticket field. The request requires the 'ticket_field_id' as a path parameter to identify the ticket field. The API uses basic authentication with an email address and API token. The response includes a count of the custom field options and an array of option objects, each containing details such as id, name, position, raw name, URL, and value. Pagination is supported through cursor and offset pagination, with 'next_page' and 'previous_page' fields indicating the availability of additional pages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Ticket Form Statuses
: get_ticket_form_statusesOperation
: readEntities
: ticket form, account, statusSummary
: The 'List Ticket Form Statuses' API endpoint allows admins and agents to fetch all ticket form statuses for the account. It requires a GET request to the specified URL with appropriate headers for content type and authorization. The response includes a list of ticket form statuses, each with a custom status ID, a unique identifier, and a ticket form ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Ticket Metric Events
: get_ticket_metric_eventsOperation
: readEntities
: ticket metric event, pagination, adminSummary
: The List Ticket Metric Events API allows administrators to retrieve ticket metric events that occurred on or after a specified start time. The API uses cursor pagination to return a maximum of 100 records per page, listed in chronological order. The required query parameter 'start_time' specifies the Unix UTC epoch time of the oldest event of interest. The response includes the count of events, the end time of the last event, a URL for the next page of results, and an array of ticket metric events with details such as event ID, instance ID, metric type, ticket ID, event time, and event type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Ticket Related Information
: get_ticket_related_informationOperation
: readEntities
: incident, ticket, jira issueSummary
: The Ticket Related Information API retrieves related information for a specific ticket identified by the ticket_id. It returns details such as related topics, associated Jira issues, follow-up sources, whether the ticket is archived, and the count of related incident occurrences. The API requires the ticket_id as a path parameter and uses basic authentication for access. The response includes a JSON object with properties like topic_id, jira_issue_ids, followup_source_ids, from_archive, and incidents.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Ticket Statuses for Twitter Comments
: get_ticket_statuses_for_twitter_commentsOperation
: readEntities
: comment, ticket, statusSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the statuses of Twitter comments associated with tickets. It requires the 'comment_id' as a path parameter to specify which comment's statuses to retrieve. Optionally, a query parameter 'ids' can be used to filter the results for specific comment IDs. The response includes an array of statuses, each indicating whether the tweet is favorited, retweeted, and if the user is followed. The API is accessible to agents and requires basic authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Ticket Trigger
: get_ticket_triggerOperation
: readEntities
: agent, triggerSummary
: The Show Ticket Trigger API allows agents to retrieve details of a specific ticket trigger by its ID. The API requires the 'trigger_id' as a path parameter, which is mandatory. The request must include an Authorization header for authentication. The response includes details about the trigger such as its actions, status (active or not), category ID, conditions, creation and update timestamps, description, position, titles, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Ticket Trigger Action and Condition Definitions
: get_ticket_trigger_action_and_condition_definitionsOperation
: readEntities
: ticket trigger, condition, actionSummary
: The 'List Ticket Trigger Action and Condition Definitions' API endpoint provides the definitions of actions and conditions that can be used in ticket triggers. The endpoint is accessed via a GET request to '/api/v2/triggers/definitions'. It requires basic authentication using an email address and API token. The response includes a list of actions and conditions, each with a title, type, and possible values. Conditions also include possible operators. This API is accessible to agents.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Ticket Trigger Categories
: get_ticket_trigger_categoriesOperation
: readEntities
: trigger category, pagination parameterSummary
: The 'List Ticket Trigger Categories' API endpoint retrieves all ticket trigger categories available in a Zendesk account. It supports cursor and offset pagination, allowing users to navigate through large sets of data efficiently. The API accepts optional query parameters such as 'include' for sideloading rule counts, 'page' for pagination details, and 'sort' for sorting the results by various fields like position, name, or timestamps. The response includes links for pagination, metadata about the current page, and an array of trigger categories with details like creation and update timestamps, ID, name, and position. Error responses include codes and titles for issues like invalid pagination parameters or disabled trigger categories.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Ticket Trigger Category
: get_ticket_trigger_categoryOperation
: readEntities
: trigger categorySummary
: The 'Show Ticket Trigger Category' API retrieves the details of a specific ticket trigger category using its ID. The request requires basic authentication and the trigger category ID as a path parameter. The response includes the trigger category's creation date, ID, name, position, and last update date if successful (HTTP 200). If the trigger category is not found, a 404 error is returned with an appropriate error message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Ticket Trigger Revision
: get_ticket_trigger_revisionOperation
: readEntities
: agent, revision, triggerSummary
: The 'Show Ticket Trigger Revision' API endpoint allows agents to fetch a specific revision associated with a ticket trigger. This is available only on Enterprise plans. The API requires the 'trigger_id' and 'trigger_revision_id' as path parameters to identify the specific trigger and its revision. The response includes details about the revision such as the author, creation timestamp, and a snapshot of the trigger's actions, conditions, and status. The API supports sideloading of users who authored each revision.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Ticket Trigger Revisions
: get_ticket_trigger_revisionsOperation
: readEntities
: user, revision, triggerSummary
: The 'List Ticket Trigger Revisions' API endpoint allows users to retrieve the revision history of a specific ticket trigger. This feature is available only on Enterprise plans and is accessible to agents. The API supports sideloading of users who authored each revision. It uses cursor-based pagination to navigate through the revisions, ordered by creation timestamp. The endpoint requires the 'trigger_id' as a path parameter and optionally accepts a 'limit' query parameter to specify the number of records to return. The response includes cursors and URLs for pagination, the count of revisions, and detailed information about each trigger revision, including author, creation date, differences, and a snapshot of the trigger.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List User Field Options
: get_user_field_optionsOperation
: readEntities
: option, user fieldSummary
: The 'List User Field Options' API endpoint allows agents to retrieve a list of custom user field options for a specified dropdown user field. The API uses cursor or offset pagination and returns a maximum of 100 records per page. The request requires the 'user_field_id' as a path parameter and basic authentication in the headers. The response includes the count of custom field options, an array of custom field options with details such as id, name, position, raw name, URL, and value, as well as pagination information for next and previous pages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show User Related Information
: get_user_related_informationOperation
: readEntities
: user, organization, ticketSummary
: The 'Show User Related Information' API endpoint retrieves information related to a specific user, identified by the 'user_id' path parameter. This API is accessible to agents and returns a JSON object containing counts of assigned tickets, requested tickets, collaborated tickets, and organization subscriptions for the user. The 'user_id' is a required path parameter, and the response includes the counts of various ticket types and subscriptions associated with the user.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Zendesk User Events
: get_zendesk_user_eventsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, event, userSummary
: The 'Get Zendesk User Events' API retrieves events associated with a specific Zendesk user. It requires the user's ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters to filter events by end time, source, start time, type, and page size. The response includes a list of events with details such as creation time, description, properties, source, and type. Pagination links and metadata are also provided. In case of an error, an error message and title are returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update Profile by Identifier
: patch_partial_update_profile_by_identifierOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, profile, roleSummary
: The Partial Update Profile by Identifier API allows agents to partially update a user profile by specifying an identifier query. The identifier query is required and must follow the format source:type:identifier_type:identifier_value. The API accepts a JSON body containing the profile details to be updated, including attributes, identifiers, and name. The response includes the updated profile details if successful, or error messages if the request fails. Access to this API depends on agent role permissions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update Profile by Profile ID
