Paylocity API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Paylocity API as part of the HRIS category
Delete Assessment Package
: delete_assessment_packageOperation
: writeEntities
: company, assessment package, partnerSummary
: This API endpoint is for assessment partners to delete assessment packages from Paylocity's platform. Partners can delete an assessment package by providing the packageId. The API confirms the deletion with the packageId and its status. The packageId should match the package you intend to delete. The request requires the companyId and packageId as path parameters, and an Authorization token in the header. The response includes a confirmation of deletion or an error message with details if the request fails.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Billing Code for a Company
: delete_billing_code_for_a_companyOperation
: writeEntities
: company, billing code, client onboardingSummary
: This API endpoint is used to delete an already registered billing code, either active or inactive, by companyId and specific billing code for a given client. It is restricted to background check providers that have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. The request requires the companyId and billingCode as path parameters, and an Authorization token in the header. The response confirms the deletion of the billing code or provides error details if the operation fails.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Deduction API
: delete_deduction_apiOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, deductionSummary
: The Delete Deduction API is used to remove an incorrect deduction from the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the Authorization header with a Bearer JWT token and several path parameters: companyId, employeeId, deductionCode, and startDate. The API does not require a request body or query parameters. Upon successful deletion, it returns a 204 status code. If the request is forbidden, not found, or encounters an internal server error, it returns 403, 404, or 500 status codes respectively. The 500 error response includes details about the error path, field, message, and options.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Earning by Earning Code and Start Date
: delete_earning_by_earning_code_and_start_dateOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, earningSummary
: This API endpoint allows for the deletion of an earning record for a specific employee within a company, identified by the earning code and start date. The DELETE method is used to remove the earning record. The request requires path parameters including companyId, employeeId, earningCode, and startDate, all of which are mandatory. The response will return a 204 status code if the deletion is successful. Possible error responses include 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the employee or earning record does not exist, 429 for too many requests, and 500 for internal server errors. The error responses may include detailed error messages and options.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Employee Deduction
: delete_employee_deductionOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, deductionSummary
: This API endpoint allows the user to delete a specific deduction code for an employee in a company. The request requires path parameters including companyId, employeeId, deductionCode, and resourceId, which uniquely identify the deduction record to be deleted. An optional Authorization header can be included for authentication. The API responds with a success message upon successful deletion.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Employee Earning Code
: delete_employee_earning_codeOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, earningSummary
: This API allows the user to DELETE a specific earning code for an employee in a company. The request requires path parameters including companyId, employeeId, earningCode, and resourceId. An optional Authorization header can be included for authentication. The response indicates success with a 200 status code, but no specific response body example is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Job Code
: delete_job_codeOperation
: deleteEntities
: payroll, company, job codeSummary
: The DELETE Job Code endpoint enables users to delete a single job code and its values from the Paylocity instance of a client. In order to utilize this endpoint, it is required to provide both the Company ID and the Job Code ID in the endpoint. Best Practice Notice: If you delete a job code which has been used in payroll, your reports may be impacted. The best practice is to make the job code inactive instead of deleting the entire job code. This API endpoint will allow an API user to delete a Job Code record for a specific company ID and Job Code ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Local Tax by Tax Code
: delete_local_tax_by_tax_codeOperation
: deleteEntities
: company, employee, taxSummary
: This API endpoint allows the deletion of a local tax associated with a specific employee in a company by specifying the tax code. The DELETE method is used to perform this operation. The request requires three path parameters: 'companyId', which is the unique identifier for the company (maximum 9 characters), 'employeeId', which is the unique identifier for the employee within the company (maximum 10 characters), and 'taxCode', which is the code of the tax to be deleted. The request header can optionally include 'accept' with the value 'application/json'. The response will return a 204 status code if the deletion is successful. If there are errors, such as a bad request, unauthorized access, forbidden access, non-existent employee or tax code, too many requests, or an internal server error, appropriate error messages and codes will be returned in the response.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Local Tax for Tax Code
: delete_local_tax_for_tax_codeOperation
: writeEntities
: company, local tax, employeeSummary
: The Delete Local Tax for Tax Code API deletes a specified local tax code from the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the companyId, employeeId, and taxCode as path parameters, and an Authorization header with a Bearer JWT token. The API does not require a request body. On successful deletion, it returns a 204 status code. If the request is forbidden, not found, or encounters an internal server error, it returns 403, 404, or 500 status codes respectively. The 500 error response includes details about the error path, field, message, and options.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Screening Package
: delete_screening_packageOperation
: writeEntities
: background check, company, screening packageSummary
: This API endpoint is used to delete a screening package for a specific company in Paylocity's system. It is restricted to background check providers that have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. The DELETE method requires the 'companyId' and 'packageId' as path parameters, and an 'Authorization' token in the headers. Optionally, a 'testMode' header can be included to mock responses. The response will include the 'packageId' and the 'status' of the delete operation. If the request is unauthorized or the package is not found, appropriate error messages will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Webhook for Candidate Screening Orders
: delete_webhook_for_candidate_screening_ordersOperation
: writeEntities
: background check, company, candidate screening orderSummary
: This API endpoint deletes a webhook for candidate screening orders. It is restricted to background check providers that have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. The DELETE method requires the 'callbackId' as a path parameter, which is the GUID of the Callback URL returned by the POST or GET method. The request headers must include an 'Authorization' token and can optionally include a 'testMode' boolean to mock responses. The response returns the status of the delete operation and the 'callbackId' of the deleted webhook. Possible error responses include 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, and 415 Unsupported Media Type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Company Codes
: get_all_company_codesOperation
: readEntities
: error, code resource, companySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all company codes for a specified company and resource type. The request requires two path parameters: 'companyId', which is the unique identifier for the company provided by Paylocity, and 'codeResource', which specifies the type of company code (e.g., costcenter1, deductions, earnings). The response returns an array of objects, each containing a 'code' and 'description'. The API supports a GET method and requires the 'accept' header to be set to 'application/json'. Possible response codes include 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 for invalid code resource, 429 for too many requests, and 500 for internal server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Custom Fields for a Company
: get_all_custom_fields_for_a_companyOperation
: readEntities
: company, custom field, categorySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all custom fields for a specified company and category. It requires the 'companyId' and 'category' as path parameters. The 'companyId' is a unique identifier for the company provided by Paylocity, with a maximum length of 9 characters. The 'category' specifies the custom fields category. The response includes an array of custom fields, each with properties such as 'category', 'defaultValue', 'isRequired', 'label', 'type', and 'values'. The 'values' property is an array of objects, each containing a 'code' and 'description'. The API returns a 200 status code on success, with other status codes indicating various errors such as unauthorized access, forbidden access, invalid category, too many requests, or internal server error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Deductions for an Employee
: get_all_deductions_for_an_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, deductionSummary
