Recruitee API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Recruitee API as part of the ATS category
Create a new application
: create_a_new_applicationOperation
: writeEntities
: candidate, job, applicationSummary
: The 'Create a new application' API allows users to create a new application for a candidate to a specific job within a company. The API requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token unless working through knit. The request must include the companyId as a path parameter. The body of the request can either include a candidateId or detailed candidate information such as firstName, lastName, phones, and emails. Additionally, the jobId and initialStageId are required fields in the body. The response includes the applicationId, candidateId, and jobId of the newly created application.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Past Subdomain
: delete_a_past_subdomainOperation
: deleteEntities
: past_subdomain, companySummary
: The 'Delete a Past Subdomain' API allows users to delete a specific past subdomain associated with a company. The API requires the company ID and the past subdomain ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 response code with details of the deleted past subdomain, including its ID, name, and timestamps for when it was created and last updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Admin's Device for Push Notifications
: delete_admins_device_for_push_notificationsOperation
: writeEntities
: push_notification, admin, deviceSummary
: This API endpoint allows the deletion of an admin's device for push notifications. It requires the company ID as a path parameter and the request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a JSON object containing details of the deleted device, including its ID, kind, token, UID, and app type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Approval Flow
: delete_approval_flowOperation
: writeEntities
: approval_flow, companySummary
: The Delete Approval Flow API allows you to delete an existing approval flow in the Recruitee system. It requires the company ID and the approval flow ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns the details of the deleted approval flow, including its ID, title, position, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Archived Shared Email Provider
: delete_archived_shared_email_providerOperation
: writeEntities
: company, shared_email_providerSummary
: The 'Delete Archived Shared Email Provider' API allows users to delete a shared email provider that has been archived. This API requires two URI parameters: 'company_id', which is the ID of the company, and 'id', which is the ID of the shared email provider to be deleted. Both parameters are required and must be integers. There are no request headers, query parameters, or request body needed for this API. The response does not specify any headers or body content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Attachment
: delete_attachmentOperation
: writeEntities
: questionnaire, attachment, interviewSummary
: The Delete Attachment API allows users to delete an attachment by specifying its ID in the path parameters. The request requires a 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a status code of 200 upon successful deletion, along with details of the deleted attachment, including its ID, status, filename, extension, creation timestamp, and URLs for the file, image thumbnail, and image.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Auto Reply Template
: delete_auto_reply_templateOperation
: deleteEntities
: company, auto_reply_templateSummary
: The Delete Auto Reply Template API allows users to delete a specific auto-reply template by providing the company ID and the template ID as path parameters. The request requires the 'Content-Type' header to be set to 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 response code with details of the deleted auto-reply template, including its ID, title, position, and timestamps for creation and last update.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Candidate by ID
: delete_candidate_by_idOperation
: writeEntities
: company, reference, candidateSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to delete a candidate by their ID from the Recruitee platform. It requires the company ID and candidate ID as path parameters, and an authorization token in the headers. The DELETE method is used, and it will permanently remove the candidate if found. The response includes a detailed JSON object of the deleted candidate if successful, or an error message if the candidate is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Candidate's Cover Letter File
: delete_candidate_cover_letter_fileOperation
: deleteEntities
: company, cover_letter, candidateSummary
: The 'Delete Candidate's Cover Letter File' API allows you to delete the cover letter file of a specific candidate in a company. The API requires the company ID and candidate ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type: application/json' header. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 response code with detailed information about the candidate, including their ID, name, email, and other attributes. The cover letter field will be set to null, indicating that the cover letter file has been successfully deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Candidate's CV
: delete_candidate_cvOperation
: writeEntities
: cv, company, candidateSummary
: The 'Delete Candidate's CV' API allows you to delete a candidate's CV from the system. It requires the company ID and candidate ID as path parameters. Optionally, you can specify whether to delete data previously extracted from the CV file using the 'delete_parsed_data' query parameter. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a detailed JSON object containing the candidate's information, including their last activity, ratings, fields, and GDPR status, among other details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Company Slack Integration
: delete_company_slack_integrationOperation
: writeEntities