: patch_partial_update_profile_by_profile_idOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, profile, roleSummary
: The Partial Update Profile by Profile ID API allows agents to partially update a user profile identified by a profile ID using a JSON merge patch. The API requires the profile ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body containing profile details such as name, source, type, user ID, identifiers, and attributes. The request headers must include 'Content-Type: application/json'. The response includes the updated profile details or an error message if the request fails. Access to this API depends on agent role permissions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Attribute Value
: patch_update_attribute_valueOperation
: writeEntities
: attribute, condition, valueSummary
: The Update Attribute Value API allows administrators to update the name and ticket conditions of a skill-based routing attribute value. This API requires the attribute_id and attribute_value_id as path parameters. The request body must include the attribute_value object with the new name and conditions. The conditions are specified as 'all' and 'any' arrays of conditions that must be met for the skill to be applied to a ticket. The response includes the updated attribute value details such as creation and update timestamps, ID, name, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Ticket Trigger Category
: patch_update_ticket_trigger_categoryOperation
: writeEntities
: notification, trigger category, triggerSummary
: The Update Ticket Trigger Category API allows you to update the details of a specific ticket trigger category identified by its ID. The API requires the 'trigger_category_id' as a path parameter, which is mandatory. The request body should contain the 'trigger_category' object with 'name' as a required field and 'position' as an optional field. The API returns a 200 OK response with the updated trigger category details upon success. In case of errors, it returns a 400 Bad Request if the name is blank, or a 404 Not Found if the category ID is incorrect.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Autocomplete Problems
: post_autocomplete_problemsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, problem, ticketSummary
: The Autocomplete Problems API allows agents to search for tickets of type 'problem' where the subject contains a specified string. The search string can be provided in the request body or as a query parameter. The API returns a list of tickets that match the search criteria, including details such as custom status ID, description, ticket ID, status, and subject.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Bulk Create Group Memberships
: post_bulk_create_group_membershipsOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, group, job_statusSummary
: The Bulk Create Group Memberships API allows admins and agents with appropriate permissions to assign up to 100 agents to specified groups in a single request. The API endpoint is '/api/v2/group_memberships/create_many' and uses the POST method. The request requires a JSON body containing an array of group memberships, each with a 'user_id' and 'group_id'. The response returns a 'job_status' object indicating the status of the queued job, which can be checked using the provided job status URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Bulk Unregister Push Notification Devices
: post_bulk_unregister_push_notification_devicesOperation
: writeEntities
: token, push notification device, mobile deviceSummary
: The Bulk Unregister Push Notification Devices API allows admins to unregister multiple mobile devices from receiving push notifications by specifying an array of device tokens. The request is made using a POST method to the endpoint '/api/v2/push_notification_devices/destroy_many'. The request body must include a 'push_notification_devices' array containing the tokens of the devices to be unregistered. The response will be a 200 OK status with a null body if successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Clone an Already Existing Ticket Form
: post_clone_existing_ticket_formOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket formSummary
: This API endpoint allows administrators to clone an existing ticket form in the system. The request is made using the POST method to the endpoint /api/v2/ticket_forms/{ticket_form_id}/clone, where {ticket_form_id} is the ID of the ticket form to be cloned. The request must include the Content-Type header set to application/json and an Authorization header for basic authentication using an email and API token. The request body can optionally include a 'prepend_clone_title' boolean to specify whether 'Clone' should be prepended to the title of the cloned ticket form. The response will return a 200 OK status if successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create App
: post_create_appOperation
: writeEntities
: app, admin, jobSummary
: The Create App API allows admins to add a build of a new app to the job queue by providing an upload_id in the request body. The request must include the app's name, a short description, and the upload_id of the app package. The response returns a job_id which can be used to check the status of the build. This API is accessible to admins and requires the 'Content-Type' header to be set to 'application/json'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Attribute
: post_create_attributeOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, attributeSummary
: The Create Attribute API allows agents to create a new attribute in the Zendesk system. The request is made using the POST method to the endpoint '/api/v2/routing/attributes'. The request must include a JSON body with the 'attribute' object containing the 'name' of the attribute to be created. The 'Content-Type' header must be set to 'application/json'. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 status code along with the details of the created attribute, including its 'id', 'name', 'created_at', 'updated_at', and 'url'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Attribute Value
: post_create_attribute_valueOperation
: writeEntities
: attribute, valueSummary
: The 'Create Attribute Value' API allows administrators to create a new attribute value for a skill-based routing attribute in the Zendesk system. The API requires the 'attribute_id' as a path parameter to specify which attribute the value is being created for. The request body must include the 'name' of the attribute value. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 status code along with the details of the created attribute value, including its ID, name, creation and update timestamps, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Automation
: post_create_automationOperation
: writeEntities
: automation, condition, actionSummary
: The Create Automation API allows agents to create a new automation in the system. The automation must be unique and include at least one time-based condition and one condition checking fields such as status, type, group_id, assignee_id, or requester_id. The request body must include a title, an array of conditions under 'all', and an array of actions. The response returns a 201 Created status upon successful creation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Batch Job for Ticket Trigger Categories
: post_create_batch_job_for_ticket_trigger_categoriesOperation
: writeEntities
: trigger, trigger category, jobSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of a batch job to perform operations on ticket trigger categories. The request is made via a POST method to the /api/v2/trigger_categories/jobs endpoint. The request body must include a 'job' object specifying the 'action' (e.g., 'patch') and 'items' which include arrays of 'trigger_categories' and 'triggers'. Each trigger category and trigger must have an 'id' and 'position', and triggers must also specify 'active' status and 'category_id'. The response includes the results of the operation, detailing the updated trigger categories and triggers, along with their metadata such as creation and update timestamps, and status of the job.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Bookmark
: post_create_bookmarkOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, ticket, bookmarkSummary
: The Create Bookmark API allows agents to create a bookmark for a specific ticket by providing the ticket ID. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json' and a JSON body containing the 'ticket_id'. Upon successful creation, the API returns details of the bookmark, including its creation timestamp, ID, and associated ticket details such as ticket ID, priority, subject, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Brand
: post_create_brandOperation
: writeEntities
: logo, attachment, brandSummary
: The Create Brand API allows administrators to create a new brand in the Zendesk system. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/brands' with a JSON body containing the brand's name and subdomain. The request must include the 'Content-Type: application/json' header. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 status code along with detailed information about the newly created brand, including its active status, URLs, creation and update timestamps, logo details, and associated ticket form IDs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Custom Role
: post_create_custom_roleOperation
: writeEntities
: custom role, permission, administratorSummary
