Zoho Desk API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Zoho Desk API as part of the TICKETING category
Add Agent to Help Desk
: create_agentOperation
: This API adds an agent to your help desk. It requires the emailId, lastName, associatedDepartmentIds, and rolePermissionType as mandatory fields in the request body. The rolePermissionType determines the profile and role of the agent, with options such as Admin, AgentPublic, AgentPersonal, Custom, Light, and AgentTeamPersonal. The API also accepts optional fields like firstName, phone, mobile, extn, associatedChatDepartmentIds, aboutInfo, channelExpert, countryCode, timeZone, and langCode. The response includes details about the agent such as lastName, roleId, langCode, emailId, associatedDepartmentIds, firstName, profileId, countryCode, rolePermissionType, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Contact Photo
: delete_contact_photoOperation
: writeEntities
: photo, contactSummary
: This API deletes the display picture of a contact. It requires the contact ID as a path parameter and the organization ID and OAuth token as headers. Upon successful deletion, it returns a 204 No Content response, indicating that the contact's photo has been successfully deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Ticket Comment
: delete_ticket_commentOperation
: writeEntities
: comment, ticket, authorizationSummary
: The Delete Ticket Comment API allows you to delete a specific comment from a ticket. It requires the ticket ID and comment ID as path parameters. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers for authorization. A successful request will result in a 200 status code with an empty response body, indicating that the comment has been successfully deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Ticket Resolution
: delete_ticket_resolutionOperation
: writeEntities
: resolution, ticketSummary
: The Delete Ticket Resolution API allows users to delete a resolution that has been added to a specific ticket. The API requires the ticket ID as a path parameter to identify which ticket's resolution is to be deleted. The request must include the organization ID and a valid OAuth token in the headers for authorization. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content response, indicating that the resolution has been successfully removed.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Account
: get_accountOperation
: readEntities
: owner, accountSummary
: The Get Account API fetches an account from your help desk portal. It requires the account ID as a path parameter and supports an optional query parameter 'include' to specify additional information such as 'owner'. The request headers must include 'orgId' and 'Authorization' for authentication. The response includes detailed information about the account such as country, modified time, account name, industry, owner details, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Account History
: get_account_historyOperation
: readEntities
: agent, ticket, accountSummary
: The Get Account History API fetches the ticket history of a specified account. It requires the account ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as departmentId, agentId, contactId, from, and limit to filter and paginate the results. The request must include headers for orgId and Authorization. The response contains a list of ticket history details, including ticket number, status, subject, author information, department ID, and other relevant details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Account Statistics
: get_account_statisticsOperation
: readEntities
: statistic, department, accountSummary
: The Get Account Statistics API fetches the overall statistics of an account. It requires the account ID as a path parameter and optionally accepts a department ID as a query parameter to filter statistics by department. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response provides various statistics such as first response time, open tickets, response time, spam tickets, total tickets, customer happiness ratings, closed tickets, resolution time, channel-wise ticket count, on-hold tickets, escalated tickets, and overdue tickets.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Accounts Count
: get_accounts_countOperation
: readEntities
: view, name, accountSummary
: The Get Accounts Count API retrieves the number of accounts based on specified criteria. It requires the 'viewId' query parameter to specify the custom view ID and optionally accepts the 'startsWith' parameter to filter accounts by the starting letter of their first or last name. The request must include the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response returns the count of accounts as a string.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Agent by Email ID
: get_agent_by_email_idOperation
: readEntities
: role, agent, emailSummary
: This API retrieves the details of an agent using their email ID. The request requires the email ID as a path parameter and includes headers for organization ID and authorization token. The response provides detailed information about the agent, including their name, role, contact details, associated departments, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Agent Details
: get_agent_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: role, agent, departmentSummary
: The Get Agent Details API fetches details of an agent in your help desk. It requires the agent's ID as a path parameter and supports an optional query parameter 'include' to fetch secondary information such as profile, role, associated departments, and verified emails. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response provides comprehensive details about the agent, including their name, role, associated departments, contact information, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Agent Details by Agent ID
: get_agent_details_by_agent_idOperation
: readEntities
: agentSummary
: This API fetches details of agents using the agent IDs provided in the request. It requires the 'agentIds' query parameter, which is a comma-separated list of agent IDs (up to 50). The request must include the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers. The response contains an array of agent details, including first name, last name, photo URL, role ID, profile ID, email ID, agent ID, and ZUID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Agent Photo
: get_agent_photoOperation
: readEntities
: photo, agent, organizationSummary
: The Get Agent Photo API retrieves the profile photo for a specified agent using their agent ID. The request requires an OAuth token with the appropriate scope for authorization. The API accepts query parameters to specify the organization ID and optionally the file size of the image (THUMBNAIL or ACTUAL). The response returns the binary data of the agent's photo.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Agents by Role
: get_agents_by_roleOperation
: readEntities
: role, agentSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of agents associated with a specific role. The request requires the role ID as a path parameter and must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers for authorization. The response returns a list of agent IDs that are mapped to the specified role.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Agents Count
: get_agents_countOperation
: readEntities
: status, agent, light agentSummary
: The Get Agents Count API retrieves the count of agents filtered by their status, confirmation, and whether they are light agents. It accepts query parameters such as 'status' to filter by activation status (ACTIVE or DISABLED), 'isConfirmed' to filter confirmed and unconfirmed agents, and 'includeLightAgent' to include light agents in the count. The request requires headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response returns the count of agents as an integer.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Agents Tickets Count
: get_all_agents_tickets_countOperation
: readEntities
: agent, department, ticketSummary
: The 'List All Agents Tickets Count' API returns the number of tickets assigned to multiple agents. It requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The API accepts optional query parameters: 'departmentId' to specify the department and 'agentIds' to specify the agents whose ticket counts are needed. The response includes details such as the number of tickets on hold, due in 1 hour, overdue, open, the channels through which tickets are received, and the online status of the agents.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Archived Ticket List
: get_archived_ticket_listOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, department, teamSummary
: The Get Archived Ticket List API retrieves a list of archived tickets from a specified department. It requires the department ID as a mandatory query parameter. Optional query parameters include 'from' for the starting index, 'limit' for the number of tickets to fetch, 'viewType' for the display format, and 'include' for additional ticket information. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response contains detailed information about each ticket, including ticket number, status, subject, department ID, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Article Search API
: get_article_searchOperation
: readEntities
: article, department, categorySummary
: The Article Search API allows users to search for help articles in their help desk. It supports both exact and wildcard matches. Users can specify various query parameters such as 'from', 'limit', 'departmentId', 'id', 'title', 'categoryName', 'categoryId', 'tag', '_all', 'createdTimeRange', 'modifiedTimeRange', and 'sortBy' to filter and sort the search results. The API requires 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response includes detailed information about the articles found, such as summary, modified time, author details, like and dislike counts, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Associated Teams for a Role
: get_associated_teams_for_roleOperation
: readEntities
: role, agent, teamSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all teams associated with a specific role. The request requires the role ID as a path parameter and includes headers for organization ID and authorization token. The response returns an array of team objects, each containing details such as roles with subordinates, department ID, roles, team name, description, derived agents, team ID, sub-teams, logo URL, and agents.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Call Search API
: get_call_searchOperation
: readEntities
: agent, call, departmentSummary
: The Call Search API allows users to search for calls in their help desk portal using various query parameters. It supports both exact and wildcard matches. Users can filter calls based on department ID, call ID, subject, ticket number, status, priority, assignee ID, and custom fields. The API also allows filtering by time ranges for creation, modification, and start dates. The response includes details about each call, such as modified time, ticket information, subject, department ID, creator ID, priority, duration, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Contact Activation Status in Help Centers
: get_contact_activation_status_in_help_centersOperation
: readEntities
: status, help center, contactSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the activation status of a specific contact in all the help centers they are part of. It requires the contact ID as a path parameter and optionally accepts a helpCenterId as a query parameter to filter the results for a specific help center. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers for authorization. The response contains a list of help centers with their details and the user's activation status in each.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Contact Details
