Fingercheck API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Fingercheck API as part of the HRIS category
Delete Employee Data from the System
: delete_employee_data_from_the_systemOperation
: writeEntities
: employeeSummary
: This API deletes an employee's data from the system using the employee number as the key. The request requires the employee number as a URI parameter. The response includes HTTP response details such as version, content, status code, reason phrase, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code is a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Employee Deduction Information
: delete_employee_deduction_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: deduction, employee deduction, employeeSummary
: This API deletes employee deduction information based on the provided Employee Deduction Object. The key parameters for identifying the deduction are Employee Number and Employee Deduction ID. The request body can include details such as Deduction Type, Deduction Description, Rate, Amount, Start Date, End Date, Payee Reference Number, and Modified On date. The response includes details such as Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and a boolean indicating if the status code is a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Employee Direct Deposit Information
: delete_employee_direct_deposit_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, bank account, employee direct depositSummary
: This API deletes an employee's direct deposit information. It requires the employee's direct deposit object as input, which includes parameters such as EmployeeNumber, NickName, EmployeeDirectDepositID, BankName, RoutingNumber, AccountNumber, AccountType, CalculationType, Amount, Sequence, ModifiedOn, and BlockOnAdditionalChecks. The response includes details such as Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and IsSuccessStatusCode.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Employee From Clock
: delete_employee_from_clockOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, clockSummary
: The 'Delete Employee From Clock' API allows for the removal of an employee from a clock system using their employee number and the clock's serial number. The API requires two query parameters: 'employeeNumber' and 'clockSerialNumber', both of which are strings and mandatory. The API does not require a request body. Upon successful execution, the API returns an HTTP response with details such as version, content type, status code, reason phrase, headers, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code represents a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Employee Pay Rate
: delete_employee_pay_rateOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, pay rateSummary
: The Delete Employee Pay Rate API allows for the deletion of an employee's pay rate using the Employee PayRate Object. The request requires the Employee Number, Rate Code, Employee Pay Rate ID, Rate, Start Date, and Modified On date as input parameters. The response includes details such as the version, content, status code, reason phrase, headers, request message, and a success status code. The response body contains the same details as the input parameters, confirming the deletion of the specified employee pay rate.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an Employee Schedule
: delete_employee_scheduleOperation
: writeEntities
: schedule, employeeSummary
: This API deletes an employee schedule identified by the timeClockScheduleID. The timeClockScheduleID is a required path parameter that specifies the ID of the schedule to be deleted. The API does not require a request body. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a response with a status code indicating success, along with other response details such as version, content, and reason phrase.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Employee Schedules
: delete_employee_schedulesOperation
: writeEntities
: time clock schedule, schedule, employeeSummary
: The Delete Employee Schedules API allows the deletion of employee schedules by passing an array of TimeClockScheduleIDs to be deleted. The request does not require any URL parameters, headers, or query parameters. The request body must contain an array of integers representing the TimeClockScheduleIDs to be deleted. The response includes headers such as Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and IsSuccessStatusCode. The response body contains an array of integers representing the IDs of the deleted schedules.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Punch from the System
: delete_punch_from_the_systemOperation
: writeEntities
: punch ID, clock punch data object, employeeSummary
: The Delete Punch from the System API allows for the deletion of a punch record in the system. It requires various query parameters such as EmployeeNumber, PunchType, TimePunch, and others to identify the punch record to be deleted. The PunchID is crucial for editing and should be left null for adding a new punch. The API returns a response with details such as Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and IsSuccessStatusCode to indicate the success or failure of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Enroll Employee For Pay On Demand
: enroll_employee_for_pay_on_demandOperation
: writeEntities
: payroll, employeeSummary
: The Enroll Employee For Pay On Demand API allows you to enroll an employee for the Pay On Demand service using their employee number. The request requires the employee number as a query parameter. The response includes details such as the version, content, status code, reason phrase, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code represents a successful operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Absence Requests by Date Range
: get_absence_requests_by_date_rangeOperation
: readEntities
: date, employee, absence requestSummary
: The Get Absence Requests by Date Range API retrieves all absence requests for employees within a specified date range. The API requires two query parameters: 'startDate' and 'endDate', both of which are mandatory and should be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. Additionally, two headers are required: 'APIKEY', a unique key issued to the programmer, and 'ClientSecretKey', generated per company and user level to define access. The response includes detailed information about each employee and their respective absence requests. Employee details include personal and job-related information such as EmployeeID, DivisionID, JobTitle, and more. Absence request details include the reason for absence, hours, and status. The response is provided in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Absence Requests for Date Range by Employee Number
: get_all_absence_requests_for_date_range_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: employee, absence requestSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all absence requests for a specified date range and employee number. It requires three query parameters: 'startDate', 'endDate', and 'employeeNumber', all of which are mandatory. The response includes detailed information about the employee and their absence requests within the specified date range. The employee details include personal and job-related information, while the absence request details include the reason, hours, and status of the absence.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve All Active Employee Data
