Chorus API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Chorus API as part of the MEETING category
Delete a moment
: delete_a_momentOperation
: writeEntities
: momentSummary
: This API deletes a moment with the given ID. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and the 'Accept' header to specify the media type. The 'id' path parameter is required to specify which moment to delete. The request does not return any response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a conversation record
: delete_conversation_recordOperation
: writeEntities
: recording, conversation, e-mailSummary
: This API makes an asynchronous request to delete a conversation record such as an e-mail or recording. It requires the 'id' of the conversation as a path parameter and supports an optional query parameter 'force_delete' to delete associated playlist moments with the recording. The request must include 'Authorization' and 'Accept' headers. The API does not return any response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Email Thread
: delete_email_threadOperation
: writeEntities
: email threadSummary
: The Delete Email Thread API allows users to delete all emails in a specified email thread. It requires the ID of the email thread as a path parameter. The request must include Basic Auth credentials in the Authorization header and specify the media type as 'application/vnd.api+json' in the Accept header. The response includes details about the deleted email thread, such as whether it is private, if it was deleted, the timestamp of deletion, and information about the user who deleted it.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
DELETE Invalidates the current session
: delete_invalidates_the_current_sessionOperation
: writeEntities
: sessionSummary
: This API endpoint invalidates the current session, if any, for the user. It requires a DELETE request to the URL ''. The request must include headers for 'Authorization' with Basic authentication credentials and 'Accept' with the media type 'application/vnd.api+json'. The API does not return any response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Multiple Engagements
: delete_multiple_engagementsOperation
: writeEntities
: engagementSummary
: This API allows you to delete multiple engagements by ID. It requires a DELETE request to the endpoint '' with a query parameter 'engagement_id' which is a comma-separated list of engagement IDs to delete. The request must include Basic Auth credentials in the Authorization header and specify 'application/json' in the Accept header. The response is an empty body indicating successful deletion.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a single engagement
: delete_single_engagementOperation
: writeEntities
: engagementSummary
: This API allows you to delete a single engagement by specifying the engagement ID in the path parameters. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and accepts 'application/json' as the media type. The response is an empty body, indicating successful deletion.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a video conference
: delete_video_conferenceOperation
: writeEntities
: video conferenceSummary
: This API deletes a video conference with the specified ID. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and the 'Accept' header to specify the media type as 'application/vnd.api+json'. The 'go_link' path parameter is required to identify the video conference to be deleted. The API does not return any response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Conversations Matching Criteria
: get_conversations_matching_criteriaOperation
: readEntities
: participant, engagement, trackerSummary
: This API retrieves conversations that match specified criteria from the platform. It supports various query parameters such as compliance flags, engagement IDs, types, dates, durations, participant emails, team and user IDs, and more. The API requires Basic Auth for authorization and returns a list of engagements with detailed information including account details, compliance status, engagement type, participants, and tracker matches.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Details About Yourself
: get_details_about_yourselfOperation
: readEntities
: user, information, detailSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to fetch details about yourself from the platform. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and expects the 'Accept' header to be set to 'application/vnd.api+json'. The response includes a comprehensive set of user attributes such as access level, email, name, role, and more, encapsulated in a 'data' object with 'attributes'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Email by ID
: get_email_by_idOperation
: readEntities
: deal, account, emailSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves an email using the email's identifier. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and accepts a specific media type in the headers. The path parameter 'id' is required to specify the email identifier. The response includes detailed information about the email, such as account details, deal information, owner, status, email content, and participants.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Email Thread Details
: get_email_thread_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: user, deletion metadata, email threadSummary
: This API retrieves details about a specific email thread using its ID. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and expects the 'Accept' header to be 'application/vnd.api+json'. The path parameter 'id' is required to specify the email thread. The response includes attributes such as whether the thread is private, if it has been deleted, the deletion timestamp, and details about who deleted it.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Emails Matching Criteria
: get_emails_matching_criteriaOperation
: readEntities
: participant, email, ownerSummary
: This API retrieves emails that match specified criteria. It supports filtering by email sent date range, subject, thread ID, email IDs, sender's name and email, participants' names and emails, and pagination options. The request requires Basic Auth and the 'Accept' header set to 'application/vnd.api+json'. The response contains the details of the emails matching the criteria.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
GET Fetch a LIVE conversation using meeting uuid or user id
: get_fetch_a_live_conversation_using_meeting_uuid_or_user_idOperation
: readEntities