: The 'Get All Deductions for an Employee' API endpoint retrieves all deductions associated with a specific employee within a company. The request requires the 'Authorization' header with a Bearer JWT token and the 'accept' header set to 'application/json'. The path parameters 'companyId' and 'employeeId' are mandatory and represent the unique identifiers for the company and employee, respectively. The response is a JSON array containing detailed information about each deduction, including fields such as 'agency', 'annualMaximum', 'calcCode', 'caseNo', 'costCenter1', 'dcode', 'effectiveDate', 'endDate', 'fipsCode', 'frequency', 'goal', 'isSelfInsuredPlan', 'loanFirstPaymentDate401K', 'loanIssueDate401K', 'loanNumber', 'maximum', 'medicalSupport', 'minimum', 'miscInfo', 'paidTowardsGoal', 'priority', 'rate', 'reportTerminated', 'startDate', and 'stateAbbrev'. Each field provides specific details about the deduction, such as calculation methods, cost centers, and applicable dates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Direct Deposit Details for an Employee
: get_all_direct_deposit_details_for_an_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, direct depositSummary
: The 'Get All Direct Deposit Details for an Employee' API retrieves the main direct deposit and all additional direct deposits for a specified employee within a company. The request requires the 'companyId' and 'employeeId' as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee, respectively. The response includes details of the main direct deposit account and any additional direct deposit accounts, such as account number, account type, amount, and routing number. The API returns a 200 status code upon successful retrieval, with detailed information about each direct deposit account.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Earnings for an Employee
: get_all_earnings_for_an_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, earningSummary
: The 'Get All Earnings for an Employee' API endpoint retrieves all earnings for a specified employee within a company. The request requires the 'companyId' and 'employeeId' as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee, respectively. The response returns an array of earnings objects, each containing details such as earning code, amount, calculation code, and dates. The API supports JSON format for responses and requires the 'accept' header to be set to 'application/json'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Employees
: get_all_employeesOperation
: readEntities
: payroll, company, employeeSummary
: The Get All Employees API retrieves employee data currently available in the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the 'companyId' as a path parameter, which is a unique identifier for each company. Optional query parameters include 'pagesize' for the number of records per page, 'pagenumber' for the page number to retrieve, and 'includetotalcount' to include the total record count in the response headers. The response includes an array of employee objects, each containing 'employeeId', 'statusCode', and 'statusTypeCode'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Local Taxes for Employee
: get_all_local_taxes_for_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: company, local tax, employeeSummary
: The 'Get All Local Taxes for Employee' API endpoint retrieves all local tax information for a specified employee within a company. The request requires the 'Authorization' header with a Bearer JWT token, and path parameters 'companyId' and 'employeeId' to identify the specific company and employee. The response returns an array of local tax details, including exemptions, filing status, resident and work PSD codes, and tax codes. The API supports error responses for forbidden access and internal server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Assessment Packages for a Company
: get_assessment_packages_for_a_companyOperation
: readEntities
: test, assessment package, assessmentSummary
: This API endpoint is used to retrieve assessment packages configured within Paylocity's platform for a specific companyId. It is restricted to assessment providers that have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. The API takes a companyId as a path parameter, and optional query parameters for pagination (offset and limit). It requires an Authorization header with a bearer token. The response includes a count of packages and detailed information about each one, including IDs, status, summaries, names, and associated assessments and tests.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Company Documents
: get_company_documentsOperation
: readEntities
: response, company, documentSummary
: The GET company documents API endpoint returns a list of documents for a specified company ID. It requires the 'companyId' path parameter and an 'Authorization' header. Optional query parameters include 'uploadedDate', 'uploadedDate.lessThanOrEqualTo', 'uploadedDate.greaterThanOrEqualTo', 'includeTotalCount', 'limit', and 'offset'. The response includes a list of documents with details such as 'documentId', 'companyId', 'displayName', 'receivedDate', and 'uploadedDate'. The 'Pcty-Total-Count' header may also be included if requested.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Company Information
: get_company_informationOperation
: readEntities
: company, relationship, addressSummary
: The Get Company Information API endpoint provides access to specific company details. Users can retrieve a wide range of company information, including company name, address, industry, Employer Identification Number (EIN), and more. This API is useful for developers who need to update their system with the latest earning codes available in Paylocity, pull company-specific schema into their UI, or add a new employee to Paylocity with the required Benefit Class. The API requires the 'companyId' as a path parameter and accepts optional headers such as 'testMode' and 'Authorization'. The response includes detailed company information such as companyId, companyName, phone, webTimeCo, clientId, parentCompanySetId, serviceStartDate, ein, dba, naics, industryType, accessEndDate, endDate, firstCheckDate, status, entityType, address, and relationships.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Company-Specific Open API Document
: get_company_specific_open_api_documentOperation
: readEntities
: error, company, resource schemaSummary
: The company-specific Open API endpoint allows the client to GET an Open API document for the Paylocity API that is customized with company-specific resource schemas. These customized resource schemas define certain properties as enumerations of pre-defined values that correspond to the company's setup with Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. The customized schemas also indicate which properties are required by the company within Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. The API requires an Authorization header with a Bearer JWT token and a path parameter 'companyId' which is the unique Paylocity Company Identifier. The response includes various status codes such as 200 for successful retrieval, 400 for bad requests with detailed error messages, 403 for forbidden access, 429 for too many requests, and 500 for internal server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Cost Center List by Company ID
: get_cost_center_list_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: department, company, cost centerSummary
: The GET Cost Center List by Company ID endpoint retrieves a comprehensive list of Cost Centers from the Paylocity system for a specified company. The endpoint requires the 'companyId' path parameter, which is a unique identifier for the company. Optional headers include 'Authorization' for authentication and 'testMode' to enable mocked responses. The response includes an array of cost center objects, each with details such as id, level, description, and an array of cost center details including id, code, name, and isActive status. This API is used for cost allocation, budgeting, performance evaluation, and cost reporting within an organization.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Deduction Codes by Company ID
: get_deduction_codes_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: payroll, company, deduction codeSummary
: The GET Deduction Codes by Company ID endpoint allows users to retrieve a comprehensive list of Deduction Codes details from a client's Paylocity instance. Users must specify the Paylocity 'deductions' parameter. Deduction Codes are identifiers used in financial systems to categorize deductions such as expenses, withholdings, or reductions in pay. Pagination is supported using 'limit' and 'offset' parameters. The API returns deduction details including company ID, code, description, priority, and more. The response includes a list of deduction codes with detailed properties such as pay period maximum, rate, frequency, and benefit type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Deduction Details for a Specific Employee
: get_deduction_details_for_a_specific_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, deductionSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to retrieve details for a specific deduction code associated with an employee within a company. The request requires path parameters including companyId, employeeId, deductionCode, and resourceId, all of which are mandatory. Optional headers include testMode and Authorization. The response provides detailed information about the deduction, including its type, rate, frequency, and associated cost centers, limits, and 401K loan details. The response also includes metadata such as the record type and effective dates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Deduction for Deduction Code
: get_deduction_for_deduction_codeOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, deductionSummary
: The 'Get Deduction for Deduction Code' API retrieves records for a specific deduction for a selected employee. It requires the company ID, employee ID, and deduction code as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes detailed information about the deduction, such as agency, annual maximum, calculation code, case number, cost centers, deduction code, effective and end dates, FIPS code, frequency, goal, insurance plan status, loan details, maximum and minimum amounts, medical support status, miscellaneous information, paid amount towards goal, priority, rate, report termination status, start date, and state abbreviation. The API returns a 200 status code with the deduction details in JSON format if successful, or appropriate error codes for forbidden, not found, or internal server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Earning Code Details