: The Create Custom Role API allows administrators and agents with the manage_roles permission to create a new custom role in Zendesk. This API is available for accounts on the Enterprise plan or above. The request requires basic authentication and includes a JSON body with details about the custom role, such as its name, description, role type, and configuration settings. The configuration settings define various permissions and access levels for the role, such as ticket access, chat access, and report access. The response returns the details of the newly created custom role, including its ID, name, description, configuration, and timestamps for creation and last update.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Custom Ticket Status
: post_create_custom_ticket_statusOperation
: writeEntities
: custom status, ticket, adminSummary
: The Create Custom Ticket Status API allows administrators to create a custom ticket status by providing a custom_status object. The request body must include the 'agent_label' and 'status_category' fields, while other fields such as 'active', 'description', 'end_user_description', and 'end_user_label' are optional. The API returns a 201 Created status upon successful creation, along with the details of the newly created custom status, including its ID, labels, descriptions, and timestamps for creation and last update.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Deletion Schedule
: post_create_deletion_scheduleOperation
: writeEntities
: condition, ticket, deletion scheduleSummary
: The Create Deletion Schedule API allows admins to create a new deletion schedule in the system. The request requires a JSON body with details of the deletion schedule, including the title, active status, description, and conditions for deletion. The conditions are specified as arrays of criteria that must all or any be met. The response returns the created deletion schedule with details such as its ID, creation and update timestamps, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Dynamic Content Item
: post_create_dynamic_content_itemOperation
: writeEntities
: content item, variant, localeSummary
: The Create Dynamic Content Item API allows admins and agents to create a new content item with one or more variants. The request requires a JSON body with the item's name, default locale ID, and an array of variants, each with a locale ID, default status, and content. The response returns the created item with details such as creation timestamp, ID, name, and an array of variants with their respective details. The default_locale_id and variant locale_id must be active locales in the account.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Group
: post_create_groupOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, group, adminSummary
: The Create Group API allows admins and agents with the appropriate permissions to create a new group in the system. The request requires a JSON body with the 'name' of the group to be created. The response returns a 201 status code upon successful creation, along with the details of the newly created group, including its ID, name, creation and update timestamps, and its public status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Group SLA Policy
: post_create_group_sla_policyOperation
: writeEntities
: policy metric, group SLA policy, groupSummary
: The Create Group SLA Policy API allows admins to create a new SLA policy for a group in Zendesk. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint /api/v2/group_slas/policies with a JSON body containing the details of the SLA policy, including the title, description, position, filter criteria, and policy metrics. The response includes the created SLA policy details such as its description, filter, unique ID, policy metrics, position, title, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Holiday
: post_create_holidayOperation
: writeEntities
: holiday, admin, scheduleSummary
: The Create Holiday API allows admins to create a holiday for a specific schedule by providing the schedule ID in the path parameters. The request body must include the holiday's name, start date, and end date. The start date must be no sooner than two years in the past, and the end date must be no later than two years in the future. The API returns the created holiday details, including its ID, name, start date, and end date.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Identity for User
: post_create_identity_for_userOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, identity, userSummary
: The 'Create Identity for User' API allows agents to add an identity to a user's profile. Supported identity types include email, twitter, facebook, google, agent_forwarding, and phone_number. The API requires the user_id as a path parameter and accepts an identity object in the request body, which includes the type and value of the identity. Optionally, a skip_verify_email flag can be included to prevent sending a verification email. The response includes details of the created identity, such as its ID, type, value, and verification status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Macro
: post_create_macroOperation
: writeEntities
: macro, action, restrictionSummary
: The Create Macro API allows agents to create a new macro in the system. The API requires a POST request to the /api/v2/macros endpoint with a macro object in the request body. The macro object must include a title and actions, which describe what the macro will do. Optional fields include active status, attachments, description, and restriction, which defines who can access the macro. The restriction object can specify a type of 'Group' or 'User' and include IDs for specific groups or users. The response returns the created macro with its ID, actions, and title.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Macro Attachment
: post_create_macro_attachmentOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, attachment, macroSummary
: The 'Create Macro Attachment' API allows agents to upload and associate an attachment with a macro. The API endpoint is '/api/v2/macros/{macro_id}/attachments' and uses the POST method. The 'macro_id' is a required path parameter that specifies the ID of the macro. The request must include a file as the 'attachment' and a 'filename' in the body. The response returns a 'macro_attachment' object containing details such as 'content_type', 'content_url', 'created_at', 'filename', 'id', and 'size'. The API is accessible to agents and allows up to five attachments per macro.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Many Organization Memberships
: post_create_many_organization_membershipsOperation
: writeEntities
: user, job status, organization membershipSummary
: The 'Create Many Organization Memberships' API endpoint allows admins and agents to create multiple organization memberships in a single request. It accepts a POST request with a JSON body containing an array of up to 100 organization membership objects, each specifying a user_id and an organization_id. The endpoint returns a job_status JSON object and queues a background job to process the memberships. The response includes details such as the job ID, status, progress, and results of the creation actions. Users can check the job's completion status using the provided job status URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Many Organizations
: post_create_many_organizationsOperation
: writeEntities
: organization, job statusSummary
: The 'Create Many Organizations' API allows agents to create multiple organizations in a single request. It accepts a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/organizations/create_many' with a JSON body containing an array of up to 100 organization objects. Each organization object must include a 'name'. The API returns a 'job_status' JSON object indicating that a background job has been queued to process the request. The response includes details such as the job ID, status, progress, and results of the actions performed. Agents can use the 'Show Job Status' endpoint to check the completion status of the job.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Many Tickets
: post_create_many_ticketsOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, ticket, job statusSummary
: The Create Many Tickets API endpoint allows agents to create up to 100 tickets at once by sending an array of ticket objects. Each ticket object must include a comment and a subject, and can optionally include a priority. The endpoint returns a job_status JSON object and queues a background job to process the ticket creation. The job status can be checked using the Show Job Status endpoint. The response includes details such as the job ID, completion message, progress, results of each ticket creation, and a URL to check the job status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Many Users
: post_create_many_usersOperation
: writeEntities
: user, organization, job statusSummary
: The 'Create Many Users' API endpoint allows admins and agents with appropriate permissions to create up to 100 users in a single request. The request body must include an array of user objects, each containing the user's email, name, and role. Optionally, an organization_id can be specified to assign the user to an existing organization. The API returns a job_status JSON object, indicating that a background job has been queued to process the user creation. The job status can be checked using the provided URL. Note that bulk user imports must be enabled by contacting Zendesk Customer Support, otherwise a 403 Forbidden error will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Many Variants for Dynamic Content Item
: post_create_many_variantsOperation
: writeEntities
: variant, dynamic content itemSummary
: The 'Create Many Variants for Dynamic Content Item' API allows admins and agents to create multiple variants for a specific dynamic content item identified by 'dynamic_content_item_id'. The request requires a JSON body containing an array of variants, each with 'locale_id', 'active', 'default', and 'content' fields. The response returns a list of created variants with details such as 'id', 'locale_id', 'content', 'created_at', 'updated_at', and 'url'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Membership