: get_contact_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: contact, owner, accountSummary
: The Get Contact Details API fetches a single contact from your help desk portal using the contact ID. It requires the organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. The API allows optional query parameters to include additional details such as accounts or owner. The response includes comprehensive details about the contact, including personal information, contact details, CRM information, customer happiness metrics, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Contact History
: get_contact_historyOperation
: readEntities
: agent, contact, ticketSummary
: The Get Contact History API fetches the ticket history of a contact. It requires the contact ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as departmentId, agentId, from, and limit to filter and paginate the results. The request must include headers for orgId and Authorization. The response contains a list of ticket history details, including ticket number, status, subject, author information, department ID, and other relevant details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Contact Profiles
: get_contact_profilesOperation
: readEntities
: profile, contact, channelSummary
: The Get Contact Profiles API fetches the list of profiles associated with a specific contact from various channels. It requires the contact ID as a path parameter and supports an optional query parameter 'include' to specify additional information related to the profile's channel. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization' with a valid OAuth token. The response returns a list of profiles, each containing details such as photo URL, display name, name, channel, profile ID, and source information including app name, permalink, and app photo URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Contact Statistics
: get_contact_statisticsOperation
: readEntities
: statistic, department, contactSummary
: The Get Contact Statistics API fetches the overall statistics of a contact. It requires the contact ID as a path parameter and optionally accepts a department ID as a query parameter to filter statistics by department. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response includes various statistics such as first response time, open tickets, response time, spam tickets, total tickets, customer happiness ratings, closed tickets, resolution time, channel-wise ticket count, on-hold tickets, escalated tickets, and overdue tickets.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Contacts Count
: get_contacts_countOperation
: readEntities
: view, contactSummary
: The Get Contacts Count API retrieves the count of contacts in a specified custom view. It requires the 'viewId' as a query parameter to specify the custom view ID. Optionally, the 'startsWith' query parameter can be used to filter contacts whose first or last name begins with a specified letter. The request must include the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response returns the count of contacts as a string.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Contracts of an Account
: get_contracts_of_an_accountOperation
: readEntities
: contract, department, accountSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the contracts associated with a specific account. It requires the account ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'from', 'limit', 'departmentId', and 'contractStatus' to filter the results. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response contains an array of contract objects, each with details like SLA name, contract dates, department ID, contract ID, contract number, description, contract name, owner ID, and SLA group ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Event Search API
: get_event_searchOperation
: readEntities
: event, agent, ticketSummary
: The Event Search API allows users to search for events in their help desk portal. It supports both exact and wildcard matches. Users can specify various query parameters such as 'from', 'limit', 'departmentId', 'id', 'subject', 'ticketNumber', 'status', 'priority', 'assigneeId', '_all', and custom fields to filter the search results. The API returns a list of events with details such as modified time, ticket information, subject, completed time, department ID, creator ID, priority, duration, created time, start time, assignee details, category, ticket ID, and status. The response includes the count of events returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Account SLAs
: get_list_account_slasOperation
: readEntities
: sla, department, accountSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of SLAs associated with a specific account. The request requires the account ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'from', 'limit', 'departmentId', and 'status' to filter the results. The request headers must include 'orgId' and 'Authorization' for authentication. The response contains an array of SLA objects, each with details like SLA name, ID, activation status, and associated department information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Accounts
: get_list_accountsOperation
: readEntities
: filter, view, accountSummary
: The List Accounts API retrieves a list of accounts based on the specified limit and other optional query parameters. The API requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. Optional query parameters include 'from' to specify the starting index, 'limit' to define the number of accounts to fetch, 'viewId' to apply a specific view, 'sortBy' to sort the results by accountName or createdTime, and 'fields' to specify which fields to return. The response includes account details such as website, account name, phone, web URL, creation time, associated Zoho CRM account ID, customer happiness percentages, account ID, and email.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Accounts of Contact
: get_list_accounts_of_contactOperation
: readEntities
: contact, mapping info, accountSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of accounts associated with a specific contact identified by the contact_id path parameter. The request requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. Optional query parameters include 'from' to specify the starting index, 'limit' to define the number of accounts to list (with a range of 1-100), 'startsWith' to filter accounts by the starting letter of their names, and 'sortBy' to sort the results by accountName, createdTime, or mappingType. The response includes detailed information about each account, such as website, account name, phone number, mapping information, web URL, creation time, CRM account ID, customer happiness metrics, account ID, and email.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Agents
: get_list_agentsOperation
: readEntities
: role, agent, departmentSummary
: The List Agents API retrieves a list of agents based on specified query parameters. It supports filtering by various criteria such as activation status, department IDs, profile IDs, role IDs, role permission types, confirmation status, and light agent status. The API also allows for sorting and searching by specific fields. The response includes detailed information about each agent, such as their name, role, email, department associations, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Associated Tickets
: get_list_all_associated_ticketsOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, department, assigneeSummary
: The 'List All Associated Tickets' API allows users to retrieve a list of tickets associated with them from their help desk. The API supports various query parameters to filter the tickets, such as 'from', 'limit', 'departmentId', 'assignee', 'status', 'follower', 'commenter', 'sharedDepartmentId', 'isShared', 'receivedInDays', and 'include'. The response includes detailed information about each ticket, such as ticket number, subject, due date, department ID, channel, contact details, priority, assignee, and status. The API requires 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Contracts Count
: get_list_all_contracts_countOperation
: readEntities
: department, owner, contractSummary
: This API endpoint is used to list the number of contracts made with the account. It requires the 'viewId' and 'departmentId' as query parameters to fetch the count of contracts for a specific view and department. The 'ownerId' is an optional query parameter to filter the contracts by a specific owner. The request must include the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers. The response returns the count of contracts as a string.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Ticket Comments
: get_list_all_ticket_commentsOperation
: readEntities
: comment, ticket, attachmentSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of comments for a specific ticket identified by the ticket_id. The request requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The ticket_id is a path parameter. The query parameters include 'from' to specify the starting index, 'limit' to define the number of comments to fetch (default is 50, range 1-100), 'sortBy' to sort comments by commentedTime, and 'include' to specify additional information such as mentions or plain text. The response includes details about each comment, such as the time it was commented and modified, whether it is public, the content in plain text and HTML, and information about the commenter and any mentions within the comment.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Tickets
: get_list_all_ticketsOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, department, teamSummary
: The 'List All Tickets' API allows users to retrieve a list of tickets from the system. Users can specify various query parameters to filter the tickets, such as 'from', 'limit', 'departmentIds', 'teamIds', 'viewId', 'assignee', 'channel', 'status', 'sortBy', 'receivedInDays', 'include', 'fields', and 'priority'. The API requires 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response includes detailed information about each ticket, such as ticket number, subject, due date, department, channel, contact details, priority, assignee, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Associable Teams
: get_list_associable_teamsOperation
: readEntities
: teamSummary
: This API endpoint lists the teams that can be added as sub-teams to a specified team. It requires the team ID as a path parameter and requires headers for organization ID and authorization token. The response includes a list of team IDs that are associable as sub-teams.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Associated Contacts
: get_list_associated_contactsOperation
: readEntities
: contact, accountSummary
: The List Associated Contacts API retrieves a list of contacts associated with a specified account. It requires the account ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'from' for pagination, 'limit' to specify the number of contacts to fetch, 'sortBy' to sort the contacts by various attributes, and 'isSpam' to filter out spam contacts. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response contains a list of contact objects with details such as last name, email, phone number, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Associated Teams of Agent
: get_list_associated_teams_of_agentOperation
: readEntities