: get_earning_code_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, earning codeSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to retrieve details for a specific earning code associated with an employee within a company. The endpoint requires path parameters including companyId, employeeId, earningCode, and resourceId, all of which are mandatory. Optional headers include testMode and Authorization. The response provides detailed information about the earning code, including its frequency, amount, rate, and distribution among cost centers, as well as any limits applied to the earning. The recordType field indicates whether the record is current, historical, or future-dated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Earning Codes List by Company ID
: get_earning_codes_list_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: company, compensation, earning codeSummary
: The GET Earning Codes List by Company ID endpoint retrieves a comprehensive list of Earning Codes from the Paylocity system. Earning codes are used by organizations to classify and monitor various forms of earnings or income that employees receive as part of their compensation. This API supports pagination through the 'limit' and 'offset' query parameters, allowing users to control the number of records retrieved. The 'includeTotalCount' query parameter can be used to include the total number of resources available in the response headers. The API is useful for payroll departments to manage earning codes related to different forms of compensation, ensuring accurate payroll calculations. It also aids HR teams in viewing earning codes for various job titles and employee groups, aligning with compensation policies and industry standards. The response includes detailed information about each earning code, such as its description, rate, frequency, and associated benefits.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Deduction Details
: get_employee_deduction_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, deductionSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to retrieve details for a specific deduction code associated with an employee record. The request requires path parameters including 'companyId', 'employeeId', and 'deductionCode', all of which are mandatory. Optional headers include 'testMode' for mocked responses and 'Authorization' for access control. The response returns an array of deduction details, including fields such as 'id', 'employeeId', 'companyId', 'code', 'type', 'rate', 'frequency', and more, with detailed descriptions for each field. The response also includes nested objects for 'costCenters', 'limits', and 'loan401K', providing comprehensive information about the deduction.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Deductions
: get_employee_deductionsOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, deductionSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of all active deductions associated with a specific employee record within a company. The request requires the 'companyId' and 'employeeId' as path parameters to identify the specific company and employee. Optional query parameters include 'filter', 'limit', and 'offset' to refine the results. The response returns an array of deduction objects, each containing details such as deduction code, type, rate, frequency, and other relevant information. The API supports pagination and filtering to manage large datasets efficiently.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Details from Paylocity
: get_employee_details_from_paylocityOperation
: readEntities
: payGroup, shifts, employeesSummary
: The Get Employee API retrieves detailed employee data from the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the 'companyId' and 'employeeId' as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee respectively. The API returns a comprehensive set of employee information, including personal details, employment status, tax information, direct deposit accounts, and more. The response is structured in a JSON format, providing a detailed view of the employee's profile, including additional rates, benefit setup, emergency contacts, and work eligibility details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Documents
: get_employee_documentsOperation
: readEntities
: company, document, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to retrieve employee documents for a specific company using the Paylocity Company Identifier. The endpoint supports filtering by employee ID, upload date, and other parameters such as limit and offset for pagination. The request requires an authorization token and accepts additional query parameters to refine the search. The response includes a list of documents with details such as document ID, company ID, display name, received and uploaded dates, employee ID, category, and confidentiality flags. The response can also include a total count of matching documents if requested.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Earning Details
: get_employee_earning_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, earningSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to retrieve details for a specific earning code on an employee record. The request requires path parameters including 'companyId', 'employeeId', and 'earningCode', which are all mandatory. Optional headers include 'testMode' for mocked responses and 'Authorization' for access control. The response provides a detailed array of objects containing information such as the resource ID, company and employee identifiers, earning code, frequency, amount, rate, and other payroll-related details. The response also includes labor distribution and limits associated with the earning code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Earnings
: get_employee_earningsOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, earningSummary
: The Get Employee Earnings API retrieves the single earning with the provided earning code and start date for the selected employee. It requires the companyId, employeeId, earningCode, and startDate as path parameters. The response includes detailed information about the employee's earnings, such as agency, amount, calculation code, cost centers, effective date, and more. The API returns a 200 status code with the earnings details in JSON format if successful. Other possible responses include 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 429 Too Many Requests, and 500 Internal Server Error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Earnings by Earning Code
: get_employee_earnings_by_earning_codeOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, earningSummary
: The Get Employee Earnings by Earning Code API retrieves all earnings associated with a specific earning code for a selected employee within a company. The API requires the companyId, employeeId, and earningCode as path parameters. The response includes detailed information about each earning, such as the agency, amount, calculation code, cost centers, effective and end dates, frequency, goal, hours or units, job code, miscellaneous info, and rate. The response is returned in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee List by Company ID
: get_employee_list_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, positionSummary
: The GET Employee List by Company ID API endpoint provides a list of up to 20 employees per call from the Paylocity system. It is designed for the initial population of user systems with Paylocity's employee data and supports pagination for easy navigation through results. The 'include' parameter enables selective retrieval of payload elements, while the 'Active Only' filter helps obtain only those employees with an 'Active' Employee Status Type. This makes the endpoint highly flexible and capable of delivering tailored listings to meet specific user requirements. The endpoint requires a 'companyId' path parameter and supports optional query parameters such as 'limit', 'nextToken', 'include', and 'activeOnly'. The response includes a total count of employees and detailed information about each employee, including their status, personal information, current pay rate, position, and future pay rates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Local Taxes
: get_employee_local_taxesOperation
: readEntities
: company, local tax, employeeSummary
: The Get Employee Local Taxes API retrieves all local taxes for a specified employee within a company. The request requires the 'companyId' and 'employeeId' as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee respectively. The 'accept' header must be set to 'application/json'. The response returns an array of local tax objects, each containing details such as exemptions, filing status, resident PSD, tax code, and work PSD. The API handles various response codes including 200 for success, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 404 if the employee does not exist, 429 for too many requests, and 500 for internal server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Pay Statement Details
: get_employee_pay_statement_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, pay statementSummary
: The Get Employee Pay Statement Details API retrieves detailed pay statement information for a specified employee within a given year from the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. The API requires path parameters including companyId, employeeId, and year, which are mandatory. Optional query parameters include pagesize, pagenumber, includetotalcount, and codegroup to customize the response. The response includes an array of pay statement details such as amount, check date, det, det code, det type, eligible compensation, hours, rate, transaction number, transaction type, and year. The API returns a 200 status code for successful retrieval, with other status codes indicating various errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Pay Statement Summary
: get_employee_pay_statement_summaryOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, pay statementSummary
