Freshservice API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for Freshservice API as part of the TICKETING category
Delete a Conversation
: delete_a_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: conversationSummary
: The 'Delete a Conversation' API allows users to delete a specific conversation by its ID. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication, which should be included in the request headers. The conversation ID must be specified in the path parameters. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content status, indicating that the conversation has been successfully deleted and there is no additional content in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Department
: delete_a_departmentOperation
: writeEntities
: company, departmentSummary
: The 'Delete a Department' API allows you to delete a department (or company in MSP Mode) from Freshservice using the department's ID. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication, which should be included in the request headers. The department ID is specified as a path parameter. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content status, indicating that the department has been successfully deleted and no content is returned in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Group
: delete_a_groupOperation
: writeEntities
: group, agentSummary
: The 'Delete a Group' API endpoint allows users to disband a specified group by its unique identifier. It does not delete the members of the group, only the group itself. Once a group is deleted, it cannot be restored. If agents have their only role in the deleted group, they will be rescoped to the 'assigned_items' scope from 'specified_groups' for this role. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and returns a 204 No Content status upon successful deletion.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Requester Group
: delete_a_requester_groupOperation
: writeEntities
: requester groupSummary
: The 'Delete a Requester Group' API endpoint allows users to disband a requester group in the Freshservice system. This operation does not delete the members of the group, only the group itself. Once a requester group is deleted, it cannot be restored. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header. The unique identifier of the requester group to be deleted must be specified in the path parameter 'id'. The API responds with an HTTP status code 204, indicating that the operation was successful and no content is returned in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Task
: delete_a_taskOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, taskSummary
: The 'Delete a Task' API allows you to permanently delete a task associated with a specific ticket in Freshservice. The API requires the ticket ID and task ID as path parameters. It uses basic authentication with an API key in the headers. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 HTTP status code, indicating that the task has been permanently removed. Note that once a task is deleted, it cannot be retrieved.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Ticket
: delete_a_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: ticketSummary
: The Delete a Ticket API allows you to delete a specific ticket by its ID. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication, which should be included in the Authorization header. The ticket ID is specified as a path parameter. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content status, indicating that the ticket has been deleted. Note that deleted tickets are not permanently lost and can be restored using the Restore Ticket API. Additionally, if a parent service request (SR) is deleted, all associated child tickets will also be deleted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Time Entry
: delete_a_time_entryOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, time entrySummary
: The 'Delete a Time Entry' API is used to delete an existing time entry associated with a specific ticket. The API requires the ticket ID and the time entry ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json' and an 'Authorization' header with a valid OAuth 2.0 token. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 200 OK status. Deleted time entries cannot be restored.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Conversation Attachment
: delete_conversation_attachmentOperation
: writeEntities
: conversation, attachmentSummary
: The 'Delete a Conversation Attachment' API allows users to delete an attachment from a specific conversation in Freshservice. The API requires the conversation ID and the attachment ID as path parameters. It uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication, requiring a valid token in the Authorization header. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content status, indicating that the attachment has been successfully removed and no content is returned in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Deactivate a Requester
: delete_deactivate_a_requesterOperation
: writeEntities
: requesterSummary
: The 'Deactivate a Requester' API allows you to deactivate a requester by sending a DELETE request to the endpoint '/api/v2/requesters/[id]'. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication, which should be included in the Authorization header. The 'id' path parameter is required and specifies the unique identifier of the requester to be deactivated. Upon successful deactivation, the API returns a 204 No Content HTTP status, indicating that the operation was successful and there is no additional content to send in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Deactivate an Agent
: delete_deactivate_an_agentOperation
: writeEntities
: agentSummary
: The 'Deactivate an Agent' API allows you to deactivate a specific agent by their unique ID. This is done by sending a DELETE request to the endpoint '/api/v2/agents/[id]' with the agent's ID in the path parameter. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authorization. Upon successful deactivation, the API returns the details of the agent, including their ID, name, job title, contact information, department affiliations, roles, and other relevant details, with the 'active' status set to false.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Forget a Requester
: delete_forget_a_requesterOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, requesterSummary
: The 'Forget a Requester' API allows you to permanently delete a requester and all the tickets they have requested. This is done by sending a DELETE request to the endpoint '/api/v2/requesters/[id]/forget' with the requester's ID in the path parameters. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication, which should be included in the Authorization header. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content status, indicating that the requester and their tickets have been successfully forgotten.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Forget an Agent
: delete_forget_an_agentOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, agentSummary
: The 'Forget an Agent' API allows you to permanently delete an agent and the tickets they requested. This is done by sending a DELETE request to the endpoint '/api/v2/agents/[id]/forget' with the agent's ID in the path parameters. The request must include an OAuth 2.0 token in the Authorization header with the scope 'freshservice.agents.manage'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content status, indicating that the operation was successful and no content is returned in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete Requester from Requester Group
