Namely API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Namely API as part of the HRIS category
Delete an Announcement - Namely API
: delete_an_announcementOperation
: writeEntities
: announcement, eventSummary
: The Delete an Announcement API allows users to delete a specific event from the Namely platform. The API requires the event ID as a path parameter to identify which event to delete. The request should include an 'Accept' header specifying 'application/json' as the desired response format. Upon successful deletion, the API responds with a JSON object containing a 'message' property with the value 'Success!'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an Event's Like - Namely API
: delete_an_events_likeOperation
: deleteEntities
: event, likeSummary
: This API deletes a like from a specified event in the Namely platform. The request requires the event ID as a path parameter and an API key for authorization in the headers. The request body must include a message array containing objects with 'liked_by_current_profile' and 'likes_count' properties. A successful response returns a message indicating success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an Event's Comment - Namely API
: delete_event_commentOperation
: writeEntities
: event, commentSummary
: This API allows you to delete a specific comment from an event in the Namely platform. To use this API, you need to provide the 'event-id' and 'comment-id' as path parameters. The request must include an 'Authorization' header with your API key and an 'Accept' header specifying 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a JSON response with a success message.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete an Event's Comment's Like - Namely API
: delete_event_comment_likeOperation
: writeEntities
: event, like, commentSummary
: This API allows a user to delete their like from a specific comment on an event. The user can only delete their own like, which is associated with the profile related to the authentication token. The API requires the 'comment-id' as a path parameter to identify the specific comment. The request must include an 'Accept' header with the value 'application/json'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a JSON response with a message indicating success.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Folder - Namely API
: delete_folder_namely_apiOperation
: deleteEntities
: folderSummary
: The Delete Folder - Namely API allows you to delete a specific folder by providing the folder ID in the path parameters. The request requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The API endpoint is 'https://${id}', where '{id}' is the ID of the folder to be deleted. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a response with a code '200' indicating a successful operation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Resource - Namely API
: delete_resource_namely_apiOperation
: writeEntities
: folder, resourceSummary
: This API endpoint deletes a specified resource in a folder on the Namely platform. The request requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The folder ID must be specified in the path parameters to identify the resource to be deleted. A successful response returns a 200 status code indicating the resource was deleted successfully.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Country Namely API
: get_a_country_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: country, subdivisionSummary
: The Get a Country Namely API retrieves information about a specific country, including a list of its subdivisions such as states or provinces. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the request headers. The country is identified by a path parameter 'id', which is an abbreviation of the country's name. The response includes details about the country and its subdivisions, with each subdivision having its own unique identifier and name.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Group Type - Namely API
: get_a_group_type_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: profile, meta, group typeSummary
: The 'Get a Group Type - Namely API' allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific group type in the Namely system. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The 'Accept' header should specify 'application/json' to receive the response in JSON format. The 'id' path parameter is mandatory and specifies the unique identifier of the group type to be retrieved. The response includes details about the group type, such as its unique identifier, field name, title, deletability, type, and whether it is displayed on the 'Teams' page. Additionally, the response contains metadata about the number of objects and the HTTP status, as well as links and linked group types.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Job Tier - Namely API
: get_a_job_tier_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: job title, meta, job tierSummary
: The Get a Job Tier - Namely API allows users to retrieve information about a specific job tier by providing the job tier's ID. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The 'Accept' header must specify 'application/json' to indicate the desired response format. The path parameter 'id' is required and specifies the ID of the job tier to be retrieved. The response includes details about the job tier, such as its unique identifier, numerical ID, title, and associated job titles. Additionally, metadata about the response and links to related resources are provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Job Title - Namely API
: get_a_job_title_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: job title, meta, job tierSummary
: The 'Get a Job Title - Namely API' retrieves information about a specific job title using its unique identifier. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The 'Accept' header must specify the media type as 'application/json'. The path parameter 'id' is mandatory and represents the unique identifier of the job title to be retrieved. The response includes details about the job title, such as its id, parent id, title, and associated job tier links. Additionally, metadata about the response and links to related job tiers are provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Profile - Namely API