: The Get Employee Pay Statement Summary API retrieves the pay statement summary data for a specified employee within a company for a given year and check date. The API requires path parameters including companyId, employeeId, year, and checkDate. Optional query parameters include pagesize, pagenumber, includetotalcount, and codegroup. The response includes detailed pay statement information such as autoPay, beginDate, checkDate, checkNumber, directDepositAmount, grossPay, hours, netCheck, netPay, overtimeDollars, overtimeHours, process, regularDollars, regularHours, transactionNumber, voucherNumber, workersCompCode, and year.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Punch Details
: get_employee_punch_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: punch detail, employee, time entrySummary
: The GET Punch Details API endpoint provides access to employee punch details effortlessly. It includes all punch data for a single employee, allowing HR and payroll organizations to compute salaries accurately, analyze labor efficiency, and ensure compliance with labor standards. The API can be filtered by date range using the 'relativeStart' and 'relativeEnd' query parameters. The endpoint requires 'companyId' and 'employeeId' as path parameters and an 'Authorization' header. The response includes detailed punch data, such as punch ID, origin, date, punch type, duration, earnings, and associated cost centers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Sensitive Data
: get_employee_sensitive_dataOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, sensitive dataSummary
: The Get Employee Sensitive Data API retrieves sensitive data information for a specific employee from the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the companyId and employeeId as path parameters. The response includes detailed information about the employee's disability, ethnicity, gender, and veteran status. Each section contains specific fields such as disability classifications, ethnic racial identities, gender identity description, and veteran notes. The API returns a 200 status code with the sensitive data model on success, and various error codes for different failure scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Shift Details
: get_employee_shift_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: shift, company, employeeSummary
: The GET Shifts API endpoint provides seamless access to detailed shift information for employees. This endpoint retrieves comprehensive shift data, serving as an essential tool for viewing, analyzing, and managing employee work schedules. It allows managers to access current shift details in real-time, enabling quick adjustments to staffing levels based on demand. By utilizing the Shifts API, users can track shift details such as start and end times, tasks performed, and any overtime worked. The API requires a valid Authorization token in the header and a companyId in the path parameters. Optional query parameters include include, filter, includeTotalCount, limit, offset, and sort. The response includes detailed shift information, with optional sub-resources such as breaks, segments, and notes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Employee Shifts
: get_employee_shiftsOperation
: readEntities
: shift, company, employeeSummary
: The GET Employee Shifts API endpoint provides detailed information about the shifts assigned to an individual employee. This endpoint is essential for tracking, analyzing, and managing an employee's schedule. The detailed shift information includes start and end times, roles, required skills, and location details. Employees can use this endpoint to view their upcoming shifts, including start and end times, roles, and locations, enhancing their awareness of their schedule, reducing missed shifts, and improving punctuality. Managers can access the shifts of individual employees to ensure adequate staffing and workload distribution, facilitating effective shift management and helping avoid over-scheduling or under-utilization of staff. When scheduling new shifts, managers can use this endpoint to check for conflicts with an employee's existing shifts, preventing scheduling overlaps and ensuring that employees are not double-booked. The API requires the 'Authorization' header with a Bearer token, and path parameters 'companyId' and 'employeeId'. Optional query parameters include 'include', 'filter', 'includeTotalCount', 'limit', 'offset', and 'sort'. The response includes detailed shift information such as 'stackId', 'assignedTo', 'startDateTime', 'duration', 'hasNote', 'note', 'isEmployeeNote', 'costCenters', 'positionKey', 'breaks', 'segments', 'legacyAssignmentId', 'templateAssignmentId', 'shiftId', 'scheduleId', 'isPublished', 'isDeleted', and 'draft'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Job Code List by Company ID
: get_job_code_list_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: company, pay_entry, jobSummary
: The GET Job Code List by Company ID endpoint retrieves a comprehensive list of Job Codes from the Paylocity system. It supports pagination through the 'limit' and 'offset' query parameters, allowing users to control the number of records retrieved and skip a specified number of rows. The endpoint requires the 'companyId' path parameter, which is the unique identifier for a Paylocity company. Optional headers include 'testMode' for mocked responses and 'Authorization' for access control. The response includes detailed job code information such as company ID, job code, description, active status, certification status, pay entry details, address, and payroll-based journal data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Local Tax for Tax Code
: get_local_tax_for_tax_codeOperation
: readEntities
: company, local tax, employeeSummary
: The 'Get Local Tax for Tax Code' API endpoint retrieves local tax information for a specific tax code associated with a selected employee. The request requires the 'Authorization' header with a Bearer JWT token. Path parameters include 'companyId', 'employeeId', and 'taxCode', all of which are required. The response returns details such as exemptions, filing status, resident PSD, tax code, and work PSD. The API responds with a 200 status code for successful retrieval, and may return 403, 404, or 500 status codes for errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Local Taxes for Employee
: get_local_taxes_for_employeeOperation
: readEntities
: company, local tax, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all local taxes with the specified tax code for a selected employee. It requires the company ID, employee ID, and tax code as path parameters. The response includes details such as local tax exemptions, filing status, resident PSD, tax code, and work PSD. The request must include an 'accept' header specifying 'application/json'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Open Shifts
: get_open_shiftsOperation
: readEntities
: shift, employee, managerSummary
: The GET Open Shifts API endpoint provides all the open shifts that are not assigned to an Employee. It allows managers to access and advertise available shifts in real-time, enabling employees to quickly claim and fill these shifts. This ensures optimal staffing levels and improves service quality. The API can be integrated with a bidding system, allowing employees to view and bid for available shifts, promoting fairness and flexibility. The API provides detailed information about the required skills for each shift, enabling facilities to match open shifts with qualified employees, ensuring high-quality patient care and compliance with regulatory standards. The API requires a companyId path parameter and supports various query parameters such as include, filter, includeTotalCount, limit, offset, and sort. The response includes detailed information about each open shift, including stackId, quantity, startDateTime, duration, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pay Frequency Code List by Company ID
: get_pay_frequency_code_list_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: pay frequency, company, deductionSummary
: The GET Pay Frequency Code by list by Company ID endpoint allows users to retrieve a comprehensive list of Pay Frequency Code details from a client's Paylocity instance. The endpoint requires the 'companyId' path parameter, which is the unique identifier for a specific Payroll Entity. Optional headers include 'Authorization' for authentication and 'testMode' to enable mocked responses. The response is an array of objects, each containing details about pay frequency codes, such as 'companyId', 'code', 'description', 'baseFrequency', and various flags indicating blocked weeks and makeup allowances. This API is useful for companies to determine pay distribution frequencies and manage payroll deductions effectively.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pay Grades List by Company ID
: get_pay_grades_list_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: company, pay grade, positionSummary
: The GET Pay Grades List by Company ID endpoint retrieves a comprehensive list of Pay Grades from the Paylocity system. Pay grades are categorizations used by corporations to classify tasks or positions according to their worth or complexity. This API supports pagination using 'limit' and 'offset' query parameters. The 'includeTotalCount' query parameter can be used to include the total number of records in the response headers. The response includes details such as payGradeKey, legacyPayGradeId, clientId, active status, code, description, minimum, maximum, midpoint values, positionsAssigned, and associated companies.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pay Statement Details
: get_pay_statement_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, pay statementSummary
: The Get Pay Statement Details API retrieves detailed pay statement data for a specified employee within a company for a given year and check date. The API requires path parameters including companyId, employeeId, year, and checkDate, all of which are mandatory. Optional query parameters include pagesize, pagenumber, includetotalcount, and codegroup, which allow for pagination and filtering of results. The response includes an array of pay statement details, each containing fields such as amount, checkDate, det, detCode, detType, eligibleCompensation, hours, rate, transactionNumber, transactionType, and year. The API supports JSON responses and requires the 'accept' header to be set to 'application/json'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Pay Statement Summary
