Create an Account

Supported Apps

AppApp IDRemarks
XeroxeroaccountCode , accountSubType(Xero Supported Types are mandatory fields and accountNumber is required for Bank account types.
ZohobookszohobookaccountSubType can be one of following values - [other_asset, other_current_asset, cash, bank, fixed_asset, other_current_liability, credit_card, long_term_liability, other_liability, equity, income, other_income, expense, cost_of_goods_sold, other_expense, accounts_receivable and accounts_payable]
Microsoft Dynamics 365microsoft-dynamics-365creation of account is supported for "Bank Account" category only.
Sage IntacctsageIntacct
NetsuitenetsuitePass "currency" key in metaData . For example - USD, INR etc.
Freshbooksfreshbookscreation of account is supported for "Ledger Account" category only. "Type" is not honored by app rather it is decided based on "subType". Possible values for subType are- ["Cash & Bank","Current Asset","Property, Plant, and Equipment","Long-Term Asset","Current Liability","Long-Term Liability","Equity","Income","Cost of Goods Sold","Operating Expense"]
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