Pipedrive API Integration Vol.1
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Pipedrive API as part of the CRM category
Delete a call log
: delete_a_call_logOperation
: writeEntities
: audio recording, activity, call logSummary
: This API deletes a call log from the Pipedrive system. If there is an audio recording attached to the call log, it will also be deleted. However, the related activity will not be removed by this request. To remove related activities, a different endpoint specific for activities should be used. The API requires a path parameter 'id', which is the ID received when the call log was created. The response indicates whether the deletion was successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a channel
: delete_a_channelOperation
: writeEntities
: message, channel, conversationSummary
: The 'Delete a channel' API endpoint allows users to delete an existing messenger's channel and all related entities, such as conversations and messages. To use this endpoint, the user must have the Messengers integration OAuth scope enabled and the Messaging manifest ready for the Messaging app extension. The API requires a DELETE request to the URL 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/channels/{id}', where '{id}' is the path parameter representing the ID of the channel to be deleted. The response will indicate success with a boolean value.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a conversation
: delete_a_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: channel, integration, conversationSummary
: The 'Delete a conversation' API endpoint allows users to delete an existing conversation within a specified channel. To use this endpoint, users must have the Messengers integration OAuth scope enabled and the Messaging manifest ready for the Messaging app extension. The API requires two path parameters: 'channel-id', which is the ID of the channel provided by the integration, and 'conversation-id', which is the ID of the conversation to be deleted. The response indicates whether the deletion was successful with a boolean 'success' field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a deal
: delete_a_dealOperation
: writeEntities
: dealSummary
: The 'Delete a deal' API marks a deal as deleted in the Pipedrive system. The deal will be permanently deleted after 30 days. This API requires the 'id' path parameter, which is the ID of the deal to be deleted. The response includes a 'success' boolean indicating if the request was successful and a 'data' object containing the ID of the deal that was marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a deal field
: delete_a_deal_fieldOperation
: writeEntities
: deal, fieldSummary
: The 'Delete a deal field' API marks a specified field as deleted in the Pipedrive system. It requires the ID of the field to be deleted as a path parameter. The API uses the DELETE method and the endpoint is 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/dealFields/{id}'. Upon successful deletion, it returns a response indicating success and the ID of the deleted field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a file
: delete_a_fileOperation
: writeEntities
: fileSummary
: The 'Delete a file' API marks a file as deleted in the Pipedrive system. The file will be permanently deleted after 30 days. The API requires a DELETE request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/files/{id}', where '{id}' is the path parameter representing the ID of the file to be deleted. The response includes a success flag and the ID of the file that was marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a filter
: delete_a_filterOperation
: writeEntities
: filterSummary
: This API marks a filter as deleted in the Pipedrive system. It requires the ID of the filter to be specified as a path parameter. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and returns the ID of the filter that was marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a lead
: delete_a_leadOperation
: writeEntities
: leadSummary
: The 'Delete a lead' API allows you to delete a specific lead from the Pipedrive system. It requires the lead's ID as a path parameter, which must be a valid UUID. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a response indicating success and includes the ID of the deleted lead.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a lead label
: delete_a_lead_labelOperation
: writeEntities
: lead labelSummary
: This API deletes a specific lead label identified by its ID. The request requires the 'id' path parameter, which is a UUID string representing the lead label to be deleted. Upon successful deletion, the response returns a success status and the ID of the deleted lead label.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a note
: delete_a_noteOperation
: writeEntities
: noteSummary
: The 'Delete a note' API allows you to delete a specific note by providing the note's ID as a path parameter. The request method is DELETE, and the endpoint is 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/notes/{id}'. The path parameter 'id' is required and must be an integer representing the ID of the note to be deleted. The response includes a JSON object with a 'success' boolean indicating if the request was successful and a 'data' boolean indicating the result of the delete operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a person
: delete_a_personOperation
: writeEntities
: personSummary
: The 'Delete a person' API marks a person as deleted in the Pipedrive system. The person will be permanently deleted after 30 days. The API requires a DELETE request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/persons/{id}', where '{id}' is the path parameter representing the ID of the person to be deleted. The response includes a success flag and the ID of the person that was marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a pipeline
: delete_a_pipelineOperation
: writeEntities
: pipelineSummary
: This API marks a pipeline as deleted. It requires the ID of the pipeline to be specified as a path parameter. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and returns the ID of the deleted pipeline.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a product
: delete_a_productOperation
: writeEntities
: productSummary
: This API marks a product as deleted in the Pipedrive system. The product will be permanently deleted after 30 days. The request requires the product ID as a path parameter. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and returns the ID of the product that was marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a project
: delete_a_projectOperation
: writeEntities
: projectSummary
: The 'Delete a project' API marks a project as deleted in the Pipedrive system. It requires the project ID as a path parameter. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and returns the ID of the deleted project.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a role
: delete_a_roleOperation
: writeEntities
: roleSummary
: This API marks a role as deleted in the Pipedrive system. It requires the role ID as a path parameter to identify which role to delete. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and returns the ID of the deleted role.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a stage
: delete_a_stageOperation
: writeEntities
: stageSummary
: This API marks a stage as deleted in the Pipedrive system. It requires the ID of the stage to be specified as a path parameter. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and returns the ID of the deleted stage.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a subscription
: delete_a_subscriptionOperation
: writeEntities
: installment, subscription, recurring subscriptionSummary
: The 'Delete a subscription' API marks an installment or a recurring subscription as deleted. It requires the 'id' path parameter, which is the ID of the subscription to be deleted. The response includes a success flag and detailed information about the subscription, such as user ID, deal ID, cycle amount, currency, start and end dates, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a task
: delete_a_taskOperation
: writeEntities
: task, subtaskSummary
: The 'Delete a task' API marks a task as deleted using the DELETE method. The endpoint requires a path parameter 'id', which is the integer ID of the task to be deleted. If the task has subtasks, they will also be deleted. The response includes a boolean 'success' indicating the operation's success, the 'id' of the deleted task, and 'additional_data', which is null in this case.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an activity type
: delete_activity_typeOperation
: writeEntities
: activity typeSummary
: The 'Delete an activity type' API marks an activity type as deleted. It requires the ID of the activity type as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag and details of the activity type, such as its ID, order number, name, key string, icon key, active status, color, custom flag, and timestamps for when it was added and last updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an activity
: delete_an_activityOperation
: writeEntities
: activitySummary
: The 'Delete an activity' API marks an activity as deleted in the Pipedrive system. The activity will be permanently deleted after 30 days. The API requires a DELETE request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/activities/{id}', where '{id}' is the path parameter representing the ID of the activity to be deleted. The response includes a 'success' boolean indicating the operation's success and a 'data' object containing the 'id' of the activity that was marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an organization
: delete_an_organizationOperation
: writeEntities
: organizationSummary
: The 'Delete an organization' API marks an organization as deleted in the Pipedrive system. The organization will be permanently deleted after 30 days. The API requires a DELETE request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/organizations/{id}', where '{id}' is the path parameter representing the ID of the organization to be deleted. The response includes a success flag and the ID of the organization that was marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an attached product from a deal
: delete_attached_product_from_dealOperation
: writeEntities
: deal, product attachment, productSummary
: This API deletes a product attachment from a deal using the specified product_attachment_id. It requires two path parameters: 'id', which is the ID of the deal, and 'product_attachment_id', which is the ID of the product attachment to be deleted. The response includes a success flag and the ID of the deleted product attachment.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a comment related to a note
: delete_comment_related_to_a_noteOperation
: writeEntities
: comment, noteSummary
: This API deletes a comment related to a specific note in the Pipedrive system. It requires two path parameters: 'id', which is the integer ID of the note, and 'commentId', which is the UUID of the comment to be deleted. The response indicates whether the operation was successful with a boolean 'success' field and a 'data' field that also returns a boolean value.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a discount from a deal
: delete_discount_from_dealOperation
: writeEntities
: discount, deal, productSummary
: This API endpoint removes a discount from a specified deal in Pipedrive. It requires the deal ID and the discount ID as path parameters. Upon successful deletion, it returns a success status and the ID of the discount that was removed. This operation may change the deal value if the deal has one-time products attached.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Existing Goal
: delete_existing_goalOperation
: writeEntities
: goalSummary
: This API marks a goal as deleted. It requires the ID of the goal as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag, a status code, a status text, and the name of the service that processed the request.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete existing Webhook
: delete_existing_webhookOperation
: writeEntities
: webhookSummary
: This API deletes the specified Webhook. It requires the ID of the Webhook to be provided as a path parameter. The response indicates whether the deletion was successful with a status and success flag.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a follower from a deal
: delete_follower_from_dealOperation
: writeEntities
: follower, dealSummary
: This API deletes a follower from a specific deal in Pipedrive. It requires two path parameters: 'id', which is the ID of the deal, and 'follower_id', which is the ID of the follower to be removed. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and includes the ID of the deleted follower.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a follower from an organization
: delete_follower_from_organizationOperation
: writeEntities
: follower, organizationSummary
: This API deletes a follower from an organization. It requires the organization ID and the follower ID as path parameters. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and returns the ID of the deleted follower.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a follower from a person
: delete_follower_from_personOperation
: writeEntities
: follower, personSummary
: This API deletes a follower from a person in the Pipedrive system. It requires the ID of the person and the ID of the follower as path parameters. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and returns the ID of the deleted follower.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a follower from a product
: delete_follower_from_productOperation
: writeEntities
: follower, relationship, productSummary
: This API deletes a follower from a product in the Pipedrive system. It requires two path parameters: 'id', which is the ID of the product, and 'follower_id', which is the ID of the relationship between the follower and the product. The API returns a success status and the ID of the deleted follower relationship.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete the link between a user and the installed video call integration
: delete_link_between_user_and_installed_video_call_integrationOperation
: writeEntities
: user, link, video calling providerSummary
: This API endpoint is used by a video calling provider to remove the link between a user and the installed video calling app. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is a unique identifier linking a user to the installed integration. The response returns a success status and a message indicating the result of the operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Mail Thread
: delete_mail_threadOperation
: writeEntities
: mail threadSummary