: get_pay_statement_summaryOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, pay statementSummary
: The Get Pay Statement Summary API retrieves the pay statement summary data for a specified employee and year from the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the companyId, employeeId, and year as path parameters. Optional query parameters include pagesize, pagenumber, includetotalcount, and codegroup. The response includes details such as auto pay status, check dates, gross and net pay, hours worked, and more. The API returns a 200 status code with the pay statement summary data if successful, or error codes such as 401, 403, 404, 429, and 500 for various error conditions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Position Codes List by Company ID
: get_position_codes_list_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: standard occupational classification, position family, positionSummary
: The GET Position Codes List by Company ID endpoint retrieves a comprehensive list of Position Codes from the Paylocity system. Position codes are used by corporations to classify and manage various job responsibilities and positions within their workforce. This API supports pagination through the 'limit' and 'offset' query parameters, allowing users to control the number of records retrieved and skip a specified number of rows. The 'includeTotalCount' query parameter can be used to include the total number of resources available in the response headers. The API requires the 'companyId' path parameter to specify the company for which the position codes are being retrieved. Optional headers include 'Authorization' for authentication and 'testMode' for generating mocked responses. The response includes detailed information about each position code, including its title, code, and various classification details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Rate Codes by Company ID
: get_rate_codes_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: rate code, companySummary
: The GET Rate Codes by Company ID endpoint allows users to retrieve a comprehensive list of Rate Codes details from a client's Paylocity instance. To use this endpoint, the Paylocity 'rateCodes' parameter must be specified. Rate Codes are employed throughout multiple businesses to denote precise pricing or rate frameworks. Rate codes are vital for monitoring and overseeing various pricing alternatives, employee pay rates, packages, or promotions offered by businesses. These codes facilitate the optimization of pricing management, reservations, and financial transactions. Use cases include hotel room rates categorized by rate codes in the hospitality business, seasonal pricing, and special deals or promotions. The endpoint requires the 'companyId' path parameter, which is the unique Paylocity Company Identifier. Optional headers include 'Authorization' for the authorization token and 'testMode' to indicate if responses should be mocked. The response is an array of objects, each containing a 'code' and 'description' for the rate code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Retirement Contributions
: get_retirement_contributionsOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, retirement contributionSummary
: The GET Retirement Contributions endpoint provides deferrals, loan payments, employer match, and employee compensation details. It requires the Paylocity Company ID, Plan ID, and Check Date as path parameters. Optional query parameters include limit, offset, sort, employeeId, processId, and testFlag. The response includes detailed information about employee retirement contributions, compensation, and YTD amounts for each money source. Clients must configure their payroll code groups in the Payroll/HR system before using this API. The endpoint is optimized for use with the Paylocity Retirement Web Hook, which provides necessary details for API calls.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Screening Packages for a Company
: get_screening_packages_for_a_companyOperation
: readEntities
: service, company, screening packageSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the screening packages for a specified company identified by the companyId. It is restricted to background check providers that have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. The request requires an Authorization token and optionally a testMode header. The response includes details about the screening packages such as package name, summary, services included, price, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Single Employee Details
: get_single_employee_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, positionSummary
: The GET Single Employee API endpoint allows users to fetch specific employee details from a client's Paylocity instance. To use this endpoint, the Paylocity Company ID and the Employee ID must be specified. The endpoint also offers an 'include' parameter for selective data retrieval, enabling users to choose specific payload elements to retrieve. This API endpoint will allow an API user to retrieve an employee record for a specific employee ID. For optimal use, pair this API endpoint with the Paylocity Employee Change Web Hook. This ensures that you get notified whenever there's a change in the employee's data in Paylocity. Along with the notification, you will receive the Paylocity Company ID and Employee ID corresponding to the employee whose data has been modified. You can then utilize the GET Specific Employee API endpoint to access the most recent version of the updated employee record. The request requires headers for authorization and optional test mode, path parameters for company and employee IDs, and a query parameter to specify the data to include. The response includes detailed employee information such as personal details, status, pay rate, and position.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Single Job Code Details
: get_single_job_code_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: company, job code, pay entrySummary
: The GET Single Job Code API endpoint allows users to fetch specific Job Code details from a client's Paylocity instance. To use this endpoint, the Paylocity Company ID and Job Code must be specified. This API endpoint will allow an API user to retrieve a Job Code record for a specific company ID and Job Code ID. The request requires the 'companyId' and 'jobCode' as path parameters. Optional headers include 'testMode' for mocking responses and 'Authorization' for authentication. The response includes detailed information about the job code, such as its description, activity status, certification status, pay entry details, address, and payroll-based journal data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Subscription Webhook for Candidate Screening Order
: get_subscription_webhook_for_candidate_screening_orderOperation
: readEntities
: subscription, company, candidate screening orderSummary
: This API endpoint returns the webhook for the subscription of a new candidate screening order. It is restricted to background check providers that have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. The request requires an Authorization header with a bearer token. Optionally, a testMode header can be included to mock responses. The response includes details such as the webhookCallbackId, apiKey, callbackDetails (including success and error callback URLs), and callerDetails (including the callerName).Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Tax Codes by Company ID
: get_tax_codes_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: tax code, company, taxSummary
: The GET Tax Codes by Company ID endpoint allows users to retrieve a comprehensive list of Tax Codes details from a client's Paylocity instance. Users must specify the Paylocity 'taxes' parameter. Tax codes help categorize various forms of taxes and tax-related data, facilitating precise computation, reporting, and adherence to diverse tax responsibilities. Pagination can be achieved using the 'taxes' parameter with 'limit' and 'offset' to control the number of records retrieved. The 'includeTotalCount' parameter can be used to return the total number of resources available. This API is useful for calculating income tax rates and brackets for individuals and businesses, and for employers to compute and retain the appropriate amount of income tax, Social Security tax, and Medicare tax from employees' wages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Work Location List by Company ID
: get_work_location_list_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: company, address, work locationSummary
: The GET Work Location list by Company ID endpoint allows users to fetch a list of work location details from a client's Paylocity instance. Work locations, referred to as geographic or location codes, serve as designations employed by corporations to specify particular physical or geographic places where their personnel are stationed. These codes fulfill several crucial functions in the domains of human resources, operations, and management. To use this endpoint, the Paylocity Company ID and 'workLocations' parameter must be specified. Locations are addresses used as work or hiring locations. Each worker should have an assigned work location. The purpose of a work location is to verify workers' taxes. Work locations in HR & Payroll will show in Paylocity's Recruiting platform when creating job postings. This information will also transfer to external job sites if using Recruiting Enhanced Features. Currently, only one work location can be added to each job listing.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Workers Compensation Codes List by Company ID
: get_workers_compensation_codes_list_by_company_idOperation
: readEntities
: worker compensation code, company, locationSummary
: The GET Workers Compensation Codes List by Company ID endpoint retrieves a comprehensive list of Workers Compensation Codes from the Paylocity system. These codes are standardized identifiers used to define and categorize various job duties within the workers' compensation insurance system. The API supports pagination through the 'limit' and 'offset' query parameters, allowing users to control the number of records retrieved. The 'includeTotalCount' query parameter can be used to include the total number of available records in the response headers. The request requires a 'companyId' path parameter and supports optional headers for authorization and test mode.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Assessment Order Status
