Intercom API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Intercom API as part of the TICKETING category
Delete a collection
: delete_a_collectionOperation
: writeEntities
: collectionSummary
: The 'Delete a collection' API allows you to delete a single collection by making a DELETE request to the specified endpoint with the collection's unique identifier in the path. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally specifies the Intercom API version in the headers. The response will indicate whether the collection was successfully deleted, or provide error details if the request was unauthorized or the collection was not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a company
: delete_a_companyOperation
: writeEntities
: companySummary
: The 'Delete a company' API allows you to delete a single company from Intercom using its unique identifier. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally an Intercom API version header. The path parameter 'id' is mandatory and specifies the unique identifier of the company to be deleted. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a JSON response with the company's ID, object type, and a boolean indicating successful deletion. If unauthorized, a 401 error with details is returned, and if the company is not found, a 404 error is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a contact
: delete_a_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: contactSummary
: The 'Delete a contact' API allows you to delete a single contact from Intercom. It requires a DELETE request to the endpoint '{id}', where '{id}' is the unique identifier of the contact to be deleted. The request must include an 'Authorization' header with a Bearer token for authentication and can optionally specify the 'Intercom-Version' header to set the API version, defaulting to '2.11'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 response with details of the deleted contact, including 'id', 'external_id', 'type', and 'deleted' status. If unauthorized, a 401 error response is returned with error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an article
: delete_an_articleOperation
: writeEntities
: articleSummary
: The 'Delete an article' API allows you to delete a single article by making a DELETE request to the specified endpoint with the article's unique identifier. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally an Intercom API version header. The path parameter 'id' is required to specify the article to be deleted. On success, the API returns a JSON response indicating the article was deleted. If unauthorized, a 401 error with details is returned. If the article is not found, a 404 error is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Detach a contact from a company
: delete_detach_contact_from_companyOperation
: writeEntities
: segment, company, contactSummary
: This API allows you to detach a company from a single contact in Intercom. It requires the contact_id and company id as path parameters, both of which are unique identifiers provided by Intercom. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and can optionally specify the Intercom-Version header to indicate the API version. The API responds with a 200 status code and detailed information about the company if successful. If unauthorized, it returns a 401 error with details about the error. If the contact or company is not found, a 404 error is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Detach a contact from a group conversation
: delete_detach_contact_from_group_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, conversation, adminSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to detach a contact from a group conversation in Intercom. It requires the conversation ID and contact ID as path parameters, and an admin ID in the request body. The request must include a valid bearer token for authorization. The API returns a 200 status code with the updated list of customers if successful. Possible error responses include 401 Unauthorized, 403 API plan restricted, 404 Contact not found, and 422 Last customer, each with a detailed error message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a news item
: delete_news_itemOperation
: writeEntities
: news itemSummary
: This API allows you to delete a single news item from Intercom. It requires a DELETE request to the endpoint with the unique identifier of the news item as a path parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a bearer token and optionally an Intercom-Version header to specify the API version. A successful response returns a JSON object indicating the news item was deleted. If unauthorized, a 401 error with details is returned. If the news item is not found, a 404 error is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove subscription from a contact
: delete_remove_subscription_from_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, subscription, translationSummary
: This API allows you to remove a specific subscription from a contact in Intercom. It requires the contact's unique identifier and the subscription type's unique identifier as path parameters. The request must include a bearer token for authorization and can specify the Intercom API version in the headers. Upon successful deletion, it returns a subscription type model with details such as type, id, state, consent type, default translation, translations, and content types. If unauthorized, it returns an error list with details about the error. If the resource is not found, it also returns an error list indicating the issue.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove tag from a contact
: delete_remove_tag_from_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, tagSummary
: The 'Remove tag from a contact' API allows you to remove a tag from a specific contact in Intercom. It requires the contact's unique identifier and the tag's unique identifier as path parameters. The request must include an Authorization header with a bearer token and can optionally specify the Intercom API version in the Intercom-Version header. Upon successful deletion, it returns a tag object indicating the tag that was removed. If unauthorized, it returns an error list with a 401 status code. If the tag is not found, it returns an error list with a 404 status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove tag from a conversation
: delete_remove_tag_from_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: tag, conversation, adminSummary
: The 'Remove tag from a conversation' API allows you to remove a tag from a specific conversation in Intercom. It requires the conversation ID and tag ID as path parameters, and an admin ID in the request body. The API uses bearer token authentication and supports specifying the Intercom API version via headers. Upon successful deletion, it returns a tag object. If unauthorized, it returns an error with code 'unauthorized'. If the tag is not found, it returns an error with code 'not_found'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove tag from a ticket
: delete_remove_tag_from_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: tag, ticket, adminSummary
: The 'Remove tag from a ticket' API allows you to remove a specific tag from a ticket in Intercom. It requires the ticket ID and tag ID as path parameters, and an admin ID in the request body. The request must include a bearer token for authorization and can specify the Intercom API version. On success, it returns the tag object that was removed. If unauthorized, it returns an error with code 'unauthorized'. If the tag is not found, it returns an error with code 'ticket_not_found'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete tag
: delete_tagOperation
: writeEntities
: tag, error, workspaceSummary
: The Delete tag API allows you to delete a tag from the workspace by providing the tag's unique identifier in the path parameter. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally allows specifying the Intercom API version through headers. The API responds with error details if the tag cannot be deleted due to dependent objects, unauthorized access, or if the resource is not found. The response includes a type, request ID, and an array of error objects with codes and messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a contact
: get_a_contactOperation
: readEntities
: company, note, contactSummary
: The 'Get a contact' API allows you to fetch the details of a single contact from Intercom. It requires a GET request to the endpoint '{id}', where '{id}' is the unique identifier of the contact. The request must include an 'Authorization' header with a Bearer token for authentication. Optionally, you can specify the 'Intercom-Version' header to set the API version, defaulting to '2.11'. The response includes detailed information about the contact, such as their email, phone, role, social profiles, and more. If the request is unauthorized, a 401 error with details will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List attached companies for contact
: get_attached_companies_for_contactOperation
: readEntities