: The Delete Mail Thread API marks a mail thread as deleted. It requires the ID of the mail thread as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag, status code, status text, the service that processed the request, and the ID of the deleted mail thread.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple activities in bulk
: delete_multiple_activities_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: activitySummary
: The 'Delete multiple activities in bulk' API marks multiple activities as deleted. It requires the 'ids' query parameter, which is a comma-separated string of activity IDs to be deleted. The request must include an 'Authorization' header with a valid API token. The response indicates success and returns the IDs of the activities that were marked as deleted. After 30 days, these activities will be permanently deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple activity types in bulk
: delete_multiple_activity_types_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: activity typeSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to mark multiple activity types as deleted in bulk. It requires a DELETE request to the URL 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/activityTypes' with a mandatory query parameter 'ids', which is a string of comma-separated activity type IDs. The response includes a 'success' boolean indicating the operation's success and a 'data' object containing the list of IDs of the activity types that were marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple deal fields in bulk
: delete_multiple_deal_fields_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: deal fieldSummary
: This API marks multiple deal fields as deleted in bulk. It requires a DELETE request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/dealFields' with a query parameter 'ids', which is a comma-separated string of field IDs that need to be deleted. The response includes a success flag and a data object containing the list of IDs of the deal fields that were marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple deals in bulk
: delete_multiple_deals_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: dealSummary
: This API marks multiple deals as deleted using the DELETE method. The endpoint is 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/deals'. It requires a query parameter 'ids', which is a comma-separated string of deal IDs to be marked as deleted. After 30 days, these deals will be permanently deleted. The response includes a 'success' boolean indicating the operation's success and a 'data' object containing the list of IDs that were marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple filters in bulk
: delete_multiple_filters_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: filterSummary
: This API marks multiple filters as deleted in bulk. It requires a DELETE request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/filters'. The request must include a query parameter 'ids', which is a comma-separated string of filter IDs that you want to delete. The response will indicate success and provide a list of IDs of the filters that were marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple organization fields in bulk
: delete_multiple_organization_fields_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: organization fieldSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to mark multiple organization fields as deleted in bulk. It requires a DELETE request to the specified URL with a query parameter 'ids', which is a comma-separated string of field IDs that need to be deleted. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and provides a list of IDs of the fields that were marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple organizations in bulk
: delete_multiple_organizations_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: organizationSummary
: This API marks multiple organizations as deleted using their IDs. The organizations will be permanently deleted after 30 days. The request requires a query parameter 'ids', which is a comma-separated string of organization IDs to be deleted. The response returns a success status and the list of IDs that were marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple person fields in bulk
: delete_multiple_person_fields_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: person fieldSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to mark multiple person fields as deleted in bulk. It requires a DELETE request to the URL 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/personFields'. The request must include a query parameter 'ids', which is a required string containing the comma-separated IDs of the fields to be deleted. The response will indicate success and provide a list of the IDs of the fields that were marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple persons in bulk
: delete_multiple_persons_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: personSummary
: The 'Delete multiple persons in bulk' API marks multiple persons as deleted in the Pipedrive system. It requires a DELETE request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/persons' with a mandatory query parameter 'ids', which is a comma-separated string of person IDs to be deleted. The response indicates success and provides the list of IDs that were marked as deleted. After 30 days, these persons will be permanently deleted from the system.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple product fields in bulk
: delete_multiple_product_fields_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: product fieldSummary
: This API marks multiple product fields as deleted in bulk. It requires a DELETE request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/productFields'. The request must include a query parameter 'ids', which is a comma-separated string of field IDs that you want to delete. The response will indicate success and provide a list of IDs of the fields that were marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete multiple stages in bulk
: delete_multiple_stages_in_bulkOperation
: writeEntities
: stageSummary
: This API marks multiple stages as deleted in bulk. It requires a DELETE request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/stages'. The request must include a query parameter 'ids', which is a comma-separated string of stage IDs that you want to delete. The response will indicate success and provide a list of IDs of the stages that were marked as deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an organization field
: delete_organization_fieldOperation
: writeEntities
: organization field, custom fieldSummary
: The 'Delete an organization field' API marks a specified field as deleted in the Pipedrive system. It requires the ID of the field to be deleted as a path parameter. The API uses the DELETE method and the endpoint is 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/organizationFields/{id}'. Upon successful deletion, it returns a response indicating success and the ID of the deleted field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an organization relationship
: delete_organization_relationshipOperation
: writeEntities
: organization relationshipSummary
: This API deletes an organization relationship identified by the given ID and returns the ID of the deleted relationship. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is an integer representing the ID of the organization relationship to be deleted. The response includes a 'success' boolean indicating if the deletion was successful and a 'data' object containing the 'id' of the deleted organization relationship.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a participant from a deal
: delete_participant_from_dealOperation
: writeEntities
: deal, participantSummary
: This API deletes a participant from a deal in Pipedrive. It requires two path parameters: 'id', which is the ID of the deal, and 'deal_participant_id', which is the ID of the participant to be removed from the deal. The response includes a success flag and the ID of the deleted participant.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a person field
: delete_person_fieldOperation
: writeEntities
: person fieldSummary
: The 'Delete a person field' API marks a specified field as deleted in the Pipedrive system. It requires the ID of the field to be deleted as a path parameter. The API uses the DELETE method and the endpoint is 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/personFields/{id}'. Upon successful deletion, it returns a response indicating success and the ID of the deleted field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete person picture
: delete_person_pictureOperation
: writeEntities
: person, pictureSummary
: This API deletes a person's picture. It requires the ID of the person as a path parameter. The response indicates whether the deletion was successful and returns the ID of the person whose picture was deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a product field
: delete_product_fieldOperation
: writeEntities
: product fieldSummary
: This API marks a product field as deleted in the Pipedrive system. It requires the ID of the product field to be specified as a path parameter. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and returns the ID of the deleted product field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a product variation
: delete_product_variationOperation
: writeEntities
: product variation, productSummary
: This API deletes a product variation. It requires the product ID and the product variation ID as path parameters. The response indicates whether the deletion was successful and returns the ID of the deleted product variation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a role assignment
: delete_role_assignmentOperation
: writeEntities
: user, roleSummary
: The 'Delete a role assignment' API removes the assigned user from a specified role and adds them to the default role. It requires the role ID as a path parameter and the user ID as a body parameter. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and provides the ID of the role assignment that was removed.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete users from a team
: delete_users_from_a_teamOperation
: writeEntities
: user, teamSummary
: This API deletes users from an existing team. It requires the team ID as a path parameter and a list of user IDs to be deleted as a body parameter. The response indicates whether the operation was successful and returns the list of user IDs that were deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a single team
: get_a_single_teamOperation
: readEntities
: user, team, managerSummary
: This API returns data about a specific team identified by its ID. The request requires a path parameter 'id' which is the ID of the team. An optional query parameter 'skip_users' can be used to exclude the IDs of member users from the response. The response includes details such as the team's name, description, manager ID, user IDs, and status flags.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all activities assigned to a particular user
: get_all_activities_assigned_to_a_particular_userOperation
: readEntities
: user, activity, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all activities assigned to a specific user in Pipedrive. It accepts several query parameters such as user_id, filter_id, type, limit, start, start_date, end_date, and done to filter and paginate the results. The response includes a success flag, an array of activity data, related objects, and pagination details. Each activity contains details like id, company_id, user_id, type, due_date, subject, location, and attendees.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all activities (BETA)
: get_all_activities_betaOperation
: readEntities
: user, company, activitySummary
: The 'Get all activities (BETA)' API endpoint retrieves all activities from Pipedrive. It is a cursor-paginated endpoint, meaning it supports pagination through the use of a cursor. This endpoint is currently in BETA and is accessible only to global admins with global permissions. Regular users will receive a 403 response. The API accepts several query parameters such as 'cursor' for pagination, 'limit' to specify the number of entries returned, 'since' and 'until' to define the time range, 'user_id' to filter activities by user, 'done' to filter by completion status, and 'type' to filter by activity type. The response includes a success flag, a list of activity data, and additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all activity fields
: get_all_activity_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: option, activity fieldSummary
: The 'Get all activity fields' API endpoint retrieves all activity fields available in the Pipedrive system. It requires an API token for authentication, which can be provided either as a query parameter or as a Bearer token in the headers. The response includes a success flag, a list of activity fields with details such as id, key, name, field type, and various flags indicating the properties of each field. Additionally, pagination information is provided in the response to handle large datasets.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all activity types
: get_all_activity_typesOperation
: readEntities
: activity typeSummary
: The 'Get all activity types' API endpoint returns a list of all activity types available in the Pipedrive system. It requires an API token for authentication, which should be included in the request headers. The response includes a success flag and an array of activity type objects, each containing details such as id, order number, name, key string, icon key, active status, color, custom flag, and timestamps for when the activity type was added and last updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all add-ons for a single company
: get_all_add_ons_for_a_single_companyOperation
: readEntities
: company, add-on, subscriptionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all the add-ons available for a single company in Pipedrive. It requires an API token for authentication, which should be included in the Authorization header. The response includes a success flag and a list of add-ons, each identified by a unique code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all call logs assigned to a particular user
: get_all_call_logs_assigned_to_a_particular_userOperation
: readEntities
: user, company, call logSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all call logs assigned to a particular user. It supports pagination through the 'start' and 'limit' query parameters. The response includes a list of call logs with details such as activity ID, person ID, organization ID, deal ID, subject, duration, outcome, phone numbers, recording status, start and end times, user ID, company ID, and notes. The response also includes additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all comments for a note
