Create an Account

Supported Apps

AppApp IDRemarks
XeroxeroaccountCode , accountSubType(Xero Supported Types are mandatory fields and accountNumber is required for Bank account types.
ZohobookszohobookaccountSubType can be one of following values - [other_asset, other_current_asset, cash, bank, fixed_asset, other_current_liability, credit_card, long_term_liability, other_liability, equity, income, other_income, expense, cost_of_goods_sold, other_expense, accounts_receivable and accounts_payable]
Microsoft Dynamics 365microsoft-dynamics-365creation of account is supported for "Bank Account" category only.
Sage IntacctsageIntacct
Freshbooksfreshbookscreation of account is supported for "Ledger Account" category only. "Type" is not honored by app rather it is decided based on "subType". Possible values for subType are- ["Cash & Bank","Current Asset","Property, Plant, and Equipment","Long-Term Asset","Current Liability","Long-Term Liability","Equity","Income","Cost of Goods Sold","Operating Expense"]
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