: company, slack_integrationSummary
: The 'Delete Company Slack Integration' API allows users to remove a specific Slack integration from a company's tracking system. It requires two URI parameters: 'id', which is the SlackIntegration ID, and 'company_id', which is the Company ID. Both parameters are mandatory. There are no request headers or body required for this API call. The response details are not provided in the documentation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Container
: delete_containerOperation
: writeEntities
: container, reference, candidateSummary
: The Delete Container API allows users to delete a specific container identified by its ID within a company. The API requires the company_id and container id as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a status code of 200 and provides details about the references and the container that was deleted, including information such as reference IDs, types, emails, and container attributes like active status, token, visibility options, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Disqualify Reason
: delete_disqualify_reasonOperation
: writeEntities
: company, disqualify_reasonSummary
: The Delete Disqualify Reason API allows you to delete a specific disqualify reason from the system. It requires the company ID and the disqualify reason ID as path parameters. Optionally, you can provide a fallback disqualify reason ID as a query parameter to replace in OpenQuestionOptions. The request must include the 'Content-Type: application/json' header. The response returns a 200 status code with details of the deleted disqualify reason, including its ID, name, position, and any associated action templates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Email Template
: delete_email_templateOperation
: deleteEntities
: company, email_templateSummary
: The Delete Email Template API allows users to delete an email template by specifying the company ID and the template ID in the URL path parameters. The request requires a 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a 200 status code with details of the deleted email template, including its ID, position, title, admin ID, subject, timestamps for creation and last update, HTML body, and any template attachment assignments.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Failed or Scheduled Message
: delete_failed_or_scheduled_messageOperation
: writeEntities
: message, company, textingSummary
: The 'Delete Failed or Scheduled Message' API allows users to delete a message that is either failed or scheduled. The API requires the company ID as a path parameter and uses the DELETE HTTP method. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a message object containing details such as the message ID, status, text, receiver, sender, and timestamps for creation and last update. The response also includes additional information like unread message IDs, thread ID, and segment count.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Field from Fieldset
: delete_field_from_fieldsetOperation
: deleteEntities
: fieldset, offer, fieldSummary
: The 'Delete Field from Fieldset' API allows users to delete a specific field from a fieldset associated with an offer in a company. The API requires the company ID, offer ID, and fieldset ID as path parameters. The field ID is optional. The request must include a JSON body with the source fieldset ID. The Content-Type header must be set to 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 response code. No response body is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Guest
: delete_guestOperation
: deleteEntities
: guest, companySummary
: The Delete Guest API allows you to remove a guest from the system using their unique guest ID and company ID. The API requires the 'Content-Type' header to be set to 'application/json'. The endpoint is structured with the company ID and guest ID as path parameters. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 response code with details of the deleted guest, including their ID, name, email, authentication token, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Import
: delete_importOperation
: writeEntities
: company, import, adminSummary
: The Delete Import API allows you to delete an import record from the Recruitee system. It requires the company ID and the import ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a detailed structure of the deleted import, including its ID, status, file name, columns, and associated references. The response body provides information about the import's columns, such as matched fields and values, and details about the admin who performed the import.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Import CV
: delete_import_cvOperation
: writeEntities
: cv, company, importSummary
: The Delete Import CV API allows users to delete a specific CV from an import in the Recruitee system. The API requires the company ID, import ID, and the CV ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a 200 status code with details of the deleted CV, including its ID, file name, and URLs. The 'import_candidate_id' may be null if not associated with a candidate.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Interview Calendar
: delete_interview_calendarOperation
: writeEntities
: calendar, interview_calendar, companySummary
: The Delete Interview Calendar API allows users to delete an interview calendar by specifying the company ID and the interview calendar ID in the path parameters. The request requires the 'Content-Type' header to be set to 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a response with details of the deleted interview calendar, including its access level, name, status, type, associated admin ID, provider, last sync time, external calendar ID, and a list of external calendars associated with it. The response also indicates whether the subscription for the calendar was active.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Interview Event and Send Notification to Candidate
: delete_interview_event_and_send_notification_to_candidateOperation