: get_a_profile_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: job title, profile, groupSummary
: The 'Get a Profile - Namely API' endpoint allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific profile in the Namely system. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The profile ID must be specified in the path parameters. The response includes a comprehensive set of profile details such as email, first name, last name, user status, job title, image, reports to, employee type, access role, and various other personal and professional details. The response also includes metadata about the number of profiles and the HTTP status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Report from Namely API
: get_a_report_from_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: content, report, columnSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a JSON format version of a report created in Namely. The reports update instantly, providing updated information with each API call. The response includes details about the report itself, an array of objects representing the columns within the report, and an array of arrays representing the report content. The position of columns and corresponding values is important. The API does not have a hard limit on the number of lines that can be retrieved, but it is suggested to limit to around 200 lines to avoid timeouts. The 'name' field should be used instead of 'labels' as they are dynamic. The request requires an API key for authorization, included in the 'Authorization' header, and the 'id' of the report as a path parameter.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Resource - Namely API
: get_a_resource_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: resource, folder, fileSummary
: The 'Get a Resource - Namely API' allows users to retrieve a complete description of a specific resource by specifying its ID. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The 'Accept' header must specify 'application/json' as the media type. The path parameter 'id' is required to identify the resource. The response includes details about the resource, such as its unique identifier, title, link, file name, format, size, URL, last edited date, and folder ID if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Team - Namely API
: get_a_team_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: team, team categorySummary
: The 'Get a Team - Namely API' allows users to retrieve details of a specific team by its ID. The API endpoint requires the team ID as a path parameter. The request should include an 'Accept' header specifying 'application/json' as the media type for the response. The response includes details about the team such as its unique identifier, name, email, and timestamps for when it was created and last updated. Additionally, it provides links to team categories and related categories with their identifiers and titles.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Countries - Namely API
: get_all_countries_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: country, subdivisionSummary
: The Get All Countries - Namely API retrieves a list of all valid countries in Namely. This API is universal and the list of countries cannot be modified. The request requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The response returns a JSON object containing an array of countries, each with a unique identifier (2-digit ISO code), the name of the country, and the type of subdivision (e.g., State, Province).Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all Events - Namely API
: get_all_events_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: profile, event, commentSummary
: The 'Get all Events - Namely API' allows users to retrieve a paginated list of events associated with active employee profiles. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The endpoint supports several query parameters such as 'limit' to specify the number of records, 'after' to indicate the ID of the first record before the events to retrieve, 'filter[type]' to filter events by type, 'profile_id' to retrieve events associated with a specific profile, and 'order' to specify the order of results. The response includes detailed information about each event, including its ID, type, creation time, and associated profiles and comments. The response also provides metadata about the events and linked profiles, comments, and files.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Folders - Namely API
: get_all_folders_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: folder, documentSummary
: The Get All Folders - Namely API endpoint retrieves a list of folders and their information from the Namely platform. The request requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The 'Accept' header should specify the media type as 'application/json'. The response includes an array of folder objects, each containing details such as the folder's unique identifier, title, type, number of items within the folder, and its position in the UI.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all Group Types - Namely API
: get_all_group_types_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: group type, profile, groupSummary
: The 'Get all Group Types - Namely API' endpoint retrieves an array of all group types available in the Namely system. Each group type can have zero to many associated groups and profiles. The request requires an API Key for authorization and accepts 'application/json' as the media type. The response includes details about each group type, such as its unique identifier, field name, title, deletability, type, and whether it is displayed on the 'Teams' page. The response also includes metadata about the total number of objects and the HTTP status, as well as links and linked group types.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all Groups - Namely API
: get_all_groups_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: group type, profile, groupSummary
: The 'Get all Groups - Namely API' endpoint retrieves an array of all groups within the Namely platform. Each group is associated with a single group type, and group types can have multiple groups. The API requires an API Key for authorization, which should be included in the request headers. The response includes detailed information about each group, such as its ID, title, type, whether it is a team, and address details. Additionally, metadata about the response and links to related group types are provided. This API is useful for retrieving organizational structures like office locations and departments.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all Job Tiers Namely API