: patch_update_assessment_order_statusOperation
: writeEntities
: companies, assessmentOrdersSummary
: This API endpoint updates the Assessment Order status for a given companyId and orderId. It allows partners to update the status of the overall assessment order and related tests, and to provide a URL for viewing the complete assessment result. The endpoint is restricted to assessment providers with a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. The request requires path parameters for companyId and orderId, and a request body containing details such as partnerTrackingId, overallScore, and assessments. The response can include error details in case of a bad request, unauthorized access, not found, or unsupported media type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Billing Code Status
: patch_update_billing_code_statusOperation
: writeEntities
: company, billing code, statusSummary
: This API is used to update the status of an already registered billing code by companyId and specific billing code for a given client. It is restricted to background check providers that have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. The API requires the companyId and billingCode as path parameters, and an Authorization token in the headers. The request body must include a boolean 'isActive' to indicate if the billing code should be active or inactive. The API returns a 204 status code on success, and various error codes with detailed messages in case of failure.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Data in WebPay
: patch_update_employee_dataOperation
: writeEntities
: payGroup, shifts, employeesSummary
: The Update Employee API allows updating existing employee data in WebPay. It requires the companyId and employeeId as path parameters. The request body must include the employee model with various fields such as firstName, lastName, birthDate, gender, maritalStatus, homeAddress, primaryPayRate, and more. The API returns a 200 status code on successful update. In case of errors, it returns detailed error messages with fields, messages, and options. The API supports updating multiple aspects of an employee's profile, including personal information, tax details, direct deposit accounts, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Screening Order Status
: patch_update_screening_order_statusOperation
: writeEntities
: screening order, service, statusSummary
: This API endpoint updates the Screening Order status for a given companyId and candidateScreeningOrderId. It allows background check providers, who have a Paylocity technology partnership agreement, to update the status of the overall screening order and related services. The request requires a path parameter 'companyId', a header 'Authorization', and a request body containing 'candidateScreeningOrderId', 'updatedAt', 'oldStatus', 'newStatus', 'services', and 'screeningReportDocuments'. The response returns the updated 'candidateScreeningOrderId' and 'status'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Employee Local Tax Information
: post_add_employee_local_tax_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: company, local tax, employeeSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to send new employee local tax information directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the companyId and employeeId as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee respectively. The request body must include details such as exemptions, exemptions2, filingStatus, residentPSD, taxCode, and workPSD, which are all related to the employee's local tax information. The API returns a 201 status code on successful addition of the information. In case of errors, it returns detailed error messages with a 400 status code for bad requests, and other status codes like 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 429 for too many requests, and 500 for internal server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Local Tax Information to Paylocity Payroll/HR
: post_add_local_tax_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: company, local tax, employeeSummary
: The Add Local Tax API allows users to send new local tax information directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires a POST request to the specified endpoint with the companyId and employeeId as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The body of the request should contain the local tax model, including fields such as exemptions, exemptions2, filingStatus, residentPSD, taxCode, and workPSD. The API returns a 201 status code upon successful creation, with the location of the newly created local tax in the response headers. In case of errors, it returns detailed error messages with paths, fields, and messages describing the errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add New Employee to Web Link
: post_add_new_employee_to_web_linkOperation
: writeEntities
: benefitSetup, companies, employeesSummary
: The 'Add New Employee to Web Link' API allows for the addition of a new employee to the Web Link system. This API sends a partially completed or potentially erroneous new hire record to Web Link, where it can be corrected and completed by a company administrator or an authorized Paylocity Service Bureau employee. The API requires a POST request to the specified endpoint with the company ID as a path parameter. The request body must include detailed employee information such as personal details, address, department position, pay rate, and tax information. The response includes a tracking number upon successful addition of the employee. In case of errors, detailed error messages are provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add or Update Employee Deduction
: post_add_or_update_employee_deductionOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, deductionSummary
: The Add/Update Deduction API allows clients to send new or updated employee deduction information directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. The API requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication. The request body must include a 'deduction' object with various fields such as 'agency', 'annualMaximum', 'calcCode', 'companyNumber', 'employeeId', and more, each with specific data types and constraints. The API responds with a 200 status code for successful processing, while errors such as 400 (Bad Request), 403 (Forbidden), and 500 (Internal Server Error) are also possible. The 400 error response includes details about the error path, field, message, and options.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Bulk Upsert Screening Packages
: post_bulk_upsert_screening_packagesOperation
: writeEntities
: service, company, screening packageSummary
: The Bulk Upsert Screening Packages API allows background check providers who have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement to bulk upsert information about screening packages for a specific company. This API is used to send multiple screening packages for a client, update the status of packages, update prices, add services, or add billing codes. The request requires a companyId path parameter, an Authorization header, and a request body containing the package details. The response indicates whether the packages were inserted or updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Document Download URL
: post_create_document_download_urlOperation
: writeEntities
: company, documentSummary
: This API endpoint creates a new document download URL for a specified company ID and document ID. It requires the companyId and documentId as path parameters, and an Authorization token in the header. The response includes the documentId, a downloadUrl for the document, and the time in seconds until the URL expires. The endpoint returns a 200 status code on success, with the download URL details in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Employee Deduction
: post_create_employee_deductionOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, deductionSummary
: This API endpoint allows the user to create a new deduction on an employee's record in the payroll system. It requires the company ID and employee ID as path parameters. The request body includes details about the deduction such as effective dates, calculation code, rate, frequency, agency, arrear, and other optional fields like loan details, cost centers, and limits. The response indicates success but does not provide a detailed example.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Employee Earning Record
: post_create_employee_earning_recordOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, earningSummary
: This API endpoint allows the user to create a new earning record for a specific employee within a company. The request requires the companyId and employeeId as path parameters. The request body includes details such as effective dates, amount, rate, units, and other optional parameters like calculation code, frequency, and distribution details. The response will indicate success or provide an error message if the operation fails.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Job Code for a Company
: post_create_job_code_for_a_companyOperation
: writeEntities
: company, job codeSummary
: The POST Single Job Code endpoint allows users to create job codes for a specific company in the Paylocity system. Users must provide the company ID in the path and the job code details in the request body. The job code details include fields such as description, active status, certification status, pay entry details, address, payroll-based journal data, and the job code itself. This endpoint is essential for setting up job codes before running payroll.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Employee Status Search for a Company
: post_employee_status_search_for_a_companyOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, statusSummary