: writeEntities
: notification, candidate, interviewSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to delete an interview event and optionally send a notification to the candidate. The endpoint requires the company ID and interview event ID as path parameters. You can also include optional query parameters such as a message to be sent to the candidate and a boolean to notify the candidate. The request must include a 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response includes details about the references related to the interview event and the interview event itself, such as the event URL, start time, and associated candidate and admin information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Interview Request Link
: delete_interview_request_linkOperation
: writeEntities
: company, interview_request_linkSummary
: The Delete Interview Request Link API allows users to delete a specific interview request link using the DELETE HTTP method. The API requires two URI parameters: 'id', which is the interview request link ID, and 'company_id', which is the company ID. Both parameters are required and must be integers. There are no request headers, query parameters, or request body needed for this API. The response does not specify any headers or body content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Interview Result for Candidate
: delete_interview_result_for_candidateOperation
: writeEntities
: stage, interview_result, offerSummary
: The 'Delete Interview Result for Candidate' API allows users to delete an interview result for a specific candidate. The API requires the interview result ID and container token as URI parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a 200 status code with details of the deleted interview result, including the interview result ID, kind, associated offer details, admin information, timestamps, guest details, stage information, and rating.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Interview Result Request
: delete_interview_result_requestOperation
: writeEntities
: company, result_request, interviewSummary
: The Delete Interview Result Request API allows users to delete a specific interview result request identified by its ID for a given company. The API requires two URI parameters: 'id', which is the interview result request ID, and 'company_id', which is the company ID. Both parameters are required and must be integers. There are no request headers, query parameters, or request body needed for this API. The response does not specify any headers or body content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Interview Schedule
: delete_interview_scheduleOperation
: writeEntities
: company, interview_schedule, adminSummary
: The Delete Interview Schedule API allows users to delete an existing interview schedule by specifying the company ID and interview schedule ID in the URL path parameters. The request requires a 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a status code of 200 and includes details of the deleted interview schedule and related references. The response body contains information such as the interview schedule ID, name, location, and other attributes, as well as a list of references associated with the schedule.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Interview Template
: delete_interview_templateOperation
: writeEntities
: interview_question, interview_template, adminSummary
: The Delete Interview Template API allows users to delete a specific interview template by providing the company ID and interview template ID in the URL path parameters. The request requires a 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 response code with details of the deleted interview template, including references and interview questions. The response includes information such as the template's name, category, kind, and associated questions with their options and hints.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Language
: delete_languageOperation
: writeEntities
: languageSummary
: The Delete Language API allows you to delete a language for a specific company identified by the company_id. The API uses the DELETE HTTP method and requires the company_id as a path parameter. There are no request headers, query parameters, or request body required for this API. The response details, including response headers and body, are not specified in the documentation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Location
: delete_locationOperation
: writeEntities
: company, locationSummary
: The Delete Location API allows you to delete a specific location by its ID for a given company. The request requires the company_id and location id as path parameters. The request header must include 'Content-Type: application/json'. The response returns a detailed JSON object of the location that was deleted, including its ID, name, validity, state name, translations, language code, timestamps, note, city, state code, country code, street, postal code, active offers and requisitions count, deletability, and full address.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Meeting Room
: delete_meeting_roomOperation
: writeEntities
: company, meeting_room, interviewSummary
: The Delete Meeting Room API allows users to delete a specific meeting room by its ID for a given company. The API requires the company ID and the meeting room ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The API does not require a request body. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 response code. No response body is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Message
: delete_messageOperation
: writeEntities
: message, companySummary
: The Delete Message API allows you to delete a specific message from the mailbox of a company using the Recruitee platform. The API requires the company_id as a path parameter, which is mandatory, and optionally the id of the message to be deleted. There are no request headers or body required for this API. The response details are not provided in the documentation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Non-Custom Form Field by Name