: post_create_membershipOperation
: writeEntities
: user, organization, membershipSummary
: The Create Membership API assigns a user to a specified organization. It is accessible to admins and agents when creating a new organization membership for an end user. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/organization_memberships' or '/api/v2/users/{user_id}/organization_memberships'. The request must include a JSON body with 'organization_membership' containing 'user_id' and 'organization_id'. The response returns the details of the created membership, including timestamps and IDs. If the user is already assigned to the organization, a 422 error is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create OAuth Access Token
: post_create_oauth_access_tokenOperation
: writeEntities
: token, scope, clientSummary
: The Create OAuth Access Token API endpoint allows admins to generate an OAuth access token with specified scopes. The token object in the request body must include the client_id, which is the resource id of an OAuth client, and an array of scopes that define the access permissions. The scopes can specify read or write access to various resources. The API returns a token object containing details such as the client_id, creation and expiration timestamps, the token string, and associated scopes. The token does not expire but can be revoked. This endpoint is distinct from the Create Token for Grant Type endpoint and does not use refresh tokens.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create OAuth Client
: post_create_oauth_clientOperation
: writeEntities
: admin, clientSummary
: The Create OAuth Client API allows admins to create a new OAuth client in Zendesk. The request must include the client's name, a unique identifier, and the kind of client (e.g., 'confidential') in the request body. The response returns the details of the created client, including its ID, name, identifier, secret, and associated redirect URIs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Or Update Many Users
: post_create_or_update_many_usersOperation
: writeEntities
: user, job status, roleSummary
: The 'Create Or Update Many Users' API endpoint allows admins and agents with appropriate permissions to create or update up to 100 user objects in a single request. Each user can be identified by email or external_id. The API returns a job_status JSON object and queues a background job to process the request. The response includes details about the job status, progress, and results. Note that bulk user imports must be enabled by contacting Zendesk Customer Support, otherwise a 403 Forbidden error will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Or Update Organization
: post_create_or_update_organizationOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, organizationSummary
: The Create Or Update Organization API allows agents to create a new organization or update an existing one without needing to check for its existence first. The API requires either the 'id' or 'external_id' to update an organization to prevent duplicate errors. The request body must include the 'name' of the organization. The response includes details about the organization, such as its creation and update timestamps, domain names, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create or Update Ticket Field Option
: post_create_or_update_ticket_field_optionOperation
: writeEntities
: option, ticket field, custom field optionSummary
: This API endpoint allows administrators to create or update an option for a specified drop-down ticket field in Zendesk. The request requires the ticket field ID as a path parameter and a JSON body containing the option details. If an option ID is provided in the request body, the existing option will be updated; otherwise, a new option will be created. The API returns a 200 status code if the option already exists and is updated, or a 201 status code if a new option is created. The response includes the details of the created or updated option.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Or Update User
: post_create_or_update_userOperation
: writeEntities
: user, organization, roleSummary
: The Create Or Update User API allows admins and agents with appropriate permissions to create a new user or update an existing user in Zendesk. The user can be identified by their email address or an external ID. If the user does not exist, a new user is created with the specified details. If the user exists, their details are updated. The API accepts a JSON body with user details such as name, email, role, and organization. Optionally, a 'skip_verify_email' flag can be included to prevent sending a verification email. The response includes the user's details and rate limit information. A 200 status code indicates an update, while a 201 status code indicates a new user creation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create or Update a User Field Option
: post_create_or_update_user_field_optionOperation
: writeEntities
: field, option, userSummary
: This API endpoint allows administrators to create or update a user field option for a specified drop-down user field in Zendesk. The endpoint requires the user field ID as a path parameter. The request body must include a 'custom_field_option' object with the 'name', 'position', and 'value' fields. To update an existing option, include the 'id' field in the 'custom_field_option' object. The API returns a 200 status code if the option already exists and a 201 status code if a new option is created. The response includes the details of the created or updated user field option.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Organization
: post_create_organizationOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, organization, adminSummary
: The Create Organization API allows admins and agents with appropriate permissions to create a new organization in the system. The request requires a unique organization name in the body. The response returns the details of the newly created organization, including its ID, name, creation timestamp, and other metadata. The API ensures that organization names are unique, although a race condition might allow duplicate names if identical requests are made simultaneously.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Organization Field
: post_create_organization_fieldOperation
: writeEntities
: field, organization, adminSummary
: The Create Organization Field API allows administrators to create custom fields for organizations in Zendesk. The API supports various field types such as text, textarea, checkbox, date, integer, decimal, regexp, dropdown, lookup, and multiselect. The request requires a JSON body with details about the custom field, including its type, title, description, position, active status, and a unique key. The response returns the details of the created custom field, including its ID, creation and update timestamps, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Organization Subscription
: post_create_organization_subscriptionOperation
: writeEntities
: organization subscription, organization, userSummary
: The Create Organization Subscription API allows agents and end users to subscribe to an organization. End users can only subscribe to shared organizations in which they are members. The request requires the organization_id and user_id in the body. The response includes the details of the created subscription, such as the creation timestamp, subscription ID, organization ID, and user ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Request
: post_create_requestOperation
: writeEntities
: requester, collaborator, requestSummary
: The Create Request API allows end users and anonymous users to create a new request by sending a POST request to the /api/v2/requests endpoint. The request body must include a 'request' object with a 'subject' and 'comment'. The 'comment' object must contain a 'body' describing the issue. Optional properties include 'collaborators' to add cc's, 'requester' for anonymous requests, and 'via_followup_source_id' for creating follow-up requests to closed tickets. The response returns the created request details including 'custom_status_id', 'description', 'id', 'status', and 'subject'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Resource Collection
: post_create_resource_collectionOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket field, resource collection, triggerSummary
: The Create Resource Collection API allows admins to create a resource collection by sending a POST request to the specified endpoint. The request must include a payload object in the body, which is structured similarly to a requirements.json file in a Zendesk app. The payload can include ticket fields and triggers, such as a trigger for sending an email when a ticket is solved. The response returns a job status object, which includes details such as the job ID, status, and a URL to check the job status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Satisfaction Rating
: post_create_satisfaction_ratingOperation
: writeEntities
: user, ticket, satisfaction ratingSummary
: The 'Create a Satisfaction Rating' API allows the end user who requested a ticket to create a CSAT rating for a solved ticket or a ticket that was previously solved and then reopened. The end user must be verified. The API requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body with the satisfaction score ('good' or 'bad'), a comment, and optionally a reason code for a bad rating. The response includes details of the satisfaction rating created, such as the assignee ID, comment, creation timestamp, group ID, requester ID, score, ticket ID, update timestamp, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Schedule
: post_create_scheduleOperation
: writeEntities