: company, plan, contactSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to fetch a list of companies associated with a specific contact in Intercom. The request requires a valid bearer token for authorization and the unique identifier of the contact as a path parameter. The response includes a list of companies with details such as company ID, name, creation time, and other attributes. The response is paginated and includes pagination details. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with HTTP status codes 401 for unauthorized access and 404 if the contact is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List attached segments for companies
: get_attached_segments_for_companiesOperation
: readEntities
: segment, companySummary
: This API endpoint allows you to fetch a list of all segments that belong to a specific company in Intercom. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and the unique company ID as a path parameter. The Intercom API version can be specified in the headers, defaulting to version 2.11. The response includes a list of segments with details such as segment type, ID, name, creation and update timestamps, person type, and count of items in the segment. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with codes for unauthorized access or if the company is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List attached segments for contact
: get_attached_segments_for_contactOperation
: readEntities
: segment, contactSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to fetch a list of segments associated with a specific contact in Intercom. The request requires a valid bearer token for authorization and the unique contact_id as a path parameter. The Intercom-Version header can be optionally set to specify the API version. The response includes a list of segment objects, each containing details such as segment id, name, creation and update timestamps, person type, and count of items in the segment. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with HTTP status codes 401 for unauthorized access and 404 if the contact is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Download Content Data Export
: get_download_content_data_exportOperation
: readEntities
: content, data export, jobSummary
: The 'Download Content Data Export' API allows users to download exported message data in a gzipped CSV format. This API requires a GET request to the endpoint with a specific job_identifier path parameter. The request must include an Authorization header with a bearer token, an Accept header set to 'application/octet-stream', and optionally an Intercom-Version header to specify the API version. The response is a streamed gzipped CSV file containing the exported data.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Find a specific tag
: get_find_a_specific_tagOperation
: readEntities
: tag, error, workspaceSummary
: The 'Find a specific tag' API allows users to fetch details of a tag in the workspace by its unique identifier. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally an Intercom API version header. The path parameter 'id' is required to specify the tag. The API returns a tag object on success, or an error object if the tag is not found or if the request is unauthorized. The response includes details such as the tag's type, id, name, and application time, or error details including error code, message, and field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Identify an admin
: get_identify_an_adminOperation
: readEntities
: app, admin, workspaceSummary
: The 'Identify an admin' API endpoint allows you to view the currently authorized admin along with the embedded app object, which is referred to as a 'workspace' in legacy terminology. This API requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response includes detailed information about the admin, such as their ID, name, email, job title, and team affiliations, as well as their avatar and app details. It is important to ensure that the email of the admin is verified to prevent potential impersonation security risks.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all activity logs
: get_list_all_activity_logsOperation
: readEntities
: activity log, metadata, adminSummary
: The 'List all activity logs' API allows you to retrieve a log of activities performed by all admins in an app. It requires a bearer token for authorization and supports specifying a date range using UNIX timestamps for filtering the logs. The API returns a paginated list of activity logs, each containing details about the admin who performed the activity, metadata about the activity, and a description of the activity. The response includes pagination details to navigate through large datasets. In case of unauthorized access, an error response is returned with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all admins
: get_list_all_adminsOperation
: readEntities
: team, admin, workspaceSummary
: The 'List all admins' API allows you to fetch a list of admins for a given workspace. It requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response includes a list of admin objects with details such as id, name, email, job title, and team associations. In case of an unauthorized request, an error response with a code and message is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all collections
: get_list_all_collectionsOperation
: readEntities
: collection, help center, workspaceSummary
: The 'List all collections' API allows users to fetch a list of all collections by making a GET request to the specified endpoint. The collections are returned in descending order based on the 'updated_at' attribute, showing the most recently updated collections first. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response includes a list of collection objects, each with details such as id, workspace_id, name, URL, order, creation and update timestamps, description, icon, parent_id, and help_center_id. The response also includes pagination details and a total count of collections. In case of unauthorized access, an error response with a type of 'error.list' is returned, detailing the error code and message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all contacts
: get_list_all_contactsOperation
: readEntities
: contact, tag, workspaceSummary
: The 'List all contacts' API allows you to fetch a list of all contacts (users or leads) in your Intercom workspace. It supports pagination to limit the number of results returned, with a default of 50 results per page. The API requires a bearer token for authentication and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response includes a list of contact objects with detailed information such as contact ID, email, phone, role, and more. It also provides pagination details to navigate through large datasets. In case of unauthorized access, a 401 error with a detailed error message is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all conversations
: get_list_all_conversationsOperation
: readEntities
: news item, conversation, errorSummary
: The 'List all conversations' API allows you to fetch a list of all conversations from the Intercom platform. It supports pagination to limit the number of results returned per page, with a default of 20 results per page. You can specify the 'per_page' query parameter to adjust the number of results and use the 'starting_after' parameter to fetch subsequent pages. The API requires a bearer token for authorization and supports specifying the Intercom API version via the 'Intercom-Version' header. The response includes details about each conversation, such as its ID, creation and update timestamps, source information, contacts involved, state, and more. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all data attributes
: get_list_all_data_attributesOperation
: readEntities
: contact, data attribute, workspaceSummary
: The 'List all data attributes' API allows you to fetch a list of all data attributes belonging to a workspace for contacts, companies, or conversations. You can specify the model of data attributes to return using the 'model' query parameter, which can be 'contact', 'company', or 'conversation'. Additionally, you can choose to include archived attributes in the list by setting the 'include_archived' query parameter to true. The API requires a bearer token for authorization and allows specifying the Intercom API version through the 'Intercom-Version' header. The response includes a list of data attributes with details such as name, full name, label, description, data type, and whether the attribute is writable through API, Messenger, or UI.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all data events
: get_list_all_data_eventsOperation
: readEntities
: user, event, leadSummary
: The 'List all data events' API allows you to retrieve events belonging to a customer that are less than 90 days old. You can list these events by sending a GET request to the endpoint with a user or lead identifier, which can be user_id, email, or intercom_user_id, along with a type parameter set to 'user'. The email parameter should be URL encoded. Optionally, you can define the result page size with the per_page parameter. The API requires a bearer token for authorization and supports specifying the Intercom API version via the 'Intercom-Version' header. The response includes a summary of data events, including event names, timestamps, and counts. If unauthorized, an error response with a code and message is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all Help Centers