: get_all_active_employee_dataOperation
: readEntities
: location, employee, supervisorSummary
: The 'Retrieve All Active Employee Data' API endpoint allows clients to fetch a comprehensive list of all active employees. This API does not require any input parameters and returns a JSON array of employee objects. Each employee object contains detailed information such as EmployeeID, EmployeePersonalID, DivisionID, EmployeeNumber, DivisionEmployeeStatus, PayGroup, Location, Job, Position, JobTitle, ClockNumber, IsExemptFromOT, FullOrPartTime, HireDate, PayType, AutoPay, SSN, FirstName, MiddleInitial, LastName, CostCenter details, FirstLast, LastFirst, Address, City, State, ZipCode, Phone, Email, DOB, Gender, ClockStatus, ModifiedOn, IsASupervisor, SupervisorID, SupervisorEmployeeNumber, DoNotTransferHoursToPayroll, TerminationDate, StandardHours, WorkPhone, WorkPhoneExt, MobilePhone, PersonalEmail, Task, Occupation, EthnicCode, FLSACode, PayFrequency, EETaxType, TaxLocation, SkipI9Verification, PayMethod, WorkersCompCode, ExcludeFromWorkersComp, NewHireStatus, BenefitClassCode, RehireDate, AutoGrossUp, IsStatutory, CustomFieldData, UseNewW4, TermReason, OnBoardingStatus, UseHomeTaxWorkLocation, and SOCCode. The response is provided in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve All Employee Data
: get_all_employee_dataOperation
: readEntities
: employee, supervisor, divisionSummary
: The 'Retrieve All Employee Data' API endpoint allows clients to fetch a complete collection of employee data. This API requires two headers: 'APIKEY', a unique key issued to the programmer to access the API web service, and 'ClientSecretKey', generated on a per company level and a per user level to define the distinct access to be given to the user. The API returns a list of employee records, each containing detailed information about an employee, including identifiers like EmployeeID and EmployeePersonalID, job-related details such as JobTitle and Position, personal information like FirstName, LastName, and SSN, and employment specifics such as HireDate, PayType, and DivisionEmployeeStatus. The response is provided in JSON format, with each employee's data encapsulated in an object within an array.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Paid Hours for a Specified Date Range
: get_all_paid_hours_for_a_specified_date_rangeOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, divisionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all paid hours for employees within a specified date range. The request requires two query parameters: 'startDate' and 'endDate', both of which are mandatory and should be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The response returns a list of records, each containing detailed information about the paid hours, including employee details, job information, hours worked, and other related data. The response is provided in JSON format, with each record containing fields such as 'DivsionName', 'CompanyCode', 'EmployeeID', 'Hours', 'Amount', and many more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Paid Hours for Date Range by Employee Number
: get_all_paid_hours_for_date_range_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: date, employee, hourSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all paid hours for a specified date range and employee number. It requires three query parameters: 'startDate', 'endDate', and 'employeeNumber', all of which are mandatory. The response includes detailed information about the employee's paid hours, such as division name, company code, employee ID, job title, hours worked, and more. The response is returned in JSON format, providing a comprehensive view of the employee's work details within the specified date range.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Payroll Check Details for a Specified Date Range
: get_all_payroll_check_details_for_date_rangeOperation
: readEntities
: report, employee, payroll check detailSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all payroll check details for employees within a specified date range. The request requires two query parameters: 'startDate' and 'endDate', both of which are mandatory and should be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The response returns a list of payroll check details for each employee, including detailed information about the employee and their payroll check details such as EmployeeID, DivisionID, CheckDate, TotalHours, GrossAmount, NetPay, and more. The response is provided in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Payroll Check Details for Date Range by Employee Number
: get_all_payroll_check_details_for_date_range_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: report, employee, payroll check detailSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all payroll check details for a specified date range and employee number. It requires three query parameters: 'startDate', 'endDate', and 'employeeNumber', all of which are mandatory. The response includes detailed information about the employee and their payroll check details, such as EmployeeID, EmployeeNumber, DivisionID, PayGroup, JobTitle, HireDate, and more. The payroll check details include information like CheckDate, TotalHours, GrossAmount, NetPay, and various other financial and job-related details. The response is provided in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Payroll Checks for a Specified Date Range
: get_all_payroll_checks_for_date_rangeOperation
: readEntities
: payroll check, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all payroll checks for a specified date range. It requires two query parameters: 'startDate' and 'endDate', both of which are mandatory and should be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The response is a JSON array containing details of each payroll check, including employee information and payroll check details. The employee information includes fields such as EmployeeID, EmployeeNumber, DivisionID, and more, while the payroll check details include CheckNumber, TotalEarnings, TotalDeductions, and other financial details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Payroll Checks for Date Range by Employee Number
: get_all_payroll_checks_for_date_range_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: payroll check, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all payroll checks for a specified date range and employee number. It requires three query parameters: 'startDate', 'endDate', and 'employeeNumber', all of which are mandatory. The response includes detailed information about the employee and their payroll checks within the specified date range. The employee details include personal and employment information such as EmployeeID, EmployeeNumber, DivisionID, JobTitle, and more. The payroll check details include CheckNumber, PeriodBegin, PeriodEnd, TotalEarnings, TotalDeductions, NetPay, and other financial details. The response is provided in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Time Card Raw Data for Date Range
: get_all_time_card_raw_data_for_date_rangeOperation
: readEntities
: time card, employee, divisionSummary