: time zone, interval, scheduleSummary
: The Create Schedule API allows admins to create a new business hours schedule in Zendesk. The request must include the schedule name and time zone in the request body. The API returns the created schedule with its ID, name, time zone, and intervals. The request must be made with the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Sharing Agreement
: post_create_sharing_agreementOperation
: writeEntities
: admin, sharing agreementSummary
: The Create Sharing Agreement API allows admins to create a new sharing agreement by sending a POST request to the /api/v2/sharing_agreements endpoint. The request must include a JSON body with the 'remote_subdomain' field specifying the remote subdomain for the agreement. The response returns a 201 Created status with details of the newly created sharing agreement, including its ID, name, status, type, and associated timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Side Conversation
: post_create_side_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: side conversation, ticket, participantSummary
: The Create Side Conversation API allows agents to create a side conversation on a specified ticket. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint /api/v2/tickets/{ticket_id}/side_conversations with a message object in the request body. The message object must include a subject, body, and an array of participant objects in the 'to' field. Participants can be specified using various properties such as email, user_id, slack_workspace_id, etc., depending on the type of side conversation (email, Slack, child ticket, or Microsoft Teams). The API requires 'Content-Type' and 'Authorization' headers. The response returns a 201 Created status if successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Side Conversation Attachments
: post_create_side_conversation_attachmentsOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, side conversation, attachmentSummary
: The 'Create Side Conversation Attachments' API allows agents to upload a new file as a side conversation attachment in Zendesk. The request must be made using the POST method to the endpoint '/api/v2/tickets/side_conversations/attachments'. The request body should include a file object as 'multipart/form-data'. The request headers must include 'Content-Type' set to 'multipart/form-data' and 'Authorization' for basic authentication using email and API token. Upon successful upload, the API returns a 201 Created status with details of the uploaded file, including its content type, dimensions, unique ID, name, and size.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create SLA Policy
: post_create_sla_policyOperation
: writeEntities
: sla policy, metric, filterSummary
: The Create SLA Policy API allows admins on the Support Professional or Suite Growth plan or above to create a new SLA policy. The request requires a JSON body with details of the SLA policy, including title, description, position, filter conditions, and policy metrics. The response returns the created SLA policy with its ID, metrics, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Support Address
: post_create_support_addressOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, account, support addressSummary
: The Create Support Address API allows admins and agents with the necessary permissions to add a Zendesk or external support address to their account. To add a Zendesk address, the format should be {local-part}@{accountname}.zendesk.com. For external addresses, ensure the email exists and set up forwarding on your email server. The API requires a JSON body with the recipient address details, including name, email, default status, and optional brand ID. Upon successful creation, it returns the details of the newly created support address, including its verification status and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Target
: post_create_targetOperation
: writeEntities
: email, target, adminSummary
: The Create Target API allows admins to create a new target in the Zendesk system. The request must include a JSON body with the target details such as type, title, email, and subject. The API returns a 201 Created status with the details of the newly created target, including its active status, creation timestamp, email, subject, title, and type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Ticket
: post_create_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: comment, ticket, auditSummary
: The Create Ticket API allows agents to create a new ticket in the system by providing a ticket object with properties such as comment, priority, and subject. The only required property is the comment body. The API supports HTML data in comments by using 'html_body' instead of 'body'. Upon successful creation, a ticket object is returned with detailed information including assignee, collaborators, custom fields, and more. The response also includes an audit object with events detailing updates made to the ticket.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Ticket Field
: post_create_ticket_fieldOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket field, custom field, tagSummary
: The Create Ticket Field API allows administrators to create custom ticket fields in Zendesk. It supports various field types such as text, textarea, checkbox, date, integer, decimal, regexp, partialcreditcard, multiselect, tagger, and lookup. The request requires a JSON body with the 'ticket_field' object specifying the 'type' and 'title' of the field. The response returns the details of the created ticket field, including its ID, type, title, and other metadata. This API is intended for use by administrators and has a recommended limit of 400 ticket fields per account or per ticket form.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Ticket Form
: post_create_ticket_formOperation
: writeEntities
: condition, ticket form, brandSummary
: The Create Ticket Form API allows administrators to create a new ticket form in Zendesk. The API endpoint is POST /api/v2/ticket_forms and requires a JSON body with details about the ticket form, including its name, visibility, display name, position, active status, brand restrictions, associated ticket fields, agent and end-user conditions, and whether it is the default form. The request must include a Content-Type header set to application/json. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 Created status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Ticket Form Statuses
: post_create_ticket_form_statusesOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket form, admin, statusSummary
: The Create Ticket Form Statuses API allows admins to create one or many ticket form status associations for a specified ticket form. The API requires the ticket_form_id as a path parameter and a JSON body containing an array of custom_status_id objects to associate with the ticket form. The response includes the created ticket form statuses with their custom_status_id, unique id, and ticket_form_id.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Ticket from Tweet
: post_create_ticket_from_tweetOperation
: writeEntities
: handle, ticket, tweetSummary
: The 'Create Ticket from Tweet' API endpoint allows agents to turn a tweet into a ticket by providing the tweet ID and the ID of a monitored Twitter handle configured for the account. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The request body must contain a 'ticket' object with 'twitter_status_message_id' and 'monitored_twitter_handle_id' as required fields. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 Created status with a null response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Ticket Trigger Category
: post_create_ticket_trigger_categoryOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket trigger categorySummary
: The Create Ticket Trigger Category API allows users to create a new ticket trigger category in Zendesk. The API requires a POST request to the /api/v2/trigger_categories endpoint with a JSON body containing the 'trigger_category' object. This object must include the 'name' and 'position' fields. The API returns a 200 OK response with the details of the created trigger category, including its ID, name, position, and timestamps for creation and last update. If the request is invalid, a 400 Bad Request response is returned with error details. A 403 Forbidden response is returned if ticket trigger categories are not enabled for the account or if the account has reached the limit of 500 categories.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Trigger
: post_create_triggerOperation
: writeEntities
: condition, action, triggerSummary
: The Create Trigger API allows agents to create a new trigger in the system. A trigger consists of a set of conditions and actions. The conditions specify when the trigger should be activated, and the actions specify what should happen when the trigger is activated. The request body must include the trigger's title, conditions, actions, and category ID. The response returns the created trigger object, including its ID, title, description, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Unassociated Macro Attachment
: post_create_unassociated_macro_attachmentOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, attachment, macroSummary
: The 'Create Unassociated Macro Attachment' API allows agents to upload an attachment that can be associated with a macro at a later time. This is a POST request to the '/api/v2/macros/attachments' endpoint. The request requires basic authentication using an email address and API token. The body of the request must include the file to be uploaded as 'attachment' and its name as 'filename'. The response returns a 'macro_attachment' object containing details such as content type, URL, creation timestamp, filename, ID, and size. It is important to associate the uploaded attachment with a macro soon to prevent it from being purged.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create User