: delete_requester_from_requester_groupOperation
: writeEntities
: requester group, requesterSummary
: The 'Delete Requester from Requester Group' API allows the removal of a requester from a manual requester group in Freshservice. This API requires the requester group ID and the requester ID as path parameters. The request must be authenticated using OAuth 2.0 with the scope 'freshservice.requesters.edit'. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content status, indicating that the requester has been successfully removed from the group. No content is returned in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Delete a Ticket Attachment
: delete_ticket_attachmentOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, attachmentSummary
: The 'Delete a Ticket Attachment' API allows users to delete an attachment from a specified ticket in the Freshservice system. The API requires the ticket ID and the attachment ID as path parameters. It uses the DELETE HTTP method and requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication, which should be included in the request headers. Upon successful deletion, the API returns a 204 No Content HTTP status, indicating that the attachment has been successfully removed.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Retrieve CSAT Response for a Ticket
: get_csat_response_for_a_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: csat response, questionnaire response, ticketSummary
: This API retrieves the Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) response for a specific ticket identified by its ID in Freshservice. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and the Content-Type header set to application/json. The ticket ID is specified as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the overall rating, textual representation of the rating, primary question, questionnaire responses, and timestamps for creation and last update of the CSAT response.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Download Attachment
: get_download_attachmentOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, solution article, attachmentSummary
: The Download Attachment API allows users to download attachments associated with various entities such as Ticket, Problem, Change, Release, Solution Article, and Asset. The API requires an API key for authentication, which should be included in the request headers. The attachment ID must be specified in the path parameters. Upon a successful request, the API returns the binary content of the attachment along with headers indicating the content type and disposition. The response status code is 200 if the request is successful.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Download Purchase Order and Contracts Attachment
: get_download_purchase_order_and_contracts_attachmentOperation
: readEntities
: purchase order, attachment, contractSummary
: This API endpoint allows users to download attachments related to Purchase orders and Contracts by specifying the attachment ID in the path parameters. The request requires basic authentication using an API key. The response includes the binary content of the attachment file, with the content type specified in the response headers.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Filter Agents
: get_filter_agentsOperation
: readEntities
: location, department, agentSummary
: The Filter Agents API allows users to filter a list of agents based on various attributes such as name, email, phone numbers, department, location, and more. The query parameter is used to specify the filtering criteria, which must be URL encoded and enclosed in double quotes. The API supports logical operators (AND, OR) and relational operators (>, <) for constructing complex queries. The response includes a list of agents matching the query, with details such as active status, contact information, job title, and custom fields. Pagination is supported through the page query parameter, with a maximum of 30 agents per page and up to 40 pages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Filter Departments
: get_filter_departmentsOperation
: readEntities
: company, departmentSummary
: The Filter Departments API allows users to filter a list of departments based on specific attributes. The query parameter must be URL encoded and enclosed in double quotes, with a maximum length of 512 characters. The query can be constructed using department field names, such as 'name'. The results are sorted by the 'created_at' field in descending order by default. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token with the 'freshservice.departments.view' scope. The response includes a list of departments with their ID, name, and creation timestamp.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Filter Requesters
: get_filter_requestersOperation
: readEntities
: requester, department, agentSummary
: The 'Filter Requesters' API allows users to filter and retrieve a list of requesters based on various attributes such as email, job title, phone number, and more. The API supports complex query strings with logical and relational operators, and can include agents in the response if the user has the appropriate permissions. The response includes detailed information about each requester, including custom fields, contact information, and associated department IDs. Pagination is supported with a maximum of 30 objects per page and up to 40 pages.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Filter Tickets
: get_filter_ticketsOperation
: readEntities
: custom field, ticket, workspaceSummary
: The Filter Tickets API allows users to filter and retrieve a list of tickets based on specified ticket fields and conditions. The API supports various ticket fields such as workspace_id, requester_id, email, agent_id, group_id, priority, status, impact, urgency, tag, due_by, fr_due_by, created_at, and custom fields. Users can construct complex queries using logical operators (AND, OR) and relational operators (:>, :<) to filter tickets. The query must be URL encoded and enclosed in double quotes. The API returns a paginated list of tickets with a maximum of 30 tickets per page, along with the total count of results. Users can navigate through pages using the page query parameter and filter tickets from specific workspaces using the workspace_id parameter. The response includes detailed information about each ticket, such as subject, group_id, department_id, category, requester_id, priority, status, and custom fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Agent Fields
: get_list_all_agent_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: user, field, agentSummary
: The 'List All Agent Fields' API allows you to retrieve all built-in and custom fields for agents in your Freshservice account. You can use the 'include' query parameter to embed additional details such as user field groups in the response. Each embedded detail consumes an additional API credit. The response includes details about each agent field, such as its name, user field group ID, labels for admins and agents, editability, visibility, and whether it is a default or custom field. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Agents
: get_list_all_agentsOperation
: readEntities
: role, filter, agentSummary