: get_list_all_help_centersOperation
: readEntities
: help center, workspaceSummary
: The 'List all Help Centers' API allows users to retrieve a list of all Help Centers by making a GET request to the specified endpoint. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response includes a list of Help Center objects, each containing details such as id, workspace_id, created_at, updated_at, identifier, website_turned_on, and display_name. In case of unauthorized access, an error response with a type of 'error.list' is returned, detailing the error code and message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all live newsfeed items
: get_list_all_live_newsfeed_itemsOperation
: readEntities
: news item, newsfeed assignment, newsfeedSummary
: The 'List all live newsfeed items' API allows you to fetch a list of all news items that are live on a given newsfeed. It requires a bearer token for authorization and the unique identifier for the news feed item as a path parameter. The API returns a paginated list of news items, including details such as the title, body, sender, state, and more. The response also includes pagination information and a total count of news items. In case of unauthorized access, an error response with a code and message is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all news items
: get_list_all_news_itemsOperation
: readEntities
: news item, newsfeed, workspaceSummary
: The 'List all news items' API allows users to fetch a list of all news items from Intercom. It requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response includes a list of news items with details such as id, title, body, sender_id, state, and more. It also supports pagination through cursor-based pages. In case of unauthorized access, it returns an error with a code and message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all newsfeeds
: get_list_all_newsfeedsOperation
: readEntities
: news item, newsfeed, workspaceSummary
: The 'List all newsfeeds' API allows users to fetch a list of all newsfeeds available in the Intercom system. It requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response includes a list of newsfeeds with details such as ID, type, name, creation and update timestamps, and pagination information. In case of an unauthorized request, an error response with a code and message is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all notes for a contact
: get_list_all_notes_for_a_contactOperation
: readEntities
: contact, note, adminSummary
: The 'List all notes for a contact' API allows you to fetch a list of notes associated with a specific contact in Intercom. You need to provide the contact's unique identifier as a path parameter. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally allows specifying the Intercom API version through headers. The response includes a list of notes, each with details such as note ID, creation timestamp, contact information, author details, and the note body. Pagination details are also provided to navigate through large sets of notes. In case the contact is not found, a 404 error with relevant error details is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all segments
: get_list_all_segmentsOperation
: readEntities
: segment, contact, userSummary
: The 'List all segments' API allows you to fetch a list of all segments from Intercom. It requires a bearer token for authorization and supports an optional query parameter 'include_count' to include the count of contacts in each segment. The response includes a list of segment objects with details such as type, id, name, creation and update timestamps, person type, and count if requested. In case of unauthorized access, an error response with details is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all tags
: get_list_all_tagsOperation
: readEntities
: tag, workspace, objectSummary
: The 'List all tags' API allows you to fetch a list of all tags for a given workspace. It requires a bearer token for authentication and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response includes a list of tag objects, each with details such as type, id, name, applied time, and the entity that applied the tag. In case of unauthorized access, an error response is returned with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all teams
: get_list_all_teamsOperation
: readEntities
: teamSummary
: The 'List all teams' API endpoint retrieves a list of team objects for the App. It requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version, defaulting to 2.11. The response includes a list of teams with details such as team ID, name, admin IDs, and admin priority levels. If unauthorized, it returns an error with a code and message indicating the issue.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all ticket types
: get_list_all_ticket_typesOperation
: readEntities
: ticket type attribute, workspace, ticket typeSummary
: The 'List all ticket types' API allows users to retrieve a list of all ticket types available in a workspace. It requires a bearer token for authentication and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response includes detailed information about each ticket type, such as its ID, name, description, icon, and associated attributes. In case of an unauthorized request, an error response with a code and message is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List attached contacts
: get_list_attached_contactsOperation
: readEntities
: company, note, contactSummary
: The 'List attached contacts' API allows you to fetch a list of all contacts that belong to a specific company in Intercom. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and the unique company ID as a path parameter. The API supports different Intercom API versions specified in the 'Intercom-Version' header. The response includes a list of contact objects with detailed information such as contact ID, email, role, and more. The API also supports pagination for large datasets. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with HTTP status codes 401 for unauthorized access and 404 if the company is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List subscription types
: get_list_subscription_typesOperation
: readEntities
: consent type, subscription type, translationSummary
: The 'List subscription types' API allows users to retrieve a list of all subscription types available in the workspace. It requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally accepts an 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response includes a list of subscription type objects, each containing details such as type, id, state, consent type, default translation, translations, and content types. In case of an unauthorized request, an error response is returned with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List subscriptions for a contact
: get_list_subscriptions_for_a_contactOperation
: readEntities
: contact, subscription type, translationSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to fetch a list of subscription types associated with a contact in Intercom. The contact is identified by a unique contact_id. The API returns a list of Subscription Type objects that the contact is associated with, including both opt-in and opt-out subscription types. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally an Intercom API version header. The response includes detailed information about each subscription type, including its state, consent type, default translation, and available translations. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with HTTP status codes 401 for unauthorized access and 404 if the contact is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List tags attached to a contact
: get_list_tags_attached_to_a_contactOperation
: readEntities
: contact, tagSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to fetch a list of all tags attached to a specific contact in Intercom. The request requires a valid bearer token for authorization and the unique contact_id as a path parameter. The Intercom-Version header is optional and defaults to version 2.11. The response includes a list of tag objects, each with details such as type, id, name, applied_at timestamp, and applied_by information. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with codes such as 'unauthorized' for invalid tokens or 'not_found' if the contact does not exist.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a collection
: get_retrieve_a_collectionOperation
: readEntities
: collection, help center, workspaceSummary
: The 'Retrieve a collection' API allows you to fetch the details of a single collection by making a GET request to the specified endpoint. The request requires a bearer token for authentication and optionally an Intercom API version header. The path parameter 'id' is required and represents the unique identifier for the collection. The response includes detailed information about the collection such as its ID, workspace ID, name, description, creation and update timestamps, URL, icon, order, default locale, translated content, parent ID, and help center ID. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with codes and descriptions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a company by ID
: get_retrieve_a_company_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: segment, company, tagSummary