: participant, recording, conversationSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to fetch details about a live conversation using either a meeting UUID or a user ID. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and accepts 'application/vnd.api+json' as the media type. The API supports query parameters such as 'fields', 'fields[conversations]', and 'fields[recordings]' to specify which fields to populate in the response. The response includes detailed information about the conversation, including account details, deal information, owner details, status, recording specifics, and more. Deprecated parameters 'fields[conversations]' and 'fields[recordings]' should be replaced with 'fields'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
GET Fetch a specific conversation
: get_fetch_a_specific_conversationOperation
: readEntities
: recording, conversation, fieldSummary
: This API fetches a specific conversation from the platform using the provided conversation ID. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and accepts a media type of 'application/vnd.api+json'. The API allows specifying fields to populate in the response, including conversation and recording fields, although the latter two are deprecated in favor of the 'fields' parameter. The 'force_regeneration' query parameter can be used to regenerate the conversation based on the latest information. The response includes detailed information about the conversation, such as account details, deal information, owner, status, recording details, participants, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
GET Fetch Moments
: get_fetch_momentsOperation
: readEntities
: user, moment, conversationSummary
: This API fetches all moments from the platform. It requires a GET request to the endpoint with a query parameter 'filter[shared_on]' which specifies a date range in ISO 8601 format. The request must include Basic Auth credentials in the Authorization header and specify 'application/vnd.api+json' in the Accept header. The response includes a list of moments with detailed attributes such as account information, creator details, opportunity data, and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
GET Fetch Playlists
: get_fetch_playlistsOperation
: readEntities
: playlist, filter, userSummary
: This API fetches all playlists from the platform. It supports various query parameters to filter the playlists based on conversation, name, parent, subscription status, type, and more. The response includes detailed information about each playlist, such as its name, creation date, owner, and path. The API uses Basic Auth for authorization and requires the 'Accept' header to be set to 'application/vnd.api+json'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
GET Fetch Scorecards
: get_fetch_scorecardsOperation
: readEntities
: user, initiative, scorecardSummary
: This API fetches all scorecards from the platform. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and accepts requests with the 'Accept' header set to 'application/vnd.api+json'. The API supports various query parameters for filtering the scorecards, such as 'filter[recipients]', 'filter[reviewers]', 'filter[initiative]', and 'filter[submitted]'. Pagination is supported through 'page[size]' and 'page[number]'. The response includes detailed information about each scorecard, including engagement details, initiative information, scores, recipient and reviewer details, and the submission date.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
GET Fetch Users
: get_fetch_usersOperation
: readEntities
: userSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all users from the platform. It requires Basic Authentication credentials to be passed in the 'Authorization' header. The 'x-al-version' header is required to specify the API version, and the 'Accept' header can be used to specify the response format, which defaults to 'application/json'. The response includes a 'continuation_key' for pagination and a list of 'users' with detailed attributes such as 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'role', and more.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
GET Returns the status of the current session
: get_returns_the_status_of_the_current_sessionOperation
: readEntities
: session, user, statusSummary
: This API endpoint returns the status of the current session. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and the 'Accept' header to specify the media type as 'application/vnd.api+json'. The response includes details about the session such as whether it is active, its status, and associated IDs for the customer, person, and user.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
PATCH Partially update a video conference
: patch_partially_update_a_video_conferenceOperation
: writeEntities
: video conferenceSummary
: This API partially updates the video conference with the given ID. It requires the 'go_link' path parameter to specify which video conference to update. The request must include headers for 'Content-Type' and 'Accept' set to 'application/vnd.api+json', and an 'Authorization' header with Basic Auth credentials. The request body should contain the fields to be updated, although it is optional. The API does not return any response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Create a new video conference
: post_create_a_new_video_conferenceOperation
: writeEntities
: video conferenceSummary
: This API creates a new video conference. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and expects headers for Content-Type and Accept to be set to 'application/vnd.api+json'. The request body should contain the necessary details for creating the video conference. The response includes the details of the created video conference, such as the provider, type, and unique identifier.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Disconnect a Live Conversation
: post_disconnect_a_live_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: call, conversationSummary
: This API disconnects a live call. It requires the conversation ID as a path parameter and uses Basic Authentication. The request headers must include 'Content-Type' set to 'application/json' and 'Accept' set to 'application/vnd.api+json'. The request body is an empty JSON object. The API does not return any response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Establishes an authenticated session
: post_establishes_an_authenticated_sessionOperation
: writeEntities
: session, email, passwordSummary
: This API endpoint establishes an authenticated session by accepting a POST request to ''. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and expects 'Content-Type' as 'multipart/form-data' and 'Accept' as 'application/json' in the headers. The request body must include 'email' and 'password' as form data, both of which are required. The response is an empty body, indicating successful authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Export the data of a report