: The 'List All Agents' API allows users to retrieve information about all agents in the account. Users can apply filters to narrow down the list of agents based on criteria such as email, mobile phone number, work phone number, active status, and state (fulltime or occasional). The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. The response includes detailed information about each agent, such as their ID, name, job title, contact information, department affiliations, roles, and custom fields. The API supports pagination through 'per_page' and 'page' query parameters.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Conversations of a Ticket
: get_list_all_conversations_of_a_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: conversation, ticket, attachmentSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to list all conversations associated with a specific ticket in Freshservice. The request requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and supports pagination through an optional query parameter 'page'. The response includes an array of conversation objects, each containing details such as the conversation ID, body in HTML and plain text, timestamps, user ID, and email information. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authorization with the scope ''.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Department Fields
: get_list_all_department_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: company, department, fieldSummary
: The 'List All Department Fields' API retrieves all department fields (or company fields in MSP mode) from Freshservice. The fields are returned in the order they are displayed on the UI. This API requires an OAuth 2.0 token with the scope 'freshservice.departments.fields.view'. The response includes details such as the creation and update timestamps, field name, label, whether the field is mandatory, and if it is a default field.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Departments
: get_list_all_departmentsOperation
: readEntities
: company, department, userSummary
: The 'List All Departments' API retrieves a list of all departments or companies in Freshservice. It requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. The API returns a list of department objects, each containing details such as the department's ID, name, description, head user ID, prime user ID, associated domains, custom fields, and timestamps for creation and last update.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Groups
: get_list_all_groupsOperation
: readEntities
: workspace, group, agentSummary
: The 'List All Groups' API endpoint retrieves a list of agent groups belonging to a specific workspace. It requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. The API accepts an optional query parameter 'workspace_id' to filter groups by workspace. The response includes details about each group, such as its ID, name, description, members, observers, and other attributes. The API does not support retrieving groups across all workspaces.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Requester Fields
: get_list_all_requester_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: user field group, requester, requester fieldSummary
: The 'List All Requester Fields' API allows users to retrieve all built-in and custom fields for requesters in a Freshservice account. The API supports embedding additional details in the response using the 'include' query parameter, which consumes additional API credits. The response includes details such as field ID, name, label, position, type, and whether the field is editable or required for requesters and agents. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Requester Groups
: get_list_all_requester_groupsOperation
: readEntities
: requester groupSummary
: The 'List All Requester Groups' API endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of all requester groups in the system. It supports both 'manual' and 'rule_based' types of groups. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. Users can specify optional query parameters 'per_page' and 'page' to paginate through the results. The response includes an array of requester groups, each with an 'id', 'name', 'description', and 'type'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Requesters
: get_list_all_requestersOperation
: readEntities
: requester, user, agentSummary
: The 'List All Requesters' API endpoint retrieves a list of all requesters in the account. It supports filtering by email, mobile phone number, and work phone number. The query parameter 'include_agents' can be used to include agents in the response. Pagination is supported through 'per_page' and 'page' query parameters. The response includes detailed information about each requester, such as their ID, name, job title, contact information, department IDs, and custom fields. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Roles
: get_list_all_rolesOperation
: readEntities
: role, scope, userSummary
: The 'List All Roles' API endpoint retrieves a list of all roles available in the system. It requires an API key for authentication, which should be included in the 'Authorization' header as a Basic auth token. The response includes an array of roles, each with details such as 'id', 'name', 'description', 'default' status, 'scopes' for various access levels, and timestamps for creation and last update. This API is useful for understanding the different roles and their permissions within the help desk system.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Ticket Approvals
: get_list_all_ticket_approvalsOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, approvalSummary
: The 'List All Ticket Approvals' API retrieves all approvals associated with a specific service request ticket in Freshservice. The API requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication in the headers. The response includes a list of approvals, each containing details such as the approval ID, creation and update timestamps, approver details, approval type, user details, approval status, delegatee information, and any latest remarks.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Ticket Fields
: get_list_all_ticket_fieldsOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, field, workspaceSummary
: The 'List All Ticket Fields' API retrieves all the fields that constitute the Ticket Object in Freshservice. By default, it returns global fields and fields from the primary workspace for accounts on Employee Support Mode. To retrieve fields from other workspaces, the 'workspace_id' query parameter can be used. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. The response includes details such as field ID, label, description, field type, creation and update timestamps, and various attributes indicating whether the field is mandatory, editable by customers, displayed in the customer portal, etc. The response also includes choices for fields that support multiple values and nested fields if applicable.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Time Entries of a Ticket
: get_list_all_time_entries_of_a_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, time entry, agentSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves all time entries associated with a specific ticket in the Freshservice system. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and the Content-Type header set to application/json. The ticket_id must be specified in the path parameters to identify the ticket for which time entries are to be fetched. The response includes an array of time entries, each containing details such as the ID, creation and update timestamps, start time, billable status, time spent, execution time, associated task and workspace IDs, notes, agent ID, and any custom fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List All Workspaces
