Gong API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Gong API as part of the MEETING category
Delete a Gong Meeting
: delete_a_gong_meetingOperation
: writeEntities
: user, request, meetingSummary
: The 'Delete a Gong Meeting' API allows users to delete a specific meeting in Gong using its unique meeting ID. The request requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:meetings:user:delete'. The meeting ID is a required path parameter, and the request body must include the organizer's email. The API returns a 200 status code with the organizer's email if successful. Error responses include status codes 400, 403, 404, 409, 429, and 500, each providing a request ID and error messages for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Generic CRM integration
: delete_generic_crm_integrationOperation
: writeEntities
: user, CRM object, CRM integrationSummary
: The 'Delete a Generic CRM integration' API asynchronously deletes a CRM integration and all its associated CRM objects such as Accounts, Contacts, Deals, Leads, and Users. It requires a DELETE request to the endpoint '/v2/crm/integrations' with query parameters 'integrationId' and 'clientRequestId'. The 'integrationId' is the ID of the integration to delete, and 'clientRequestId' is a unique identifier generated by the client for troubleshooting. The request must include an Authorization header with a bearer token having the 'api:crm:integration:delete' scope. The response can be a 201 status indicating successful deletion, or error statuses 400, 401, 409, or 500 with corresponding error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Remove specific individual users access from calls
: delete_specific_individual_users_access_from_callsOperation
: writeEntities
: call, userSummary
: This API endpoint is used to remove individual user access from calls. It requires a DELETE request to the /v2/calls/users-access endpoint. The request must include a Bearer token with the scope 'api:call-user-access:write'. The request body should contain a 'callAccessList', which is an array of objects, each specifying a 'callId' and a list of 'userIds' to be removed from the call. If a user does not have access to the call, they will be unaffected. If a user has access through other means, their access will remain unchanged. The response includes a 'requestId' for tracking and troubleshooting. Possible response codes are 200 for success, 400 for bad request, 401 for unauthorized access, and 500 for server errors, each with a 'requestId' and potential error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all company permission profiles for a given workspace
: get_all_company_permission_profilesOperation
: readEntities
: user, permission profile, workspaceSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all permission profiles for a specified workspace. The profiles are returned in alphabetical order based on their names. The API requires a query parameter 'workspaceId' which identifies the workspace for which the permission profiles are to be retrieved. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting and a list of profiles, each containing detailed permission settings such as calls access, library folder access, deals access, forecast permissions, and more. The API also handles error responses with status codes 400, 401, and 500, providing a requestId and error messages for each.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all calls that were manually associated with CRM objects
: get_calls_manually_associated_with_crm_objectsOperation
: readEntities
: call, user, CRM objectSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all calls that were manually associated or re-associated with CRM account and deal/opportunity since a specified time. The results are returned in ascending order of their timing. If a call was associated and later re-associated, both events will be returned. The API requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:crm-calls:manual-association:read'. The query parameters include 'fromDateTime' to filter associations made after a specific time and 'cursor' for pagination. The response includes details such as the total number of records, current page size, and a list of associations with details like call ID, user ID, and associated CRM objects.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get CRM objects
: get_crm_objectsOperation
: readEntities
: CRM object, field, object idSummary
: The 'Get CRM objects' API is used during the development phase to manually verify that CRM objects are uploaded and processed correctly in Gong. It retrieves CRM objects from the Gong main database based on the provided CRM ids. The API requires a bearer token with the 'api:crm:get-objects' scope. The request includes query parameters such as 'integrationId' and 'objectType', and a request body containing an array of CRM object ids. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting and a crmObjectsMap containing the CRM objects. If an error occurs, the response will include error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Generic CRM Integration Details
: get_generic_crm_integration_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: crm, integration, requestSummary
: The Get Generic CRM Integration Details API retrieves the CRM integration details that were set up using the PUT /v2/crm/integrations endpoint. This API requires a bearer token with the 'api:crm:integrations:read' scope. The request does not require any query parameters or request body. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting and a list of integration objects, each containing an integrationId, ownerEmail, and name. Possible error responses include status codes 400, 401, and 500, each providing a requestId and an array of error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all coaching metrics