: This API performs an employee status search for a specified company using the provided search parameters in the request body. The request requires a path parameter 'companyId' which is the ID of the company. The request body must include 'employeeIds', an array of employee IDs to search statuses for, and optionally 'effectiveDateFlag' to specify which effective dated records should be returned. The response includes an array of employee statuses matching the search criteria, with details such as employee ID, adjusted seniority date, change reason, effective date, employee status, hire date, eligibility for rehire, rehire date, record type, status type, and termination date. The API is currently in closed beta and is available to Paylocity Technology Partners.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Insert Billing Code and Status by Company ID
: post_insert_billing_code_and_status_by_company_idOperation
: writeEntities
: company, billing code, clientSummary
: This API endpoint allows partners to insert billing codes and their statuses for a specific company identified by companyId. It is restricted to background check providers with a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. The request requires a path parameter 'companyId', headers including 'Authorization', and a request body containing an array of billing codes with their active statuses. The response can include error details with a correlation ID for tracing purposes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
New Employee API for Paylocity Payroll/HR Solution
: post_new_employee_api_for_paylocity_payroll_hr_solutionOperation
: writeEntities
: job, companies, employeesSummary
: The New Employee API allows companies to send new employee data directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. This API is used to add new employees, and it requires a variety of employee details such as personal information, address, department position, pay rate, and more. The request must include the companyId as a path parameter, and the request body must contain the employee model with all necessary fields. The API responds with a 201 status code and the employeeId if the employee is successfully added. In case of errors, it returns appropriate error messages with status codes like 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 429 for too many requests, and 500 for internal server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Obtain New Client Secret for Paylocity-issued Client ID
: post_obtain_new_client_secretOperation
: writeEntities
: credential, secret, clientSummary
: This API endpoint is used to obtain a new client secret for a Paylocity-issued client ID. The request is made via a POST method to the URL ''. The request headers must include 'accept' and 'content-type' both set to 'application/json'. The request body must contain a 'code' parameter, which is a string value sent with the 'ACTION NEEDED: Web Link API Credentials Expiring Soon.' email notification. Upon a successful request, the response will include the new client secret and its expiration date. Possible error responses include 400 (Bad Request), 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Forbidden), 429 (Too Many Requests), and 500 (Internal Server Error), each with specific error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Onboarding Employee Data to Paylocity
: post_onboarding_employee_data_to_paylocityOperation
: writeEntities
: onboarding, company, employeeSummary
: The Onboarding API allows for the submission of employee data into the Paylocity Onboarding system to facilitate a smooth and accurate hiring process, which can then be integrated into the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. The API requires a POST request to the specified endpoint with a path parameter 'companyId' and a JSON body containing employee details such as first name, last name, employment type, and more. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token. Successful requests will result in a 201 status code, while errors may result in 400, 403, or 500 status codes with detailed error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Perform Pay Rates Search for a Company
: post_pay_rates_search_for_companyOperation
: readEntities
: company, employee, pay rateSummary
: This API performs a pay rates search for a specified company using the provided search parameters in the request body. The request requires a path parameter 'companyId' which is mandatory. The request body must include 'employeeIds', an array of employee IDs to search pay rates for, and an optional 'effectiveDateFlag' to specify which effective dated records should be returned. The response includes an array of pay rates for each employee, detailing attributes such as annual salary, base rate, effective date, pay frequency, and more. The API is currently in a closed beta phase, and interested Paylocity Technology Partners can contact the marketplace team for early adopter opportunities.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Paylocity Pay Entry API
: post_paylocity_pay_entry_apiOperation
: writeEntities
: payroll, company, employeeSummary
: The Paylocity Pay Entry API is a powerful tool designed to streamline and automate payroll processes. It enables API users to transmit crucial payroll data, such as time tracking, earnings, deductions, and taxes. A batch is posted to Paylocity and is added to the Pay Entry Screen for the corresponding check date. This API Endpoint ensures accuracy and efficiency in the payroll process and reduces manual importing, making it a valuable tool for streamlining inputting Payroll data from an external system. The API requires a companyId as a path parameter and an Authorization header with a bearer token. The request body includes details such as autoAcknowledge, batchName, mergeBatchId, calendarId, payPeriodBeginDate, payPeriodEndDate, checkDate, and payEntries. The response can be a successful operation with a 202 status code or various error responses such as 400 for invalid body, 401 for unauthorized access, and 403 for forbidden access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Punch Import API
: post_punch_import_apiOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, punchSummary
: The POST Punch Import API endpoint interfaces with the Paylocity Time and Labor module to streamline importing time data from external systems. It allows importing punch data within a 62-day window, accepting data for the previous 31 days (if pay periods are open) and the upcoming 31 days. The API requires a companyId path parameter and an Authorization header. The request body must include an array of punch data with details such as employeeId, date, time, and recordType. The response can be a 202 Accepted status or various error responses with detailed error information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Register Webhook URL for Candidate Screening Order Subscription
: post_register_webhook_url_for_candidate_screening_order_subscriptionOperation
: writeEntities
: background check, company, candidate screening orderSummary
: This API endpoint allows background check providers, who have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement, to register a webhook URL for the subscription of new CandidateScreeningOrder. The API requires an Authorization token in the header and accepts a JSON body containing callback details and caller details. The response includes the status and a webhookCallbackId, which is a GUID of the callback. The API is restricted to partners and is used to provide a webhook URL for receiving new candidate orders.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Upsert Client Onboarding Status
: post_upsert_client_onboarding_statusOperation
: writeEntities
: onboarding, company, statusSummary
: This API endpoint upserts the status of the integration for a specified companyId. It is used by background check providers who have a partnership agreement with Paylocity. The API accepts headers including 'Authorization' which is required, and 'testMode' which is optional. The request body must include 'companyId' and 'status' to indicate the onboarding stage. The response will indicate whether the record was inserted or updated. Possible status values are 'InProgress', 'Approved', and 'Rejected'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Upsert Screening Package Information
: post_upsert_screening_package_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: service, company, screening packageSummary
: This API endpoint allows background check providers, who have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement, to upsert information about screening packages for a specified company. The API is used to send over a screening package for a client, activate or deactivate a package, update the price, add services, or associate a billing code with a package. The request requires the companyId and packageId as path parameters, an authorization token in the headers, and a JSON body containing details about the package such as its active status, summary, name, services, price, billing code, and whether it is international. The response indicates whether the package was inserted or updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add/Update Employee Earnings
: put_add_update_employee_earningsOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, earningSummary
: The Add/Update Earning API allows users to send new or updated employee earnings information directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the companyId and employeeId as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee respectively. The request body must include an earning model with required fields such as earningCode and startDate, and optional fields like amount, calculationCode, and others. The API returns a 200 status code for successful operations, and various error codes for different failure scenarios, including 400 for bad requests and 500 for internal server errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Insert or Update Assessment Packages
: put_insert_or_update_assessment_packagesOperation
: writeEntities
: test, assessment package, assessmentSummary
: This API endpoint allows assessment partners to insert or update multiple assessment packages in a single request within Paylocity’s platform. Each package is a curated collection of assessment tests, such as a series of tests tailored for different job roles. The API is restricted to assessment providers that have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. Partners can send the initial status of the package and tests, manage multiple packages at once, and deactivate or schedule removal of packages by setting appropriate status values and endDate. The companyId in the URL allows partners to target specific Paylocity clients, enabling customized assessment packages for each company. The request requires an Authorization token and the companyId as a path parameter. The response includes the details of the created or updated assessment packages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Manage Assessment Packages in Paylocity