: agent, department, teamSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all teams associated with a specific agent. The request requires the agent's ID as a path parameter and requires headers for organization ID and authorization token. The response includes details of each team such as roles, department ID, team name, description, derived agents, team ID, sub-teams, logo URL, and agents within the team.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Contacts
: get_list_contactsOperation
: readEntities
: customer happiness, contact, accountSummary
: The List Contacts API retrieves a list of contacts from the Zoho Desk system. It allows filtering and sorting of contacts based on various query parameters such as 'from', 'limit', 'viewId', 'sortBy', and 'fields'. The API requires an 'orgId' and an 'Authorization' token in the headers. The response includes detailed information about each contact, including names, emails, phone numbers, and customer happiness metrics.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Contacts By Ids
: get_list_contacts_by_idsOperation
: readEntities
: customer happiness, contact, accountSummary
: The 'List Contacts By Ids' API retrieves details of specific contacts based on the IDs provided in the request. It requires an OAuth token for authorization and an organization ID in the headers. The query parameter 'ids' is mandatory and should contain a comma-separated list of contact IDs, with a maximum of 20 IDs allowed. The response includes detailed information about each contact, such as their name, email, phone number, account ID, and customer happiness metrics.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Details of Team Members
: get_list_details_of_team_membersOperation
: readEntities
: member, teamSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves details of all members of a specified team. It requires the team ID as a path parameter and supports an optional query parameter 'includesee' to fetch additional information such as profile and role. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization' with a valid OAuth token. The response returns a list of members with details such as first name, last name, photo URL, role ID, profile ID, email ID, member ID, and ZUID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Help Center Users
: get_list_help_center_usersOperation
: readEntities
: label, help center, userSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of help center users based on specified query parameters. It allows filtering by index, limit, search keyword, sort key, status, help center ID, and additional information. The response includes user details such as last accessed time, photo URL, email address, name, ID, label preferences, type, and status. The API requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Labels of User
: get_list_labels_of_userOperation
: readEntities
: label, help center, userSummary
: The 'List Labels of User' API retrieves a list of labels associated with a specific user. The API requires the user ID as a path parameter and supports various query parameters to filter and sort the results, such as 'isPrimary', 'from', 'limit', 'sortBy', 'searchBy', and 'helpCenterId'. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response contains an array of label objects, each with details like preferences, name, ID, help center ID, and assigned time.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Products by Account
: get_list_products_by_accountOperation
: readEntities
: product, department, accountSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of products associated with a specific account. It requires the account ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'from' for the starting index, 'limit' for the number of products to fetch (with a range of 1-100), and 'departmentId' to filter products by department. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response contains an array of product objects, each with details like unit price, product code, ID, and name.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Products by Contact
: get_list_products_by_contactOperation
: readEntities
: department, product, contactSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of products associated with a specific contact. It requires the contact ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'from', 'limit', and 'departmentId' to filter the results. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization' with a valid OAuth token. The response includes an array of products, each with details like unit price, product code, product ID, and product name.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Roles
: get_list_rolesOperation
: readEntities
: role, team, userSummary
: The List Roles API retrieves a list of roles from the system based on the specified query parameters. It supports filtering by visibility, default status, and a search string for role names or descriptions. The API requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response includes details about each role, such as whether it is a default role, its visibility, and its hierarchical relationships with other roles.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Roles by Role IDs
: get_list_roles_by_role_idsOperation
: readEntities
: roleSummary
: This API retrieves details of roles based on the provided role IDs. It requires the 'roleIds' query parameter, which is a comma-separated list of role IDs with a maximum count of 50. The request must include the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response contains an array of role objects, each detailing properties such as 'isDefault', 'shareDataWithPeers', 'immediateSubRoles', 'name', 'description', 'reportsTo', 'id', and 'isVisible'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Tags in a Ticket
: get_list_tags_in_a_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: tag, ticketSummary
: This API retrieves a list of tags associated with a specific ticket. The request requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and the organization ID and OAuth token as headers. The response includes an array of tags, each with a name, type, and ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Teams from All Associated Departments
: get_list_teams_from_all_associated_departmentsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, department, teamSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all teams from all departments associated with the current user. It requires an organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. The response includes details about each team, such as the team ID, name, description, department ID, roles, sub-teams, and logo URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Teams in Department
: get_list_teams_in_departmentOperation
: readEntities
: agent, department, teamSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all teams within a specified department. The request requires the department ID as a path parameter and requires headers for organization ID and authorization token. The response includes details of each team such as roles, department ID, team name, description, team ID, sub-teams, logo URL, and agents.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Ticket Tags
: get_list_ticket_tagsOperation
: readEntities
: tag, ticket, departmentSummary
: This API endpoint lists the ticket tags added in your help desk portal. It requires the department ID as a mandatory query parameter to fetch tags from a specific department. Optional query parameters include 'sortBy' to sort tags by attributes like createdTime or count, 'from' to specify the starting index, and 'limit' to define the number of tags to fetch. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response returns an array of tags, each with details such as ticketCount, name, tagType, and id.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Tickets by Account
: get_list_tickets_by_accountOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, department, accountSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of tickets associated with a specific account. The request requires an account ID as a path parameter and supports various optional query parameters to filter and sort the tickets, such as departmentId, from, limit, sortBy, dueDate, isSpam, and include. The response includes detailed information about each ticket, such as ticket number, status, subject, due date, department, channel, contact details, and more. The API requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Tickets by Contact
: get_list_tickets_by_contactOperation
: readEntities
: department, ticket, contactSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of tickets associated with a specific contact. It requires the contact ID as a path parameter and supports various optional query parameters such as departmentId, from, limit, sortBy, dueDate, isSpam, and include to filter and sort the tickets. The request must include headers for orgId and Authorization. The response contains detailed information about each ticket, including ticket number, status, subject, due date, department, channel, language, created time, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Tickets by Tag
: get_list_tickets_by_tagOperation
: readEntities
: tag, ticket, assigneeSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to list tickets that contain a specified tag. The request requires the tag ID as a path parameter and supports various optional query parameters to filter the tickets, such as 'from', 'limit', 'assignee', 'channel', 'status', 'receivedInDays', 'priority', 'sortBy', and 'include'. The response returns a list of tickets with detailed information about each ticket, including ticket number, status, subject, due date, department, channel, contact details, and more. The API requires 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List User Badges
: get_list_user_badgesOperation
: readEntities
: badge, userSummary
: The List User Badges API retrieves a list of badges associated with a user, including both default and custom badges. The API accepts query parameters such as 'from' to specify the starting index, 'limit' to define the number of badges to return, 'type' to filter by badge type, 'sortBy' to determine the sorting order, and 'startTime' and 'endTime' to filter badges within a specific time range. The request requires headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response is an array of badge objects, each containing details like name, description, ID, and icon URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List User Groups
: get_list_user_groupsOperation
: readEntities
: group, help center, userSummary
: The List User Groups API retrieves a list of user groups associated with a specific user in a help center. It accepts query parameters such as 'from' to specify the starting index, 'limit' to define the number of groups to list, 'searchBy' for keyword-based search, 'sortBy' to sort the results, and 'helpCenterId' to filter by help center. The request requires headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response includes details of each group such as 'addedTime', 'name', 'id', 'helpCenterId', 'logoUrl', and 'status'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get My Information
: get_my_informationOperation
: readEntities
: role, agent, departmentSummary
: The 'Get My Information' API fetches details of the currently logged-in agent. It requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. Optionally, you can include additional information such as profile, role, associated departments, and associated chat departments by specifying them in the 'include' query parameter. The response includes detailed information about the agent, such as their name, role, email, associated departments, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get My Preferences