: get_list_all_coaching_metricsOperation
: readEntities
: coaching metric, manager, direct reportSummary
: The 'List all coaching metrics' API endpoint allows users to retrieve all coaching metrics for a specified manager within a workspace. It requires a Bearer token with the 'api:coaching:read' scope for authorization. The request must include query parameters such as 'workspace-id', 'manager-id', 'from', and 'to' to filter the coaching data based on association times. The response includes a list of coaching data for the manager and their direct reports, along with a requestId for troubleshooting. Error responses include status codes 400, 403, 429, and 500, each providing a requestId and error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all company workspaces
: get_list_all_company_workspacesOperation
: readEntities
: error, request, workspaceSummary
: The 'List all company workspaces' API endpoint retrieves a list of all workspaces along with their details. It requires a GET request to the '/v2/workspaces' endpoint and must include a Bearer token in the Authorization header with the scope 'api:workspaces:read'. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting and an array of workspace objects, each containing an id, name, and description. Possible error responses include status codes 400, 403, 429, and 500, each providing a requestId and an array of error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all users
: get_list_all_usersOperation
: readEntities
: user, avatar, recordSummary
: The 'List all users' API endpoint retrieves a list of all users within the company. It requires a Bearer token with the 'api:users:read' scope for authorization. The API supports pagination through the 'cursor' query parameter and can optionally include avatars by setting the 'includeAvatars' query parameter. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting, a records object detailing pagination information, and a users array containing metadata for each user. The API handles various error responses, including 400, 403, 429, and 500 status codes, each providing a requestId and error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Gong Engage flows
: get_list_gong_engage_flowsOperation
: readEntities
: user, company, flowSummary
: The 'List Gong Engage flows' API endpoint retrieves all company flows, personal flows, and flows shared with a specified user. It requires a Bearer token with 'api:flows:read' scope for authorization. The API accepts query parameters such as 'flowOwnerEmail' (required), 'cursor', and 'workspaceId'. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting, records information (totalRecords, currentPageSize, currentPageNumber, cursor), and a list of flows with details like id, name, folderId, folderName, visibility, creationDate, and exclusivity. Error responses include status codes 400, 401, 429, and 500 with corresponding error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List of calls in a specific folder
: get_list_of_calls_in_a_specific_folderOperation
: readEntities
: call, user, folderSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of calls in a specific folder identified by a folder ID. It requires a Bearer token with the 'api:library:read' scope for authorization. The request can include an optional query parameter 'folderId' which is Gong's unique numeric identifier for the folder. The response includes details about the folder such as its ID, name, creator, last update time, and a list of calls within the folder. Each call includes details like its ID, title, note, creator, creation time, URL, and snippet information. The API can return various status codes including 200 for success, and error codes like 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500 with corresponding error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Schema Fields
: get_list_schema_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: integration, field, object schemaSummary
: The List Schema Fields API retrieves a list of object schema fields from the CRM system. It requires a bearer token with the scope 'api:crm:schema'. The API accepts query parameters 'integrationId' (an integer representing the integration ID) and 'objectType' (a string specifying the type of object to retrieve schema fields for, such as 'ACCOUNT', 'CONTACT', 'DEAL', or 'LEAD'). The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting and a mapping of object types to their selected fields, each with details like uniqueName, label, type, lastModified, isDeleted, referenceTo, and orderedValueList. Error responses include a requestId and an array of error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Permission profile for a given profile Id
: get_permission_profile_for_given_profile_idOperation
: readEntities
: user, permission profile, access permissionSummary
: This API retrieves the permission profile for a given profile ID. It requires a query parameter 'profileId' which is mandatory. The response includes a detailed permission profile object with various access permissions such as calls access, library folder access, deals access, forecast permissions, and more. The response also includes a requestId for troubleshooting. Possible response codes are 200 for success, 400 for bad request, 401 for unauthorized access, and 500 for server error.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Request Status