: get_all_comments_for_a_noteOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, comment, noteSummary
: This API retrieves all comments associated with a specific note. The request requires the note ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items per page. The response includes a success flag, a list of comments with details such as UUID, content, and timestamps, and additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all deal fields
: get_all_deal_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, option, deal fieldSummary
: The 'Get all deal fields' API returns data about all deal fields in the Pipedrive system. It is a GET request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/dealFields'. The API supports optional query parameters 'start' and 'limit' for pagination. The response includes a 'success' flag, an array of 'data' containing details about each deal field such as 'id', 'key', 'name', 'field_type', and other attributes. Additionally, 'options' are provided for fields of type 'enum'. The 'additional_data' section includes pagination details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all deals
: get_all_dealsOperation
: readEntities
: person, deal, organizationSummary
: The 'Get all deals' API endpoint retrieves all deals from the Pipedrive system. It supports various query parameters to filter and sort the deals, such as 'filter_id', 'person_id', 'org_id', 'pipeline_id', 'stage_id', 'status', 'sort_by', 'sort_direction', 'include_fields', 'custom_fields', 'limit', and 'cursor'. The response includes a success flag, an array of deal objects with detailed information about each deal, and additional data for pagination. The API is useful for obtaining comprehensive deal information with optional filtering and sorting capabilities.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all deals (BETA)
: get_all_deals_betaOperation
: readEntities
: user, deal, stageSummary
: The 'Get all deals (BETA)' API endpoint allows global admins to retrieve all deals from the Pipedrive system. This endpoint is cursor-paginated and currently in BETA. Users can filter the deals by various query parameters such as cursor, limit, since, until, user_id, stage_id, and status. The response includes a list of deals with detailed information such as deal ID, creator user ID, person ID, organization ID, stage ID, title, value, currency, add time, update time, status, and more. The response also includes additional data for pagination, such as the next cursor. Only users with global permissions can access this endpoint; others will receive a 403 response.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all files
: get_all_filesOperation
: readEntities
: user, file, dealSummary
: The 'Get all files' API endpoint retrieves data about all files stored in the system. It supports pagination through the 'start' and 'limit' query parameters, and allows sorting of results using the 'sort' parameter. The response includes a list of files with details such as file ID, user ID, deal ID, person ID, organization ID, product ID, activity ID, lead ID, file name, file type, file size, and more. Additional pagination data is provided in the 'additional_data' field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all filter helpers
: get_all_filter_helpersOperation
: readEntities
: helper, condition, filterSummary
: The 'Get all filter helpers' API endpoint returns all supported filter helpers available in Pipedrive. This API is useful for understanding the conditions and helpers that can be used when adding or updating filters. The request requires an authorization header with a bearer token for authentication. The response includes a success flag and a data object containing various operators for different data types, deprecated operators, relative date intervals, and address field components. This information is essential for constructing and managing filters effectively in Pipedrive.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all filters
: get_all_filtersOperation
: readEntities
: user, view, filterSummary
: The 'Get all filters' API returns data about all filters available in the Pipedrive system. It supports an optional query parameter 'type' which specifies the type of filters to fetch, such as 'deals', 'leads', 'org', 'people', 'products', 'activity', or 'projects'. The response includes a success flag and an array of filter objects, each containing details like id, name, active status, type, user id, and timestamps for when the filter was added and last updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all lead labels
: get_all_lead_labelsOperation
: readEntities
: lead labelSummary
: The 'Get all lead labels' API endpoint retrieves details of all lead labels available in the system. This endpoint does not support pagination, meaning all labels are returned in a single response. The request requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication. The response includes a success flag and an array of lead label objects, each containing an id, name, color, add_time, and update_time.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all lead sources
: get_all_lead_sourcesOperation
: readEntities
: lead, lead sourceSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all lead sources from Pipedrive. The list of lead sources is fixed and cannot be modified. All leads created through the Pipedrive API will have a lead source assigned from this list. The request requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication. The response includes a success flag and a data array containing the names of the lead sources.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all leads
: get_all_leadsOperation
: readEntities
: deal, custom field, leadSummary
: The 'Get all leads' API endpoint allows users to retrieve multiple leads from the Pipedrive system. The leads are sorted by their creation time, from oldest to newest. Users can control pagination using the 'limit' and 'start' query parameters. Additional filtering options include 'archived_status', 'owner_id', 'person_id', 'organization_id', 'filter_id', and 'sort'. The response includes detailed information about each lead, such as 'id', 'title', 'owner_id', 'creator_id', 'label_ids', 'person_id', 'organization_id', 'source_name', 'origin', 'channel', 'is_archived', 'was_seen', 'value', 'expected_close_date', 'next_activity_id', 'add_time', 'update_time', 'visible_to', and 'cc_email'. Custom fields from deals are inherited by leads and included in the response if set.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all mail messages of mail thread
: get_all_mail_messages_of_mail_threadOperation
: readEntities
: mail message, mail thread, personSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is the ID of the mail thread. The response includes a success flag and a data array containing details of each mail message, such as sender and recipient information, subject, snippet, and various flags indicating the status of the message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all note fields
: get_all_note_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, note field, optionSummary
: The 'Get all note fields' API endpoint retrieves data about all note fields available in the Pipedrive system. It requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication. The response includes a success flag, an array of note fields with details such as id, key, name, field type, and flags indicating if the field is active, editable, or mandatory. Enum type fields also include options. Additional data about pagination is provided in the response.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all notes
: get_all_notesOperation
: readEntities
: deal, note, organizationSummary
: The 'Get all notes' API endpoint retrieves all notes from the Pipedrive system. It supports various query parameters to filter the notes based on user, lead, deal, person, and organization IDs. Pagination is supported through 'start' and 'limit' parameters. Sorting can be done using the 'sort' parameter. Date range filtering is available with 'start_date' and 'end_date'. The response includes a list of notes with details such as content, associated deal, lead, organization, person, and user information. Pagination details are also provided in the response.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all organization fields
: get_all_organization_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, organization field, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves data about all organization fields in Pipedrive. It uses the GET method and does not require any headers or path parameters. The query parameters include 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items shown per page. The response includes a success flag, a list of organization fields with details such as id, key, name, field type, and other attributes, and additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all organizations
: get_all_organizationsOperation
: readEntities
: user, picture, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all organizations from the Pipedrive system. It supports various query parameters such as user_id, filter_id, first_char, start, limit, and sort to filter and paginate the results. The response includes detailed information about each organization, such as its ID, name, owner details, deal counts, activity counts, and address information. Additionally, the response provides pagination details and related objects like users and pictures.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all organizations (BETA)
: get_all_organizations_betaOperation
: readEntities
: user, organization, global adminSummary
: The 'Get all organizations (BETA)' API endpoint retrieves a list of all organizations in a cursor-paginated format. This endpoint is currently in BETA and is accessible only to global admins with global permissions. Regular users will receive a 403 response. The API supports several query parameters for filtering and pagination, including 'cursor' for pagination, 'limit' for the number of entries, 'since' and 'until' for date range filtering, 'owner_id' for filtering by owner, and 'first_char' for filtering by the starting letter of the organization's name. The response includes a success flag, a list of organization data, and additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all payments of a subscription
: get_all_payments_of_a_subscriptionOperation
: readEntities
: payment, deal, subscriptionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all payments associated with a specific subscription, whether it is an installment or a recurring subscription. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is the ID of the subscription. The response includes a success flag and a data array containing details of each payment, such as payment ID, subscription ID, deal ID, active status, amount, currency, change amount, due date, revenue movement type, payment type, description, and timestamps for when the payment was added and last updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all permission sets
: get_all_permission_setsOperation
: readEntities
: assignment count, app, permission setSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves data about all permission sets available in the system. It supports filtering by the app using the 'app' query parameter, which can take values such as 'sales', 'projects', 'campaigns', 'global', and 'account_settings'. The response includes a success flag and a list of permission sets, each with details such as id, name, description, app, type, and assignment count.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all person fields
: get_all_person_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: company, campaign product, person fieldSummary
: The 'Get all person fields' API endpoint retrieves data about all person fields available in the Pipedrive system. If the company uses the Campaigns product, the endpoint will also return the 'data.marketing_status' field. The API uses the GET method and is accessed via the URL 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/personFields'. It accepts optional query parameters 'start' and 'limit' for pagination purposes. The response includes a 'success' flag, an array of 'data' containing details of each person field such as 'id', 'key', 'name', 'field_type', and other attributes. Additionally, it provides 'additional_data' for pagination information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all persons
: get_all_personsOperation
: readEntities
: person, organization, userSummary
: The 'Get all persons' API endpoint retrieves a list of all persons from the Pipedrive system. It supports various query parameters such as 'user_id' to filter persons by owner, 'filter_id' to apply specific filters, 'first_char' to filter by the starting letter of the person's name, 'start' for pagination, 'limit' to specify the number of items per page, and 'sort' to define the sorting order. The response includes detailed information about each person, such as their ID, name, contact details, associated deals, activities, and more. Additionally, the response provides pagination details and related objects like organizations and users.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all persons (BETA)
: get_all_persons_betaOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, person, permissionSummary
: The 'Get all persons (BETA)' API endpoint retrieves a list of all persons using cursor-based pagination. It is accessible only to global admins with global permissions. The API supports several query parameters for filtering results, including 'cursor' for pagination, 'limit' for the number of entries, 'since' and 'until' for date range filtering, 'owner_id' for filtering by owner, and 'first_char' for filtering by the initial character of the person's name. The response includes a success flag, a list of person objects with details such as ID, name, phone numbers, email addresses, and timestamps, as well as additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all pipelines
: get_all_pipelinesOperation
: readEntities
: pipelineSummary
: The 'Get all pipelines' API returns data about all pipelines in the Pipedrive system. It supports optional query parameters for sorting and pagination, including 'sort_by' to specify the field to sort by (id, update_time, add_time), 'sort_direction' to specify the sorting direction (asc, desc), 'limit' to specify the number of entries to return (default is 100, maximum is 500), and 'cursor' for pagination. The response includes a success flag, an array of pipeline objects with details such as id, name, order number, and timestamps, and additional data for pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all product fields
: get_all_product_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, product fieldSummary