: delete_non_custom_form_field_by_nameOperation
: deleteEntities
: company, form field, requisitionSummary
: The 'Delete Non-Custom Form Field by Name' API allows users to delete a specific non-custom form field by its name from a company's requisition settings. The API requires the company ID and the field name as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a response with the remaining form fields and a 'pristine' status indicating whether the form is in its original state.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Note
: delete_noteOperation
: writeEntities
: candidate, note, attachmentSummary
: The Delete Note API allows users to delete a specific note identified by its ID within a container identified by a token. The request requires the note ID and container token as path parameters, and a guest token as a query parameter. The request header must include 'Content-Type: application/json'. The response returns a 200 status code with details of the deleted note, including its ID, text, HTML body, creation timestamp, guest details, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Note Reaction
: delete_note_reactionOperation
: writeEntities
: reaction, company, noteSummary
: The Delete Note Reaction API allows you to remove a reaction from a note using a specified emoji. The API requires the company ID and note ID as path parameters, and the emoji as a request body parameter. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 response code with details of the deleted reaction, including the reaction ID, emoji, base emoji, admin ID, company ID, creation timestamp, and note ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Open Question from a Template
: delete_open_question_from_a_templateOperation
: writeEntities
: template, open_question, offerSummary
: The 'Delete Open Question from a Template' API allows users to delete an open question from a specified template within a company's offer. The API requires the company ID, offer ID, and optionally the open question ID as path parameters. The request must include a JSON body with the source template ID. The request header must specify 'Content-Type' as 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 response code with no response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Open Question in a Given Template
: delete_open_question_in_a_given_templateOperation
: writeEntities
: template, company, open_questionSummary
: This API endpoint allows the user to delete an open question from a specified template within a company. The request requires the company ID, template ID, and open question ID as path parameters. The request header must include 'Content-Type: application/json'. The API does not require a request body and returns a 200 response code with no response body upon successful deletion.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Open Question Template
: delete_open_question_templateOperation
: writeEntities
: company, open_question_templateSummary
: The Delete Open Question Template API allows users to delete a specific open question template identified by its ID for a given company. The API requires the company ID and the template ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a response with details of the deleted open question template, including its ID, title, category, and timestamps for creation and last update.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Personal Token
: delete_personal_tokenOperation
: deleteEntities
: company, personal_tokenSummary
: The Delete Personal Token API allows you to delete a personal token associated with a specific company. The API requires the company ID and the token ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response does not include a body, and a successful deletion is indicated by a 200 response code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Pipeline Template
: delete_pipeline_templateOperation
: writeEntities
: company, pipeline_template, offerSummary
: The Delete Pipeline Template API allows users to delete a specific pipeline template identified by its ID for a given company. The request requires the company ID and the pipeline template ID as path parameters. The request header must include 'Content-Type: application/json'. The API returns a 422 response code if there are assigned offers still associated with the pipeline template, along with an error message detailing the issue.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Placement
: delete_placementOperation
: writeEntities
: placement, offer, candidateSummary
: The Delete Placement API allows you to delete a specific placement by its ID for a given company. The API requires the company ID and placement ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns a 200 status code with details of the references and the placement that was deleted, including information such as reference ID, position, status, type, and other related details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Candidate Details
: get_candidate_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: custom_field, source, candidateSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a candidate using their unique ID. The request requires the company ID and candidate ID as path parameters, and an authorization token in the headers. The response includes various details about the candidate such as their CV URLs, cover letter, custom fields, tags, sources, and duplicates. The response also provides information about the candidate's placements, emails, photo URLs, and other personal details. If the candidate is not found, a 404 error is returned with a message indicating 'Page not found'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Candidate Details by ID
: get_candidate_details_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: custom_field, source, candidateSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a candidate using their ID. It requires the company ID and candidate ID as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes various details about the candidate such as their CV URLs, cover letter, custom fields, tags, sources, and duplicates. The response also includes references related to the candidate. If the candidate is not found, a 404 error with a 'Page not found' message is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Candidate Notes
