Create an Invoice

Supported Apps

AppApp IDRemarks
XeroxeroAtleast one lineItem is required , status is optinal but can be one of [DRAFT, SUBMITTED, AUTHORISED]
ZohobookszohobookBy default Item level discount will be applied. Discounts are not supported for BILL type.
Microsoft Dynamics 365microsoft-dynamics-365
Sage IntacctsageIntacct
QuickbooksquickbooksIf Automated Sales Tax is enabled then you need to pass "shipFrom" key with address object json in metaData.
NetsuitenetsuitelocationIds key needs to be passed in metData which contains Ids of location corresponding to each lineItem. Use passthrough Request to get locations
FreshbooksfreshbooksFor every lineItem you must need to pass it's taxName and trackingCategoryId in metaData with list of object and order should be in order of line item like this - categoryAndTaxes":[{"taxName":"GEN","categoryId":"12775579"}].
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!