: get_list_all_workspacesOperation
: readEntities
: workspaceSummary
: The 'List All Workspaces' API retrieves information about all the workspaces created in the account. It requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response includes details of each workspace such as 'created_at', 'description', 'id', 'name', 'primary', 'restricted', 'state', 'template_name', and 'updated_at'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View Requested Items of a Service Request
: get_requested_items_of_a_service_requestOperation
: readEntities
: service request, requested item, stageSummary
: The 'View Requested Items of a Service Request' API allows users to retrieve the list of requested items attached to a specific service request. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and expects the service request ID as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the unique ID of each requested item, timestamps for creation and updates, quantity, current stage, loan status, cost, remarks, estimated delivery time, parent status, and service item ID. The stages of the requested items are represented by numerical values: 1 for Requested, 2 for Delivered, 3 for Cancelled, 4 for Fulfilled, and 5 for Partially Fulfilled.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
List Requester Group Members
: get_requester_group_membersOperation
: readEntities
: requester group, requester, memberSummary
: The 'List Requester Group Members' API retrieves a list of requesters associated with a specific requester group. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. The requester group ID must be specified in the path parameters. Optional query parameters include 'per_page' to specify the number of requesters per page and 'page' to specify the page number. The response includes an array of requesters, each with an ID, first name, last name, and email.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Restore a Ticket
: get_restore_a_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: ticketSummary
: The 'Restore a Ticket' API allows users to restore a previously deleted ticket by specifying the ticket ID in the path parameters. The request requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with the scope ''. The API endpoint is '/api/v2/tickets/[id]/restore' and uses the GET method. The request headers must include 'Content-Type' set to 'application/json' and an 'Authorization' header with a valid OAuth token. The response returns a 204 No Content status, indicating the ticket has been successfully restored, with no content in the response body.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Get Ticket Activity
: get_ticket_activityOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, activity, agentSummary
:Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
User Assignment History
: get_user_assignment_historyOperation
: readEntities
: user, assignment history, assetSummary
: The User Assignment History API retrieves the assignment history of a specific user in Freshservice. It requires an API key for authentication and the user ID as a path parameter. The response includes a list of assignments with details such as asset name, assignment and unassignment timestamps, and the users involved in these actions.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View a Department
: get_view_a_departmentOperation
: readEntities
: company, department, userSummary
: The 'View a Department' API endpoint allows users to retrieve details of a specific department by its ID from Freshservice. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and the department ID as a path parameter. The response includes detailed information about the department, such as its name, description, head user ID, prime user ID, associated domains, and any custom fields like location.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View a Group
: get_view_a_groupOperation
: readEntities
: group, member, leaderSummary
: The 'View a Group' API allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific group in the Freshservice system. The API requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and the unique group ID as a path parameter. The response includes comprehensive details about the group, such as its name, description, creation and update timestamps, and lists of members, observers, and leaders, along with their pending approvals. This API is useful for managing and understanding the structure and status of groups within the Freshservice platform.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View a Requester
: get_view_a_requesterOperation
: readEntities
: requester, department, userSummary
: This API allows you to view detailed information about a requester by their unique ID. It requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. The request is made to the endpoint '/api/v2/requesters/[id]' with the HTTP GET method. The response includes various details about the requester such as their name, email addresses, phone numbers, department IDs, and other personal and professional information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View a Requester Group
: get_view_a_requester_groupOperation
: readEntities
: requester groupSummary
: The 'View a Requester Group' API allows users to retrieve details of a specific requester group by its unique identifier. The API supports viewing groups of both 'manual' and 'rule_based' types. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and the unique ID of the requester group as a path parameter. The response includes the ID, name, description, and type of the requester group.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View a Role
: get_view_a_roleOperation
: readEntities
: role, scope, accessSummary
: The 'View a Role' API endpoint allows users to retrieve details of a specific role by its ID. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. The role ID is specified as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the role's name, description, default status, access scopes, and timestamps for creation and last update.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View a Task
: get_view_a_taskOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, task, agentSummary
: The 'View a Task' API allows you to retrieve details of a specific task associated with a ticket in Freshservice. You need to provide the ticket ID and task ID as path parameters. The request must include the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json' and an 'Authorization' header with a valid OAuth 2.0 token. The response includes details of the task such as its ID, status, due date, title, description, and timestamps for creation and updates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View a Ticket
: get_view_a_ticketOperation
: readEntities
: conversation, ticket, attachmentSummary
: The 'View a Ticket' API allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific ticket by its ID. The API supports embedding additional details such as conversations, requester information, and more, which can be specified using the 'include' query parameter. Each embedded detail consumes additional API credits. The response includes comprehensive ticket details such as priority, status, subject, description, custom fields, and attachments. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication and the '' scope.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View a Time Entry
