Upload Document for Employee


Category is optional

Do take a look at Get Document Categories API to fetch the list of Categories. You can pass the id of the corresponding category that pertains to your use case in this API.

Supported Apps

Here are the list of apps that support this API.

AppApp IDNotes
HibobhibobIn this API, you can specify the folder in which you want to upload the document through the category parameter :

If the category is not specified, the default folder is the Shared folder. For more information and sample requests, refer to https://developers.getknit.dev/docs/hibob#upload-a-document-for-an-employee-api-in-hibob
BambooHRbamboohrGet the Employee Document Categories through Passthrough Request before uploading a document

For more information and sample requests, refer to https://developers.getknit.dev/docs/getting-started-with-bamboohr-api#upload-a-document-for-an-employee-api-in-bamboohr
Darwinboxdarwinbox- category is mandatory. You should get the section for the file you want to upload from Darwinbox integrations team and specify that in the category field.

- You must specify documentType in the metadata object. documentType is the name of the document type or section_attribute, and is provided by Darwinbox integrations team
Zoho Peoplezoho-peoplecategory is mandatory.
SAP Successfactorssuccessfactors
Oracle Cloud HCMoracle-hcm
Keka HRkeka
People HRpeopleHR
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