: get_candidate_notesOperation
: readEntities
: candidate, note, attachmentSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves notes for a specific candidate identified by the candidate ID. The request requires a valid Bearer token for authorization and the company ID and candidate ID as path parameters. The response includes a list of notes, each containing details such as the admin ID, attachments, body content in various formats (HTML, JSON), creation and update timestamps, reactions, replies, and visibility settings. Additionally, the response provides references to the admins involved, including their contact information and profile pictures.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Company Candidates
: get_company_candidatesOperation
: readEntities
: user, job, candidateSummary
: The Retrieve Company Candidates API endpoint allows you to fetch a collection of candidates associated with a specific company. The endpoint requires a company ID as a path parameter and an authorization token in the headers. Optional query parameters include limit, offset, created_after, disqualified, qualified, ids, offer_id, query, sort, with_messages, and with_my_messages to filter and sort the results. The response includes a list of candidates with details such as admin_id, emails, followed status, name, phones, and placements. The response also includes metadata like generated_at, limit, offset, and references to related entities.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Company Offer Details
: get_company_offer_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: hiring_manager, offer, recruiterSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific company offer, which can be a job or a talent pool, using the provided offer ID. The request requires a valid Bearer token for authentication. The path parameters include 'company_id', which is the ID of the company or its subdomain, and 'id', which is the ID of the offer. The response includes various details about the offer such as its position, status, title, kind, and associated manager and recruiter IDs. The response also provides detailed information about the offer's pipeline, stages, and other attributes. In case of an error, the API returns appropriate error messages for unauthorized access or if the offer is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Company Offers
: get_company_offersOperation
: readEntities
: offer, talent_pool, jobSummary
: The Retrieve Company Offers API endpoint allows users to fetch a collection of job offers and talent pools associated with a company. The endpoint requires a company ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'kind', 'scope', and 'view_mode' to filter the results. The response includes detailed information about each offer, including its position, status, location, title, URL, and kind. The API requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication. The response provides a comprehensive list of offers with various attributes, including followers, enabled languages, and pipeline templates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Attachments for Candidate
: get_list_attachments_for_candidateOperation
: readEntities
: attachment, company, candidateSummary
: The 'List Attachments for Candidate' API retrieves a list of attachments associated with a specific candidate in a company. It requires the 'company_id' and 'candidate_id' as path parameters. Optional query parameters 'source' and 'kind' can be used to filter the attachments by their source and kind, respectively. The request must include a 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response includes a list of references and attachments, each with detailed information such as ID, status, filename, source, kind, and visibility. The response also indicates if any hidden attachments exist.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Candidate Tags
: get_list_candidate_tagsOperation
: readEntities
: tag, meta, companySummary
: The List Candidate Tags API allows users to retrieve a list of candidate tags for a specific company. The API requires the company_id as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include sort_by, which can be 'name' or 'taggings_count', query for search terms, and sort_order which can be 'desc' or 'asc' with a default of 'asc'. The response includes metadata about the number of tags and pagination, as well as an array of tag objects, each containing details such as id, name, status, context, and taggings_count.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Disqualify Reasons
: get_list_disqualify_reasonsOperation
: readEntities
: action_template, disqualify_reason, companySummary
: The List Disqualify Reasons API retrieves a list of disqualify reasons for a specified company. The request requires the company_id as a path parameter and the Content-Type header set to application/json. The response includes an array of disqualify reasons, each with an ID, name, position, action templates, and open questions count.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Interview Events
: get_list_interview_eventsOperation
: readEntities
: interview_event, admin, candidateSummary
: The List Interview Events API allows users to retrieve a list of interview events for a specified company. The API requires the company_id as a path parameter and supports various optional query parameters to filter the events, such as scope, status, limit, timezone, admin_ids, start_date, end_date, and page for pagination. The candidate_id query parameter is required. The request must include a Content-Type header set to application/json. The response includes metadata about the number of past due and upcoming events, references related to the events, and detailed information about each interview event, including its ID, type, start time, location, associated candidate and admin IDs, and calendar URLs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Published Company Job Offers