: The API endpoint 'Get All Time Card Raw Data for Date Range' retrieves all time card raw data for a specified date range. It requires two query parameters: 'startDate' and 'endDate', both of which are mandatory and should be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The response is a JSON array containing detailed information about each time card entry, including division name, company code, employee details, job information, punch details, and more. This data can be used for payroll and attendance tracking purposes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Time Card Raw Data for Date Range by Employee Number
: get_all_time_card_raw_data_for_date_range_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: time card, employee, divisionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all time card raw data for a specified date range and employee number. The request requires three query parameters: 'startDate', 'endDate', and 'employeeNumber', all of which are mandatory. The response returns a list of time card details including division name, company code, employee ID, job title, hire date, and other relevant employee and time card information. The response is provided in JSON format, detailing each attribute of the time card data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Time Cards for a Specified Date Range
: get_all_time_cards_for_date_rangeOperation
: readEntities
: time card, employee, divisionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all time cards for a specified date range. It requires two query parameters: 'startDate' and 'endDate', both of which are mandatory and should be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The response is a JSON array containing detailed information about each time card, including division name, company code, employee details, job information, and time punch details. The response includes fields such as 'DivsionName', 'EmployeeID', 'JobTitle', 'TimeIn', 'TimeOut', and many others, providing a comprehensive overview of the time card records within the specified date range.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Time Cards for Date Range by Employee Number
: get_all_time_cards_for_date_range_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: time card, employee, date rangeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all time cards for a specified date range and employee number. The request requires three query parameters: 'startDate', 'endDate', and 'employeeNumber', all of which are mandatory. The response returns a list of time card records in JSON format, each containing detailed information about the employee's work details, such as division name, company code, employee ID, job title, hours worked, and more. The response includes various fields like 'DivsionName', 'CompanyCode', 'EmployeeID', 'Hours', 'Amount', and timestamps for 'TimeIn' and 'TimeOut'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Applicant Job Openings
: get_applicant_job_openingsOperation
: readEntities
: applicant, position, job openingSummary
: The Get Applicant Job Openings API retrieves a list of existing job openings. It does not require any input parameters. The response includes details about each job opening such as JobOpeningID, JobOpeningGuid, JobTitle, EmployeeType, TaxType, Position, Location, OpenedOn, HiringLead, Status, NewApplicantsCount, ApplicantsCount, and Compensation. The response is returned in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Auto Loads Employee Tax Codes
: get_auto_loads_employee_tax_codesOperation
: readEntities
: tax code, request, employeeSummary
: The 'Auto Loads Employee Tax Codes' API retrieves the tax codes for a specific employee based on their employee number. The request requires the 'employeeNumber' as a query parameter, which is mandatory. The response includes details such as the version, content, status code, reason phrase, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code is a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Clocks Enrolled By Employee Number
: get_clocks_enrolled_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: employee, clockSummary
: This API retrieves the clocks enrolled for an employee identified by a distinct employee number. The request requires the employee number as a path parameter. The response is a dictionary in JSON format where each key is a serial number and each value is the corresponding clock description.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a List of Cost Centers by Level
: get_cost_center_listOperation
: readEntities
: level, cost centerSummary
: This API retrieves a list of cost centers based on the specified level. The request requires a query parameter 'level', which is an integer from 1 to 5, indicating the cost center level to retrieve. The response is a JSON array containing objects with 'Code', 'Description', and 'MapCode' for each cost center.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Active PTO Accruals
: get_employee_active_pto_accrualsOperation
: readEntities
: employee, accrual, PTO recordSummary
: The Get Employee Active PTO Accruals API returns all active PTO records for employees. It does not require any input parameters. The response includes detailed information about each employee's PTO accruals, such as EmployeeID, PTOCode, PTODescription, and various dates and amounts related to PTO accruals. The response is provided in JSON format, containing an array of objects with detailed employee and PTO information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Active PTO Accruals by Employee Number
: get_employee_active_pto_accruals_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: employee, pto record, balanceSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the active PTO (Paid Time Off) accrual records for a specified employee based on their employee number. The request requires a path parameter 'employeeNumber' which is mandatory. The response includes detailed information about the employee and their PTO records, such as EmployeeID, PTOCode, PTODescription, and various dates and balances related to PTO accruals. The response is returned in JSON format and includes comprehensive employee details like name, job title, location, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Active Rates
: get_employee_active_ratesOperation
: readEntities
: rate, employeeSummary
: The Get Employee Active Rates API returns all active rates for employees within a specified date range. The request requires two query parameters: 'startDate' and 'endDate', both of which are mandatory and should be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The response is a JSON array containing objects with details such as 'EmployeeID', 'RateCode', 'StartDate', and 'Rate'. This API is useful for retrieving employee rate information over a specified period.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Active Rates by Dates and Employee Number
: get_employee_active_rates_by_dates_and_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: rate, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the active rates for a specified employee within a given date range. The request requires the employee number as a path parameter and the start and end dates as query parameters. The response returns a list of active rates for the employee, including the EmployeeID, RateCode, StartDate, and Rate. The response is provided in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee by Employee Number