: get_my_preferencesOperation
: readEntities
: preference, agent, settingSummary
: The Get My Preferences API fetches the preferences of the currently logged-in agent. It requires the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response includes various settings such as name pattern, article auto-suggestion status, keyboard shortcuts, pinning preferences for accounts, tickets, contacts, dashboards, and reports, view types for contacts and accounts, date and time formats, and other user interface preferences.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Personal Role Details
: get_personal_role_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: role, agent, ticketSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of the personal role configured in the help desk. It is accessible via a GET request to the URL https://desk.zoho.com/api/v1/personalRole. The request requires two headers: 'orgId', which is the organization ID, and 'Authorization', which is the OAuth token for authorization. The response includes details such as whether the role is default, if data is shared with peers, the name and description of the role, and other attributes like visibility and reporting structure.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Products Search API
: get_products_searchOperation
: readEntities
: product, department, accountSummary
: The Products Search API allows users to search for products in their help desk using various query parameters. It supports both exact and wildcard matches. Users can filter results by department ID, product ID, product name, product code, contact ID, account ID, and custom fields. The API also allows filtering by creation and modification time ranges and sorting by relevance, modified time, created time, or product name. The response includes product details such as modified time, product code, custom fields, creator and modifier IDs, department IDs, and product name.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Recent Ticket Tags
: get_recent_ticket_tagsOperation
: readEntities
: tag, ticket, departmentSummary
: The 'List Recent Ticket Tags' API retrieves the five most recent tags associated with tickets from a specified department. It requires the 'departmentId' as a query parameter to specify the department. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization' with a valid OAuth token. The response returns an array of tag objects, each containing 'ticketCount', 'name', 'tagType', and 'id'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Resolution History of a Ticket
: get_resolution_history_of_a_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: resolution history, ticket, authorSummary
: This API fetches the resolution history of a specific ticket identified by the ticket_id. It requires the organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. The API supports optional query parameters 'from' and 'limit' to paginate the results. The response includes a list of resolution history records, each containing the modification time, author details, and content of the resolution update.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Role Count
: get_role_countOperation
: readEntities
: role, help deskSummary
: The Get Role Count API fetches the number of roles configured in your help desk. It requires an organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. The API supports optional query parameters 'isVisible' to filter roles based on their visibility in the UI, and 'isDefault' to specify whether the roles should be default or custom. The response returns the count of roles as an integer.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Role Details
: get_role_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: roleSummary
: The Get Role Details API fetches the details of a specific role identified by the role_id path parameter. It requires the orgId and Authorization headers for authentication. The response includes details such as whether the role is default, if it shares data with peers, its immediate sub-roles, name, description, reporting structure, and visibility.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Accounts in Help Desk Portal
: get_search_accounts_in_help_desk_portalOperation
: readEntities
: custom field, owner, accountSummary
: This API searches for accounts in your help desk portal. It allows filtering and sorting of accounts based on various query parameters such as account ID, account name, custom fields, creation and modification time ranges, and sorting preferences. The API requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response includes detailed information about each account, such as owner details, country, website, industry, and contact information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Across Modules
: get_search_across_modulesOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, contact, accountSummary
: The 'Search Across Modules' API allows users to search for information across various modules such as tickets, accounts, contacts, or tasks. Users can specify a search string, module, department ID, starting index, limit, and sorting attribute as query parameters. The API requires 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response includes a list of search results with details such as subject, department, contact information, and module type, along with a count of resources found in each module.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Activities in Help Desk Portal
: get_search_activities_in_help_desk_portalOperation
: readEntities
: department, assignee, activitySummary
: The Search Activities API allows users to search for activities within their help desk portal. It supports various query parameters such as 'from', 'limit', 'departmentId', 'id', 'subject', 'ticketNumber', 'status', 'priority', 'assigneeId', '_all', 'createdTimeRange', 'modifiedTimeRange', and 'sortBy'. These parameters help filter and sort the activities based on specific criteria. The API requires 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response includes detailed information about each activity, such as 'modifiedTime', 'subject', 'priority', 'assignee', 'status', and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Contacts
: get_search_contactsOperation
: readEntities
: contact, owner, accountSummary
: The Search Contacts API allows users to search for contacts within the help desk portal. It supports a variety of query parameters for filtering, including contact ID, full name, first name, last name, email, phone, mobile, account name, and custom fields. The API also allows filtering by creation and modification time ranges and supports sorting by relevance, modified time, created time, last name, and first name. The response includes detailed information about each contact, such as names, emails, phone numbers, account details, and custom fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Records in Custom Module
: get_search_records_in_custom_moduleOperation
: readEntities
: field, record, custom moduleSummary
: This API fetches records from a specified custom module. It allows for searching with up to ten fields using query parameters. The search can be refined using parameters like 'from', 'limit', 'sortBy', and time ranges for creation and modification. The response includes details about the record such as layout, owner, creation and modification times, and department information. OAuth scope required: Desk.search.READ and Desk.custommodule.READ.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Tags in Help Desk Portal
: get_search_tags_in_help_desk_portalOperation
: readEntities
: tag, department, help desk portalSummary
: This API searches for tags added in your help desk portal. It requires the department ID as a mandatory query parameter and allows optional parameters such as 'from' to specify the starting index, 'limit' to define the number of tags to fetch (with a range of 1-100), and 'searchVal' to filter tags by a keyword. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response returns a list of tags with their names, types, and IDs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Tasks in Help Desk Portal
: get_search_tasks_in_help_desk_portalOperation
: readEntities
: task, department, assigneeSummary
: The Search Tasks API allows users to search for tasks within their help desk portal. It supports various query parameters such as 'from', 'limit', 'departmentId', 'id', 'subject', 'ticketNumber', 'status', 'priority', 'assigneeId', '_all', and custom fields for flexible searching. The API requires 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response includes task details such as 'modifiedTime', 'subject', 'priority', 'assignee', and 'status'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Suggest Relevant Articles for Ticket
: get_suggest_relevant_articles_for_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: article, ticket, departmentSummary
: This API suggests help articles that could be relevant to resolving a ticket. It requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'from', 'limit', and 'departmentId' to filter the articles. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response returns a list of articles with details such as title, summary, author, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Team Details
: get_team_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: role, agent, teamSummary
: The Get Team Details API fetches the details of a specific team identified by the team_id path parameter. It requires the orgId and Authorization headers for authentication. The response includes information such as the team's roles, department ID, name, description, derived agents, sub-teams, logo URL, and agents.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Ticket Comment
: get_ticket_commentOperation
: readEntities
: comment, ticket, attachmentSummary
: The Get Ticket Comment API fetches a specific comment from a ticket in your help desk portal. It requires the ticket ID and comment ID as path parameters. The request headers must include the organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. Optionally, you can include query parameters to specify additional information to be retrieved, such as 'mentions' or 'plainText'. The response includes details about the comment, such as the modified time, attachments, comment content, and information about the commenter and any mentions within the comment.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Ticket Comment History
: get_ticket_comment_historyOperation
: readEntities
: comment, agent, ticketSummary
: This API fetches the history of comments recorded on a ticket, including instances of adding and editing the comments. It requires the ticket ID and comment ID as path parameters. The request headers must include the organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. Optional query parameters include 'from' to specify the starting index for fetching comment activities, 'include' to specify secondary information related to the comments (such as 'mentions' and 'plainText'), and 'limit' to specify the number of comment activities to fetch, with a default value of 50. The response includes a list of comment activities, each with details such as attachments, commented time, visibility, commenter ID, content, and commenter information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Ticket Details
: get_ticket_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: department, ticket, contactSummary
