Hubspot API Integration Vol.1
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Hubspot API as part of the CRM category
Delete a Deal Object
: delete_a_deal_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: deal, error, objectSummary
: This API endpoint deletes a deal object identified by the {dealId} and moves it to the recycling bin. It requires the '' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. The response will be HTTP 204 with no content if successful. In case of an error, a detailed error object is returned with information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a List by ILS List ID
: delete_a_list_by_ils_list_idOperation
: writeEntities
: list, errorSummary
: This API endpoint deletes a list by its ILS list ID. The list can be restored within 90 days of deletion. After 90 days, the list is permanently purged. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and the listId as a path parameter. The response for a successful deletion is HTTP 204 with no content. In case of errors, a detailed error object is returned with information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Pipeline
: delete_a_pipelineOperation
: writeEntities
: deal, order, pipelineSummary
: This API deletes a pipeline identified by the pipelineId for a specified objectType. It requires authentication via a Bearer token. The API accepts path parameters for objectType and pipelineId, and optional query parameters to validate references and deal stage usages before deletion. The response is a 204 No Content on success, and an error object on failure, which includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Schema
: delete_a_schemaOperation
: deleteEntities
: record, schemaSummary
: The 'Delete a Schema' API endpoint allows you to delete a schema from the system. Before calling this API, ensure that any existing records of this schema are deleted, otherwise the call will fail. The API requires the fully qualified name or object type ID of the schema as a path parameter. It also accepts an optional query parameter 'archived' to specify whether to return only results that have been archived, with a default value of false. The response body is typically empty for a successful DELETE request.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete All Records from a List
: delete_all_records_from_a_listOperation
: writeEntities
: list, membership, errorSummary
: This API endpoint deletes all records from a specified list in the CRM. It does not delete the list itself, only the memberships within it. The endpoint is applicable only for lists with a processingType of MANUAL or SNAPSHOT and supports lists with fewer than 100,000 memberships. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a path parameter 'listId' which is the ILS ID of the list. The response is a 204 No Content status if successful. In case of errors, a detailed error object is returned with information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive Meeting Object
: delete_archive_meeting_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: meeting, error, contextSummary
: The Archive Meeting Object API allows you to move a meeting object identified by the meetingId to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and the meetingId as a path parameter. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive Note by ID
: delete_archive_note_by_idOperation
: writeEntities
: error, note, contextSummary
: This API endpoint archives a note identified by the {noteId} parameter by moving it to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope for authorization. The request must include a valid Bearer token in the authorization header. The endpoint responds with a 204 No Content status on success. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Property
: delete_archive_propertyOperation
: writeEntities
: property, error, objectTypeSummary
: The 'Archive a Property' API endpoint allows users to move a property identified by {propertyName} to the recycling bin. It requires the 'authorization' header with a Bearer token for authentication. The path parameters include 'objectType', which specifies the type of object the property belongs to, and 'propertyName', which is the name of the property to be archived. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of an error, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array with specific details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Property Group
: delete_archive_property_groupOperation
: deleteEntities
: property group, error, object typeSummary
: This API endpoint is used to archive a property group identified by {groupName} by moving it to the recycling bin. It requires the objectType and groupName as path parameters. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of an error, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array with specific error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Association Definition
: delete_association_definitionOperation
: deleteEntities
: label, association, object typeSummary
: This API deletes an association definition between two object types in the CRM. It requires the path parameters 'fromObjectType', 'toObjectType', and 'associationTypeId' to specify the association to be deleted. The request must include an 'authorization' header with a valid Bearer token. The API adheres to standard API rate limits and requires specific scopes for access. Upon successful deletion, the response body is empty.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Associations Between Two Records
: delete_associations_between_two_recordsOperation
: writeEntities
: association, object, recordSummary
: This API deletes all associations between two records specified by their object types and IDs. It requires authentication via a Bearer token. The path parameters include 'objectType', 'objectId', 'toObjectType', and 'toObjectId', which are all required. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of an error, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Call Object
: delete_call_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: recycling bin, call, errorSummary
: The Delete Call Object API moves a call object identified by the callId path parameter to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Calling Extension Settings
: delete_calling_extension_settingsOperation
: writeEntities
: account, setting, appSummary
: The Delete Calling Extension Settings API endpoint allows you to delete a calling extension. This will remove your service as an option for all connected accounts. The request requires the 'appId' as a path parameter, which is the ID of the app. The API key must be provided in the headers as 'hapikey'. The response will be HTTP 204 No Content if successful. In case of an error, the response will include details such as 'subCategory', 'context', 'correlationId', 'links', 'message', 'category', and 'errors' with specific error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Card Definition
: delete_card_definitionOperation
: writeEntities
: error, app, cardSummary
: This API permanently deletes a card definition with the given card ID from the specified app ID. Once deleted, data fetch requests for this card will no longer be sent to your service. This action cannot be undone. The API requires the HubSpot developer API key as a header for authentication. The path parameters include 'appId' which is the ID of the target app, and 'cardId' which is the ID of the card to delete. The response for a successful deletion is HTTP 204 No Content. In case of errors, the response includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with detailed information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Cart Object
: delete_cart_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: cart, error, contextSummary
: The Delete Cart Object API moves a cart object identified by the {cartId} path parameter to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.carts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. A successful request returns a 204 No Content status. In case of errors, the response includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Communication Object
: delete_communication_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: error, communication, contextSummary
: This API endpoint is used to move a communication object identified by {communicationId} to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include the 'authorization' header with a valid Bearer token. The path parameter 'communicationId' is required to specify the communication object to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of an error, the response includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array with specific error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Company Object
: delete_company_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: company, error, contextSummary
: This API endpoint is used to move a company object identified by {companyId} to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.companies.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameter 'companyId' is required to specify the company to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Contact by ID
: delete_contact_by_idOperation
: writeEntities
: recycling bin, contact, errorSummary
: This API endpoint deletes a contact identified by the {contactId} from the CRM system and moves it to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope for authorization. The request must include a valid Bearer token in the authorization header. The contactId is a required path parameter. On successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, a detailed error object is returned with information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete CRM Folder
: delete_crm_folderOperation
: writeEntities
: error, folderSummary
: This API endpoint deletes a folder in the CRM system using the specified folder ID. It requires the 'crm.lists.write' and '' scopes for authorization. The request must include the 'accept' and 'authorization' headers. The response will return an error object if the deletion fails, detailing the error category, message, and any missing scopes or invalid properties.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete CRM Object
: delete_crm_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: objectSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to delete a CRM object identified by {objectId} and move it to the recycling bin. It requires authentication via a Bearer token. The path parameters include 'objectType' which specifies the type of the object, and 'objectId' which specifies the ID of the object to be deleted. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of an error, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete CRM Object Schema
: delete_crm_object_schemaOperation
: deleteEntities
: schema, object typeSummary
: The Delete CRM Object Schema API allows you to permanently delete a CRM object schema identified by the 'objectType' path parameter. This API does not require any specific scopes and is subject to standard API rate limits. The request is made using the DELETE method to the endpoint '/crm-object-schemas/v3/schemas/{objectType}/purge'. The 'objectType' path parameter is required and specifies the type of the object schema to be purged. The response body is typically empty upon a successful deletion.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Discount Object
: delete_discount_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: discount, error, contextSummary
: This API endpoint is used to move a discount object identified by {discountId} to the recycling bin. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication. The {discountId} is a path parameter that specifies the discount object to be archived. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of an error, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Email Object
: delete_email_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: email, error, contextSummary
: This API endpoint deletes an email object identified by the {emailId} and moves it to the recycling bin. It requires authorization via a Bearer token. The request must include the emailId as a path parameter. On success, it returns a 204 No Content status. If there is an error, the response will include details about the error, such as a message, category, and context.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Event Template for App
: delete_event_template_for_appOperation
: writeEntities
: event template, eventSummary
: This API deletes an event template for a specified app. It requires the app ID and event template ID as path parameters. The API key must be provided in the headers. Upon successful deletion, all associated events will be removed from search results and the timeline UI. This action is irreversible, so it is recommended to stop using any associated events before deletion. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Fee Object
: delete_fee_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: fee, error, objectSummary
: The Delete Fee Object API moves a fee object identified by the {feeId} path parameter to the recycling bin. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The API responds with a 204 No Content status on success. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Lead Object
: delete_lead_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: lead, errorSummary
: This API endpoint is used to move a lead object identified by {leadsId} to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.leads.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameter 'leadsId' is required to specify the lead to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Line Item
: delete_line_itemOperation
: writeEntities
: line item, errorSummary
: The Delete Line Item API moves a line item identified by the {lineItemId} to the recycling bin. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication. The lineItemId is a required path parameter that specifies the ID of the line item to be archived. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of an error, it returns a detailed error object containing information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Order Object
: delete_order_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: order, link, errorSummary
: The Delete Order Object API allows you to move an order object identified by {orderId} to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.orders.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameter 'orderId' is required to specify the order to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Pipeline Stage
: delete_pipeline_stageOperation
: writeEntities
: error, stage, pipelineSummary
: This API deletes a pipeline stage identified by {stageId} associated with the pipeline identified by {pipelineId}. It requires authentication via a Bearer token. The path parameters include objectType, pipelineId, and stageId, all of which are required. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of an error, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Postal Mail Object