: get_employee_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: employee, address, supervisorSummary
: The Get Employee by Employee Number API retrieves detailed information about an employee using their unique employee number. The request requires a path parameter 'employeeNumber' which is mandatory. The response includes a comprehensive set of employee details such as EmployeeID, EmployeePersonalID, DivisionID, EmployeeNumber, DivisionEmployeeStatus, PayGroup, Location, Job, Position, JobTitle, ClockNumber, IsExemptFromOT, FullOrPartTime, HireDate, PayType, AutoPay, SSN, FirstName, MiddleInitial, LastName, CostCenter details, FirstLast, LastFirst, Address details, Phone, Email, DOB, Gender, ClockStatus, ModifiedOn, IsASupervisor, Supervisor details, DoNotTransferHoursToPayroll, TerminationDate, StandardHours, WorkPhone, WorkPhoneExt, MobilePhone, PersonalEmail, Task, Occupation, EthnicCode, FLSACode, PayFrequency, EETaxType, TaxLocation, SkipI9Verification, PayMethod, WorkersCompCode, ExcludeFromWorkersComp, NewHireStatus, BenefitClassCode, RehireDate, AutoGrossUp, IsStatutory, CustomFieldData, UseNewW4, TermReason, OnBoardingStatus, UseHomeTaxWorkLocation, and SOCCode. The response is provided in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Clock Info By Employee Number
: get_employee_clock_info_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: employee number, RFID card number, employee clock infoSummary
: This API retrieves the EmployeeClockInfo object by a distinct employee number. The request requires a path parameter 'employeeNumber' which is a string representing the employee's unique number. The response returns a JSON object containing 'EmployeeNumber', 'RFIDCardNumber', and 'IsEnroller' fields, which provide the employee's number, RFID card number, and a boolean indicating if the employee is an enroller, respectively.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Employee Data By Clock Serial Number
: get_employee_data_by_clock_serial_numberOperation
: readEntities
: employee, supervisor, divisionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a complete collection of employee data based on the provided clock serial number. The request requires a path parameter 'clockSerialNumber' which is mandatory. The response returns a list of employee details including EmployeeID, EmployeePersonalID, DivisionID, EmployeeNumber, DivisionEmployeeStatus, PayGroup, Location, Job, Position, JobTitle, ClockNumber, and many other attributes related to the employee's personal and job-related information. The response is provided in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Employee Data by Employee Number
: get_employee_data_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: request, employee, responseSummary
: The 'Retrieve Employee Data by Employee Number' API endpoint allows clients to fetch detailed information about a specific employee using their employee number. This API requires two headers: APIKEY and ClientSecretKey, which are necessary for authentication and authorization. The employee number is provided as a path parameter. The response includes comprehensive details about the employee, such as identifiers like EmployeeID and EmployeePersonalID, job-related information like JobTitle and Position, personal details like FirstName, LastName, and SSN, and employment specifics such as HireDate, PayType, and DivisionEmployeeStatus. The response is returned in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Deductions by Employee Number
: get_employee_deductions_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: deduction, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the deduction details for an employee based on their employee number. The request requires the 'employeeNumber' as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the deduction type, description, unique deduction ID, rate, amount, start and end dates, payee reference number, and the last modified date. The response is returned in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Details
: get_employee_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: request, employee, responseSummary
: This API retrieves the details of an employee using their unique employee number. The request requires the 'employeeNumber' as a path parameter. The response includes various HTTP response details such as version, content type, status code, reason phrase, headers, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code is a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Employee Direct Deposits by Employee Number
: get_employee_direct_deposits_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: employee, bank account, employee direct depositSummary
: This API retrieves the direct deposit details of an employee using their employee number. The request requires the 'employeeNumber' as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the employee's number, nickname, direct deposit ID, bank name, routing number, account number, account type, calculation type, deposit amount, sequence number, modification date, and whether the deposit is blocked on additional checks. The response is returned in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Last Punch Info by Employee Number
: get_employee_last_punch_info_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: punch info, status, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the last punch information of an employee using their unique employee number. The request requires the 'employeeNumber' as a path parameter. The response includes the 'EmployeeNumber', 'Status', and 'LastPunched' date in JSON format, providing details about the employee's last punch status and time.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Employee Pay On-Demand Application by Employee Number
: get_employee_pay_on_demand_application_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: fee, pay on demand application, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the Employee Pay On-Demand Application details using the Employee Number as a path parameter. The request requires the 'employeeNumber' as a path parameter. The response includes details such as 'EmployeeNumber', 'AgreedToTerms', 'Status', 'DateApplied', 'DateAgreedToTerms', 'EmployeePercentWageLimit', and 'OverrideFeePaidBy'. The 'OverrideFeePaidBy' field indicates who pays the fee, with 0 for Employee and 1 for Employer.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Employee Pay On-Demand Transactions by Employee Number
: get_employee_pay_on_demand_transactions_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: employee pay on-demand transaction, employee number, employee direct depositSummary
: This API retrieves the pay on-demand transactions for a specific employee identified by their employee number. The request requires the employee number as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the date of request, amount requested, transaction fee, delivery type, and status among other transaction details. The response is provided in JSON format and includes an array of transaction records.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Employee Pay Rates by Employee Number
: get_employee_pay_rates_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: rate code, employee, pay rateSummary