: get_request_statusOperation
: readEntities
: file, error, requestSummary
: The Get Request Status API endpoint returns the current status of asynchronous requests made to the CRM system. It requires a bearer token with the 'api:crm:upload' scope. The endpoint accepts two query parameters: 'integrationId' (an integer representing the integration ID) and 'clientRequestId' (a string representing the client request ID). The response includes a request ID for troubleshooting, the status of the request (PENDING, IN_PROGRESS, DONE, FAILED), and any errors encountered. The response can also include the total number of errors and successful objects processed. The API handles various status codes, including 200 for successful requests, and 400, 401, 429, and 500 for different error scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve all references to a phone number
: get_retrieve_all_references_to_a_phone_numberOperation
: readEntities
: lead, contact, phone numberSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all references to a given phone number within the Gong system. It returns details of any leads or contacts associated with the phone number, including related calls, email messages, and meetings. The request requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:data-privacy:read'. The phone number must be provided as a query parameter, starting with a '+' sign followed by the country code and local number. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting, and details of related emails, calls, meetings, and customer data from external systems. Error responses include a requestId and error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve all references to an email address
: get_retrieve_all_references_to_an_email_addressOperation
: readEntities
: call, email address, meetingSummary
: The 'Retrieve all references to an email address' API endpoint allows users to retrieve details of all calls, email messages, and any leads or contacts that reference a given email address within the Gong system. This endpoint requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:data-privacy:read'. The request must include the email address as a query parameter. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting, and details of related emails, calls, meetings, customer data, and customer engagement. The API returns various status codes, including 200 for success, and 400, 401, 429, and 500 for different error scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve call data by date range
: get_retrieve_call_data_by_date_rangeOperation
: readEntities
: call, user, workspaceSummary
: The 'Retrieve call data by date range' API allows users to list calls that took place during a specified date range. It requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:calls:read:basic'. The API accepts query parameters such as 'cursor' for pagination, 'fromDateTime' and 'toDateTime' for specifying the date range, and 'workspaceId' to filter calls by workspace. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting, records information, and a list of calls with detailed metadata. The API handles various error responses including 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500 status codes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve data for a specific call
: get_retrieve_data_for_a_specific_callOperation
: readEntities
: call, system, userSummary
: The 'Retrieve data for a specific call' API endpoint allows users to fetch detailed information about a specific call using Gong's unique call identifier. The endpoint requires a GET request to '/v2/calls/{id}' with a Bearer token for authorization, which must have the scope 'api:calls:read:basic'. The path parameter 'id' is mandatory and represents the unique identifier for the call. The response includes detailed metadata about the call, such as its title, scheduled time, duration, and more. The API also handles various error responses, including 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500 status codes, each providing a requestId for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve Library Folders
: get_retrieve_library_foldersOperation
: readEntities
: user, folder, workspaceSummary
: The Retrieve Library Folders API endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of public library folders. It requires a Bearer token with the 'api:library:read' scope for authorization. The API accepts an optional query parameter 'workspaceId' to filter folders related to a specific workspace. The response includes a list of folders with details such as folder ID, name, parent folder ID, creator ID, and last update time. Error responses include status codes 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500, each providing a request ID and error messages for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve logs data by type and time range
: get_retrieve_logs_data_by_type_and_time_rangeOperation
: readEntities
: user, log entry, impersonatorSummary
: The 'Retrieve logs data by type and time range' API allows users to list log entries that occurred during a specified time range. It requires a Bearer token with the 'api:logs:read' scope for authorization. The API accepts query parameters such as 'logType' (required), 'fromDateTime' (required), 'toDateTime' (optional), and 'cursor' (optional) for pagination. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting, records information including totalRecords, currentPageSize, currentPageNumber, and a cursor for pagination. The logEntries array contains details about each log, including userId, userEmailAddress, userFullName, impersonator details, eventTime, and logRecord. The API returns various status codes with corresponding error messages for different error scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve scorecards details