: get_view_a_time_entryOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, time entry, agentSummary
: The 'View a Time Entry' API allows users to retrieve details of a specific time entry associated with a ticket. The request requires the ticket ID and the time entry ID as path parameters. The request headers must include an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and specify the content type as 'application/json'. The response includes detailed information about the time entry, such as its ID, creation and update timestamps, start time, whether the timer is running, billability, time spent, execution time, associated task ID, workspace ID, notes, agent ID, and any custom fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View a Workspace
: get_view_a_workspaceOperation
: readEntities
: workspaceSummary
: The 'View a Workspace' API retrieves information about a specific workspace in the account. It requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and the workspace ID as a path parameter. The response includes details such as the workspace's creation and update timestamps, name, state, and whether it is primary or restricted.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View all Tasks
: get_view_all_tasksOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, task, agentSummary
: The 'View all Tasks' API retrieves all tasks associated with a specific ticket ID in Freshservice. It requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. The API endpoint is '/api/v2/tickets/[id]/tasks', where '[id]' is the ticket ID. The response includes an array of tasks, each with details such as task ID, agent ID, status, due date, title, description, and timestamps for creation and updates.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View an Agent
: get_view_an_agentOperation
: readEntities
: role, department, agentSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to view detailed information about a specific agent by their unique ID. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. The response includes comprehensive details about the agent such as their name, job title, contact information, department affiliations, roles, and custom fields. The agent's activity status and timestamps for last login and activity are also provided.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View An Approval
: get_view_an_approvalOperation
: readEntities
: service request, ticket, approvalSummary
: The 'View An Approval' API retrieves an approval on a service request with the specified ID from Freshservice. It requires the ticket ID and approval ID as path parameters. The request must include an OAuth 2.0 token in the Authorization header for authentication. The response includes details about the approval such as the approver's ID and name, approval type, user ID and name, approval status, delegatee information, email content, and any latest remarks.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
View List of Tickets
: get_view_list_of_ticketsOperation
: readEntities
: ticket, requester, workspaceSummary
: The 'View List of Tickets' API allows users to retrieve a list of tickets from the Freshservice platform. Users can apply various filters such as predefined filters (new_and_my_open, watching, spam, deleted), requester ID, requester email, updated_since date, ticket type, workspace ID, and sort order. Additional details can be embedded in the response using the 'include' parameter, which can include stats, requester, requested_for, onboarding_context, and offboarding_context. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication and returns a list of tickets with details such as cc_emails, priority, requester_id, status, subject, description, and custom fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Add Requester to Requester Group
: post_add_requester_to_requester_groupOperation
: writeEntities
: requester group, requesterSummary
: This API endpoint allows you to add a requester to a manual requester group in Freshservice. The request is made using the POST method to the URL '/api/v2/requester_groups/[id]/members/[requester_id]', where 'id' is the ID of the requester group and 'requester_id' is the ID of the requester to be added. The request requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with the scope 'freshservice.requesters.edit'. The request headers must include 'Content-Type: application/json' and an 'Authorization' token. The response returns an HTTP status code of 200 OK if the requester is successfully added.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Child Ticket
: post_create_a_child_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, user, agentSummary
: The 'Create a Child Ticket' API allows users to create a new child ticket under an existing parent ticket. This API is not available for the Sprout plan and does not support associating child tickets with deleted or spammed tickets. It also does not support nesting child tickets under other child tickets. The API requires certain parameters such as 'requester_id', 'email', 'phone', 'status', 'priority', and 'source'. The response includes details of the created child ticket, such as its ID, status, priority, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Department
: post_create_a_departmentOperation
: writeEntities
: company, department, domainSummary
: The Create a Department API allows users to create a new department or company in Freshservice. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/departments' with a JSON body containing the department's name, description, head user ID, prime user ID, associated email domains, and any custom fields. The 'name' field is mandatory. The response includes the details of the newly created department, including its unique ID, name, description, head user ID, prime user ID, associated domains, and custom fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Group
: post_create_a_groupOperation
: writeEntities
: workspace, group, agentSummary
: The 'Create a Group' API allows users to create a new group within the Freshservice platform. The API requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/groups' with a JSON body containing details about the group such as 'name', 'description', 'workspace_id', 'unassigned_for', 'business_hours_id', 'escalate_to', 'members', 'observers', 'restricted', 'leaders', 'approval_required', and 'auto_ticket_assign'. The 'name' field is mandatory. The response includes the details of the created group, including its ID, name, description, and other attributes. The API supports OAuth 2.0 authentication with the scope 'freshservice.agentgroups.manage'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Note
: post_create_a_noteOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, note, attachmentSummary
: The 'Create a Note' API allows users to add a note to a specific ticket in the Freshservice system. The note can be private or public, and can include attachments. The request must include the ticket ID in the path parameters and the note content in the body. The 'body' field is mandatory and must be in HTML format. Other optional fields include 'attachments', 'incoming', 'notify_emails', 'private', and 'user_id'. The response returns the details of the created note, including its ID, content, and any attachments. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication and the Content-Type must be set to 'application/json' or 'multipart/form-data' depending on whether attachments are included.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Reply