: get_published_company_job_offersOperation
: readEntities
: tag, department, offerSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a collection of published job offers from a company's careers site. The offers can be filtered by department or tag using query parameters. The response includes detailed information about each job offer, such as the job title, description, requirements, location, and application URLs. It also includes metadata like the job's status, creation and update timestamps, and various options related to the application process. The response can also include open questions that applicants need to answer. The API returns a 404 error if the requested resource is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show Company Offer by ID
: get_show_company_offer_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: open_question, department, offerSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific company offer (job) using the provided ID or slug. The request requires the 'id' path parameter, which is mandatory. The response includes detailed information about the job offer, such as its title, description, requirements, location, and other attributes. It also includes translations and open questions related to the job offer. If the offer is not found, a 404 error with a 'Not Found' message is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Change Stage in Placement
: patch_change_stage_in_placementOperation
: writeEntities
: placement, stage, candidateSummary
: The 'Change Stage in Placement' API allows users to update the stage of a placement within a company's recruitment process. The API requires the company ID and placement ID as path parameters. It also accepts several optional query parameters such as 'proceed', 'disqualify_reason_id', 'stage_id', 'hired_at', 'opening_id', 'work_location_id', 'job_starts_at', 'run_actions', 'remove_from_sharing_containers', and 'disqualify_run_actions'. The request must include a 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. Additionally, the request body must include a 'stage_id' parameter indicating the stage ID to change to. The response includes details about the references and the updated placement, such as reference ID, position, status, type, description, and other related information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Disqualify Candidate in Placement
: patch_disqualify_candidate_in_placementOperation
: writeEntities
: offer, candidate, placementSummary
: The 'Disqualify Candidate in Placement' API allows users to disqualify a candidate from a specific placement within a company. This is done by sending a PATCH request to the specified endpoint with the required URI parameters: 'company_id', 'id' (Placement ID), and 'disqualify_reason_id'. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. Additionally, the body of the request must include the 'disqualify_reason_id'. The response returns a status code of 200 and includes details about the references and the placement, such as reference IDs, positions, types, descriptions, and the disqualification reason. This API is useful for managing candidate placements and updating their status based on disqualification reasons.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Candidate CV
: patch_update_candidate_cvOperation
: writeEntities
: cv, candidateSummary
: This API endpoint allows updating a candidate's CV file, either by uploading a local file or providing a remote URL. The request requires a PATCH method to the specified URL with the company ID and candidate ID as path parameters. The request headers must include an Authorization token and a Content-Type of 'multipart/form-data'. The body can include a 'candidate' object with a 'remote_cv_url' for the CV file. The response returns the updated candidate details, including the CV URL and update timestamp. If authentication fails, a 401 error is returned.Input Fields
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Update Candidate Details
: patch_update_candidate_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: candidateSummary
: This API endpoint allows updating the details of a candidate with a specified ID. The PATCH request requires the company ID and candidate ID as path parameters. The request body should contain the candidate details to be updated, such as name, emails, phones, social links, links, and cover letter. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and a Content-Type header set to application/json. The response includes the updated candidate details if successful, or an error message if the request is invalid.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Candidate to Account
: post_add_candidate_to_accountOperation
: writeEntities
: company, candidate, offerSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to manually add a candidate to their account in Recruitee. The candidate will not receive an auto-confirmation email, and their profile will indicate they were manually added by the user whose API token was used. The request requires a company ID as a path parameter and a JSON body containing candidate details such as name, emails, phones, social links, and an optional offer ID. The response includes the created candidate's details or an error message if the creation fails.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Profile Fields to Candidate
: post_add_profile_fields_to_candidateOperation
: writeEntities
: value, candidate, fieldSummary
: This API allows adding profile fields to a candidate with a specified ID. The request requires the company ID and candidate ID as path parameters. The request body must include the field details, such as the field name, values, and kind, which specifies the input type (e.g., single_line, multi_line, boolean, etc.). The response returns the added field details if successful, or an error message if the request fails.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Analytics Campaign Data Retrieval
