Employee Payroll API

Get payroll statement for a month for an employee


Specify either the month or startDate and endDate

You have two options to pass the time range:

  • month: For example, 2022-05. It would fetch the list of pay runs for that month
  • startDate and endDate: It would fetch the list of pay runs within the range

Supported Apps

Here are the list of apps that support this API.

AppApp IDNotes
DarwinboxdarwinboxYou must provide the month parameter

Does not support startDate and endDate
Keka HRkeka
GreytHRgreythrYou must provide the month parameter

Does not support startDate and endDate
Zoho Peoplezoho-people
RazorpayX Payrollrazorpayx-payrollYou must provide the month parameter

Does not support startDate and endDate
SAP SuccessFactorssuccessfactors
ADP Runadp-run
UKG Proukgpro-hris
Ceredian DayforceceridianDayforce
Oracle HCMoracle-hcm
People HRpeopleHR
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