: This API retrieves the pay rates of an employee using their employee number. The request requires the 'employeeNumber' as a path parameter. The response returns an array of objects, each containing details such as 'EmployeeNumber', 'RateCode', 'EmployeePayRateID', 'Rate', 'StartDate', and 'ModifiedOn'. The response is available in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee PTO Accruals
: get_employee_pto_accrualsOperation
: readEntities
: employee, pto record, balanceSummary
: The Get Employee PTO Accruals API returns all PTO (Paid Time Off) records for employees. It does not require any input parameters and responds with a detailed list of PTO records for each employee. The response includes information such as EmployeeID, Employee details (including personal and job-related information), PTOCode, PTODescription, and various PTO-related metrics like Allowed, Used, PendingHours, Balance, and dates related to accruals and rollovers. The response is provided in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee PTO Accruals by Employee Number
: get_employee_pto_accruals_by_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: PTO accrual, employee, PTO recordSummary
: The Get Employee PTO Accruals by Employee Number API retrieves the PTO (Paid Time Off) records for a specified employee. The API requires the employee number as a path parameter to identify the employee whose PTO records are to be fetched. The response includes detailed information about the employee and their PTO accruals, such as Employee ID, PTO Code, PTO Description, balance as of a certain date, end date, allowed PTO hours, used PTO hours, pending hours, balance, and various dates related to accruals and rollovers. The response is provided in JSON format, containing an array of PTO accrual records for the specified employee.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Rates by Start Date
: get_employee_rates_by_start_dateOperation
: readEntities
: rate, employeeSummary
: The 'Get Employee Rates by Start Date' API returns all employee rates starting from a specified date. The request requires a 'startDate' query parameter, which is a string representing the start date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The response is a JSON array of objects, each containing 'EmployeeID' (integer), 'RateCode' (string), 'StartDate' (date-time string), and 'Rate' (decimal number). This API is useful for retrieving employee rate information based on a specific start date.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Rates by Start Date and Employee Number
: get_employee_rates_by_start_date_and_employee_numberOperation
: readEntities
: rate, employee, start dateSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the rates of a specified employee by their employee number and a given start date. The request requires two parameters: 'employeeNumber' as a path parameter, which is the identifier for the employee, and 'startDate' as a query parameter, which specifies the start date for the rate retrieval. The response returns an array of objects, each containing 'EmployeeID', 'RateCode', 'StartDate', and 'Rate', providing detailed rate information for the specified employee.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Existing Schedules by Date Range
: get_existing_schedules_by_date_rangeOperation
: readEntities
: schedule, employee, cost centerSummary
: The Get Existing Schedules by Date Range API returns existing schedules for a specified date range. It requires two query parameters: 'startDate' and 'endDate', both of which are required and should be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The response is a JSON array containing schedule details such as EmployeeNumber, StartDate, StartTime, EndDate, EndTime, SchedulePolicy, CostCenter1-5, Job, Task, OverrideProfile, TimeClockScheduleID, and ShiftNumber. Each schedule entry provides comprehensive information about the schedule for an employee within the specified date range.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Live Status by Date
: get_live_status_by_dateOperation
: readEntities
: report, employee, live statusSummary
: The Get Live Status by Date API returns the live status of employees for a specified date. The API requires a 'date' query parameter in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The response includes detailed information about each employee's status on that date, such as EmployeeID, LastFirst, FirstName, LastName, LastPunched, LiveStatus, EmployeeNumber, ClockNumber, various CostCenters, PayGroup, Job, Task, Location, DivisionEmployeeStatus, Position, and IDs for CostCenters, Job, and Task. It also includes EntryType, EntryDetails, CapturedPhoto GUID, and CapturedPhotoVerificationLevel.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Pay On-Demand Transaction by Reference Number
: get_pay_on_demand_transaction_by_reference_numberOperation
: readEntities
: transaction, payment, employeeSummary
: This API retrieves the details of a Pay On-Demand transaction using a specific reference number. The request requires a path parameter 'referenceNumber' which is mandatory. The response includes detailed information about the transaction such as EmployeeNumber, DateOfRequest, AmountRequested, TransactionFee, TransactionFeePaidBy, DeliveryType, DeliverByDate, EmployeeDirectDepositID, ABANumber, AccountNumber, Status, TotalPayout, DraftDate, ApprovedDeclinedTimeStamp, PendingChangeTimeStamp, ScheduleToPayInDays, and RefrenceNumber. The response is provided in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Punch Photo by Punch Photo ID
: get_punch_photo_by_punch_photo_idOperation
: readEntities
: photo, punch photoSummary
: The Get Punch Photo by Punch Photo ID API retrieves a photo associated with a specific punch photo ID. The request requires a query parameter 'photoID', which is a globally unique identifier for the punch photo. The response returns the photo in a base64 encoded format. The API supports JSON and XML response formats, with the JSON format returning a base64 encoded string.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a List of Jobs
: get_retrieve_a_list_of_jobsOperation
: readEntities
: jobSummary
: The Retrieve a List of Jobs API endpoint allows clients to retrieve a list of jobs. This API does not require any URL parameters, headers, or body in the request. The response is a JSON array containing objects with the fields 'Code', 'Description', and 'MapCode', each of which is a string. The API returns a list of jobs with their respective codes, descriptions, and map codes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a Sample Clock Meta Data Object
: get_sample_clock_meta_data_objectOperation
: readEntities
: clock punch meta data, employee, cost centerSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a sample clock meta data object. It does not require any input parameters. The response includes details such as EmployeeNumber, PunchType, TimePunch, various CostCenters, Job, Task, Quantity, EntryDetails, Note, ISExplicit flag, PunchID, PayWithCheckDate, and PayWithRunNumber. The PunchID should be null for adding a new punch, and PayWithCheckDate and PayWithRunNumber are optional fields that can be used to specify payroll details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Sample List Clock Meta Data Object
: get_sample_list_clock_meta_data_objectOperation
: readEntities
: employee, clock punch metadata, cost centerSummary
