Create Ticket

Supported Apps

App IDApp NameNotes
Zendesk Ticketingzendesk-ticketing
Freshdeskfreshdesk- Required Fields:
- name
- createdById
- description

- Honored Fields:
- ticketTypeId (Question, Incident, Problem, Feature Request, Refund)
- accountId (must match createdById's account)

- groupId (assignedToId person should belong to this group)
- tags, source, priority, status,assignedToId

- Defaults (if not provided):
- status: Open
- priority: Low
Zohodeskzoho-desk- Required Fields:
- name
- contactId
- departmentId (Must be passed in metadata)
Freshservicefreshservice- Required Fields:
- name
- createdById
- description

- Honored Fields:
- ticketTypeId ( Incident, Service Request)
- groupId (assignedToId person should belong to this group)
- tags, source, priority, status, assignedToId

- Defaults (if not provided):
- status: Open
- priority: Low
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!