: The 'Retrieve a company by ID' API allows you to fetch details of a single company using its unique identifier provided by Intercom. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally an Intercom API version header. The path parameter 'id' is mandatory and represents the company's unique identifier. The API returns a detailed JSON response containing company information such as name, id, app_id, plan details, custom attributes, tags, and segments. In case of errors, it returns appropriate error messages with HTTP status codes 401 for unauthorized access and 404 if the company is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a conversation
: get_retrieve_a_conversationOperation
: readEntities
: contact, conversation, adminSummary
: The 'Retrieve a conversation' API allows you to fetch the details of a single conversation from Intercom. It returns a comprehensive Conversation model, including all its parts, with a hard limit of 500 parts. The API requires a valid bearer token for authentication and supports specifying the Intercom API version via headers. The conversation ID is a required path parameter, while the 'display_as' query parameter can be used to retrieve messages in plain text. The response includes detailed information about the conversation, such as its state, priority, participants, and any AI agent involvement. Error responses include unauthorized access, API plan restrictions, and resource not found errors.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a Help Center
: get_retrieve_a_help_centerOperation
: readEntities
: help center, error, workspaceSummary
: The 'Retrieve a Help Center' API allows users to fetch the details of a single Help Center by making a GET request to the specified endpoint. The request requires an authorization bearer token and optionally an Intercom API version header. The path parameter 'id' is required to specify the unique identifier of the Help Center. The API returns a JSON response with details such as the Help Center's ID, workspace ID, creation and update timestamps, identifier, website status, and display name. In case of errors, it returns appropriate error messages with HTTP status codes 401 for unauthorized access and 404 for not found resources.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a news item
: get_retrieve_a_news_itemOperation
: readEntities
: news item, newsfeed assignment, workspaceSummary
: The 'Retrieve a news item' API allows you to fetch the details of a single news item from Intercom. It requires a bearer token for authorization and the unique identifier of the news item as a path parameter. The API returns detailed information about the news item, including its title, body, sender, state, and other attributes. The response can also include error messages if the request is unauthorized or if the news item is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a newsfeed
: get_retrieve_a_newsfeedOperation
: readEntities
: newsfeedSummary
: The 'Retrieve a newsfeed' API allows you to fetch the details of a single newsfeed from Intercom. It requires a GET request to the endpoint '{id}', where 'id' is the unique identifier for the newsfeed item. The request must include the 'Authorization' header with a Bearer token and optionally the 'Intercom-Version' header to specify the API version. The response will be a JSON object containing details of the newsfeed such as 'id', 'type', 'name', 'created_at', and 'updated_at'. In case of an unauthorized request, a 401 error response will be returned with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a note
: get_retrieve_a_noteOperation
: readEntities
: contact, note, authorSummary
: The 'Retrieve a note' API allows you to fetch the details of a single note using its unique identifier. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally an Intercom API version header. The path parameter 'id' is required to specify the note to be retrieved. The response includes details about the note, such as its type, id, creation timestamp, associated contact, author details, and body text. In case of errors, such as unauthorized access or note not found, appropriate error messages are returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a segment
: get_retrieve_a_segmentOperation
: readEntities
: segment, contact, errorSummary
: The 'Retrieve a segment' API allows you to fetch the details of a single segment using its unique identifier. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally an Intercom API version header. The path parameter 'id' is mandatory and represents the unique identifier of the segment. The response can be a successful segment object with details like type, id, name, created_at, updated_at, person_type, and count. In case of errors, it returns error lists with codes and messages for unauthorized access or segment not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a team
: get_retrieve_a_teamOperation
: readEntities
: team priority, team, adminSummary
: The 'Retrieve a team' API allows you to fetch the details of a single team from Intercom. It requires a GET request to the endpoint '{id}', where 'id' is the unique identifier of the team. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and can optionally specify the Intercom API version using the 'Intercom-Version' header. The response will include details about the team, such as its ID, name, and the list of admin IDs. If the request is unauthorized, a 401 error with details will be returned. If the team is not found, a 404 error will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a ticket
: get_retrieve_a_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: contact, ticket, ticket typeSummary
: The 'Retrieve a ticket' API allows you to fetch the details of a single ticket from Intercom. It requires a bearer token for authentication and the unique ticket ID as a path parameter. The API returns detailed information about the ticket, including its state, type, attributes, contacts involved, and any linked objects. The response includes a comprehensive JSON object with all ticket details. If the request is unauthorized, an error message is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a ticket type
: get_retrieve_a_ticket_typeOperation
: readEntities
: ticket type attribute, workspace, ticket typeSummary
: The 'Retrieve a ticket type' API allows you to fetch the details of a single ticket type from Intercom. It requires a bearer token for authorization and the unique identifier of the ticket type as a path parameter. The API returns detailed information about the ticket type, including its name, description, category, and associated attributes. If the request is unauthorized, an error response is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve a visitor with User ID
: get_retrieve_a_visitor_with_user_idOperation
: readEntities
: visitor, company, tagSummary
: The 'Retrieve a visitor with User ID' API allows you to fetch the details of a single visitor using their user_id. This API requires a bearer token for authorization and supports specifying the Intercom API version through the 'Intercom-Version' header. The main query parameter is 'user_id', which is required to identify the visitor. The response includes detailed information about the visitor, such as their ID, email, phone, name, avatar, associated companies, location data, and more. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with codes like 'unauthorized' or 'not_found'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve an admin
: get_retrieve_an_adminOperation
: readEntities
: error, team, adminSummary
: The 'Retrieve an admin' API allows you to fetch the details of a specific admin using their unique identifier. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally allows specifying the Intercom API version through the 'Intercom-Version' header. The path parameter 'id' is mandatory and represents the admin's unique identifier. The response includes detailed information about the admin, such as their name, email, job title, and team associations. In case of errors, the API returns appropriate error messages with codes, such as 'unauthorized' for invalid tokens or 'admin_not_found' if the admin does not exist.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve companies
: get_retrieve_companiesOperation
: readEntities
: segment, company, tagSummary
: The Retrieve companies API allows you to fetch details of companies from the Intercom platform. You can filter the results by company name, company ID, tag ID, or segment ID using query parameters. The API supports pagination with 'page' and 'per_page' parameters. The response includes a list of companies with details such as company ID, name, app ID, plan, and custom attributes. The API requires bearer token authentication and supports versioning through the 'Intercom-Version' header. The response can include pagination details and error messages for unauthorized access or if a company is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Scroll over all companies
: get_scroll_over_all_companiesOperation
: readEntities
: segment, company, tagSummary