: post_export_data_of_reportOperation
: writeEntities
: file, user, reportSummary
: This API is used to make an asynchronous call to generate a CSV file for the data of a given report. The CSV file is uploaded to Amazon S3, and an email is sent to the user with a link to the file, valid for 7 days. The request requires Basic Auth and includes headers for content type and accept. The path parameter 'id' specifies the report to export. The request body can include 'active_users_only' to filter for active users, 'start' and 'end' dates for the report data, and a list of 'teams' to include. The response includes the status and ID of the export task.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Export Recordings
: post_export_recordingsOperation
: writeEntities
: email, conversation, taskSummary
: The POST Export Recordings API schedules a task to export conversations that match specified criteria and emails the results. It requires Basic Auth for authorization. The request headers must include 'Content-Type' as 'application/json' and 'Accept' as 'application/vnd.api+json'. The request body must include 'email_on_complete' (boolean), 'add_usage' (boolean), 'callback_url' (string), 'end' (integer timestamp), and 'start' (integer timestamp). The response includes a 'data' object with 'attributes' containing the 'status' of the task, and 'type' and 'id' of the task.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Export Scorecards
: post_export_scorecardsOperation
: writeEntities
: customer, task, scorecardSummary
: The POST Export Scorecards API schedules a task to export customer scorecards to a CSV file. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and accepts JSON formatted requests. The request headers must include 'Content-Type' as 'application/json' and 'Accept' as 'application/vnd.api+json'. The request body must contain a 'notify' boolean flag indicating whether to notify upon task completion. The response includes a 'data' object with 'attributes' detailing the task status, and 'type' and 'id' indicating the task type and ID respectively.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Join a live call
: post_join_a_live_callOperation
: writeEntities
: call, user, meetingSummary
: This API allows users to join a live call by sending a plain text invitation. The request requires Basic Auth for authorization and must include headers specifying the content type as 'text/plain' and the accepted response format as 'application/vnd.api+json'. The body of the request should contain the plain text invitation message. Upon successful execution, the API returns a detailed response containing information about the call, including account details, deal information, owner details, participants, and other metadata.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Perform bulk operations on conversations
: post_perform_bulk_operations_on_conversationsOperation
: writeEntities
: email, recording, conversationSummary
: This API allows a user to perform bulk-processing operations on conversations, specifically bulk-deleting e-mails and recordings. The request requires Basic Auth for authorization and a JSON body containing a list of conversation IDs to be deleted. The API does not return any response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Sets a user's saved search as their default
: post_set_user_saved_search_defaultOperation
: writeEntities
: user, saved searchSummary
: This API allows a user to set a saved search as their default. It requires the ID of the saved search as a path parameter. The request must include headers for 'Content-Type' as 'application/json', 'Accept' as 'application/vnd.api+json', and 'Authorization' with Basic Auth credentials. The body of the request is an empty JSON object. The response includes details of the saved search, such as creation and modification timestamps, name, user ID, privacy status, search type, and default status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Signed Request Authentication Flow
: post_signed_request_authentication_flowOperation
: readEntities
: response, authentication, requestSummary
: This API returns a signed request authentication response based on the HMAC authentication flow. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and expects headers such as 'Content-Type' and 'Accept' with the value 'application/vnd.api+json'. The request body is required but not specified in detail. The response includes a 'data' object with 'attributes' containing a 'url' and 'expiry', as well as a 'type' and 'id'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Upload a conversation to Chorus
: post_upload_a_conversation_to_chorusOperation
: writeEntities
: recording, conversation, meetingSummary
: This API uploads a conversation to Chorus. It supports various formats including 3GPP, AU, AVI, FLV, HLS, MKV, MP3, MP4, Ogg, WAV, and WebM. The request requires Basic Auth for authorization and must include headers for 'Content-Type' as 'multipart/form-data' and 'Accept' as 'application/json'. The body of the request should include the conversation file ('data'), the name of the recording ('name'), and the recording owner's email ('user'). Optional parameters include 'crm_account_id', 'crm_opportunity_id', 'enforce_unique_meeting_id', and 'meeting_id'. The response is an empty body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Validate Upcoming Meeting for Automatic Recording
: post_validate_upcoming_meeting_for_automatic_recordingOperation
: readEntities
: participant, recording, meetingSummary
: This API validates if an upcoming meeting, which has not been saved in any way, will be automatically recorded. It requires a POST request to the endpoint with headers for authorization, content type, and accept format. The request body must include details such as the meeting ID, subject, participants, link, start time, details, and location. The response indicates whether the meeting will be auto-joined and recordable, along with a reason for auto-joining.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
POST Webhook for DocuSign events
: post_webhook_for_docusign_eventsOperation
: writeEntities
: event, webhook, recipientSummary
: This API is a webhook that handles events from DocuSign through Dozi. It requires Basic Auth for authorization and accepts JSON payloads. The request body includes details about the DocuSign event, such as the type, email subject, envelope ID, and recipient details (signers, agents, carbon copies, etc.). The sender's information and document status are also included. The response returns a JSON object with the task status, type, and ID.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated about 1 month ago