: get_retrieve_scorecards_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: user, question, scorecardSummary
: The 'Retrieve scorecards details' API endpoint allows users to retrieve all scorecards within the Gong system. It requires a GET request to the '/v2/settings/scorecards' endpoint with a Bearer token for authorization, which must have the scope 'api:settings:scorecards:read'. The response includes a list of scorecards, each containing details such as scorecardId, scorecardName, workspaceId, enabled status, updaterUserId, creation and update timestamps, and associated questions. Each question includes details like questionId, questionText, questionType, and answer options. The API returns various status codes, including 200 for success and others like 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500 for different error scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve user
: get_retrieve_userOperation
: readEntities
: language, user, settingSummary
: The 'Retrieve user' API endpoint allows you to retrieve detailed information about a specific user in the Gong system using their unique numeric identifier. This endpoint requires a Bearer token with the 'api:users:read' scope for authorization. The request must include the user's ID as a path parameter. The response includes detailed user metadata such as email address, creation time, active status, email aliases, trusted email address, personal meeting URLs, settings, manager ID, meeting consent page URL, and spoken languages. The API returns various status codes, including 200 for success, and error codes like 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500 for different error scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve tracker details
: get_tracker_detailsOperation
: readEntities
: keyword tracker, workspace, language keywordSummary
: The 'Retrieve tracker details' API endpoint allows users to retrieve details of all keyword trackers in the system or within a specified workspace. It requires a Bearer token with the 'api:settings:trackers:read' scope for authorization. The API accepts an optional query parameter 'workspaceId' to filter trackers by workspace. The response includes a list of keyword trackers with details such as tracker ID, name, language keywords, affiliation, and more. The API returns various status codes including 200 for success, and error codes like 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500 for different error scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve User Settings History
: get_user_settings_historyOperation
: readEntities
: setting, error, userSummary
: The 'Retrieve User Settings History' API endpoint allows clients to retrieve the settings history of a specific user identified by their unique Gong ID. This endpoint requires a Bearer token with the 'api:users:read' scope for authorization. The request must include the user's ID as a path parameter. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting and an array of user settings history, detailing changes to user capabilities, the new values set, and the timestamps of these changes. Possible error responses include status codes 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500, each providing a requestId and an array of error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List all users attached to a given permission profile
: get_users_attached_to_permission_profileOperation
: readEntities
: user, permission profile, requestSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of all users whose access is controlled by a specified permission profile. It requires a Bearer token with the 'api:users:read' scope for authorization. The request must include the 'profileId' as a query parameter, which identifies the permission profile. The response includes a list of users with their unique IDs, full names, and email addresses. In case of errors, the response will contain error messages and a requestId for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add new call
: post_add_new_callOperation
: writeEntities
: call, participant, mediaSummary
: The 'Add new call' API endpoint allows users to create a new call record in the Gong system. The request requires a Bearer token with 'api:calls:create' scope. The request body must include details such as 'actualStart', 'clientUniqueId', 'direction', 'parties', and 'primaryUser'. Optional fields include 'title', 'purpose', 'scheduledStart', 'scheduledEnd', 'duration', 'disposition', 'context', 'customData', 'speakersTimeline', 'meetingUrl', 'callProviderCode', 'downloadMediaUrl', 'workspaceId', and 'languageCode'. The response returns a 'requestId' and 'callId' on success, or error messages for various failure scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Assign prospects (contacts or leads) to an Engage flow
: post_assign_prospects_to_engage_flowOperation
: writeEntities
: user, flow, prospectSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to assign up to 200 prospects, which can be contacts or leads in a CRM, to a specific Engage flow. The request requires a list of CRM IDs of the prospects, the Engage Flow ID, and the email of the Gong user who owns the flow to-dos. The request must be authorized with a Bearer token with the 'api:flows:write' scope. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting, and details of prospects that were successfully assigned or not assigned to the flow, including any errors encountered.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a New Gong Meeting