: The Get Ticket Details API fetches a single ticket from your helpdesk using the ticket ID. It requires the organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. The API supports an optional query parameter 'include' to fetch secondary information related to the ticket, such as contacts, products, assignee, departments, contract, isRead, team, and skills. The response includes detailed information about the ticket, including its status, subject, department, contact details, assignee, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Ticket History
: get_ticket_historyOperation
: readEntities
: event, agent, ticketSummary
: The Get Ticket History API fetches details of all actions, known as events, performed on a ticket and in the sub-tabs on the ticket detail page. It requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and supports various optional query parameters to filter the events, such as 'from', 'limit', 'eventFilter', 'agentId', and 'fieldName'. The API requires 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response includes a list of events with details about the actor, event properties, event time, event name, and source.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Ticket Metrics
: get_ticket_metricsOperation
: readEntities
: agent, metric, ticketSummary
: The Get Ticket Metrics API fetches details related to the response and resolution times of a ticket. It requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and requires headers for organization ID and authorization. The response includes metrics such as first response time, reassign count, outgoing count, thread count, total response time, response count, agents who handled the ticket, resolution time, staging data, and reopen count.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Ticket Queue View Count
: get_ticket_queue_view_countOperation
: readEntities
: view, ticket, departmentSummary
: The 'List Ticket Queue View Count' API returns the number of tickets in a specified view. It requires the 'viewId' and 'departmentId' as query parameters to identify the view and department respectively. An optional 'agentId' can be provided to filter tickets assigned to a specific agent. The request must include the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response contains the count of tickets in the specified view.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Ticket Resolution Details
: get_ticket_resolution_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: resolution, agent, ticketSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the resolution details of a specific ticket identified by the ticket_id. It requires the organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization in the headers. The response includes the modified time of the resolution, details about the author such as first name, last name, photo URL, ID, and email, as well as the content of the resolution.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Tickets Search API
: get_tickets_searchOperation
: readEntities
: custom field, ticket, departmentSummary
: The Tickets Search API allows users to search for tickets in their help desk using various query parameters. It supports both exact and wildcard matches. Users can filter tickets based on fields like departmentId, ticketNumber, subject, description, status, priority, email, phone, channel, category, assigneeId, contactId, accountId, productId, contactName, accountName, productName, tag, and custom fields. The API also allows filtering by time ranges for customer responses, creation, modification, and due dates. The response includes detailed information about each ticket, such as modified time, ticket number, status, subject, due date, department, contact details, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get User Details
: get_user_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: help center, contact, userSummary
: This API fetches the details of a particular help center user. It requires the user ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'includesee' for additional information and 'helpCenterId' for specifying the help center. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response includes detailed information about the user, such as last accessed time, photo URL, contact details, name, ID, label preferences, type, email addresses, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Dissociate Account from Contact
: patch_dissociate_account_from_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, contact, accountSummary
: This API endpoint is used to dissociate a specific account from a contact. It requires the contact ID and account ID as path parameters. The request must include headers for organization ID and authorization token. Optionally, a body can be provided with 'option' and 'optionValue' to specify how tickets should be handled after dissociation. The API returns a 204 status code indicating successful dissociation with no content in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Replace the specified tags
: patch_replace_specified_tagsOperation
: writeEntities
: tagSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to replace a specified tag with another tag using the PATCH method. The 'tag_id' is a mandatory path parameter that specifies the tag to be replaced. The request requires headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization' to authenticate the request. The request body can optionally include an 'id' parameter, which is the Tag ID of the replacing tag. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response, indicating that the tag has been successfully replaced.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Contact
: patch_update_a_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: user, contact, accountSummary
: This API updates the details of an existing contact in the system. It requires the contact ID as a path parameter and supports various optional fields in the request body such as lastName, firstName, email, phone, and more. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response includes the updated contact details, including fields like lastName, modifiedTime, country, and more, along with custom fields and customer happiness metrics.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Ticket
: patch_update_a_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: department, ticket, contactSummary
: The Update a Ticket API allows you to modify an existing ticket in the system. You can update various attributes of the ticket such as subject, department, contact details, product mapping, and more. The API requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters like 'disableClosureNotification'. The request body can include a wide range of optional fields such as subject, departmentId, contactId, productId, email, phone, description, status, assigneeId, category, subCategory, resolution, dueDate, priority, language, channel, classification, custom fields, and more. The response includes details of the updated ticket, including entity skills, modified time, ticket number, status, subject, due date, department ID, channel, description, language, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Account Details
: patch_update_account_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: sla, owner, accountSummary
: The Update Account Details API allows you to update various details of an existing account in the system. You can update fields such as account name, email, website, phone number, and more. The API requires the account ID as a path parameter and supports optional fields in the request body to specify the details to be updated. The response includes the updated account details, including fields like account name, associated SLA IDs, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Agent Details
: patch_update_agent_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, department, channelSummary
: This API updates the details of an agent in the system. It requires the agent's ID as a path parameter and an authorization token in the headers. The request body can include optional fields such as emailId, lastName, firstName, phone, mobile, extn, associatedDepartmentIds, associatedChatDepartmentIds, rolePermissionType, aboutInfo, channelExpert, countryCode, timeZone, and langCode. The response returns the updated details of the agent, including their name, role, contact information, and associated departments.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update My Preferences
: patch_update_my_preferencesOperation
: writeEntities
: preference, agent, departmentSummary
: The Update My Preferences API allows the currently logged-in agent to update their personal preferences. The API accepts a PATCH request to the endpoint '/api/v1/myPreferences'. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The body of the request can include various optional parameters such as 'namePattern', 'currentDepartment', 'ui_appearance', and many others, each with specific allowed values and descriptions. The response for a successful update is a 204 No Content status, indicating that the preferences have been updated without returning any content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Role Details
: patch_update_role_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: roleSummary
: This API updates the details of an existing role in the system. It requires the role ID as a path parameter and accepts optional fields in the request body such as 'name', 'description', 'shareDataWithPeers', and 'reportsTo'. The request must include headers for 'orgId' and 'Authorization'. The response includes details of the updated role, such as 'isDefault', 'shareDataWithPeers', 'immediateSubRoles', 'name', 'description', 'reportsTo', 'id', and 'isVisible'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Team Details
: patch_update_team_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: role, agent, teamSummary
: This API updates the details of an existing team identified by the team_id. It allows updating the team's name, description, sub-teams, roles, roles with subordinates, and agents. The request requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response includes the updated team details such as roles, sub-teams, agents, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Ticket Comment
: patch_update_ticket_commentOperation
: writeEntities
: comment, ticket, attachmentSummary
: The Update Ticket Comment API allows you to modify an existing comment on a ticket. You can update the content of the comment, specify if it is public, attach files, and set the content type. The API requires the ticket ID and comment ID as path parameters, and the organization ID and authorization token as headers. The response includes details about the modified comment, such as the modification time, attachments, and commenter information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Ticket Resolution
: patch_update_ticket_resolutionOperation
: writeEntities
: resolution, ticket, contactSummary
: The Update Ticket Resolution API allows you to update the resolution field of a specific ticket identified by its ticket_id. The request requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The body can optionally include 'isNotifyContact' to specify if the contact should be notified, and 'content' to add or update the resolution content. The response includes the modified time, author details, and the updated content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update User Details
: patch_update_user_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: help center, email, userSummary
: This API endpoint allows updating the details of a specific user in the help center. The request requires the user ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as helpCenterId. The request body can include optional fields like email and status to update the user's email addresses and activation status. The response includes details such as the last accessed time, photo URL, contact ID, name, user ID, label information, user type, email details, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Activate Agents in Help Desk