: delete_postal_mail_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: postal mail, error, contextSummary
: This API endpoint is used to move a postal mail object identified by the {postalMailId} to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameter 'postalMailId' is required to specify the object to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, a detailed error object is returned with information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Product and Move to Recycling Bin
: delete_product_and_move_to_recycling_binOperation
: writeEntities
: error, productSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to delete a product identified by the {productId} and move it to the recycling bin. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameter 'productId' is required to specify which product to archive. On success, it returns a 204 No Content response. In case of an error, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array with specific details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Quote Object
: delete_quote_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: quote, error, authenticationSummary
: The Delete Quote Object API allows you to move a quote object identified by {quoteId} to the recycling bin. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameter 'quoteId' is required to specify the quote to be deleted. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of an error, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove an Association from a Schema
: delete_remove_association_from_schemaOperation
: writeEntities
: association, schemaSummary
: The 'Remove an Association from a Schema' API endpoint allows users to delete an existing association from a specified schema. The request requires two path parameters: 'objectType', which is the fully qualified name or object type ID of the schema, and 'associationIdentifier', which is the unique ID of the association to be removed. The API does not require any specific headers, query parameters, or request body. Upon successful execution, the association will be removed, and the response will not contain any body content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove Token from Event Template
: delete_remove_token_from_event_templateOperation
: writeEntities
: token, app, event templateSummary
: This API endpoint removes a token from an existing event template in the HubSpot integrators timeline. It requires the app ID, event template ID, and token name as path parameters. Once a token is removed, existing events and CRM objects will retain the token and its mapped object properties, but new ones will not. The timeline will still display this property for older CRM objects if it's still referenced in the template Markdown. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including a unique correlation ID, error category, and human-readable messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Task Object
: delete_task_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: task, error, contextSummary
: The Delete Task Object API moves a task object identified by the {taskId} to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameter 'taskId' is required to specify the task to be deleted. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Tax Object
: delete_tax_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: taxSummary
: The Delete Tax Object API endpoint allows you to move a tax object identified by {taxId} to the recycling bin. It requires the 'crm.objects.line_items.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameter 'taxId' is required to specify the tax object to be deleted. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Ticket and Move to Recycling Bin
: delete_ticket_and_move_to_recycling_binOperation
: writeEntities
: link, error, ticketSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to delete a ticket identified by {ticketId} and move it to the recycling bin. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameter 'ticketId' is required to specify which ticket to delete. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of an error, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Video Conference Application Settings
: delete_video_conference_application_settingsOperation
: writeEntities
: setting, error, video conference applicationSummary
: This API deletes the settings for a video conference application with the specified ID. It requires the 'appId' as a path parameter, which is the identifier of the application created in your HubSpot developer portal. The request must include the HubSpot developer API key in the headers for authentication. The API returns a 204 No Content response on successful deletion. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Page of CRM Owners
: get_a_page_of_crm_ownersOperation
: readEntities
: team, ownerSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a page of CRM owners. It supports filtering by email, pagination using a cursor token, and limiting the number of results per page. The response includes details about each owner, such as their name, email, creation and update timestamps, and team affiliations. The API requires an authorization bearer token and supports optional query parameters for filtering and pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Active Imports
: get_active_importsOperation
: readEntities
: account, import, errorSummary
: The 'Get Active Imports' API endpoint retrieves a paged list of active imports for a HubSpot account. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The API supports query parameters such as 'after', 'before', and 'limit' to manage pagination. The response includes details about each import, such as the import template, creation and update timestamps, metadata about the import process, and the state of the import. The API returns a 200 status code for successful operations and provides detailed error messages for validation errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Cards for a Given App
: get_all_cards_for_a_given_appOperation
: readEntities
: display, fetch, cardSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of cards for a specified app using the app's ID. The request requires the appId as a path parameter and the HubSpot developer API key as a header. The response includes details about each card, such as its ID, creation and update timestamps, title, fetch configuration, display properties, and actions. The API does not require any specific scopes and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All CRM Object Schemas
: get_all_crm_object_schemasOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, schemaSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all CRM object schemas defined for your account. It requires an authorization bearer token and supports an optional query parameter 'archived' to filter results based on their archived status. The response includes detailed information about each schema, such as associations, properties, labels, and metadata. The API returns a list of schemas with their unique IDs, names, and other attributes, allowing you to manage and understand the structure of your CRM data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve All Pipelines for a Specified Object Type
: get_all_pipelines_for_object_typeOperation
: readEntities
: metadata, pipeline stage, pipelineSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all pipelines for a specified object type in HubSpot. The object type is specified as a path parameter. The API requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes details about each pipeline, such as creation date, archived status, display order, and stages within the pipeline. Each stage includes metadata, display order, permissions, label, and unique identifiers. The API supports various scopes for access control and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All User Configurations
: get_all_user_configurationsOperation
: readEntities
: user, configuration, portalSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all user configurations available on a given portal. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes an array of configuration objects, each containing details such as userEnforcedMaxToObjectIds, typeId, label, and category. The API supports various scopes for access control and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All User Configurations for a Portal
: get_all_user_configurations_for_a_portalOperation
: readEntities
: user configuration, portal, scopeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all user configurations available on a given portal. It requires authentication via a Bearer token and supports various scopes for access. The response includes an array of configuration objects, each with properties such as 'userEnforcedMaxToObjectIds', 'typeId', 'label', and 'category'. In case of an error, a detailed error object is returned, which includes information such as 'subCategory', 'context', 'correlationId', 'links', 'message', and 'category'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Association Types Between Object Types
: get_association_types_between_object_typesOperation
: readEntities
: label, association type, object typeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all association types between two specified object types in the CRM. It requires an authorization header with a bearer token. The path parameters 'fromObjectType' and 'toObjectType' specify the object types for which the association types are to be retrieved. The response includes an array of association types, each with a typeId, label, and category. In case of an error, detailed error information is provided, including a correlationId for support purposes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Audit of Pipeline Stage Changes
: get_audit_of_pipeline_stage_changesOperation
: readEntities
: pipeline, stage, auditSummary
: This API endpoint returns an audit of all changes to a specified pipeline stage. It provides a reverse chronological list of all mutations that have occurred on the pipeline stage identified by the 'stageId'. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and path parameters including 'objectType', 'pipelineId', and 'stageId'. The response includes details of each change such as the identifier, raw object data, user ID, portal ID, action, message, and timestamp.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Call Object Details
: get_call_object_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, callSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a call object identified by the callId. The callId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties and propertiesWithHistory query parameters. It also supports retrieving associated object IDs using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter can be used to filter archived results. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and their history.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Calling Extension Settings
: get_calling_extension_settingsOperation
: readEntities
: calling setting, error, extensionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the calling extension settings configured for a specific app in HubSpot. It requires the app ID as a path parameter and the HubSpot developer API key as a query parameter. The response includes details such as the creation and update timestamps, compatibility with custom objects, readiness status, service name, iframe dimensions, and the URL for the calling UI. The API adheres to standard rate limits and does not require any specific scopes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Card Definition by ID
: get_card_definition_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: error, app, cardSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the definition of a card by its ID. It requires the app ID and card ID as path parameters, and the HubSpot developer API key as a query parameter. The response includes details such as the creation and update timestamps, title, fetch configuration, display properties, and actions configuration of the card. The API adheres to standard rate limits and does not require any specific scopes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Cart Details by Cart ID
: get_cart_details_by_cart_idOperation
: readEntities
: cart, association, propertySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a cart identified by the {cartId}. The {cartId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows you to control the returned data via the properties query parameter, which is a list of properties to be included in the response. Additionally, you can request properties with their history, associated object types, and specify whether to include archived results. The response includes details such as the cart's properties, associations, creation and update timestamps, and archived status. The API requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and supports OAuth and private apps for authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Commerce Payment Details
: get_commerce_payment_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, commerce paymentSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a commerce payment object identified by the {commercePaymentId}. The {commercePaymentId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties and propertiesWithHistory query parameters. Additionally, associated object types can be retrieved using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter can be used to filter archived results. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and their history.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Communication Details by ID
: get_communication_details_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, communicationSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a communication object identified by the communicationId. The communicationId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can include property history with the propertiesWithHistory parameter. Associations can be retrieved using the associations parameter. The archived parameter determines if only archived results are returned, with a default value of false. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Company Details by ID
: get_company_details_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, companySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a company identified by the {companyId}. The {companyId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can also return properties with their history using the propertiesWithHistory query parameter. Additionally, it can retrieve associated object IDs using the associations query parameter and filter archived results using the archived query parameter. The response includes details such as the company's properties, associations, creation and update timestamps, and archived status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Contact Details by Contact ID