: get_all_job_tiers_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: job title, meta, job tierSummary
: The Get all Job Tiers Namely API retrieves an array of all job tiers from the Namely platform. Each job tier can have zero to many linked job titles, while each job title must have one and only one linked job tier. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The response includes details about each job tier, such as its unique identifier, numerical ID, title, and associated job titles. Additionally, metadata about the total number of objects and the HTTP response status is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all Job Titles - Namely API
: get_all_job_titles_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: job title, meta, job tierSummary
: The 'Get all Job Titles - Namely API' retrieves all job titles from the Namely platform. Each job title is linked to a job tier, and the API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The response includes an array of job titles, each with a unique identifier, parent job tier ID, title, and links to the associated job tier. The response also includes metadata about the total number of objects and the HTTP status, as well as links and linked job tiers with their respective details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all Notifications - Namely API
: get_all_notifications_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: job title, notification, profileSummary
: The 'Get all Notifications - Namely API' allows users to retrieve all notifications associated with the current API user or token bearer. The notifications are categorized into three main types: Time Off, Mentioned/Appreciated, and Generic. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The response includes a comprehensive structure detailing notifications, links, and linked profiles, with various attributes such as notification ID, text, type, timestamp, and more. The API returns a combination of all notification types if the user has received them, and the response structure is designed to accommodate various notification details and associated profile information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all Profile Field Sections - Namely API
: get_all_profile_field_sectionsOperation
: readEntities
: field, profile, sectionSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all profile field sections as configured in your company's Namely account. It requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The response includes a list of sections, each with a unique identifier, title, block titles, and links to fields within the section. Additionally, the response provides metadata about the total number of objects and the HTTP status, as well as linked fields with details such as id, name, label, type, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all Profile Fields - Namely API
: get_all_profile_fields_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: field, profile, sectionSummary
: The Get all Profile Fields - Namely API allows users to retrieve all profile fields configured at their company, including custom fields. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The response includes an array of fields, each with details such as id, name, label, type, and more. The response also includes metadata about the total number of objects and HTTP status, as well as links to sections and fields within the profile.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get All Profiles - Namely API
: get_all_profiles_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: field, profile, employeeSummary
: The Get All Profiles - Namely API retrieves all active and inactive employee profiles. It returns profiles in a detailed format, including fields such as id, email, first_name, last_name, user_status, updated_at, created_at, preferred_name, full_name, job_title, and more. The API supports pagination and filtering by various parameters like first_name, last_name, email, job_title, and user_status. The response includes a list of profiles and metadata about the total number of profiles and the current page count. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get all Teams - Namely API
: get_all_teams_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: profile, team, team categorySummary
: The Get all Teams - Namely API endpoint retrieves an array of all teams along with a list of team categories. Each team can belong to zero or more team categories, and each category can have zero or more associated teams. The API does not require any security measures and accepts requests with the 'Accept: application/json' header. The response includes details about each team, such as its unique identifier, name, email, and timestamps for creation and updates. Additionally, it provides links to team categories and a list of linked categories with their identifiers and titles.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get an Event's Likes - Namely API
: get_an_events_likes_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: profile, event, likeSummary
: The 'Get an Event's Likes - Namely API' retrieves a list of profiles that liked a specific event. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The 'Accept' header must specify 'application/json'. The 'event-id' path parameter is required to identify the event. The response includes an array of 'likes', each containing details such as the unique identifier, profile link, full name, job title, and profile image links of the 'liker'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Company Information Retrieval via Namely API
: get_company_information_retrieval_via_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: background image, authentication method, companySummary
: This API endpoint retrieves company-related information from Namely, including the company name, permalink, background image, and logo. It also provides details about the authentication methods supported by the company, such as email/password, Google OAuth2, and SAML. The endpoint does not require authentication, as the data is intended for public display on the company's home page. The request is made using the GET method, and the response is returned in JSON format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Current User's Profile - Namely API