: post_activate_agents_in_help_deskOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, help deskSummary
: This API activates agents in your help desk. To use this API, you need to provide the organization ID and a valid OAuth token in the headers. The request body must include a list of agent IDs that you want to activate. The API does not return any content upon successful activation, indicated by a 204 No Content response. To activate agents in CRMPlus and ZohoOne, generate an authtoken through the specified URL.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Agent to Help Desk
: post_add_agent_to_help_deskOperation
: writeEntities
: role, agent, departmentSummary
: This API is used to add an agent to your help desk. It requires the emailId, lastName, associatedDepartmentIds, and rolePermissionType as mandatory fields in the request body. The rolePermissionType determines the profile and role of the agent, with options such as Admin, AgentPublic, AgentPersonal, Custom, Light, and AgentTeamPersonal. Optional fields include firstName, phone, mobile, extn, associatedChatDepartmentIds, aboutInfo, channelExpert, countryCode, timeZone, and langCode. The API requires 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response includes details about the agent such as lastName, roleId, langCode, emailId, associatedDepartmentIds, firstName, profileId, countryCode, rolePermissionType, and status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Badges to a User
: post_add_badges_to_userOperation
: writeEntities
: badge, userSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to add specified badges to a user by providing the user ID and a list of badge IDs. The request requires authorization and organization details in the headers and query parameters. The response provides the success status for each badge association attempt, including any errors encountered.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add User to Groups
: post_add_user_to_groupsOperation
: writeEntities
: group, help center, userSummary
: This API adds a user to specified groups. It requires the user ID as a path parameter and accepts an optional helpCenterId as a query parameter for group validation. The request body must include a list of group IDs to which the user should be added. The request headers must contain the organization ID and an authorization token. The response provides the success status for each group association attempt, along with any errors encountered.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Anonymize Deleted Agent
: post_anonymize_deleted_agentOperation
: writeEntities
: agentSummary
: The 'Anonymize Deleted Agent' API is used to remove identification details of a deleted agent. It requires the agent's ID as a path parameter and optionally accepts an 'anonymizedName' in the request body, which is a nickname that will appear on the agent's entity history page. The request must include the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. On successful execution, the API returns a 204 No Content response, indicating that the anonymization was successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Anonymize User
: post_anonymize_userOperation
: writeEntities
: help center, userSummary
: The Anonymize User API permanently deletes all identifying information about a user from your help center. It requires the user ID as a path parameter and organization ID and authentication token as query parameters. The request body can optionally include an 'anonymizedName' to specify the display name of the user in tickets and community topics after anonymization. The API requires the 'Desk.contacts.UPDATE' and 'Desk.settings.UPDATE' OAuth scopes. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response, indicating that the user has been anonymized.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Approve Contact for Help Center
: post_approve_contact_for_help_centerOperation
: writeEntities
: end user, help center, contactSummary
: This API approves a particular contact as an end-user to your help center. It requires the contact ID as a path parameter and a list of help center IDs in the request body. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and provides the ID of the help center.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Assign Labels to User
: post_assign_labels_to_userOperation
: writeEntities
: label, help center, userSummary
: This API assigns specified labels to a particular user. It requires the user ID as a path parameter and accepts an optional helpCenterId as a query parameter for label validation. The request body must include a list of labels with their IDs and primary status. The response provides the success status for each label assignment, including error details if any assignment fails.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Associate Accounts with Contact
: post_associate_accounts_with_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, accountSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to associate multiple accounts with a specific contact in Zoho Desk. The request requires the contact ID as a path parameter and an OAuth token for authorization. The request body contains a list of account details, including the account ID and a flag indicating if account tickets are viewable. The response provides the results of the association operation, indicating success or failure for each account, along with any error messages if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Associate or Dissociate SLA from Account
: post_associate_or_dissociate_sla_from_accountOperation
: writeEntities
: sla, accountSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to associate or dissociate a Service Level Agreement (SLA) from a specific account. The request requires the account ID and SLA ID as path parameters. The request body must include a boolean 'associate' parameter, where 'true' associates the SLA with the account and 'false' dissociates it. The request headers must include 'orgId' for the organization ID and 'Authorization' for the OAuth token. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response, indicating the operation was successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Associate Products with a Contact
: post_associate_products_with_a_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: department, product, contactSummary
: This API associates products with a contact. It allows associating up to 10 products with a single contact in one request. The request requires the contact ID as a path parameter, and the organization ID and authorization token as headers. The body of the request must include the IDs of the products to associate and a boolean indicating whether to associate or dissociate the products. Optionally, a department ID can be provided. The response includes the success status for each product association attempt, along with any errors encountered.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Associate Products with an Account
: post_associate_products_with_an_accountOperation
: writeEntities
: product, department, accountSummary
: This API associates products with an account. It allows associating or dissociating up to 10 products in a single request. The request requires an account ID as a path parameter, and the request body must include a list of product IDs to associate or dissociate, a boolean indicating the action, and optionally a department ID. The response provides the success status for each product ID, along with any errors encountered.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Associate Tag to Ticket
: post_associate_tag_to_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: tag, ticketSummary
: The Associate Tag to Ticket API allows you to add one or more tags to a specified ticket. The API requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and a list of tag names in the request body. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers for authorization. The response returns a list of tags that were associated with the ticket, including each tag's name, type, and unique identifier.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Bulk Update Tickets
: post_bulk_update_ticketsOperation
: writeEntities
: field, custom field, ticketSummary
: The Bulk Update Tickets API allows users to update multiple tickets at once. It requires the IDs of the tickets to be updated, the field name to be updated, and optionally the field value and a flag indicating if the field is a custom field. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response for a successful request is not specified in the documentation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Close Multiple Tickets
: post_close_multiple_ticketsOperation
: writeEntities
: ticketSummary
: The Close Multiple Tickets API allows users to close multiple tickets at once by providing a list of ticket IDs. The request requires an organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. The request body must include a list of ticket IDs to be closed. Upon successful execution, the API returns an HTTP status code of 200 indicating that the tickets have been successfully closed.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Account
: post_create_accountOperation
: writeEntities
: sla, owner, accountSummary
: The Create Account API allows users to create a new account in the help desk portal. It requires an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The request body must include the account name, and can optionally include other details such as email, website, phone, and more. The response includes details of the created account, such as its ID, name, associated SLAs, and timestamps for creation and modification.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Contact
: post_create_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: user, contact, accountSummary
: The Create Contact API allows you to create a new contact in your help desk portal. It requires the 'lastName' as a mandatory field, while other fields such as 'firstName', 'email', 'phone', 'mobile', 'city', 'country', 'state', 'street', 'zip', 'description', 'title', 'type', 'ownerId', and 'accountId' are optional. The API also supports custom fields through 'customFieldsdeprecated' and 'cf'. The request must include the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers. Upon successful creation, the API returns the contact details including 'lastName', 'modifiedTime', 'country', 'secondaryEmail', 'city', 'description', 'ownerId', 'type', 'title', 'photoURL', 'twitter', 'isDeleted', 'isTrashed', 'street', 'createdTime', 'zohoCRMContact', 'state', 'id', 'customerHappiness', 'email', 'zip', 'cf', 'isFollowing', 'facebook', 'mobile', 'accountId', 'firstName', 'isAnonymous', 'phone', 'webUrl', and 'isSpam'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Role in Help Desk
: post_create_role_in_help_deskOperation
: writeEntities
: role, help deskSummary
: This API creates a role in your help desk. It requires the role name, a boolean indicating if the role shares data with peers, and optionally a description and the ID of the role it reports to. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response includes details about the created role, such as its ID, name, description, and visibility status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Team in Help Desk Portal
: post_create_teamOperation
: writeEntities
: role, agent, teamSummary