: get_contact_details_by_contact_idOperation
: readEntities
: contactSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a contact identified by the contactId. The contactId is the internal object ID of the contact. The API allows you to specify which properties to return using the properties query parameter. You can also request properties with their history using the propertiesWithHistory parameter, and retrieve associated object IDs using the associations parameter. The archived parameter allows you to filter results to only include archived contacts. The response includes the contact's properties, associations, creation and update timestamps, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read CRM Object by ID
: get_crm_object_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, objectSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a CRM object identified by its objectId. The objectId can refer to the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. You can control the response by specifying which properties to return using the properties query parameter. The endpoint supports various scopes for access control and adheres to standard API rate limits. The response includes details about the object, its properties, associations, and timestamps for creation and updates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Deal Details by Deal ID
: get_deal_details_by_deal_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, dealSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a deal identified by the specified dealId. The dealId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can also return properties with their history using the propertiesWithHistory query parameter. Additionally, associated object types can be retrieved using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter controls whether only archived results are returned, with a default value of false. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archived status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Discount Details
: get_discount_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: discount, line item, propertySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a discount object identified by the {discountId}. The {discountId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can include property history with propertiesWithHistory. It also supports retrieving associated object IDs with the associations parameter and can filter archived results using the archived parameter. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Email Object Details
: get_email_object_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, emailSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of an email object identified by the {emailId}. The {emailId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can include property history with propertiesWithHistory. Associations with other objects can be retrieved using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter determines if only archived results are returned, with a default value of false. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Event Detail Template Rendered
: get_event_detail_template_renderedOperation
: readEntities
: template, error, eventSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the detailTemplate as rendered for a specified event. It requires the eventTemplateId and eventId as path parameters. The API uses OAuth for authentication and requires specific scopes such as 'tickets' or 'timeline'. The response includes the rendered details in HTML format. If there are errors, the response will include detailed error information including missing scopes, invalid property names, and a correlation ID for support.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Event Details
: get_event_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: template, contact, eventSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a previously created event using the event template ID and event ID. It requires authorization via a Bearer token. The response includes comprehensive details about the event, such as the event template ID, creation time, additional data, iframe details, domain, tokens, unique identifier, user token, email, CRM object ID, timestamp, and object type. The API requires specific scopes for access and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Existing CRM Object Schema
: get_existing_crm_object_schemaOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, schemaSummary
: This API retrieves an existing CRM object schema from HubSpot. It requires the '' or '' scope for authorization. The request must include the 'authorization' header with a Bearer token and a path parameter 'objectType' which is the fully qualified name or object type ID of the schema. The response includes details about the object schema such as associations, properties, labels, and metadata. The response body provides comprehensive information about the schema, including its creation and update timestamps, properties, and associations.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Export Task Status
: get_export_task_statusOperation
: readEntities
: task, error, exportSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the status of an export task identified by the taskId. It returns the status of the export, including the URL of the resulting file if the export status is COMPLETE. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes details such as the result, timestamps for when the export was requested, started, and completed, the number of errors, and any related links. If there are errors, detailed information about each error is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Fee Object Details
: get_fee_object_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, feeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a fee object identified by the {feeId}. The {feeId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties and propertiesWithHistory query parameters. It also supports retrieving associated object IDs using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter can be used to filter archived results. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and their history.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Feedback Submission Details
: get_feedback_submission_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, feedback submissionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a feedback submission identified by the feedbackSubmissionId. The feedbackSubmissionId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows control over the returned data via query parameters such as properties, propertiesWithHistory, associations, archived, and idProperty. The response includes details like associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archived status. The API requires authorization via a Bearer token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Feedback Submissions
: get_feedback_submissionsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, feedback submissionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a page of feedback submissions from the CRM. It allows filtering and control over the returned data through various query parameters such as 'limit', 'after', 'properties', 'propertiesWithHistory', 'associations', and 'archived'. The 'limit' parameter controls the number of results per page, while 'after' is used for pagination. 'Properties' and 'propertiesWithHistory' allow specifying which properties to return, with the latter including historical values. 'Associations' retrieves associated object IDs, and 'archived' filters results based on their archived status. The response includes paging information and a list of feedback submissions with details like creation and update timestamps, properties, and associations.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Fetch List by ID
: get_fetch_list_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: list, filter branch, userSummary
: The Fetch List by ID API allows you to retrieve a single list by its ILS list ID. It requires the '' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The API takes a path parameter 'listId' which is the ILS ID of the list to fetch. Optionally, a query parameter 'includeFilters' can be set to true to include filter branch definitions in the response. The response includes detailed information about the list such as processing type, object type, creation and update timestamps, and filter branches. In case of errors, detailed error messages and context are provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Fetch List by Name
: get_fetch_list_by_nameOperation
: readEntities
: list, filter branch, filterSummary
: The 'Fetch List by Name' API endpoint allows users to retrieve a single list by specifying the list name and object type ID. The endpoint requires authentication via a Bearer token and supports OAuth. The path parameters include 'objectTypeId' and 'listName', which are required to identify the list. An optional query parameter 'includeFilters' can be set to true to include filter branch definitions in the response. The response includes detailed information about the list, such as processing type, object type ID, list ID, creation and update timestamps, and filter branch details. The API adheres to standard rate limits and requires the '' scope.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Fetch List Memberships Ordered by ID
: get_fetch_list_memberships_ordered_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: list, membership, recordSummary
: This API endpoint fetches the memberships of a list ordered by the recordId of the records in the list. The records are sorted in ascending order if an 'after' offset or no offset is provided. If only a 'before' offset is provided, the records are sorted in descending order. The 'after' offset takes precedence over the 'before' offset if both are provided. The API requires the 'listId' as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters 'after', 'before', and 'limit' to control pagination and the number of records returned. The response includes the total number of records, paging information, and a list of results with each record's ID and membership timestamp.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Fetch Multiple Lists by ILS List ID
: get_fetch_multiple_lists_by_ils_list_idOperation
: readEntities
: list, user, filterSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to fetch multiple lists by their ILS list IDs in a single request. The response includes the definitions of all lists that exist for the provided list IDs. You can optionally include filter branch definitions in the response by setting the 'includeFilters' query parameter to true. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The response contains detailed information about each list, including processing type, object type, creation and update timestamps, and filter branch details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Folder with Child Nodes
: get_folder_with_child_nodesOperation
: readEntities
: child list, child node, folderSummary
: This API retrieves a folder from the CRM system, including all its child folders recursively via the childNodes attribute. The child lists field will be empty in all child nodes, and only the folder retrieved will include the child lists in that folder. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and accepts a query parameter 'folderId' to specify the folder to retrieve. The response includes details about the folder such as its creation and update timestamps, parent folder ID, child nodes, and user ID. In case of an error, a detailed error message is provided with information about missing scopes or invalid properties.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read Goal Target Object
: get_goal_target_objectOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, goal targetSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a Goal Target object identified by the goalTargetId. The goalTargetId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. You can control the response by specifying properties, propertiesWithHistory, and associations as query parameters. The archived query parameter allows you to filter for archived results. The response includes details about the object such as its properties, associations, creation and update timestamps, and archived status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Import Errors
: get_import_errorsOperation
: readEntities
: import, error, source dataSummary
: The Get Import Errors API retrieves errors associated with a specific import in HubSpot. It requires an import ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters for pagination, such as 'after' for the paging cursor token and 'limit' for the maximum number of results per page. The response includes a list of errors with details such as the error type, context, and source data. Authentication is required via a Bearer token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Import Information
: get_import_informationOperation
: readEntities
: metadata, import, errorSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves detailed information about a specific import in HubSpot. It requires the import ID as a path parameter and an authorization bearer token in the headers. The response includes a comprehensive summary of the import record, such as the import template details, creation and update timestamps, metadata about the import process, the source and name of the import, its current state, and whether it is an opt-out import. The API is subject to standard rate limits and requires the 'crm.import' scope for access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Invoice Details
: get_invoice_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, invoiceSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of an invoice identified by the {invoiceId}. The {invoiceId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can also return properties with their history using the propertiesWithHistory query parameter. Associations can be retrieved using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter determines if only archived results should be returned. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archived status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Lead Details by ID
: get_lead_details_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: lead, association, propertySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a lead identified by the {leadsId}. The {leadsId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can include property history with propertiesWithHistory. It also supports retrieving associated object IDs with the associations parameter and can filter archived results using the archived parameter. The response includes lead details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archived status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Line Item Details