: The 'Get all product fields' API endpoint returns data about all product fields in the Pipedrive system. It uses the GET method and requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication. The API supports query parameters 'start' and 'limit' for pagination, with 'start' indicating the pagination start and 'limit' specifying the number of items shown per page. The response includes a 'success' flag, an array of 'data' objects representing product fields, and 'additional_data' for pagination details. Each product field object contains various attributes such as 'id', 'key', 'name', 'field_type', and flags indicating visibility and editability.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all product variations
: get_all_product_variationsOperation
: readEntities
: product variation, price, productSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves data about all variations of a specified product. The request requires a path parameter 'id' which is the ID of the product. Optional query parameters include 'cursor' for pagination and 'limit' to specify the number of entries to return, with a default of 100 and a maximum of 500. The response includes a success flag, an array of product variations with details such as ID, name, product ID, and pricing information, and additional data for pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all products
: get_all_productsOperation
: readEntities
: custom field, price, productSummary
: The 'Get all products' API endpoint retrieves data about all products available in the system. It supports various query parameters such as 'owner_id' to filter products by owner, 'filter_id' to apply specific filters, 'ids' to specify particular product IDs, 'cursor' for pagination, 'limit' to control the number of entries returned, 'sort_by' to determine the sorting field, and 'sort_direction' to set the sorting order. The response includes a success flag, an array of product objects with detailed information such as product ID, name, code, description, category, pricing details, and custom fields, along with additional data for pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all project boards
: get_all_project_boardsOperation
: readEntities
: project boardSummary
: The 'Get all project boards' API endpoint retrieves all project boards that are not deleted from the Pipedrive system. It requires an API token for authentication, which should be included as a query parameter. The response includes a success flag, an array of project board objects with details such as ID, name, order number, add time, and update time, and any additional data if available.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all project templates
: get_all_project_templatesOperation
: readEntities
: project, project templateSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all non-deleted project templates from Pipedrive. It supports cursor-based pagination, allowing users to navigate through large sets of data. The request can include optional query parameters 'cursor' and 'limit' to control pagination. The response includes a success flag, an array of project templates with details such as id, title, description, projects board id, owner id, add time, and update time, and additional pagination data including the next cursor.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all projects
: get_all_projectsOperation
: readEntities
: person, project, dealSummary
: The 'Get all projects' API endpoint retrieves all projects from the Pipedrive system. It supports cursor-based pagination, allowing users to navigate through large sets of data. The API accepts several optional query parameters: 'cursor' for pagination, 'limit' to specify the number of entries returned, 'filter_id' to apply a specific filter, 'status' to filter projects by their status, 'phase_id' to filter by project phase, and 'include_archived' to include archived projects in the response. The response includes a success flag, a list of project details, and additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all relationships for organization
: get_all_relationships_for_organizationOperation
: readEntities
: relationship, organization relationship, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all relationships for a specified organization ID. The request requires a query parameter 'org_id', which is the ID of the organization for which relationships are to be fetched. The response includes a success flag, a list of relationships with details such as related organization name, relationship type, and organization details. Additional data includes pagination information, and related objects provide further details about the organizations involved.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all roles
: get_all_rolesOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, company, roleSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all the roles within the company. It uses the GET method and is accessed via the URL https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/roles. The API supports optional query parameters 'start' and 'limit' for pagination. The response includes a success flag, a list of roles with details such as role ID, parent role ID, name, active status, assignment count, sub-role count, and level. Additionally, it provides pagination information in the 'additional_data' field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all stages
: get_all_stagesOperation
: readEntities
: stage, pipelineSummary
: The 'Get all stages' API endpoint retrieves data about all stages in the Pipedrive system. It supports optional query parameters such as 'pipeline_id' to filter stages by pipeline, 'sort_by' to specify the field for sorting (default is 'id'), 'sort_direction' to determine the sorting order (default is 'asc'), 'limit' to set the number of entries returned (default is 100, maximum is 500), and 'cursor' for pagination. The response includes a success flag, an array of stage objects with details like 'id', 'name', 'deal_probability', and timestamps, as well as additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all supported currencies
: get_all_supported_currenciesOperation
: readEntities
: account, monetary value, currencySummary
: This API endpoint returns all supported currencies in the given account, which should be used when saving monetary values with other objects. The response includes a list of currency objects, each containing details such as the currency code (according to ISO 4217 for non-custom currencies), name, symbol, and whether the currency is active or custom. An optional query parameter 'term' can be used to search for currencies by name or code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all tasks
: get_all_tasksOperation
: readEntities
: user, task, projectSummary
: The 'Get all tasks' API endpoint retrieves all tasks from the Pipedrive system. It supports cursor-based pagination, allowing users to navigate through large sets of tasks. The API accepts several optional query parameters: 'cursor' for pagination, 'limit' to specify the number of tasks returned, 'assignee_id' to filter tasks by assignee, 'project_id' to filter tasks by project, 'parent_task_id' to filter parent or sub-tasks, and 'done' to filter tasks by completion status. The response includes a success flag, a list of tasks with details such as ID, title, creator, description, status, due date, and timestamps, and additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all teams
: get_all_teamsOperation
: readEntities
: user, team, managerSummary
: The 'Get all teams' API returns data about teams within the company. It allows sorting of the returned teams by fields such as 'id', 'name', 'manager_id', and 'active_flag' using the 'order_by' query parameter. The 'skip_users' query parameter can be used to exclude member user IDs from the response. The response includes details such as team ID, name, description, manager ID, user IDs, active status, deletion status, addition time, and creator user ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all teams of a user
: get_all_teams_of_a_userOperation
: readEntities
: user, team, managerSummary
: This API returns data about all teams which have the specified user as a member. The request requires a path parameter 'id' which is the ID of the user. Optional query parameters include 'order_by' to sort the returned teams by a specific field, and 'skip_users' to exclude member user IDs from the response. The response includes a success flag and a list of teams with details such as team ID, name, description, manager ID, user IDs, active status, deletion status, addition time, and creator user ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all user connections
: get_all_user_connectionsOperation
: readEntities
: user, connection, user connectionSummary
: The 'Get all user connections' API returns data about all connections for the authorized user. It requires an authorization header with a bearer token. The response includes a success flag and data containing the user's connection details, such as the Google connection ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all users
: get_all_usersOperation
: readEntities
: user, access, companySummary
: The 'Get all users' API endpoint retrieves data about all users within the company. It requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token for authentication. The response includes a success flag and a data array containing user details such as id, name, email, phone, activation status, last login, creation and modification timestamps, access permissions, active status, timezone information, role ID, icon URL, and deletion status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all users in a team
: get_all_users_in_a_teamOperation
: readEntities
: user, teamSummary
: This API returns a list of all user IDs within a specified team. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is the ID of the team. The response includes a 'success' boolean indicating if the request was successful and a 'data' array containing the user IDs.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all Webhooks
: get_all_webhooksOperation
: readEntities
: activity type, company, webhookSummary
: The 'Get all Webhooks' API endpoint retrieves data about all the webhooks associated with a company. It requires an API token for authentication, which can be provided either as a query parameter or as a Bearer token in the headers. The response includes a status and success indicator, along with an array of webhook objects. Each webhook object contains details such as the ID, company ID, owner ID, user ID, event action, event object, subscription URL, version, active status, addition time, removal time, type, HTTP authentication details, additional data, removal reason, last delivery time, last HTTP status, and admin ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get current user data
: get_current_user_dataOperation
: readEntities
: user, access, companySummary
: The 'Get current user data' API endpoint retrieves information about the authorized user within a company, including user details such as ID, name, email, and phone number, as well as company-related data like company ID, name, domain, and industry. The request requires an authorization header with a bearer token. The response includes detailed user information, access permissions, and company data, formatted in JSON.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get deal products of several deals
: get_deal_products_of_several_dealsOperation
: readEntities
: deal, productSummary
: The 'Get deal products of several deals' API endpoint retrieves data about products attached to specified deals. It requires a list of deal IDs as a query parameter and supports pagination through 'cursor' and 'limit' parameters. The response includes details about each product, such as ID, sum, tax, deal ID, name, and more, along with pagination information in 'additional_data'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get deals conversion rates in pipeline
: get_deals_conversion_rates_in_pipelineOperation
: readEntities
: user, stage conversion, pipelineSummary
: The 'Get deals conversion rates in pipeline' API returns all stage-to-stage conversion and pipeline-to-close rates for a specified time period. It requires the pipeline ID as a path parameter and the start and end dates as query parameters. Optionally, a user ID can be provided to fetch statistics for a specific user. The response includes conversion rates between stages, as well as overall conversion rates for won and lost deals.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get deals in a pipeline
: get_deals_in_a_pipelineOperation
: readEntities
: user, deal, pipelineSummary
: The 'Get deals in a pipeline' API endpoint allows users to list deals in a specific pipeline across all its stages. The endpoint requires the pipeline ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include filter_id, user_id, everyone, stage_id, start, limit, get_summary, and totals_convert_currency. The response includes a success flag, a list of deals with detailed information such as deal ID, creator user ID, person ID, organization ID, stage ID, title, value, currency, and more. Additional data includes pagination details. If no parameters are provided, open deals owned by the authorized user will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get deals in a stage
: get_deals_in_a_stageOperation
: readEntities
: user, deal, stageSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of deals in a specific stage from Pipedrive. The stage is identified by the 'id' path parameter, which is required. Optional query parameters include 'filter_id' to filter deals by a specific filter, 'user_id' to filter deals by a specific user, 'everyone' to retrieve deals owned by everyone, 'start' for pagination start, and 'limit' for the number of items per page. The response includes a success flag, a list of deals with detailed information such as deal ID, creator user ID, person and organization IDs, title, value, currency, and various timestamps, as well as additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get deals summary
: get_deals_summaryOperation
: readEntities
: summary, deal, valueSummary
: The Get deals summary API returns a summary of all the deals in the Pipedrive system. It allows filtering of deals based on status, filter_id, user_id, and stage_id through query parameters. The response includes a success flag and detailed data about the total and weighted values of deals in different currencies, including their counts and formatted values. The total count of deals and their converted values in USD are also provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get deals timeline
: get_deals_timelineOperation
: readEntities
: user, deal, pipelineSummary