: put_manage_assessment_packagesOperation
: writeEntities
: company, assessment package, assessmentSummary
: This API endpoint allows assessment partners to manage their assessment packages within Paylocity’s platform using the companyID and packageID. It supports operations such as inserting or updating packages, deactivating or removing packages, and providing granular control over specific Paylocity clients. The request requires headers including an Authorization token and content-type, path parameters for companyId and packageId, and a body containing details of the assessment package. The response includes the updated or created package details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Partner Onboarding API for Updating Company Onboarding Status
: put_partner_onboarding_api_for_updating_company_onboarding_statusOperation
: writeEntities
: company, onboarding status, integrationSummary
: The Partner Onboarding API allows approved partners to update the onboarding status of a company using the Paylocity companyId. The API endpoint accepts a PUT request with headers including Authorization and testMode, and a request body containing the companyId and onboardingStatus. The onboardingStatus can be set to InProgress, Approved, Rejected, or Churned. Upon successful request, the API returns a 201 status with the updated onboarding details. In case of errors, appropriate error messages and codes are returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Additional Rates
: put_update_employee_additional_ratesOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, additional rateSummary
: The Update Employee Additional Rates API allows users to send new or updated employee additional rates information directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. The API requires the companyId and employeeId as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee respectively. The request body must include details such as effectiveDate, rate, rateCode, and ratePer, with optional fields like changeReason, costCenter1, costCenter2, costCenter3, endCheckDate, job, rateNotes, and shift. The response indicates success or provides error details if the request is invalid.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Benefit Setup
: put_update_employee_benefit_setupOperation
: writeEntities
: company, benefit setup, employeeSummary
: The Update Employee Benefit Setup API allows users to send new or updated employee benefit setup information directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. The API requires the companyId and employeeId as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee respectively. The request body must include details such as benefitClass, benefitClassEffectiveDate, benefitSalary, benefitSalaryEffectiveDate, doNotApplyAdministrativePeriod, and isMeasureAcaEligibility. The API returns a 200 status code for successful updates, and various error codes such as 400 for bad requests, 401 for unauthorized access, 403 for forbidden access, 429 for too many requests, and 500 for internal server errors. The error responses include detailed information about the field, message, options, and path of the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Deduction Details
: put_update_employee_deduction_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, deductionSummary
: This API allows users to update details for a specific deduction code for an employee within a company. The endpoint requires path parameters such as companyId, employeeId, deductionCode, and resourceId. The request body can include various details about the deduction such as effective dates, calculation code, rate, frequency, agency, arrear, and more. The response indicates success but does not provide a detailed example.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Earning Details
: put_update_employee_earning_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, earningSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to update details for a specific earning code for an employee within a company. The endpoint requires path parameters such as companyId, employeeId, earningCode, and resourceId to identify the specific earning record. The request body can include various details about the earning, such as effective dates, amount, rate, units, and distribution details. The API supports updating earnings that occur in the past, present, or future. The response indicates success with a 200 status code, but no specific response body example is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Emergency Contacts
: put_update_employee_emergency_contactsOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, emergency contactSummary
: The Update Employee Emergency Contacts API allows users to send new or updated employee emergency contact information directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. The API requires the companyId and employeeId as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee within Paylocity. The request body must include the emergency contact details, such as firstName, lastName, primaryPhone, priority, and relationship, among other optional fields. The API returns a 200 status code upon successful update, while errors such as 400 (Bad Request), 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Forbidden), 429 (Too Many Requests), and 500 (Internal Server Error) are also possible, with detailed error messages provided in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Non-Primary State Tax Information
: put_update_employee_non_primary_state_tax_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, non-primary state taxSummary
: This API endpoint allows for sending new or updated employee non-primary state tax information directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the company ID and employee ID as path parameters. The request body must include details such as state tax code, deductions amount, dependents amount, exemptions, filing status, and other relevant tax information. The API returns a 200 status code for successful updates, while errors such as bad requests, unauthorized access, forbidden actions, too many requests, and internal server errors are handled with appropriate status codes and error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Primary State Tax Information
: put_update_employee_primary_state_tax_informationOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, taxSummary
: This API endpoint allows for sending new or updated employee primary state tax information directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the companyId and employeeId as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee respectively. The request body must include the primary state tax model details such as amount, deductionsAmount, dependentsAmount, exemptions, filingStatus, and other related tax information. The response will indicate success or provide error details if the request is invalid or fails due to other reasons.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Employee Sensitive Data
: put_update_employee_sensitive_dataOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, sensitive dataSummary
: This API endpoint allows for sending new or updated employee sensitive data information directly to the Paylocity Payroll/HR solution. It requires the companyId and employeeId as path parameters, which are unique identifiers for the company and employee respectively. The request body must include sensitive data such as disability, ethnicity, gender, and veteran status, each with specific fields and constraints. The API returns a 200 status code for successful updates, and various error codes (400, 401, 403, 429, 500) for different failure scenarios, each with detailed error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Job Code Details
: put_update_job_code_detailsOperation
: writeEntities
: job code, address, pay entrySummary
: The PUT Job Code endpoint allows users to update specific values regarding Job Codes in the Paylocity instance of a client. Users must provide the Company ID and Job Code ID in the endpoint URL. The request body should include details such as job description, active status, certification status, pay entry details, address, and payroll-based journal information. The response will indicate success or provide an error message if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Local Tax for Employee
: put_update_local_tax_for_employeeOperation
: writeEntities
: company, employee, taxSummary
: The Update Local Tax API allows updating the local tax code information for a specific employee within a company. It requires the company ID, employee ID, and tax code as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The request body should contain the local tax model, including exemptions, filing status, resident PSD, and work PSD. The API returns a 204 status code for successful updates, and various error codes (400, 403, 404, 500) for different failure scenarios, with detailed error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update or Create Subscription for a Company
: put_update_or_create_subscription_for_a_companyOperation
: writeEntities
: company, billing code, subscriptionSummary
: This API endpoint is used to update or create a subscription for a company within Paylocity's platform using the companyId. It is restricted to assessment providers that have signed a Paylocity technology partnership agreement. The endpoint allows for a single subscription per company, eliminating the need for an ID in the request. The request must include a subscription object, which contains details such as the subscription level, price, currency, term, expiration date, and billing codes. The response can indicate a successful creation or update of the subscription, or provide error details in case of a bad request, unauthorized access, or unsupported media type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated 3 months ago