: This API creates a team in your help desk portal. It requires the name of the team and the department ID to which the team belongs. Optionally, you can provide a description, list of sub-teams, roles, roles with subordinates, and agents to add to the team. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response includes the details of the created team, such as its ID, name, description, roles, sub-teams, agents, and derived agents.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Ticket Comment
: post_create_ticket_commentOperation
: writeEntities
: comment, ticket, attachmentSummary
: This API allows users to add a comment to a specific ticket. The comment can include text content, user mentions, and attachments. The request requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and includes headers for organization ID and authorization. The body of the request can specify whether the comment is public, the content type (html or plainText), and the content itself. The response provides details about the comment, including its ID, content, attachments, and information about the commenter.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Ticket in Helpdesk
: post_create_ticket_in_helpdeskOperation
: writeEntities
: department, ticket, contactSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a ticket in your helpdesk system. It requires a subject and department ID as mandatory fields. Optional fields include contact details, product ID, attachments, email, phone, description, status, assignee ID, category, subcategory, resolution, due date, priority, language, channel, classification, custom fields, web URL, team ID, secondary contacts, and entity skills. The response includes details such as ticket number, status, subject, due date, department ID, channel, description, language, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Deactivate Agent
: post_deactivate_agentOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, organization, help deskSummary
: This API deactivates an agent in your help desk. It requires the agent's ID as a path parameter and the organization ID and OAuth token as headers. The API does not require a request body or query parameters. On successful deactivation, it returns a 204 No Content response, indicating that the operation was successful and no content is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Accounts
: post_delete_accountsOperation
: writeEntities
: accountSummary
: The Delete Accounts API moves specified accounts to the Recycle Bin. It requires the account IDs to be specified in the request body. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers for authorization. On successful execution, the API returns a 204 No Content status, indicating that the accounts have been moved to the Recycle Bin without returning any content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Confirmed Agent
: post_delete_confirmed_agentOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, help deskSummary
: The Delete Confirmed Agent API allows you to delete a confirmed agent from your help desk. The API requires the agent's ID as a path parameter and supports optional request body parameters to anonymize the agent's name and determine if the agent should be anonymized in the help desk. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers. A successful request returns a 204 No Content response, indicating the agent has been deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Contacts
: post_delete_contactsOperation
: writeEntities
: recycle bin, api, contactSummary
: The Delete Contacts API moves the specified contacts to the Recycle Bin. It requires the contact IDs to be provided in the request body as a list. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers for authorization. On successful execution, the API returns a 204 status code indicating that the contacts have been moved to the Recycle Bin, with no content in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete My Photo
: post_delete_my_photoOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, photo, profileSummary
: The 'Delete My Photo' API allows the currently logged in agent to delete their profile photo. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v1/deleteMyPhoto'. The request must include headers for 'orgId', which is the organization ID, and 'Authorization', which is the OAuth token for authorization. The API does not require any path parameters, query parameters, or request body. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content response, indicating that the photo has been deleted successfully.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Role
: post_delete_roleOperation
: writeEntities
: role, help deskSummary
: The Delete Role API allows you to delete a role from your help desk. It requires the role ID of the role to be deleted as a path parameter. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers for authorization. Additionally, the request body must specify a 'transferToRoleId' to transfer any child roles to another role. On successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content response.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Spam Contacts
: post_delete_spam_contactsOperation
: writeEntities
: contactSummary
: The Delete Spam Contacts API allows users to delete specified spam contacts by providing their IDs. The request requires an organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. The contact IDs are passed in the request body as a list. The response provides the result of the deletion operation for each contact ID, indicating success or failure, and includes error details if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Spam Tickets
: post_delete_spam_ticketsOperation
: writeEntities
: ticketSummary
: The Delete Spam Tickets API allows users to delete specified spam tickets by providing their IDs. The request requires an organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. The request body must include a list of ticket IDs to be deleted. The response returns the success status for each ticket ID, along with any errors encountered during the process.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Team from Help Desk Portal
: post_delete_team_from_help_desk_portalOperation
: writeEntities
: task, ticket, teamSummary
: This API deletes an existing team from your help desk portal. It allows for the reassignment of open and on hold tickets and tasks of the deleted team to a different team or agent. The request requires the team ID to be specified in the path, and the organization ID and OAuth token in the headers. The body of the request must include parameters for reassigning tickets and tasks: 'ticketNewTeam', 'ticketNewAgent', 'taskNewTeam', and 'taskNewAgent'. If tickets are not to be reassigned, 'ticketNewTeam' and 'ticketNewAgent' can be null. However, for tasks, either 'taskNewTeam' or 'taskNewAgent' must have a valid value. The response returns a status code indicating the success of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Unconfirmed Agents
: post_delete_unconfirmed_agentsOperation
: writeEntities
: agentSummary
: The Delete Unconfirmed Agents API allows you to remove unconfirmed agents from your help desk. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v1/agents/deleteUnconfirmed' with the organization ID and authorization token in the headers. The request body must include a list of agent IDs to be deleted. On successful execution, the API returns a 204 status code with no content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Dissociate Accounts from Contact
: post_dissociate_accounts_from_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, accountSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to dissociate multiple accounts from a specific contact. The request requires the contact ID as a path parameter and a list of account IDs in the request body that need to be dissociated. The request headers must include the organization ID and an authorization token. The response provides the success status for each account dissociation attempt, along with any errors if they occurred.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Dissociate Tag from Ticket
: post_dissociate_tag_from_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: tag, ticketSummary
: The Dissociate Tag API allows users to remove one or more tags from a specified ticket. The request requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and a list of tag names in the request body. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers for authorization. Upon successful dissociation of tags, the API returns a status code of 200.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Empty Spam Tickets
: post_empty_spam_ticketsOperation
: writeEntities
: spam, department, ticketSummary
: The Empty Spam Tickets API deletes all spam tickets for a specified department. It requires the department ID as a request body parameter. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. Upon successful execution, it returns a status code of 202 indicating that the request has been accepted for processing.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Execute Skill Based Assignment
: post_execute_skill_based_assignmentOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, ticket, teamSummary
: The Execute Skill Based Assignment API assigns a ticket to an agent based on their skills and routing preferences. It requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and the organization ID as a query parameter. The request must include the OAuth token in the headers for authorization. The response indicates whether the ticket was successfully assigned and provides details about the new assignee and their team.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Invite Contact as End User to Help Center
: post_invite_contact_as_end_userOperation
: writeEntities
: help center, contactSummary
: This API endpoint invites a specific contact to become an end-user of a specified help center. The request requires the contact ID as a path parameter and the help center ID in the request body. The request headers must include the organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. On success, the API returns a 204 No Content response, indicating that the invitation was successfully sent.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Invite Multiple Contacts as End-Users to Help Center
: post_invite_multiple_contacts_as_end_usersOperation
: writeEntities
: help center, contactSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to invite multiple contacts as end-users to a specified help center. It requires the IDs of the contacts to be invited and the ID of the help center. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token for authorization. The response provides the success status for each contact invitation, along with any errors encountered.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Mark Contact as Spam
: post_mark_contact_as_spamOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, contactSummary
: This API marks contacts as spam. It requires the IDs of the contacts to be marked or unmarked as spam and a boolean flag 'isSpam' to indicate the action. Optionally, it can also handle existing tickets from the contacts by marking them as spam using the 'handleExistingTickets' flag. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers. The response provides the success status for each contact ID and any errors if the operation was not successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Mark Ticket as Read
: post_mark_ticket_as_readOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, userSummary
: This API marks a specific ticket as read by the user. It requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and the organization ID and OAuth token as headers. The request does not require a body or query parameters. A successful request returns a 200 status code with an empty response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Mark Ticket as Spam