: The Get deals timeline API returns open and won deals, grouped by a defined interval of time set in a date-type dealField (field_key). The API requires query parameters such as start_date, interval, amount, and field_key to define the timeline and grouping of deals. Optional parameters include user_id, pipeline_id, filter_id, exclude_deals, and totals_convert_currency to filter and customize the response. The response includes a success flag and data containing the period start and end, a list of deals with detailed information, and totals with counts and values in different currencies.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get deals where a product is attached to
: get_deals_where_a_product_is_attached_toOperation
: readEntities
: deal, organization, productSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves data about deals that have a specific product attached to them. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is the ID of the product. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, and 'status' to filter deals by their status (e.g., open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted). The response includes a success flag, an array of deal data, additional pagination data, and related objects such as users, organizations, persons, stages, and pipelines.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of a board
: get_details_of_a_boardOperation
: readEntities
: project boardSummary
: This API endpoint returns the details of a specific project board. It requires the 'id' path parameter, which is an integer representing the ID of the project board. The response includes a success flag, the project board's details such as its ID, name, order number, add time, and update time, and any additional data if available.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of a call log
: get_details_of_a_call_logOperation
: readEntities
: activity, call log, noteSummary
: This API retrieves the details of a specific call log using the call log ID. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is the ID received when the call log was created. The response includes details such as the activity ID, person ID, organization ID, deal ID, subject, duration, outcome, phone numbers, recording status, start and end times, user ID, company ID, and any notes associated with the call log.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of a deal
: get_details_of_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: deal, custom field, pipelineSummary
: The 'Get details of a deal' API endpoint allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific deal in the Pipedrive system. The API requires the deal ID as a path parameter and offers several optional query parameters to filter the results, such as filter_id, owner_id, person_id, org_id, pipeline_id, stage_id, status, include_fields, and custom_fields. The response includes comprehensive details about the deal, including its ID, title, creator, owner, value, associated person and organization, stage, pipeline, currency, timestamps, status, visibility, and various financial metrics. Custom fields are also included in the response, appearing as long hashes that can be mapped against the key value of dealFields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of a person
: get_details_of_a_personOperation
: readEntities
: person, organization, userSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific person from the Pipedrive system using their unique ID. The request requires an authorization header with a bearer token for authentication. The path parameter 'id' is mandatory and specifies the ID of the person whose details are to be fetched. The response includes a comprehensive set of data about the person, such as their name, contact information, deal counts, activity counts, and more. It also includes additional fields like marketing status if the company uses the Campaigns product. The response is structured with a 'success' flag, the 'data' object containing the person's details, 'additional_data' for extra information, and 'related_objects' for associated entities like organizations and users.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of a phase
: get_details_of_a_phaseOperation
: readEntities
: project, phaseSummary
: This API returns the details of a specific project phase. It requires the 'id' path parameter, which is the ID of the project phase. The response includes details such as the phase ID, name, board ID, order number, and timestamps for when the phase was added and last updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of a project
: get_details_of_a_projectOperation
: readEntities
: label, project, fieldSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific project from Pipedrive. The request requires the project ID as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the project such as its title, description, status, start and end dates, owner ID, associated labels, deals, person, organization, board, and phase. Custom fields in the response appear as long hashes, which can be mapped against the key value of project fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of a subscription
: get_details_of_a_subscriptionOperation
: readEntities
: installment, subscription, recurring subscriptionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific subscription, which can be an installment or a recurring subscription. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is the ID of the subscription. The response includes details such as the subscription ID, user ID, deal ID, active status, cycle amount, number of cycles, currency, start and end dates, description, add and update times, lifetime value, cadence type, and final status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of a task
: get_details_of_a_taskOperation
: readEntities
: project, creator, taskSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific task using its ID. The request requires a path parameter 'id' which is the ID of the task. The response includes details such as the task's title, creator ID, description, status (done or not), due date, parent task ID, assignee ID, timestamps for when the task was added, updated, and marked as done, and the project ID. The response also indicates if the request was successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of a template
: get_details_of_a_templateOperation
: readEntities
: project templateSummary
: This API endpoint returns the details of a specific project template. It requires the 'id' path parameter, which is the ID of the project template. The response includes the template's ID, title, description, projects board ID, owner ID, and timestamps for when the template was added and last updated. The response also indicates whether the request was successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of an activity
: get_details_of_an_activityOperation
: readEntities
: user, activity, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific activity from Pipedrive. It requires the activity ID as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the activity such as its type, due date, duration, location, and associated entities like organization, person, and deal. The response also includes related objects such as user, organization, person, and deal details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get details of an organization
: get_details_of_an_organizationOperation
: readEntities
: user, picture, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific organization from Pipedrive. The request requires the organization ID as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the organization, such as its ID, name, owner details, deal counts, activity counts, and address. Additional fields are returned that are not present when querying all organizations. Custom fields appear as long hashes, which can be mapped against the key value of organizationFields. The response also includes related objects such as users and pictures.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Download one file
: get_download_one_fileOperation
: readEntities
: fileSummary
: The 'Download one file' API initializes a file download from Pipedrive. It requires a GET request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/files/{id}/download', where '{id}' is a path parameter representing the ID of the file to be downloaded. The 'id' parameter is an integer and is required. The API does not specify any response sample or additional headers, query parameters, or body content.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Find goals
: get_find_goalsOperation
: readEntities
: type, goal, assigneeSummary
: The 'Find goals' API allows users to retrieve data about goals based on specified criteria. Users can search by appending query parameters such as 'type.name', 'title', 'is_active', 'assignee.id', 'assignee.type', 'expected_outcome.target', 'expected_outcome.tracking_metric', 'expected_outcome.currency_id', 'type.params.pipeline_id', 'type.params.stage_id', 'type.params.activity_type_id', 'period.start', and 'period.end' to the URL. The response includes details about the goals such as 'id', 'owner_id', 'title', 'type', 'assignee', 'interval', 'duration', 'expected_outcome', 'is_active', and 'report_ids'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Find users by name
: get_find_users_by_nameOperation
: readEntities
: user, access, roleSummary
: The 'Find users by name' API allows you to search for users in the Pipedrive system by their name. It requires a search term as a query parameter and optionally allows you to restrict the search to email addresses only by setting the 'search_by_email' parameter. The response includes a list of users that match the search criteria, with detailed information about each user, such as their ID, name, email, phone number, activation status, last login time, and access permissions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List activities associated with a deal
: get_list_activities_associated_with_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: deal, activity, userSummary
: This API endpoint lists all activities associated with a specific deal in Pipedrive. The request requires the deal ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, 'done' to filter activities based on their completion status, and 'exclude' to omit specific activity IDs from the results. The response includes a success flag, a list of activities with detailed information such as type, due date, location, and participants, as well as additional data on activity distribution and pagination. Related objects like organizations, persons, deals, and users are also included in the response.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List activities associated with a person
: get_list_activities_associated_with_a_personOperation
: readEntities
: person, activity, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint lists activities associated with a specific person in Pipedrive. It requires the person ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, 'done' to filter activities based on their completion status, and 'exclude' to omit specific activity IDs from the results. The response includes a success flag, a list of activities with detailed information such as activity type, due date, location, and participants, as well as additional data for activity distribution and pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List activities associated with an organization
: get_list_activities_associated_with_an_organizationOperation
: readEntities
: user, activity, organizationSummary
: This API lists activities associated with a specific organization in Pipedrive. It requires the organization ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, 'done' to filter activities based on completion status, and 'exclude' to exclude specific activity IDs. The response includes a success flag, a list of activities with detailed information such as activity type, due date, participants, and more, as well as additional data for activity distribution and pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all persons associated with a deal
: get_list_all_persons_associated_with_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: person, deal, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint lists all persons associated with a specific deal in Pipedrive. It returns details of each person, including their ID, name, email, phone numbers, and associated organization details. The endpoint also provides information about the person's activities, deals, and marketing status. The request requires the deal ID as a path parameter and supports optional query parameters for pagination, such as 'start' and 'limit'. The response includes a success flag, a list of persons, additional pagination data, and related objects like organizations and users.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List deals associated with a person
: get_list_deals_associated_with_a_personOperation
: readEntities
: person, deal, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint lists all deals associated with a specific person in Pipedrive. The request requires the person's ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, 'status' to filter deals by their status (e.g., open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted), and 'sort' to specify sorting order. The response includes a success flag, a list of deals with detailed information about each deal, additional pagination data, and related objects such as users, organizations, persons, stages, and pipelines.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List deals associated with an organization
: get_list_deals_associated_with_an_organizationOperation
: readEntities
: person, deal, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint lists all deals associated with a specific organization in Pipedrive. The request requires the organization ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, 'status' to filter deals by their status, 'sort' to define sorting order, and 'only_primary_association' to fetch only directly associated deals. The response includes a success flag, an array of deal objects with detailed information about each deal, additional pagination data, and related objects such as users, organizations, persons, stages, and pipelines.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List discounts added to a deal
: get_list_discounts_added_to_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: discount, dealSummary
: This API endpoint lists all discounts attached to a specific deal in the Pipedrive system. The request requires the deal ID as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag and an array of discount objects, each containing details such as the discount ID, description, amount, type, associated deal ID, creation and update timestamps, and the IDs of the users who created and last updated the discount.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List files attached to a deal