: The Scroll over all companies API provides an efficient mechanism for iterating over all companies in a dataset. It is designed to handle large datasets without performance issues. The API requires a bearer token for authorization and supports versioning through the 'Intercom-Version' header. The 'scroll_param' query parameter is used to fetch subsequent pages of results. The response includes detailed information about each company, such as its ID, name, plan, and custom attributes. Pagination details are provided to navigate through the dataset. If the scroll is not used for 1 minute, it expires, and the scroll parameter will no longer be valid. In case of network errors, a 500 error is returned, and the scroll operation must be restarted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Show content data export
: get_show_content_data_exportOperation
: readEntities
: job identifier, export job, dataSummary
: The 'Show content data export' API allows users to view the status of their export job by sending a GET request to the specified URL with the job identifier. The job identifier is required and is provided when the export job is created. The API requires a bearer token for authorization and optionally accepts an Intercom API version header. The response includes the job identifier, the current status of the job, the download URL, and the expiration time for the download. The status can be one of several states including 'pending', 'in_progress', 'failed', 'completed', 'no_data', or 'canceled'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add subscription to a contact
: post_add_subscription_to_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, subscription, translationSummary
: The 'Add subscription to a contact' API allows you to attach a specific subscription to a contact in Intercom. The API supports two subscription types based on user consent: opt-out and opt-in. Attaching a contact to an opt-out subscription type will opt that user out from receiving messages related to that subscription type, while attaching a contact to an opt-in subscription type will opt that user in to receiving messages. The API requires a contact_id as a path parameter and a subscription id and consent_type in the request body. The response includes a subscription type model for the subscription type added to the contact. The API returns a 200 status code with subscription details on success, a 401 status code if unauthorized, and a 404 status code if the resource is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add tag to a contact
: post_add_tag_to_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, tagSummary
: The 'Add tag to a contact' API allows you to tag a specific contact in Intercom. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '{contact_id}/tags' with the contact_id as a path parameter. The request must include a bearer token for authorization and the Intercom API version in the headers. The body of the request should contain the tag's unique identifier. Upon success, the API returns a tag object with details such as type, id, name, and the time it was applied. In case of errors, it returns error details with codes and messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add tag to a conversation
: post_add_tag_to_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: tag, conversation, adminSummary
: This API allows you to add a tag to a specific conversation in Intercom. It requires a conversation_id as a path parameter, and the request body must include the tag's id and the admin's id. The request headers must include an Authorization bearer token and can optionally specify the Intercom API version. The API returns a tag object upon success, or an error object if the request fails due to authorization issues or if the conversation is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add tag to a ticket
: post_add_tag_to_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: tag, ticket, adminSummary
: The 'Add tag to a ticket' API allows you to tag a specific ticket in the Intercom system. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '{ticket_id}/tags' with the ticket_id as a path parameter. The request must include headers for authorization, content type, and optionally the Intercom API version. The body of the request should contain the tag's unique identifier and the admin's unique identifier. On success, it returns a tag object with details such as type, id, name, and applied time. In case of errors, it returns error details with codes and messages for unauthorized access or if the ticket is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Archive contact
: post_archive_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: contactSummary
: The Archive contact API allows you to archive a single contact in Intercom. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '{id}/archive' with the contact's unique identifier as a path parameter. The request must include the 'Intercom-Version' header specifying the API version and an 'Authorization' header with a bearer token. The response returns a JSON object containing the contact's ID, external ID, type, and archived status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Attach a Contact to a Company
: post_attach_contact_to_companyOperation
: writeEntities
: company, plan, contactSummary
: The 'Attach a Contact to a Company' API allows you to associate a company with a specific contact in Intercom. To use this API, you need to provide the contact's unique identifier in the path parameter and the company's unique identifier in the request body. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and supports specifying the Intercom API version through headers. Upon a successful request, the API returns detailed information about the company, including its ID, name, associated workspace, and other attributes. In case of errors, such as unauthorized access or missing parameters, the API returns appropriate error messages with details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Attach a contact to a conversation
: post_attach_contact_to_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, conversation, adminSummary
: This API allows you to attach a contact to a conversation in Intercom. You can add participants who are contacts to a conversation, on behalf of either another contact or an admin. If a contact is added via the email parameter and no user/lead is found with the given email, a new contact with the role set to lead will be created. The API requires a bearer token for authorization and the Intercom API version to be specified in the headers. The conversation ID is a required path parameter. The request body must include the admin ID and the contact's Intercom user ID. The response will include details of the conversation and any errors if they occur.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Cancel content data export
: post_cancel_content_data_exportOperation
: writeEntities
: jobSummary
: The 'Cancel content data export' API allows users to cancel an ongoing data export job by providing the job identifier. The request requires a bearer token for authentication and optionally allows specifying the Intercom API version. The API endpoint is '{job_identifier}', where '{job_identifier}' is a required path parameter. Upon successful cancellation, the response includes the job identifier, the status of the job (which will be 'canceled'), and information about the download URL and expiration time, if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Convert a visitor
: post_convert_a_visitorOperation
: writeEntities
: user, contact, visitorSummary
: The 'Convert a visitor' API allows you to merge a Visitor into a Contact of role type lead or user. If the User exists, the Visitor will be merged into it, the Visitor deleted, and the User returned. If the User does not exist, the Visitor will be converted to a User, with the User identifiers replacing its Visitor identifiers. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '' with a JSON body specifying the 'type' (lead or user), 'user' details (id, user_id, email), and 'visitor' details (id, user_id, email). The response includes detailed information about the contact, such as type, id, role, email, phone, social profiles, and more. The API uses bearer authentication and requires the 'Intercom-Version' header.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Convert a conversation to a ticket
: post_convert_conversation_to_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, conversation, ticketSummary
: This API allows you to convert a conversation into a ticket in Intercom. It requires a conversation ID as a path parameter and a ticket type ID in the request body. The API uses bearer authentication and requires the Intercom-Version header to specify the API version. Upon successful conversion, it returns details about the created ticket, including its ID, state, type, and associated contacts. The response also includes metadata about linked objects and ticket parts. In case of an error, such as an invalid ticket type, the API returns an error list with details about the issue.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Phone Switch
: post_create_a_phone_switchOperation
: writeEntities
: user, phone call, leadSummary