: post_create_a_new_gong_meetingOperation
: writeEntities
: organizer, invitee, meetingSummary
: The 'Create a New Gong Meeting' API allows users to create a new meeting in Gong using a POST request. The request requires a Bearer token for authorization with the scope 'api:meetings:user:create'. The request body must include the meeting's start and end times, the organizer's email, and a list of invitees. The response includes a unique meeting ID, a URL to join the meeting, and any additional invitees added by Gong. The API handles various error responses, including 400 (Bad Request), 403 (Forbidden), 404 (Not Found), 409 (Conflict), 429 (Too Many Requests), and 500 (Internal Server Error), each providing a request ID and error messages for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create permission profile
: post_create_permission_profileOperation
: writeEntities
: user, permission profile, workspaceSummary
: The Create Permission Profile API allows users to create a permission profile within a specified workspace. The API requires a workspace identifier as a query parameter. The request body includes detailed permission settings such as calls access, library folder access, deals access, forecast permissions, and more. Each permission setting can be customized with specific levels and associated user IDs. The response returns a unique request ID and the created permission profile details, including its ID, name, description, and various access permissions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete the email address, and all associated elements
: post_delete_email_address_and_associated_elementsOperation
: writeEntities
: call, email address, email messageSummary
: This API endpoint deletes any calls or email messages that reference a given email address from the Gong system. It removes email messages sent to or from the address, calls where the email address appears, and leads or contacts with the email address. The deletion process is not immediate and may take several hours. The endpoint requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:data-privacy:delete'. It includes a data integrity protection mechanism to prevent abnormal deletions. If deletion fails, contact support at [email protected]. Ensure data is deleted from your CRM and email system before using this endpoint to prevent re-importation into Gong. The API accepts a query parameter 'emailAddress' and returns a requestId for tracking. Possible responses include status codes 200, 400, 401, 429, and 500, each with a requestId and potential error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete the phone number, and all associated elements
: post_delete_phone_number_and_associated_elementsOperation
: This API endpoint deletes any leads or contacts with a matching phone number or mobile phone number from the Gong system. It also deletes email messages sent to or from these leads/contacts and calls where they appear. The deletion process may take several hours to complete. The endpoint requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:data-privacy:delete'. The phone number must be provided as a query parameter, starting with a + sign followed by the country code, area code, and local phone number. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting purposes, and potential error messages if the request fails.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Post a Digital Interaction
: post_digital_interactionOperation
: writeEntities
: event, person, contentSummary
: The 'Post a Digital Interaction' API allows clients to post digital interaction events to the server. It requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:digital-interactions:write'. The request body must include details about the event such as 'eventId', 'timestamp', 'eventType', and 'content'. The content object can include various details like 'contentTitle', 'contentId', and optional fields like 'contentLabel' and 'contentUrl'. The person object can include details about the person involved in the event, such as 'name', 'email', and 'phoneNumber'. The API returns a 'requestId' for successful requests and error messages for various error codes like 400, 401, 409, 429, and 500.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Integration Settings
: post_integration_settingsOperation
: writeEntities
: company, origin, integration settingSummary
: The Integration Settings API allows users to set a list of dynamic origins for a company by specifying integration type settings. This API requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:integration-settings:write'. The request body must include 'integrationTypeSettings', which is an array of objects containing 'integrationType' and 'allowedOrigin'. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting and an integrationId for API requests. Possible error responses include status codes 400, 401, 409, 429, and 500, each providing a requestId and error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List assigned flows for the given prospects
: post_list_assigned_flows_for_given_prospectsOperation
: readEntities