: get_list_files_attached_to_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: user, file, dealSummary
: This API endpoint lists all files associated with a specific deal in Pipedrive. The request requires the deal ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, and 'sort' for sorting the results by specified fields. The response includes a success flag, an array of file data associated with the deal, and additional pagination data. Each file object contains details such as file ID, user ID, deal ID, file name, file type, and a URL for downloading the file.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List files attached to a person
: get_list_files_attached_to_a_personOperation
: readEntities
: person, file, dealSummary
: This API endpoint lists files associated with a specific person in Pipedrive. It requires the person ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, and 'sort' for sorting the results by specified fields. The response includes a success flag, an array of file data with details such as file ID, user ID, deal ID, file name, type, size, and more, along with pagination information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List files attached to a product
: get_list_files_attached_to_a_productOperation
: readEntities
: pagination, file, productSummary
: This API endpoint lists all files associated with a specific product in Pipedrive. It requires the product ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, and 'sort' for sorting the results by fields such as 'update_time' or 'id'. The response includes a success flag, an array of file objects with details such as file ID, product ID, file name, type, size, and download URL, as well as pagination information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List files attached to an organization
: get_list_files_attached_to_an_organizationOperation
: readEntities
: user, file, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint lists files associated with a specific organization in Pipedrive. It requires the organization ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, and 'sort' for sorting the results by specified fields. The response includes a success flag, an array of file data with details such as file ID, user ID, organization ID, file name, type, size, and more, along with pagination information indicating if more items are available.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List followers of a deal
: get_list_followers_of_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: follower, dealSummary
: This API endpoint lists the followers of a specific deal in Pipedrive. It requires the deal ID as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag, a list of followers with their user IDs, follower entry IDs, deal IDs, and the time they started following the deal. Additionally, it provides pagination information indicating the start index, limit of items per page, and whether there are more items in the collection.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List followers of a person
: get_list_followers_of_a_personOperation
: readEntities
: follower, personSummary
: This API endpoint lists the followers of a person in the Pipedrive system. It requires the ID of the person as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag, a list of followers with details such as user ID, follower ID, deal ID, and the time the follower was added. Additionally, it provides pagination information indicating the start index, limit of items per page, and whether there are more items in the collection.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List followers of a product
: get_list_followers_of_a_productOperation
: readEntities
: follower, user, productSummary
: This API endpoint lists the followers of a specific product. It requires the product ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items shown per page. The response includes a success flag, a list of followers with details such as user ID, follower entry ID, product ID, and the time the follower was added. Additional data includes pagination details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List followers of a user
: get_list_followers_of_a_userOperation
: readEntities
: follower, userSummary
: This API endpoint lists the followers of a specific user in Pipedrive. It requires a GET request to the URL 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/users/{id}/followers' with the path parameter 'id', which is the ID of the user whose followers are to be listed. The response includes a 'success' boolean indicating the success of the request and a 'data' array containing the IDs of the followers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List followers of an organization
: get_list_followers_of_an_organizationOperation
: readEntities
: follower, organization, userSummary
: This API endpoint lists the followers of a specified organization. It requires the organization ID as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag, an array of follower data with user ID, follower entry ID, organization ID, and the time the follower was added. Additionally, it provides pagination information indicating the start index, limit, whether there are more items, and the next start index.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List mail messages associated with a person
: get_list_mail_messages_associated_with_a_personOperation
: readEntities
: mail message, mail thread, personSummary
: This API endpoint lists mail messages associated with a specific person in Pipedrive. It requires the person ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items shown per page. The response includes a success flag, an array of mail messages with detailed information such as sender, recipient, subject, and timestamps, and additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List participants of a deal
: get_list_participants_of_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: participant, deal, organizationSummary
: The 'List participants of a deal' API endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of participants associated with a specific deal in Pipedrive. The endpoint is accessed via a GET request to 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/deals/{id}/participants', where '{id}' is the required path parameter representing the deal ID. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items per page. The response includes a 'success' flag, a 'data' array containing participant details such as 'id', 'person_id', 'add_time', and 'related_item_data', as well as 'additional_data' for pagination and 'related_objects' for user, person, and organization details. If the company uses the Campaigns product, the response will also include the 'data.marketing_status' field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List permission set assignments
: get_list_permission_set_assignmentsOperation
: readEntities
: user, assignment, permission setSummary
: The 'List permission set assignments' API returns the list of assignments for a specified permission set. It requires the 'id' path parameter, which is the ID of the permission set. The API supports optional query parameters 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items shown per page. The response includes a 'success' boolean and a 'data' array containing objects with 'user_id', 'permission_set_id', and 'name' of the permission set.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List permitted users
: get_list_permitted_usersOperation
: readEntities
: person, userSummary
: This API endpoint lists the users who are permitted to access a specific person in the Pipedrive system. It requires the ID of the person as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag and an array of user IDs who have permission to access the specified person.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List permitted users for a deal
: get_list_permitted_users_for_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: user, dealSummary
: This API endpoint lists the users permitted to access a specific deal in Pipedrive. It requires the deal ID as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag and an array of user IDs who have permission to access the specified deal.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List permitted users for a lead
: get_list_permitted_users_for_a_leadOperation
: readEntities
: lead, userSummary
: This API endpoint lists the users permitted to access a specific lead in Pipedrive. It requires the lead ID as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag and an array of user IDs who have permission to access the lead.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List permitted users for a product
: get_list_permitted_users_for_a_productOperation
: readEntities
: user, productSummary
: This API endpoint lists the users who are permitted to access a specific product in the Pipedrive system. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is the integer ID of the product. The response includes a success flag and an array of user IDs who have permission to access the product.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List persons of an organization
: get_list_persons_of_an_organizationOperation
: readEntities
: person, organization, userSummary
: This API endpoint lists all persons associated with a specific organization in Pipedrive. It requires the organization ID as a path parameter. Optionally, pagination can be controlled using 'start' and 'limit' query parameters. The response includes detailed information about each person, such as their name, contact details, deal counts, activity counts, and marketing status. If the organization uses the Campaigns product, the 'marketing_status' field will also be included. The response also provides pagination details and related objects like organization and user information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List products associated with a person
: get_list_products_associated_with_a_personOperation
: readEntities
: person, deal, productSummary
: This API endpoint lists products associated with a specific person in the Pipedrive system. It requires the 'id' of the person as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items shown per page. The response includes a success flag, a list of products with associated deal details, and additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List products attached to a deal
: get_list_products_attached_to_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: deal, productSummary
: This API endpoint lists products attached to a specific deal in Pipedrive. The request requires the deal ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'cursor' for pagination, 'limit' to specify the number of entries returned (default is 100, maximum is 500), 'sort_by' to determine the field to sort by (default is 'id'), and 'sort_direction' to specify the sorting order (default is 'asc'). The response includes a success flag, an array of product details such as id, sum, tax, deal_id, name, product_id, and more, along with additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List role assignments
: get_list_role_assignmentsOperation
: readEntities
: user, role assignment, roleSummary
: This API endpoint lists role assignments for a specific user. It requires the user ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items shown per page. The response includes a success flag, a list of role assignments with details such as user ID, role ID, parent role ID, role name, active status, and role type. Additional pagination data is also provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List role settings
: get_list_role_settingsOperation
: readEntities
: setting, roleSummary
: The 'List role settings' API returns the visibility settings of a specific role in Pipedrive. It requires the role ID as a path parameter. The response includes the default visibility settings for deals, leads, organizations, persons, and products, indicating the level of visibility assigned to each entity type for the specified role.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List settings of an authorized user
: get_list_settings_of_an_authorized_userOperation
: readEntities
: user, settingSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the settings of an authorized user from Pipedrive. The request requires an authorization header with a bearer token. The response includes various settings such as marketplace team status, list limit, beta app usage, and more. The response body contains a 'success' boolean and a 'data' object with detailed settings information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List updates about a deal
: get_list_updates_about_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: deal, activity, mail messageSummary
: This API endpoint lists updates about a specific deal in Pipedrive. It requires the deal ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, 'all_changes' to include custom field updates, and 'items' to filter specific updates. The response includes a success flag, a list of updates with details such as object type, timestamp, and data, additional pagination data, and related objects information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List updates about a person
: get_list_updates_about_a_personOperation
: readEntities
: person, activity, organizationSummary
: The 'List updates about a person' API endpoint retrieves updates related to a specific person in the Pipedrive system. It requires the person's ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, 'all_changes' to include custom field updates, and 'items' to filter specific types of updates. The response includes a success flag, a list of updates with detailed information, additional pagination data, and related objects. If the company uses the Campaigns product, updates for the marketing_status field are also included.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List updates about an organization
: get_list_updates_about_an_organizationOperation
: readEntities
: file, activity, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint lists updates about a specific organization in Pipedrive. It requires the organization ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start, 'limit' for the number of items per page, 'all_changes' to include custom field updates, and 'items' to filter specific updates. The response includes a success flag, a list of updates with details such as object type, timestamp, and data, additional pagination data, and related objects information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List User Permissions
: get_list_user_permissionsOperation
: readEntities
: user, permission setSummary