: get_line_item_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, line itemSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a line item identified by the lineItemId. The lineItemId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can also return properties with their history using the propertiesWithHistory parameter. Associations can be retrieved using the associations parameter. The archived parameter specifies whether to return only archived results, with a default value of false. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Associations of an Object by Object Type
: get_list_all_associations_of_an_object_by_object_typeOperation
: readEntities
: type, association, objectSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all associations for a specified object by its type. It requires the object type, object ID, and the type of the associated object as path parameters. The API supports pagination with a 'limit' query parameter (default 500) and an 'after' query parameter for cursor-based pagination. The response includes a list of associations with details such as type ID, label, and category, along with the ID of the associated object. The API requires authorization via a Bearer token and supports various scopes for access control.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Event Templates for an App
: get_list_all_event_templates_for_an_appOperation
: readEntities
: CRM object, token, event templateSummary
: This API endpoint is used to list all event templates owned by a specific app in HubSpot. The request requires the app ID as a path parameter and the HubSpot developer API key as a header. The response includes a list of event templates, each with details such as template ID, object type, name, header template, detail template, creation and update timestamps, and associated tokens. Tokens include information like name, type, creation and update timestamps, label, object property name, and options. The API supports standard rate limits and does not require any specific scopes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Commerce Payments
: get_list_commerce_paymentsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, commerce paymentSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a paginated list of commerce payments. The response can be controlled using query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, and 'properties' to specify which properties to return. The response includes details about each payment, such as its associations, creation and update timestamps, and properties. Authentication is required via a Bearer token. The API supports OAuth and private apps, and requires the '' scope.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Line Items
: get_list_line_itemsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, line itemSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a page of line items from the CRM. It allows control over the returned data via query parameters such as 'limit', 'after', 'properties', 'propertiesWithHistory', 'associations', and 'archived'. The 'limit' parameter specifies the maximum number of results per page, defaulting to 10. The 'after' parameter is used for pagination. 'Properties' and 'propertiesWithHistory' allow specifying which properties to return, with the latter including historical values. 'Associations' retrieves associated object IDs, and 'archived' filters for archived items. The response includes paging information and a list of line items with their details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Fetch List Memberships Ordered by Added to List Date
: get_list_memberships_ordered_by_added_dateOperation
: readEntities
: list, membership, recordSummary
: This API endpoint fetches the memberships of a list ordered by the time the records were added to the list. The records can be paginated using 'after' and 'before' query parameters. The 'after' parameter takes precedence if both 'after' and 'before' are provided. The 'limit' parameter specifies the number of records to return, with a default of 100 and a maximum of 250. The response includes the total number of records, paging information, and a list of results with each record's ID and membership timestamp.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Lists Record is Member Of
: get_lists_record_is_member_ofOperation
: readEntities
: list, membership, recordSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the lists that a given record is a member of. It requires the object type ID and record ID as path parameters. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes the total number of lists and details about each list, such as the list ID, version, and timestamps of when the record was added. The API requires the '' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Meeting Details by Meeting ID
: get_meeting_details_by_meeting_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, meetingSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a meeting object identified by the meetingId. The meetingId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can also return properties with their history using the propertiesWithHistory parameter. Additionally, associated object types can be retrieved using the associations parameter. The archived parameter determines if only archived results should be returned, with a default value of false. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archived status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read Note Object by ID
: get_note_object_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, noteSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a Note object identified by {noteId}. The {noteId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. You can control the response by specifying which properties to return using the properties query parameter. Additionally, you can request properties with their history, associated object types, and whether to include archived results. The response includes details about the note's associations, properties, creation and update timestamps, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read Order Object by ID
: get_order_object_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, orderSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves an order object identified by the specified orderId. The orderId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows control over the returned data via the properties query parameter, which specifies a list of properties to be included in the response. Additionally, propertiesWithHistory can be used to retrieve properties along with their historical values, and associations can be used to retrieve associated object IDs. The archived query parameter determines whether to return only archived results, with a default value of false. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Goal Targets
: get_page_of_goal_targetsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, goal targetSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of goal targets from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of goal target objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pipeline Audit
: get_pipeline_auditOperation
: readEntities
: mutation, pipeline, auditSummary
: The Get Pipeline Audit API returns a reverse chronological list of all mutations that have occurred on the specified pipeline. It requires the objectType and pipelineId as path parameters and an authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes details of each change, such as the identifier, raw object data, user ID, portal ID, action, message, and timestamp. The API supports various scopes for access and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pipeline by ID
: get_pipeline_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: stage, pipelineSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a single pipeline object identified by its unique pipelineId. It requires authentication via a Bearer token. The request must include the objectType and pipelineId as path parameters. The response includes details about the pipeline such as its creation date, archived status, display order, stages, and labels. Each stage within the pipeline also includes metadata, display order, permissions, and other relevant details. The API supports various scopes for access control and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pipeline Stage by ID
: get_pipeline_stage_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: error, stage, pipelineSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a specific pipeline stage by its ID. It requires the object type, pipeline ID, and stage ID as path parameters. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes details about the pipeline stage such as creation date, archived status, metadata, display order, permissions, label, unique ID, and last updated date. The API supports various scopes for access control and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pipeline Stages
: get_pipeline_stagesOperation
: readEntities
: error, stage, pipelineSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all stages associated with a specified pipeline identified by the pipelineId. It requires an authorization bearer token and the objectType and pipelineId as path parameters. The response includes details about each stage, such as creation date, archived status, metadata, display order, permissions, label, unique ID, and last updated date. The API supports various scopes for access and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Postal Mail Object Details
: get_postal_mail_object_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, postal mailSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a postal mail object identified by the postalMailId. The postalMailId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can include property history with propertiesWithHistory. Associations with other object types can be retrieved using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter determines if only archived results are returned, with a default value of false. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Product Details by Product ID
: get_product_details_by_product_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, productSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a product identified by the productId. The productId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter, and can also return properties with their history using the propertiesWithHistory parameter. Associations with other objects can be retrieved using the associations parameter. The archived parameter specifies whether to return only archived results. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archived status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Quote Details by Quote ID
: get_quote_details_by_quote_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, quoteSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a quote identified by the {quoteId}. The {quoteId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can include property history with propertiesWithHistory. It also supports retrieving associated object IDs with the associations parameter and can filter archived results using the archived parameter. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Calls
: get_read_a_page_of_callsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, callSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of call records from the CRM. You can control the data returned using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of call objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Carts
: get_read_a_page_of_cartsOperation
: readEntities
: cart, association, propertySummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of carts from the CRM. You can control the results returned using various query parameters such as 'limit', 'after', 'properties', 'propertiesWithHistory', 'associations', and 'archived'. The 'limit' parameter specifies the maximum number of results per page, defaulting to 10. The 'after' parameter is used for pagination. The 'properties' and 'propertiesWithHistory' parameters allow you to specify which properties to return, with the latter also including historical values. The 'associations' parameter lets you retrieve associated object IDs. The 'archived' parameter filters results based on their archived status, defaulting to false. The response includes paging information and a list of cart objects with their details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Communications
: get_read_a_page_of_communicationsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, communicationSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of communications from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of communication objects with their details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Companies
: get_read_a_page_of_companiesOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, companySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a page of companies from the CRM. It allows for control over the returned data via query parameters such as 'limit', 'after', 'properties', 'propertiesWithHistory', 'associations', and 'archived'. The 'limit' parameter controls the number of results per page, defaulting to 10. The 'after' parameter is used for pagination. The 'properties' and 'propertiesWithHistory' parameters specify which properties to return, with the latter including historical values. The 'associations' parameter retrieves associated object IDs, and 'archived' filters for archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of company objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Contacts
: get_read_a_page_of_contactsOperation
: readEntities
: contactSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of contacts from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of contact objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of CRM Objects
: get_read_a_page_of_crm_objectsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, objectSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of CRM objects from HubSpot. You can control the data returned by specifying various query parameters such as 'limit' for the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of results with details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archived status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Deals
: get_read_a_page_of_dealsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, dealSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of deals from the CRM. You can control the data returned by specifying query parameters such as 'limit' for the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which deal properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived deals. The response includes paging information and a list of deal objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Discounts
: get_read_a_page_of_discountsOperation
: readEntities
: discount, association, propertySummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of discounts from the CRM. You can control the data returned using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of discount objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Emails