: user, flow, prospectSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to list the Gong Engage flows assigned to specified prospects. It requires a POST request to the '/v2/flows/prospects' endpoint with a Bearer token for authorization. The request body must include an array of CRM prospect IDs under the 'crmProspectsIds' key. The response will include a list of flow instances assigned to the given prospects, each with details such as flow ID, flow name, CRM prospect ID, flow instance ID, owner email, owner full name, creation date, status, workspace ID, and exclusivity. The API also handles various error responses with status codes 400, 401, 429, and 500, each providing a request ID and error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List users by filter
: post_list_users_by_filterOperation
: readEntities
: user, request, recordSummary
: The 'List users by filter' API allows you to list multiple users based on specified filter criteria. It requires a Bearer token with the 'api:users:read' scope for authorization. The request body must include a 'filter' object, which can contain parameters such as 'createdFromDateTime', 'createdToDateTime', 'includeAvatars', and 'userIds'. The response includes a list of users with their metadata, such as email address, creation time, and settings. The API supports pagination through the 'cursor' parameter. Error responses include status codes 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500, each providing a requestId for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve aggregated activity for defined users by date
: post_retrieve_aggregated_activityOperation
: readEntities
: user, activity, statisticSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves aggregated activity statistics for multiple users within the Gong system over a specified date range. The request requires a Bearer token with the 'api:stats:user-actions' scope. The request body must include a 'filter' object with 'fromDate' and 'toDate' to define the date range, and optionally a 'cursor' for pagination and 'userIds' to specify users. The response includes a list of user activities, total records, pagination details, and the company's timezone. Error responses include a requestId and error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve answered scorecards for applicable reviewed users or scorecards for a date range
: post_retrieve_answered_scorecardsOperation
: readEntities
: call, user, scorecardSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all the answers for the scorecards that were reviewed during a specified date range, for calls that took place during a specified date range, for specific scorecards or for specific reviewed users. The request requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:stats:scorecards'. The request body must include a 'filter' object with optional parameters such as 'callFromDate', 'callToDate', 'reviewFromDate', 'reviewToDate', 'reviewedUserIds', and 'scorecardIds'. The response includes a list of answered scorecards, each containing details such as 'answeredScorecardId', 'scorecardId', 'scorecardName', 'callId', 'callStartTime', 'reviewedUserId', 'reviewerUserId', 'reviewTime', 'visibilityType', and 'answers'. The response also includes pagination details with 'totalRecords', 'currentPageSize', 'currentPageNumber', and 'cursor'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve daily activity for applicable users for a date range
: post_retrieve_daily_activityOperation
: readEntities
: user, activity, statisticSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the daily activity of multiple users within the Gong system for a specified date range. It requires a POST request to the '/v2/stats/activity/day-by-day' endpoint with a Bearer token for authorization. The request body must include a 'filter' object specifying the 'fromDate' and 'toDate' for the activity range, and optionally a 'cursor' for pagination and 'userIds' to filter specific users. The response includes a 'requestId' for troubleshooting, 'records' with pagination details, and 'usersDetailedActivities' containing detailed activity statistics for each user. The API returns records only for users with activity in the specified range.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve detailed call data by various filters
: post_retrieve_detailed_call_dataOperation
: readEntities
: call, system, userSummary
: The 'Retrieve detailed call data by various filters' API endpoint allows users to list detailed call data for calls that took place during a specified date range, have specified call IDs, or were hosted by specified users. The API requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:calls:read:extensive'. The request body includes optional parameters such as 'cursor' for pagination, 'filter' for specifying date range, workspace ID, call IDs, and primary user IDs, and 'contentSelector' for selecting specific data components to be returned. The response includes a 'requestId' for troubleshooting, 'records' information about the number of records, and detailed 'calls' data including metadata, context, parties, content, interaction, collaboration, and media information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve interaction stats for applicable users by date
: post_retrieve_interaction_statsOperation
: readEntities
: call, user, interaction statSummary
: The 'Retrieve interaction stats for applicable users by date' API allows users to obtain interaction statistics for users based on calls with Whisper turned on. It requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:stats:interaction'. The request body must include a 'filter' object with 'fromDate' and 'toDate' as required fields. Optional fields include 'cursor', 'createdFromDateTime', 'createdToDateTime', and 'userIds'. The response provides a 'requestId' for troubleshooting, 'records' with pagination details, 'peopleInteractionStats' with user interaction statistics, and the company's 'timeZone'. Error responses include status codes 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500, each with a 'requestId' and error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve transcripts of calls