: The 'List User Permissions' API endpoint retrieves aggregated permissions for a specified user based on all assigned permission sets. The request requires the user's ID as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag and a data object detailing the user's permissions, such as the ability to add custom fields, bulk edit items, change item visibility, and create their own workflows.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List mail messages associated with a deal
: get_mail_messages_associated_with_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: mail message, deal, personSummary
: This API endpoint lists mail messages associated with a specific deal in Pipedrive. The request requires the deal ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items shown per page. The response includes a success flag, an array of mail messages with detailed information such as sender and recipient details, subject, timestamps, and flags indicating the status of the mail message. Additional pagination data is also provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List mail messages associated with an organization
: get_mail_messages_associated_with_organizationOperation
: readEntities
: mail message, mail thread, organizationSummary
: This API endpoint lists mail messages associated with a specific organization in Pipedrive. It requires the organization ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items shown per page. The response includes a success flag, an array of mail messages with detailed information such as sender, recipient, subject, and timestamps, and additional pagination data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get mail threads
: get_mail_threadsOperation
: readEntities
: message, mail thread, folderSummary
: The 'Get mail threads' API returns mail threads in a specified folder ordered by the most recent message within. It requires a 'folder' query parameter to specify the type of folder to fetch, which can be 'inbox', 'drafts', 'sent', or 'archive'. Optional query parameters include 'start' for pagination start and 'limit' for the number of items shown per page. The response includes a success flag and an array of mail threads, each containing details such as parties involved, folder information, account and user IDs, subject, snippet, flags for attachments and drafts, timestamps, and deal information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one comment
: get_one_commentOperation
: readEntities
: user, comment, noteSummary
: The 'Get one comment' API returns the details of a specific comment associated with a note in Pipedrive. It requires two path parameters: 'id', which is the integer ID of the note, and 'commentId', which is the UUID of the comment. The response includes details such as the UUID, active status, timestamps for addition and update, company ID, content of the comment, associated object ID and type, and the IDs of the user who created and last updated the comment.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one deal field
: get_one_deal_fieldOperation
: readEntities
: deal fieldSummary
: The 'Get one deal field' API returns data about a specific deal field in Pipedrive. It requires the 'id' path parameter, which is the ID of the field to be retrieved. The response includes detailed information about the deal field, such as its ID, key, name, order number, field type, and various flags indicating its properties and permissions. The response also includes options available for the field if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one file
: get_one_fileOperation
: readEntities
: user, file, dealSummary
: The 'Get one file' API endpoint retrieves data about a specific file from Pipedrive. It requires the file ID as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the file, such as its ID, user ID, deal ID, person ID, organization ID, product ID, activity ID, lead ID, and other metadata like file name, type, size, and remote location. The response also indicates whether the file is active or inline and provides URLs for accessing the file.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one filter
: get_one_filterOperation
: readEntities
: condition line, filterSummary
: The 'Get one filter' API endpoint retrieves data about a specific filter identified by its ID. It returns detailed information about the filter, including its name, type, active status, associated user ID, and visibility settings. The request requires a path parameter 'id' which is the ID of the filter. The response includes a success flag and a data object containing the filter details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one lead
: get_one_leadOperation
: readEntities
: deal, custom field, leadSummary
: The 'Get one lead' API endpoint retrieves details of a specific lead from Pipedrive. It requires the lead's ID as a path parameter, which must be a UUID. The response includes various details about the lead, such as its title, owner, creator, associated labels, person and organization IDs, source, origin, channel, and value. If the lead contains custom fields, their values will be included in the response. The response also indicates whether the lead is archived or seen, and provides timestamps for when the lead was added and last updated. The visibility and CC email associated with the lead are also returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one mail message
: get_one_mail_messageOperation
: readEntities
: account, mail message, userSummary
: The 'Get one mail message' API returns data about a specific mail message identified by its ID. The request requires a path parameter 'id' which is the ID of the mail message to fetch. An optional query parameter 'include_body' can be used to specify whether to include the full message body (1) or not (0). The response includes details about the mail message such as sender, recipient, subject, and various flags indicating the status of the message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one mail thread
: get_one_mail_threadOperation
: readEntities
: mail message, party, mail threadSummary
: The 'Get one mail thread' API endpoint allows users to retrieve a specific mail thread by its ID. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is an integer representing the mail thread's ID. The response includes detailed information about the mail thread, such as the parties involved, folders, account and user IDs, subject, snippet, and various flags indicating the state of the mail thread (e.g., whether it has attachments, is archived, or is shared). The response is structured with a 'success' boolean and a 'data' object containing all relevant mail thread details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one note
: get_one_noteOperation
: readEntities
: user, deal, noteSummary
: The 'Get one note' API returns details about a specific note identified by its ID. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is the ID of the note. The response includes a success flag and detailed information about the note, such as its content, associated deal, lead, organization, person, and user details. The response also indicates if the note is active and if it is pinned to any entities like lead, deal, organization, or person.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one organization field
: get_one_organization_fieldOperation
: readEntities
: organization fieldSummary
: This API endpoint returns data about a specific organization field in Pipedrive. It requires the field ID as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the field such as its ID, key, name, type, and various flags indicating its properties and permissions. The response also includes options available for the field if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one organization relationship
: get_one_organization_relationshipOperation
: readEntities
: organization relationship, organizationSummary
: The 'Get one organization relationship' API retrieves details of a specific organization relationship using its ID. The API requires a path parameter 'id' which is the ID of the organization relationship. Optionally, a query parameter 'org_id' can be provided to specify the base organization for calculated values. The response includes details of the organization relationship, such as the type, owner organization details, linked organization details, and related objects. The response also indicates if the request was successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one permission set
: get_one_permission_setOperation
: readEntities
: user, permission set, permissionSummary
: The 'Get one permission set' API returns data about a specific permission set identified by its ID. The request requires a path parameter 'id', which is the ID of the permission set. The response includes details such as the ID, name, description, associated application, assignment count, and a list of permissions included in the set.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one person field
: get_one_person_fieldOperation
: readEntities
: person fieldSummary
: The 'Get one person field' API returns data about a specific person field in the Pipedrive system. It requires the 'id' path parameter, which is an integer representing the ID of the field. The response includes detailed information about the person field, such as its ID, key, name, order number, field type, and various flags indicating its properties and permissions. The response also includes options available for the field if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one pipeline
: get_one_pipelineOperation
: readEntities
: deal, stage, pipelineSummary
: The 'Get one pipeline' API returns data about a specific pipeline identified by its ID. It also provides a summary of the deals in this pipeline across its stages. The API requires a path parameter 'id', which is an integer representing the pipeline's ID. The response includes details such as the pipeline's name, order number, deletion status, deal probability status, addition and update times, and selection status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one product
: get_one_productOperation
: readEntities
: custom field, price, productSummary
: The 'Get one product' API returns data about a specific product identified by its ID. The API requires a path parameter 'id' which is an integer representing the product ID. The response includes detailed information about the product such as its name, code, description, category, visibility, owner ID, and pricing details. The response also includes metadata like the time the product was added and last updated, billing frequency, and custom fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one product field
: get_one_product_fieldOperation
: readEntities
: product fieldSummary
: The 'Get one product field' API returns data about a specific product field in Pipedrive. It requires the 'id' path parameter, which is the ID of the product field to retrieve. The response includes details such as the field's ID, key, name, order number, type, and various flags indicating its properties and permissions. The response also includes options available for the field if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one role
: get_one_roleOperation
: readEntities
: setting, assignment, roleSummary
: The 'Get one role' API endpoint retrieves the details of a specific role in the Pipedrive system. It requires a path parameter 'id', which is the integer ID of the role to be fetched. The response includes a success flag, the role's data such as its ID, parent role ID, name, active status, assignment count, and sub-role count. Additionally, it provides settings for default visibility of deals, leads, organizations, persons, and products.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one stage
: get_one_stageOperation
: readEntities
: deal, stage, pipelineSummary
: The 'Get one stage' API returns data about a specific stage in Pipedrive. It requires the stage ID as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the stage ID, order number, name, deletion status, deal probability, pipeline ID, deal rotation status, days to rotten, and timestamps for when the stage was added and last updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get one user
: get_one_userOperation
: readEntities
: user, access, companySummary
: The 'Get one user' API returns data about a specific user within the company. It requires the user ID as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the user such as their name, email, phone number, activation status, last login time, and access permissions. The response also indicates if the user is active, their timezone, role ID, and whether they are the current user or deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List pipeline visibility for a role
: get_pipeline_visibility_for_roleOperation
: readEntities
: role, pipelineSummary
: This API returns the list of either visible or hidden pipeline IDs for a specific role. The request requires the role ID as a path parameter. An optional query parameter 'visible' can be used to specify whether to return visible or hidden pipelines, with the default being true. The response includes a success flag and a data object containing the list of pipeline IDs and their visibility status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Returns project activities
: get_project_activitiesOperation
: readEntities
: user, project, activitySummary
: This API returns activities linked to a specific project. It requires the project ID as a path parameter. The response includes a list of activities with details such as activity ID, company ID, user ID, type, due date, and location, among others. The response also includes additional data like the next cursor for pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Returns project groups
: get_project_groupsOperation
: readEntities
: group, projectSummary
: This API returns all active groups under a specific project. It requires the project ID as a path parameter. The response includes a success flag, a list of groups with their IDs, names, and order numbers, and any additional data if available.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get project phases
: get_project_phasesOperation
: readEntities
: project phase, boardSummary
: The 'Get project phases' API returns all active project phases under a specific board. It requires a query parameter 'board_id' which is an integer representing the ID of the board for which phases are requested. The response includes a success flag, a list of project phases with details such as phase ID, name, board ID, order number, add time, and update time, and any additional data if available.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Returns project plan
: get_project_planOperation
: readEntities
: project, activity, taskSummary
: This API returns information about items in a project plan. The items consist of tasks and activities and are linked to specific project phases and groups. The API requires a path parameter 'id', which is the ID of the project. The response includes a success flag, a list of items with their IDs, types, phase IDs, and group IDs, and any additional data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Returns project tasks