: get_read_a_page_of_emailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, emailSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of emails from the CRM. You can control the results returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of email objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Fees
: get_read_a_page_of_feesOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, feeSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of fees from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of fee objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Invoices
: get_read_a_page_of_invoicesOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, invoiceSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of invoices from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of invoice objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps. The API requires an authorization header with a Bearer token.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Leads
: get_read_a_page_of_leadsOperation
: readEntities
: lead, association, propertySummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of leads from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of lead objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Meetings
: get_read_a_page_of_meetingsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, meetingSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of meetings from the CRM. You can control the data returned using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of meeting objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps. The API requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Notes
: get_read_a_page_of_notesOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, noteSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of notes from the CRM. You can control the data returned using various query parameters such as 'limit', 'after', 'properties', 'propertiesWithHistory', 'associations', and 'archived'. The 'limit' parameter specifies the maximum number of results per page, defaulting to 10. The 'after' parameter is used for pagination. The 'properties' and 'propertiesWithHistory' parameters allow you to specify which properties to return, with the latter also including historical values. The 'associations' parameter retrieves associated object IDs, and the 'archived' parameter filters results based on their archived status. The response includes paging information and a list of note objects with their details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Orders
: get_read_a_page_of_ordersOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, orderSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of orders from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of order objects with their details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Postal Mail
: get_read_a_page_of_postal_mailOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, postal mailSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of postal mail objects from the CRM. You can control the data returned by specifying query parameters such as 'limit' for the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of postal mail objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Products
: get_read_a_page_of_productsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, productSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of products from the CRM. You can control the results returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which product properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived products. The response includes paging information and a list of product results with details such as creation and update timestamps, properties, and associations.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Quotes
: get_read_a_page_of_quotesOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, quoteSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of quotes from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of quote objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Subscriptions
: get_read_a_page_of_subscriptionsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, subscriptionSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of subscriptions from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of subscription objects with their details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Tasks
: get_read_a_page_of_tasksOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, taskSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of tasks from the CRM. You can control the results returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include property history, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived tasks. The response includes paging information and a list of task objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps. The API requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Taxes
: get_read_a_page_of_taxesOperation
: readEntities
: property, tax, associationSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of taxes from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived results. The response includes paging information and a list of tax objects with their properties, associations, and history if requested.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Page of Tickets
: get_read_a_page_of_ticketsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, ticketSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a page of tickets from the CRM. You can control the data returned by using various query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of results per page, 'after' for pagination, 'properties' to specify which properties to return, 'propertiesWithHistory' to include historical values of properties, 'associations' to retrieve associated object IDs, and 'archived' to filter archived tickets. The response includes paging information and a list of ticket objects with their properties, associations, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Property
: get_read_a_propertyOperation
: readEntities
: property, metadata, optionSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a property identified by {propertyName} for a specified {objectType} in HubSpot. It requires authentication via a Bearer token and supports various scopes for access. The endpoint accepts path parameters for objectType and propertyName, and optional query parameters such as archived and properties. The response includes detailed information about the property, including its creation and update metadata, display settings, and options. The API adheres to standard rate limits and provides detailed error messages in case of validation errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read a Property Group
: get_read_a_property_groupOperation
: readEntities
: property, error, property groupSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read a property group identified by {groupName} for a specified {objectType}. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes details about the property group such as whether it is archived, its internal name, display order, and label. The API requires specific scopes for access and adheres to standard API rate limits. In case of errors, detailed error information is provided including subcategories, context, and links to documentation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read All Properties for Specified Object Type in HubSpot
: get_read_all_properties_for_specified_object_typeOperation
: readEntities
: property, option, modification metadataSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read all existing properties for a specified object type in a HubSpot account. It requires authentication via a Bearer token and supports both private apps and OAuth. The endpoint accepts a path parameter 'objectType' to specify the type of object for which properties are being requested. It also supports query parameters such as 'archived' to filter archived properties and 'properties' to specify a list of property names to include in the response. The response includes detailed information about each property, such as its creation and update metadata, visibility, data type, and options. The API requires specific scopes for access and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read All Property Groups for Specified Object Type
: get_read_all_property_groupsOperation
: readEntities
: object type, property group, HubSpot accountSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to read all existing property groups for a specified object type in a HubSpot account. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameter 'objectType' specifies the type of object for which property groups are being retrieved. The response includes an array of property groups, each with details such as whether it is archived, its internal name, display order, and label. The API requires specific scopes for access, and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read Calling App Recording Settings
: get_read_calling_app_recording_settingsOperation
: readEntities
: recording, error, settingSummary
: This API retrieves the recording endpoint configured for a calling extension app in HubSpot. It requires the app ID as a path parameter and the HubSpot developer API key as a query parameter. The response includes the URL to retrieve the authenticated recording. In case of an error, detailed error information is provided, including a unique correlation ID, error category, and context.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Read an Owner by Given ID or UserID
: get_read_owner_by_id_or_useridOperation
: readEntities
: team, error, ownerSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves an owner by a given ID or userId. It requires the '' scope for authentication. The request must include the 'authorization' header with a Bearer token. The 'ownerId' path parameter is required to specify the owner to retrieve. Optional query parameters include 'idProperty' to specify the property for ID lookup (default is 'id') and 'archived' to filter archived results (default is false). The response includes details about the owner such as first name, last name, email, and associated teams. In case of an error, a detailed error message is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Render Event Template as HTML
: get_render_event_template_as_htmlOperation
: readEntities
: template, event template, eventSummary
: This API endpoint renders either the header or detail of an event template as HTML. It requires the eventTemplateId and eventId as path parameters. Optionally, a query parameter 'detail' can be set to 'true' to render the detailTemplate instead of the headerTemplate. The request must include an 'accept' header set to 'text/html' and an 'authorization' header with a valid Bearer token. The response will be the rendered HTML content. If there are any errors, a detailed error message will be provided in the response.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Sample Card Detail Response
: get_sample_card_detail_responseOperation
: readEntities
: section, action, card detailSummary
: The 'Get Sample Card Detail Response' API endpoint provides an example card detail response. This response is used to display card details to a user. The API does not require authentication and adheres to standard API rate limits. The response includes details such as the total count of card properties, a URL for more items, card labels, top-level actions, and sections with tokens and actions. The response is structured to include settings for IFRAME types, action hooks, and confirmation prompts. The API returns a successful operation with a 200 status code and provides detailed error information in case of validation errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Specific Event Template for an App
: get_specific_event_template_for_an_appOperation
: readEntities
: CRM object, token, event templateSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a specific event template for a given app using the app ID and event template ID as path parameters. The response includes details about the event template such as its creation and update timestamps, name, header and detail templates, and associated tokens. Each token includes information like its name, type, creation and update timestamps, label, and options. The API does not require any specific scopes and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Subscription Details
: get_subscription_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, subscriptionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a subscription object identified by the subscriptionId. The subscriptionId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can include property history with propertiesWithHistory. Associations can be retrieved using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter determines if only archived results are returned. The response includes details such as creation and update timestamps, properties, and associations.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Task Details by Task ID
: get_task_details_by_task_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, taskSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a task identified by the taskId. The taskId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can also return properties with their history using the propertiesWithHistory query parameter. Additionally, it can retrieve associated object IDs using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter controls whether only archived results are returned. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Tax Object Details
: get_tax_object_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: property, tax, associationSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a tax object identified by the taxId. The taxId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter and can include property history with propertiesWithHistory. Associations can be retrieved using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter determines if only archived results are returned. The response includes details such as creation and update timestamps, properties, and associations.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Ticket Details by Ticket ID
: get_ticket_details_by_ticket_idOperation
: readEntities
: property, association, ticketSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of a ticket identified by the {ticketId}. The {ticketId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows filtering of returned properties using the properties query parameter, and can also return properties with their history using the propertiesWithHistory query parameter. Additionally, it can retrieve associated object IDs using the associations query parameter. The archived query parameter determines if only archived results should be returned, with a default value of false. The response includes details such as associations, creation and update timestamps, properties, and archival status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Translate Legacy List Id to Modern List Id