: post_create_userOperation
: writeEntities
: identity, role, userSummary
: The Create User API allows admins and agents with the appropriate permissions to create a new user in the system. The API accepts a JSON body with user details such as name, email, role, and optional custom role ID. Users can also be created with multiple identities, such as additional email addresses or social media accounts. The role can be specified as 'end-user', 'agent', or 'admin', and if a custom role ID is provided, the role will be set to 'agent'. The API can also skip sending a verification email if specified. The response includes the created user's details, including their unique ID and organization ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create User Field
: post_create_user_fieldOperation
: writeEntities
: custom field, user field, adminSummary
: The Create User Field API allows administrators to create custom user fields in Zendesk. The API supports various field types such as text, textarea, checkbox, date, integer, decimal, regexp, dropdown, lookup, and multiselect. The request requires a JSON body with details about the custom field, including its type, title, description, position, active status, and a unique key. The response returns the details of the created custom field, including its ID, creation and update timestamps, and URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Variant for Dynamic Content Item
: post_create_variant_for_dynamic_content_itemOperation
: writeEntities
: locale, variant, dynamic content itemSummary
: The Create Variant API allows admins and agents to create a new variant for a specific dynamic content item identified by the 'dynamic_content_item_id'. The API requires the 'dynamic_content_item_id' as a path parameter and a JSON body containing 'locale_id', 'active', 'default', and 'content' for the variant. Only one variant can be created per locale ID. If a variant for the specified locale ID already exists, the request will be rejected. Upon successful creation, the API returns the details of the created variant, including its ID, content, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create View
: post_create_viewOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, condition, viewSummary
: The Create View API allows agents to create a new view in the system. The request must include a view object with a title and at least one condition in the 'all' array. The view object can also include optional parameters such as 'any' conditions, a description, whether the view is active, output columns, and restrictions on who can access the view. The output parameter specifies the columns to display in the view, and the restriction parameter specifies who can access the view. The API returns a 200 OK status on successful creation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Workspace
: post_create_workspaceOperation
: writeEntities
: macro, condition, workspaceSummary
: The Create Workspace API allows admins to create a new workspace in Zendesk. The request must include a JSON body with the workspace details such as title, description, ticket_form_id, macros, and conditions. The conditions are divided into 'all' and 'any', where 'all' conditions must be true and 'any' conditions can be true. The response returns the created workspace details including its activation status, associated apps, conditions, creation and update timestamps, and selected macros.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Export Audit Logs
: post_export_audit_logsOperation
: readEntities
: audit log, admin, accountSummary
: The Export Audit Logs API allows admins with audit log access to export audit logs from Zendesk. The API supports filtering logs by action, actor ID, creation time, IP address, source ID, and source type. The endpoint is rate-limited to one request per minute per account. The response includes rate limit information in the headers, and a successful request returns a 202 Accepted status with a null body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Export Suspended Tickets
: post_export_suspended_ticketsOperation
: readEntities
: suspended ticket, job, fileSummary
: The Export Suspended Tickets API allows admins and agents with appropriate permissions to export a list of suspended tickets from a Zendesk Support instance. The API enqueues a job to create a CSV file containing the data, sorted by update timestamp in ascending order. Once the job is complete, an email with a link to the CSV file is sent to the requester. The API is rate-limited to one request per minute and can return up to one million records. Authentication is required using a combination of email address and API token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Import Side Conversation
: post_import_side_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: side conversation, ticket, eventSummary
: The 'Import Side Conversation' API allows agents to import a side conversation into a specified ticket. The API requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body containing a 'side_conversation' object and an array of 'events'. The 'side_conversation' object includes details such as the subject, state, and external IDs. Each event in the 'events' array includes a creation date and a message object, which contains the message subject, body, sender and recipient emails, external IDs, and attachment IDs. The API responds with a 201 Created status upon successful import.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Import Side Conversation Events
: post_import_side_conversation_eventsOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, side conversation, eventSummary
: The 'Import Side Conversation Events' API allows agents to import events into an existing side conversation associated with a ticket. The API requires the 'ticket_id' and 'side_conversation_id' as path parameters. The request body must include an array of events, each containing a message with details such as subject, body, recipient and sender emails, external IDs, and attachment IDs. The 'created_at' timestamp is also required for each event. The API responds with a 201 Created status upon successful import, with no additional response body content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Install App
: post_install_appOperation
: writeEntities
: app, installation, settingSummary
: The Install App API allows administrators to install an app in their Zendesk account. The request requires the app_id and a settings object containing properties for all required parameters for the app. The settings can be specified as a flat object or an array of objects. The response includes details about the app installation, such as its ID, creation date, and settings. By default, apps are enabled upon installation, but they can be disabled by setting 'enabled' to false in the request.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Logout Many Users
: post_logout_many_usersOperation
: writeEntities
: user, adminSummary
: The 'Logout Many Users' API allows administrators to log out multiple users at once by providing a comma-separated list of user IDs in the query parameters. The API supports up to 100 user IDs in a single request. The request must be authenticated using basic authentication with an email and API token. Upon successful execution, the API returns a 202 Accepted status with no content in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Merge Organization With Another Organization
: post_merge_organization_with_another_organizationOperation
: writeEntities
: user, organization, ticketSummary
: This API merges two organizations by moving all users, tickets, and domain names from the organization specified by the path parameter 'organization_id' to the organization specified by 'winner_id' in the request body. After the merge, the losing organization will be deleted, and other fields will not be carried over to the winning organization. The merge operation creates an Organization Merge record with a status indicating the progress of the merge. The possible statuses are 'new', 'in progress', 'error', and 'complete'. This operation is irreversible and is allowed for admins only.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Merge Tickets into Target Ticket
: post_merge_tickets_into_target_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: comment, ticket, job statusSummary
: The 'Merge Tickets into Target Ticket' API allows agents to merge one or more tickets into a specified target ticket. The API requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and a JSON body containing the IDs of the tickets to be merged. Optional parameters include comments for both the source and target tickets, which can be marked as public or private. The API returns a job status object indicating the progress and results of the merge operation. This endpoint is available to agents with merge permissions, and it queues a background job to perform the merge. The response includes details about the job status, including a URL to check the job's completion.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Preview Ticket Count
: post_preview_ticket_countOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticketSummary
: The Preview Ticket Count API allows agents to retrieve the ticket count for a specific preview based on defined conditions. The request requires a JSON body with a 'view' object that specifies the conditions using operators, values, and fields. The response returns a 'view_count' object containing details such as whether the count is fresh, a pretty formatted string of the count, the URL to the view count, the actual count of the tickets, and the view ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Preview Views
: post_preview_viewsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, viewSummary