: post_analytics_campaign_data_retrievalOperation
: readEntities
: partner, campaign, analyticsSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves aggregate campaign data for specified campaigns. It uses the POST method to handle potentially long arrays of campaign identifiers. The request requires a partner path parameter and optionally includes a secret query parameter for authentication. The request body should contain an array of campaign IDs under 'utm_campaigns'. The response includes detailed analytics for each campaign, such as active and disqualified statuses, unique visits, and total visits. If unauthorized, a 401 error is returned, and if parameters are invalid, a 422 error is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Apply for Job Offer and Create Candidate
: post_apply_for_job_offer_and_create_candidateOperation
: writeEntities
: question, offer, candidateSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to apply for a job offer by creating a candidate. The required fields by default are name, phone, email, and cv, but you can adjust these requirements in the offer's settings. The API also supports answering job-related questions by attaching a list of answers to the request. The endpoint requires the 'offer_slug' as a path parameter to identify the job offer. The request body should include candidate details such as name, email, phone, and optionally a remote CV URL and referrer. Upon successful creation, a confirmation email is sent to the candidate. The response includes the candidate's details such as ID, name, emails, phones, and URLs for the photo and CV.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Candidate Tags
: post_create_candidate_tagsOperation
: writeEntities
: company, tag, candidateSummary
: The Create Candidate Tags API allows users to add tags to a candidate in the Recruitee system. The API requires both the company_id and candidate_id as path parameters. The request headers must include 'Content-Type: application/json'. The request body must include a 'tag' to be added. The response returns a list of tags with details such as id, name, status, context, and taggings_count.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Company Offer
: post_create_company_offerOperation
: writeEntities
: department, offer, locationSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a company offer, which can be a job or a talent pool. The endpoint requires a POST request to the URL{company_id}/offers with the company_id as a path parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and a Content-Type header set to application/json. The body of the request should contain an 'offer' object with details such as title, kind, location_ids, description, and requirements. The response will include details of the created offer, including its title, status, and other metadata. Be cautious when testing this endpoint as it will create new resources.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Note for Candidate
: post_create_note_for_candidateOperation
: writeEntities
: attachment, candidate, noteSummary
: The 'Create Note for Candidate' API allows users to create a note for a specific candidate within a company. The API requires the company ID and candidate ID as path parameters. The request must include a JSON body with the note details, including the text and visibility settings. The response returns a 201 status code and includes details about the created note, such as the note ID, body, visibility, and associated admin information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Single Disqualify Reason
: post_create_single_disqualify_reasonOperation
: writeEntities
: action_template, tag, disqualify_reasonSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of a single disqualify reason for a specified company. The request requires a company ID as a path parameter and a JSON body containing the disqualify reason details, including action templates, name, and position. The response returns the created disqualify reason with its ID, name, position, and action templates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Full Candidates Search
: post_full_candidates_searchOperation
: readEntities
: candidate, company, filter_groupSummary
: The Full Candidates Search API allows users to perform a comprehensive search on candidates with features like pagination, sorting, highlighting, and advanced filtering. Users can filter candidates based on various criteria such as cover letter presence, status, source, interviewers, ratings, and more. The API supports multiple filter groups and allows for complex queries. The request requires a company ID and supports optional parameters like limit, sort order, and page number. The response includes a list of candidates matching the search criteria, along with their details such as last activity, GDPR status, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Upload Attachments to Offer or Candidate
: post_upload_attachmentsOperation
: writeEntities
: offer, attachment, candidateSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to upload files to either an offer or a candidate profile in the Recruitee system. The request is made to the URL{company_id}/attachments using the POST method. The request headers must include an Authorization token and specify the content type as multipart/form-data. The path parameter 'company_id' is required to identify the company. The body of the request must include an 'attachment' object with required fields 'remote_file_url' and 'candidate_id', and an optional field 'offer_id'. The response includes details about the uploaded attachment, such as its ID, file URL, and visibility settings, as well as references to related entities like candidates and admins.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Sample API
: sample_api_001Operation
: readEntities
: report, candidateSummary
: This API endpoint processes user data and returns a success message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated 3 months ago