: post_create_a_replyOperation
: writeEntities
: conversation, ticket, attachmentSummary
: The 'Create a Reply' API allows users to add a reply to a specific ticket by providing the ticket ID in the path parameters. The request must include the 'body' of the reply in HTML format, which is mandatory. Optional fields include 'attachments', 'from_email', 'user_id', 'cc_emails', and 'bcc_emails'. The API supports both JSON and multipart/form-data content types. The response includes details of the conversation such as 'id', 'user_id', 'from_email', 'cc_emails', 'bcc_emails', 'body', 'body_text', 'ticket_id', 'to_emails', 'attachments', 'created_at', and 'updated_at'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Requester
: post_create_a_requesterOperation
: writeEntities
: location, requester, departmentSummary
: The 'Create a Requester' API allows you to create a new requester in the system. It requires the first name and last name of the requester as mandatory fields. Additionally, at least one of the following fields must be provided: primary_email, work_phone_number, or mobile_phone_number. Other optional fields include job title, secondary emails, department IDs, reporting manager ID, address, time zone, time format, language, location ID, background information, and custom fields. The response returns the details of the newly created requester, including their ID, name, contact information, department associations, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Source
: post_create_a_sourceOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, source, fieldSummary
: The 'Create a Source' API allows you to create a new ticket source in the Freshservice system. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/ticket_fields/sources' with a JSON body containing the 'name' of the source. The request must include headers for 'Content-Type' set to 'application/json' and 'Authorization' with a valid OAuth 2.0 token. Upon successful creation, the API returns a JSON response with details of the newly created source, including its 'id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'choice_id', 'value', 'position', 'visible', and 'default' status.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Ticket
: post_create_a_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: custom field, ticket, attachmentSummary
: The 'Create a Ticket' API allows users to create a new ticket in their service desk. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/tickets' with a JSON body containing details such as 'description', 'subject', 'email', 'priority', 'status', and 'workspace_id'. Optional fields include 'cc_emails', 'custom_fields', 'attachments', 'assets', 'problem', 'change_initiating_ticket', and 'change_initiated_by_ticket'. The response includes detailed information about the created ticket, such as 'cc_emails', 'priority', 'requester_id', 'status', 'subject', 'description', 'created_at', 'updated_at', and more. The API supports OAuth 2.0 authentication with the scope ''.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create an Agent
: post_create_an_agentOperation
: writeEntities
: role, department, agentSummary
: The Create an Agent API allows you to create a new agent in Freshservice. It requires a POST request to the endpoint '/api/v2/agents' with a JSON body containing details about the agent such as first name, last name, job title, email, phone numbers, department IDs, and more. The request must include a 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The response returns the created agent's details including their ID, name, job title, email, phone numbers, department associations, roles, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Child Service Request
: post_create_child_service_requestOperation
: writeEntities
: service request, ticket, userSummary
: The 'Create a Child Service Request' API allows users to create a new child ticket under an existing ticket. It requires the display ID of the service catalog item, the quantity needed, the email of the requester, and the parent ticket ID. Optional fields include the email of the person on whose behalf the request is made, child items, and custom fields. The response includes detailed information about the created service request, such as its status, priority, requester ID, and any associated custom fields. Note that child requests cannot be associated with deleted or spammed tickets, nor can they be nested under other child requests.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Requester Group
: post_create_requester_groupOperation
: writeEntities
: requester groupSummary
: This API endpoint allows the creation of a new requester group in the Freshservice system. Only groups of type 'manual' can be created using this API. The request must include the name of the requester group as a mandatory field, and optionally a description. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with the scope 'freshservice.requesters.edit'. Upon successful creation, the API returns the details of the newly created requester group, including its unique identifier, name, description, and type.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Service Request
: post_create_service_requestOperation
: writeEntities
: service request, custom field, service itemSummary
: The Create a Service Request API allows users to create a service request in the Freshservice system. The request can be made on behalf of another user by specifying their email in the 'requested_for' field. The API accepts various parameters such as 'quantity', 'email', 'child_items', and 'custom_fields' to customize the service request. The response includes detailed information about the created service request, including its status, priority, requester ID, and other attributes. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with the '' scope.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Task
: post_create_taskOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, task, agentSummary
: The 'Create a Task' API allows users to create a new task associated with a specific ticket in Freshservice. The API requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and accepts various attributes in the request body such as workspace_id, agent_id, status, due_date, notify_before, title, description, and group_id. The title is a required field. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and requires the '' scope. Upon successful creation, it returns the details of the created task including its ID, status, due date, and other attributes.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Create a Time Entry
: post_create_time_entryOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, time entry, agentSummary
: The 'Create a Time Entry' API allows users to create a time entry for a specific ticket. The API requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body containing the time entry details such as note, time spent, agent ID, and an optional timer_running flag. If timer_running is not specified, it defaults to false, making time_spent mandatory. The response includes the details of the created time entry, including its ID, timestamps, and other relevant information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Request Approval For A Service Request