: get_translate_legacy_list_id_to_modern_list_idOperation
: readEntities
: listSummary
: This API translates a legacy list id from the lists v1 API to a modern list id. It requires the '' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include the 'accept' and 'authorization' headers, and a query parameter 'legacyListId'. The response will include the modern list id corresponding to the provided legacy list id. In case of errors, detailed error information will be provided, including missing scopes and invalid property names.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get User Configurations on Association Definitions
: get_user_configurations_on_association_definitionsOperation
: readEntities
: user configuration, association definition, object typeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves user configurations on all association definitions between two specified object types in HubSpot. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token. The path parameters 'fromObjectType' and 'toObjectType' specify the object types involved in the association. The response includes details such as the maximum number of object IDs enforced by the user, type ID, label, and category of the association. In case of an error, detailed error information is provided, including missing scopes, invalid property names, and links to relevant documentation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Video Conference Application Settings
: get_video_conference_application_settingsOperation
: readEntities
: setting, error, video conference applicationSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the settings for a video conference application specified by the appId. It requires the appId as a path parameter and the HubSpot developer API key as a query parameter. The response includes URLs for verifying users, creating, updating, and deleting meetings. In case of an error, detailed error information is provided, including a correlation ID and links to relevant documentation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of CRM Call Object
: patch_partial_update_crm_call_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, call, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a CRM call object identified by the callId or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The callId refers to the internal object ID by default. The API requires an authorization bearer token and content-type header. The request body should contain the properties to be updated. Read-only and non-existent properties will result in an error. The response includes the updated properties, timestamps, and other metadata. Errors are returned with detailed context and remediation steps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of CRM Object by Fee ID
: patch_partial_update_crm_object_by_fee_idOperation
: writeEntities
: property, feeSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a CRM object identified by the feeId or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The feeId refers to the internal object ID by default, while the idProperty query parameter refers to a property whose values are unique for the object. Provided property values will be overwritten, and read-only or non-existent properties will result in an error. Properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and a content-type of application/json. The response includes the updated properties, timestamps, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of CRM Order Object
: patch_partial_update_crm_order_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, order, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a CRM order object identified by the orderId or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The orderId refers to the internal object ID by default, while the idProperty refers to a property with unique values for the object. The provided property values will overwrite existing ones, and read-only or non-existent properties will result in an error. Properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The response includes the updated properties, timestamps, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of a Company Object
: patch_partial_update_of_a_company_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, company, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a company object identified by the companyId or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The companyId refers to the internal object ID by default, while the idProperty refers to a property with unique values for the object. The provided property values will overwrite existing ones, and read-only or non-existent properties will result in an error. Properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires authorization with a Bearer token and a content-type of application/json. The response includes the updated properties, timestamps, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of a Contact Object
: patch_partial_update_of_a_contact_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, contact, errorSummary
: This API performs a partial update of a contact object identified by the contactId. The contactId is the internal object ID of the contact. The API requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The request body must include a properties object containing the properties to be updated. The properties can include date, radio, number, string, checkbox, dropdown, and multiple checkboxes. The response includes the updated properties, creation and update timestamps, and a history of properties. Errors may occur if read-only or non-existent properties are provided, or if required scopes are missing.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Patch Partial Update of a Deal Object
: patch_partial_update_of_a_deal_objectOperation
: updateEntities
: property, dealSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to partially update a deal object in HubSpot CRM. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The path parameter 'dealId' specifies the deal to update. The body of the request includes 'properties' which are the fields to update, such as amount, closedate, dealname, pipeline, dealstage, and description. Upon successful update, the API returns a 200 status code with details of the updated deal, including its ID and updated properties. In case of errors, a detailed error message is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of a Quote Object
: patch_partial_update_of_a_quote_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, quoteSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a Quote object identified by {quoteId}. The {quoteId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The provided property values will overwrite existing ones, while read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and a content-type of application/json. The response includes the updated properties, timestamps of creation and last update, and a history of property changes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of Communication Object
: patch_partial_update_of_communication_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, scope, communicationSummary
: This API performs a partial update of a communication object identified by the communicationId or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The communicationId refers to the internal object ID by default, while the idProperty refers to a property with unique values for the object. Provided property values will be overwritten, and read-only or non-existent properties will result in an error. Properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The response includes the updated properties, creation and update timestamps, and any properties with history.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of CRM Lead Object
: patch_partial_update_of_crm_lead_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: lead, error, propertySummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a CRM lead object identified by the 'leadsId' path parameter or optionally by a unique property value specified by the 'idProperty' query parameter. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and a JSON body containing the properties to update. The properties provided in the request body will overwrite existing values, and read-only or non-existent properties will result in an error. The response includes the updated properties and timestamps for creation and last update. Errors are detailed with specific categories and context.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of CRM Note Object
: patch_partial_update_of_crm_note_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, error, noteSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a CRM Note object identified by the noteId. The noteId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API requires the crm.objects.contacts.write scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request body should contain the properties to be updated, and any provided property values will overwrite existing ones. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored, and properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The response includes the updated properties and metadata such as creation and update timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of CRM Object
: patch_partial_update_of_crm_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, scope, objectSummary
: This API performs a partial update of a CRM object identified by {objectId} or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The {objectId} refers to the internal object ID by default. The API requires authentication via a Bearer token and supports various scopes for access. The request body must include the properties to be updated, and any provided property values will overwrite existing ones. Read-only and non-existent properties will result in an error. The response includes the updated properties and timestamps for creation and update. Errors are detailed with specific categories and context.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of CRM Task Object
: patch_partial_update_of_crm_task_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, task, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a CRM Task Object identified by {taskId}. The {taskId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The provided property values will overwrite existing ones, while read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The response includes the updated properties, timestamps for creation and last update, and a history of property changes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of CRM Ticket Object
: patch_partial_update_of_crm_ticket_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, ticket, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a CRM ticket object identified by {ticketId} or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The {ticketId} refers to the internal object ID by default, while the idProperty query parameter refers to a property whose values are unique for the object. The provided property values will overwrite existing values. Read-only and non-existent properties will result in an error. Properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The response includes the updated properties, timestamps, and history of changes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of Discount Object
: patch_partial_update_of_discount_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: discount, propertySummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a discount object identified by the discountId or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The discountId refers to the internal object ID by default, while the idProperty refers to a property with unique values for the object. The provided property values will overwrite existing ones, and read-only or non-existent properties will result in an error. Properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and a content-type of application/json. The response includes the updated properties and timestamps of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of Email Object
: patch_partial_update_of_email_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, email, errorSummary
: This API performs a partial update of an email object identified by {emailId} or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The {emailId} refers to the internal object ID by default, and the idProperty query parameter refers to a property whose values are unique for the object. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will result in an error. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The response includes the updated properties and timestamps for creation and update.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of Line Item Object
: patch_partial_update_of_line_item_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, line item, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a line item object identified by the lineItemId or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The lineItemId refers to the internal object ID by default, while the idProperty query parameter refers to a property whose values are unique for the object. Provided property values will be overwritten, and read-only or non-existent properties will result in an error. Properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and a content-type of application/json. The response includes the updated properties, timestamps, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of Meeting Object
: patch_partial_update_of_meeting_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, meeting, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a meeting object identified by the meetingId. The meetingId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request body should contain the properties to be updated, and any provided property values will overwrite existing ones. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored, and properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The response includes the updated properties, timestamps, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of Product Object
: patch_partial_update_of_product_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, error, productSummary
: This API performs a partial update of a product object identified by {productId}. The {productId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API requires an authorization bearer token and content-type header. The request body must include the properties to be updated. Read-only and non-existent properties will result in an error. The response includes the updated properties and timestamps. Errors provide detailed messages and context.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of Tax Object
: patch_partial_update_of_tax_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, tax, scopeSummary