: get_current_users_profile_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: image, profile, groupSummary
: The Get Current User's Profile API in Namely allows you to retrieve detailed information about the profile of the current user, which is the profile associated with the access token used to access the API. The endpoint returns a comprehensive profile object that includes various fields such as personal details, job information, contact details, and more. The request requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The response includes a detailed profile object with fields like 'id', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'user_status', and many others, including nested objects for image details, job title, and more. The API is useful for obtaining a user's profile information in a structured format.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get an Event's Comment's Likes - Namely API
: get_event_comment_likesOperation
: readEntities
: profile, event, commentSummary
: The 'Get an Event's Comment's Likes - Namely API' retrieves a list of profiles that liked a specific comment on an event. The API requires the 'comment-id' as a path parameter to identify the comment. The request can include an 'Accept' header to specify the media type, which defaults to 'application/json'. The response contains an array of 'likes', each with details such as the unique identifier, profile link, full name, job title, and profile image links of the liker.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get an Event's Comments - Namely API
: get_event_commentsOperation
: readEntities
: profile, event, commentSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all comments associated with a specific event in the Namely platform. The request requires an API key for authorization and the event ID as a path parameter. The response includes a list of comments with details such as the comment content, creation time, and like status. It also provides metadata about the response and links to related profiles and files.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get an Event - Namely API
: get_event_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: profile, event, commentSummary
: The Get an Event - Namely API allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific event using its unique ID. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The endpoint URL includes a path parameter 'id' which specifies the event to be retrieved. The response includes detailed information about the event, such as its type, creation time, content, and associated links. It also provides metadata about the event and related profiles, comments, and files. The response is structured in JSON format, providing a comprehensive view of the event and its context within the Namely platform.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Group Details from Namely API
: get_group_details_from_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: profile, address, groupSummary
: The Get Group Details from Namely API allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific group within the Namely platform. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The 'Accept' header should specify 'application/json' to indicate the expected response format. The API endpoint requires a path parameter 'id', which is the unique identifier of the group to be retrieved. The response includes detailed information about the group, such as its unique identifier, title, type, address, and links to associated profiles. Additionally, the response provides metadata about the request and links to related group types. This API is useful for obtaining comprehensive details about a group and its associated profiles within the Namely platform.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Groups from Group Type - Namely API
: get_groups_from_group_type_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: group type, address, groupSummary
: The 'Get Groups from Group Type - Namely API' retrieves an array of all groups associated with a specified group type ID. The request requires an API key for authorization and accepts 'application/javascript' as the response media type. The path parameter 'id' is mandatory and represents the ID of the group type. The response includes detailed information about each group, such as its unique identifier, title, type, team status, address, and associated profiles count. Additionally, metadata about the response and links to related group types are provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Profile Field - Namely API
: get_profile_field_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: section, meta, profile fieldSummary
: The 'Get a Profile Field - Namely API' retrieves information about a specific profile field using its unique ID. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The 'Accept' header must specify 'application/json'. The path parameter 'id' is required to specify the profile field to be retrieved. The response includes details about the profile field such as its ID, name, label, type, and other attributes. It also provides metadata about the response and links to related sections.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Profile Field Section - Namely API
: get_profile_field_section_namelyOperation
: readEntities
: field, profile field section, metaSummary
: The 'Get a Profile Field Section - Namely API' retrieves information about a specific profile field section using its unique ID. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the request headers. The endpoint URL includes a path parameter 'id' that specifies the profile field section to be retrieved. The response includes details about the section, such as its unique identifier, title, block titles, and links to fields within the section. Additionally, metadata about the response and linked fields are provided in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get a Profile's Notifications - Namely API
: get_profile_notificationsOperation
: readEntities
: job title, notification, profileSummary