: post_mark_ticket_as_spamOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, contactSummary
: This API marks tickets as spam. It requires the 'isSpam' boolean to specify whether to mark or unmark tickets as spam and a list of 'ids' for the tickets to be affected. Optionally, 'contactSpam' can be used to mark or unmark the associated contact as spam, and 'handleExistingTickets' can be used to mark or unmark other tickets from the contact(s) as spam. The request must include the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers. The response is not detailed in the documentation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Mark Ticket as Unread
: post_mark_ticket_as_unreadOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, userSummary
: This API marks a specified ticket as unread by the user. It requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and requires headers for organization ID and authorization. The API does not return any content in the response body, and a successful request will result in a 204 No Content status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Merge Accounts
: post_merge_accountsOperation
: writeEntities
: accountSummary
: The Merge Accounts API allows users to merge two or more accounts into a single account. It requires the account ID to merge into as a path parameter and a list of account IDs to merge as part of the request body. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The API can also accept optional account details in the 'source' object, such as email, phone, website, and more. The response includes details of the merged account, such as country, website, industry, and more, along with custom fields and associated SLA IDs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Merge Contacts
: post_merge_contactsOperation
: writeEntities
: contactSummary
: The Merge Contacts API allows users to merge two or more contact records into a single contact. The API requires the contact ID of the primary contact to merge into, and a list of contact IDs to be merged. The request must include an organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. Optionally, a source object can be provided with additional contact details such as first name, last name, email, and custom fields. The response returns the merged contact details, including the last modified time, owner ID, and customer happiness metrics.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Merge Two Tickets
: post_merge_two_ticketsOperation
: writeEntities
: status, priority, ticketSummary
: The Merge Two Tickets API allows users to merge two different tickets into one. The API requires the IDs of the tickets to be merged and optionally allows specifying which ticket's attributes should be retained in the merged ticket. The request includes headers for organization ID and authorization token, a path parameter for the ticket ID to merge into, and a body containing the IDs of the tickets to merge and optional source attributes. The response provides details of the merged ticket, including skills, modified time, ticket number, status, subject, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Move Ticket to Another Department
: post_move_ticket_to_another_departmentOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, department, forumSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to move a ticket from one department to another. The request requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and optionally accepts a departmentId as a query parameter, although it is recommended to pass the departmentId in the request body as this query parameter will be deprecated soon. The request headers must include the organization ID and an authorization token. The response is empty for a successful operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Move Tickets to Trash
: post_move_tickets_to_trashOperation
: writeEntities
: ticketSummary
: The 'Move Tickets to Trash' API moves specified tickets to the Recycle Bin. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v1/tickets/moveToTrash' with an OAuth token for authorization and the organization ID in the headers. The request body must include a list of ticket IDs to be moved. On successful execution, the API returns a 204 No Content response, indicating that the tickets have been successfully moved to the Recycle Bin.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Recalculate Skills for a Ticket
: post_recalculate_skills_for_a_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: skill, ticket, userSummary
: The Recalculate Skills API is used to remove existing skills and reapply the required ones for a ticket based on its current circumstances. It requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and requires 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The response includes the modified time, details of the skills applied, the user who modified the skills, and the modification ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Reinvite Unconfirmed Agents
: post_reinvite_unconfirmed_agentsOperation
: writeEntities
: agentSummary
: This API sends reinvitation mails to unconfirmed agents. It requires the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers for authorization. The request body must include a list of agent IDs to be reinvited. The API does not return any content upon successful execution, indicated by a 204 status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Reject Contact for Help Center
: post_reject_contact_for_help_centerOperation
: writeEntities
: help center, contactSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to reject a specific contact from being added as an end-user to your help center. It requires the contact ID as a path parameter and a list of help center IDs in the request body. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response provides a list of results indicating the success or failure of the rejection for each help center ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove Badges from User
: post_remove_badges_from_userOperation
: writeEntities
: badge, error, userSummary
: This API endpoint is used to remove specified badges from a user. It requires the user ID as a path parameter and expects a list of badge IDs in the request body that need to be dissociated from the user. The request must include headers for organization ID and authorization token. The response provides the success status for each badge dissociation attempt, along with any error details if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove Labels from User
: post_remove_labels_from_userOperation
: writeEntities
: label, help center, userSummary
: This API removes specified labels from a particular user. It requires the user ID as a path parameter and accepts a list of label IDs in the request body to specify which labels to remove. Optionally, a help center ID can be provided as a query parameter. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response provides the success status for each label removal attempt, along with any errors encountered.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove User from Groups
: post_remove_user_from_groupsOperation
: writeEntities
: group, help center, userSummary
: This API removes a user from the specified groups. It requires the user ID as a path parameter and a list of group IDs in the request body. Optionally, a help center ID can be provided as a query parameter. The request must include the organization ID and an authorization token in the headers. The response contains a list of results for each group ID, indicating whether the removal was successful or not, along with any error details if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Schedule Reassignment for Deactivated or Deleted Agents
: post_schedule_reassignment_for_deactivated_or_deleted_agentsOperation
: writeEntities
: task, agent, ticketSummary
: This API schedules the reassignment of tickets, tasks, and automations belonging to a deleted or deactivated agent to another agent within the same department. The request requires the agent ID in the path, an organization ID, and an authorization token in the headers. The body must include a list of reassignment details specifying the department ID, new task owner, and new ticket owner. The API returns a 204 No Content response upon successful reassignment.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Split Ticket Thread into New Ticket
: post_split_ticket_threadOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, department, threadSummary
: This API splits an incoming ticket thread into a new ticket. It requires the ticket ID and thread ID as path parameters. The request must include the organization ID and an OAuth token in the headers for authorization. The response includes details of the newly created ticket such as modified time, ticket number, subject, status, department ID, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Many Accounts
: post_update_many_accountsOperation
: writeEntities
: field, id, accountSummary
: The 'Update Many Accounts' API allows updating multiple accounts at once. It requires the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The request body must include 'fieldName' and 'ids', where 'fieldName' is the name of the field to update and 'ids' is an array of account IDs to update. Optionally, 'fieldValue' can be provided to set a new value for the field, and 'isCustomField' can indicate if the field is user-defined. The response returns an array of results for each account update, indicating success or failure, and includes error details if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Many Contacts
: post_update_many_contactsOperation
: writeEntities
: contactSummary
: The 'Update Many Contacts' API allows updating multiple contacts at once. It requires the 'orgId' and 'Authorization' headers for authentication. The request body must include 'ids', a list of contact IDs to update, and 'fieldName', the name of the field to update. Optionally, 'fieldValue' can be provided to specify the new value for the field, and 'isCustomField' to indicate if the field is user-defined. The response returns a list of results for each contact update, indicating success or failure and any associated errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Recent Ticket Tags
: post_update_recent_ticket_tagsOperation
: writeEntities
: tagSummary
: The 'Update Recent Ticket Tags' API allows users to add a tag to the list of recently viewed tags. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v1/recentTicketTags/{tag_id}', where 'tag_id' is a mandatory path parameter representing the ID of the tag to be added. The request must include headers for 'orgId', which is the organization ID, and 'Authorization', which is the OAuth token for authorization. The response returns a status code of 200 upon successful addition of the tag.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Upload My Photo
: post_upload_my_photoOperation
: writeEntities
: agent, photoSummary
: The 'Upload My Photo' API allows the currently logged-in agent to set their profile photo. The agent must provide an OAuth token with the appropriate scope (Desk.settings.UPDATE, profile.userphoto.UPDATE or Desk.basic.UPDATE, profile.userphoto.UPDATE) for authorization. The request must include the organization ID in the headers and the image file in the body as multipart/form-data. The image file should not exceed 500KB and must be in one of the following formats: .jpg, .png, .gif, or .jpeg. Upon successful upload, the API returns the URL of the uploaded photo.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated about 1 month ago