: get_project_tasksOperation
: readEntities
: task, project, assigneeSummary
: This API returns tasks linked to a specific project. It requires the project ID as a path parameter. The response includes details of each task such as task ID, title, creator ID, description, status, due date, parent task ID, assignee ID, and timestamps for when the task was added, updated, and marked as done. Additionally, it provides a cursor for fetching the next set of results.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get recents
: get_recentsOperation
: readEntities
: deal, activity, noteSummary
: The 'Get recents' API endpoint retrieves data about all recent changes that occurred after a specified timestamp. It requires a 'since_timestamp' query parameter in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' to specify the starting point for changes. Optional query parameters include 'items' to filter the types of items to include, 'start' for pagination start, and 'limit' for the number of items per page. The response includes a 'success' flag, an array of 'data' with details of each change, and 'additional_data' for pagination and timestamp information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get result of a goal
: get_result_of_a_goalOperation
: readEntities
: progress, goal, resultSummary
: The 'Get result of a goal' API retrieves the progress of a specified goal for a given period. It requires the goal ID as a path parameter and the start and end dates of the period as query parameters. The response includes details about the goal, such as its ID, owner, title, type, assignee, interval, duration, expected outcome, and progress. The API returns a success status, status code, status text, and the service that processed the request.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search deals
: get_search_dealsOperation
: readEntities
: person, deal, organizationSummary
: The 'Search deals' API allows users to search for deals by title, notes, and custom fields. It is a wrapper of the /v1/itemSearch endpoint with a narrower OAuth scope. Users can filter the search results by person ID, organization ID, and deal status. The API supports pagination and allows specifying the fields to search from and include in the results. The response includes the search results with details of each deal, such as ID, title, value, currency, status, owner, stage, person, and organization. Additional data for pagination is also provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Perform a search from multiple item types
: get_search_from_multiple_item_typesOperation
: readEntities
: search term, item, fieldSummary
: This API performs a search across multiple item types and fields in Pipedrive. It requires a search term and allows optional parameters such as item types, fields, and pagination controls. The response includes a list of found items and related items, along with additional data for pagination. The search term must be URL encoded and can be configured for exact matches or to include related items.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search leads
: get_search_leadsOperation
: readEntities
: lead, organization, personSummary
: The 'Search leads' API allows users to search for leads by title, notes, and custom fields. It is a wrapper of the /v1/itemSearch endpoint with a narrower OAuth scope. Users can filter the search results by person ID and organization ID. The API supports various query parameters such as 'term' for the search term, 'fields' to specify which fields to search, 'exact_match' for exact term matching, 'person_id' and 'organization_id' for filtering, 'include_fields' for additional fields, 'limit' for pagination, and 'cursor' for pagination markers. The response includes a success flag, data with found items, and additional data for pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search organizations
: get_search_organizationsOperation
: readEntities
: custom field, note, organizationSummary
: The Search organizations API allows users to search for organizations by name, address, notes, and custom fields. It is a GET request to the endpoint https://api.pipedrive.com/api/v2/organizations/search. The API requires a 'term' query parameter for the search term, which must be at least 2 characters long. Optional query parameters include 'fields' to specify which fields to search, 'exact_match' to enable exact matching, 'limit' to set the number of results, and 'cursor' for pagination. The response includes a success flag, a data object with search results, and additional data for pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search persons
: get_search_personsOperation
: readEntities
: person, custom field, organizationSummary
: The 'Search persons' API allows users to search for persons by name, email, phone, notes, and custom fields. It is a GET request to the endpoint 'https://api.pipedrive.com/api/v2/persons/search'. The API accepts several query parameters: 'term' (required) for the search term, 'fields' to specify which fields to search, 'exact_match' to enable exact matching, 'organization_id' to filter by organization, 'include_fields' to include optional fields, 'limit' for pagination limit, and 'cursor' for pagination cursor. The response includes a success flag, data with search results, and additional data for pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search products
: get_search_productsOperation
: readEntities
: product, custom field, ownerSummary
: The Search products API allows users to search for products by name, code, and custom fields. It is a GET request to the endpoint https://api.pipedrive.com/api/v2/products/search. The API requires a search term as a query parameter and supports additional optional parameters such as fields, exact_match, include_fields, limit, and cursor for pagination. The response includes a success flag, a data object with search results, and additional data for pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Perform a search using a specific field from an item type
: get_search_using_specific_fieldOperation
: readEntities
: search, item, fieldSummary
: This API performs a search from the values of a specific field. It can return either the distinct values of the field, useful for searching autocomplete field values, or the IDs of actual items such as deals, leads, persons, organizations, or products. The API requires query parameters such as 'term' for the search term, 'entity_type' for the type of field, and 'field' for the key of the field to search from. Optional parameters include 'match' for the type of match, 'limit' for pagination, and 'cursor' for the pagination marker. The response includes a success flag, a list of search results with item IDs and names, and additional data for pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Find subscription by deal
: get_subscription_by_dealOperation
: readEntities
: user, deal, subscriptionSummary
: The 'Find subscription by deal' API returns details of an installment or a recurring subscription by the deal ID. It requires a path parameter 'dealId' which is an integer representing the ID of the deal. The response includes details such as the subscription ID, user ID, deal ID, active status, cycle amount, number of cycles, currency, start and end dates, description, add and update times, lifetime value, cadence type, and final status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List updates about deal field values
: get_updates_about_deal_field_valuesOperation
: readEntities
: update, deal, fieldSummary
: This API endpoint lists updates about field values of a specific deal in Pipedrive. It requires the deal ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'cursor' for pagination and 'limit' to specify the number of items per page. The response includes a success flag, a list of changes detailing the field key, old and new values, the user who made the change, the time of change, the source of change, and whether it was part of a bulk update. Additional data may include a cursor for the next page of results.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List updates about organization field values
: get_updates_about_organization_field_valuesOperation
: readEntities
: update, organization, fieldSummary
: This API endpoint lists updates about field values of an organization. It requires the organization ID as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'cursor' for pagination and 'limit' to specify the number of items per page. The response includes a success flag, a list of changes with details such as field key, old and new values, actor user ID, time of change, change source, and whether it was a bulk update. Additional data for pagination is also provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List updates about participants of a deal
: get_updates_about_participants_of_a_dealOperation
: readEntities
: user, deal, participantSummary
: This API endpoint lists updates about participants of a deal. It is a cursor-paginated endpoint, allowing users to retrieve changes made to the participants of a specific deal. The request requires the 'id' path parameter, which is the ID of the deal. Optional query parameters include 'limit' to specify the number of items per page and 'cursor' for pagination purposes. The response includes a success flag, an array of data detailing the actions performed on participants, and additional data containing the next cursor for pagination.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List updates about person field values
: get_updates_about_person_field_valuesOperation
: readEntities
: person, update, fieldSummary
: This API endpoint lists updates about field values of a person in Pipedrive. It requires the ID of the person as a path parameter. Optional query parameters include 'cursor' for pagination and 'limit' for the number of items per page. The response includes a success flag, a list of updates detailing the field key, old and new values, the user who made the change, the time of change, the source of change, and whether it was part of a bulk update. Additional data for pagination is also provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List User Role Settings
: get_user_role_settingsOperation
: readEntities
: user, setting, roleSummary
: The 'List User Role Settings' API endpoint retrieves the settings of a user's assigned role in Pipedrive. It requires the user ID as a path parameter. The response includes the default visibility settings for deals, leads, organizations, persons, and products, indicating the level of access the user has for each entity type. The response body contains a 'success' boolean and a 'data' object with the visibility settings.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a deal
: patch_update_a_dealOperation
: writeEntities
: user, deal, organizationSummary
: The 'Update a deal' API allows you to update the properties of a deal in the Pipedrive system. You need to provide the deal ID as a path parameter. The body of the request can include various optional fields such as title, owner_id, person_id, org_id, pipeline_id, stage_id, value, currency, add_time, update_time, stage_change_time, is_deleted, status, probability, lost_reason, visible_to, close_time, won_time, lost_time, expected_close_date, and label_ids. The response returns a success status and the updated deal data, including fields like id, title, creator_user_id, owner_id, value, person_id, org_id, stage_id, pipeline_id, currency, add_time, update_time, stage_change_time, status, is_deleted, probability, lost_reason, visible_to, close_time, won_time, lost_time, local_won_date, local_lost_date, local_close_date, expected_close_date, origin, origin_id, channel, channel_id, acv, arr, mrr, and custom_fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a lead
: patch_update_a_leadOperation
: writeEntities
: lead, organization, userSummary
: The 'Update a lead' API allows users to update one or more properties of a lead in Pipedrive. The API endpoint is 'https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/leads/{id}', where 'id' is the required path parameter representing the lead's unique identifier. The request body can include optional parameters such as 'title', 'owner_id', 'label_ids', 'person_id', 'organization_id', 'is_archived', 'value', 'expected_close_date', 'visible_to', 'was_seen', 'channel', and 'channel_id'. The response returns a success status and the updated lead data, including fields like 'id', 'title', 'owner_id', 'label_ids', 'person_id', 'organization_id', 'source_name', 'origin', 'channel', 'is_archived', 'was_seen', 'value', 'expected_close_date', 'next_activity_id', 'add_time', 'update_time', 'visible_to', and 'cc_email'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a discount added to a deal
: patch_update_discount_added_to_a_dealOperation
: writeEntities
: discount, deal, productSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to edit a discount added to a deal in Pipedrive. It changes the deal value if the deal has one-time products attached. The request requires the deal ID and discount ID as path parameters. The body parameters include 'description' (the name of the discount), 'amount' (the discount amount, which must be a positive number), and 'type' (which determines if the discount is a percentage or a fixed amount). The response returns a success status and the updated discount details, including its ID, description, amount, type, associated deal ID, creation and update timestamps, and the IDs of the users who created and last updated the discount.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a lead label
: patch_update_lead_labelOperation
: writeEntities
: lead labelSummary
: This API updates one or more properties of a lead label in Pipedrive. The endpoint requires the lead label ID as a path parameter. The request body can include optional parameters such as 'name' and 'color' to update the respective properties of the lead label. The color parameter accepts a limited set of values: green, blue, red, yellow, purple, and gray. The response includes a success flag and the updated lead label details, including its ID, name, color, and timestamps for when it was added and last updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a pipeline
: patch_update_pipelineOperation
: writeEntities
: pipelineSummary
: This API updates the properties of a pipeline in Pipedrive. It requires the pipeline ID as a path parameter. The request body can include optional parameters such as 'name' to update the pipeline's name and 'is_deal_probability_enabled' to enable or disable deal probability for the pipeline. The response includes a success flag and the updated pipeline details such as ID, name, order number, and timestamps for when the pipeline was added and last updated.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated 2 months ago