Event Glossary

Here is a list of events you can expect in Knit Webhooks

Event IDEvent DescriptionNotes
app.integration.activateFired after an integration validation is complete. Payload may contain validation errors.If the payload doesn't contain errors, use this event as a trigger for starting data syncs
bot.installedFired after a bot has been installed in a team or workspace.For Bots, you can start using other Knit Communication APIs only after you receive this event.
bot.uninstalledFired after a bot has been uninstalled from a workspace or team.
record.newFired after a new record is encountered during a sync.During an initial sync, all active records are marked as new records. This is done to provide a baseline data for you to work with.
record.modifiedFired after an existing record has been changed in the origin system.
record.deletedFired when either an active record is marked as inactive in the origin system (ex: terminated employee) or an active record is no more present in the origin system.
sync.events.processedFired when a sync completes.This event will also contain count of records processed and events emitted. This event is always emitted even if there are no new events to emit. So, use this track when your sync runs complete.
sync.events.allConsumedFired when all the events emitted during a sync have been consumed by your webhook.We mark an event as consumed once we receive a HTTP Response of status 200 from the webhook. We retry event delivery multiple times over a period of 4 days if we receive some other status from the webhook or if the webhook connection is refused/closed.