: This API performs a partial update of a Tax object identified by {taxId}. The {taxId} can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API allows updating specific properties of the object, where provided property values will overwrite existing ones. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored, and properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and the content type must be set to application/json. The response includes the updated properties, timestamps, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partial Update of Postal Mail Object
: patch_partial_update_postal_mail_objectOperation
: writeEntities
: property, postal mail, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a postal mail object identified by the postalMailId. The postalMailId can be the internal object ID or any unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The API requires authorization via a Bearer token and accepts a JSON body containing the properties to be updated. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored, and properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The response includes the updated properties and timestamps of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Pipeline
: patch_update_a_pipelineOperation
: writeEntities
: metadata, stage, pipelineSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a pipeline identified by the pipelineId. It requires authentication via a Bearer token and supports both private apps and OAuth. The request can include path parameters for objectType and pipelineId, optional query parameters for validation checks, and a body to update properties such as archived status, display order, and label. The response includes details of the updated pipeline, including creation and update timestamps, archived status, display order, stages, and labels. Errors are returned with detailed context and remediation steps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Property in HubSpot
: patch_update_a_property_in_hubspotOperation
: writeEntities
: property, option, modification metadataSummary
: This API endpoint allows for the partial update of a property in HubSpot identified by the propertyName. The provided fields in the request body will overwrite the existing property fields. The API requires authentication via a Bearer token and supports both private apps and OAuth. The request includes path parameters for objectType and propertyName, and a JSON body with optional fields such as groupName, hidden, options, displayOrder, description, calculationFormula, label, type, fieldType, and formField. The response includes details about the updated property, such as createdUserId, hidden status, modification metadata, display order, description, label, type, and more. The API adheres to standard API rate limits and requires specific scopes for access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Calling App's Recording Settings
: patch_update_calling_app_recording_settingsOperation
: writeEntities
: error, app, recording settingSummary
: This API updates the URL that HubSpot will use to retrieve call recordings for a calling extension app. It requires the app ID as a path parameter and the URL to retrieve the authenticated recording as a body parameter. The request must include the HubSpot developer API key as a query parameter. The response will return the updated URL if successful, or an error message with details if there is a validation error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Calling Extension Settings
: patch_update_calling_extension_settingsOperation
: writeEntities
: setting, service, calling extensionSummary
: This API updates existing calling extension settings for a specified app in HubSpot. It requires the app ID as a path parameter and the developer API key as a query parameter. The request body can include parameters such as supportsCustomObjects, isReady, name, width, supportsInboundCalling, url, and height to configure the calling service. The response includes details about the calling extension settings, such as creation and update timestamps, and the configured parameters.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Cart Object Partially
: patch_update_cart_object_partiallyOperation
: writeEntities
: cartSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a cart object identified by {cartId} or optionally by a unique property value specified by the idProperty query parameter. The {cartId} refers to the internal object ID by default, while the idProperty query parameter refers to a property whose values are unique for the object. Provided property values will be overwritten, and read-only or non-existent properties will result in an error. Properties can be cleared by passing an empty string. The request requires authentication with a Bearer token and the 'crm.objects.carts.write' scope. The response includes the updated properties of the cart, timestamps for creation and last update, and a history of property changes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update CRM Card Definition
: patch_update_crm_card_definitionOperation
: writeEntities
: property, app, cardSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to update a CRM card definition with new details. It requires the app ID and card ID as path parameters, and the HubSpot developer API key as a query parameter. The request body can include optional fields such as fetch configuration, display properties, title, and actions. The response includes the updated card details, including creation and update timestamps, title, fetch configuration, display properties, and actions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Object Schema
: patch_update_object_schemaOperation
: writeEntities
: property, object, schemaSummary
: The Update Object Schema API allows you to update the details of an existing object schema in HubSpot. You can modify attributes such as secondary display properties, required properties, searchable properties, and labels. The request requires a path parameter 'objectType' which is the fully qualified name or object type ID of your schema. The request body can include various properties to update, such as 'secondaryDisplayProperties', 'requiredProperties', 'searchableProperties', 'primaryDisplayProperty', 'description', 'restorable', and 'labels'. The response includes details of the updated schema, such as 'objectTypeId', 'description', 'fullyQualifiedName', 'labels', 'archived', 'createdAt', 'portalId', 'primaryDisplayProperty', 'name', 'id', and 'updatedAt'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Pipeline Stage
: patch_update_pipeline_stageOperation
: writeEntities
: metadata, stage, pipelineSummary
: This API endpoint allows for a partial update of a pipeline stage identified by {stageId} associated with a pipeline identified by {pipelineId}. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and accepts parameters in the path for objectType, pipelineId, and stageId. The body of the request can include fields such as 'archived', 'metadata', 'displayOrder', and 'label'. The response returns the updated pipeline stage details including creation and update timestamps, archived status, metadata, display order, permissions, label, and unique ID. Errors are detailed with specific categories and context.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Property Group
: patch_update_property_groupOperation
: writeEntities
: property group, group name, object typeSummary
: This API endpoint allows for the partial update of a property group identified by {groupName} within a specified {objectType}. The provided fields in the request body will overwrite existing values. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and supports updating the display order and label of the property group. The response includes the updated property group details, such as whether it is archived, its internal name, display order, and label. The API requires specific scopes for access and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Token to Event Template
: post_add_token_to_event_templateOperation
: writeEntities
: CRM object, token, event templateSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to add a token to an existing event template in HubSpot. The token can be used to attach custom data to events displayed in a timeline or used for list segmentation. The request requires the app ID and event template ID as path parameters, and the HubSpot developer API key as a query parameter. The request body must include the token's name, label, and type, and may include options if the type is enumeration. The response returns the details of the created token, including its name, type, creation and update timestamps, label, and options if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of CRM Objects by ID
: post_archive_batch_crm_objectsOperation
: writeEntities
: scope, error, objectSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of CRM objects by their IDs. You need to specify the object type in the path parameter and provide an array of object IDs in the request body. The request requires authentication via a Bearer token. On success, it returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subcategories, context, correlation ID, and human-readable messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Discounts by ID
: post_archive_batch_discountsOperation
: writeEntities
: discount, line item, errorSummary
: This API archives a batch of discounts by their IDs. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The request body must contain an array of discount objects, each with an 'id' field specifying the discount to be archived. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Line Items by ID
: post_archive_batch_line_itemsOperation
: writeEntities
: line item, error, scopeSummary
: This API archives a batch of line items by their IDs. It requires an array of line item IDs in the request body. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. On success, it returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Calls by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_callsOperation
: writeEntities
: call, error, contextSummary
: This API endpoint archives a batch of calls by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of call objects, each with an 'id' field specifying the call to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Carts by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_cartsOperation
: writeEntities
: cart, errorSummary
: This API endpoint archives a batch of carts by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.carts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of cart objects, each with an 'id' field specifying the cart to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Communications by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_communicationsOperation
: writeEntities
: communicationSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of communications by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of communication objects, each with an 'id' field. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, a detailed error object is returned with information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Companies by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_companiesOperation
: writeEntities
: company, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of companies by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.companies.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of company IDs to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Contacts by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_contactsOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, error, parameterSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of contacts by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of contact IDs under the 'inputs' key. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of an error, the response includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Deals by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_dealsOperation
: writeEntities
: deal, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of deals by their IDs. It requires the '' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of deal objects, each with an 'id' field specifying the deal to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Emails by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_emails_by_idOperation
: writeEntities
: email, error, contextSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of emails by their IDs. It requires an authorization bearer token and the content type to be set as 'application/json'. The request body must contain an array of email objects, each with an 'id' field specifying the email to be archived. On success, the API returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Fees by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_feesOperation
: writeEntities
: scope, fee, errorSummary
: This API archives a batch of fees by their IDs. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The request body must contain an array of fee objects, each with an 'id' field specifying the fee to be archived. The API responds with HTTP 204 No Content on success. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Leads by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_leadsOperation
: writeEntities
: lead, error, contextSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of leads by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.leads.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of lead objects, each with an 'id' field specifying the lead to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Meetings by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_meetingsOperation
: writeEntities
: meeting, error, requestSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of meetings by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of meeting objects, each with an 'id' field specifying the meeting to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Notes by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_notesOperation
: writeEntities
: error, noteSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of notes by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of note IDs under the 'inputs' key. A successful request returns an HTTP 204 status with no content. In case of errors, a detailed error object is returned with information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Orders by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_ordersOperation
: writeEntities
: order, error, contextSummary
: This API endpoint archives a batch of orders by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.orders.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of order IDs to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Products by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_productsOperation
: writeEntities
: error, productSummary
