This guide walks you through the process of creating a client in Okta and enabling optional features like managing employee-related APIs with phishing-resistant 2FA.

Steps to Create a Client in Okta

1. Sign In to Okta

  • Log in to your Okta instance as an admin.

2. Create an App Integration

  • Navigate to Applications.
  • Click on Create App Integration.

3. Select App Integration Type

  • Choose OIDC - OpenID Connect as the Sign-in Method.

  • Select Web Application as the Application Type.

4. Fill in Integration Details

  • Provide an App Integration Name and upload a Logo (optional).
  • Under Grant Type, check the following:
    • Authorization Code
    • Refresh Token
  • Set Sign-in Redirect URIs to:

5. Save the Integration

  • Click Save.

6. Configure API Scopes

  • Go to the Okta API Scopes tab.
  • Add the following scopes:

7. Save Client Credentials

  • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
  • Store them securely for use during integration.


  • A detailed video demonstrating the above steps is available here: Loom Video.

Optional: Enabling Additional Scopes with Phishing-Resistant 2FA

If you need to use APIs for creating, updating, or terminating employees, enabling the okta.users.manage scope is required. Okta recommends setting up phishing-resistant 2FA for this purpose.

Steps to Enable Phishing-Resistant 2FA

1. Update Authentication Policies

  • Navigate to Security > Authentication Policies.

  • Click on the Any Two Factors policy.

  • Edit the Catch-all Rule.

2. Set Possession Factor Constraints

  • Enable the Phishing Resistant checkbox under Possession Factor Constraints.

3. Add Phishing-Resistant Authenticator

  • Navigate to Security > Authenticators.
  • Add FIDO2 (WebAuthn) as an authenticator.

Final Step

  • You are now set up with phishing-resistant 2FA for managing employee-related APIs.


  • Video for creating the integration on Knit using the Okta client: Loom Video.