: post_request_approval_for_a_service_requestOperation
: writeEntities
: service request, ticket, approvalSummary
: This API endpoint is used to request approval for a service request. It requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and the approver ID, approval type, and optionally the email content in the request body. The request must include the Content-Type header set to application/json and an Authorization header with a valid OAuth 2.0 token. The response includes details of the approval, such as the approval ID, timestamps, approver details, approval status, and any delegatee information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Cancel An Approval
: put_cancel_an_approvalOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, approver, approvalSummary
: The 'Cancel An Approval' API allows you to update the status of an existing approval on a service request to 'cancelled'. This is done using a PUT request to the endpoint '/api/v2/tickets/[ticket_id]/approvals/[id]'. The request requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with the scope ''. The request body must include the 'approval_status' object with the 'id' set to 3, representing the 'cancelled' status. The response returns the details of the approval, including the approval ID, timestamps, approver details, user details, approval status, delegatee details, and any latest remarks.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Convert Agent To Requester
: put_convert_agent_to_requesterOperation
: writeEntities
: requester, agentSummary
: The Convert Agent To Requester API allows you to convert a specific agent into a requester in the Freshservice system. This is done by sending a PUT request to the endpoint with the agent's ID in the path parameters. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. The response returns the details of the newly converted requester, including their ID, name, job title, email, phone numbers, department associations, and other relevant information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Convert Requester to Agent
: put_convert_requester_to_agentOperation
: writeEntities
: role, requester, agentSummary
: The 'Convert To Agent' API allows you to convert a requester into an occasional agent with the SD Agent role and no group memberships. This is done by sending a PUT request to the endpoint '/api/v2/requesters/[id]/convert_to_agent' with the requester's ID in the path parameter. The request requires the 'Content-Type' header to be set to 'application/json'. The response returns the details of the newly converted agent, including their ID, name, email, job title, phone numbers, and roles.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Merge Requesters
: put_merge_requestersOperation
: writeEntities
: requester, manager, departmentSummary
: The Merge Requesters API allows you to merge secondary requesters into a primary requester. This is done using a PUT request to the endpoint '/api/v2/requesters/[id]/merge' with the primary requester ID in the path and a comma-separated list of secondary requester IDs in the query parameter 'secondary_requesters'. The request requires OAuth 2.0 authentication with the scope 'freshservice.requesters.edit'. The response returns the details of the primary requester after the merge, including their ID, name, email addresses, phone numbers, department IDs, and other relevant information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Move a Ticket
: put_move_a_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: workspace, group, agentSummary
: The 'Move a Ticket' API allows you to move a ticket to a different workspace within Freshservice. This API is applicable only to accounts on the Employee Support Mode. It requires the ticket ID as a path parameter and accepts a JSON body with 'workspace_id', 'group_id', and 'responder_id' to specify the new workspace, group, and agent respectively. The response returns the updated ticket details, including information such as CC emails, group ID, responder ID, priority, status, subject, description, custom fields, and timestamps.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Reactivate an Agent
: put_reactivate_an_agentOperation
: writeEntities
: role, department, agentSummary
: The 'Reactivate an Agent' API allows you to reactivate a specific deactivated agent in the system. This is done by sending a PUT request to the endpoint '/api/v2/agents/[id]/reactivate' with the agent's ID in the path parameters. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication. Upon successful reactivation, the API returns detailed information about the agent, including their ID, name, job title, contact information, department affiliations, roles, and other attributes. The response confirms the agent's active status and provides additional metadata such as last login time and custom fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Reactivate a Requester
: put_reactivate_requesterOperation
: writeEntities
: requester, custom field, departmentSummary
: The 'Reactivate a Requester' API allows you to reactivate a specific deactivated requester in the system. This is done by sending a PUT request to the endpoint '[id]/reactivate' with the requester's ID in the path parameters. The request requires an OAuth 2.0 token for authentication and the 'Content-Type' header set to 'application/json'. The request body is empty. Upon successful reactivation, the API returns the details of the requester, including their ID, name, email addresses, phone numbers, department associations, and custom fields, indicating that the requester is now active.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Send Reminder For An Approval
: put_send_reminder_for_an_approvalOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, approvalSummary
: The 'Send Reminder For An Approval' API is used to resend a reminder for a specific approval associated with a ticket in the Freshservice system. This API requires a PUT request to the endpoint '/api/v2/tickets/[ticket_id]/approvals/[id]/remind', where 'ticket_id' is the ID of the ticket and 'id' is the ID of the approval. The request must include headers for 'Authorization' with an OAuth 2.0 token and 'Content-Type' set to 'application/json'. The API does not require a request body or query parameters. Upon successful execution, the API returns a 200 No Content HTTP status, indicating that the reminder was successfully sent.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Conversation
: put_update_a_conversationOperation
: writeEntities
: conversation, note, attachmentSummary
: The 'Update a Conversation' API allows users to update the content of a conversation note in Freshservice. The API supports updating both public and private notes. The request must include the conversation ID in the path parameters and the note content in the body. Optionally, attachments can be included in the request. The request headers must include 'Content-Type' set to 'application/json' or 'multipart/form-data' and an 'Authorization' token for OAuth 2.0. The response returns the updated conversation details, including the conversation ID, user ID, ticket ID, body content, and any attachments.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Department
: put_update_a_departmentOperation
: writeEntities
: company, department, agentSummary