: post_retrieve_transcripts_of_callsOperation
: readEntities
: call, workspace, transcriptSummary
: The 'Retrieve transcripts of calls' API allows users to obtain transcripts for calls that occurred within a specified date range. The API requires a POST request to the '/v2/calls/transcript' endpoint with a Bearer token for authorization. The request body must include a 'filter' object specifying the date range ('fromDateTime' and 'toDateTime') and optionally a 'workspaceId' and 'callIds' to filter the results. The response includes a 'requestId' for troubleshooting, 'records' information about the total number of records, and 'callTranscripts' which is a list of transcripts for each call. The API supports pagination through a 'cursor' value. Error responses include status codes 400, 401, 404, 429, and 500, each providing a 'requestId' and error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve users that have specific individual access to calls
: post_retrieve_users_access_to_callsOperation
: readEntities
: call, access, userSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves a list of users who have been granted individual access to specific calls. It requires a POST request to the '/v2/calls/users-access' endpoint with a Bearer token in the headers that has the 'api:call-user-access:read' scope. The request body must include a 'filter' object with an array of 'callIds', which are Gong's unique numeric call IDs. The response includes a 'requestId' for troubleshooting and a 'callAccessList' detailing each call and the users with access. Possible error responses include status codes 400, 401, and 500, each providing a 'requestId' and an array of error messages.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Upload CRM objects
: post_upload_crm_objectsOperation
: writeEntities
: CRM entity, account, business userSummary
: The 'Upload CRM objects' API allows users to insert, update, or delete CRM entities in Gong. It requires a bearer token with the 'api:crm:upload' scope for authentication. The API endpoint is '/v2/crm/entities' and supports the POST method. Users must provide query parameters such as 'integrationId', 'objectType', and 'clientRequestId'. The request body should include a 'dataFile' in LDJSON format containing the entity data. The API supports various CRM entities like Business User, Account, Contact, Deal, Lead, and Stage. The response includes a 'requestId' for tracking and may return errors for invalid requests.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Upload Object Schema
: post_upload_object_schemaOperation
: writeEntities
: schema, object type, fieldSummary
: The 'Upload Object Schema' API allows users to add, edit, or remove fields in Gong CRM entities, enabling the display of additional CRM data in Gong. This API is accessed via a POST request to the endpoint '/v2/crm/entity-schema' and requires a bearer token with the 'api:crm:schema' scope. The request includes query parameters 'integrationId' and 'objectType', and a body containing an array of field objects with properties such as 'uniqueName', 'label', 'type', 'lastModified', 'isDeleted', 'referenceTo', and 'orderedValueList'. The response provides a 'requestId' for successful requests and includes error messages for failed requests with status codes 400, 401, 429, and 500.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Validate Gong Meeting Integration
: post_validate_gong_meeting_integrationOperation
: readEntities
: user, integration status, emailSummary
: The Validate Gong Meeting Integration API endpoint is used to check the integration status of Gong meetings for a list of users. It requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:meetings:integration:status'. The request body must include an array of user emails (up to 100). The response provides a requestId for troubleshooting and the integration status for each user, including whether the user exists in Gong, if the integration is valid, and any user-facing errors with URLs for fixing issues or getting help. The API can return various status codes, including 200 for success and 400, 403, 429, 500 for different error scenarios.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add call media
: put_add_call_mediaOperation
: writeEntities
: call, media, channelSummary
: The 'Add call media' API allows users to add media to a call, recorded by a telephony system or other media recording facility. It supports various audio and video file formats such as WAV, MP3, MP4, MKV, and FLAC. The API requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:calls:create'. The path parameter 'id' is required and represents the callId returned from the 'Add New Call' request. The response includes a requestId for troubleshooting, a new callId, and a URL to the call in the Gong web application. Possible error responses include status codes 400, 401, 429, and 500, each providing a requestId and an array of error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Give individual users access to calls
: put_give_individual_users_access_to_callsOperation
: writeEntities