: The 'Create a Phone Switch' API allows users to deflect phone calls to the Intercom Messenger by sending an SMS with a link to the Messenger to the specified phone number. The API requires a phone number in E.164 format and optionally accepts custom attributes to be added to the user's or lead's custom data attributes. The request must include a bearer token for authorization and specify the Intercom API version. The response includes a URL to the Messenger if successful, or error details if the request fails due to invalid input, unauthorized access, or other issues.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a ticket
: post_create_a_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, ticket, ticket partSummary
: The 'Create a ticket' API allows you to create a new ticket in the Intercom system. It requires a POST request to the endpoint ''. The request must include a 'ticket_type_id' and a list of 'contacts' with their IDs. Optionally, you can include 'company_id' and 'created_at' in the request body. The 'Intercom-Version' header specifies the API version, defaulting to '2.11'. The response includes details about the created ticket, such as its 'id', 'ticket_id', 'category', 'ticket_state', and associated 'contacts'. If the request is unauthorized, a 401 error with an 'error.list' type is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create contact
: post_create_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: company, location, contactSummary
: The Create Contact API allows you to create a new contact (user or lead) in Intercom. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '' with a JSON body containing the contact details. The request must include an Authorization header with a Bearer token and can optionally specify the Intercom API version using the 'Intercom-Version' header. The body of the request can include fields such as 'email' (required), 'role', 'external_id', 'phone', 'name', 'avatar', 'signed_up_at', 'last_seen_at', 'owner_id', 'unsubscribed_from_emails', and 'custom_attributes'. The response will include details about the created contact, such as 'id', 'role', 'email', 'created_at', and other metadata. If the request is unauthorized, a 401 error with details will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create content data export
: post_create_content_data_exportOperation
: writeEntities
: message, workspace, jobSummary
: The 'Create content data export' API allows users to initiate an export job for content data within a specified date range. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '' with headers for authorization and content type, and a JSON body specifying 'created_at_after' and 'created_at_before' as unix timestamps. The response includes a job identifier, status, download URL, and expiration time. Only one active job is allowed per workspace, and the date range is inclusive of the specified dates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Data Attribute
: post_create_data_attributeOperation
: writeEntities
: company, data attribute, contactSummary
: The 'Create a Data Attribute' API allows users to create data attributes for a contact or a company in Intercom. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '' with a bearer token for authorization. The request headers must include 'Content-Type' as 'application/json' and optionally 'Intercom-Version'. The request body must contain 'name', 'model', and 'data_type' as required fields, with optional fields like 'description', 'options', and 'messenger_writable'. The response can be a successful creation with details of the data attribute or an error message indicating issues like unauthorized access or invalid parameters.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create event summaries
: post_create_event_summariesOperation
: writeEntities
: user, event summarySummary
: The 'Create event summaries' API allows you to create event summaries for a user. Event summaries track the number of times an event has occurred, the first time it occurred, and the last time it occurred. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint ''. The request must include a 'user_id' to identify the user and 'event_summaries' which contains details about the event such as 'event_name', 'count', 'first', and 'last'. The 'Intercom-Version' header specifies the API version, defaulting to '2.11'. The response can return an error list if unauthorized, with details such as 'code', 'message', and 'field'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a message
: post_create_messageOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, conversation, messageSummary
: The 'Create a message' API allows an admin to initiate a message to a contact, which can be either an in-app message or an email. The API requires several parameters including the message type, subject, body, template, and identifiers for both the admin and the contact. The response returns the created message details including its type, id, creation time, and associated conversation id. The API also handles various error responses for missing or invalid parameters.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a new attribute for a ticket type
: post_create_new_attribute_for_ticket_typeOperation
: writeEntities
: attribute, workspace, ticket typeSummary
: This API allows you to create a new attribute for a specific ticket type in Intercom. You need to provide the unique ticket type ID in the path parameters. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and the content type should be set to application/json. The body of the request must include the name, description, and data type of the attribute. Additional optional parameters include whether the attribute is required or visible during ticket creation, and other settings specific to the attribute type. The response will include details of the created attribute, such as its ID, name, description, and other metadata. In case of an unauthorized request, an error response with details will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a news item
: post_create_news_itemOperation
: writeEntities
: news item, newsfeed, workspaceSummary
: The 'Create a news item' API allows users to create a news item in Intercom. The request requires a bearer token for authentication and includes headers specifying the Intercom API version. The request body must include the title and sender_id of the news item, while other fields such as body, state, deliver_silently, labels, reactions, and newsfeed_assignments are optional. The response returns a JSON object with details of the created news item, including its id, title, body, sender_id, state, labels, reactions, and timestamps. In case of an unauthorized request, an error response with a type of 'error.list' is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Note for a Contact
: post_create_note_for_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, note, adminSummary
: The 'Create a Note for a Contact' API allows you to add a note to a specific contact in the Intercom system. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '{id}/notes', where '{id}' is the unique identifier of the contact. The request must include a bearer token for authentication in the headers, along with the 'Content-Type' set to 'application/json'. The 'Intercom-Version' header is optional and defaults to '2.11'. The request body must contain the 'body' field with the text of the note, and optionally 'contact_id' and 'admin_id'. The response will return a 200 status code with details of the created note, including its type, id, creation timestamp, associated contact, and author details. If the contact is not found, a 404 error with an error list will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create or Update a Company
: post_create_or_update_a_companyOperation
: writeEntities
: company, plan, tagSummary
: The 'Create or Update a Company' API allows you to create a new company or update an existing one in Intercom. Companies are identified by a unique 'company_id'. If a company with the provided 'company_id' exists, it will be updated; otherwise, a new company will be created. The API requires a bearer token for authentication and supports specifying the Intercom API version via the 'Intercom-Version' header. The request body can include details such as the company's name, plan, size, website, industry, creation time, and monthly spend. The response includes the company's details, including its Intercom ID, name, associated plan, and other attributes. In case of errors, the API returns detailed error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create or Update a Tag, Tag or Untag Companies, Tag Contacts
: post_create_or_update_tagOperation
: writeEntities
: user, company, tagSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create or update a tag, tag or untag companies, and tag contacts in Intercom. You can create a new tag by providing a tag name, update an existing tag by providing the tag ID, tag companies by providing the tag name and company details, untag companies by providing the tag ID and company details, and tag multiple users by providing the tag name and user details. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and supports specifying the Intercom API version. The response includes a tag object upon success or an error object with details in case of failure.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a ticket type
: post_create_ticket_typeOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket type attribute, workspace, ticket typeSummary