: The 'Get a Profile's Notifications - Namely API' allows users to retrieve notifications for a specific profile in a paginated format. By default, the API returns 30 notifications per page, with a maximum of 50 notifications per page. The notifications are categorized into three types: Time Off, Mentioned/Appreciated, and Generic. The API requires an API Key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The 'id' path parameter is mandatory and specifies the profile whose notifications are to be retrieved. Optional query parameters include 'page' and 'per_page' to control pagination. The response includes detailed information about notifications, links, and linked profiles, with various properties such as notification ID, text, type, timestamp, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Resources in a Folder - Namely API
: get_resources_in_a_folder_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: meta, folder, resourceSummary
: The Get Resources in a Folder - Namely API allows users to retrieve an array of resources within a specified folder. The API requires the folder ID as a path parameter to identify which folder's resources to retrieve. The request must include headers for 'Accept' and 'Authorization' to specify the media type and provide the API key for authorization, respectively. The response includes a list of resources, each with details such as id, title, link, file name, format, size, URL, last edited date, and folder ID. Additionally, metadata about the user's admin status and accepted file extensions is provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Resources not in a Folder - Namely API
: get_resources_not_in_a_folder_namely_apiOperation
: readEntities
: meta, folder, resourceSummary
: The Get Resources not in a Folder - Namely API allows users to retrieve a list of resources that are not contained within any folder. The API endpoint is accessed via a GET request to the URL https://$ The request requires an 'Accept' header with the value 'application/json'. The response includes a list of resources, each with properties such as 'id', 'title', 'link', 'file_name', 'file_format', 'file_size', 'file_url', 'last_edited', and 'folder_id'. The 'folder_id' is null if the resource is not in a folder. Additionally, the response contains metadata indicating if the user is a super admin and the accepted file extensions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Job Tier Namely API
: post_create_a_job_tier_namelyOperation
: writeEntities
: job title, job tierSummary
: The Create a Job Tier Namely API allows users to create a new job tier in the Namely system. The API requires an API key for authorization and accepts a JSON body containing an array of job tiers, each with a title. The response includes the created job tiers with their unique identifiers, titles, and associated job titles. The response also provides metadata about the number of objects and the HTTP status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Profile - Namely API
: post_create_a_profile_namelyOperation
: writeEntities
: job title, profile, salarySummary
: The Create a Profile - Namely API allows users to create a profile as a draft onboarding session. This API requires the onboarding feature to be enabled for the company. The request body must include the 'profiles' array with required fields such as 'first_name', 'last_name', 'user_status', 'start_date', 'email', and 'personal_email'. Additional fields like 'job_title', 'home', and 'salary' can be included to set job title, address, and salary details respectively. The API uses an API Key for authorization. The response returns the created profile details including unique identifiers, email, name, status, and other profile-related information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create an Announcement - Namely API
: post_create_announcementOperation
: writeEntities
: announcement, event, profileSummary
: The Create an Announcement API allows users to create announcements on the Namely platform. This API endpoint is accessed via a POST request to the URL https://$ The request requires headers including 'Accept', 'Authorization', and 'Content-Type'. The body of the request must include an 'events' array, where each event object contains 'content' (required), 'is_appreciation', 'file_id', and 'email_all'. The response returns a list of events with details such as event ID, type, time, content, and various permissions and links. The response also includes metadata about the events and linked profiles, comments, and files associated with the events.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create an Event's Comment - Namely API
: post_create_event_commentOperation
: writeEntities
: profile, event, commentSummary
: The Create an Event's Comment - Namely API allows users to create a comment on a specific event. The API requires the event ID as a path parameter and the comment content in the request body. The comment content should be formatted in markdown, and users can mention profiles using a specific format. The API requires an API Key for authorization, and the request headers must include 'Accept', 'Authorization', and 'Content-Type'. Upon successful creation, the API returns a response with details of the created comment, including its ID, content, creation time, and other metadata. The response also includes information about linked profiles and files associated with the comment.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create an Event's Comment's Like - Namely API
: post_create_event_comment_likeOperation
: writeEntities
: event, like, commentSummary
: This API allows you to like a particular comment on an event by sending a POST request to the specified endpoint. The comment ID must be included in the path parameters. The request headers can include 'Accept' and 'Content-Type' with 'application/json' as their values. The response is expected to be in JSON format, but no specific example is provided in the documentation.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create an Event's Like - Namely API
: post_create_event_likeOperation
: writeEntities
: profile, event, likeSummary
: This API allows you to like a particular event by sending a POST request to the specified endpoint with the event's ID in the path parameters. The request requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The response returns a JSON object containing the total number of likes on the event and a boolean indicating if the current profile has liked the event.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create Folder Namely API
