UKG Pro Recruiting API Integration
These are the list of integration use cases supported by Knit for UKG Pro Recruiting API as part of the ATS category
Retrieve Applicant Source IDs from UKG Pro Recruiting
: get_applicant_source_idsOperation
: readEntities
: applicant sourceSummary
: This API endpoint retrieves the IDs of applicant sources configured in UKG Pro Recruiting. It allows the user to fetch all applicant source IDs or details of a specific applicant source by providing its ID as a query parameter. The response includes details such as the unique ID, name, creation and update timestamps, archival status, and links to the applicant source. The request requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The response can also include the total count of applicant sources if the 'count' query parameter is used.Input Fields
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Retrieve Education Fields of Study
: get_education_fields_of_studyOperation
: readEntities
: fields_of_study, application, candidateSummary
: This API retrieves a list of fields of study available in UKG Pro Recruiting for candidates to select as their Education Major or Minor. It supports retrieving all fields of study, details of a specific field by ID, and the total count of fields. The request requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes a list of fields with their unique IDs, names in multiple languages, and links to their details.Input Fields
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Retrieve Job Postings from UKG Pro Recruiting
: get_job_postings_from_ukg_pro_recruitingOperation
: The GET Opportunities API endpoint is used to retrieve job postings from UKG Pro Recruiting. It allows users to find job postings that can be used to add applications via the Candidate Import API. The API provides various query parameters to filter and paginate the results, such as 'opportunity-id' for specific opportunity details, 'count' for the total number of opportunities, 'page' and 'per_page' for pagination, and 'updated_after' and 'updated_before' for filtering based on update timestamps. The response includes detailed information about each opportunity, including its ID, titles in multiple languages, descriptions, compensation details, job and company information, skill and experience criteria, and more. The response also includes links for further actions. The API requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token for access.Input Fields
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Retrieve Name Prefixes from UKG Pro Recruiting
: get_name_prefixesOperation
: readEntities
: application, prefix, candidateSummary
: The 'Retrieve Name Prefixes from UKG Pro Recruiting' API endpoint allows users to fetch a list of available name prefixes such as 'Ms.', 'Mr.', etc., from the UKG Pro Recruiting system. The API supports optional query parameters: 'prefix-id' to fetch details of a specific prefix and 'count' to get the total number of prefixes. The request requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes a list of prefixes, each with a unique ID, code, and name translations in multiple languages. The response also includes links to the specific prefix resources.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Retrieve Name Suffixes from UKG Pro Recruiting
: get_name_suffixesOperation
: readEntities
: suffixSummary
: The 'Retrieve Name Suffixes from UKG Pro Recruiting' API allows users to fetch a list of name suffixes available in the UKG Pro Recruiting system. Users can retrieve all suffixes or specify a particular suffix ID to get details about a specific suffix. Additionally, a query parameter 'count' can be used to get the total number of suffix IDs in the system. The response includes a list of suffixes, each with a unique GUID, a code, and a name with translations in multiple languages. The response also includes links to access each suffix directly.Input Fields
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Retrieve Screening Questions for an Opportunity
: get_screening_questions_for_opportunityOperation
: readEntities
: application, screening_question, opportunitySummary
: The 'Retrieve Screening Questions for an Opportunity' API allows users to fetch the current screening questions associated with a specific job opportunity in UKG Pro Recruiting. The API supports multiple types of questions, including multiple choice, text field, and number range questions. Each question can be configured with translations in various languages. The API requires the 'opportunity-id' as a path parameter to identify the job opportunity. Optionally, a 'question-id' can be provided to retrieve details of a specific question. The response includes details such as question type, text, range for numeric questions, and choices for multiple choice questions. The API is useful for integration providers to display questions to candidates and collect their responses during the application process.Input Fields
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Retrieve Skill Proficiency Levels
: get_skill_proficiency_levelsOperation
: readEntities
: skill, proficiency_level, candidateSummary
: This API retrieves a list of skill proficiency levels available in UKG Pro Recruiting. It supports fetching all proficiency levels, details of a specific proficiency level by ID, or the total count of proficiency levels. The request requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token. The response includes a list of proficiency levels, each with a unique ID, ordinal value, name, and description in multiple languages. The proficiency levels can be used when submitting candidates or applications to specify skill levels.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