: This API endpoint archives a batch of products by their IDs. It requires an authorization bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The request body must contain an array of product IDs under the 'inputs' key. A successful request returns a 204 No Content status. In case of errors, the response includes details such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Properties
: post_archive_batch_of_propertiesOperation
: writeEntities
: property, parameter, scopeSummary
: This API endpoint archives a batch of properties for a specified object type. It requires the 'objectType' path parameter to specify the type of object whose properties are to be archived. The request body must include an array of 'inputs', each containing the 'name' of the property to be archived. The request headers must include an authorization bearer token and specify the content type as 'application/json'. On success, the API returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Quotes by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_quotesOperation
: writeEntities
: quoteSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of quotes by their IDs. It requires an authorization bearer token and the content type must be set to application/json. The request body must include an array of quote IDs under the 'inputs' key. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array with specific details about each error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Tasks by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_tasksOperation
: writeEntities
: task, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of tasks by their IDs. It requires authorization via a Bearer token and expects a JSON body containing an array of task objects, each with an 'id' field. The API responds with HTTP 204 No Content on success. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Taxes by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_taxesOperation
: writeEntities
: id, tax, errorSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to archive a batch of taxes by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.line_items.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of tax objects, each with an 'id' field specifying the tax to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and a list of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Tickets by ID
: post_archive_batch_of_ticketsOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, error, contextSummary
: This API endpoint archives a batch of tickets by their IDs. It requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The request body must contain an array of ticket IDs under the 'inputs' key. The API returns a 204 No Content response on success. In case of errors, it provides detailed error information including subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and errors array with specific error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive a Batch of Postal Mail by ID
: post_archive_batch_postal_mailOperation
: writeEntities
: postal mail, error, requestSummary
: This API endpoint archives a batch of postal mail by their IDs. It requires the 'crm.objects.contacts.write' scope and adheres to standard API rate limits. The request must include an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to 'application/json'. The body of the request should contain an array of postal mail objects, each with an 'id' field specifying the ID of the postal mail to be archived. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response. In case of errors, the response includes detailed error information such as subCategory, context, correlationId, links, message, category, and an array of errors with specific details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Batch Create User Configurations Between Two Object Types
: post_batch_create_user_configurationsOperation
: writeEntities
: user, configuration, object typeSummary
: This API endpoint allows for batch creation of user configurations between two specified object types in HubSpot. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and must include the object types in the path parameters. The body of the request should contain an array of configuration objects, each specifying a typeId, category, and maxToObjectIds. The response will indicate the status of the operation, with possible outcomes including successful creation (HTTP 201), multiple statuses (HTTP 207), or an error response detailing validation issues. The API requires specific scopes for access and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Batch Delete User Configurations Between Two Object Types
: post_batch_delete_user_configurationsOperation
: writeEntities
: user configuration, association definition, object typeSummary
: This API endpoint allows for the batch deletion of user configurations between two specified object types in the CRM. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and specifies the object types in the path parameters. The body of the request contains an array of configurations to be deleted, each with a typeId and category. The response provides detailed error information if the request fails, including a correlationId for tracking and a message with remediation steps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Batch Read Associations for CRM Objects
: post_batch_read_associations_for_crm_objectsOperation
: readEntities
: association, error, objectSummary
: This API endpoint allows batch reading of associations between CRM objects of specified types. It requires authentication via a Bearer token and supports various scopes for access control. The request includes path parameters for the object types and a body containing an array of input objects with 'id' and optional 'after' fields for pagination. The response provides timestamps for the request, start, and completion of the operation, along with results detailing the associations and paging information. The 'paging' field is included only if there are additional pages to retrieve.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Batch Update User Configurations Between Two Object Types
: post_batch_update_user_configurationsOperation
: writeEntities
: user, configuration, object typeSummary
: This API endpoint allows for batch updating of user configurations between two specified object types. It requires authorization with a Bearer token and accepts a JSON body containing an array of configuration inputs. Each input must specify a typeId, category, and maxToObjectIds. The response can either be a successful operation with a status of 'PENDING' or a multi-status response indicating errors. The response includes timestamps for when the operation was requested, started, and completed, as well as any relevant links and results or errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Cancel an Active Import
: post_cancel_active_importOperation
: writeEntities
: link, import, errorSummary
: This API allows a developer to cancel an active import in HubSpot. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a path parameter 'importId' which specifies the ID of the import to be canceled. Upon successful cancellation, the API returns a response with timestamps for when the import was completed, requested, and started, along with related links and the current status of the import. If there is an error, a detailed error message is provided with context and links to documentation for remediation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Configure a Calling Extension
: post_configure_calling_extensionOperation
: writeEntities
: setting, error, calling extensionSummary
: This API is used to configure a calling extension by setting the menu label, target iframe URL, and dimensions for your calling extension. It requires the app ID as a path parameter and the developer API key as a query parameter. The request body includes parameters such as supportsCustomObjects, isReady, name, width, supportsInboundCalling, url, and height. The response includes details about the calling extension such as when it was created, its compatibility with custom objects, readiness status, name, iframe dimensions, and the last update time.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Batch of Deals
: post_create_a_batch_of_dealsOperation
: writeEntities
: property, association, dealSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a batch of deals in HubSpot. It requires authentication via a Bearer token and accepts a JSON body containing an array of deal objects. Each deal object can have associations and properties. The response includes timestamps for when the operation was requested, started, and completed, as well as details about each created deal, including its properties and history. The API supports OAuth and requires the '' scope. Standard API rate limits apply.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Batch of Fees
: post_create_a_batch_of_feesOperation
: writeEntities
: property, association, feeSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a batch of fees in the CRM system. It requires authorization via a Bearer token and accepts a JSON body containing an array of fee objects. Each fee object can have associations and properties. The response includes timestamps for when the operation was requested, started, and completed, as well as details about each fee created, including its properties and history. The API supports standard and granular scopes and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Cart
: post_create_a_cartOperation
: writeEntities
: cart, association, propertySummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a cart with specified properties and associations. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The body of the request includes an array of associations and a properties object containing the cart's name, currency code, and external ID. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 status code along with the cart's details, including its ID, creation timestamp, and properties. If there is an error, a detailed error message is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Communication
: post_create_a_communicationOperation
: writeEntities
: property, association, communicationSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a communication object in HubSpot with specified properties and associations. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The body of the request includes an array of associations, each containing types and a target object ID, and a properties object with additional properties. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 status code along with the created communication object, including its ID, creation and update timestamps, and properties with history. If there is an error, a detailed error message with context and remediation steps is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Company
: post_create_a_companyOperation
: writeEntities
: property, association, companySummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a company with specified properties and associations in HubSpot. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The body of the request includes 'associations' and 'properties'. Associations are defined as an array of objects, each containing 'types' and 'to' fields. Properties are defined as an object with additional properties. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 status code with details of the created company, including its ID, creation timestamp, and properties with history. In case of errors, a detailed error message is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Deal in HubSpot CRM
: post_create_a_deal_in_hubspot_crmOperation
: writeEntities
: property, association, dealSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a deal in HubSpot CRM with specified properties and associations. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The body of the request includes 'associations' and 'properties'. Associations are defined as an array of objects, each containing types and a target object ID. Properties are defined as an object with additional properties. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 status code with details of the created deal, including its ID, creation timestamp, and properties with history. In case of errors, a detailed error message is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Discount
: post_create_a_discountOperation
: writeEntities
: discount, association, propertySummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a discount with specified properties and associations. The request requires authentication via a Bearer token and must include the properties and associations in the request body. The response returns the created discount object, including its ID, creation timestamp, and properties with history. The API supports standard and granular scopes for e-commerce and CRM objects line items write operations. Standard API rate limits apply.Input Fields
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Create a Lead
: post_create_a_leadOperation
: writeEntities
: lead, association, propertySummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a lead with specified properties and associations in HubSpot. The request requires an authorization header with a Bearer token and a content-type header set to application/json. The body of the request includes an array of associations and a properties object. The response returns a copy of the created lead object, including its ID, creation and update timestamps, and properties with history. If there is an error, a detailed error message is provided.Input Fields
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Create a Meeting
: post_create_a_meetingOperation
: writeEntities
: property, association, meetingSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a meeting with specified properties and associations. The request requires authorization via a Bearer token and must include a JSON body with 'associations' and 'properties'. The 'associations' parameter is an array of objects that define the types and associated object IDs. The 'properties' parameter is an object containing additional properties of the meeting. Upon successful creation, the API returns a 201 status code along with the meeting details, including its ID, creation timestamp, and properties with history. If there is an error, a detailed error message is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Pipeline
: post_create_a_pipelineOperation
: writeEntities
: metadata, pipeline stage, pipelineSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a new pipeline in HubSpot with specified property values. The request requires an authorization token and a content-type header. The objectType path parameter specifies the type of object for which the pipeline is being created. The request body must include a displayOrder, an array of stages with each stage having a label, metadata, and displayOrder, and a unique label for the pipeline. The response returns the entire pipeline object, including its unique ID, creation date, and stage details. The API requires specific scopes for access and adheres to standard API rate limits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated 4 months ago