: The Retrieve Sample List Clock Meta Data Object API endpoint allows clients to retrieve a sample list of clock punch metadata objects. This API does not require any input parameters and returns a list of objects containing details such as EmployeeNumber, PunchType, TimePunch, CostCenter1 to CostCenter5, Job, Task, Quantity, EntryDetails, Note, ISExplicit, PunchID, PayWithCheckDate, and PayWithRunNumber. The response is provided in JSON format, with each object representing a clock punch metadata entry.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a Sample Lookup Entity Meta Data Object
: get_sample_lookup_entity_meta_data_objectOperation
: readEntities
: meta data, object, lookup entitySummary
: The API endpoint '/v1/Sync/GetLookupDataSampleObject' is used to retrieve a sample lookup entity meta data object. It does not require any URL parameters, headers, or body in the request. The response is provided in JSON format and includes three main fields: 'Code', 'Description', and 'MapCode', each represented as strings. These fields provide the code, description, and map code of the sample lookup entity, respectively.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a Sample Lookup Meta Data Object
: get_sample_lookup_meta_data_objectOperation
: readEntities
: lookup meta data objectSummary
: The API endpoint '/v1/Sync/GetLookupDataListSampleObject' is used to retrieve a sample lookup meta data object. It does not require any URL parameters, headers, or request body. The response is a JSON array containing objects with 'Code', 'Description', and 'MapCode' fields, each of type string. This API is useful for obtaining sample lookup data in a structured format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Schedules by Date Range
: get_schedules_by_date_rangeOperation
: readEntities
: schedule, employee, cost centerSummary
: The 'Get Schedules by Date Range' API returns all schedules for a specified date range. It requires two query parameters: 'startDate' and 'endDate', both of which are mandatory and should be in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd'. The response is a JSON array containing schedule details such as 'EmployeeNumber', 'StartDate', 'StartTime', 'EndDate', 'EndTime', 'SchedulePolicy', 'CostCenter1' to 'CostCenter5', 'Job', 'Task', 'OverrideProfile', 'TimeClockScheduleID', and 'ShiftNumber'. Each field provides specific information about the schedule, such as the employee number, schedule timings, policy codes, cost centers, job and task codes, and unique identifiers for the schedule.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Applicant by Job ID
: post_add_applicant_by_job_idOperation
: writeEntities
: reference, applicant, job openingSummary
: The 'Add Applicant by Job ID' API allows users to add a new applicant to an existing job opening by providing various details about the applicant. The request requires a valid Job Opening Guid, the applicant's first and last name, and optionally other details such as middle initial, gender, date of birth, address, contact information, and educational background. The response includes details such as the version, content, status code, reason phrase, headers, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code is a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Employee Data to the System
: post_add_employee_dataOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, supervisor, divisionSummary
: This API endpoint allows for adding employee data to the system. It accepts a comprehensive set of parameters related to the employee, including identifiers, personal information, job details, and more. The request body must include details such as EmployeeID, EmployeePersonalID, DivisionID, EmployeeNumber, and other relevant employee attributes. The response provides information about the success of the operation, including the HTTP status code and any relevant messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Employee Deduction Information
: post_add_employee_deduction_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: deduction, employee deduction, employeeSummary
: The Add Employee Deduction Information API allows you to add deduction information for an employee. The request requires an Employee Deduction Object, which includes parameters such as EmployeeNumber, DeductionType, DeductionDescription, EmployeeDeductionID, Rate, Amount, StartDate, EndDate, PayeeReferenceNumber, and ModifiedOn. The response provides details such as Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and IsSuccessStatusCode.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Employee Direct Deposit Information
: post_add_employee_direct_deposit_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: account detail, bank detail, employee direct depositSummary
: This API endpoint allows for the addition of direct deposit information for an employee. The request requires several parameters including EmployeeNumber, NickName, EmployeeDirectDepositID, BankName, RoutingNumber, AccountNumber, AccountType, CalculationType, Amount, Sequence, ModifiedOn, and BlockOnAdditionalChecks. The response includes details such as the API version, content type, status code, reason phrase, headers, request message, and a boolean indicating if the response was successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Employee Pay Rate Information
: post_add_employee_pay_rate_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: rate, date, employeeSummary
: The Add Employee Pay Rate Information API allows you to add or update the pay rate information for an employee. The request requires an Employee Pay Rate Object, which includes parameters such as EmployeeNumber, RateCode, EmployeePayRateID, Rate, StartDate, and ModifiedOn. The EmployeeNumber serves as the data key for proper updating. The response includes details such as the EmployeeNumber, RateCode, EmployeePayRateID, Rate, StartDate, and ModifiedOn, along with HTTP response metadata like Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and IsSuccessStatusCode.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Paid Hours to the System
: post_add_paid_hours_to_the_systemOperation
: writeEntities
: paid hour, employee, cost centerSummary
: The 'Add Paid Hours to the System' API allows users to add paid hours to the system by providing a Paid Hour Meta Data Object. The request body includes parameters such as EmployeeNumber, Date, EarningCode, PaidHourType, Hours, Amount, TempRate, CostCenter1-5, Job, Task, Note, PayWithCheckDate, and PayWithRunNumber. The response includes details such as Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and IsSuccessStatusCode.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Pay On Demand Transaction Request
: post_add_pay_on_demand_transaction_requestOperation
: writeEntities
: pay on demand transaction, employee, employee direct depositSummary
: The Add Pay On Demand Transaction Request API allows users to request a pay on demand transaction by providing the employee's unique number, the ID of the employee's direct deposit account, and the amount requested. The response includes details such as the version, content, status code, reason phrase, headers, request message, and a success status code indicator. The response body contains the employee number, direct deposit ID, and the requested amount.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Punch to the System