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Retrieve Translated Country-Specific Questions for Opportunities
: get_translated_country_specific_questionsOperation
: This API retrieves country-specific questions for a given opportunity, including translations into multiple languages such as US English, British English, German, Spanish, Canadian French, Portuguese, and Chinese. The API supports retrieving all questions for an opportunity or details of a specific question by its ID. The response includes an array of questions, each with elements like title, explanatory text, question text, selectable options, and disclaimer information. The questions are provided in the order they should be presented to candidates. The API requires an 'Authorization' header with a bearer token and the 'opportunity-id' as a path parameter. The 'question-id' is optional for retrieving specific question details.Input Fields
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Attach Document to Application
: post_attach_document_to_applicationOperation
: writeEntities
: application, documentSummary
: This API allows you to attach documents to an application. Use the POST applications documents endpoint to attach a document to an application. The request requires a multipart/related content type with a boundary. The body must include the file name, document type, and optionally a description and creator ID. Supported file types include .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .doc, and .docx. The response includes the document's ID, file name, document type, description, creator ID, and links.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Attach Document to Candidate or Application
: post_attach_document_to_candidate_or_applicationOperation
: writeEntities
: application, document, candidateSummary
: This API allows you to attach documents to either a candidate or an application. To attach a document to a candidate, use the POST candidates documents endpoint. To attach a document to an application, use the POST applications documents endpoint. The request requires a multipart/related content type with a boundary. The body must include the file name, document type, and optionally a description and creator ID. Supported file types include .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .doc, and .docx. The response includes the document's ID, file name, document type, description, creator ID, and links.Input Fields
: Input FieldsOutput Fields
: Output Fields
Submit Candidate Application to UKG Pro Recruiting
: post_candidate_application_ukg_pro_recruitingOperation
: writeEntities
: application, opportunity, candidateSummary
: The POST applications endpoint is used to submit a candidate application to UKG Pro Recruiting. The request requires a candidate ID and an opportunity ID, among other optional parameters such as job board ID, applicant source ID, and availability details. The response includes the application ID, candidate details, opportunity details, and links for further actions such as adding documents. The API supports the Candidate Import integration by specifying 'CandidateImport' as the creation method.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Candidates Lookup
: post_candidates_lookupOperation
: readEntities
: email, candidate_profile, candidateSummary
: The Candidates Lookup API allows you to check if an email address is associated with a candidate profile in UKG Pro Recruiting. By sending a POST request to the candidates-lookup endpoint, you can determine if a candidate exists with the given email. If a single match is found, the response includes the candidate's unique identifier, which can be used for further operations like submitting applications. If no match is found, you can proceed to create a new candidate record. If multiple matches are found, a conflict message is returned, indicating that a unique identifier cannot be determined. The request requires an email address in the body and authorization via a Bearer token in the headers.Input Fields
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: Output Fields
Create a New Candidate Record in UKG Pro Recruiting
: post_create_candidate_recordOperation
: writeEntities
: work_experience, education, candidateSummary
: The 'Create a New Candidate Record in UKG Pro Recruiting' API allows users to create a new candidate record in the UKG Pro Recruiting system. The API requires a unique email address for each candidate. If the email address is not found on any existing external candidate record, a new candidate record will be created, and a unique identifier will be returned. This identifier is essential for submitting applications or documents for the candidate. The API accepts various parameters, including candidate's name, contact information, skills, work experience, education, licenses, and more. The response includes the candidate's unique identifier, comments, contact information, skills, work experience, education, licenses, and other related data. The API also supports optional fields for behaviors, motivations, roles, tags, hyperlinks, consent, and provider information. The response status codes include 201 for successful creation and 400 for bad requests.Input Fields
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Updated 3 months ago