: post_create_folder_namely_apiOperation
: writeEntities
: folder, documentSummary
: The Create Folder Namely API allows users to create a new folder by providing a title. The API requires an API Key for authorization, and the request must include headers for 'Accept', 'Authorization', and 'Content-Type'. The request body must contain an array of folders, each with a required 'title' field. Upon successful creation, the API returns an array of folder resources, each with details such as 'id', 'title', 'type', 'items_count', and 'position'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Job Title in Namely
: post_create_job_title_in_namelyOperation
: writeEntities
: job title, job tierSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to create a job title in the Namely system. To use this API, you need to provide the job title details in the request body, including the 'title' and 'parent' (job tier ID) fields. The request must include headers for 'Accept', 'Authorization', and 'Content-Type'. The response will include the created job title details, including its unique identifier, associated job tier, and metadata about the request.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Profile Field in Namely API
: post_create_profile_fieldOperation
: writeEntities
: profile field section, profile fieldSummary
: This API creates a profile field within a specified profile field section in Namely. The request requires an API key for authorization and must include headers specifying the media type. The body of the request must contain an array of fields, each with a unique label, section ID, and type. The response returns the created profile fields with details such as ID, name, label, type, and additional metadata about the sections and links.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Job Tier in Namely API
: put_update_a_job_tierOperation
: writeEntities
: job title, meta, job tierSummary
: The 'Update a Job Tier in Namely API' allows users to update the label of a specific job tier. The API requires the job tier ID as a path parameter and the new label as part of the request body. The request must include headers for 'Accept', 'Authorization', and 'Content-Type'. Upon a successful request, the API returns the updated job tier details, including its ID, numerical ID, title, and associated job titles. The response also includes metadata about the number of objects and the HTTP status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Job Title in Namely API
: put_update_a_job_titleOperation
: writeEntities
: job title, meta, job tierSummary
: The 'Update a Job Title in Namely API' allows users to update the label and/or parent (job tier) of a job title. The API requires the job title ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body containing the new title and parent ID. The request must include headers for 'Accept', 'Authorization', and 'Content-Type'. The response returns the updated job title details, including its ID, parent ID, and associated links. The API is secured with an API Key.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Profile - Namely API
: put_update_a_profileOperation
: writeEntities
: job title, address, profileSummary
: The 'Update a Profile - Namely API' allows users to update specific fields of a profile in the Namely system. The API uses the PUT method and requires the profile ID as a path parameter. The request body can include fields such as job title, home address, and salary, each with specific validation rules. The job title can be updated by providing either the title or ID. The home address requires a valid street address, country ID, and state ID. The salary update requires a currency type, start date, and yearly amount, with 'USD' as the only valid currency type. The response includes the updated profile details, including job title, home address, and salary information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Folder Namely API
: put_update_folder_namely_apiOperation
: writeEntities
: folder, document, fileSummary
: The Update Folder Namely API allows users to update the name of a folder in the Namely system. The API requires a PUT request to the endpoint 'https://${id}', where '{id}' is the path parameter representing the ID of the folder to be updated. The request must include headers for 'Accept', 'Authorization', and 'Content-Type', all of which are required. The body of the request should contain a 'folders' array with objects that have a 'title' property, which is the new name for the folder. The response returns a JSON object with a 'resources' array, where each resource represents a folder with properties such as 'id', 'title', 'type', 'items_count', and 'position'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Profile Field in Namely API
: put_update_profile_fieldOperation
: writeEntities
: field, section, profile fieldSummary
: The 'Update a Profile Field in Namely API' allows users to update a profile field within a profile field section. This API supports changing the label and the profile field section in which it sits. The request requires an API Key for authorization and accepts a JSON body containing the new label and section ID for the profile field. The response returns the updated profile field details, including its ID, name, label, type, and other metadata. The API endpoint is secured and requires the 'Authorization' header with a valid API Key.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Profile Field Section - Namely API
: put_update_profile_field_sectionOperation
: writeEntities
: field, section, profile fieldSummary
: The 'Update a Profile Field Section - Namely API' allows users to update the name or label of a profile field section. The API requires an API key for authorization, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The endpoint URL includes a path parameter 'id', which specifies the ID of the profile field section to be updated. The request body must contain a 'sections' array with objects that include the new 'title' for the section. The response returns the updated section details, including the section ID, title, block titles, and links to fields within the section. The response also includes metadata about the number of objects and the HTTP status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated 3 months ago