: The Preview Views API allows agents to preview views by constructing conditions and nesting them under the view property. The output can be controlled by passing parameters such as columns, group_by, group_order, sort_order, and sort_by under the output property. This API is rate limited to 5 requests per minute per view per agent. It supports cursor and offset pagination. The request body must include the view configuration with conditions and optional output control parameters. The response includes the columns and rows of the view, detailing the ticket fields and their values.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Push Content to Support
: post_push_content_to_supportOperation
: writeEntities
: resource, channel, authorSummary
: The 'Push Content to Support' API allows administrators to push channel framework content to Zendesk. It requires a JSON object containing data about the resources being pushed. The main parameters include 'instance_push_id' (required), 'request_id' (optional), and 'external_resources' (required), which is an array of objects detailing each resource. Each resource object includes fields like 'external_id', 'message', 'created_at', and 'author'. The response returns a JSON object with a 'results' array, containing the status of each resource import, including codes like 'success', 'already_imported', and 'processing_error'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Record a New Skip for the Current User
: post_record_new_skip_for_current_userOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, skip, userSummary
: This API endpoint allows agents to record a new ticket skip for the current user. The request requires authentication via an email address and API token. The request body must include the ticket ID and a reason for skipping the ticket. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 Created status with an empty response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Reorder App Installations For Location
: post_reorder_app_installations_for_locationOperation
: writeEntities
: location, app installationSummary
: The 'Reorder App Installations For Location' API allows admins to create or update the installation order of apps at a specified location. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/apps/location_installations/reorder' with a JSON body containing 'installations', an array of installation IDs, and 'location_name', the name of the location. The request must include headers for 'Content-Type' as 'application/json' and 'Authorization' for basic authentication. Upon successful reordering, the API returns a 201 Created status with the updated order of installations and the location name.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Reply to Side Conversation
: post_reply_to_side_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, side conversation, ticketSummary
: The 'Reply to Side Conversation' API allows agents to reply to a side conversation within a ticket. The API requires the ticket ID and side conversation ID as path parameters. The request body must include a message object containing the subject, body, and recipient email addresses. Optionally, attachment IDs can be included. The request must be authenticated using a Basic authentication token. The response is expected to be a 200 OK status, but the specific response body is not detailed in the documentation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Report Channelback Error to Zendesk
: post_report_channelback_error_to_zendeskOperation
: writeEntities
: error, admin, channelbackSummary
: The 'Report Channelback Error to Zendesk' API allows administrators to report errors related to channelback in Zendesk. The API endpoint is '/api/v2/any_channel/channelback/report_error' and it uses the POST method. The request requires headers for user agent, authorization, content type, and accept format. The body of the request must include 'instance_push_id' and 'external_id' as required fields, while 'description' and 'request_id' are optional. The response does not include a body, and a successful request returns a 200 OK status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Request User Create
: post_request_user_createOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, subscription, userSummary
: The 'Request User Create' API endpoint allows agents to send a reminder email to the owner to update their subscription, enabling the creation of more agents. The API requires a POST request to the '/api/v2/users/request_create' endpoint with a JSON body containing the user's email and name. The request must include the 'Content-Type: application/json' header. A successful request returns a 200 OK status with a null response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Send Notification to Zendesk App
: post_send_notification_to_zendesk_appOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, app, notificationSummary
: The Send Notification to Zendesk App API allows sending messages to currently open instances of a Zendesk Apps framework (ZAF) app. This API is used to trigger events in the app by sending JSON formatted notifications. The request requires the app_id and event parameters, while the body and agent_id parameters are optional. The API is rate limited to 100 requests per minute per account, and the maximum payload size is 1MB. A successful response returns a 200 OK status with a null body, while a 413 status indicates the payload is too large.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Set Agent Attribute Values
: post_set_agent_attribute_valuesOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, admin, attributeSummary
: The 'Set Agent Attribute Values' API allows administrators to add or replace attribute values for a specific agent identified by the user_id. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/routing/agents/{user_id}/instance_values' with the user_id as a path parameter. The request body must include a list of attribute_value_ids to be set for the agent. The request headers must include 'Content-Type: application/json' and an 'Authorization' token for authentication. Upon successful execution, the API returns a 200 OK response with the details of the attribute values set for the agent, including their creation and update timestamps, IDs, names, and URLs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Set Tags for Tickets
: post_set_tags_for_ticketsOperation
: writeEntities
: user, organization, ticketSummary
: The 'Set Tags for Tickets' API allows agents to set tags for a specific ticket by providing the ticket ID in the path parameters. The request must include a JSON body with an array of tags to be set. The API requires authentication via a basic auth token in the headers. Upon successful execution, it returns a 201 Created status with the list of tags that have been set for the ticket.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Set Ticket Attribute Values
: post_set_ticket_attribute_valuesOperation
: writeEntities
: attribute, ticket, adminSummary
: The 'Set Ticket Attribute Values' API allows administrators to add or replace attribute values for a specific ticket identified by 'ticket_id'. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/routing/tickets/{ticket_id}/instance_values' with a JSON body containing 'attribute_value_ids', which is a list of attribute value IDs to be set for the ticket. The request must include headers for 'Content-Type' as 'application/json' and 'Authorization' for basic authentication. Upon successful execution, the API returns a list of attribute values with details such as 'attribute_id', 'created_at', 'id', 'name', and 'updated_at'. Invalid or deleted attributes are ignored in the process.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Set a User's Password
: post_set_user_passwordOperation
: writeEntities
: user, admin, passwordSummary
: The 'Set a User's Password' API allows an admin to set a user's password in Zendesk Support, provided the setting is enabled under Settings > Security > Global. This API is accessible only to admins. The request requires the user's ID as a path parameter and the new password in the request body. The request must include headers for content type and authorization. A successful request returns a 200 OK status with no content in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Suspended Ticket Attachments
: post_suspended_ticket_attachmentsOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, attachment, suspended ticketSummary
: The Suspended Ticket Attachments API allows admins and agents with appropriate permissions to make copies of attachments on a suspended ticket and return them as attachment tokens. This is useful when manually recovering a ticket, as the attachment tokens can be included on the new ticket. The API requires the ID of the suspended ticket as a path parameter and uses basic authentication with an email and API token. The response includes details of the attachments and a token for the uploaded attachments.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Ticket Bulk Import
: post_ticket_bulk_importOperation
: writeEntities
: comment, ticket, job statusSummary
: The Ticket Bulk Import API allows admins to import multiple tickets in bulk by sending an array of up to 100 ticket objects. The API endpoint is POST /api/v2/imports/tickets/create_many. It accepts a query parameter 'archive_immediately' which, if set to true, will bypass the normal ticket lifecycle for tickets with a closed status and directly archive them. The request body must include an array of ticket objects, each containing details such as assignee_id, comments, description, requester_id, subject, and tags. The response returns a job_status JSON object indicating the status of the background job that processes the ticket import. The job status includes details such as job ID, completion message, progress, results of each ticket processed, overall status, total tickets processed, and a URL to check the job status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Ticket Import