: post_add_punch_to_the_systemOperation
: writeEntities
: punch, employee, cost centerSummary
: The Add Punch to the System API allows users to add a punch record to the system. It accepts various parameters such as EmployeeNumber, PunchType, TimePunch, and multiple CostCenter fields, among others. The PunchID should be left null for adding a new punch and only filled for editing an existing punch. The API also allows specifying a PayWithCheckDate and PayWithRunNumber for payroll purposes. The request headers require an APIKEY and a ClientSecretKey for authentication. The response includes details such as the version, content, status code, reason phrase, headers, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code is successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Punches to the System
: post_add_punches_to_systemOperation
: writeEntities
: clock punch, employee, cost centerSummary
: The 'Add Punches to the System' API allows users to add multiple clock punch entries to the system. The request body should contain a list of Clock Punch Data Objects, each with details such as EmployeeNumber, PunchType, TimePunch, CostCenter information, Job, Task, Quantity, EntryDetails, Note, ISExplicit, PunchID, PayWithCheckDate, and PayWithRunNumber. The response returns the same list of Clock Punch Data Objects with the details provided in the request.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Agree to Terms for Pay On Demand for Employee
: post_agree_to_terms_employee_for_pay_on_demandOperation
: readEntities
: pay on demand, employee, termSummary
: This API endpoint allows an employee to agree to the terms for Pay On Demand. It requires the employee's number as a query parameter. The response includes the version, content, status code, reason phrase, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code is a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Approve or Decline an Employee Pay On-Demand Application
: post_approve_or_decline_employee_pay_on_demand_applicationOperation
: writeEntities
: pay on-demand application, employee, approvalSummary
: This API endpoint allows for the approval or decline of an employee's pay on-demand application based on their employee number. The request requires two path parameters: 'employeeNumber', which is a string representing the unique identifier of the employee, and 'approveDecline', a boolean indicating whether to approve (true) or decline (false) the application. The response includes details such as the version, content, status code, reason phrase, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code represents a successful operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Download General Ledger Report by Code
: post_download_general_ledger_report_by_codeOperation
: readEntities
: payroll, general ledger, reportSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to download a General Ledger Report by providing the General Ledger Code, Check Date, and Run Number of the requested payroll. The request is made via a POST method to the endpoint '/v1/Reports/PostDownloadGeneralLedgerByCode'. The request body must include 'GeneralLedgerCode', 'CheckDate' in MM/dd/yyyy format, and 'RunNumber'. The response returns these details in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Edit Punch in the System
: post_edit_punch_in_the_systemOperation
: writeEntities
: job, punch, cost centerSummary
: The Edit Punch API allows users to edit an existing punch entry in the system. The request body requires a Clock Punch Data Object, which includes parameters such as EmployeeNumber, PunchType, TimePunch, CostCenter details, Job, Task, Quantity, EntryDetails, Note, ISExplicit, PunchID, PayWithCheckDate, and PayWithRunNumber. The PunchID is mandatory for editing an existing punch. The response includes details such as Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and IsSuccessStatusCode.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Generate and Link Pay Card for Employee
: post_generate_and_link_pay_card_for_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, pay cardSummary
: This API endpoint generates and links a pay card for a specific employee. The request requires an EmployeePayCardData object, where the Employee Number is the key for updating. The request body includes parameters such as EmployeeNumber, CalculationType, Amount, ModifiedOn, UseNewAddress, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip, and CardID. The response includes details such as Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and IsSuccessStatusCode.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Onboard Employee to Payroll
: post_onboard_employee_to_payrollOperation
: writeEntities
: document, clock serial, employeeSummary
: This API is used to onboard an employee to the payroll system, expecting the employee to already exist in the system. The request body includes details about the employee, such as their clock serial numbers, documents they need to sign, pay rate, and other onboarding options like self-enrollment and skipping I9 verification. The response returns detailed information about the employee, including their personal and job-related details, as well as the onboarding status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Sync and Update Cost Centers
: post_sync_and_update_cost_centersOperation
: writeEntities
: lookup entity data object, cost centerSummary
: The Sync and Update Cost Centers API allows users to sync cost centers to the system by providing a list of Lookup Entity Data Objects. This API will add new cost centers and update existing ones based on the provided code. The request requires a query parameter 'level' to specify the level at which the cost centers should be synced and updated. The request body should contain an array of objects, each with 'Code', 'Description', and 'MapCode' fields. The response returns a list of cost centers that were successfully synced and updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Sync Cost Centers
: post_sync_cost_centersOperation
: writeEntities
: lookup entity data object, cost centerSummary
: The Sync Cost Centers API allows you to synchronize cost centers to the system. It accepts a list of Lookup Entity Data Objects as input, each containing a Code, Description, and MapCode. The API can be called with an optional query parameter 'level' to specify the level at which to sync. The response includes details such as the version, content type, status code, reason phrase, headers, request message, and a success status indicator. The response body contains an array of cost center objects with their respective codes, descriptions, and map codes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Sync Jobs to the System
: post_sync_jobs_to_the_systemOperation
: writeEntities
: sync job, lookup entity data, systemSummary
: The Sync Jobs to the System API allows users to sync jobs by providing a list of lookup entity data objects. The API accepts query parameters such as Code, Description, and MapCode, which are optional. The request body should contain an array of objects with properties Code, Description, and MapCode. The response includes headers with details like Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and IsSuccessStatusCode, and the body returns an array of lookup entity data objects.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Synchronize Employee Data