: call, access, userSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to give individual users access to specific calls. If a user already has access, the request will have no effect. The request requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:call-user-access:write'. The request body must include a 'callAccessList', which is an array of objects, each containing a 'callId' and an array of 'userIds'. The response will include a 'requestId' for successful requests, and may include error messages for unsuccessful requests with status codes 400, 401, or 500.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Register a Generic CRM Integration
: put_register_generic_crm_integrationOperation
: writeEntities
: bearer token, integration ID, CRM integrationSummary
: The 'Register a Generic CRM Integration' API allows you to create a CRM integration with Gong. It requires a PUT request to the endpoint '/v2/crm/integrations' with a bearer token that has the 'api:crm:integration:register' scope. The request body must include 'name' and 'ownerEmail' fields. The response will include an 'integrationId' for successful requests, which should be used in subsequent CRM API requests. The API does not support multiple CRM integrations, so any existing integration must be deleted before creating a new one. The response includes various status codes: 200 for success, 400 for bad request, 401 for unauthorized access, 409 for conflict, and 500 for server errors, each with a 'requestId' for troubleshooting.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Report event of a content share
: put_report_event_of_a_content_shareOperation
: writeEntities
: content share, Gong user, engagement eventSummary
: The 'Report event of a content share' API allows users to push engagement events into Gong and display them as events in Gong’s activity timeline. This is used when a Gong user shares content with external participants, such as sharing a contract with prospects. The API requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:engagement-data:write'. The request body must include details such as the content ID, title, URL, event timestamp, and reporting system ID. Optional fields include sharer details, recipient details, CRM context, and additional properties for the content and event. The response includes a request ID and integration ID, with potential error messages if the request fails.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Report event of a content view
: put_report_event_of_a_content_viewOperation
: writeEntities
: viewer, event, contentSummary
: The 'Report event of a content view' API allows you to push engagement events into Gong, displaying them as events in Gong’s activity timeline when content is viewed by an external participant. This API requires a Bearer token with the scope 'api:engagement-data:write'. The request body must include details such as 'contentId', 'contentTitle', 'contentUrl', 'eventTimestamp', and 'reportingSystem'. The response includes a 'requestId' and 'integrationId' upon success, or error messages in case of failure.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Report event of a custom action
: put_report_event_of_a_custom_actionOperation
: writeEntities
: event, content, actorSummary
: The 'Report event of a custom action' API allows users to push engagement events into Gong, displaying them as events in Gong’s activity timeline. This is useful when content is engaged by an external participant, such as when a contract is signed by a prospect. The API requires a PUT request to the '/v2/customer-engagement/action' endpoint with a Bearer token authorization. The request body must include 'eventTimestamp' and 'reportingSystem' as required fields, along with optional fields like 'eventId', 'contentId', 'contentUrl', 'contentTitle', 'actionName', 'eventInfoUrl', 'actor', 'crmContext', 'contentProperties', 'eventProperties', 'userAgent', 'mobileAppId', 'agentPlatform', 'workspaceId', 'nonCompanyParticipants', 'moreInfoUrl', 'shareId', 'trackingId', 'sharer', 'sharingMessageSubject', and 'sharingMessageBody'. The response includes a 'requestId' and optionally an 'integrationId', or errors if the request fails.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Gong Meeting
: put_update_a_gong_meetingOperation
: writeEntities
: organizer email, invitee, meetingSummary
: The 'Update a Gong Meeting' API allows users to update details of a specific meeting in Gong using a PUT request. The endpoint requires a Bearer token for authorization with the scope 'api:meetings:user:update'. The path parameter 'meetingId' is required to specify the meeting to be updated. The request body must include 'startTime', 'endTime', 'invitees', and 'organizerEmail', with optional fields like 'title' and 'externalId'. The response includes a unique 'requestId' for tracking and troubleshooting, and the updated 'meetingId'. Error responses include status codes 400, 403, 404, 409, 429, and 500, each providing a 'requestId' and an array of error messages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Permission Profile
: put_update_permission_profileOperation
: writeEntities
: user, permission profile, access permissionSummary
: The Update Permission Profile API allows users to update an existing permission profile by specifying the profile ID as a query parameter and providing the updated profile details in the request body. The request body includes various permissions such as calls access, library folder access, deals access, forecast permissions, and more. Each permission type has specific properties like permission level and team lead IDs. The response returns a request ID for troubleshooting and the updated profile details. The API supports updating permissions related to calls, library, deals, forecasts, coaching, insights, usage, emails, and more.Input Fields
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Updated about 1 month ago