: The 'Create a ticket type' API allows users to create a new ticket type in the Intercom system. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint ''. The request must include a bearer token for authorization and specify the content type as 'application/json'. The request body must include the 'name' of the ticket type, while 'description', 'category', 'icon', and 'is_internal' are optional fields. The response returns a JSON object containing details of the created ticket type, including its 'id', 'name', 'description', 'icon', 'workspace_id', and 'category'. Additionally, it provides information about the ticket type attributes and timestamps for creation and updates. In case of unauthorized access, a 401 error with a detailed error message is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Creates a conversation
: post_creates_a_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, conversation, messageSummary
: This API allows you to create a conversation initiated by a contact, which can be a user or lead. The conversation is an in-app message only. You can also send a message from a visitor by specifying their user_id or id in the 'from' field, with a 'type' value of contact. This will convert the visitor to a contact with a lead role. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and the Intercom API version in the headers. The body of the request must include the 'from' object with 'type' and 'id', and the 'body' of the message. The response returns a message model with details such as type, id, created_at, body, message_type, and conversation_id. Error responses include 401 Unauthorized, 403 API plan restricted, and 404 Contact Not Found, each providing error details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all companies
: post_list_all_companiesOperation
: readEntities
: segment, company, tagSummary
: The 'List all companies' API allows users to retrieve a list of companies associated with their Intercom account. The list is sorted by the 'last_request_at' field in descending order by default. The API supports pagination, allowing users to specify the page number and the number of results per page. The default is 20 results per page. Users can also specify the order of results as ascending or descending. The API requires a bearer token for authorization and supports specifying the Intercom API version via headers. The response includes details about each company, such as its ID, name, associated plan, and various timestamps. It also includes pagination details and the total count of companies. If the request is unauthorized, an error response is returned with details about the error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Manage a conversation
: post_manage_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, conversation, adminSummary
: The 'Manage a conversation' API allows users to manage conversations in Intercom by performing actions such as closing, snoozing, or opening a conversation, and assigning it to an admin or team. The API requires a bearer token for authentication and accepts a conversation ID as a path parameter. The request body must include the message type, user type, admin ID, and optionally a message body. The response includes detailed information about the conversation, including its state, participants, and any associated tags or ratings. Error responses provide information on unauthorized access, API plan restrictions, or resource not found issues.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Merge a lead and a user
: post_merge_lead_and_userOperation
: writeEntities
: company, contact, roleSummary
: This API allows you to merge a contact with a role of lead into a contact with a role of user. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '' with a JSON body containing 'from' and 'into' fields, which are the unique identifiers of the lead and user contacts respectively. The request must include an Authorization header with a bearer token and can optionally specify the Intercom API version using the 'Intercom-Version' header. The response will include detailed information about the merged contact, including identifiers, role, email, phone, social profiles, and other metadata. If the request is unauthorized, a 401 error with details will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Redact a conversation part
: post_redact_conversation_partOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, conversation, conversation partSummary
: The 'Redact a conversation part' API allows you to redact a specific part of a conversation or the source message of a conversation in Intercom. To use this API, you must provide the type of resource being redacted, the conversation ID, and the conversation part ID in the request body. The request headers must include an authorization bearer token, content type, and optionally the Intercom API version. The API returns detailed information about the conversation, including its state, priority, tags, and more. If the redaction is successful, a 200 response is returned with the conversation details. If the request is unauthorized or the conversation part is not found, a 401 or 404 error response is returned, respectively.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Reply to a conversation
: post_reply_to_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, conversation, adminSummary
: The 'Reply to a conversation' API allows users to reply to a conversation in Intercom with a message from an admin or on behalf of a contact, or with a note for admins. The API requires a bearer token for authorization and accepts a conversation ID as a path parameter. The request body must include the intercom_user_id, message_type, type, and body of the message. Optional fields include created_at and attachment_urls. The response includes details about the conversation, such as its state, priority, and any associated tags or ratings. The API also provides information about the source of the conversation, contacts involved, and any AI agent participation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Reply to a ticket
: post_reply_to_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, attachment, adminSummary
: The 'Reply to a ticket' API allows users to reply to a ticket with a message from an admin or on behalf of a contact, or with a note for admins. The API requires a bearer token for authentication and supports different Intercom API versions. The request must include the ticket ID in the path, and the body must contain the intercom_user_id, message_type, type, and body of the comment. Optional fields include created_at and attachment_urls. The response can be a successful ticket part creation or an error message indicating issues such as unauthorized access or resource not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Run Assignment Rules on a Conversation
: post_run_assignment_rules_on_a_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, conversation, adminSummary
: The 'Run Assignment Rules on a Conversation' API allows you to automatically assign a conversation following predefined assignment rules. This endpoint cannot be used with Workflows. The API requires a bearer token for authorization and the Intercom API version can be specified in the headers. The conversation ID is a required path parameter. The API returns detailed information about the conversation, including its state, participants, and any associated tags or custom attributes. In case of errors, the API provides detailed error messages with codes and descriptions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Contacts
: post_search_contactsOperation
: readEntities
: company, social profile, contactSummary
: The Search Contacts API allows you to search for multiple contacts by the value of their attributes. You can send a POST request to the endpoint with a query object in the body to define your filters. The API supports complex search queries using AND and OR operators, and pagination to limit results. The request headers must include an Authorization bearer token, Content-Type as application/json, and optionally the Intercom-Version. The request body includes a query object with fields, operators, and values, and a pagination object to specify results per page. The response returns a list of contact objects with detailed information such as id, email, phone, and more. The API also handles errors with appropriate error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Search Tickets
: post_search_ticketsOperation
: readEntities
: query, ticket, filterSummary
: The Search Tickets API allows users to search for multiple tickets by their attributes using a POST request to the endpoint The request body must include a query object that defines the filters using logical operators like AND and OR. The API supports pagination to limit the number of results per page. The response includes a list of tickets with detailed information such as ticket attributes, state, type, contacts, and more. The API requires bearer authentication and supports various search operators for different field types.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Submit a Data Event
: post_submit_data_eventOperation
: writeEntities
: user, event, leadSummary