: The 'Update a Department' API allows you to update an existing department or company in Freshservice. You need to provide the department's unique identifier in the path parameters. The request body must include the department's name and description, while other fields like head_user_id, prime_user_id, domains, and custom_fields are optional. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authorization with the scope 'freshservice.departments.manage'. Upon successful update, it returns the updated department details including id, name, description, head_user_id, prime_user_id, domains, and custom_fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Group
: put_update_a_groupOperation
: writeEntities
: group, approval, agentSummary
: The 'Update a Group' API allows you to modify the details of an existing group in the system. You can update the group's name, description, unassigned time for escalation, members, observers, leaders, and other attributes. The API requires the group ID as a path parameter and accepts various attributes in the request body, such as 'name', 'description', 'unassigned_for', 'members', 'observers', 'restricted', 'leaders', 'approval_required', and 'auto_ticket_assign'. The response includes the updated group details, including the list of approved members, observers, and leaders, along with timestamps for creation and last update. Note that certain attributes like 'workspace_id' are read-only, and 'agent_ids' is unsupported. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for authorization.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Requester
: put_update_a_requesterOperation
: writeEntities
: location, requester, departmentSummary
: This API allows you to update the profile of a specific requester in the system. You can modify various attributes such as first name, last name, job title, email addresses, phone numbers, department associations, and more. The API requires the unique ID of the requester to be updated as a path parameter. The request body can include optional fields like first_name, last_name, job_title, primary_email, secondary_emails, work_phone_number, mobile_phone_number, department_ids, can_see_all_tickets_from_associated_departments, reporting_manager_id, address, time_zone, time_format, language, location_id, background_information, and custom_fields. The response returns the updated requester profile, including details like id, is_agent status, name, job title, email addresses, phone numbers, department IDs, and other profile information.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Task
: put_update_a_taskOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, task, workspaceSummary
: The 'Update a Task' API allows you to update an existing task on a ticket in Freshservice. The API endpoint is '/api/v2/tickets/[id]/tasks/[id]' and requires a PUT request. You must provide the ticket ID and task ID as path parameters. The request headers must include 'Content-Type: application/json' and an 'Authorization' token for OAuth 2.0 authentication. The request body can include optional fields such as 'status', 'notify_before', 'title', 'description', and 'workspace_id' to update the task details. The response returns the updated task details, including fields like 'id', 'status', 'due_date', 'title', 'description', and timestamps for creation, update, and closure.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Ticket
: put_update_a_ticketOperation
: writeEntities
: ticket, attachment, assetSummary
: The 'Update a Ticket' API allows users to modify various parameters of a ticket, such as status, priority, description, subject, tags, and associated assets. The API supports updating tickets with attachments and assets. The request can bypass mandatory field checks if the 'bypass_mandatory' query parameter is set to true, but this is only allowed for admins. The API requires OAuth 2.0 authorization and supports both JSON and multipart/form-data content types. The response includes the updated ticket details, including any associated assets and attachments.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Time Entry
: put_update_a_time_entryOperation
: writeEntities
: timer, time entry, taskSummary
: This API is used to update or modify an existing time entry for a specific ticket. The API requires the ticket ID and time entry ID as path parameters. The request body can include fields such as note, agent_id, billable, time_spent, executed_at, and task_id to update the time entry. The agent_id is mandatory. The response includes the updated time entry details such as id, created_at, updated_at, start_time, timer_running, billable, time_spent, executed_at, task_id, workspace_id, note, agent_id, and custom_fields.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update an Agent
: put_update_an_agentOperation
: writeEntities
: role, department, agentSummary
: The 'Update an Agent' API allows you to modify the profile of a specific agent in the system. The API requires the agent's unique ID as a path parameter and accepts various optional fields in the request body to update the agent's profile. These fields include 'occasional', 'email', 'department_ids', 'can_see_all_tickets_from_associated_departments', 'reporting_manager_id', 'address', 'time_zone', 'time_format', 'language', 'location_id', 'background_information', 'scoreboard_level_id', 'member_of', 'observer_of', 'roles', 'signature', and 'custom_fields'. The response returns the updated agent profile, including details such as 'id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'occasional', 'active', 'job_title', 'email', 'work_phone_number', 'mobile_phone_number', 'department_ids', 'can_see_all_tickets_from_associated_departments', 'reporting_manager_id', 'address', 'time_zone', 'time_format', 'language', 'location_id', 'background_information', 'scoreboard_level_id', 'member_of', 'observer_of', 'member_of_pending_approval', 'observer_of_pending_approval', 'roles', 'last_login_at', 'last_active_at', 'custom_fields', and 'has_logged_in'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update Requested Items of a Service Request
: put_update_requested_items_of_a_service_requestOperation
: writeEntities
: service request, custom field, requested itemSummary
: This API allows you to update the requested items attached to a service request. It requires the ticket ID and requested item ID as path parameters. The request body can include the quantity, stage, and custom fields of the requested item. The response returns the updated details of the requested item, including its ID, item ID, dates, quantity, service request ID, stage, fulfillment status, cost, custom fields, and item details.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Update a Requester Group
: put_update_requester_groupOperation
: writeEntities
: requester groupSummary
: The 'Update a Requester Group' API allows users to update the details of a requester group in the Freshservice system. Only groups of type 'manual' can be updated using this API. The API requires the unique identifier of the requester group as a path parameter. The request body must include the 'name' of the requester group, which is mandatory, and an optional 'description'. The API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication, requiring a valid token in the 'Authorization' header. Upon successful update, the API returns the updated details of the requester group, including its 'id', 'name', 'description', and 'type'.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Updated about 2 months ago