: post_ticket_importOperation
: writeEntities
: comment, ticket, adminSummary
: The Ticket Import API allows admins to import tickets into the system. It uses the POST method at the endpoint /api/v2/imports/tickets. The API accepts a query parameter 'archive_immediately' which, if set to true, will bypass the normal ticket lifecycle for tickets created with a closed status. The request body must include a 'ticket' object with details such as 'assignee_id', 'comments', 'description', 'requester_id', 'subject', and 'tags'. The response returns a status of '201 Created' upon successful ticket import.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Track Event Against a Sunshine Profile
: post_track_event_against_sunshine_profileOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, profile, eventSummary
: The 'Track Event Against a Sunshine Profile' API allows agents to store an event against a given Sunshine profile. If the profile does not exist, it will be created. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/user_profiles/events' with a JSON body containing event details such as 'created_at', 'description', 'properties', 'source', and 'type', as well as profile information including 'identifiers', 'name', 'source', and 'type'. The request must include headers for 'Content-Type' as 'application/json' and an 'Authorization' token. The response returns a 'profile_id', 'status', and 'user_id' if successful, or an error code, ID, and title if there is a bad request.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Track Event Against Zendesk User and Given Profile
: post_track_event_against_zendesk_user_and_given_profileOperation
: writeEntities
: user, profile, eventSummary
: This API endpoint allows agents to store an event for a given Zendesk user and profile. The request requires the user_id as a path parameter and a JSON body containing event and profile details. The event includes information such as creation timestamp, description, properties like billing and item details, source, and type. The profile includes identifiers, name, source, and type. The response can be a 202 Accepted with profile_id, status, and user_id, a 400 Bad Request with error details, or a 404 Not Found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Upload App Package to Zendesk Support
: post_upload_app_packageOperation
: writeEntities
: app, package, uploadSummary
: This API endpoint allows administrators to upload a new app package to Zendesk Support. The app package should be a zip file and is uploaded using a POST request to the specified endpoint. The request requires basic authentication using an email address and API token. The uploaded_data parameter in the request body should contain the path to the app package file. Upon successful upload, the API returns a JSON response containing the ID of the uploaded app package, which can be used to create or update the app in the Zendesk Support instance.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Upload Files to Zendesk
: post_upload_files_to_zendeskOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, attachment, fileSummary
: The Upload Files to Zendesk API allows users to upload a file that can be attached to a ticket comment. The API requires a filename query parameter to specify the name of the file when attached to the ticket comment. The Content-Type header must contain a recognized MIME type that describes the type of the uploaded file. The API supports adding multiple files to the same upload by using a token received from the first request. The response includes details about the uploaded file, such as its content type, URL, size, and a token for the upload session.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Validate Token
: post_validate_tokenOperation
: writeEntities
: token, admin, accountSummary
: The Validate Token API endpoint allows administrators to validate a token by sending a POST request to the specified URL. The request must include headers for User-Agent, Authorization, Content-Type, and Accept. The body of the request should contain the 'instance_push_id', which is required, and an optional 'request_id'. The response body is empty, indicating a successful validation with a 200 OK status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Tags to Tickets
: put_add_tags_to_ticketsOperation
: writeEntities
: user, organization, ticketSummary
: The Add Tags to Tickets API allows agents to add tags to a specific ticket by providing the ticket ID in the path parameters. The request body must include a list of tags to be added. For safe updates, the request can include an 'updated_stamp' to ensure the ticket has not been modified since the timestamp was retrieved, and a 'safe_update' flag. If the timestamps do not match, a 409 Conflict error is returned. The response includes the updated list of tags associated with the ticket.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Bulk Mark Tickets as Spam
: put_bulk_mark_tickets_as_spamOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, ticket, job statusSummary
: The Bulk Mark Tickets as Spam API allows agents to mark multiple tickets as spam by providing a comma-separated list of ticket IDs. The endpoint accepts a PUT request with the required query parameter 'ids' which is a string of ticket IDs. The request must include headers for 'Content-Type' as 'application/json' and 'Authorization' for basic authentication. The response returns a job_status JSON object indicating the progress and results of the operation. The job is processed in the background, and the status can be checked using the provided job status URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Bulk Update Default Custom Ticket Status
: put_bulk_update_default_custom_ticket_statusOperation
: writeEntities
: admin, custom ticket statusSummary
: The 'Bulk Update Default Custom Ticket Status' API allows administrators to update the default values for multiple custom ticket statuses at once. The API endpoint is '/api/v2/custom_status/default' and it uses the PUT method. The request requires a JSON body with a 'ids' field, which is a comma-separated list of custom status IDs to be set as default for their category. The request must include headers for 'Content-Type' as 'application/json' and an 'Authorization' header for basic authentication. A successful response returns a 200 OK status with an empty body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Bulk Update Ticket Form Statuses
: put_bulk_update_ticket_form_statusesOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket form, association, statusSummary
: The Bulk Update Ticket Form Statuses API allows administrators to update or delete ticket form status associations in bulk for a specific ticket form. The API requires the ticket_form_id as a path parameter and a JSON body containing the list of status associations to be updated or deleted. Each status association can include an '_destroy' flag to indicate deletion and an 'id' for the status to be deleted, or a 'custom_status_id' to add a new status. The response returns the updated list of ticket form statuses.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change a Comment From Public To Private
: put_change_comment_from_public_to_privateOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, ticket, commentSummary
: This API endpoint allows agents to change a comment from public to private for a specific ticket audit. It requires the ticket ID and ticket audit ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json' and an 'Authorization' header for basic authentication using an email and API token. The request body is empty. A successful request returns a 200 OK status with a null response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Your Password
: put_change_your_passwordOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, user, passwordSummary
: The 'Change Your Password' API allows users to change their own password by providing their existing password and a new password. The API is accessible to agents and end users. The request requires the user's ID as a path parameter, and the existing and new passwords in the request body. The request must include authentication headers with the user's email and API token. A successful request returns a 200 OK status with no content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create or Update Profile by User ID
: put_create_or_update_profile_by_user_idOperation
: writeEntities
: identifier, profile, userSummary
: This API endpoint allows agents to create or update a profile for a Zendesk user by specifying the user ID and an identifier query. The identifier query is required and follows the format source:type:identifier_type:identifier_value. The request body must include the profile details such as name, source, type, user ID, identifiers, and attributes. If the creation of a new profile exceeds the maximum number of profiles, the request will fail. The response includes the profile details with attributes, creation and update timestamps, and identifiers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create or Update User Profile by Identifier
: put_create_or_update_user_profile_by_identifierOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, profile, userSummary
: The Create or Update User Profile by Identifier API allows agents to create or update a user profile using a unique identifier. The identifier is a required query parameter and must follow the format source:type:identifier_type:identifier_value. The request body must include the profile details such as name, source, type, user_id, identifiers, and attributes. The API returns the updated or created profile details upon success. If the profile creation exceeds the maximum number of profiles or identifiers for multiple users are provided, the request will fail. The 'zendesk' source is reserved and cannot be used.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated about 1 month ago