: post_synchronize_employee_dataOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, supervisor, divisionSummary
: The Synchronize Employee Data API allows for the synchronization of employee data to the system. It accepts a comprehensive set of parameters encapsulated in an Employee Object, with the Employee Number serving as the data key for proper updating. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/v1/Employees/SynchronizeEmployees'. The request body includes various employee details such as EmployeeID, EmployeePersonalID, DivisionID, EmployeeNumber, and many more attributes related to the employee's job, personal information, and employment status. The response returns a JSON array of employee objects, each containing the same set of attributes as the request, confirming the synchronization of the employee data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Synchronize Employee Schedule Data
: post_synchronize_employee_schedule_dataOperation
: writeEntities
: schedule, employee, cost centerSummary
: The Synchronize Employee Schedule Data API allows for the synchronization of employee schedule data to the system. It requires a ScheduleMetaData object as input, which includes parameters such as EmployeeNumber, StartDate, StartTime, EndDate, EndTime, SchedulePolicy, CostCenter1-5, Job, Task, OverrideProfile, TimeClockScheduleID, and ShiftNumber. The response returns a collection of schedule metadata objects, each containing the same fields as the input, indicating the successful synchronization of the schedule data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Clock Information
: post_update_employee_clock_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, employee clock informationSummary
: The Update Employee Clock Information API allows updating of an employee's clock information using the EmployeeClockInfo object. The primary key for updating is the Employee Number. The API accepts query parameters including EmployeeNumber, RFIDCardNumber, and IsEnroller. The response includes details such as the version, content, status code, reason phrase, headers, request message, and a success status code indicator. The response body contains the updated employee clock information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Deduction Information
: post_update_employee_deduction_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: deduction type, employee deduction, deduction descriptionSummary
: The Update Employee Deduction Information API allows updating of employee deduction details using the Employee Deduction Object. The key parameters for updating are Employee Number and Employee Deduction ID. The request headers must include APIKEY and ClientSecretKey for authentication. The request body must include details such as Deduction Type, Deduction Description, Rate, Amount, Start Date, End Date, Payee Reference Number, and Modified On date. The response includes details such as Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and a boolean indicating if the status code is a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Direct Deposit Information
: post_update_employee_direct_deposit_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: bank, employee, direct depositSummary
: The Update Employee Direct Deposit Information API allows updating of an employee's direct deposit details. The request requires an Employee Direct Deposit Object, which includes parameters such as Employee Number, NickName, EmployeeDirectDepositID, BankName, RoutingNumber, AccountNumber, AccountType, CalculationType, Amount, Sequence, ModifiedOn, and BlockOnAdditionalChecks. The request headers must include APIKEY and ClientSecretKey for authentication. The response provides details such as Version, Content, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, RequestMessage, and IsSuccessStatusCode.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Information
: post_update_employee_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: payroll, employee, supervisorSummary
: The Update Employee Information API allows updating of employee details using a comprehensive set of parameters. The request body includes various fields such as EmployeeID, EmployeeNumber, DivisionID, and more, which are used to update the employee's information. The request headers require an APIKEY and a ClientSecretKey for authentication. The response provides details about the success of the operation, including the HTTP status code and reason phrase.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Pay On-Demand Application by Employee Number
: post_update_employee_pay_on_demand_application_by_employee_numberOperation
: writeEntities
: employee pay on-demand application, employee, wage limitSummary
: This API updates an Employee Pay On-Demand Application's EmployeePercentWageLimit by Employee Number. It requires the employee number as a path parameter and a request body containing details such as AgreedToTerms, Status, DateApplied, DateAgreedToTerms, EmployeePercentWageLimit, and optionally OverrideFeePaidBy. The response includes the updated application details in JSON format, along with HTTP response headers indicating the success or failure of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Pay Rate
: post_update_employee_pay_rateOperation
: writeEntities
: employee pay rate, rate, employeeSummary
: The Update Employee Pay Rate API allows for updating the pay rate of an employee. It requires the Employee Number, Rate Code, Employee Pay Rate ID, Rate, Start Date, and Modified On date as input parameters. The response includes the updated details of the employee's pay rate along with HTTP response metadata such as status code and headers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Send Employee a Self Service Invite Email
: send_employee_a_self_service_invite_emailOperation
: writeEntities
: employeeSummary
: This API sends a self-service invite email to an employee. The request requires the employee's number as a query parameter. The response includes details such as the version, content, status code, reason phrase, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code is a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Send Employee to All Active Clocks
: send_employee_to_all_active_clocksOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, clockSummary
: The 'Send Employee to All Active Clocks' API sends an employee to all active clocks using their employee number. The request requires the 'employeeNumber' as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the version, content, status code, reason phrase, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code is a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Send Employee to Clock
: send_employee_to_clockOperation
: writeEntities
: employee, clockSummary
: The 'Send Employee to Clock' API sends an employee to a specified clock using the employee's number and the clock's serial number. It requires two query parameters: 'employeeNumber' and 'clockSerialNumber', both of which are strings and mandatory. The API does not require a request body. Upon successful execution, it returns a response containing the version, content, status code, reason phrase, request message, and a boolean indicating if the status code is a success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated 3 months ago