: The 'Submit a Data Event' API allows clients to submit events to Intercom via a POST request to the specified endpoint. The request requires an authorization bearer token and a JSON body containing the event name, creation timestamp, and contact ID. Optional fields include user ID, email, and metadata. The API responds with a 202 Accepted status for successful submissions, while errors such as unauthorized access or server issues return appropriate error codes and messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Unarchive contact
: post_unarchive_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: contactSummary
: The 'Unarchive contact' API allows you to unarchive a single contact in Intercom. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '{id}/unarchive' with the contact's unique identifier specified in the path parameter 'id'. The request must include headers for 'Intercom-Version' and 'Authorization' with a bearer token. The response returns a JSON object containing the contact's 'id', 'external_id', 'type', and 'archived' status, indicating whether the contact is archived or not.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Set an admin to away
: put_set_admin_to_awayOperation
: writeEntities
: conversation, team, adminSummary
: This API sets an admin to away mode in the Intercom Inbox. It requires a PUT request to the endpoint with the admin's unique ID in the path. The request must include a bearer token for authorization and specify the Intercom API version. The body of the request should include 'away_mode_enabled' and 'away_mode_reassign' as boolean values to set the admin's away status and reassign new conversation replies, respectively. The response will return the admin's details if successful, or an error message if unauthorized or if the admin is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a company
: put_update_a_companyOperation
: writeEntities
: segment, company, planSummary
: The 'Update a company' API allows you to update the details of a single company using the Intercom provisioned id. The API requires a bearer token for authorization and accepts the company id as a path parameter. The request body can include optional fields such as name, size, website, industry, monthly spend, and custom attributes to update the company's details. The response includes the updated company details if successful, or error messages if the request is unauthorized or the company is not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a contact
: put_update_a_contactOperation
: writeEntities
: company, note, contactSummary
: The 'Update a contact' API allows you to update an existing contact (user or lead) in Intercom. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint '{id}', where '{id}' is the unique identifier of the contact. The request must include a bearer token for authentication in the 'Authorization' header. The 'Content-Type' header should be set to 'application/json', and the 'Intercom-Version' header can specify the API version, defaulting to '2.11'. The request body can include fields such as 'role', 'external_id', 'email', 'phone', 'name', 'avatar', 'signed_up_at', 'last_seen_at', 'owner_id', 'unsubscribed_from_emails', and 'custom_attributes'. The response will return a JSON object containing details of the updated contact, including 'id', 'workspace_id', 'role', 'email', 'phone', 'name', 'social_profiles', 'created_at', 'updated_at', and other metadata. If the request is unauthorized, a 401 error with an error list will be returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a conversation
: put_update_a_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, conversation, adminSummary
: The 'Update a conversation' API allows you to update an existing conversation in Intercom. You can mark a conversation as read and update custom attributes. The API requires a conversation ID as a path parameter and supports an optional query parameter to display messages as plain text. The request body can include a 'read' boolean and custom attributes. The response includes detailed information about the conversation, such as its state, priority, and associated contacts and tags. The API also handles errors like unauthorized access, API plan restrictions, and resource not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a news item
: put_update_a_news_itemOperation
: writeEntities
: teammate, news item, newsfeedSummary
: The 'Update a news item' API allows users to update an existing news item in Intercom. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint '{id}', where '{id}' is the unique identifier of the news item. The request must include the 'Intercom-Version' header specifying the API version. The body of the request should contain the 'title', 'body', 'sender_id', and optionally 'state', 'deliver_silently', 'labels', 'reactions', and 'newsfeed_assignments'. The response will return the updated news item details if successful, or an error message if the request fails. Possible error responses include 401 Unauthorized and 404 News Item Not Found.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Update a ticket
: put_update_a_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: contact, ticket, adminSummary
: The 'Update a ticket' API allows you to modify the details of an existing ticket in Intercom. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint '{id}', where '{id}' is the unique identifier of the ticket. The request must include a bearer token for authentication in the 'Authorization' header, and the 'Content-Type' should be 'application/json'. Optionally, you can specify the 'Intercom-Version' header to set the API version. The request body can include ticket attributes, state, open status, visibility, snooze time, and assignment details. The response returns the updated ticket details, including its attributes, state, type, contacts, assignees, creation and update timestamps, open status, snooze time, linked objects, ticket parts, and sharing status. The API also handles errors such as unauthorized access and assignee not found.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a ticket type
: put_update_a_ticket_typeOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket type attribute, workspace, ticket typeSummary
: The 'Update a ticket type' API allows users to update the details of a ticket type in Intercom. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint '{id}', where 'id' is the unique identifier for the ticket type. The request must include a bearer token for authorization and can optionally specify the Intercom API version. The request body can include fields such as 'name', 'description', 'category', 'icon', 'archived', and 'is_internal' to update the ticket type's details. The response will include the updated ticket type details, including its attributes and metadata. If unauthorized, the API returns an error with a 401 status code.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a visitor
: put_update_a_visitorOperation
: writeEntities
: visitor, company, tagSummary
: The 'Update a visitor' API allows you to update an existing visitor's information in Intercom by sending a PUT request to the /visitors endpoint. You can update a visitor by providing either the 'id' or 'user_id' in the request body. The request requires a bearer token for authorization and supports specifying the Intercom API version through the 'Intercom-Version' header. The request body can include fields such as 'id', 'user_id', 'name', and 'custom_attributes'. The response returns detailed information about the visitor, including their 'id', 'user_id', 'name', 'email', 'phone', 'avatar', 'location_data', and associated 'companies', 'tags', and 'segments'. The API also handles error responses for unauthorized access and visitor not found scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a data attribute
: put_update_data_attributeOperation
: writeEntities
: company, data attribute, contactSummary
: The 'Update a data attribute' API allows users to update specific attributes of a data attribute in Intercom. The API endpoint requires a PUT request to '{id}', where 'id' is the unique identifier of the data attribute. The request must include a bearer token for authorization and can specify the Intercom API version. The request body can include fields such as 'archived', 'description', 'options', and 'messenger_writable'. The response will return the updated data attribute details if successful, or an error message if there are issues such as invalid parameters or unauthorized access.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update an existing attribute for a ticket type
: put_update_existing_attribute_for_ticket_typeOperation
: writeEntities
: attribute, workspace, ticket typeSummary
: This API allows you to update an existing attribute for a ticket type in Intercom. It requires the unique identifiers for the ticket type and the attribute as path parameters. The request must include a bearer token for authorization and can specify the Intercom API version. The request body can include various fields such as name, description, and visibility settings for the attribute. The response returns the updated attribute details, including its type, id, workspace id, and other properties. If unauthorized, an error response is returned.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated about 1 month ago