Update Employee Details

Supported Apps

Here are the list of apps that support this API.

AppApp IDNotes
Paycorpaycor- The fields not supported by this API for Paycorare:

- employment -> workShiftId

- workAddress -> addressLine1, addressLine2, city, state, country, zipCode

- presentAddress
Hibobhibob- Hibob only takes in 1 personal email for an employee. If you pass more than one email, only the first will be taken and rest will be ignored
- workadress.id corresponds to the Work Site in Hibob. To get the list of Work Sites available in Hibob, refer to this example: https://developers.getknit.dev/docs/hibob#get-list-of-work-sites-from-hibob
- The fields not supported by this API for Hibob are:
- employment -> workShiftId
- workAddress -> addressLine1, addressLine2, city, state, country, zipCode
- presentAddressFor more information and request examples, refer to https://developers.getknit.dev/docs/hibob#update-an-employee-details
BambooHRbamboohr- BambooHR only takes in 1 personal email for an employee. If you pass more than one email, only the first will be taken and rest will be ignored
- workadress.id corresponds to the Work Location in BambooHR. To get the list of Work Sites available in BambooHR, refer to this example: https://developers.getknit.dev/docs/getting-started-with-bamboohr-api#get-list-of-work-locations-from-bamboohr
- The fields not supported by this API for BambooHR are:
- employment -> workShiftId
- workAddress -> addressLine1, addressLine2, city, state, country, zipCodeFor more information and request examples, refer to https://developers.getknit.dev/docs/getting-started-with-bamboohr-api#update-an-employee-details-api-in-bamboohr
Personiopersonio- The fields not supported by this API for Personio are:
- employment -> workShiftId
- workAddress->addressLine1, addressLine2, city, state, country, zipCode
- workEmail
- personalEmails
- presentAddressFor more information and request examples, refer to: https://developers.getknit.dev/docs/getting-started-with-personio-hris-api#update-an-employee-in-personio-api
Darwinboxdarwinbox- Darwinbox only takes in 1 personal email for an employee. If you pass more than one email, only the first will be taken and rest will be ignored

- The fields not supported by this API for Darwinbox are:

- employment

- workAddress
Zoho Peoplezoho-people- Zoho People only takes in 1 personal email for an employee. If you pass more than one email, only the first will be taken and rest will be ignored

- The fields not supported by this API for Zoho People are:
- employment -> workShiftId
- workAddress
- presentAddress
SAP Successfactorssuccessfactors- The fields not supported by this API for SAP Successfactors are:
- employment -> workShiftId
- presentAddress
- personalEmails
Oracle Cloud HCMoracle-hcm- Oracle HCM only takes in 1 personal email for an employee. If you pass more than one email, only the first will be taken and rest will be ignored
Alexis HRalexishr
UKG Readyukgready
IRIS Cascadeiriscascade
People HRpeopleHR
Lucca HRluccaHR
Folks HRfolkshrYou must include the following fields in the metadata field:

- employeeNumber(Unique identifier in the company.)
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